"Being brave means being honest about who you are..."

>...And honest, about who you love!

Am I the only one that's sick of this? There is nothing "brave" about being openly gay in 2022's America.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's braver to be a pedophile. Are you brave?

    • 2 years ago


      are you gay?


      Are you?

      • 2 years ago

        you don't know what it's like then so shut it

        • 2 years ago

          Uh huh... So what 'bravery' is required to be openly gay in modern day America, especially the upper "middle" class west coast suburbs this show takes place in?

          • 2 years ago

            Well let's see, with people like OP (you) in the world it could take some bravery to be who you are

            • 2 years ago

              How dare I be unimpressed!

              Or are you one of those fricking idiots that thinks anything short of celebration means I'm a neo-nazi skinhead and I beat them to death as a hobby?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah you're just proving my point bud

              • 2 years ago

                You have yet to point out a single hardship being gay gets you in modern America.

                >There is nothing "brave" about being openly gay in 2022's America.
                You're a moron that's confusing how brave it is to be gay in Hollywood and mainstream media, and how brave it is to be gay as an actual person that has to deal with the typical situations of daily life on top of being gay.

                Poor fricking them. We all got problems. What are their unique problems that take extreme bravery to face?

                Americans think their dumbass troops are BRAVE. Same for homosexuals. Funny how often those two groups overlap....


              • 2 years ago

                No I did, dealing with people like you.

              • 2 years ago

                Very good bait

              • 2 years ago

                That doesn't even make any sense. You're antagonistic towards gays and dismiss their hardships, so yes, dealing with people like you (like I'm currently doing) is a pain

              • 2 years ago

                >being gay is hard!
                >why is it hard?
                >because people question whether it’s actually hard

              • 2 years ago

                You're not questioning, you're seething. Get some self awareness

              • 2 years ago

                1. Not me
                2. "NO U!"

              • 2 years ago

                And I have to deal with drama queens like you, should we make a disney+ critically acclaimed sitcom about the hardships of being an ambiguously brown straight cisgender man?

                See these homosexuals: [...] [...]
                Not everyone is like them and will only say things like this online, people irl with actively attempt to deride, embarrass, and question everything a gay person does, because they want to. They've developed some form of neurosis that tells them being gay is some kind of get, or something it's their job to call out/deal with, even if it doesn't affect them at all.

                I have never once in my life seen anyone do this. Are you sure someone wasn't just deriding you because you're a self centered jackass who thinks you're always right?

              • 2 years ago

                >I have never once in my life seen anyone do this
                Touch grass?
                >Are you sure someone wasn't just deriding you
                I've seen it happen to other people around me, I'm not outwardly gay so it's never happened to me. I'm sure your armchair expertise on being a small minority that's actively antagonized by WASPs is totally making it all up.

                >And I have to deal with drama queens like you
                I doubt you interact with enough human beings that it would be an actual problem.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes, now I must be a shut-in incel because I've never seen how openly "homophobic" people just fill corporate America to bursting. HR has never actually been a thing, no one has ever been fired on the spot for being a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe we should have a documentary on being a short male in America. Or anywhere for that matter. You think someone calling you a homosexual is a huge deal. Well, try being overlooked and under appreciated for every single thing you do ever. Try being ridiculed en masse by literally everyone who's standards you don't and can't ever meet. Frick you and your God damn pride parades of extreme swxual publicity. Let me know when bank of America and chase back a short people parade. Let me know when Wallstreet and coke shame people for not accepting a man under 6 feet tall.

                You homosexuals are everywhere. Crying about how this or that person didn't give you exactly the recognition that you wanted at that point. Yes. I do hate you all. Mostly because of your rampant hypocrisy. You care about any issue insofar as it gets you and your ilk (but mostly you) what you want at the moment.

  2. 2 years ago

    are you gay?

  3. 2 years ago

    >There is nothing "brave" about being openly gay in 2022's America.
    You're a moron that's confusing how brave it is to be gay in Hollywood and mainstream media, and how brave it is to be gay as an actual person that has to deal with the typical situations of daily life on top of being gay.

    • 2 years ago

      How does being gay make someone’s life harder in 2022?

      • 2 years ago

        See these homosexuals:

        In 2022 america its brave to be an aids ridden degenerate

        You have yet to point out a single hardship being gay gets you in modern America.

