BCB Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Lucy killed Gamer Mike edition.

Paulo wants to play games with Sue now?

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Gamers are truly the most oppressed minority

    • 10 months ago

      >Veronica thinks she has a single molecule of room to talk about the poor life decisions of anyone, even fictional characters

      • 10 months ago

        I assume it's a joke, given she herself is a pokemon addict and while Lucy enjoys video games in general.

        • 10 months ago

          You can say Mike and Lucy are VG Cats

          • 10 months ago

            I think that proto-BCB predated VG cats but could be wrong.

    • 10 months ago

      Mike dying alone with 100% clears on a bunch of games would still be preferable to a relationship with Lucy.

    • 10 months ago

      she's just leaning into the hate at this point and farming rage clicks. Well, congratulations b***h, it worked. I hate this worthless hole and I wish harm upon her.

      • 10 months ago

        This is just her usual dunking on Mike "in good fun." Remember that Lucy and Taeshi are basically interchangeable.

      • 10 months ago

        Go outside

  2. 10 months ago

    Good morning sirs, I hate Paulo. News from the drawstream:
    >Two new pages will be slipped into Golden Hour, Paulo will presumably fantasize about James while cuddling with Matt
    >this will be followed by a whole 20-30 page new chapter placed between Ice Block and Dial Tone. Bad news, it's also about Paulo!
    >Taeshi's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
    >Mike's depression arc will continue and will become more severe.
    >This chapter and the one after it are supposed to be very dramatic.
    >Taeshi's supposed to have finished the next chapter, eventually we will have the slop spigot opened on full.
    >Amaya is non-binary but not openly since its 2008 and no one has ever heard of genderfreaks at this point.
    >Finn was secretly Francis the whole time.
    >Webtoon's update schedule will catch up with Taeshi's release schedule sometime next year, expect Taeshi to freak the frick out when she has to get the update out every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, no excuses.
    Fun Fact: Taeshi has lost 180 patrons since last year. If she doesn't stop making stupid decisions like teasing and breaking ships then she is on course to lose all her patrons by 2026.

    • 10 months ago

      I was at the drawstrea but not the whole time. Can confirm the Amaya thing. But are the others true too?

      Also forgot
      >"All characters are bi until I decide otherwise."
      >"If someone is cute and likes you, you should just like them back."

      • 10 months ago

        >"If someone is cute and likes you, you should just like them back."
        What if they only think they're cute?

      • 10 months ago

        >If someone is cute and likes you, you should just like them back.
        But what if they're named Goldie?

      • 10 months ago

        >"If someone is cute and likes you, you should just like them back."
        That explains a lot about Taeshi tbh

    • 10 months ago

      's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
      Fricking told you gays to back up entire comic before Tae starts editing everything just to fix this mess she ended up with.
      >Amaya is non-binary but not openly since its 2008 and no one has ever heard of genderfreaks at this point.
      Amayagays on suicide watch

      • 10 months ago

        So Amaya is a tomboy but her audience would not favor such an obvious interpretation.

    • 10 months ago

      >Finn was secretly Francis the whole time.
      You cannot be serious, can you?

      • 10 months ago

        She probably did say that, but as a joke. Like how she said Melanie died after leaving the comic.

        • 10 months ago

          Taeshi recycled Francis' unused character design for Finn. Francis is basically Finn with a better grade of shampoo.

          They live in 2008. Also Mike's character is wearing a dress.

          Francis doesn't have a design but one concept was to use the same type of dog Finn ended up as. Just with a lot of fruity hair product.

          Damn, I really should've known that was a joke
          Guess this (somewhat) confirms all the "Sandy likes to secretly get DOGGED behind Mike's back" theories?

          • 10 months ago

            The chance of getting rawdogged without any risk of pregnancy does something to a woman

      • 10 months ago

        Taeshi recycled Francis' unused character design for Finn. Francis is basically Finn with a better grade of shampoo.

        • 10 months ago

          >sandy cheated on mike with a "dog"
          L M A O

    • 10 months ago

      >MikexLucy & DaisyxPaulo is endgame at this point.
      >Any relationship between the main characters suck.
      >Most of the characters are unlikable buttholes. Particularly the characters the story is all about.
      >Taeshi's mode of storytelling is the most predictable thing, even where she will frick the story up sometimes can be figured out.
      >undergoes constant retcons, sometimes massively, sometimes quietly and you have no idea it happened, but are expected to just except it.
      >constant story resets prevent characters from growing, and any achievable development gets demolished faster than it was attained.

      Maybe if the characters were likeable, the the story did destroy ships for the sake of pushing unhealthy dysfunctional relationships that would only end in murder-suicide or prison in real life, the characters were allowed to grow, things we've known for years weren't thrown out the window for the sake of (in)convenience to force things that wouldn't work/make sence otherwise work, and we didn't have to wait weeks or months for the rest of a chapter where most of the events had been figured out from the beginning. Maybe then the story might actually have a decent story, but as it stands we're left with this heaping dumpsterfire. I think the main pull to (and back to in my case) the comic is that it is a train wreck and we're all here to then to see it leave the track. And perhaps hit another oncoming train if it gets much worse.

      • 10 months ago

        >Most of the characters are unlikable buttholes. Particularly the characters the story is all about
        Yeah, i agree. Unfortunately i can't cheer for any of the main characters, and the only reason the secondary characters remain partially likeable is the fact that they barely show up.

    • 10 months ago

      >Mike's depression arc will continue and will become more severe
      This is a good thing imo, it means we obviously arent meant to be satisfied with the current "resolution" of Mike being stuck with the same butthole friends, losing out on James, and both of his abusive (ex)girlfriends still dominating every single waking moment of his life. This shouldnt be news but itd be very easy to see Taeshi thinking Mike's current situation is acceptable
      The more Mike drama we get, the closer we are to him breaking free

      • 10 months ago

        >We have Mike's depression "arc" since EF
        >He wants more of this shit
        You could you just say that you hate Mike

        • 10 months ago

          It's good that there's an actual plan for it and that it's planned to get worse. I know this general loves to doom the frick out about everything about the story but there being an actual plan for it means there's point to it and an end to all the bullshit, if she had no plan at all then it'd just be eternal Mike suffering

          • 10 months ago

            >there's an actual plan
            That's just wishful thinking

            • 10 months ago

              >Mike's situation is going to get even worse
              There is obviously a plan here if she has any clue whatsoever where the story is going

              • 10 months ago

                That's a pretty big "if", anon.
                But in a previous thread, someone said that the idea might be for Mike to get depressed so Lucy feels bad for him, and thus has a reason to stop being an butthole and help him.
                They're probably right, it fits Taeshi's fricked idea of "romance", and sets up MikeXLucy with Lucy being the noble savior rather than the saved.

              • 10 months ago

                >sets up MikeXLucy with Lucy being the noble savior rather than the saved
                It would be a bit more tolerable if Lucy is forced to improve in the process, so in a way Mike "saves" her back.

              • 10 months ago

                >Implying it won't be framed as Lucy graciously descending from on high to rescue Mike from the pit of his own making with her playful tsundere wit

              • 10 months ago

                >the idea might be for Mike to get depressed so Lucy feels bad for him, and thus has a reason to stop being an butthole and help him.
                Makes sense to me. Sad-Mike continues to be Lucy's weakness.

              • 10 months ago

                >sad Mike is so far gone that he rejects Lucy's help because he reasons she will just end up hurt again
                >unstoppable force meets immovable object

              • 10 months ago

                >Lucy's weakness
                Lucy's weakness is that she likes being objectified (as long as you don't call her names)

              • 10 months ago

                It's weird to see Lucy so friendly and compliant, even within those limits.

              • 10 months ago

                Lucy needs a strong cat who will put her in her place, and that place is constantly pregnant

              • 10 months ago

                requesting happy hair lucy and her 5 kids (some of whom may share the same father but they don't have to)

              • 10 months ago

                Lucy's uterus: Occupied
                Good work Alejandro

              • 10 months ago

                >obeys Paulo's demand to get him a sandwich
                >too busy thirsting over his dick to realize he's calling her submissive female terms
                >lets him grope her ass and doesn't get mad at all
                >Mike grabs her hand
                Here's your spunky, tomboy female main character bro!

              • 10 months ago

                Taeshi has vague intentions that she changes her mind on. The headslam, the scarf line, she wasn't even supposed to have Abbey and Daisy break up when they did which is why Abbey disappeared from the comic for the in-universe month of October.

      • 10 months ago

        Mike depression arc is stupid and boring. I want Sperg Gremlin back, he at least stood up for himself a little.

      • 10 months ago

        Y'all think this will cumulate with Mike getting reversed December'd + perhaps even ketchup himself?

        • 10 months ago

          Obviously, it's the sort of schlock Taeshi would love.

        • 10 months ago

          He’s going to suicide attempt for sure, they have to show mug OTP went through the same pain/experience and Mike is now fine to the crazies
          He’ll survive of course because muh OTP has to happen, it’ll be far more interesting to see how he tries to suicide

        • 10 months ago

          Naw, Mike is more likely to self-punish than to kill himself. He would probably see it as a tempting easy way out but hold back out of guilt. Unless he was utterly convinced that everyone, including his own family, would be better off were he dead or gone.

      • 10 months ago

        While I am relieved that Taeshi does not intend to keep Mike stuck floating in the dull doldrums of languid loserdom, my suspicion is that she still only has the vaguest of intentions. Remember that Mike has just crested a relative upswing. The Sperg Mike Era had worn out its welcome, everyone downright hated Mike after Eternal Flame, and Taeshi could hardly keep dragging him through the mud once he had lost both Sandy and his so-called friends. moronic as she is, Taeshi still apparently realized that Mike needed a PR intervention asap. Ergo, he got a quick-fix throwaway pseudo-boyfriend who helped show off gray cat's better traits while lifting his spirits back up. Now she can drive Mike back down into the bedrock for her own personal entertainment, rinsing and repeating as necessary.

      • 10 months ago

        >losing out on James
        This was because James is a horny homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      >Two new pages will be slipped into Golden Hour, Paulo will presumably fantasize about James while cuddling with Matt
      >this will be followed by a whole 20-30 page new chapter placed between Ice Block and Dial Tone. Bad news, it's also about Paulo!
      >Taeshi's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
      So a bunch more retcons. At least these ones are explicit, rather than random swerves for no reason like before.

      >Mike's depression arc will continue and will become more severe.
      >This chapter and the one after it are supposed to be very dramatic.
      Oh for fricks sake. If the anon predicting "LucyXMike will happen when Lucy steps down from her ivory tower to help Mike out of his depression" is right I want to apologize for calling him a dumbass, but it's still incredibly stupid as a plot.

      • 10 months ago

        >If the anon predicting "LucyXMike will happen when Lucy steps down from her ivory tower to help Mike out of his depression" is right I want to apologize for calling him a dumbass
        What was your own predicted scenario?

        • 10 months ago

          Not that guy, and not a prediction nut
          >When Augustus told Mike he'd undone every bit of healing Lucy had done that was a spiteful lie
          >he just wanted to crush Mike's spirits to get him to promise to not contact Lucy
          >he then went over to Lucy to tell her that Mike would never talk to her again (which she doesn't want and would discourage her from contacting him)
          >this is all for one purpose, so that he can throw Mike to Alejandro and keep Lucy out of it
          >Lucy finds out at the 11th hour and has to rush over to rescue Mike from being assaulted/mugged/murdered/raped
          >big touching moment where they realize how much they mean to each other (again)

        • 10 months ago

          I said the quickest way to swing the comic to a satisfying ending never actually expecting that it'd go this way, mind would be:
          >Lucy says some vile shit, Augustus apologizes to Mike on her behalf, he and Mike commiserate over being Lucy's security blanket.
          >Daisy goes for Mike, Mike tries to let her down gently, then he sets up AugustusXDaisy out of gratitude for Augustus's help and friendship.
          >With Augustus hanging out with Mike and Daisy, Lucy is left alone, having pushed away her friends.
          >Alejandro kidnaps Lucy, Mike/Paulo/Augustus figure out what happened and go to rescue her, Mike calls the police.
          >Two police show up to Alej's house, but don't have a warrant.
          >Just as the cops are about to leave, Paulo sneaks in through the back and yells for help.
          >Lucy rescued before anything too awful happened.
          >In the aftermath, Lucy has a moment of clarity where she sincerely apologizes to Mike, and says it's probably best for both of them if they keep their distance, like he was trying to.
          >Lucy decides to give Paulo a chance, since he did save her.
          >At junior prom, Augustus dances with Daisy, Lucy goes with Paulo, and Mike stays home to play videogames with Abbey, Jasmine, and Sue.

          All main threads and b-plots resolved, endgame ships are less toxic than they could be, and everyone stays (mostly) in character.

          • 10 months ago

            kidnaps Lucy
            Alejandro has been put on the bus, he won't be back. We need to come up with something better.

