Be serious, how would you approach making a new actually good Star Trek series?

Be serious, how would you approach making a new actually good Star Trek series?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Decent actors that are willing to do series and not leave after one, plus not taking itself to seriously like stargate

    • 3 months ago

      >taking itself to seriously like stargate

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago
  2. 3 months ago

    more diversity equity and inclusion and less white male toxicity

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        wow, you figure that out all on your own?

    • 3 months ago
  3. 3 months ago

    No women in the writers room, no men under 40 either.

  4. 3 months ago

    Writers and producers who actually want to make Star Trek and not some generic pew pew action slop where crying and screaming equates to drama.

  5. 3 months ago

    Female characters kept to a minimum or at the very least no romantic plots

    • 3 months ago

      Frick you, B-Tor (my waifu) was great!

      • 3 months ago

        She looks like Kamala Harris without her ridges.

  6. 3 months ago

    Hire people who want to make the complete opposite of this shit:

  7. 3 months ago

    It's on the fricking motto
    Every single fcking moronic new trek doesn't explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before
    Every fricking series is a new sci fi war with a trek paintover

    • 3 months ago

      Indeed. That's how you make a good show instead of only satisfying lore autists.
      But that trap is easy to fall into. Look at Batman. 5 live-action Batman shows since the 1960's one; none have Batman in them and they were all bad.

  8. 3 months ago

    Set it in an entirely different time period, centuries after the last canon setting in ST.
    Get back to what made TNG and TOS so good, weekly adventures dealing with crazy alien shit.
    Kill every producer that ever worked on DSC, PIC, and SNW.

  9. 3 months ago

    The directors, writers, and producers need to be on the same page and want the same thing.

    The crew needs to act as though they all have mutual respect for each other. Even if you butt heads, act as if you care for your fellow crewmate. Act like mature, smart, educated, dedicated adults. No more teenage impulsivity and bickering. For God's sake just cool it with the swear words unless you're all in some extreme danger (I guess). Have most of your drama come from philosophical or cultural differences in the aliens. Show people working together using clever thinking, engineering, technology, rhetoric, argumentation and logic... Not "FRICK YEAH SCIENCE!"

    Design the ship as if you'd want to live on it for years at a time, not some dark steamy blippy-LED metal submarine hell.

    Christ, Star Trek is supposed to be ASPIRATIONAL. We're supposed to all be better in the future, fricking act like it UUUGHH. It's fine if you want a dark edge to it, just don't be so fricking cringe.

    • 3 months ago

      >he wants aspirational writing from trust fund millenial israelites and their DEI pets

    • 3 months ago

      All meme and seethe answers aside

      I would first start with three things:
      >establish a clear tone neither kitsch nor deathly serious
      >an episodic format with sporadic two-parters
      >no more prequels

      Return to the series roots of adventures, ethical dilemmas, and character building in alien and fantastic contexts. Things that made the show what it is, but no longer what it is. I would recruit but heavily vet actual sci-fi writers and not TV writers. Allow them to get a little conceptual and weird, to not fall into expectations or conventions of what modern dramatic TV "must have".

      As for a story, it must revolve around exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new civilizations, and going boldly where none have gone before. At no point ever introduce any concept whatsoever of a multiverse to diminish the importance of our own, which is already vast beyond imagining. Minimize alternate timelines, too, Mirror Universe is shit.

      Personally, I would set the situation thus: post-Dominion War, new warp technology/soliton waves, exploring the rim of a new galaxy--a crew years in deep space, the first true intergalactic travellers. We can introduce this crew as close in the way Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were, an immediate sense of fellowship and boundaries. A crew composed of delegates and representatives of major Federation and adjacent peoples. Allow the intermixing of and conflict between cultures, new and old, to surface but never take over. For instance, Cardassian officers eager to prove themselves to others, but with old rivalries not quite forgotten between everyone. Minor interpersonal conflict that never becomes childish spats and never interferes with duty. These people are adults.

      This anon gets it

      An aspirational tone of people growing and learning and doing their damned best in the face of strange new things.

  10. 3 months ago

    >shart trek

  11. 3 months ago

    You can't.

    The writers of today aren't interested in bringing humanity together or making us feel proud and hopeful without pandering to a specific group

    They are only interested in stories in which people tear each other apart.

    Everything has to be dark, edgy and miserable.

    We must be at a constant state of war, or else we might have to have some introspection.

    Enjoy the slop, friends.

  12. 3 months ago

    No sexual predators like Kirk or Riker

    • 3 months ago

      What about ALL sexual predators, call it Rape Trek, and make most of the crew Klingons

  13. 3 months ago

    Star Trek was never good.
    It was formulaic trash for virgins.

  14. 3 months ago

    >The writers of today aren't interested in bringing humanity together
    and yet any show that has more than one non-white person causes a meltdown from people on here

    • 3 months ago

      DEI comes from a place of evil and destruction, and therefore sticks out

    • 3 months ago

      its funny how white people who think forced diversity is a good thing think diversity only means black people.

      • 3 months ago

        it's funny how you're the one who brought up black people

        • 3 months ago

          non-white literally means 1 thing to hollywood

  15. 3 months ago

    An uncynical sense of adventure with identifiable themes. It's that simple.

    • 3 months ago

      I had a weird dream and I encountered some Star Fleet personal while I was attached to some kind of live giving machine, but also was invaded by some kind of crabs...(yes, this is logged and you're fricked if you use it).