        Poor fricking them. We all got problems. What are their unique problems that take extreme bravery to face?


        Not everyone is like them and will only say things like this online, people irl with actively attempt to deride, embarrass, and question everything a gay person does, because they want to. They've developed some form of neurosis that tells them being gay is some kind of get, or something it's their job to call out/deal with, even if it doesn't affect them at all.

        • 2 years ago

          You have very low self awareness

          • 2 years ago

            I'm aware enough that I realize this thread makes my case for me and don't need to respond any further. Have a blessed day.

        • 2 years ago

          Black person it seems like you spend to much time making shit up in your mind and vomiting it online. I suggest you to quit dickriding gays and get a life.

          • 2 years ago

            >Give examples
            >No you're making it up
            Irony being that you're an additional example.

            Ah yes, now I must be a shut-in incel because I've never seen how openly "homophobic" people just fill corporate America to bursting. HR has never actually been a thing, no one has ever been fired on the spot for being a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.

            >HR has never actually been a thing, no one has ever been fired on the spot for being a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.
            The frick does this have to do with anything?

            Honestly you just sound like someone with a personality disorder which statistically is very likely.

            How does one even reach this assumption in 2 posts on an image board?

            Holy shit you guys are legitimately mad and actually moronic.

            • 2 years ago

              people saying rude shit on Cinemaphile is hardly an example

              • 2 years ago

                >Give examples
                >No you're making it up
                >Well those don't count

                >How does one even reach this assumption in 2 posts on an image board?
                This sounds very woe is me.

                >This sounds very woe is me.
                >You must have a personality disorder.
                Actually laughed at your post, ty anon.

              • 2 years ago

                everyone who uses this site gets mercilessly insulted. anon was looking for examples that are specific to homosexuals

              • 2 years ago

                >Give examples
                >No you're making it up
                >Well those don't count
                >Those insults towards being gay need to be more specifically gay-insults.
                All I did was use those two posts as examples of how I've seen people act in-person.

                Jesus fricking Christ you are stupid.

                >ur dumb

                If this was set in not modern times especially when it's the west coast it's not really brave to be gay.
                Now if this was when gay was illegal or punishable by death then hey that's something.

                Are you gay? Do you live on the west coast? Are you really implying that you can only be harassed and stressed under the threat of death?

              • 2 years ago

                insults towards being gay need to be more specifically gay-insults.
                no you were asked for examples of needing to use bravery to overcome genuine hardship you experience for being gay. being insulted by anons on Cinemaphile clearly doesn't meet that threshold unless you're incredibly an soft drama-queen with a victimhood fetish. All of us get nasty things said about us here. it doesn't require bravery to use this board, just a procrastination habit and too much time on your hands.

                "spare a thought for the brave incells who use Cinemaphile despite all the chudjack memes" said no one ever, because it would be ridiculous

              • 2 years ago

                >Are you gay?
                >Do you live on the west coast?
                No but I have lived there and visit there quite often.
                >Are you really implying that you can only be harassed and stressed under the threat of death?
                Death or violence would probably be what I would find stressful 9r harassed in a serious manner. Honestly if someone was just calling me homosexual or something I wouldn't care or was just being rude it wouldn't bother me that much.

              • 2 years ago

                America lets people stand on a box in busy tourist spots and yell out stuff similar to what anons post here.
                Meanwhile in civilised countries police are allowed to tell them to frick off because they are annoying literally everyone in the vicinity and need to get a life.

              • 2 years ago

                You're not going to get a lot of support for repealing freedom of speech on the message board famous for calling each other Black person homosexuals and posting CP as a gag.

              • 2 years ago

                American can keep it, it's a good example of straying too far in one direction.

              • 2 years ago

                >America lets people stand on a box in busy tourist spots and yell out stuff similar to what anons post here
                so brave of you to deal with that. it must take a herculean effort to ignore random nobodies screaming gibberish on street corners

            • 2 years ago

              >How does one even reach this assumption in 2 posts on an image board?

              See these homosexuals: [...] [...]
              Not everyone is like them and will only say things like this online, people irl with actively attempt to deride, embarrass, and question everything a gay person does, because they want to. They've developed some form of neurosis that tells them being gay is some kind of get, or something it's their job to call out/deal with, even if it doesn't affect them at all.

              This sounds very woe is me.