          • 10 months ago

            Well, I liked the first half anyway.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Taeshi's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
      I can tell you what she was going for. Eternal flame was her last ditch attempt at putting EVERYONE against Mike. Having such a "romantic" moment be immediately undercut by Mike forgiving Sandy was supposed to forever cement Mike as a moronic cuck who can't stand up for himself. When she had Augustus unironically say that Mike undid all of Lucys progress, I knew that she will never accept people criticizing Lucy ever again. Lucy is an innocent cherub and is not responsible for her own actions anymore.

      • 10 months ago

        That's actually not true. Taeshi got mad at her fans for being way too hard on Mike. If anything, EF and the following chapter were supposed to render him more sympathetic.

        Yes, she is that incredibly bad at telling a story.

        • 10 months ago

          Sincerely asking how was Mike taking Sandy back supposed to make him sympathetic?

          • 10 months ago

            I have no idea, Anon. Taeshi's mentality is too fricked. But given that Augustus was weirdly sympathetic toward Mike the following chapter, it's clear we are not meant to hate Mike.

            Personally, I think it would have been extremely easy to fix. All she had to do was focus on Mike's overabundant empathy by making it clear he didn't want anything bad to happen to Sandy, while at the same time expecting that Lucy would wake up the next morning and regret the whole encounter.

            • 10 months ago

              Mike trying to catch her before she made it to school would've been at least a step in the right direction instead of waiting for her to find out the way she did.

              • 10 months ago

                The entire ending of Eternal Flame was a massive frickup and it speaks volumes how both Taeshi and Suitcase were caught so flat-footed by the negative reaction. I personally loved how they declared it a major narrative turning point when the one singular change was the end of sperg Mike.

            • 10 months ago

              Sincerely asking how was Mike taking Sandy back supposed to make him sympathetic?

              >Sincerely asking how was Mike taking Sandy back supposed to make him sympathetic?
              >8 hours ago
              A bit late but if only she made it seem like Mike thinks Sandy will commit suicide if he doesn't come back to her, you know, like Lucy did, and have him be overwhelmed by guilt and shame while doing it, it could've worked, and maybe that was a planned reveal later on and in her head it doesn't make sense people don't like him becouse she already knows what happened, but as it stands now it doesn't work at all becouse she didn't show shit, so now Mike is eternally cucked

              • 10 months ago

                >in her head it doesn't make sense people don't like him becouse she already knows what happened
                I believe that is 95% the reason BCB's narrative is a nonsensical mess. Taeshi cannot accept that the people around her are not psychics and believes she has adequately telegraphed more than jack shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >Amaya is non-binary

    • 10 months ago

      >expect Taeshi to freak the frick out when she has to get the update out every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, no excuses.
      Is Webtoons strict about consistent updates?

    • 10 months ago

      >Paulo will presumably fantasize about James while cuddling with Matt
      I doubt that James even exists within the comic anymore. My money is on Mike since Paulo's crush on him has been teased multiple times.

      >Mike's depression arc will continue and will become more severe.
      What was the wording Taeshi used? I feel like she always hedges these things.

      >>This chapter and the one after it are supposed to be very dramatic.
      Translation: Get ready for the absolute dumbest most nonsensical shit you have ever seen.

    • 10 months ago

      I am proud to say I am one of those 180 patrons 🙂
      >thumbs up

      • 10 months ago

        how much did you give away?

        • 10 months ago

          just 5 bucks to see the james chapter
          still can't believe how quickly it blew up from being amazing to being complete catshit, this was my reaction as soon as mike said no to james

          • 10 months ago

            lol i become a patron for the james chapter for awhile too. what a ridiculous fall from grace.

    • 10 months ago

      >Taeshi has lost 180 patrons since last year. If she doesn't stop making stupid decisions like teasing and breaking ships then she is on course to lose all her patrons by 2026.
      Imagine how much quicker it would be if this shitty advertisement general didn’t exist that encouraged dozens at minimum to donate to the Patreon

      • 10 months ago

        b-b-but we HAVE to hateread and gossip about taeshi's personal life! we dont know how to get to kiwifarms anymore and they wouldnt have cared about this anyway

      • 10 months ago

        You keep slinging this transparent bullshit. The mockery will continue regardless.

        • 10 months ago

          I like you keep crying about being found out you’re from the Discord and a cult worshipper of this comic
          Simple - stop discussing it on this board and you’ll stop attracting people like the Jamesgays who decided to donate and admitted it ITT. Then all you have left are her crazies who will solely die out in support until no one is left and she died homeless

          • 10 months ago

            No one is forcing you to read these threads, yet you keep b***hing about their existence and exaggerating shit because your position is laughably weak.

            • 10 months ago

              Nobody is forcing you to read this comic, yet you keep b***hing about it's existence and exaggerating shit because your position is laughably weak.

              • 10 months ago

                I have exaggerated nothing whereas you keep doing so.

              • 10 months ago

                You exaggerate your age every time you use this site

              • 10 months ago

                All you have are random insults and desperate nonsense.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not random at all and you know it

              • 10 months ago

                Like I said, desperate nonsense.

            • 10 months ago

              Tell me where else new Patreons would come from
              Webtoons is already closed in and all social media has zero engagement besides on the Cinemaphile posts

              • 10 months ago

                Assertions with zero evidence, and nonsensical ones at that.

              • 10 months ago

                You didn’t answer the question

              • 10 months ago

                The answer was that your so-called reasoning has no basis in reality.

              • 10 months ago

                Question was
                >Tell me where else new Patreons would come from
                You reply
                >Your so-called reasoning has no basis in reality.

              • 10 months ago

                You're wasting your time, these threads are literally BCBs biggest fans even if they try to say they only read it and gossip about the writers ironically

              • 10 months ago

                >discounts any possibility of gaining new readers (and therefore potential patrons) through social media in cross-platform posting for no adequately explained reason
                >therefore it must be Cinemaphile!

              • 10 months ago

                The Instagram hasn’t been updated since 2020 and the Twitter and Facebook get extremely low engagement

              • 10 months ago

                Basic evidence needed. Low Facebook engagement is plausible, but not Twitter. Even then, low open engagement does not automatically translate into a lack of exposure and new readers.

  3. 10 months ago

    Lucy Rape.

  4. 10 months ago

    >Using gay as an insult

    • 10 months ago

      No, it's ok because Paulo's cute and his mother doesn't fricking love him
      >this is what the discord actually thinks

    • 10 months ago

      They live in 2008. Also Mike's character is wearing a dress.

      >Finn was secretly Francis the whole time.
      You cannot be serious, can you?

      Francis doesn't have a design but one concept was to use the same type of dog Finn ended up as. Just with a lot of fruity hair product.

      • 10 months ago

        >Sandy cheated on Mike with a flaming homosexual

        • 10 months ago

          >Sandy turned Francis gay.

          thought this was a housepets! thread for a minute

          Isn't that finally dead? I only kept up out of sunk investment but hated the last few years of it, it's amazing that the writing got even worse post-hiatus.
          Rick inserts his fetishes like Taeshi inserts her mental hangups. I don't need to see how many characters end up in relationships based on open cheating if it continues.

      • 10 months ago

        Good morning sirs, I hate Paulo. News from the drawstream:
        >Two new pages will be slipped into Golden Hour, Paulo will presumably fantasize about James while cuddling with Matt
        >this will be followed by a whole 20-30 page new chapter placed between Ice Block and Dial Tone. Bad news, it's also about Paulo!
        >Taeshi's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
        >Mike's depression arc will continue and will become more severe.
        >This chapter and the one after it are supposed to be very dramatic.
        >Taeshi's supposed to have finished the next chapter, eventually we will have the slop spigot opened on full.
        >Amaya is non-binary but not openly since its 2008 and no one has ever heard of genderfreaks at this point.
        >Finn was secretly Francis the whole time.
        >Webtoon's update schedule will catch up with Taeshi's release schedule sometime next year, expect Taeshi to freak the frick out when she has to get the update out every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, no excuses.
        Fun Fact: Taeshi has lost 180 patrons since last year. If she doesn't stop making stupid decisions like teasing and breaking ships then she is on course to lose all her patrons by 2026.

        >Francis is not only a dog but he actually does look like a gay guy

        • 10 months ago

          I guess Sandy has a type.

    • 10 months ago

      >Using gay as an insult

  5. 10 months ago

    I do not care about a single thing they're doing or are likely to do in what's going to be another nothingburger chapter.

  6. 10 months ago

    Paulo wants to play games with Sue, PauloxSue confirmed.

    • 10 months ago

      Taeshi sometimes draws Sue's breasts so big

      • 10 months ago

        You start to wonder why Lucy is the only one in the main group who regularly get slapped on the ass as she walks by.

        • 10 months ago

          By Paulo? Lucy has been hot longer and he and Sue have hated each other for as long. He might literally not notice how thicc she's gotten in the last couple of years.

          It'd probably be scklocky but I'd much rather see Paulo take the Soo Pill rather than anything else that seems to be going on.

          • 10 months ago

            Maybe not Paulo, but Roseville is a rat's nest of sex offenders.

            >He might literally not notice how thicc she's gotten in the last couple of years.
            They should get drunk together and see where things end up.

            • 10 months ago

              Paulo x Sue mutual tsundere cliche is much more fun than anything in this comic for years.

              • 10 months ago

                They're cute and they should procreate

              • 10 months ago

                Eh. Paulo is both an butthole and dumb, I can't see it. He's shallower than a puddle.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                -which makes him perfect for Sue! They're both venomous fake friends, better they get tied up with each other than a real person.

              • 10 months ago

                Sue tries but is too stupid to realize she's not helping. Paulo is just lazy about his friendships and stops caring the moment they're no longer around. They're not the same.

              • 10 months ago

                This. Sue is a frickup, but she tries and means well. Paulo is a frickup who can't be bothered to improve, since it's easier to just cry and blubber a bit.
                Also, Sue may have zero social instincts, but she's still academically smart. Paulo is struggling through 2008 high school, and his highest ambition is to be a manager at a fast food restaurant.

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe the reason that Paulo never improves is because he only hangs around with people who never force him to. Mike takes his abuse and returns affection like a battered housewife while Daisy just enables him constantly. Sue would at least push back.

              • 10 months ago

                Paulo has gotten pushback from Tess, Rachel, Jasmine, Abbey, Lucy, Mike, and Matt. Each time he blubbered a bit about how sad he was, then when they forgave him he went right back to being an butthole. The only other path was when some of them (Rachel, Jasmine) realized he wasn't going to change and decided to leave.

              • 10 months ago

                Actually set him on a path of development. Shame he spun out during the Paulo Show era, then regressed.

                Left him wallowing in the emotional ditch last she saw him, no fricks given.

                When was their last meaningful interaction? She barely ever pushed him period even back then.

                Subsumed into the Paulo fanclub despite it making little to no sense, all to force Abbey along too.

                >ever pushing back

                Never stands his ground for long, which is why Paulo is only ever nice to him in fits and spurts. Because Paulo knows he can get away with it.

              • 10 months ago

                Abbey was right about Paulo. He bullies people to prop up his ego, thinks with his dick, and will only keep his word if threatened, all wrapped in a paper-thin "jerk with a heart of gold" wrapper he uses to get away with shit.
                Paulo is pretty damn close to a male Lucy. Which makes sense, they're Taeshi's two favorite characters.

          • 10 months ago

            Even more than PauloxDaisy, Anon? It's like the best ship in the comic. It's so wholesome. Taeshi has been writing them like they're meant to be for a while now, surely you can see how perfect they are. How could you not support this ship when Taeshi goes out of her way to show that they are meant to find love with each other?xgxkm

            • 10 months ago

              The two most desperate characters pair up as each other's last-choices ship!
              It's weird, I don't like Paulo or Daisy, so I don't care if they're miserable, but something about that ship is depressing to me anyways.

              • 10 months ago

                Perhaps that is because it's clearly dysfunctional and forced as frick to anyone with a functioning brain? Daisy and Paulo have no mutual interests, save maybe for a rare anime or two that he's forced to watch. Their education and life goals are completely at odds. Paulo is a wimpy blubbering asshat, exactly the kind of person that is supposed to turn Daisy right off. Yet the comic insists they would be adorable with each other and it is oh so very tragic that Paulo cannot realize bla bla bla.

              • 10 months ago

                >Perhaps that is because it's clearly dysfunctional and forced as frick to anyone with a functioning brain?
                Well yes, but it's still strange to me. Like, I dislike both Paulo and Daisy as characters, so why do I find the idea of that specific dysfunctional relationship sad? MikeXLucy is a poison swamp, but it doesn't make me feel bad to think about.

                I think it's because the idea of an utterly passionless relationship entered into out of desperation and settling for last place feels more hopeless than an outright abusive one. There's nothing to force a breakup, so theoretically they could just stay together forever, locked in a stable sort of misery.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, yeah, I see it now. It really is hard to imagine Daisy and Paulo happy with each other, but they're also the types to pretend everything is fine. Daisy especially whereas Paulo would be too stupid to pick up on the obvious.

