BLUE BEETLE Movie Details

>While BLUE BEETLE is hardly short on action, it’s grounded in everyday issues like paying the bills and the roles people play within their families. The movie opens with Jamie Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) fresh out of Gotham Law with a pre-law degree. He can’t find a good job, and moves home to his family’s house in fictional Palmera City, which is inspired in part by El Paso, Texas, Jaime’s hometown in the comics.

>Jaime soon comes into conflict with the duplicitous Victoria Kord (Susan Sarandon), head of Kord Industries. She tries to harness a piece of alien technology called a scarab, but it escapes from her clutches and turns Jamie into the Blue Beetle. Strikingly — in a genre dominated by endless, hyperbolic raising of the stakes — Blue Beetle doesn’t save the planet. The movie is more concerned with the ways our families save us when we’re in need.

>Jaime is optimistic and a hard worker. He’s dotted every i and crossed every t, but somehow, he’s drawn the short end of the stick since leaving Gotham. The entire Reyes family is really an archetype of the American Dream gone awry. The film’s themes aren’t heavy-handed or politically coded. But at its most human level, the family’s story is about something that’s on almost everyone’s minds these days: economic insecurity. Maridueña thinks one of the most important and exciting things about Blue Beetle is that "we aren’t dealing with an alien invasion that’s going to take over the whole world, or a monster that’s going to destroy the city. This is a movie about issues that not only Jaime faces, but the whole Reyes family, and greater Palmera City. All of us can relate to their struggle."

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  1. 12 months ago

    >In addition to Belissa Escobedo as Jaime's sister Milagro Reyes, Jaime’s family includes Elpidia Carrillo as their mother Rocio, Damián Alcázar as their father Alberto, Adriana Barraza as Nana and George Lopez as Uncle Rudy. Before the movie begins, the family has immigrated to America from Mexico, but Alberto doesn’t have documentation, so he’s under the constant threat of deportation.

    >Though the film doesn’t depict an ICE raid, it does include a scene that echoes one. Kord Industries invades the family’s home in a scene that can play as just another dramatic moment in a superhero movie – or be taken as symbolic of events that tear apart real families. Director Angel Manuel Soto embraced the parallels.

    >"There is a history that exists before an ICE raid. A history that includes traveling miles, danger, working hard, becoming a family, creating memories, and thinking that everything is going to be okay," says Soto. "But all of a sudden, everything that you have fought for, everything that you have worked for, everything that you have built, is now burning. I needed the depiction to be triggering, because it’s the experience of many." The experience with Kord Industries also marks a turning point for Jaime, who vows to protect his family.

    • 12 months ago

      Access to white people is not a human right.

      • 12 months ago

        detras de ti imbecil

        • 12 months ago

          why do chairs have a gender?

    • 12 months ago

      >feel bad for illegal immigrants, goy

      No, frick off. I’m not gonna watch this shit based on this alone.

    • 12 months ago

      aaaaaaaaaaaand I am officially never watching this shit not even pirating it.

      They can't do it. They just can't. They can't make a movie that just stars Black folk it needs to have Black person pride and Black person "issues" and now the same with spics.

    • 12 months ago

      >and thinking that everything is going to be okay
      >breaking into a country and try to hide out for the rest of your lives with your family that you've brought along
      >thinking things will be okay
      I get it, some get away and never get caught. But come on, hoping maybe. Not thinking, if someone is thinking "Once I've made myself, my wife, and my young children effective fugitives, everything will be A-OK" then they are delusional.

    • 12 months ago

      Cringe. As a Latino, i'd prefer it if he just saved the world instead of trying to be another liberal pet.

  2. 12 months ago

    not gonna see this blucaracha and that's that

  3. 12 months ago

    >In April, BLUE BEETLE's first trailer drew online debate because of a moment in which Lopez, as Uncle Rudy, declares that beloved DC icon Batman is a fascist. Some literalists believed that because Rudy holds that view of Batman, it must mean the Blue Beetle filmmakers do, too. But it’s helpful to bear in mind that Uncle Rudy is cut from the same erratic cloth as Doc Brown in BACK TO THE FUTURE, and he’s a conspiracy theorist to boot.