            • 2 years ago

              >The frick does this have to do with anything?

              You act like it's constant, omnipresent thing that gay people are constantly derided and questioned because they are gay. You even say it happens at work. If you did that to a gay (or black or muslim or any other minority) person at any business your ass would be gone THAT DAY the second HR finds out about your pattern of behavior.

              • 2 years ago

                >You act like
                Nope. Didn't act like anything, stop projecting.
                >it's constant, omnipresent thing that gay people are constantly derided and questioned because they are gay.
                Didn't say that. Just said that it happens because I've seen it happen and questioned if you ever actually leave the house.
                >You even say it happens at work.
                Nope. Said that no where. Rest of your post is just rambling nonsense.

              • 2 years ago

                Jesus fricking Christ you are stupid.

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly you just sound like someone with a personality disorder which statistically is very likely.

      • 2 years ago

        You have yet to point out a single hardship being gay gets you in modern America.

        Poor fricking them. We all got problems. What are their unique problems that take extreme bravery to face?


        the supreme court is taking away my rights as we speak.

        • 2 years ago

          Egregious that I, a trans woman can no longer even get an abortion! It's like are these old white men just sociopathic? Why dont they care about me or my plight

          • 2 years ago

            If you have figured out how to get a uterus as an assigned male at birth person, please tell, I know many people who would love that operation.

        • 2 years ago

          Sure as?

          • 2 years ago

            >Justice Clarence Thomas, in his opinion, wrote: "In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell" - referencing three landmark decisions of the past on the right to contraception, the repeal of anti-sodomy laws, and the legalisation of same-sex marriage respectively.

            - BBC, Jun 24 2022

            I.e. they came for the women, and are now coming for anyone who isn't a straight white male.

            Oh and by the way, the case originally rested on the idea of the right to privacy. The right to abortion, sex, contraceptives, all rest on this ideal. Meaning the supreme court just said that there is no right to privacy. You have to be an idiot to not see the terrifying implications of that.

            >inb4 you're only saying this because you're a queer weirdo on the internet

            First they came for the socialists, etc, etc, you get my point. If you're not a White Christian Male they're coming for you. If you're an atheist, they're coming for you. If you're a woman, they already got to you. The government is being taken over by a small group of religious fundamentalists, who probably share *none* of your views.

            And you people who think you're so *based* for *owning the left* are letting them. You're playing right into their hands. They want you to be angry at the gays, the blacks, et cetera. It's just fascism, plain and simple. It needs an enemy to hate.

            I don't blame you, fascism has worked many times over. It eats into your skull and wears down your brain. Hate makes you supple and easy to control.

            And yes, I know you're just going to call me a troony homosexual. I'm thinking of getting that on a t-shirt actually.

            • 2 years ago

              Those cases are more about the federal government overstepping it's bounds and taking powers away from the states. It's not saying Abortion, Plan B, Blowjobs, and Gay Marriage should be outlawed. It's saying congress never had any authority to tell the individual states that they must be legal. That's never been in their wheel house, but for a few generations now they've just ignored that little check on their power.

            • 2 years ago

              >I am a white straight male

              Cool , do I get an obedient domestic slave wife as part of this whole thing? Or is that only for the elites ?

            • 2 years ago

              >I have to get my tinder hookup to wear a condom
              >This is fascism

            • 2 years ago

              This homie don’t understand state vs federal government

            • 2 years ago

              Sounds fantastic.

            • 2 years ago


              Have you ever heard of the 5-4 podcast? They talk about all these points.

              State's don't have the right to prohibit some things (abortion, sodomy, contraception) because it infringes on 14th and 9th amendment rights of individuals. And they don't have the right to permit some things either, namely, slavery, because of the 13th amendment. It's not a controversial idea that states themselves are limited, as is the federal government, from infringing on individuals' rights, but the states' rights arguments have been deployed, effectively, to get a lot of folks to frame it that way and miss the individual rights argument that was made in Roe v. Wade and subsequent decisions.

              Besides, it's clearly not about states rights, the federal legislature could prohibit abortion too, and pro-life groups could do that.

              You could say the court overstepped and should have let the legislatures handle the issue, but an individual right was being infringed, then the court ought to correct it, not wait for the a legislative confirmation of an extant right.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                stfu you hook ass bastard

              • 2 years ago

                >State's don't have the right to prohibit some things (abortion, sodomy, contraception) because it infringes on 14th and 9th amendment rights of individuals.

