Blue Eye Samurai

>best Netflix show since Arcane, it's even on the same quality level at times
>no one talks about it

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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  1. 7 months ago

    Sorry anon I was watching Pluto, but this one is next

  2. 7 months ago

    Let me guess she's le heckin edgy ugly dyke badass asian?

    • 7 months ago

      She looks like the cover art, that is to say, she looks indistinguishable from a guy and she kicks everyones ass yes.
      As for dyke, dunno and don't care, I only watched the first episode and small snippets of the other's on kimcartoon and decided to not waste more of my time with it.

      • 7 months ago

        >and decided to not waste more of my time with it.
        But you have to watch the whole thing so you can complain about it. You can't just walk away from things you don't like until you hate them

      • 7 months ago

        thanks anon.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks for saving me time anon

      • 7 months ago

        I'm oy about halfway through the season.
        She was in an arranged marriage with a disgraced samurai and she ends up falling in love with him. She also has romantic feelings for the younger guy in the green kimono that she gave the haircut to.

    • 7 months ago

      Everything is true except for the dyke part, she's surprisingly straight. Which sucks because the only thing that could have redeemed this absolute slog of a show was hot lesbian sex.

      • 7 months ago

        Kys yurigay

        • 7 months ago

          No can do. I'm here to replace you

          • 7 months ago

            Replacing anything is an anthithesis of yuri, the whole idea is being a dead end.

        • 7 months ago

          >"Ugghh can't we get some PENIS in here?"

      • 7 months ago

        Die yuri troon

      • 7 months ago

        Why does she have a sword to his neck

        • 7 months ago

          >girl's house gets burned down
          >thinks her mom is dead
          >spends time homeless, then at a smith's forge
          >learns how to make a sword from the smith
          >how use it watching samurai go through their forms when they come to have the smith make them a bespoke sword
          >goes on a vengeance quest to kill everyone in japan who might be her dad (there are 4 white dudes)
          >finds her mom instead
          >her mom makes her quit all this foolishness and get married
          >instead of the "NO I WILL MAKE MY OWN PATH" girl power cliche, MC gets married
          >husband is an old dishonored samurai, raises horses in the country
          >marriage starts off cold, heats up over time
          >eventually they bang
          >she tells him her story, how she's half-white on her dad's side and has to kill all the white guys who could possibly be her dad
          >meanwhile they make her mom quit opium
          >one day husbando asks her to show him her fighting
          >she kicks his ass beautifully, mounts him with a sword to his neck, then kisses him
          >he goes "EW GAY" and pushes her off, then runs away after calling her a monster
          >MC tries to play demure wife to appease her husband
          >samurai show up instead
          >either husbando or mom sold her out as a halfu to the local lord
          >huge bounty for mom's opium and/or husband getting back into his lord's good graces
          >MC kills all the samurai
          >both Mom and Husbando start blaming the other
          >Husbando stabs Mom
          >MC throws a knife through Husbando's eye
          >continues her vengeance quest

          And that's like a third of the shit happening in that episode.

          • 7 months ago

            That's straight up terrible, I don't even have words for such a disgrace. Also nice numbers man.

      • 7 months ago

        They could have gone either way but this path made sense with her constant repression due to the culture where she lived.

      • 7 months ago

        >They didn't make the strong woman a lesbian

        Show is instantly good

      • 7 months ago

        >hot lesbian sex
        It's only hot when the girls doing it are hot. I live in New York, if I wanna see two butches go at it I can look out the window.

      • 7 months ago

        Yuritroon's deserve the rope

    • 7 months ago


      If you see a serious woman an automatically think she's a lesbian you may need psychiatric treatment

  3. 7 months ago

    I saw the Unsounded creator mention it on her twitter the other day as being some of the best animation she's ever seen so I'm definitely gonna check it out at some point.

    • 7 months ago

      she must not watch much animation then

    • 7 months ago

      It would look better as traditional 2D animation instead of whatever weird CG hybrid this is. It's going to look really dated in a few years.

  4. 7 months ago

    Watching the other Samurai show, Onimushi. Might give this show a watch afterwords.

    • 7 months ago

      oh shit I forgot about Onimushi, how its?

  5. 7 months ago

    Is the action good at least

    • 7 months ago

      When it wants to be. There's about 3 memorable fights. The rest are sorta hack n slash. Boss fight was not memorable

  6. 7 months ago

    What is this even about?
    I did a quick Google search and almost everything just says a happa wants revenge without going any further.
    I love Samurai stuff (Even weird exploitation samurai stuff like Afro Samurai) but a Canadian animated Netflix show about samurai throws up a lot of red flags.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm assuming since she's blue eyed, she's the bastard child of some white man and wants revenge because she's ashamed of being half white.