    >"We always wanted to have fun with the way Rudy talks about other superheroes," says Soto. "So to the people who got mad at it, give us a chance. We’re just trying to have fun with the characters that we love. And everybody in our movie loves Batman and Superman and Flash. And of course, we have criticisms about all of them, as we all should. But that doesn’t mean that we hate Batman. We love Batman."

    >Maridueña’s joking response to the backlash: "Frick that! Maybe Jaime and the audience don’t agree with Rudy, but you’re allowed to have your opinion. That’s okay. If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point. So I think if you agree with it, if you don’t agree with it, it was placed there for a reason. And you know, all of the people who have their little Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry."

    • 12 months ago

      >"So to the people who got mad at it, give us a chance. We’re just trying to have fun with the characters that we love. And everybody in our movie loves Batman and Superman and Flash. And of course, we have criticisms about all of them, as we all should. But that doesn’t mean that we hate Batman. We love Batman."
      ña’s joking response to the backlash: "Frick that! Maybe Jaime and the audience don’t agree with Rudy, but you’re allowed to have your opinion. That’s okay. If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point. So I think if you agree with it, if you don’t agree with it, it was placed there for a reason. And you know, all of the people who have their little Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry."
      They had a character in their movie say batman is a fascist, so I will not see the movie. It's that simple.

      • 12 months ago

        i'm not really sure why the batman is a fascist line pisses people off that much. it's clearly being said by a comic relief schizo character and is at worst just as an unfunny joke.

        movie looks shit regardless

        • 12 months ago

          fascist has been thrown around a lot the last few years for even pettier reasons than in the trailer.

        • 12 months ago

          Because in the whole context of the movie it just means its woke shit.

          Sarandon said her villain character was about white evilness. The director said there is an scene resembling ICE. The character calls batman a facist. When you add all of these you know the movie is woke shit aimed at the idea that latinos are woke shit.
          Which is completely untrue. Not only they are very conservative, they would also love the Punisher or Batman in real life. President Bukele is literally loved by 99% of central and south america.
          At the end of the day this is just another movie aimed to 40yo white people who spend too much time in twitter talking about colonialism. Will they go in droves to buy the toys? Not sure.

          • 12 months ago

            I love Punisher, he just kills those drug dealers and rapist like they deserve.

    • 12 months ago

      Jesus fricking christ. I hate zoomspeak.

    • 12 months ago

      Translation: The line caused an uproar on social media and the studio is doing damage control to try and not make the movie bomb like the Flash.

      • 12 months ago

        Sad thing is, for semi-bluepilled """liberal""" Boomers, attempts to make people forgive the left at the slightest hint of a non-apology or the downplaying of woke messaging as "just one part of the show" while being blindly zealoted against the right to the point of gobbling down strawmen and flimsy accusations works way too often.

        With the Boomers as the most grounded and rational generation alive today, it's a surprise that things aren't falling apart faster.

    • 12 months ago

      >first trailer drew online debate because of a moment in which Lopez, as Uncle Rudy, declares that beloved DC icon Batman is a fascist.
      There is NO explaining this away. You have almost two hours of film to pull a minute from for a trailer, you CHOSE that exact part to speak for your movie. Frick you, there's no walking it back.

    • 12 months ago

      Okay your one character is a jackass, sure. But why put that in your trailer, which should be showing off what your film is?

      And Batman shrines? Not a good first step, mocking fans of the kind of material YOU MADE A MOVIE OUT OF.

      • 12 months ago

        No, how did the Cobra Kai kid turn out to be a dickhole. He seems cool in the show.

        These people really cannot hide their absolute hatred of fans. Its really something to see.

    • 12 months ago

      >But that doesn’t mean that we hate Batman. We love Batman."