      This actually.

  16. 3 months ago

    Make it into a podcast.

  17. 3 months ago

    before troons and women pretended to care about it i'd of done another time skip. new cast, newerish ship designs, maybe 20-30 years post voyager. but now that troons and women have ruined it, let it die

  18. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      have a nice day homosexual

    • 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    I dont think it can be done for lots of reasons. The whole mythology of exploration and making contact with new people (aliens) is kind of obsolete now that white exploration and colonialism is seen as universally bad. I dont think its as simple as just making the commanders black and female which of course they have already done. Star Trek was created to do morality plays where each new planet of aliens would represent problems of one kind or another that happen on earth and of course the star trek crew would solve them by the last commercial break but people aren't optimistic about the future any more and they know many problems cant be neatly solved without a bloodbath.

  20. 3 months ago

    I always expected a timeship series taking place in the 29th century, but I suppose that’s hard to write and already in Doctor Who’s pocket.

    • 3 months ago

      It's tough for a show to have real stakes if you have unlimited do-overs.

  21. 3 months ago

    Basically the NEXT Next Generation. How fricking hard is that?

    • 3 months ago

      LD shows "not very".

  22. 3 months ago

    Too many males on the bridge.

  23. 3 months ago

    Go back to exploring various themes with a Star Trek/Hard Sci-fi overlay. Every Nu-Trek story is just universe ending magic or constant war shenanigans over and over, it's really fricking boring.

    Getting back to "ideal humanity in space" would be a great start.

  24. 3 months ago

    ehh, SNW was good enough for the time being.

  25. 3 months ago

    A starship warp core that is powered by LOVE

  26. 3 months ago

    star trek has exhausted, somehow, a lot of its resources with its stupid time skipping all over the place.

    the solution isn't a setting, the settings of STD and picard aren't unsalvageable.

    the problem is very largely writing quality. comparing picard/STD to tng its pretty glaring the differences in quality.

    that said -- i think interest is dead for a new series because of the loss of faith from STD and picard, people arent willing to invest time in them.

    you're better off putting out a star trek movie. i personally like the mirror mirror shit, so i would be down for a mirror universe movie. i also liked, i think it was michael dorns, idea of a bounty hunter movie involving worf.

    but really, the problem is just shitty writing. no setting can fix that.

  27. 3 months ago

    Takes place after the dominion war. A moderate sized ship explores the gamma quadrant. They do not have nearly the sizeable crew or ship as the enterprise, but they aren't stuck there, as starfleet sets up some bases in the gamma quadrant and they can always just go back through the wormhole. Of course they'd have to not frick with the dominion, probably just chart some areas around their borders.

    As a personal hope of mine, the series would ignore anything that takes place after DS9 because I don't care for nutrek massacring the story. It would probably take place only a few years after DS9 at most.
    What I really think would be cool would be to have a Romulan star fleet officer on board the ship. Probably serving as a weapons chief, or a strategist. It would be fun to see him bringing romulan style strategic thinking and cunning into a starfleet vessel.

    • 3 months ago

      Could work, just make the Dominion empire revert to a few planets due to Odo changing their philopshy or some shit so you can wash your hands of their bullshit and start fresh.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, I'm thinking it would be just the original alien-of-the-week formula, but this time each planet or phenomenon they come across might be related to the Dominion. If the Dominion "fell" or collapsed, we'd see the remnants and what happened. Maybe the Jem'Hadar being refugees or something. Would explore how politics work in a entirely different quadrant

      • 3 months ago

        The Dominion should not have collapsed but it definitely should have drawn back its sphere of influence to the point where a lot of opportunistic races try to fill the power vaccuum.
        It could be everything from renegade Jem'hadar to Karemmans to Breen to entirely new races.
        Maybe throw in a bit of Borg presence to see them try to assimilate the Founders or something.
        It would be nice to see some conflict and diplomacy in a place where Starfleet basically has no jurisdiction so they cant just browbeat lesser races into submission, while also having to keep everything relatively stable.
        We could have dedicated task forces from all quadrants trying to swoop in and do what they do best without any real hostility between them. Except with Rogue factions. I want to see a Cardassian and a Romulan on the bridge of a ship together

    • 3 months ago

      I would watch star trek but a romulan ship

    • 3 months ago

      Not bad

    • 3 months ago

      >What I really think would be cool would be to have a Romulan star fleet officer on board the ship. Probably serving as a weapons chief, or a strategist. It would be fun to see him bringing romulan style strategic thinking and cunning into a starfleet vessel.
      A romulan and a cardie.
      would like to see the sneaky guys doing sneaky shit (in order to make up for their lack of firepower, backup, resources, tech smarts) in a politically chaotic gamma quadrant (power vacuum after the founders lost the war), rogue jem hadar and vorta, the enigmatic breen

      • 3 months ago

        >the enigmatic breen
        a show where the breen make a go at taking on the klingons, and a federation crew goes undercover in a klingon ship to figure out what motivated them, and they pick up a breen turncoat would be awesome.

        So they'd be trying to maintain their cover while also doing things that the feds would do, sorta like that DS9 ep where Kira was tagging along with Dukat's crew in a beat up bird of prey

    • 3 months ago

      The only way to feature any of the older cast in a show taking place a few years after DS9 is if they show up as time travelers from the future lol. Or recast.
      But like, what if they blow it yet again? And it's just another show with some black oh-no-you-didn't she-baboon as captain that they love trying to shove down our throats over and over.
      If not after DS9/Voyager the only interesting time period would be a show taking place in the lost era between TOS/TNG.