      • 7 months ago

        It's this. Like most white men he banged her mum and then abandoned his responsibilities. This lead her to a life of suck. Hard suck.

        • 7 months ago

          Except most men that do that aren't white tho

          • 7 months ago

            statistically speaking, they are unless you start pulling shit with proportion

            • 7 months ago

              I mean, the correct way to see things in this case is per capita. Otherwise you are not judging actual behavior.

    • 7 months ago

      A happa and her gay companions track down and murder all the white men in Japan because one of them might be the dad who abandoned her
      I’m not kidding

      • 7 months ago

        >gay companions
        And she doesn't even kill one single white man.

      • 7 months ago

        You are kidding, because nothing you just said was right

      • 7 months ago

        >/misc/ synopsis
        her "Gay" companion spends 3 days fricking prostitutes in the first episode.

  7. 7 months ago

    You aren’t allowed to talk positively about anything here

  8. 7 months ago

    Just finished watching it. I liked it, the story is good. Fight scenes are great. Kind of reminded me of Lone Wolf and Cub. I hope they do a second season.

  9. 7 months ago

    Finished it. It's stellar. It's like feature length quality animation throughout with an actual coherent story and fantastic characters. Lots of nudity too, which, whatever, but their floppy dick physics are on point.

    • 7 months ago

      do we see the leads ass at any point?

      • 7 months ago

        You see everything in her, this show loves nudity

        • 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Moral of the story was that you should close the borders and resist foreign influence, neat!

  11. 7 months ago

  12. 7 months ago

    It's a show on netflix. All anyone here is going to do is start complaining about the gays.

  13. 7 months ago

    Episode 5 was the best in my opinion out of the batch. Overall it's OK

  14. 7 months ago

    >best Netflix show since Arcane, it's even on the same quality level at times
    Animation wise? maybe, i was pleasatly surpised about how good ti looks.
    Wrting wise?, no way, i'm just two episodes in but the wrting just feels like a bunch of samurai movies and anime troops mashed together in a rather amateurish way,

  15. 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    looks mediocre

  17. 7 months ago

    The best part is despite all the bloodshed, the show also knows to have fun. There's lots of humorous dialogue and campy moments, it stops itself before being too pretentious. I really like that, even if I question their choice of music at times.

    • 7 months ago

      >despite all the bloodshed, the show also knows to have fun. There's lots of humorous dialogue and campy moments
      That's almost every western show now.
      >it stops itself before being too pretentious.
      kys, I hate you gays that need to throw in some funny quip into nearly every serious moment. You are the problem.

      • 7 months ago

        >almost every western show now.
        Definitely not
        > I hate you gays that need to throw in some funny quip into nearly every serious moment
        This show doesn't have that nor am I asking for it you schizo.

      • 7 months ago

        >wants pretentious shows

        • 7 months ago

          Do we even get a lot of pretentious shows outside of the occasional 'Rick from Rick and Morty is depressed for half an episode' kind of shit?
          I feel like cartoons being proudly devoid of meaning is one of the reasons they suck so much these days.

          • 7 months ago

            not really cause they dont appeal to the masses

          • 7 months ago

            >Do we even get a lot of pretentious shows
            Not as much in animation, but all the time in live action TV.
            I'd say the netflix castlevania series are pretty pretentious.

            • 7 months ago

              Castlevania is just edgy and gay with a really thin story thrown in to get to the violence and gay sex.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm still pissed that bisexual threesome went to hell. Let him have some FUN for once! Tap the twin butts and go your separate ways.

            • 7 months ago

              I think it's laughable to call Castlevania pretentious, it was merely a drama.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't think there's been any contender for pretentiousness since Midnight Gospel, and that was 3 years ago

        • 7 months ago

          That's any other Netflix show.

    • 7 months ago

      >show about waycism demands to be taken seriously
      >lololololol listen to da funneh music!!! XD

      • 7 months ago

        That episode had a funny monkey, it was definitely not meant to be 100% serious. Even the villains tell a bunch of jokes and quips.

        • 7 months ago

          I did enjoy the silent punchline of mizu hopping across the beams from the low angle after blowing the whole floor up

    • 7 months ago

      This episode felt a little too Kill Bill for me, otherwise I liked the whole season.

  18. 7 months ago

    I can't take Cinemaphile seriously whenever they jerk off [new cartoon] because this board is too technologically illiterate to ever make any webms, so I just end up ignoring them since they're probably just being pushed by shills.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't watch shows because nobody shows me webms
      There's a thing called trailers that you can easily find on youtube by searching for it. Or what, too lazy for that?

      • 7 months ago

        If you're going to shill a show but are too lazy to make a webm then either you're an actual paid shill doing the bare minimum or the show is shit and you know a webm would reveal that.