    • 12 months ago

      Average leftoids confirmed to be cut from the same cloth as dr. Brown from BTF.

    • 12 months ago

      >people who have their little Batman shrines

      They just cannot fricking help themselves mocking their supposed customer base, it's hillarious.
      But it is okay, after this bombs, they can all go to their little Karl Marx shrines to cope.

    • 12 months ago

      > it was placed there for a reason
      Yeah it was and the reason is to push the woke agenda. I swear I hate these disingenuous fricks.

    • 12 months ago

      >Batman shrine at home
      Yeah you don't get fans to the theatre by insulting them.

    • 12 months ago

      >And you know, all of the people who have their little Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry."
      Welp I will now skip your movie. Isn't that funny how that works?

      • 12 months ago

        These people really need to shut the frick up

  4. 12 months ago

    >Every religion offers respite, or a solution, to the reality of death, and BLUE BEETLE explores an afterlife that’s astounding and moving. It is inspired in part by one of cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa’s shots in the 1960 film MACARIO.

    >To the uninitiated, MACARIO is considered one of the best Mexican films ever made. The story follows Macario, an angry woodcutter, who’s embittered by his lot in life. One night, he is visited by the Devil, God, and Death — who takes him on a journey to the afterlife. There, Macario encounters Death’s cavern, filled with thousands of candles. The sight is breathtakingly designed, and Soto references it when Jaime visits his father Alberto in the afterlife.

    >Soto worked with the VFX department and production designer to create an homage to Macario’s cascading candles, built from things in the Reyes home. Maridueña calls the scene his favorite part of the movie. "Damián Alcázar, the actor who plays my father, was so generous and wise and calm," he says. "I remember thinking it felt ethereal for Jaime to see his father, but it was just his soul. It wasn’t his body." In that moment, Jaime makes a leap of faith. "Jaime didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to his father," he says. "I want people to understand that if you have your parents, just hug them, because you never know when it’s the last time."

    • 12 months ago

      >In April, BLUE BEETLE's first trailer drew online debate because of a moment in which Lopez, as Uncle Rudy, declares that beloved DC icon Batman is a fascist. Some literalists believed that because Rudy holds that view of Batman, it must mean the Blue Beetle filmmakers do, too. But it’s helpful to bear in mind that Uncle Rudy is cut from the same erratic cloth as Doc Brown in BACK TO THE FUTURE, and he’s a conspiracy theorist to boot.

      >"We always wanted to have fun with the way Rudy talks about other superheroes," says Soto. "So to the people who got mad at it, give us a chance. We’re just trying to have fun with the characters that we love. And everybody in our movie loves Batman and Superman and Flash. And of course, we have criticisms about all of them, as we all should. But that doesn’t mean that we hate Batman. We love Batman."

      >Maridueña’s joking response to the backlash: "Frick that! Maybe Jaime and the audience don’t agree with Rudy, but you’re allowed to have your opinion. That’s okay. If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point. So I think if you agree with it, if you don’t agree with it, it was placed there for a reason. And you know, all of the people who have their little Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry."

      >In addition to Belissa Escobedo as Jaime's sister Milagro Reyes, Jaime’s family includes Elpidia Carrillo as their mother Rocio, Damián Alcázar as their father Alberto, Adriana Barraza as Nana and George Lopez as Uncle Rudy. Before the movie begins, the family has immigrated to America from Mexico, but Alberto doesn’t have documentation, so he’s under the constant threat of deportation.

      >Though the film doesn’t depict an ICE raid, it does include a scene that echoes one. Kord Industries invades the family’s home in a scene that can play as just another dramatic moment in a superhero movie – or be taken as symbolic of events that tear apart real families. Director Angel Manuel Soto embraced the parallels.

      >"There is a history that exists before an ICE raid. A history that includes traveling miles, danger, working hard, becoming a family, creating memories, and thinking that everything is going to be okay," says Soto. "But all of a sudden, everything that you have fought for, everything that you have worked for, everything that you have built, is now burning. I needed the depiction to be triggering, because it’s the experience of many." The experience with Kord Industries also marks a turning point for Jaime, who vows to protect his family.