              • 10 months ago

                >The two most desperate characters pair up as each other's last-choices ship!
                Anime has actually managed to make this sort of thing sweet when they admit their first-choices are hopeless and decide to "start as friends" which makes them seem a lot less desperate.

              • 10 months ago

                Daisy and Paulo would have been a lot more tolerable had they actually just started growing closer as friends instead of Daisy being a thirsty milkshake-sucking thot right out of the gate.

              • 10 months ago

                The way she apparently wanted Mike, Abbey, and Paulo at the same time certainly makes her seem pretty self-absorbed.

              • 10 months ago

                Woah there Anon, you forgot Augustus. She wanted him way more than Abbey, even if he had made it too uncomfortable for her to try.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Taeshi had Paulo call something gay without the proper context for new readers.


  8. 10 months ago

    thought this was a housepets! thread for a minute

    • 10 months ago

      Naww, all the pets are gone now.

      • 10 months ago

        >Sandy turned Francis gay.

        Isn't that finally dead? I only kept up out of sunk investment but hated the last few years of it, it's amazing that the writing got even worse post-hiatus.
        Rick inserts his fetishes like Taeshi inserts her mental hangups. I don't need to see how many characters end up in relationships based on open cheating if it continues.

        yeah rick is just drawing porn and kangaroo comics now

  9. 10 months ago

    idk have this i guess

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Not bad, not bad.

    • 10 months ago

      And now I'm more invested in finding out how Mike will react when he finds out about the Whitecat orgy than anything in the main comic.

    • 10 months ago

      Okay this was actually pretty good. Honestly it shouldn't come as a surprise to me that someone uses Taeshi characters better than she does.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Paulo still being an unsupportive dickhead
    >Mike still thinking about Lucy 24 fricking 7 when he has absolutely no reason to give a shit about her
    Please just let it end

  11. 10 months ago

    >gay little elf thing

  12. 10 months ago

    Mike’s humiliating small flaccid “dick” simply can’t match with the gigachad Finn’s massive 10 inch dong

    • 10 months ago

      >be american

      • 10 months ago

        >Be white
        >Have a 10-incher
        I love being a Yank

  13. 10 months ago

    Remind me why Gaylo and David are here?

  14. 10 months ago

    Did Taeshi confirm Mike is going to die a virgin on the drawstream, I missed it

  15. 10 months ago

    Who would you pick?

    • 10 months ago

      Daisy is the seasoned veteran so I'd have her on my side.
      Lucy has the agility but little enthusiasm.
      Sandy has the enthusiasm but I feel like she'd be clumsy.

  16. 10 months ago

    >Taeshi's gotten sick of how people don't get what she was going for in Eternal Flame and is going to edit it.
    so, what WAS she going for, did she say?

    • 10 months ago

      She still hasn't figured out that no one's going to "get it" when you're being mentally ill.

    • 10 months ago

      The only thing I can think of is the chronic (and probably willful) misunderstand that it was Lucy who initiated the kiss, not Mike.

      Which itself was probably a speedy retcon because Taeshi's idea of romance is so utterly fricked that she failed to realize how Mike seducing Lucy would be incredibly bad.

  17. 10 months ago

    you know, you guys can say all you want but i figure i dont have to care. Amaya will always be a cute tomboy in love with Mike to me

    • 10 months ago

      Trans Amaya 😀

    • 10 months ago

      "Non-binary" fortunately implies that she may still at least got her...feminine parts with her

    • 10 months ago

      Non-binary is literally just the modern word for tomboy tbh

      • 10 months ago

        pure cope. amaya is a lefty freak-freak

        • 10 months ago

          She's a character made by Taeshi, that's the fate of any of them who aren't designated conservative caricatures

    • 10 months ago

      Nonbinary means you can still have sex and babies with her, you just refer to her as they or them after she asks you to

      • 10 months ago

        Refer to me as "Your Majesty".

  18. 10 months ago


    Puffed up, but not enough that she can't pretend to just be gaining weight the Daisy way

    • 10 months ago

      Looking forward to it

      kidnaps Lucy
      Alejandro has been put on the bus, he won't be back. We need to come up with something better.

      No way, he's coming back as the big bad

  19. 10 months ago

    >make amaya a genderspecial to frick with all the gay ass le tomboy "sundress in wheatfield" type tradLARP homosexuals
    actually based

  20. 10 months ago

    >What's that, anon? You want to show me something?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes. It's Paulo's dick up your ass.

      • 10 months ago

        >Seriously? Is that all you have to say? I can't believe you convinced Jessica to drop me off at your place just to insult me, you straight cishet scum!

        • 10 months ago

          You pretend not to like it, but everyone sees how excited you really are. I even got Jessica to loan me a camera to film it. Let's get this show on the road.

    • 10 months ago

      Singling Maddie out during a group social outing!
      Effortlessly getting past her emotional defenses with male charm and suaveness!
      Leaving her conflicted and wondering if she really is a lesbo!
      Having her whisper in your ear the next time you meet that she's you just one chance and she'll kill you if you say a word!
      Giving her a taste of the sweet emotional stability and social normality of a normal relationship she's missed out on!
      Feeling her clinging to your arm as you both have to separate after the date is done!
      Openly holding hands with her in the school halls as she hyperventilates about it!
      Feeling her hands squeeze tighter as you hold them with her in secret whenever Jessica comes around!

      • 10 months ago

        The whole "lesbian correction" angle is hot in a taboo way, but the idea of rescuing Madison from Jessica's clutches is actually genuinely sweet.
        You just know Jess makes all sorts of subtle comments comparing Madison to Lucy, and constantly teases out praise and affection to string her along.
        I'm willing to bet Jess wouldn't even listen if Madison said no.

        • 10 months ago

          Rescuing Madison is easy, just get Lucy to put out for Jessica and she'll forget all about her Lucy replacement. How hard can it be to get Lucy to do something like that, if Mike tells her to do it she'll pretend to ignore him but confess her love to Jessica the next day.

        • 10 months ago

          I just think she's cute. Too cute to be regulated to eternally angry diversity checkmark.

  21. 10 months ago

    >Wahh fans shit on Mike!
    Then give him SOMETHING, all you do Tae is shitting on him or turning him into a schizo

    • 10 months ago

      she can only handle not shitting on him for so long before she relapses. the track team was made to hype him up until she ruined James

  22. 10 months ago

    I'd rather see Mike go villain for a bit. At least that would be interesting

    • 10 months ago

      What would villain Mike do? Everyone already treats Mike like he is the villain, what should he do that earns him his villain role?

      • 10 months ago

        Some in thread mentioned an idea where he just purposely manipulates them into going for stuff he knows will ultimately explode horribly for them because he knows how shitty they are.

      • 10 months ago

        AMATERASU his 'friends'

      • 10 months ago

        Simply stop caring, tell em how much each of them suck in a calm manner, and maybe frick around with some girls while in the general vicinity of Lucy. He is supposed to be pretty popular outside of the table drama after all. Use that. He doesnt need them at all.

      • 10 months ago

        Maliciously enable them. Encourage Daisy to reconnect with Sandy (who clearly doesn't know her and doesn't want to). Fawn in admiration over Paulo's sexual prowess so he starts working his way through girls again. Encourage Sue's attention-seeking nonsense so that she keeps humiliating herself.

        • 10 months ago

          This. Enablers are the most destructive people you can surround yourself with. Watching Mike turn into a dark empath that inflates others' worst aspects to watch them self destruct would be so much fun.

          • 10 months ago

            Ironically, that could bring him into conflict with Alejandro. After all, if the guy makes good on killing Lucy, Mike can't very well keep on tormenting her from the sidelines. Though I suppose there might be a little of the old nobility talking there, even if he wouldn't want to believe it.

      • 10 months ago

        Date and frick Rachel. Not exactly "villainous" on Mike's end (unless he os purposely using her) but the seethe of Lucy and Paulo would be glorious

      • 10 months ago

        Do what he is best, encourage his friends shitty delusions until it backfires, after all, there is no way he can hurt them worse that they alredy do to each other

    • 10 months ago

      What would villain Mike do? Everyone already treats Mike like he is the villain, what should he do that earns him his villain role?

      Oh, that would be easy. Just render Mike incredibly cynical and honest about the all the bullshit around him. All he has to do is point out how his friends suck to their faces, then shrug off their rage. That would earn their enmity like nothing else. Sperg Mike already told them the straight truth but gave them an out by acting so unpleasant. Casually callous Mike offers no such refuge, and they would hate him for it.

    • 10 months ago

      What would villain Mike do? Everyone already treats Mike like he is the villain, what should he do that earns him his villain role?

      I thought villain Mike was just sperg Mike

      • 10 months ago

        This. Mike had been in his villain arc since late volume 1. I don't want him to go back to being a doormat, though.
        Here's hoping Daisy's talk about not bottling shit up all the time actually sticks. LOL

        • 10 months ago

          Mike's sperg arc was shitty because, once he stops playing nice, the kid knows how to inflict massive damage. But instead of icy precise Mike we got hotheaded moron Mike who everyone could just tell off for being a jerk so they didn't have to introspect.

    • 10 months ago

      Might as well cross it over with that psychic shit that gets bandied about now and then.
      >fully empowered future Mike travels back to the present
      >crushing survivor's guilt drives him to save his friends by altering the timeline
      >tries to foster their abilities ahead of schedule so they will be ready for what is coming
      >hits walls of hormonal stupidity and dysfunctional ego
      >is forced to accept his friends are a bunch of stupid kids with no ability or desire to act as a team
      >decides the issue can only be fixed through force
      >turns around and becomes their collective nemesis
      >adopts a cold callous facade
      >trounces the group to make a point
      >starts using his powers to frick with their lives
      >tells them nothing will change until they get good enough to stop him

      • 10 months ago

        >A cute animal mascot arrive out of nowhere to teach them how to be ESPers
        >It's actually Mike from timeline 2
        >He's actually travelled back in time to encourage his friends to abandon their powers and embrace a normal life
        >He's having to balance this with defeating Nemesis Mike so that they can live a normal life without having some psycho plotting on them
        >neither Timeline 1 Mike or Timeline 2 Mike know that they are the same person

        • 10 months ago

          >timeline frickery begats more timeline frickery
          >eventually there are alternate versions of the cast and their potential kids running around
          >at least one phoenix force tier madwoman Lucy in the mix

          • 10 months ago

            >Meanwhile on the sidelines the Crisis of Infinite Alejandros is on-going
            >the survivor and inheritor of that much toxic masculinity decides he's too important to waste time on Green Eyes or Blue Eyes
            >he's going to make a run at the fourth wall and take the fight straight to Taeshi

            • 10 months ago

              All because Nemesis Mike couldn't bring himself to actually hurt his friends and so empowered Alejandro to act as his abusive proxy.

            • 10 months ago

              That looks like something out of dragon ball heros

      • 10 months ago

        What's stopping Veteran of the Psychic Wars Mike from averting the crisis by going after Lucy, thus preempting her unstable psychic awakening that precipitated the Psychic Wars?

        All because Nemesis Mike couldn't bring himself to actually hurt his friends and so empowered Alejandro to act as his abusive proxy.

        Alejandro is already used to being a proxy force, being as he's the best male subject of the prior generation of psychic experiments. Of course, once he got tapped to try and awaken the next generation (and partially succeeded), he started feeling long-suppressed resentment. He'd already given his youth and life to The Agency, and now he's finally an adult they're just going to REPLACE him with ol' green-eyes?

        • 10 months ago

          There are many timelines, Ed Boy.

  23. 10 months ago

    PARASITE Mike was right, and you know it

  24. 10 months ago

    does anybody have any of the new drawings from the stream?

  25. 10 months ago

    They still haven't uploaded the stream comic to the patreon huh

    • 10 months ago

      Careful there, the floor around daisy is awfully wet and slippery!

      • 10 months ago

        Daisy really does have a crush on every boy, holy shit.

        Her intense boy craziness really makes you wonder why Taeshi made her (nominally) bisexual at all...

    • 10 months ago

      Daisy really does have a crush on every boy, holy shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh no her boythirst is metastasizing into fujohood. Now she's irl shipping boys

      Daisy really does have a crush on every boy, holy shit.

      Not David. Daisy may be a bawd but she doesn't take the knot.

    • 10 months ago

      >Taeshi: aptly demonstrates how fricking shallow Daisy is
      >also Taeshi: "you should like someone just because they are cute"
      Her head is an empty gourd. It has to be.

    • 10 months ago

      God damn look at James' curves. Why is Taeshi drawing boys as femboys these days?

      • 10 months ago

        Probably because she refuses to use male references.

  26. 10 months ago

    When was the last time Mike was genuinely happy? And I mean no bait moments so no 'happy thing happens and then everything goes 180 into REE FRICK YOU MIKE'

    • 10 months ago

      Mutual Assurance I think, then it turned out Paulo was just a male BPD whose fear of abandonment got triggered and he didn't mean anything he said.