                What about the 9th or 14th amendment has to do with abortion, sodomy, or contraception? Where does it say anywhere that states have no power to set what laws they will on these or almost any other matter?

        • 2 years ago

          good, the WHO needs to reclassify the lgbt as mental illness

        • 2 years ago

          We have the same rights dumbass.

      • 2 years ago

        Meanies on Cinemaphile call us the homosexual word! This is oppression

    • 2 years ago

      In 2022 america its brave to be an aids ridden degenerate

    • 2 years ago

      If this was set in not modern times especially when it's the west coast it's not really brave to be gay.
      Now if this was when gay was illegal or punishable by death then hey that's something.

      • 2 years ago

        >modern times

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody gives a frick about being gay anymore outside of fringe cases like actual literal neo-Nazis or /misc/schizos that got out of their containment pod

      The new hot new trend is troons, and I run in to more gays that hate trannies than ones ready to suck their dick(female)

      • 2 years ago

        I'm just going to re-state what I said previously:
        >You're a moron that's confusing how brave it is to be gay in Hollywood and mainstream media, and how brave it is to be gay as an actual person that has to deal with the typical situations of daily life on top of being gay.

        That said I also hate the "T" in LGB"T" and all the other stupid fricking letters that have co-opted their genuine mental illness with being LGB.

        • 2 years ago

          Do you really think gay people get the same kind of shit they did 40 years ago? lmao

      • 2 years ago

        >mutts are more concerned with a few mentally ill schizos cutting their penis off than with their infants getting mutilated en masse
        Absolutely dystopian.

  4. 2 years ago

    Americans think their dumbass troops are BRAVE. Same for homosexuals. Funny how often those two groups overlap....

  5. 2 years ago

    enjoy your monkeypox

  6. 2 years ago

    The liberals who make shows live in LA and israelite York and think that if you go 5 miles inland it’s all KKK members and Trump flags until you hit the other coast.
    I know white women who think lynchings are still a regular occurrence.

  7. 2 years ago

    >silly muttcucks still squabbling over trivial gay shit like muh gay rights and abortion while nigs and israelites are burning their nation down around them
    You tards are living 50 years in the past.

  8. 2 years ago

    it takes a certain amount of bravery to show up to work with shit smeared all over your face too.

  9. 2 years ago

    >The biggest enemy was themselves.

  10. 2 years ago

    >implying it was ever brave
    Even in societies where it's forbidden, all you have to do to get along with everyone is to not act like a homosexual.

  11. 2 years ago

    How does sucking wiener make you brave?

  12. 2 years ago

    Cool, what are some kinos about coming out as an ugly neet incel?

  13. 2 years ago

    Depends on where in America you live. Also OP hasn't probably even seen the movie and so has nobody posting in this thread.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not a movie so obviously neither have you

  14. 2 years ago

    considering how many death threats I get a day on any one of these boards, I disagree.
    Anyone that comes out as gay or trans risks losing their job, housing, family, friends, and possibly life. And there's a ton of people that think that's a good thing.
    Imagine if we actually treated christians the way they treat us. You people would shit your pants and roll around in it in your hysteria.

    • 2 years ago

      >considering how many death threats I get a day on any one of these boards, I disagree.

      You aren't special.

      >Anyone that comes out as gay or trans risks losing their job

      Highly illegal. If anything you are less likely to be fired to avoid being sued.



      You can also lose your family over being a weeb. Do we need 8,000+ movies and TV shows celebrating incels watching animated kiddie porn too?

      1. You don't have any friends
      2. Anyone who drops you like that isn't your friend.

      >and possibly life
      Yeah, I forget it's only 1965 and lynchings are still a thing.

      >Imagine if we actually treated christians the way they treat us.

      Oh Jesus H. Christ you are so oppressed. So uh, yeah.. maybe... Don't look up how gays get treated in Muslim or Hindu countries eh?

      • 2 years ago

        Never said I was special. You're the ones that think god chose you to tell gay people they're evil.
        And you must be very young or sheltered if you really think because X thing is illegal it doesn't happen. It happens all the time, and because the way things are set up in this c**try, the person firing or denying housing can just claim any inane bullshit reason to get around the discrimination laws.
        Go look up murder and assault rates for LGBT people.

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