      >While BLUE BEETLE is hardly short on action, it’s grounded in everyday issues like paying the bills and the roles people play within their families. The movie opens with Jamie Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) fresh out of Gotham Law with a pre-law degree. He can’t find a good job, and moves home to his family’s house in fictional Palmera City, which is inspired in part by El Paso, Texas, Jaime’s hometown in the comics.

      >Jaime soon comes into conflict with the duplicitous Victoria Kord (Susan Sarandon), head of Kord Industries. She tries to harness a piece of alien technology called a scarab, but it escapes from her clutches and turns Jamie into the Blue Beetle. Strikingly — in a genre dominated by endless, hyperbolic raising of the stakes — Blue Beetle doesn’t save the planet. The movie is more concerned with the ways our families save us when we’re in need.

      >Jaime is optimistic and a hard worker. He’s dotted every i and crossed every t, but somehow, he’s drawn the short end of the stick since leaving Gotham. The entire Reyes family is really an archetype of the American Dream gone awry. The film’s themes aren’t heavy-handed or politically coded. But at its most human level, the family’s story is about something that’s on almost everyone’s minds these days: economic insecurity. Maridueña thinks one of the most important and exciting things about Blue Beetle is that "we aren’t dealing with an alien invasion that’s going to take over the whole world, or a monster that’s going to destroy the city. This is a movie about issues that not only Jaime faces, but the whole Reyes family, and greater Palmera City. All of us can relate to their struggle."

      so they're changing pretty much everything about the original Jamie introduction for the worse then.
      >Victoria Kord was not a super villain
      >The Beetle was in fact an alien super weapon to prepare the Earth for invasion
      >Jamie's father is still alive
      delightful how they are intent on fricking things up

      • 12 months ago

        >Victoria Kord was not a super villain
        Victoria Kord doesn't even exist in comics, as she's a genderswapped version of Jarvis Kord.

        >The Beetle was in fact an alien super weapon to prepare the Earth for invasion
        It still is, but the invasion won't happen in this movie.

    • 12 months ago

      referencing macario, thats a bold move, it might just be kino

  5. 12 months ago


  6. 12 months ago

    they call Batman a fascist so no watch. woke shit out the door

    • 12 months ago

      I like how they saved that line for the end of the trailer like you were supposed to laugh but no one in the theater even chuckled or anything. Dead fricking silence.

    • 12 months ago

      The idea of Batman being a fascist isn't some new "woke" idea. That theme has been around at least from the 70s.

    • 12 months ago

      It must be hard to have such a small dick that you can't register a joke when you hear one

    • 12 months ago

      I know you have your little Batman shrine at home, you can keep it there and you don’t have to worry.

  7. 12 months ago

    Why did they make the suit look like the Injustice 2 suit

  8. 12 months ago

    Garbage. Absolute garbage.

  9. 12 months ago

    • 12 months ago

      holy shit

    • 12 months ago

      got me

  10. 12 months ago

    I read a few DC Comics as a kid and I remember an intriguing character named Blue Beetle. However I seem to remember him being blonde. I'm not watching this shit

    • 12 months ago

      He’s been Mexican for a while now

    • 12 months ago


      Nah, that's his boi booster gold. Blue Beetle will always be Ted Kord to me (even though he's version 2)

  11. 12 months ago

    I always held the view that Batman represent the ultimate statist/bootlicker.

    He wants everyone to behave like upstanding citizens, is entirely humorless, hassles petty criminals in a violent way as if that does shit and is all about fear and control.
    Not to mention that he's in bed with the cops and is essentially their enforcer when their hands are tied.

    And it's totally a realistic take that more of his presence simply creates more insane criminals to counter his oppressive ways. The more extreme he gets in "policing" Gotham, the more extreme the supervillains get.