  27. 10 months ago

    There’s something sincerely satisfying about Taeshi admitting her “magnum opus” chapter that she heavily defended and fiercely guarded was very flawed and no one understood “her point” when it just looked horrible for everyone because she can never let anything progress

    • 10 months ago

      Taeshi admitted to nothing. She just blamed her fans for not getting it, a very common reaction back in the day.

      • 10 months ago

        Taeshi going back to re-edit the chapter she earlier said was her greatest work so people “get her point” is admission it wasn’t good

        • 10 months ago

          It's not an admission if she believes herself to be lowering the quality of the comic to suit her moronic fans, damn them all to hell.

  28. 10 months ago

    So Mike is definitely touching himself to pictures of Sandy. Man, how he has fallen.

    • 10 months ago

      In the 2020 reboot of BCB Mike would be subscribed to his girlfriend's onlyfans

    • 10 months ago

      >Mike experiences sexual desire
      I call bullshit on that one. Mike's sex drive clearly disappeared along with that last growth spurt he should have had.

      • 10 months ago

        He used to have it at the very least

        Lucy has fricked Augustus in his sleep or at the very least heavily molested him

        Doubtful. Lucy has a desire to be abused more than anything. She can't get off on anything she's in control of.


        They/them thussy

        • 10 months ago

          >has a desire to be abused
          Yeah I'm pretty sure if he woke up cumming with his dick in her mouth that would happen. Hopefully with a black eye and broken nose.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine putting your faith in a BCB patron to have an accurate take.

    • 10 months ago

      He is the biggest cuck in comics history

    • 10 months ago

      >Mike spends all day jacking off to pictures of Sandy online while she fricks Francis
      >Not even to pictures she took specifically for him
      How do Mikegays cope with shilling such a pathetic character

      • 10 months ago

        >jacking off at all

    • 10 months ago

      Mike is now /our guy/

  29. 10 months ago

    Now i remember how Lucy cried on how she was so fricking sad because she tricked Paulo into thinking he had a chance, only for her to immediately get angry at him after he got angry at her

    • 10 months ago

      I can only see it as an attempt to get rid of him so that Lucy does not risk another rejection, plus letting herself feel like a noble martyr in the process.

    • 10 months ago

      -and then she tried to use his feelings again three months later and was offended when he lied and said he'd gotten over her. You could set your calendar by her trying to manipulate Paulo. The only reason it hasn't happened more is because she wasn't in town.

      • 10 months ago

        I have to wonder how justified her creator thinks all of this is.

        • 10 months ago

          No you don't understand, actualy everything gets solved if you cry. You abusse someone for years? Cry. If that doesn't work trow yourself of a building then act like it was his fault for not being your personal moral scape goat. If you abusse someone for years emotionally? Cry. If he gets angry just insult him until he gets offended, then call him a pussy and gaslight him until he concedes

          • 10 months ago

            But Paulo cried after Lucy walked off on him and still ended up blaming himself for her awful behavior.

            • 10 months ago

              Then he forgets it immediately, If someone basically telled me that i was being used for YEARS, and that i should just accept it because she felt sad. I would probally tell her that she is a prostitute and pull the middle finger

              • 10 months ago

                His latest mention of Lucy was in wistful disappointment that she was beyond him.

          • 10 months ago

            >muh mommy nevur luved meeee!
            >I never wanted it!
            But what if two characters who're arguing both start crying and screaming at the same time? Who wins?

        • 10 months ago

          She's a literal mental patient whose romantic life consists of getting raped by her cousin as a child and marrying the kid she dated over the internet when she was 14. She can't help it and it's unfair to expect her to.

          • 10 months ago

            >She can't help it and it's unfair to expect her to.
            I expected her to get a bit jaded over the years, at least.

        • 10 months ago

          It's a borderline thing. The way Lucy acts like Paulo is obliged to make her feel good after he falls for it rather than thinking she's owes him is very typical.

      • 10 months ago

        Come to think of it
        >Acapulco- Late July
        >Another Shoulder- Early September
        >Curtain Call- Early January
        >After You- Late September
        >Double Down- Middle December
        So Lucy on average can only go about two months between using Paulo. This period lasts longer if Paulo isn't single or Lucy's self-isolating but she'll inevitably break down and do it again.

        • 10 months ago

          I remember when I thought part of the carnival date chapter was her recognizing this habit and that Paulo would always let her do it to him out of love and she would have to force herself to stop. Too bad it didn't stick!

  30. 10 months ago

    Be honest, /bcb/:
    How much would YOU consider Taeshi's politics to be genuine beliefs, and how much of it would be just parroting Suitcase's/fan opinions for the sake of pandering?

    • 10 months ago

      There is absolutely no way she puts any genuine thought into her politics. Taeshi never researches anything and so could not possibly give an informed opinion. Hell, whatever opinions she allegedly holds are probably only for marketing purposes.

    • 10 months ago

      She has shown that her trans acceptance spiel is just an act when she and suit bantered about deadnaming someone who didn't want to spy for them.

      She's bi herself so on that front her opinions are probably real and she's pretty convincingly disgusted by conservatards to I'm guessing she for stuck somewhere in the 2014 era of progressiveness.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not so sure she's bisexual than disgusted with men thanks to Suitcase being her only chronic live-in example.

    • 10 months ago

      shes not even in the discord anymore, i dont think she gives a shit what the fans want her to do (because she doesnt do anything they want her to do and is constantly out of touch with how fans are reading into the comic)

  31. 10 months ago

    How often does bcb /trash/ get made nowadays?

    • 10 months ago

      Once to twice a month, almost always during a stream.

  32. 10 months ago


    What pic?

    Once to twice a month, almost always during a stream.

    We didn't have one last Friday. Then again, we also don't have much in terms of new content anyway.

  33. 10 months ago


    >deleted instantly
    put it on catbox goober

  34. 10 months ago

    I don't know if it's too late or not at this point in the thread, but do not read this comic.
    also is there anywhere with all of the original pages archived?

    • 10 months ago

      Volume 1-3 can be downloaded from the BCB site. https://bcb.cat/archive.html#obsoletevolumes

  35. 10 months ago

    /bcb/...let's spark up some conversation...
    >Lucy (the whole theater tryst with Paulo is STILL left ambiguous, but Taeshi has implied that it's was indeed sexo)
    >Paulo (once with Jessica, several times with Rachel, and even once with Lucy if you consider it - though he probably hasn't got some poon ever since he and Rachel split)
    >Augustus (diddled by Melanie as a kid - might have not touched a vegana ever since though)
    >Jessica (only question is if she does it with Maddie - or has done to other men what she did to Paulo)
    >Jasmine (pic related)
    >Daisy (spent a whole chapter trying to get Abyssinian barb to pop her cherry, only to eventually backdown - she did get sexo in a BCI but we can assume that she remains pure if horny here)
    >Mike (nothing directly confirmed, but his general innocence/lack of interest regarding sex implies it)
    >Abbey (as a white knight, he generally avoids the idea - though he came close to doing so with Daisy as mentioned)
    >Jordan (implied that Tiff is his first REAL girlfriend - and likewise, that he is completely inexperience with romance)
    >Sam (apparently doesn't even have a romantic life at all)
    >Haley (has not shown any interest in dating + doubt her parents/Mike would have allowed her to)
    >Chris (being birthed is the only time he'll be in a woman for the next coming years)
    Everyone else would be considered unknown...What do you think?

    • 10 months ago

      >all the butthole characters got laid
      >the nice guys literally finished last

    • 10 months ago

      (pic related)
      Funnily enough, Jasmine's original part in the comic would be that Paulo would take her virginity during his bawd rush, thinking she was a hoe just like Jessica and Rachel

      (has not shown any interest in dating + doubt her parents/Mike would have allowed her to)
      Only if her brother doesn't count

      • 10 months ago

        >Funnily enough, Jasmine's original part in the comic would be that Paulo would take her virginity during his bawd rush, thinking she was a hoe just like Jessica and Rachel
        >after a day out (along with a use of a certain technique a certain lavender-dyed dyke taught him), Paulo manages to sleep with Jasmine
        >morning after, both cats wake up and realize what happened
        >tradcat, unsurprisingly, is devastated at what she did, and runs off
        >barring some final cameos, Jasmine eventually transfers to a private school, forever haunted by the guilt of losing her purity out of wedlock
        >meanwhile, Paulo still doesn't feel any better than before, and the usual shit (Tess and Lucy confronting him) happens as before
        >but eventually, the Somali realized something
        >Jessica and Rachel were roasties with used up loose holes
        >but Jasmine's, on the other hand, was tight and petite - and perfect for pleasure
        >the revelation rejuvenated Paulo, who now had a new goal in mind
        >a life now spent on chasing all the youthful and unviolated tail he could grab
        >and he just found out that Abbey has a younger sister

      • 10 months ago

        >Taeshi's original plan actually had a reason for why Abbey is convinced that Paulo would Pump and then Dump Daisy
        >then she changed it but kept that plotline going anyway even though Abbey now had other reasons to hate Paulo
        Sasuga Veronica.

        • 10 months ago

          Abbey was afraid that Paulo would try to steal Daisy away from him through his loose ways. He was also afraid she would leave him for Mike.

          Daisy admitted that she would leave him for Mike (but it wouldn't matter because Mike has Sandy and Lucy) and she's currently proving that she would indeed jump Paulo's bones the second he'll offer.

          Abbey was always right about Daisy, except for that time when he cowarded out of fricking her.

          • 10 months ago

            >Letting Daisy's lust demon out
            Abbey would have died if he didn't stop

    • 10 months ago

      Lucy has fricked Augustus in his sleep or at the very least heavily molested him

    • 10 months ago

      i believe Sam was officially confirmed to be asexual

    • 10 months ago

      She just needs to show more incentive

  36. 10 months ago
  37. 10 months ago

    >after everything he's done
    >calling anyone gay

    • 10 months ago

      He's a clown and he deserves to be laughed at

    • 10 months ago

      paulo can and will continue to cope until the day finally comes where he gives in and gets it in the ass

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you think he keeps going after Jordan and Mike?
        Those are the only two guys he could frick the asses of instead of getting fricked himself

        • 10 months ago

          you mean james right? and no james would totally break paulo

          • 10 months ago

            roseville has serious top shortage

            • 10 months ago

              I could see Matt being a top, and James is demonstrably a takes-what-he-wants guy, he'd top too
              I think even Mike could go either way, himself, possibly

              • 10 months ago

                If Mike doesn't find his libido again I could see him as one of those bottoms who doesn't care if he gets off, he just wants guys to cum inside him.

              • 10 months ago

                Mike totally has a drive, it's just buried under his sense of obligation to his "girlfriend" and his overwhelming oneitis fantasy of being together at last with his childhood crush. Once he's finally free he's going to run up to the nearest living thing and start fricking it

              • 10 months ago

                He hasn't even had phone sex with his girlfriend of 3 years, no normal 16 year old boy would do that unless he has no sex drive.

              • 10 months ago

                They barely even called, phone sex with Sandy would've felt like phone sex with a stranger at that point.

              • 10 months ago

                Mike is so sexually conservative he probably thinks kisses are sex

              • 10 months ago

                Mike's less knowledgeable now than he was as a child

              • 10 months ago

                I am genuinely rooting for Mike to finally get some, my dude's earned it

              • 10 months ago

                Mike hasn't even fantasized about kissing Sandy since freshman year. His sex drive just vanished without a trace one day, the last time he seemed to experience attraction without heavy prompting was that time Daisy flashed him.

              • 10 months ago

                Mike is so sexually conservative he probably thinks kisses are sex

                I'm going to laugh so hard if Taeshi retcons in that he and Lucy have done it before but she forced him to never talk about it again.

              • 10 months ago

                >implying taeshi would ever do that when she's got a fetish for Paulo Destroyer of Hymens

              • 10 months ago

                Does she? He's potentially taken one girl's virginity and Taeshi still beats around the bush about that much.

              • 10 months ago

                Jess was a virgin too, and Paulo's got dibs on Daisy's virginity too, so that's three, one of which is a lesbian lol

              • 10 months ago

                I don't think Jess should count, given she raped Paulo. That's not much of a conquest on his part.

              • 10 months ago

                Not too mention that he would have had also taken Jasmine's as well if Taeshi went for her original plan for their storyline. From what I've heard anyway.

                I don't think Jess should count, given she raped Paulo. That's not much of a conquest on his part.

                It still happened regardless and Jess was a virgin. He put the first punch in her card so it still counts.

              • 10 months ago

                Paulo the hymen hammer should be every girl's first.

              • 10 months ago

                >turned Jess gay
                >made Lucy kill herself
                That's femicide anon

              • 10 months ago

                >Jess and Lucy both realized they peaked, the former forced to turn to women for excitement and the latter attempting suicide knowing its all downhill from here
                cant stop winning paulobros

              • 10 months ago

                Real talk: It's weird how little having sex with Paulo factored into Lucy's suicide or self-perception. Mike walks in on her still in dead fish mode--suggesting that Paulo's idea of hot sex is incredibly mediocre--and blowing her virginity on him never even crosses her mind until Paulo brings it up.