    • 7 months ago

      Why would I make webms for gaygets like you?

  19. 7 months ago

    I've only watched the first episode, and I'm kind of intrigued.
    >I must kill my white father.
    >He made me a half-breed freak with blue eyes
    >Well that's stupid
    >Also he's Irish
    Also I know it's too much to ask, but they could have her realise her innate fear and loathing against white people is just as bad as everyone's hatred towards her, but this is Netflix and I would be about as likely as this turning out good when I've finished it

    • 7 months ago

      her dad being a white piece of shit is just a part of it. people have come for the life of her mother and her because hes so much a piece of shit

      • 7 months ago

        that wasnt her mom...

        • 7 months ago

          exactly because people came for her life

        • 7 months ago

          she didnt know that but thanks for the update

    • 7 months ago

      Finish the season, it's not about white hate.

      • 7 months ago

        I was personally hoping it was, honestly, and the big character moment being that she's not bad for being a hafu, but everyone else is for hating her for that (even if her dad is still a deadbeat and she still kills).

    • 7 months ago

      its more of the idea of revenge consumes you and hurts those around you
      like every kung fu/samurai revenge quest

      • 7 months ago

        No, no he has a point, I'd want to kill my father if I was born Irish too

        • 7 months ago

          >sets things on fire
          >talks endless shit
          >really fricking pissed
          It'll be pretty funny if Fowler ends up being her father after all this rigmarole, but he seems too beefy. Mizu's dad is going to be skinnier, I think.

    • 7 months ago

      its more of the idea of revenge consumes you and hurts those around you
      like every kung fu/samurai revenge quest

      As someone who enjoyed the first episode enough to keep watching, I had to stop at about episode 4-5. The show can't go even 10 minutes without beating you (and all the characters) over the head with "EDO JAPAN WAS RACIST AND SEXIST" with the occasional "WHITE MAN BAD" thrown in for good measure. It just got exhausting, they wrote strawmen instead of characters.

      • 7 months ago

        The racism is simply historically accurate

        Don't worry, Perry comes and threatens them all with death if they don't open up trade with England and Japan now celebrates the man that threatened to kill them all because they recognize he was right

        • 7 months ago

          >the racism is simply historically accurate
          Show me evidence of everyone being taught from childhood to look out for blue eyes and everyone immediately thinking it means demon/monster and being instantly hostile. I'll wait.

          As someone who thinks it was a 6/10 I think you're being a whiny moron.

          The MC herself is a complete butthole as well and Akemi ultimately decides to seek power over living with the love of her life basically wasting her caretaker's sacrifice. The only good/virtuous character was the handless motherfricker.

          Complaining that the men were buttholes when everyone was an butthole is just you looking for a reason to call this "woke".

          Looks like you see strawmen almost as much as this show, I actually hate when people accuse things of being woke so you're already barking up the wrong tree. In this case though, even my wife who considers herself a feminist just thought it was over-the-top and cringe. And your argument about everyone being buttholes works against your case, not for it. This show was extremely racist towards Japanese, basically painting them all as racist, sexist buttholes (by your own admission), with only a few exceptions.

          inb4 you accuse me of woke for pointing out how offensive this show is towards Asians

          • 7 months ago

            Look, I agree with your point about the outrageous racism in the show but you're wrong about the men thing, literally everyone was a callous butthole except three characters which happen to be men.

            It's extremely historically inaccurate because they allowed the dutch to trade with them in the Edo period and they had fricking guns back in the sengoku era. Part of why Oda Nobunaga was so dominate was because of his riflemen squads and embracing western technology.

            • 7 months ago

              I just don't buy that everyone was buttholes because of the period. If this show was about any other part of the world during this time, I bet most people would've been depicted as people trying to live their lives. Here it was almost comical how children would go out of their way to attack a girl for having blue eyes, or how townsfolk would stab her for having blue eyes, how men would lecture women about their place as if this wasn't something all of them would've known from an early age, how Akemi would rebel against something she would've been taught about all her life and so on and so forth. It's like they can't imagine anyone wanting or even just being fine with living in a society that isn't 21st century America.

              It's just sad, these showrunners are more narrow-minded that the cultures and societies they try to assassinate.

            • 7 months ago

              No, Japan hadn't closed its borders yet when Nobunaga did that.

              • 7 months ago

                They still had gunsmiths and made guns along with swords. They literally had stock piles of guns in case of a larger scale war happening.

                I enjoyed it. I feel like the shamed Samurai Guy and Noodle boy could have been blended into the same character to some degree, they both sort of fulfill the same side kick niche. The antagonists were all pretty great and the main character was okay. I feel like they probably could have just had him be a man, being both a half breed AND a woman and being an amazing self trained Samurai is kind of pushing it, but since the show is kind of silly here and there I'm willing to forgive it.