    Not to mention that he's a bored billionaire who can't even comprehend the lives of regular citizens at all. He's not one of them, he doesn't live with them, he's not a product of their environment. He's rich guy with means that wants to get it on and all he actually does is create an uptick in crime if not a full blown crime wave.

    • 12 months ago

      Sure, but that's actually based. Frick criminals. He doesn't go far enough though, Punisher is better. All criminals should be brutally beaten, imprisoned and maybe killed if they're useless for labor or if they committed a serious crime like being a groomer.

      The only problem with being a statist is when the state doesn't do the right thing. It is possible to have righteous authority and just laws. If your government does not, you are obliged to kill criminals and degenerates yourself. They must die.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean, no one should read Batman comics, but if you dont read them dont talk about them.
      First, Batman doesnt hassle petty criminals. Thats what the police for. He hassles super billionaire criminals and metahumans. Literally not a single one of his enemies is poor.

      They are all mostly over achieving scientists, bussiness men and billionaires. And the ones who arent billionaires could easily become rich just patenting their tech (Freeze, Mad Hatter, Ivy).

      Second batman often forgives, rehabilitates and helps the henchmen as long as they didnt cross a severe line. You can always see Alfred getting them jobs.
      On top of having a lot of educational institutions and welfare.

      If anything the only problem with batman is that he doesnt kill his enemies, because everything else the average tweetertard asks from batman, he already does. But they wont know since they dont read comics.

      • 12 months ago

        Not a savant or anything
        >Literally not a single one of his enemies is poor.
        Red hood in the killing joke

        • 12 months ago

          The Joker is a millionaire and top of the world scientist, chemist and surgeon. Now I dont know if he got all of those skills before or after the fact, but the truth is that the Joker is all of that and more.

          (also had superpowers like regeneration and eternal life according to the new shitty2, and a mystical chaos god blessing in Morrison run)

        • 12 months ago

          >Red Hood
          It was just Robin having a temper tantrum

      • 12 months ago

        >if you dont read them dont talk about them.
        >First, Batman doesnt hassle petty criminals.

        Almost every other story starts off with Batman hassling some petty criminals to establish he's out there on the prowl and is watching even random thugs and nobodies.

    • 12 months ago

      >He wants everyone to behave like upstanding citizens

    • 12 months ago

      > a privately funded vigilante is statist
      Lmao. At least take the analysis further and argue his use of corporate tech makes him quasi-statist.

    • 12 months ago

      >he's not a product of their environment. He's rich guy with means that wants to get it on
      Wasn't he a direct effect of Gotham being rife with crime?

    • 12 months ago

      >hassles petty criminals in a violent way
      He literally matches the "level" of his opponent. Petty criminals don't need to be beat up. His suddenly appearing behind them is usually enough to scare a shoplifter straight. If Batman would even bother with a shoplifter. He might squeeze a pickpocket's hand a wittle too tightwee and hurt his wittle fingies. But frick you, petty crimes are literally the community's responsibility. Batman, let alone cops, would be wasted going after jaywalkers or the town drunk.

    • 12 months ago

      All violent criminals should be killed.

    • 12 months ago

      >as if that does shit
      How do you know, commie? Muh le system handles you in kiddie gloves with preferential treatment.
      A kid wasted three of you in self-defense and your kind shrieked in outrage for entire year, crying about state lines to your corporate handlers.

    • 12 months ago

      Why do leftards like sucking criminal's wieners?

    • 12 months ago

      >always held the view that Batman represent the ultimate statist/bootlicker
      Correct because he always defends the status quo. He's the Federal Reserve personified. Quasi Government back door.
      I always hated Batman's neurotic anti gun stance as if it has some narrative gravitas. Batman, what do you expect the POLICE and Commisioner Gordon to do without billion dollar kung fu plot armor? No kill rule?
      Ah yes Batman punched that guy so hard and sent him to the hospital but we are sure all those broken men made a full recovery. I'm sorry the 1960s 1980s Hays Code FCC censorship asspulls does not make Mask of the Phantasm a good movie with a compelling story or fascinating visuals or any themes that spoke to me as a child or as an adult. Batman makes for fun video game mechanics and toy sales but not much more than that and some pop culture show casing.