              • 10 months ago

                >Lucy didn't even notice the one droplet of cum slipping out during her musical solo
                >she barely even noticed it when Paulo got it in there after all

              • 10 months ago

                >Mike smells the overwhelming scent of cum around Lucy
                >W-wow, guess Sue must've used a lot of bleach on the outfits...

              • 10 months ago

                >Mike expression goes from negation to horror as he feels aroused in a long time

              • 10 months ago

                Ah, so Mike wasn't dreaming of CHERRY blossoms ...

              • 10 months ago

                I'd love to see Taeshi fan boys and girls defend this comic if that happened. That change would be so far removed from the events that have happened that they would have to show how delusional they are:

                Taeshi isn't dumb you see? She had this planned out from the beginning and has just been waiting all this time to spring this on us.it makes so much sense when you think about it. You're just too stupid to have not picked up on when and how it happened before now. Taeshi is such a genius and everyone is just so mean to her. Boo Hoo!

              • 10 months ago

                james is obviously a powerbottom.

          • 10 months ago

            Paulo was starting to break with James and realizing he's a bottom just like Jordan and Mike

    • 10 months ago

      Well I mean he wouldnknow better than anyone, except Matt and James and Madison and Jessica.

    • 10 months ago

      >calling anyone anything
      Remember when he called Mike a little b***h when he'd been seething for three months because Daisy told him off and had just been cowering in fear from Abbey?

  38. 10 months ago

    Can anyone post the stream drawings?

  39. 10 months ago

    Can we move on to the gay sex already?

    • 10 months ago

      Wait for the Valentine's arc.

  40. 10 months ago

    Mike's going to be one of those kids that's pure as the driven snow until he hits college and then he's going to rebel hard

  41. 10 months ago

    paulo might be a dom around girls, but around boys he becomes a brat and where i come from brats get corrected

    • 10 months ago

      >dom around girls

  42. 10 months ago

    Taeshi 100% intended for people to hate Mike for Eternal Flame, she just thought it'd be the usual type of hate where everyone clowns on him and was surprised when it was a visceral type of hatred that would lead to people dropping the comic, that's the only reason she tried to do damage control.
    There isn't some deeper idea Taeshi was playing at with the chapter, she just played with fire and got burned.

    • 10 months ago

      I think she meant for it to be tragic or some shit rather than infuriating. Remember that Taeshi called it a major turning point in the comic despite how it was nothing more than a big dumb timeloop.

      • 10 months ago

        >I think she meant for it to be tragic
        Did she?
        I remember her laughing about how stupid Mike and Lucy were being, and I honestly don't believe she's so inept she'd have Mike blowing off Lucy's "good morning" if she intended for it to be anything close to tragic
        She wrote tragic with the Paulo and Lucy shit, and she wrote romance then too, she very clearly understands how to do concepts like that, so I believe (among other reasons) she simply never intended for it to be tragic, it's more like a "December" refresher so Mike and Lucy could be basically in the same position they should've been back then but there wouldn't be a 10 year gap, otherwise people wouldn't still be angry at Mike/ feel bad for Lucy.
        The problem is, IMO, she underestimated how angry people still were about everything he'd done prior and it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

        • 10 months ago

          >I honestly don't believe she's so inept
          We have mountains of evidence that Taeshi is an utter moron with a tenuous grasp on basic reality. She used to write better than the current slop, so that should not be used as a legitimate comparison.

      • 10 months ago

        Taeshi just sucks at juggling comedy and drama. Mike coming in glued to his phone and breaking Lucy's heart was hysterical to her, she's constantly talking about how characters being oblivious jerks is funny to her. But then it was supposed to have serious consequences so it just made Mike look really bad.

        • 10 months ago

          this is genuinely the most tiring thing about this comic to me
          see also Davids entire existence being a wacky exaggerated comedic relief, but then its suddenly supposed to be taken seriously and fully canon when him climbing on top of a light pole in one frame means he should totally join all the sports
          and all the anime slapstick of Lucy smacking Mike as a gag around suddenly becoming this totally serious thing and she's actually been abusing him this whole time, and then as soon as it came, the retcon is gone again and she's back to hitting everybody who shares a frame with her and not one person remarks that she's actually insanely violent
          I wish taeshi would commit to one or the other

          • 10 months ago

            >see also Davids entire existence being a wacky exaggerated comedic relief, but then its suddenly supposed to be taken seriously and fully canon when him climbing on top of a light pole in one frame means he should totally join all the sports

            Apparently nobody likes david after the recent chapter, even on the discord. So congrats to her for goofing that up

            • 10 months ago

              When not even your biggest sycophants accept your latest "comedic" frick up, you have to know it's a real bad one.

              • 10 months ago

                it was such a whiplash that it's impossible for anyone to defend.

              • 10 months ago

                >introduce a (doomed fake) gay ship because you know that your readers cannot resist that shit
                >never consider potential fallout ahead of the secret expiration date
                >kill the ship in the most anticlimactic and obnoxious way possible
                >devolve the new fan-favorite character into a shallow speed bawd
                >instigating moron acts like a huffy jackass throughout for no reason
                >ic gets fawned over and treated like he's the funniest cutie pie who ever walked the earth
                >everyone finds this revolting
                I wonder how blindsided Taeshi felt this time because, boy howdy, does she love to pratfall.

              • 10 months ago

                Add to that
                >Use the same chapter you're trying to give your main character some well deserved rest to also shit on him within a very small amount of pages
                >like characters literally calling him the worst character to his face because lmao 4th wall
                >the literal moron that has a ship between his friends forgets about it so Paulo can be gay for a while
                >the backstabbing butthole that Mike tries to help whenever possible is being needlessly antagonistic, again
                >lmao Daisy
                >the moment Paulo doesn't get his dick wet he suddenly cares about emergency supply but she leaves on her own and he's ok with it, despite he being the guy with a car and probably who drove her there

                Sorry Mike, Daisy and Lucy are lesbians now

                Yeah, sorry for Daisy, I'd love to see her after a month with less weight and falling hair and bruises after constant exposure to Lucy

              • 10 months ago

                To be fair, Paulo did worry a bit about Daisy until Mike convinced him she was probably fine.

            • 10 months ago

              >Apparently nobody likes david after the recent chapter, even on the discord
              No, they fricking love David. If you don't they'll shout you down. They just didn't like Taeshi blueballing them on gay ships, especially James/Paulo. Those fujos were SEETHING that Mike didn't throw the race for that frickhead.

              • 10 months ago

                I find that hard to believe from the same people that were very supportive of Paulo trying to make Lucy understand she could talk to him, and turned on a dime instantly the moment he said she was laying with Augustus like how dares he presume he can just get Lucy to talk to him

              • 10 months ago

                They're dumb as shit. Their favorite thing to seethe about these last few weeks was how Lily called out Lucy for rebounding immediately after Mike went over the cliff.

              • 10 months ago

                >Their favorite thing to seethe about these last few weeks was how Lily called out Lucy for rebounding immediately after Mike went over the cliff.
                NOOOOOO NOT OUR PRECIOUS PERFECT PRINCESS LUCY! How dare anyone imply she is anything less than flawless?! >:U

              • 10 months ago

                I hate to agree, but this does sound more like the discord cult. Always finding a way to rationalize the worst actions of their favorite characters and absolutely demonize Mike over every little thing.

        • 10 months ago

          >she's constantly talking about how characters being oblivious jerks is funny to her
          Eh, I agree with the tonal whiplash within the comic itself, but I'd take her tongue-in-cheek commentary with a grain of salt. Taeshi's self-deprecation just comes off as an insecure defense mechanism, to me. If she insults her own work first, then other people doing it won't hurt as much. It's like a high school mentality of pretending not to give a shit because showing passion for anything means someone might make fun of you for it.
          She really should just grow up own it at this point.

        • 10 months ago

          The fact that Augustus accepted Mike's explanation after Lucy refused to hear him out, coupled with Taeshi's failed attempts to explain why he went back to Sandy and Lucy lying out her ass in the AU chapter, lead me to believe that was meant to be a tragic misunderstanding.

  43. 10 months ago

    Is this shit is still going?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes is still is going is
      Is should not is however

      • 10 months ago

        so much james art aged horribly

        • 10 months ago

          That's because bcb fans are impulsive and typically jump the gun when it comes to this stuff. You'd think they would learn to expect disappointment at every turn, but sadly they fall for it everytime.

  44. 10 months ago

    so what did he mean by this, anyway?

    • 10 months ago

      Mike fell out of love with Lucy and was subconsciously exploring other options. Same reason why he was so eager to find an excuse to visit Abbey's house.

    • 10 months ago

      sometimes you have gay dreams about friends

    • 10 months ago

      Geniunelly don't know, when i was reading the comic i thougt two things
      A. Set up for Mike being a homosexual
      B. The same but also a reveal that Mike is a massive degenerate in secret
      All the options would have been alot better than the one we got (FRICKING NOTHING)

    • 10 months ago

      Gays were icky back in those days, so the idea that Paulo could be into Mike like that disconcerted him.

      • 10 months ago

        >mike is so straight he dreams about paulo coming onto him and licking his face

        • 10 months ago

          It wasn't a dream. Paulo deliberately did that to frick with Mike, then fell asleep while Mike was kept up. I always thought that was obvious.

          • 10 months ago

            >Paulo completely shamelessly molests Mike "as a gag" (super uncharacteristic especially for this time period)
            >goes from messing with him to on his side of the bed passed out in one frame
            >Mike leans over to check him out (why?) Paulo wakes up and gets freaked out (why?) and Mike then and only then gets freaked out too and sleeps on the floor
            You thought wrong, this doesn't make any sense

            • 10 months ago

              Paulo enjoyed fricking with Mike all the time and had just been butting heads with him. Paulo was deep in his macho phase and had never shown any qualms about putting on an act if there was entertainment value to be had.

              • 10 months ago

                There would at least be a frame of him saying like "''night!" and flopping back over to his side leaving Mike flustered if that was the case, and that still doesn't address why Mike felt the need to see if Paulo was asleep and they both suddenly panicked when Paulo woke up with Mike in his face

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe it was the fact that Paulo fricked with him, says closure, leading Mike to wonder how serious he had been.

              • 10 months ago

                *sans closure

  45. 10 months ago

    Imagine having two hot girls falling in love with you without doing anything and STILL fricking it up.

    Also Paulo gets a gun arc FRICKING WHEN ? ( I will not stop until my demands have been met ).

  46. 10 months ago

    can someone please post the mikexjames BCI?

    • 10 months ago

      It's awful, there isn't even a date like she gave Paulo, and it ends in fricking PxD

      • 10 months ago

        oh well, thanks.

  47. 10 months ago

    I desperately want Paulo to play games with Sue, but also know that without the proper preparation he would simply mess with the character for shit and giggles instead of really playing the game. And Taeshi is unwilling to actually develop PauloxSue into anything outside the mutual hate.

    Also, wdym he's a frickup? He's got his goals extremely misaligned. He did get his own car, earned the money and learned how to drive, but he believes that he won't be able to get into a college no matter how hard he tries (and he will probably have a hard time when the college dept comes his way).
    Almost no character have ever tried to change this attitude except for the Daisy, but she has too much of the "notice me, sempai"-energy in her to actually do anything. All other characters either don't even think about the issue or let him live his life his own way.

    Both Paulo and Sue are losers a bit, who also want to achieve whatever goals they have. But while Paulo thinks that scholar education means nothing, Sue thinks that scholar education means everything. This can only end up either very good or very very bad.

    And before you start saying how he should've changed his ways himself (and while I agree), I want to remind you about the main point of the BCB, its overarching idea, its basis: a person cannot change who they are.
    This comic is Taeshi's testimony and a living proof to this idea. Lucy doesn't want to be dependent on Mike anymore, but she falls (and makes it everyone's problem) again and again. Mike wouldn't have wanted to always place Sandy first, but he does it again and again. Daisy is horny, Sue is insecure, Abbey is objectively delusional ("all women are queens", amirite?) and Paulo believes he's too dump for the college.

    There's no way to escape it without the extensive outside help (which happened to Tess in the form of bullying, I suppose) and there's no one who cares enough about Paulo right now.

    • 10 months ago

      > I desperately want Paulo to play games with Sue

      Me too. I just want to see him play the game at all and maybe get into something like that. He did ask Mike to play it together so it's seems like he is interested atleast.

      • 10 months ago

        Like literally everything else in his life, Paulo IS interested but he sabotages himself by hiding behind his aloof shit attitude and making fun of everything to the point nobody wants to share with him and he ends up alone
        Will he actually conquer it this time? Well it'd be a pretty big deal if he did

      • 10 months ago

        >wants to play Swordvale with Mike
        >also won't shut the frick up about Mike playing Flower Mage
        I don't get why people even hang out with him. I mean there's banter and then there's this bullshit.