  28. 3 months ago

    You can't. Modern writers aren't serious enough to write anything of TNG caliber. The writers union is too strong and the studio boomers are too aloof and scared of losing dividends to ever go against the "sacred" unions.

  29. 3 months ago

    Hire good cast (no nepotism)
    Hire good screenwriters that were fans of TNG

    Damn, I did it.

  30. 3 months ago

    You HAVE to just do a classic set up of a cast of characters dynamic enough to bounce off each other and grow in a distinct hierarchy, with a very open ended set up for scientific exploration and diplomatic missions to new planets. It had to be episodic with a few over arching ideas and not be heavily plot focused

    • 3 months ago

      Specifically starring a Romulan woman as captain who's the first Romulan Federation captain who still uses Romulan style subterfuge tactics but morally good ones for peace

      • 3 months ago

        i'd like to see a show, or at least some eps based around an alien crew. seeing romulans doing the spy, deception, infiltration etc of other species would be cool. small things like how they scheme before opening the comms with a fed ship and lie straight to their faces

        star wars, if it weren't already ruined too, would also benefit from something different like that. let me see an imperial commander, general or something actually doing their job well instead of muh rebels

        • 3 months ago

          Nobody has ever written a Star trek show that was actually invested in the lore and world building like that

          • 3 months ago

            it makes sense at least for some of the older shows since non-human species aren't the main focus and they are kind of 2 dimensional. but by mid-tng some of the species are fleshed out a bit, at least enough that not all klingons are warriors or all romulans are deceitful spies. if you took those traits you could definitely make at least a few episodes about one species entirely without even moving away from established lore.

        • 3 months ago

          it makes sense at least for some of the older shows since non-human species aren't the main focus and they are kind of 2 dimensional. but by mid-tng some of the species are fleshed out a bit, at least enough that not all klingons are warriors or all romulans are deceitful spies. if you took those traits you could definitely make at least a few episodes about one species entirely without even moving away from established lore.

          some of that was sorta explored with Enterprise. Granted it was through the eyes of the Enterprise crew, but we got see some of the Vulcan / Andoran conflict etc

          • 3 months ago

            i enjoyed all of enterprise which i know some aren't a fan of, but yeah like that, just more of it. seeing a human stuck with a crew full of androians on their ship with their different tech would be neat. theres so much already to the universe that they could go with, without going against established lore, i'm surprised it hasn't been done. but with the way they write now they would frick it up and those andorians would all be quippy with modern politics going on in their world

            >i'd like to see a show, or at least some eps based around an alien crew.
            You just described Wej Duj.

            i dunno what that is but i'll look it up

            • 3 months ago

              yes they would just frick it up. A lot of the interesting lore involves racism and potential genocide and other "problematic topics" They would never allow those concepts to be explored, even if the outcome was showing how those things are bad.

              • 3 months ago

                >even if the outcome was showing how those things are bad
                thats one of my biggest gripes with modern writing. they somehow, or just pretend, to think that the end ideal world should already be the way it is and there is no deviation from that. rather than realizing its the journey to that which makes the world and characters interesting. modern writing seems to allow no room for growth, everyone/thing is already the ideal version.
                i used an example of romulans scheming before they open comms with a fed ship. we already know that federation might know they are up to something, but without proof they won't act. i'd love to see the romulans know that and use it to their advantage while they continue doing whatever, but also the reasons behind their actions, from their perspective

        • 3 months ago

          >i'd like to see a show, or at least some eps based around an alien crew.
          You just described Wej Duj.

        • 3 months ago

          They did that episode with some Klingon ship using Jadzia and Worf in DS9 and yes, Klingon ships work exactly as moronic as you’d expect

        • 3 months ago

          The TOS episode where Kirk and the Romulan captain try to outplay each other was so cool for this specific reason

      • 3 months ago

        make sure he has big breasts (and a not so 'secret' lust for BIG HUMAN wiener)

  31. 3 months ago
    Cutting Board Anon

    make Mike McMahan, the israeliteel of Kenyon, the show runner and Terry Matalas and Kathryn Lyn co-head writers.

  32. 3 months ago

    Three words: Captain Reginald Barclay

  33. 3 months ago

    You call up old Bill Shatner and hear what he has to say

  34. 3 months ago

    so strange new worlds?

  35. 3 months ago

    Gave a serious answer to this in one of these threads a few days ago, but people were more interested in nutrek spamming etc, so I won't make that mistake again. There's no point anyway. Actually planning to write a sci-fi novel this year, so why waste creative energy on a franchise that'll likely never be prised from the grubby hands of Kurtzman and the like?

    • 3 months ago

      What's your story about?

      • 3 months ago

        Not saying, because I don't want anyone stealing my idea. (Even though the chances of making any money from it as a white nobody are negligible.)

        • 3 months ago

          Your white victim complex will hold you back more than anything

          • 3 months ago

            Sure, mate. Won't stop me from writing what I want to write. I'm just being realistic.

            • 3 months ago

              Go ahead, but blaming all of your short comings on being a persecuted white man will hold you back

              • 3 months ago

                there is a reason all of your woke media has been flop after flop, disaster after disaster, and it has nothing to do with your made up white boogyman.