      • 12 months ago

        I preffered Judge Dredd and Captain America because they do portray mortal stakes that do not allow for endless recycled tape characters and revivals. Captain Weimerica kills people. Nazis even. Bad dude. Still goes to show you can be a moral dipshit and still ostensibly serve as a good guy 99.99%

        • 12 months ago

          Same with Goku. Learning. Not perfect. Good.

    • 12 months ago

      What makes you think you can comprehend the life of a bored billionaire who had a traumatic childhood?

  12. 12 months ago

    >The movie opens with Jamie Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) fresh out of Gotham Law with a pre-law degree. He can’t find a good job
    Like the other anon in the other thread said, there is no way this Mexican wouldn’t be hired by some ESG diversity hiring firm.

  13. 12 months ago

    I've seen most capeshit, but this one... I can't even be othered to read all that green text

  14. 12 months ago


  15. 12 months ago

    as a Mexican American (beaner) I do not care for this

  16. 12 months ago

    so batman is a fascist now uh

  17. 12 months ago

    >We'll do a fictional city
    >But only partially inspired by the fictional city from the source instead of just the source city

  18. 12 months ago

    So does Ted Kord even get mentioned in the movie? Or is Victoria supposed to be a genderbent evil version of him?

    • 12 months ago

      Ted Kord had mysteriously disappeared and will come back in the sequel that won’t happen.

      • 12 months ago

        So does Ted Kord even get mentioned in the movie? Or is Victoria supposed to be a genderbent evil version of him?

  19. 12 months ago

    No Ted = no watch

  20. 12 months ago

    Who the hell is this beaner and where the frick is Ted?

    • 12 months ago

      Ted is technically the second blue beetle, and he dies off screen in this

      • 12 months ago

        I read a leak that’s he’s presumed dead and there are implications he’s alive. Here’s hoping. If he’s confirmed dead I will not be watching

        • 12 months ago

          I’d hope they’d have the forethought to keep him alive for a booster gold movie but I think Gunn already said this movie isn’t a part of his universe so it’s dead on arrival I think

          • 12 months ago

            >but I think Gunn already said this movie isn’t a part of his universe
            No the Booster movie is in his universe

  21. 12 months ago

    How many times will the word "Abuela" be said in this movie you think? At least 20.

  22. 12 months ago

    I find it a bit weird they're damage controlling on that batman line when they themselves perceive it as no big deal. Felt like the backlash wasn't even that bad for them to input a response lol. Also does anyone find it weird they're doing a deportation kinda plot line with a Mexican family for this film. Was it like this for his origin comics. Kinda reminds me of Coco.

  23. 12 months ago

    Xolo Maridueña was the boy in the 1956 sequence in Twin Peaks: The Return who walked the girl back home where she fell asleep and had a black beetle slip down her throat.

  24. 12 months ago

    who is this movie for
    capeshit was on the downfall by the time this movie was greenlit, no one knows who the frick blue beetle is, if Flash can bomb this one is doomed

  25. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      "Pobrecito Mexico
      Tan cercas a Estados Unidos
      Y tan lejos de Dios"
      Porfirio Diaz who enacted....
      Fascist martial law
      [Fades to black]

  26. 12 months ago

    >it’s grounded in everyday issues like paying the bills and the roles people play within their families. The movie opens with Jamie Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) fresh out of Gotham Law with a pre-law degree. He can’t find a good job, and moves home to his family’s house in fictional Palmera City, which is inspired in part by El Paso, Texas, Jaime’s hometown in the comics.
    I'm sure viewers will the thrilled to be thrown condescendingly back into the mundane reality they tried to escape for a while by going to the movies.
    Yet another flop incoming