        • 10 months ago

          >won't shut the frick up about Mike playing Flower Mage
          he's dropping subtle hints that he wants to see mike in a dress

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly, it would be neat for Mike to get so comfortable with his (lack of) sexuality to wear a dress, if only to flummox everyone else.

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly, it would be neat for Mike to get so comfortable with his (lack of) sexuality to wear a dress, if only to flummox everyone else.

            What he doesn't know is that Mike and Haley regularly swap places to see if anyone notices. So far, only Jasmine's friends have noticed because Mike wasn't as flexible as his gymnast sister.

            • 10 months ago

              >hey mike just letting you know i banged your sister last night. hope you aren't mad at me. btw did you know she has a penis what's up with that

              • 10 months ago

                Paulo is so progressive!

    • 10 months ago

      It's too bad because Paulo gravitating toward Sue would piss Daisy off even further, potentially leading her to take some sort of action.

      • 10 months ago

        She has been demolished by the recent James chapter, we shall wait and see what's she up to now.

        Stop trying to make PauloxSue happen. It won't happen. Sue has no interest in accepting Paulo's childishness. Don't delude yourself.

        Stop getting worked up over a silly joke. Try to be normal.

        > Sue has no interest in accepting Paulo's childishness
        That's the whole point, anon. He is only childish about the things he considers unimportant. Sue cannot see it, because the thought of school not being important is absurd to her, and she laughs off every comment about Paulo being tender or thoughtful or mature.
        I would love to see the moment of her realization, though it may never come. Anyway, a little childishness could be good for her, like it objectively was for Jazz.

        • 10 months ago

          >we shall wait and see what's she up to now
          Considering this is Taeshi at the helm, Daisy is either off sulking or is back to normal as if nothing happened. Not that Paulo seems to care, but then again he is too stupid to recognize obvious problems.

          Is no less childish than Paulo, just in different ways. And frankly she is right to laugh off the idea that Paulo is somehow desirable, given how he keeps regressing into butthole mode.

          • 10 months ago

            > given how he keeps regressing into butthole mode
            Taeshi can't into gays. That is why Paulo is now stuck in the gay-tsundere limbo, always on the brink of self-acceptance, but never actually achieving it. Forever.

            > Paulo is somehow desirable
            Paulo is desirable for the older (read: mature) girls, who find him "cute" and "adorable". He's only good as a one-night stand for everyone else in his current state, though. He was great as Jasmine's friend, but that's it.

            I'm not against Sue getting a friend, tho. We can work from there…

            >He is only childish about the things he considers unimportant
            He also has hobbies and frankly humor that Sue would consider childish. The why-PauloxSue-is-doomed chapter is proof of that. Paulo is willing to keep an open mind and enjoy Sue's pretentious pop art, but when Paulo opens up about his passion she brushes it off as stupid and beneath her.

            Paulo can make PauloxSue work. Sue is the one who needs to grow up beyond the "look at how smart and intellectually developed I am" attitude.

            You know, you're right. Before the leaks I've been told that this chapter is about "Sue and Paulo almost bonding over the comics". In reality, though, she doesn't even talk about the comics, she's using a great artist whose works she doesn't even understand to, post factum, win the argument.
            She was able to be open about her passions in her childhood (Another Lesson), what the frick happened to her now?

            >not as smart as Daisy
            >not as pretty as Lucy
            >not as accomplished as Jasmine
            >not as sexually active as Rachel
            I wonder if Sue will get herself pregnant so that she can be first at something

            >Sue is over at Stacy's place working on her cosplay
            >notices Stacy's journal and idly flips through it
            >is blown over by the realization that she isn't even going to be the best writer

            > worse than any other girl in the comic
            It can't get funnier than that.

            • 10 months ago

              >That is why Paulo is now stuck in the gay-tsundere limbo
              Him being an butthole is not reliant on his sexuality. Paulo has always been a jackass at the drop of a hat, especially toward favored targets like Abbey and Mike. Only his alleged compassion is directly linked to his shallow feminine side.

              Taeshi's been messing with her style on her personal and patreon request stuff lately, makes me wonder if we're due for another style shift in the main comic

              After getting burned every single time, I refuse to hold out hope. Especially given how long the chapters have been getting stretched out, despite their dogshit art.

            • 10 months ago

              >Taeshi can't into gays. That is why Paulo is now stuck in the gay-tsundere limbo, always on the brink of self-acceptance, but never actually achieving it. Forever
              Its what happens when bisexuals try and write “gays”. Honestly I’d peg Polo as more of a straight up uncomfortable bisexual over being a gay in semi-denial within the context of the story and knowing taeshi’s own sexuality. but at this rate the characters are so far removed from their original incarnations that trying to create some narrative of their character progression starting from the very beginning or even the reboot chapter is asinine. I mean, just look at what she did to Abbey. The current thing that wears Abbey’s face sure as shit wouldn’t be the same person that experienced At Loose Ends.

        • 10 months ago

          >He is only childish about the things he considers unimportant
          He also has hobbies and frankly humor that Sue would consider childish. The why-PauloxSue-is-doomed chapter is proof of that. Paulo is willing to keep an open mind and enjoy Sue's pretentious pop art, but when Paulo opens up about his passion she brushes it off as stupid and beneath her.

          Paulo can make PauloxSue work. Sue is the one who needs to grow up beyond the "look at how smart and intellectually developed I am" attitude.

          • 10 months ago

            None of the ships in this comic work because the characters never evolve. Change that and many pairings become not only possible but desirable.

          • 10 months ago

            which is funny considering Daisy was proven to be smarter than Sue

            • 10 months ago

              Remember, that was back when the comic was good. And before Taeshi retconned Daisy into being a n avowed socialist who somehow wins a student election in a public high school circa 2007 instead of getting laughed out of the auditorium and relentlessly bullied.

              • 10 months ago

                you werent alive in 2007

              • 10 months ago

                Are you trying to imply that the early 2000s were an especially progressive time amongst highschoolers? Go on, I want to hear this.

              • 10 months ago

                >no denial
                yeah, i knew it

              • 10 months ago

                >make a stupid assertion
                >expect it to be taken seriously

            • 10 months ago

              >not as smart as Daisy
              >not as pretty as Lucy
              >not as accomplished as Jasmine
              >not as sexually active as Rachel
              I wonder if Sue will get herself pregnant so that she can be first at something

              • 10 months ago

                I'd settle for her having an emotional crisis when she accepts the truth, then lowering herself to hanging out with her former inferiors and learning that it's nice to just kick back and have fun with them.

            • 10 months ago

              In their only intellectual challenge, Daisy absolutely crushed Sue, even after Sue got to look smart and reasonable compared to Führer Abbey.

              >not as smart as Daisy
              >not as pretty as Lucy
              >not as accomplished as Jasmine
              >not as sexually active as Rachel
              I wonder if Sue will get herself pregnant so that she can be first at something

              I don't think she'll be that desperate to do anything first. The fattest cheerleader in Roseville has outdone her physically, intellectually, and socially. She'll pretend not to care about being the prettiest but she clearly does care.

              At this point, she'll probably either aim to be the most creative person, pouring her efforts into her writing, or accept her life of mediocrity and settle until she can have a go at being the best at something in college.

              • 10 months ago

                >Sue is over at Stacy's place working on her cosplay
                >notices Stacy's journal and idly flips through it
                >is blown over by the realization that she isn't even going to be the best writer

              • 10 months ago

                I don't think Stacy is that good, but it would be pretty funny

              • 10 months ago

                Taeshi supposedly announced that Stacy is no longer into Mike. I hope that isn't true. They had excellent chemistry.

              • 10 months ago

                nobody is allowed to be into Mike if they can take him away from all the drama.

                I wouldn't put it past taeshi to pull a James if she ever did try to do something with Stacy and Mike together.

              • 10 months ago

                >Stacy has a crush on Mike from 3rd grade to Junior high
                >finally gets to actually know him
                >the crush instantly fades away
                Mike's nice guy personality is literally pussy repellant

              • 10 months ago

                She seemed pretty infatuated with him by chapter's end, back when they first interacted. Of course, everything in the comic took a nosedive into absolute moronation once Lucy stepped back off the bus.

              • 10 months ago

                >In AP English:
                >FRICKING DAVID
                lmao Sue's not even bookish

              • 10 months ago

                That inferiority complex of hers must have some basis after all.

              • 10 months ago

                Teenagers deciding to make being "the smart one" their personality without actually being particularly intelligent beyond a shallow facade is so common it isnt even funny anymore

              • 10 months ago

                I knew people like that. They pretended to like things "smart people" also liked, but they weren't as smart as they thought they were.

                I think that describes Sue pretty well, to be honest.

                At least until the chibification hit.

                I don't dislike Taeshi's new watercolors but the initial chibi art really sucked.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't think Stacy is that good, but it would be pretty funny

            The watercolors were really the peak of Veronica's art, wasn't it?

            • 10 months ago

              At least until the chibification hit.

              • 10 months ago

                Watercolor chibi wasn't that bad, Taeshi was at least trying out new things with color. If it wasn't followed by that godawful bobblehead era people wouldn't mind it so much.

              • 10 months ago

                What are you talking about? The bobblehead shit is what kicked off the chibification.

          • 10 months ago

            Based Sue knows capeshit isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop trying to make PauloxSue happen. It won't happen. Sue has no interest in accepting Paulo's childishness. Don't delude yourself.

      she's just leaning into the hate at this point and farming rage clicks. Well, congratulations b***h, it worked. I hate this worthless hole and I wish harm upon her.

      Stop getting worked up over a silly joke. Try to be normal.

      • 10 months ago

        /bcb/ hasnt been normal in years

      • 10 months ago


  48. 10 months ago

    >gays paid just to get that early James page
    >When everyone here told them that it was just a gay bait that will go nowhere
    LOL, why are (You) not scamming homos?

    • 10 months ago

      Answer your own question

    • 10 months ago

      NGL I feel bad for the Jamesgays who didn’t know Taeshi pulls this trash every chapter to return to status quo
      But it is great to know that she cannot get any new people to pay long term because of her refusal to move out of the settle plotlines and it’ll eventually lead to her going homeless

      • 10 months ago

        The one thing that would even tempt me to pay for patreon is a speedy return to form or outright new evolution of Mike. And I still wouldn't trust Taeshi to do it right.

        • 10 months ago

          >speedy return to form or outright new evolution of Mike

          • 10 months ago

            Obviously, hence why Taeshi will never see a penny from me.

  49. 10 months ago

    These guys are just going to be totally irrelevant from here on out aren't they?

    • 10 months ago

      Who's pov is this? Daisy? Some other cheerleader? Lucy after they beat the shit out of her?

      • 10 months ago

        A cookie. Whoever loses eats it

  50. 10 months ago


    Lucy's uterus: Occupied
    Good work Alejandro


    Hope the perverts in this thread are ready for some more Lucy abuse. New SC chapter up at the usual place.

    • 10 months ago

      I knew I saved my nut for a reason you beautiful fricking bastard

    • 10 months ago

      Glad I checked the thread, that's tonights reading

    • 10 months ago

      >he burned the bow
      Wish there was more sex, but bretty good chapter +1

    • 10 months ago

      Damn that was a good one

      • 10 months ago

        They're in love!
        Also, Sandy wearing a bathing suit is furry pornography, apparently, even though she's wearing more than half the cast?

  51. 10 months ago

    Taeshi's been messing with her style on her personal and patreon request stuff lately, makes me wonder if we're due for another style shift in the main comic

    • 10 months ago

      During the stream she said something about doing some small side comics in the old BCB style, just palls having fun together, separate from the main story. I think these doodles may be in preparation for that.

      That would also explain why were stuck with weekly updates for so long.

      • 10 months ago

        maybe, they said the slow schedule was because they ran out of buffer and wanted to build it back up, who knows though

  52. 10 months ago

    Sorry Mike, Daisy and Lucy are lesbians now

    • 10 months ago

      dont do that to daisy, come on. She'd be horrible at dealing with lucy's moods.

    • 10 months ago

      That's a win for Mike

    • 10 months ago

      best possible result, now both mike and paulo are free

    • 10 months ago

      >the lesbian ship with the least chemistry
      art's cute at least

    • 10 months ago

      Who beats up who in the relationship?

      • 10 months ago

        Lucy. Daisy's moron strength is like Mike's combat instinct, she could kill Lucy without even trying if she retaliated.

      • 10 months ago

        Lucy would eventually abuse Daisy (progressively scaling in violence), until Daisy gets tired of her bullshit and basically pull this


      • 10 months ago

        Of course Lucy beats Daisy. Daisy can't even look after herself, is too dependable on external validation, doesn't know her own strength and isn't the kind to put her foot down, much less to Lucy who can blow her aside just crying she never wanted it. That's actually a good description of their relationship whenever Daisy scolds Lucy for it, she never wanted it

      • 10 months ago

        Lucy will "jokingly" shove Daisy around, who will take it by reason that she's the larger one. Then Lucy will turn around and inflict devastating emotional damage at the drop of a hat, gaslighting Daisy and making her miserable.