              • 3 months ago

                There's a reason you haven't been successful in your writing aspirations and it isn't your israeli boogeyman

              • 3 months ago

                i'm not the writer anon, though i wish him the best. you're the first to mention the israelites which shows exactly the mentality you have

              • 3 months ago

                Don't be daft anon

                You know precisely nothing about me (except that I'm white) or my shortcomings. All I did was say that the chances of making money from a book as a white nobody are negligible, and then - when you immediately got up my arsehole - posted a pic which shows exactly why I'm justified in believing that. I'm guessing you're trying to get me angry, but you don't seem to realise that "success" for me in this instance will be completing the book to my satisfaction, and nothing can prevent that, so…?

                The fact that you keep mentioning that you don't think you can be successful because you're a white man means you have a victim complex, which will hold you back

              • 3 months ago

                Cheers. Ironically, since I used to work in magazine publishing, I've made money from my writing before, and (depending on his age/location) there's even a chance the guy sneering at me has read something I wrote or edited before (in print, I mean).

              • 3 months ago

                You know precisely nothing about me (except that I'm white) or my shortcomings. All I did was say that the chances of making money from a book as a white nobody are negligible, and then - when you immediately got up my arsehole - posted a pic which shows exactly why I'm justified in believing that. I'm guessing you're trying to get me angry, but you don't seem to realise that "success" for me in this instance will be completing the book to my satisfaction, and nothing can prevent that, so…?

              • 3 months ago

                (I should say nothing *external* can prevent that - I could still frick things up myself...)

              • 3 months ago

                he doesn't care either way anon. you said the word white which equals attack mode for him. he knows exactly what he's doing, and how the industry is with companies like sbi. i hope when your book is complete you give us the name because anyone who honestly loves scifi and trek can't really go wrong writing something scifi in the current environment.

                Don't be daft anon

                The fact that you keep mentioning that you don't think you can be successful because you're a white man means you have a victim complex, which will hold you back

                trying way to hard

              • 3 months ago

                You're the only one getting defensive. Objectively, saying that you can't succeed because of your identity means you have a victim complex. Most notoriously women and blacks exhibit this, but in this case this anon is claiming from the outset he won't be able to succeed because he's white which also means he has a victim complex. This is just objective reality

              • 3 months ago

                you've outed yourself the moment you went for the israeli victim label without anyone else mentioning it. you're the defensive c**t who burnt themself.

                Cheers. Ironically, since I used to work in magazine publishing, I've made money from my writing before, and (depending on his age/location) there's even a chance the guy sneering at me has read something I wrote or edited before (in print, I mean).

                since you won't mention what it is, can you give us some hints? maybe what its close to, inspired by, or what your own favorite (besides trek) influences are? audiobooks in particular have got me reading (listening) to a lot more stuff than i would have gone for previously because i can be out on my bike with headphones in

              • 3 months ago

                Do you really believe any white man who views himself as oppressed in society and posts on Cinemaphile doesn't blame israelites for it? Be self aware for a second. You cannot be on Cinemaphile and not be aware of this

              • 3 months ago

                no one brought up israelites, you did. you have a victim complex and want to stand atop israelites as your soapbox. i'm not going to listen.

              • 3 months ago

                This will be divisive, but LoGH is one influence. That's all I'll say.

                >this anon is claiming from the outset he won't be able to succeed because he's white
                It's doubtful you care - as another anon pointed out - but I'll give it one more try: I didn't say that. I said...
                >the chances of making any money from it as a white nobody are negligible
                "Succeed" is you putting words in my mouth. I won't be writing it for the money. Even if the playing field were level, I wouldn't be writing it for the money - not primarily, at least. Got that?

                What forces in the world do you think will make it so you can't make money writing as a white man? If you're denying israeli influence

              • 3 months ago

                >still going on about the israelites

                >Hire stage actors
                >Make the on going plot about exploration with each episode unique, as opposed to each episode only continuing the plot
                >Dry wit and humour
                >Targeted at primarily an adult male audience
                >Politically balanced. Any politics is written in away that explores multiple angles and points of view, almost in an academic way.
                >No spoon feeding. Assume the audience is intelligent
                >Explores most up to do date scientific concepts where they hire experts to assist in writing the episodes
                >Humanity positivity. Show examples of people over coming struggle and becoming better people as a result.
                >No us vs them writing
                >Minimal arguing like children between Federation officers. They actually behave like they should. This is part of appealing to a male audience. Female audience likes arguing and conflict in this way, which is why nutrek as some of this shit.

                But honestly, you can't make a good trek in this climate.

                all of that is normal star trek, or used to be anyways. feelsbadman

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not denying israeli influence, and, whatever. I'm tired.

              • 3 months ago

                This will be divisive, but LoGH is one influence. That's all I'll say.

                You're the only one getting defensive. Objectively, saying that you can't succeed because of your identity means you have a victim complex. Most notoriously women and blacks exhibit this, but in this case this anon is claiming from the outset he won't be able to succeed because he's white which also means he has a victim complex. This is just objective reality

                >this anon is claiming from the outset he won't be able to succeed because he's white
                It's doubtful you care - as another anon pointed out - but I'll give it one more try: I didn't say that. I said...
                >the chances of making any money from it as a white nobody are negligible
                "Succeed" is you putting words in my mouth. I won't be writing it for the money. Even if the playing field were level, I wouldn't be writing it for the money - not primarily, at least. Got that?