  27. 12 months ago

    >“We always wanted to have fun with the way Rudy talks about other superheroes […] So to the people who got mad at it, give us a chance. We’re just trying to have fun with the characters that we love. And everybody in our movie loves Batman and Superman and Flash […] And of course, we have criticisms about all of them, as we all should. But that doesn’t mean that we hate Batman. We love Batman.”
    fricking liar
    >Maridueña, who plays the titular Blue Beetle, AKA Jaime Reyes, sarcastically quipped back in the interview, “F that!” But in all seriousness, Maridueña noted that audiences should be free to interpret the line how they wish:
    >“Maybe Jaime and the audience don’t agree with Rudy, but you’re allowed to have your opinion. That’s okay […] If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point. So I think if you agree with it, if you don’t agree with it, it was placed there for a reason. And you know, all of the people who have their Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry.”
    frick that illiterate kid. probably never read a comic

  28. 12 months ago

    yellow filter incoming. also is this apart of the dead universe that gunn & co are cutting off? if so this has bomb written all over it.

    • 12 months ago

      It's the first film of Gunn's universe

  29. 12 months ago

    The saddest aspect about this film is it could be as good as Guardians of the Galaxy and will still flop because not only is DC literal brand poison but since it hints a multiverse/universe shit despite being an origin story people aren't gonna budge for it. Gone are the days you can push some B-C lister ass character to the big screen and earn big bucks for it. Now your film has to star A-list material, independent from multiverse crap, or be very good overall to see any profit back. It's a shame cuz these studios could really push unknown heros to be their own thing without drip feeding the audience for what comes next in the pig trough slop that is these cinematic universes.

  30. 12 months ago

    >no Ted Kord
    >Jaime's father is still alive
    >movie is centered around his family instead of around him
    >badly made superpowers, nothing like the comics and cartoon
    >ignores completely Jaime's origin story in the comics

    this thing is trash, learn something from Spiderverse, it is pozzed trash but the origin story of the first movie stayed the same, they didn't change anything

  31. 12 months ago

    G...guys haha I was kidding. I love Batman. Honest. Cmon..haha. No seriously come back... Wait, where are you going, nooooo. Please dont flop my movie.

    • 12 months ago

      Well well well..... Guess the woke train derailed and these homosexuals finally felt the impact.

    • 12 months ago

      fricking pathetic

    • 12 months ago

      hombre pls i love batman

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Maridueña then insinuated the line was included to rile up viewers, “If you felt some type of way about it, that was the point. So I think if you agree with it, if you don’t agree with it, it was placed there for a reason. And you know, all of the people who have their Batman shrines at home can keep them there and they don’t have to worry.”

      I feel like not watching the movie

  32. 12 months ago

    Jason Sudeikis will cameo as Ted Kord, probably in a flashback scenes.

  33. 12 months ago

    >Two writers are responsible for saving DC in the 80's.
    >They also created Jamie and gave him a respectful story after Millar shot Ted in the face.
    >They're alive, and two of the only non-hated writers in DC today.
    >DC could have handed this to literal experts with a history of saving the company.
    What the hell is going on in production?

  34. 12 months ago

    Just watched the Blue Beetle trailer for the first time because of this thread and can say that I will never watch this movie. It looks like an Univision remake of The Guyver.

  35. 12 months ago

    >we want the beaner audience
    Hope the pesos are worth it.

  36. 12 months ago

    >All that text
    so once you had read all that what would be the point of seeing the movie? you're all caught up

  37. 12 months ago

    finally a latinx superhero for america. DC keeps making banger after banger. I also really appreciated the talented urban music in the trailer. Why are they all speaking english though?

    • 12 months ago

      honestly, this is an oversight. there's marginal benefit in having English audio at this point. Canada and UK aren't first-class demographics compared to the stinkback xiotilocan whatevers future of america 90% population

  38. 12 months ago

    If the left had any creativity remaining, they could create a cool Batman type hero who is a techbro billionaire in San Fransisco who starts out using his tech to put a stop to criminals that the city won't prosecute, while working with the police commisioner both as "Batman" behind the scenes and as his real life persona in the public to try and change things for the better. He could even be gay.

