blade runner

no two people seem to agree on what the final meant. what's Cinemaphile's take?
no spoilers to Blade Runner 2049 please, idk if it's related to this one but i haven't seen it yet

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  1. 5 months ago

    >what the final meant

    • 5 months ago

      Harrison Ford sucked he was even worse than Leto

      my take is that BR2049, the original book and the 1997 point and click video game are all better than the movie

      The game is the best

      first blade runner is a masterpiece. BR 2049 is absolute dosghit that completely misses the point of the first one. zoomers act like its a powerful and deep film but its really very boring with nothing to it at all. extremely overrated. the whole time I was watching 2049 I just kept saying out loud "what were they thinking???"

      none of you has answered the question

      • 5 months ago

        final what?

        • 5 months ago

          deckard finding the origami thingie on the ground.

          • 5 months ago

            >Deckard dreams about a unicorn
            >he finds an origami unicorn at the end (his friend made it, because nobody else is shown making them)
            There's no way his friend could have known about the dream, so it just means Deckard was a replicant, and the dream is an implanted memory.

            • 5 months ago

              yeah, and everyone in the film is a replicant and it's all just in VR in the matrix
              wow that is so ironic, bcoz you are thinking that they are being real people, but they are all really replicants and nothing matters at all lol
              the derectar actually confrimed it bcoz he saed everyone is a robot and the police are all robats and they shoot lasers on mars

          • 5 months ago

            when he find orgami on ground he mean magic he brade ranna witch mean he DREAMING he dreaming he brade ranna

      • 5 months ago

        you talk like an esl homosexual none of us know what you mean by the final are you referring to the final cut???
        yeah blade runner final cut is a masterpiece its the definitive version of blade runner other than that i have no fricking clue what youre talking about you fricking pajeet

  2. 5 months ago

    Harrison Ford sucked he was even worse than Leto

  3. 5 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    my take is that BR2049, the original book and the 1997 point and click video game are all better than the movie

    • 5 months ago

      The game is the best

  5. 5 months ago

    first blade runner is a masterpiece. BR 2049 is absolute dosghit that completely misses the point of the first one. zoomers act like its a powerful and deep film but its really very boring with nothing to it at all. extremely overrated. the whole time I was watching 2049 I just kept saying out loud "what were they thinking???"

    • 5 months ago

      wdym? K discovers he's not really special because he's not "the chosen one" but thats ok because its our choices that matter not who we are, regardless of being man, machine, the chosen one, whatever. whole point of the original is discovering replicants arent so different from humans, 2049 kind of cements that or at least makes that case that even if we are, replicants can still make a huge difference in the grand scale of things.

      • 5 months ago

        you missed the point lol and 2049 is a desecration of the original source material

  6. 5 months ago

    it was all a dream, it's evident because he falls asleep earlier in the film and after that he's some kind of secret agent that can't be killed.
    it's clear he just has a dream and the rest isn't real.
    pretty similar to american psycho and rambo - beyond the beginning it is all a dream.

    • 5 months ago

      wait, what?

      you talk like an esl homosexual none of us know what you mean by the final are you referring to the final cut???
      yeah blade runner final cut is a masterpiece its the definitive version of blade runner other than that i have no fricking clue what youre talking about you fricking pajeet

      the final scene you fricking Black person

      • 5 months ago

        yeah watch 4 the clues bcoz rambo starts when he asleep and he has flashback 2 the war bcoz he is dreaming so when he is thinking he shooted all the police then he is just dreaming becauz it is all dream.
        just like spiderman.
        he is bitted by the spider but it poysen him and he go to hospatel and then he dream he has magic powerz like he can fly n stfuf but reely it is dream

      • 5 months ago

        I'll explain because zoomers do not have the comprehension skills to understand and most posters on Cinemaphile are zoomers these days.

        Roy Batty was explaining hoe precious life is and in the end life is just dust in the wind (or tears in the rain) that humanity had forgotten its purpose and that machines had a better understanding than people did .

  7. 5 months ago

    It implies 2019 and the future are all dreams by Han Solo while he was in cabron freeze.

  8. 5 months ago

    it means the script needed more work before filming began and Ridley Scott is a 2deep4u midwit who should not be allowed near the script

  9. 5 months ago

    rick deckard was a very successful android hunter

    so the androids very cleverly send one of their own
    James Olmos

    to help him settle with a replicant girl

    that's why Gaff let him go
    that's why Gaff was doing origami unicorns
    thats why Gaff told him It's too bad she won't live! But then again, who does?
    replicants are very clever in the novel too they even have a fake police station

    • 5 months ago

      It doesn't really matter if you're a replicant or not. The book emphasizes that a fake sheep is just as much a pain in the ass as owning a real one.
      Either way you are subject to manmade horrors beyond your comprehension and you just gotta deal with it. Thats life whether you're human or not

    • 5 months ago

      the unicorn was him telling deckard he knew what he was up to the whole time

    • 5 months ago

      But the unicorn dreams? Just a complete nothingburger?

  10. 5 months ago

    Blade Runner 2 sucked. It was extremely boring compared to the 1st movie.

  11. 5 months ago

    Deckard was a replicant and Roy and Gaff knew. The point of Deckard not knowing being that if even he, who was designed to identify replicants, enforce their segregation and thus justify their inhumane treatment could not tell what set human and replicant apart, then perhaps there was nothing that significantly or meaningfully did. This parity basically would imply that the essence of the human condition is spiritual.

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