              • 3 months ago

                shit i love logh too even though i dislike some of the stuff like theres battles where 30,000 people die in a second and they just brush it off kek.
                what sort of time scale are you looking at til completion? seriously anon, my best wishes to you

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks. And hopefully no longer than a year. Longest thing I've written was around 20,000 words, so it'll be uncharted territory for me. Intend to get the plot worked out down to a pretty fine level of detail before I start *writing* writing - that'll likely be the hard part.

              • 3 months ago

                i know its different but as a hobby i do programming and i always do it in a similar way no matter the language. first i make sure everything works, everything i intend to do. so basic testing etc. then i make a first version, it'll look like shit but actually function, you could call that the alpha version. then i'll have 2 projects open, a new blank one and my alpha, and i start copying stuff over piece by piece. and each piece, i refine as best as i can rather than hack it together to see if it works. once i finish that, i already have working code which is good enough to put out, but i'm still usually not happy with the full thing because i found new things i want to refine during the beta version, so i go back and do that. only after all that, can i call it 1.0. i'm not much for writing but i've found that the process i described is similar to a lot of other unrelated things even down to building motors for cars. keep at it anon.
                if you want some examples of what not to do with writing, look at AI/large language models. i never realized how much i hate how certain people write until i started messing with it. its amazing tech, but when you use a model that wants to spend 3 paragraphs describing what a desk looks like, you learn what you hate very fast.

              • 3 months ago

                Well, I rewrite constantly as I go, but the plot framework is what it's all going to hinge on, I think. The 20,000-word thing I wrote (kind of fanfic-y, but better than I remembered when I reread it a while back) had a fairly simple plot, so I got away without much pre-planning. But there are other things I've started and then hit a wall on after 8-10,000 words, because I didn't have a clear idea of how the middle part of the story would progress. So I plan to overcome that by going all out the other way: plotting that mother to an autistic degree. Will take the Matt Stone/Trey Parker approach to plotting too...
                >this happens, *therefore* this happens
                >this happens, *but* this happens
       opposed to the "this happens, then this happens, then this happens" approach of nutrek writers et al.

                And I'm not one for florid descriptions of the scenery, so no worries there 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                why 20k words specifically? is that the number you got from a draft you wrote or some hard number thats common among books? it doesn't sound like a lot but i've never counted words in books before. the old testament with complete books (ethopian version) is probably the longest i've read, and that was pretty frickin long, at least twice the illiad and odyssey combined.
                the rest sounds like how i'd approach a project and continue to change things as i went along. its all about the journey and getting there rather than the destination.
                >And I'm not one for florid descriptions of the scenery
                i aint even mad about some books but i've never seen anything like what ai does to writing. amazing tech but its a great example of what i don't want to see from writers

              • 3 months ago

                >why 20k words
                That's just how long it ended up being (actually, think it was more like 22K). A shortish novella, or a long short story.

              • 3 months ago

                have you writen before? sorry for asking so many questions, i like this sort of stuff. novellas are indeed often shorter than books, but i was just curious about the 20k number specifically and didn't know thats what they often come out as

              • 3 months ago

                I wouldn't read too much into the number. But that's the longest piece of fiction I've completed.

              • 3 months ago

                way beyond me anon. most i can show is i have a few books that have been published which include instructions i've written, and for some reason a few wiki entries that no one has bothered to edit after years. ever read a white paper or handbook for a product? that type of writing. literally step a, b, c. thats me kek
                ever watch the expanse or read those books? as a treekie and fan of logh, i really loved the show for 3 seasons. 4 is when it starts to fall off, 5 i couldn't finish, meanwhile i read the books and those also have their high and low points. its probably my favorite scifi stuff since the bsg remake though

              • 3 months ago

                >the expanse
                Watched and enjoyed it up to season 4, which, yeah, maybe wasn't quite as good as the earlier seasons, though it's been a while, so I'd need to rewatch to articulate why. And I read the first book and (I think) a bit of the second, and found them OK, but I guess not great, or I'd have continued. No great insights for you I'm afraid 😉

              • 3 months ago

                The last two seasons are the best don't let anyone tell you otherwise

              • 3 months ago

                that other moron is baiting you. the show was fantastic for 3 seasons, fell off in s4 and nosedived in 5.

                one of my favs scenes, you'll have to click contiue because the israelites are like that

            • 3 months ago

              Gonna be honest with you: don't bother with agents and editors. Don't bother with traditional publishing, it's an incestuous broken industry and a scam with a false veneer of quality. Work in the self pub communities. They're full of gays but generally supportive.

              t. indie writer

              • 3 months ago

                Exactly what I'm planning to do. And, yeah, though I was in another part of the industry, I'm aware of the absolute state of it all.

            • 3 months ago

              If you're posting a screencap of a Joyce Carol Oates tweet in a /trek/ thread. It should be the one where she's bullying Wil Wheaton.

              • 3 months ago

                Nice. You brought it back around.

    • 3 months ago

      i used to try and participate in the trek threads, even posting the nights schedule from h&i, but once the velmagay shows up it goes to shit so i stopped bothering

      • 3 months ago

        you just need to figure out Velma spammer's posting hours and patterns and avoid her.

        • 3 months ago

          trek starts at 8pm est on h&i and its an ota channel almost anyone can pick up, thats when i'm likely to click on a trek thread. i'd simply not bother before i somehow rearrange my schedule around one homosexual ruining threads

          • 3 months ago

            great ent episode

          • 3 months ago

            things past and lineage were fricked jesus

  36. 3 months ago

    First the captain should be a comically fat Shaniqua that doesn't need no man.