    • 12 months ago

      The left hates techbros
      They don't like billionaires unless they're female and colored
      They don't believe criminals are bad, just victims of white oppression

      • 12 months ago

        Then why do they worship Tony Stark and Batman?

        • 12 months ago
          Blue Beaner

          vegana senses are tingling
          Most dumb THOTs I know only started liking Marvel at stage 4 when it became the M She U

      • 12 months ago

        The left hates literally everybody. When they talk about "the people", they're referring to a fictional group in their heads that's happy to exist to validate and provide for them. They despise people who don't want to literally slave away on a farm providing for some narcissistic leech who's writing shitty poetry that nobody wants to read.
        >Derpa durr! That's what happens under capitalism!
        The difference there is that somebody found the poet's work valuable and VOLUNTARILY paid him out of HIS OWN pocket. There was no king, council, or mob (just another form of tyranny) who decided what his labor would be used for.

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like Cinemaphile

  39. 12 months ago

    why don’t they just cancel every DC movie? there’s no way this is going to make any profit

  40. 12 months ago

    The guy they got for Jaime looks too old.

  41. 12 months ago

    I didn't care one way or the other about this movie, but now I relaly hope it flops

  42. 12 months ago

    at this point DC is like Great Value Marvel, and marvel isn't even that good, can't wait for the end of capeshit in my lifetime

  43. 12 months ago

    uh oh

  44. 12 months ago

    >non white
    >non watch
    When is Hollywood gonna figure it out?

    • 12 months ago

      Latinos are White

  45. 12 months ago

    another movie where the non-white immigrant self inserts his shitty boring immigrant family life story

  46. 12 months ago

    Yo odio esta pelicula ya
    Pinches jotos judios

  47. 12 months ago


    Not watching it

  48. 12 months ago

    Stfu benchod shillgay

  49. 12 months ago

    You know there's almost a tragic comedy going on behind the scenes of Hollywood, if you look at it the right way.
    Surely you've also seen some rendition of this scenario before: Dumb character does something and will get hurt or disadvantaged in some way, and then a moment later, being so dumb, they do it again. Rinse and repeat. Not the height of comedy, sure.
    >make silly woke decision
    >decision backfires
    >oops, better do something to take care of this
    >now that that is handled, what was I doing before?
    >ah yes, make silly woke decision
    >decision backfires
    And so on, and so on. Slightly humorous to imagine these powerful, highly paid executives all across the industry constantly making the most idiotic decision.
    >should I let put the fascist batman line in the trailer? Yeah why not!
    >oops, they didn't like that
    >quick! Director go talk to the press
    >Phew! What's that? you want to tell the fans to go frick themselves if they're mad? Sure, go for it
    >oops, the fans didn't like that, director, go talk again but this time, say this

  50. 12 months ago


  51. 12 months ago

    WB not just insulting their own characters, they had to go after their most popular one

    Yeah I'm done, this company is pure moronation beyond belief

    • 12 months ago

      Elvis has left the building. No one in command gives a shit anymore.

  52. 12 months ago

    >batman is fascist
    ngmi WB

  53. 12 months ago

    Backtracking on that batman line got them like gif related

    • 12 months ago

      I honestly think they were kidding though they shouldn't have put it in

      • 12 months ago

        >they were kidding

        I didn't care one way or the other about this movie, but now I relaly hope it flops

    • 12 months ago

      They were kidding, it was just a dumb joke.

  54. 12 months ago

    >Blue Beetle doesn’t save the planet.
    Oh wow that doesn't sound like shit

    >The movie is more concerned with the ways our families save us when we’re in need.
    God fricking dammit.

  55. 12 months ago

    Can blue beetle be the one to pull it off?

  56. 12 months ago

    It was inevitable that people who hate comics and hate super heroes would someday be the ones in control of the properties when they made it to hollywood.

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