      • 10 months ago

        Daisy will guilt Lucy into doing what she wants. I don't think either will lay a hand on each other, but Daisy is clearly the one making all the decisions in their relationship.

        • 10 months ago

          Well, that's Veronica's personal delusion anyway. She is a terrible judge of her own characters.

        • 10 months ago

          Daisy will stop Lucy from getting to uppity by blackmailling her with her...Accidents cough cough piss cough cough

  53. 10 months ago

    I can't wait for this chapter to switch perspectives to Bible Cat kissing Abbey.

    • 10 months ago

      In BCB there are two categories of men
      Those who are rude buttholes and frick girls, and those who are nice and supportive but never get any action, guess which column Abbey's in

      • 10 months ago

        >Taeshi's so bored by Nice Guy Abbey he's not even in her little doodle comics
        I'd say Molly was lucky to not be in the comic for the last 8 years, but we all know she's been locked up in Suitcase's dungeon to produce the inferior copy known as Madison.

        • 10 months ago

          Madison exists as a Lucy expy to give jessica something to ship that doesnt come off as creepy and desperate. Jokes on taeshi, having your lonely lesbian date someone thats a personality clone of your mc is still fricking creepy.

          • 10 months ago

            Why would Jessica crushing on Lucy be creepy? She only wasted her v-card to get revenge on a bully by getting her love interest drunk and taking his virginity.

            • 10 months ago

              Frick me I’m having a stroke
              Its creepy of Jessica to date a girl thats just a clone of lucy
              its moronic of taeshi to invent a lucy clone just so she can shoot down that ship and not have to deal with it in-story

              • 10 months ago

                It's doubly moronic that Madison, president of the She-Woman Lucy Haters' Club, is now so concerned over white cat's mental health. Yeah, I know Jordan is part of her friend group, but that hadn't kept her from b***hing about his sister before.

      • 10 months ago

        >Those who are rude buttholes and frick girls, and those who are nice and supportive but never get any action
        >in BCB

        • 10 months ago

          Sex havers/butthole archtype
          Virgins/Good Guy
          It works with the women too with the exclusion of Rachel, if it wasn't for the women around them making the first move Mike and Abbey wouldn't even have kissed anyone yet.

          • 10 months ago

            Abbey only, Mike did kiss Lucy back when he still had his spine.

          • 10 months ago

            How much do you think it bothers Mike that literally his entire male friend group plus Alejandro lol has got to second base with Lucy but he hasn't

            • 10 months ago

              I don't think it bothers him because it doesn't mean intimacy, certainly not coming from Lucy. Mike knows well if Lucy went for someone else that's because that's what Lucy does when his teddy bear falls behind the counter and she can't see it. Paulo is literally boasting about a pity frick and Mike knows it

            • 10 months ago

              Why would he care, especially now? The only thing that seems to matter is that they can't play video games anymore.

      • 10 months ago

        To be fair, most of the girls in the comic suck.

      • 10 months ago


  54. 10 months ago

    >webtoon is now up to abbey choking paulo part
    It's Joever

  55. 10 months ago

    Dear /bcb/:

    • 10 months ago

      and they say he has no sex drive

      • 10 months ago

        I guarantee Mike didn't say anything remotely sexual in the actual page, he's just spicing it up lol

      • 10 months ago

        He does think Sandy is pretty, but we have yet to see indication of anything further.

        • 10 months ago

          Mike should be a good friend and share the nudes he received from her with Paulo. Not like he's *actually* dating Sandy anyway

          • 10 months ago

            Paulo should earn them first?

    • 10 months ago

      I want to think being dropped by James actually hurt Mike, he wanted to invite him for Vidya and gamed and now he just put everything away, that'd a giving up move

      • 10 months ago

        James served his purpose to reinforce that Mike has no way out from his miserable relationships and thus doesn't exist anymore.

        • 10 months ago

          Classic Taesh, using the gays to further her own miserable agenda

        • 10 months ago

          Everything has to be about either awful white cat. Every single little thing. Imagine a gay character having even the most minor impact on this story.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean that Mike packed them away because he can't bear to remember about Lucy implies that Another Direction was an even better timeline since Mike was not only willing to give up on Sandy but he was also willing to let go of Lucy. If only Mike accepted that even a speedbawd is better than these Whitecats.

      • 10 months ago

        I thirst for such basic narrative depth.

    • 10 months ago

      >Paulo actually seems a little concerned about him again
      >Goes straight back to taking advantage of him

      • 10 months ago

        It reads like he's trying to provoke a reaction but, as always, is being an butthole about it for no real reason.

      • 10 months ago

        Paulo's always moochin'. I can't think of a single time he and Mike are spending time together outside of school where he isn't after something. It's weird, Taeshi wants them to be best friends/rivals but they aren't chill at all.

        • 10 months ago

          Taeshi does love buttholes. You have to wonder if that isn't her endgame with Mike, to break down his self-critical giving self and rebuild him into a cynical frick.

          • 10 months ago

            >You have to wonder if that isn't her endgame with Mike
            >Years of shit
            >Sperg Mike
            Nah she just hates him, Mike will end up alone and worthless or dead

            • 10 months ago

              If only he was so lucky. No, Mike is doomed to end up with Lucy, and probably indebted to her as well. Taeshi's ego demands it.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean… I'm not against some friendly banter, and Mike definitely used to have enough sass in him to bite back. Hell, he even did at the end of the previous chapter. It can be very fun, and I wouldn't have any problem with that if Paulo knew when to stop. He is able to be serious and caring towards Mike, we know that for a fact. What stops him now? This is beyond me.

        • 10 months ago

          Paulo only ever gives a frick about Mike in fits and spurts. He also keeps turning right around and hurting him (or wanting to) for no good reason.

        • 10 months ago

          Paulo is a dipshit and tries to start shit or turn on Mike more often than not. The dude was 100% willing to throw him under the bus if it meant getting in Lucy's good graces after the shit she pulled.

          I would like some time where Mike realizes how shit most of his table group is but that isnt allowed.

          • 10 months ago

            I have the unhappy suspicion that Paulo's role in this chapter is to finally give Mike the December speech the fans have clamored for. This is based on the recent alleged spoilers that this chapter will be especially dramatic and that Mike's suffering will intensify. That and, while she is the obvious better candidate, Lucy cannot be allowed to soil her ugly misshapen noodle-fingered hands because "she never wanted Mike to suffer." Ergo, the resident backstabbing butthole will be handed the task.

            • 10 months ago

              I think it's more likely that nothing actually happens, and the "super dramatic" claim is bullshit. Or maybe Paulo starts crying about some bullshit, and that's supposed to count as "especially dramatic".
              But Paulo Decembering Mike is plausible, given Taeshi's weird sense of pottery.

              • 10 months ago

                >the "super dramatic" thing is Paulo crying about how Mike has a family that does shit like new year parties
                Just you wait!
                At least your fricking grandpa loved you

              • 10 months ago

                You have a good point and will grant that is absolutely a possibility, given how Taeshi's concept of drama has followed her sense of narrative right down the toilet. The idea that Mike is supposed to be Paulo's "found family" would push the bullshit level to new, infuriating heights. Yet why should Taeshi acknowledge this? Paulo is an allegedly cute butthole, so Mike should obviously like him back no matter what.

              • 10 months ago

                funny thing is mike is with the one person in the entire comic who would actually bother to try and comfort him the most if he did freak out about anything. also the one person he always goes to for shit like this whenever he needs someone to hang out with or a surrogate family
                the fact that its even remotely plausible that the drama will come from paulo shitting on mike despite all that, and the fact mike has literally done nothing wrong for paulo to get mad about, speaks volumes of how fricked this comic is

              • 10 months ago

                Even that much would be fine if the story acknowledged the frickery uppedness of it all. That is where things like narrative progression and character development come from. Both foreign concepts to BCB, of course.

                Annoyingly, sometimes it feels like the comic is almost ready to do just that, but perhaps that is Taeshi's vindictive outlook artificially softened by her incompetence as a writer.

              • 10 months ago

                Taeshi loves butthole type characters, so she doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't love Paulo and Lucy as characters. In her view, their being unrepentant buttholes who talk shit but can't take it is all part of their charm!

              • 10 months ago

                yeah I always say the problem with bcb isnt as much that the characters are so flawed, as it is the characters are flawed seemingly by complete accident on the writers part

              • 10 months ago

                >Mike has never once made a friend on his own, they all just latch onto him. He can barely relate to people without either being an obliging doormat or cold and stand-offish.
                >Lucy cultivated Yashi and Chirpy to be emotionally dependent on her to soothe her fear of abandoment and then jumped off a roof without even considering what that'd do to them
                >Lily is a grown woman who idly stirred up trouble for the girl she was staying with for her own amusement
                >Augustus has never once shown the slightest regret over plotting against Mike for the crime of defending himself against a grown man, he's just torn up about it because it cost him his chance with Daisy.
                >David is a spoiled brat and possibly a sociopath or autist or both with how he's never shown the slightest remorse for nearly killing Mike three times
                If Taeshi would embrace and do something with people's flaws then she'd actually have a story

              • 10 months ago

                meant paulo is with the one person/mike IS the one person

              • 10 months ago

                I don't think we'll see the drama for the Paulo bit. There will be another focus shift, I'm sure of it, and it'll probably involve whatever party Daisy is visiting.

              • 10 months ago

                >supposed drama is just a load of who-gives-a-frickery involving fatcat sulking because the last available boy cannot imagine she would jump his dick

              • 10 months ago

                Give them time to figure out who should be banging who, anon. They'll figure it out.

              • 10 months ago

                I honestly cant think of anyone in this comic on whom I'd wish the terrible fate of being stuck with Lucy

              • 10 months ago

                I agree, Paulo does need punishment. But don't you think pairing him off with Lucy might be a tad extreme? Surely a mere hooking of his balls to a car battery could suffice.

              • 10 months ago

                honestly think this art style looks better than the main comic's imo. it's not as stiff looking and the big heads don't look weird anymore with the more cartoony anatomy. altho paulo could probably swallow lucy whole still with the size his is

            • 10 months ago

              >Paulo's role in this chapter is to finally give Mike the December speech the fans have clamored for.
              I would hope Mike would then proceed to strangle Paulo to death. Motherfricker is a decent chunk of why Mike is even like this. Paulo is a bigger turn coat then brutus and lead a mob that beat his ass. This isn't even bringing up that Paulo still fricks with him even when tasehi tries to play if off as "funny". Every single negative thing Lucy has done has been done to Mike has almost an equal action done by Paulo. He is the last fricker who should be giving anyone a teardown. Daisy could do it cause her shit stinks less but it would still suck and there has been zero lead up to a Mike December. Unless Mike schizo out and December's speeches himself then fick that idea.

              • 10 months ago

                >Every single negative Lucy has done to Mike has an even worse action done by Paulo
                Lucy never gloated at the idea of Mike being seriously hurt, Paulo has.
                Lucy has never stolen from Mike, Paulo has.
                Lucy has never been set off to assault Mike by something that has nothing to do with him, Paulo has.
                Lucy doesn't gossip about things Mike tells her in confidence, Paulo has.
                Lucy has never tried to abandon Mike to win over someone else, Paulo has.
                By any metric Paulo is worse than Lucy. But for some reason Taeshi is self-aware enough to acknowledge that Lucy treated Mike badly but not that Paulo does.

              • 10 months ago

                Setting aside for a moment that your list is a load of bullshit, Taeshi has actually indicated that Paulo feels guilt for mistreating Mike. It's a thing in the comic. But of course both he and Taeshi keep turning around and kicking Mike around some more for laughs.

              • 10 months ago

                >Gloats at Mike in pain
                Search and Rescue
                Buddy System, Critical Hit
                >Assaults Mike for no reason
                Leaving Home, Featured Attraction
                High Expectations (Sue only knows that Sandy hasn't called because Paulo passed it along, very rude when Paulo is such a demanding b***h about Mike not telling people when he goes in for weepy cuddles), Take Heart (not Mike but Paulo could only have found out about Abbey's Mom being dead from Daisy, and he had no shame in how he'd use that fact once he found out)
                >Abandon Mike
                Love Again and Double Down.
                Paulo doesn't experience real contrition, which is why Mutual Assurance and Double Down didn't lead to any deepening of his relationship with Mike.

              • 10 months ago

                >Mom being dead from Daisy, and he had no shame in how he'd use that fact once he found out
                I am assuming that Daisy didn't give the full context, it has been a while since I don't wanna go back to this comic. Though, even without the context, t is obvious that Paulo should have had some fricking sympathy for those lacking moms.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not saying Paulo didn't do those things, I'm saying that Lucy also did.