    Then her #1 is a basedcucked redditor zoomer numale who just blindly agrees with her on everything because he's afraid of being seen as racist.

  37. 3 months ago

    I couldn't do it because it would mean catching up on all the garbage of Nu-Trek since I'm sure they wouldn't let me retcon them from existence.

  38. 3 months ago

    Take the premise of Voyager but send a Romulan warbird to the gamma quadrant instead

    • 3 months ago

      it'd be like that equinox ep but they'd be extra advanced and have 8472's weapons and hirogen battle squads ready to board ships

  39. 3 months ago

    Nice Trek thread you got here

    It'd be a shame if two morons started some weird fight about israelites and victim complexes in it

    • 3 months ago

      It always goes back to israelites because israelites are always in charge of these sort of things. Maybe the two things are related? Maybe nepobabby israelites are ruining a massive industry?

      • 3 months ago

        Doesn't mean you have to screech about it in every thread

    • 3 months ago

      I'd think it was me, except Trek threads I haven't posted in tend to devolve into moron fights anyway.

  40. 3 months ago

    compared to basically everything since Voyager the new show needs to be:
    >slower and more deliberate pace
    >dryer, more focus on actual interpersonal communication and not witty banter/hamfisted forced emotionalism
    >characters are professionals, disciplined, educated, diplomatic because they are in fricking Starfleet and its been drilled into them
    >focused on episodic format instead of pursuing a main overarching narrative
    >way more selective with action
    >focused on ethical and moral quandaries and coming to understand the unknown and being introspective about what new discoveries can teach us about ourselves
    I love DS9 but TNG exists as the perfect format to emulate for a new series as long as you skip the first few seasons.

  41. 3 months ago

    No new good media can created until billions die.
    Caspere knew this.

  42. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      going from where to there?

  43. 3 months ago

    >Hire stage actors
    >Make the on going plot about exploration with each episode unique, as opposed to each episode only continuing the plot
    >Dry wit and humour
    >Targeted at primarily an adult male audience
    >Politically balanced. Any politics is written in away that explores multiple angles and points of view, almost in an academic way.
    >No spoon feeding. Assume the audience is intelligent
    >Explores most up to do date scientific concepts where they hire experts to assist in writing the episodes
    >Humanity positivity. Show examples of people over coming struggle and becoming better people as a result.
    >No us vs them writing
    >Minimal arguing like children between Federation officers. They actually behave like they should. This is part of appealing to a male audience. Female audience likes arguing and conflict in this way, which is why nutrek as some of this shit.

    But honestly, you can't make a good trek in this climate.

  44. 3 months ago

    star trek has to be made boring again. no neutv withholding or cliffhanger bullshit. episodic episodes with minimal action and instead a self contained political/philosophical conundrum in which both sides are presented in earnest

  45. 3 months ago

    More fricking action, imagine
    >Captain, science officer, and twenty-six redshirts go down to conduct an actual interplanetary expedition
    >All of a sudden explosions everywhere
    >It's the fricking GOR
    >Gor fighters swoop in
    >five redshirts get lasered down
    >explosions everywhere
    >science officer: I have a reading on that we're being ambushed
    >captain: what they don't know is that I knew we were being ambushed, and have decided to ambush them
    >captain leads a group of 10 redshirts, six of whom die, behind the enemy Gor
    >meanwhile 5 more redshirts die
    >tasers set to max
    >explosions hit the Gor main force
    >tasers set to automatic
    >explosions fill the screen
    >captain: that oughta take care of them
    >science officer: I've calculated that the enemy has been eliminated, captain
    Now that's a fricking episode.

    • 3 months ago

      you basically described the end of strange new worlds season 2 though

  46. 3 months ago

    so how did they explain the shit in std about the klingons looking different and the tech being more advanced. i dropped the show pretty quickly but remember show runners insisting it is in the prime timeline and all would be explained eventually?

    • 3 months ago

      Tech was because the ship was some experimental black ops science ship or some shit

      • 3 months ago

        thats gay. no mention of the klingons?

  47. 3 months ago

    Entertainment now exists solely as an vehicle to push various agendas.

  48. 3 months ago

    Get a bunch of nerds to write and cast it.
    And by nerds i mean intelligent, white, male, experienced writers over the age of 35.

  49. 3 months ago

    open script submissions
    making we hit all of the established trek template plotlines
    comfy sets with emphasis on in-universe livability
    keep the budget as low as possible

    • 3 months ago

      this is often not even mentioned but most of the newer sets looked like shit to me. the cg is great, but the actual sets look bad. even ent made the small quarters and stuff look normal and they didn't even have to do a running gag of archer hitting his head off of the truss even though they often show him purposely ducking under it

  50. 3 months ago

    Complete and total reset. Start over with just the basics of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and the whole "humanity gets better" and get good sci-fi writers and go from there. Get rid of 50 years of baggage and canon debates and alternate timelines.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick that, don't rehash the characters make new ones

  51. 3 months ago

    I'm not sure. The problem is, prequel series are inherently a bit boring because you already know the future of that world. However, by the time of Voyager the writers had sort of written themselves into a corner because they had made the Federation so powerful that even the Borg no longer seemed like a credible threat, like where do you go from there to make an interesting show set in the 25th century? By that point the Federation has defeated the Dominion, defeated the Borg, the Romulans are minor players, and the Klingons have pretty much fallen in love with the Federation and are sucking up to them. To make things dramatic you'd have to create some kind of credible threat. Maybe a bunch of civilizations all gang up on the Federation together.

    • 3 months ago

      Get new troonwarp and go explore the Magellanic Cloud.

  52. 3 months ago

    Follow one ship in a fleet of exploratory vessels.
    There are families on board the ship, including families for multiple main characters.
    The ship is never in danger, and if anything looks sus then other ships rendezvous to back it up.
    Only away teams get into danger.
    The families are safe and the future is bright and wholesome.

  53. 3 months ago

    >ToS: To show we overcame our differences from 20th century war there is a Russian and a Japanese crew member
    >TNG: To show we overcame our differences from TOS there is a Klingon and a machine crew member
    >DS9: To show we overcame our differences from TNG there is a Ferengi and an Irish crew member
    >VOY: To show we overcame our differences from previous Treks there is a Borg and Maquis crew members
    >New New Trek: To show we overcame our differences from the 2020s there is a MAGA and a chud crew member

  54. 3 months ago

    There should be a Klingon/Vulcan love triangle so we can find out what is stronger - Klingon heat or Pon Farr.

    • 3 months ago

      I’ve run this scenario on Second Life.
      Klingon passion burns hotter but Vulcan discipline lasts longer.

    • 3 months ago

      This is going to season 5 of Lower Decks. Ma'ah will be trapped in a malfunctioning turbolift with T'Lyn, who is both 63 and suffering from early Bendii syndrome. So she hits her pon farr then and there and Star Trek history is made.

  55. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't and that's what nobody did.

    • 3 months ago

      Listen here, you little shit.

  56. 3 months ago

    you just dont/cant. the entire premise/lore of the world is garbage and cringe. at best you could do spoofs like orville. its over.

  57. 3 months ago

    i would make jenna the captain...

  58. 3 months ago

    I wouldn’t approach it, I would listen. Which is what nobody did.

  59. 3 months ago

    Get Adults.
    Get seasoned, life experience having adults in the room.
    People that have been outside, worked a job, loved and lost, traveled, done substances.
    Do not hire ass sniffing coffee boys that act and dress like teenagers in their 30's.
    Terry Matalas telling a room full of Paramount Television execs, "... it's the death star run but it's the enterprise d going pew pew pew and the borg are somehow back and make all the young people borgs" is not now and never will be how Star Trek gets good again

  60. 3 months ago

    we've seen a lot of the various spins on the star trek gimmicks, but at the end of the day, what made the series great was it was about a crew exploring.

    We've done the "lost at sea" trope with Voyager, we've done the "frotier trek" with ds9, we've done the "starting by the bootstraps" with enterprise, even a "follow up and maintenance" with Lower Decks

    For this one, I'd opt for a "rescue and recover" angle.

    The ship wouldn't be an enterprise, it would be a large supply ship, with a larger medical staff than we're used to. The ship's task would be to reach out to the delta quadrant (now, in a post-picard world, having made it to the closer end of the quadrant, not the end that Voyager was at) and serving primarily to offer aid to the already advanced societies.

    They'd find remnants of borg influence of course, and let a few things get revisited from Voyager, but since it's the other side of the quadrant, lots of new stuff.

    So the ship's crew would fall much more heavily in the practical, on-hands, science and engineering type.

    Which is why the captain (an alien species for a change, maybe a romulan in the spirit of the post-picard unity, or maybe some alien we don't know much about yet) won't be sciency or engineering at all.
    Kirk was an all arounder, Picard was an archeologist, sisko was an engineer, janeway was a science officer of some sort, archer was a pilot
    This captain would need to come up from communications. It'd make perfect sense to have someone adept at communicating being someone handling rapid responses to alien cultures.

    You'd have the access for them to get back to earth using the transwarp technology, but the ship wouldn't have it, because it'd be prioritizing having medical stuff, and construction stuff, etc, so they'd have to make it back to a base that would then transport them back to earth if need be, creating a different dynamic than voyager or DS9.

    • 3 months ago

      They haven't done "J.A.G" in space yet which would be a pretty neat premise following around some Star Trek space lawyer or maybe on a space station. Measure of a Man is pretty highly regarded that can prove it works, but on the other hand Strange New World's trial episode was pretty terrible.

      • 3 months ago

        I think "law and order in space" would be a better fit, and several eps already feel like that, just extend them to the actual trial.
        So instead of a ship counselor, you'd have a ship counselor lol.

  61. 3 months ago

    theres an alternate universe out there, according to $cience, where it didn't all go wrong

  62. 3 months ago

    The frick is Star Trek even about? What do they do on a typical episode?

    • 3 months ago

      Basic Star Trek is this
      Crew needs to go somewhere for "reasons"
      Find a mystery to be solved, or a people to save, or a fight to stop
      learn about a new culture, a new science, or a new way of thinking
      find a creative/pacifistic way to solve the problem
      leave the place better than when you arrive

      rinse and repeat.

    • 3 months ago

      it's mostly competence porn. the ship's crew encounter a dilemma and the episode revolves around the crew members who have the skillsets to solve the issue
      aliens often fill allegorical roles because humans are supposed to be enlightened, so you'd never see racist humans but racist aliens are ok

      • 3 months ago

        and don't forget about all the contradictions with "we no longer use money in society" mixed with greedy aliens and humans always looking for get-rich-quick schemes.