              • 10 months ago

                >Lucy has never tried to abandon Mike to win over someone else
                While not exactly the same. Her attempt to use Paulo as a teddy bear replacement when Mike was cold shouldering is close and proves him right still.
                You are right about this shit and Paulo deserves to get table slammed again if he pulls shit like this again.
                >Taeshi was self-aware enough to acknowledge that Lucy treated Mike badly but not what Paulo does.
                Ftfy. Besides her love of buttholes, think she assumes this is what having male friends is like but she is way past wrong. Calling each other gays and bants is fine but Paulo other bullshit reeks of "I need someone to abuse" and he won't ever try that with abbey again. Maybe it is fatherless behavior since his dad can't be around uayally or they'll stayxxrsarve.

              • 10 months ago

                >she assumes this is what having male friends is like
                The boys will be boys shit she pulls with Paulo is weird. Paulo's a mooch, gossip, needy b***h, quick to sling insults or a punch until he realizes the other guy will retaliate and then he becomes a cringing coward, intensely resentful and envious of people who are better than him, and a complete and utter simp for the one romantic interest who will knock him around. Paulo is a girl with a penis.

              • 10 months ago

                honestly theres a way to pull off the "overly aggressive but secretly a wimp" and taeshi literally already had the backstory in place for it, she just doesnt do anything with it and paulo never progresses as a character

              • 10 months ago

                Uppity coward is a mook personality. In another author's hands Paulo would either need to change or be banished to the margins with Katie to be a character the rest put down.

              • 10 months ago

                Paulo as a girl from the start would probably have been a better move than the butthole we got. She is still a b***h bu,t she technically would take more heat off Lucy and would have only gotten finger by Jess in the restroom over date raped.

              • 10 months ago

                no, coomer

              • 10 months ago

                You misunderstand me, if Paulo is going to be a female character then he might as well be and, I don't find the stuff involving Jess & Paulo at all. The only reason Jess got away with it is cause she's a girl and since there is no full penetration then Paula would have only been taken advantage of/molested instead of fully assaulted.
                The only r63 girl I would like in this comic is Mike and I really hate /u/.

              • 10 months ago

                >"im not a coomer honest, i just think genderbent paulo would be better!"
                >posts genderbent coom
                I'm convinced

              • 10 months ago

                >genderbent paulo would be better!"
                Nope, it's just cause Taeashi already writes Paulo like a manipulative woman.

                God imagine how nuts Abbey would go for Michelle. He's lured in by thinking that Daisy needs a white knight, comes to resent Michelle a little when he thinks Daisy is being neglected by her prettier friend and then comes to realize Michelle is tightly packed bundle of issues.

                How would the whole confrontation with Michelle go since Abbery attempted to get physical with Mike? Would he almost get physical with Michelle and realize in horror he is acting like his dad?

              • 10 months ago

                Abbey doesn't get physical with women, but he can be nasty and bitter if he had a mind too, and accusing Michelle of not spending enough time on Daisy, when all Daisy wants to do is mash clams would really piss her off when all she wanted to do was spend an afternoon with a boy she might be nursing a bit of a crush on.

              • 10 months ago

                God imagine how nuts Abbey would go for Michelle. He's lured in by thinking that Daisy needs a white knight, comes to resent Michelle a little when he thinks Daisy is being neglected by her prettier friend and then comes to realize Michelle is tightly packed bundle of issues.

              • 10 months ago

                Would he go nuts for Michelle or would he be jealous? Daisy is bi, she'd still want to jump Michelle's bones even with the genderbend.

              • 10 months ago

                >Mike has two tsunderes after him
                >Lucy's put up her armor of hostility to mask her fear of abandonment
                >Paula's just shit-testing him, massive Daddy issues, she wants him to hit her

              • 10 months ago

                >him to hit her
                Metaphorically or literally, considering Paula is the Genderbent of a psycothic man children...eh

              • 10 months ago

                The one silver lining would be that a December speech would, by rule of pottery, be a major personal frickup that drives a massive wedge between at least two people.

        • 10 months ago

          Paulo wants to have Mike but he doesn't like him.

          • 10 months ago

            Or Paulo does like Mike, but he can't reconcile that will all the past bullying he put the kid through. So Mike is this loser fruitcake who Paulo has always mocked, but those are the traits he actually likes? Man, frick that! It's just not possible. Also Mike is his hate sink by force of habit that Paulo has never really tried to break.

    • 10 months ago

      Based anon.

      I see the patron interpretation of this page was 120% moronic, as per usual.

    • 10 months ago

      You know I definitely would read a whole fancomic with this style.

    • 10 months ago

      If the goal was make Mike the single biggest cuck in comics history she surely accomplished it

      • 10 months ago

        Taeshi probably thinks this is just highlighting Mike's depression. And maybe there would be an impact had she not recycled this scenario five or so times already. We get it, Sandy bad, she shames him into giving up things he enjoys. It's real tragic and pathetic that he goes along with it. We know already. Introducing the excuse that Mike suddenly associates them with Lucy is like trying to freshen up a rotting fish carcass with a spritz of febreeze.

        • 10 months ago

          I mean more how it’s canon he faps to suggestive pictures his phone “girlfriend” posts to the public internet while also knowing she fricks other men behind his back

          • 10 months ago

            I seriously doubt that Mike faps to anything. His sex drive appears barely operational, just enough to appreciate the female figure. And let's face it: After everything is said and done, lusting after Sandy is still better than simping for Lucy. But that's Paulo's problem.

        • 10 months ago

          Ah so that's why Lucy apparently goes to the arcade so often that she ran into Mike the one time we've seen him go there, Taeshi is trying to say "See, LUCY likes video games! She wouldn't make Mike give those up unlike that cheating b***h Sandy!"
          That's decent storytelling there but it's so covered in all that other bullshit that I don't care. Mike getting back with Sandy in the first place made everything else moot.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, for once Taeshi made her intentions explicitly clear in the page commentary: Lucy would have been a better choice because le video games. Only she wouldn't, and Mike no longer has other hobbies that matter. Hey, remember when Mike was an avid reader? Way back in volume one? Well that would be inconvenient and not serve to isolate him further. Into the trash bin it goes.

            Taeshi writes like a cult leader trying to separate a character from everything he knows and loves to make him vulnerable to her endless parade of self-serving bullshit.

        • 10 months ago

          i bet the issue isnt so much that Mike associates vidya with Lucy now, as it is that he's scared she will literally start spawning in again like she did at the arcade as soon as he walks into his room with the intent of playing one and he doesnt want the prostitute in his house

      • 10 months ago

        Funny how she succeeded in that

  56. 10 months ago

    So is this comic more like oots when you want to see the end due to sticking for so long, or more like stabhand's robo mess when it's just bland and boring?

    • 10 months ago

      >more like oots when you want to see the end due to sticking for so long, or more like stabhand's robo mess when it's just bland and boring?
      Who says the two must be mutually exclusive?

  57. 10 months ago

    considering the very last interaction paulo and lucy had together where she completely hit on him and hit him and he left in tears, just for mike to immediately come along and comfort him, Paulo's instant natural response to all this should be to tell mike that lucy is an insane c**t and she's not worth him fricking up his entire life over and they both should just completely forget about her so she can finally be all alone and friendless just like she supposedly wants to be
    but god forbid this entire comic not revolve around lucy and her feelings

    • 10 months ago

      completely shit on him*

    • 10 months ago

      During his diner talk with Daisy, Paulo is STILL sulking over Lucy being too goof for him or some shit. It's disgusting how much pull she has for no real reason.

  58. 10 months ago

    at this point if anyone deserves to lose their fricking shit over how moronic everything is, it's Daisy

    • 10 months ago

      Why? She's fawning over Paulo for no good reason, so clearly her brain has been reduced to mush.

      • 10 months ago

        having a crush on a moron is the most down-to-earth, innocent character flaw of anyone in the comic, its reasonable for a teenage girl

        • 10 months ago

          It's not exactly innocent when Daisy constantly overlooks and enables his character flaws, defending him while berating anyone else for any like sins. And what sort of moronation is she supposed to whine about? That she doesn't register on her crush's radar? Talk about utterly mundane.

    • 10 months ago

      >the almost-popular girl who'd rather be the needy baby of the group than learn to stand on her own two feet
      Lmao no.

  59. 10 months ago

    Serious question, what direction you would've wanted this comic to take? I mean without going stray to the main core of teen drama and stick with the main story points intact , i don't want "gay sex only" meme answers, if you had somehow total control of the comic, at what point would you change it? How?

    • 10 months ago

      too many things, i think, to bother writing about. the biggest that comes to mind, though, is Lucy either would have died or stayed gone

    • 10 months ago

      Mike should've dumped Sandy when he found out about she was cheating on him. Undoing their breakup was bullshit.

      The endless PauloxDaisy chapters should've been about something more interesting. Show us how Abbey is adjusting to his new friend group. Is he playing video games with Cassidy? Has Jasmine invited him to church?

      Who the frick cares that Paulo got angry at Mike because some stranger made another stranger sad by demanding the anime movie he wasn't particularly interested in anyway was switched from dub to sub.

    • 10 months ago

      Keep McCain, have him and the rest of the "side characters" (Sue, Stacy, Abbey and Jasmine) serve as a sort of "greek chorus" of sane people, with short chapters of them discussing how fricking insane the main cast are. This is somewhat inelegant, but it solves the problem that the comic is terrible at subtext and communicating intent.

    • 10 months ago

      Right around when Lucy returns as that is the point when the comic started to crash and burn. I'm not big on the Paulo Show era, but it provided enough character development to be kept.

      Apologizes to Lucy but isn't a pathetic quivering mess when she rejects it. He feels a bit sad and guilty afterward, but her continued b***hcraft soon burns through whatever benefit of the doubt he would lend her. He then does his best to ignore her antics, but his general attitude cools as everyone fawns over her. While Mike never descends into spergdom, his cold sarcastic remarks cut much deeper and still alienate him. The friend group gets increasingly uncomfortable around him.

      Takes his shot with Lucy, still gets shot down, and this time stays grounded. Her Halloween apology gets a tepid response but not an outright rebuff. Paulo realizes pushing the Sandy button is a mistake and tries to be nicer to Mike in general. It's largely too little too late as Mike has no reason to trust Paulo, but their relationship slowly moves in a cordial direction. He consults with Daisy on how to stop being an butthole. This leads to more one-on-one time and the two grow closer. Paulo remains firmly in denial of any feelings but enjoys hanging out with her more than he expected.

      It is made abundantly clear that her pissy b***hery is just the same old maladaptive defense mechanism and it's wearing on everyone's nerves as time goes on. Sue still plays favorites with Lucy but finds she has to walk on eggshells more than she would like. Lucy subconsciously stokes her guilt and keeps the girl coming back for more. Augustus is obviously a Mike replacement and he knows it, but also considers it the lesser of two evils. It irritates him how Lucy treats her family like an inconvenience, but quickly learns to not press her on it.


      • 10 months ago


        She meets a sullen Mike under the tree and doesn't stomp off only because an offhanded quip riles her enough to fire back. They start arguing, then lobbing snowballs, then tucker each other out enough to sit in the snow and grumble at each other. Sandy has not dumped Mike or necessarily even cheated on him, but Lucy is adroit enough to point out she is just treating Mike like a convenient pet...and reluctantly agrees that is much what she herself did. He gets a lame belated apology but it's enough to crack his armor a little. They end up sharing a snippy heart-to-heart and walk away at least talking to each other again. This trend continues back at school and gets everyone's attention, as does Lucy's gradual improvement in mood and behavior.

        Does not know how to feel about her newfound attraction toward Paulo but does like how he keeps coming to her for advice. Even better, now Mike is confiding in her too. She listens about how he is secretly glad to be on speaking terms with Lucy again, even though she still gets under his skin like no one else, but is worried about where things will go from here. He's come to recognize there IS an attraction between them and it is a dangerous one. Daisy's manipulative side is reactivated as she coaches Mike how to keep those feelings on a leash while also making him more emotionally dependent on her.

        The comic should be able to evolve well enough on its own from there.

    • 10 months ago

      ok but mike dating james and leaving the b***hes behind would have made the comic better

  60. 10 months ago

    I still stand by my headcanon that Mike and Sandy are finally going to break up during valentines so whatever drama is going to happen is surely going to lead up to that, copefully

  61. 10 months ago

    This thread and the last have both reached bump limit. Have we all gone insane? Is this just our designated moron containment chamber?

    • 10 months ago

      I think we like the comic in a "I can fix him" kind of way

      Personally every day im getting more and more tempted to remake the comic in stick figures to fix it, just after the acapulco trip where the comic stopped being a lighthearted pseudo-anime

    • 10 months ago

      A. People are somewhat more motivated in discussing due to the fact something will happen (probally...Eh...)
      B. newbies

  62. 10 months ago

    >r63 autism starting again
    I'm glad we've already hit bump limit so you furgays can go back to /trash/ where you belong

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