    • 3 months ago

      not your cup of pods

    • 3 months ago

      Star Trek: TNG is an anthology show that explores a wide range of soft science fiction topics and ideas while reusing the same ensemble cast as a vessel to communicate the story. Some episodes drift more towards character development or recurring dramatic arcs but most of them are like reading through the classic science fiction short story magazines that were popular in earlier generations.

      DS9 narrows down on the interpersonal drama + long-arc space opera, while still having the occasional "weird science fiction thing" episode.

      Then you have Voyager and Enterprise which, while still enjoyable and having their share of fans, display a notable decline, understandable when you take in the context of the changes going on with the TV networks at the time.

      It's not super hard stuff to get into. Trek has long had a reputation for appealing to "nerds" and fanatics but really it's some of the most accessible scifi around.

      • 3 months ago

        Ent > Voy I will probably not die on this hill but maybe catch a cold or a bruise

        • 3 months ago

          i have to agree. VOY has the benefit of capturing the original feel of the TNG era but it doesn't really do much with it

        • 3 months ago

          It's fine. I'd gladly take either one of those over any of the non-trek slop shows that needn't even be named.

        • 3 months ago

          VOY #1 easily. Yes, I am a VOYboy. But I say that without bias. Compare the top 10, 15, 20 VOY 'sodes vs ENT. And it's not even close. VOY has two or three bad characters. ENT only has two or three GOOD ones.

        • 3 months ago

          Voy is only better because it had more seasons to accumulate to it's "good episodes" total. Ent would have been the betters series if it had the same amount of seasons.

          • 3 months ago

            even if you just count the first four seasons. VOY still on top

      • 3 months ago

        >understandable when you take in the context of the changes going on with the TV networks at the time.
        How so? What network changes led to shittier scripts?

        • 3 months ago

          The creation of UPN.

    • 3 months ago

      Well, usually the Enterprise is on patrol and they encounter some odd space bullshit, or perhaps they have to go to a planet to check on something. Then McCoy starts yelling, Spock comes out with some cryptic bullshit, and Kirk saves the situation with decisive action.
      Non-TOS is not Trek.

  63. 3 months ago

    The Ferengi are LITERALLY israeli. Who OKd this???

    • 3 months ago

      ah yes, those notoriously male dominated israeli families who come from a lush wetlands, are hyper capitalistic, and have no religious holidays.

  64. 3 months ago

    whatever happened to Tarrantino directing a new Star Trek movie?

    • 3 months ago

      Not happening anymore because Tarantino is too autistic about ending on his tenth movie and he didn't want Trek to be his last one.

  65. 3 months ago

    I remember reading a lot about Merlin Tuttle the bat conservatist, and his adventures in various counties trying to stop the hunting of flying foxes, and his message was make friends not enemies, about approaching poachers and hunters and instead of judging them coming into their world and learning why they do what they do and trying to change it from the inside with a sense of understanding. This came with severe dangers, being chased by militant groups and having to negotiate your way out of hostage situations, but it ultimately worked.

    That's what I would try to base a Star Trek series on, bringing enlightment philosophy to a group of people in a non judgemental way, and have the action being based on high suspense situations instead of gun fights or fist fights

  66. 3 months ago

    Give the redlettermedia guys full creative control and a comparable first-season budget, see what they manage to come up with. Nobody in the broader entertainment business loves the franchise and "gets it" as much as they do.
    Would it suck? Most likely, but worth a shot.

  67. 3 months ago

    Paramount has Tarantino's Trek script locked away in their vault. Just film that.

  68. 3 months ago

    There are enough good star trek episodes in existence and there dont need to be any more. Simply, i wouldnt, because you can't. Some things have run their course, do something new.

  69. 3 months ago

    because every new track has to subvert the theme a little: a smaller, scrappier crew that still holds the virtues of starfleet close to heart but skirts regulation on occasion to finish their mission
    maybe with a little space western feel, maybe on the frontier of a big colonisation effort or something

    but as other anons have said itt it just needs good writers

  70. 3 months ago

    I would get a fricking time machine and not make it with FRICKING DIVERSITY ZOOMERS HIRED IN THE 2020S

    you can't fix trek dumbass, you can't fix ANY of these murdered remake/reboot/softsequel series, we don't live on that planet anymore.

  71. 3 months ago

    As long as there's a soulful, soft-spoken PoC bartender to help me make sense of the universe, I'm in.

  72. 3 months ago

    Hire that orville guy. Bu tell him no troony kids. Space adventure good. troony kids bad.

  73. 3 months ago

    very carefully

  74. 3 months ago

    You don't have great actors like Shatner or Stewart anymore. Can you name any zoomer/millenial actor of their calibre?

    • 3 months ago

      Shatner is actually a better actor than Stewart.
      Shatner actually put some thought into Kirk, whereas Picard is just a generic Patrick Stewart authority figure special.
      >muh shakespeare
      Every actor in England does some Shakespeare, it's not a big deal. Shatner also did Shakespeare.

  75. 3 months ago

    Frick Star Trek lol. Always been corny shit for theatre kid homosexuals. Watch Babylon 5 instead

  76. 3 months ago

    >Be serious, how would you approach making a new actually good Star Trek series?
    removing all geezer expectations

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