                It strikes a very odd balance between fantastical possibility of Samurai fantasy and being more grounded, which I think is fine. Blue Eyes gets the absolute shit kicked out of her all the time but she's also able to fight off fairly large groups of enemies on her own even when badly injured, but it does manage to make those victories look hard won so that her injuries don't feel meaningless. My only real gripe for the fighting is a small handful of times in looks like she stabbed someone straight through a solid breastplate or it kind of just felt like a solider was pretty much letting her kill them.

                Guns are a little overhyped. I don't think they're even proper rifles, they're just matchlocks. If they had been rolling up with some actual cannons then I would understand how fricked the Shogunate would be.

                I think the most moronic part was the Shogunate fearing guns when they absolutely had guns for a fricking long time there it forms a weird infantilizing narrative that the Japanese didn't know how cool guns were until some white guy came and started arms deals with the Shogunate which is completely inaccurate as they had gunsmiths along with swordsmiths. It's just that after the Sengoku era they didn't have conflicts that warranted wide spread use amongst the military.

                The strange part as well is that it's being framed as post American civil war in the late 1860s where by that time Commodore Perry had already arrived and opened the country to trade. So the show should actually be taking place around the beginning of the Boshin War which would be after the isolationist policy in place.

                I know this is absolutely autistic but the poor world building made this more of a 6/10 than a 8/10

              • 7 months ago

                >The strange part as well is that it's being framed as post American civil war
                Why on earth would you assume that?

              • 7 months ago

                Fowler makes an offhand comment about the guns being used in the Civil war which should place the show taking place around 1866-1867

              • 7 months ago

                Bro, he's explicitly identifies O'neil, as in Felim O'neil. He's very obviously talking about the the Irish Rebellion of 1641. Famines occurred both before and after that event. If you're going to be autistic get your shit together first.

              • 7 months ago

                It's actually Hugh O'neil since he also specifies the Tutor, so it would be the Nine Years War, which was also directly prefaced by a severe famine unlike the 1941 rebellion.

                They still had gunsmiths and made guns along with swords. They literally had stock piles of guns in case of a larger scale war happening.

                I think the most moronic part was the Shogunate fearing guns when they absolutely had guns for a fricking long time there it forms a weird infantilizing narrative that the Japanese didn't know how cool guns were until some white guy came and started arms deals with the Shogunate which is completely inaccurate as they had gunsmiths along with swordsmiths. It's just that after the Sengoku era they didn't have conflicts that warranted wide spread use amongst the military.

                The strange part as well is that it's being framed as post American civil war in the late 1860s where by that time Commodore Perry had already arrived and opened the country to trade. So the show should actually be taking place around the beginning of the Boshin War which would be after the isolationist policy in place.

                I know this is absolutely autistic but the poor world building made this more of a 6/10 than a 8/10

                Then this shit should be taking place during the meiji restoration period and the end of the shogunate anyway. Season 2 will be fricked.

                The Final Episode is literally called "The Great Fire of 1657" you knuckleheads.

              • 7 months ago

                Then this shit should be taking place during the meiji restoration period and the end of the shogunate anyway. Season 2 will be fricked.

          • 7 months ago

            >Show me evidence
   this day half Japanese people are considered foreigners. They usually have to go way out of their way to prove themselves

            You do realize they don't even run any shows over there, right? All of their media is 100% run by the Japanese, no foreigners allowed

            Japanese are infamously racist, they've gotten a lot better...but still have that in them there. You do know they assigned GROUPS of Japanese to watch over foreigners living among them, right? There would be teams assigned to bug their phones and this was happening as recently as 10 years ago. The Japanese themselves reported on it.

            • 7 months ago

              If you're going to use modern Japan as your best example, I would then ask you to show me evidence of modern Japanese violently attacking foreigners or mixed race people. Even mixed race Japanese say they still prefer living in Japan over America because they feel safer. You're grasping at straws at this point.

              • 7 months ago

                >Japan over America because they feel safer.
                Well no fricking shit, This has nothing to do with anything since America is a lot more dangerous than quite a bunch of other countries.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, thank you for agreeing with me.

              • 7 months ago

                They feel safer because of crazy cruel their criminal justice system is, they had some sort of saying where "they always get their man" because they always arrested, charged and put someone away...even if they were innocent so they could keep a fictitious image of being perfect, there's lots of stuff about it

              • 7 months ago

                Sounds like a much better system than one where people are allowed to commit crimes with impunity.

              • 7 months ago

                You say that until you're locked up for something you didn't do.

                And I'm aware that we have some crazy theft going on, the Wal Marts had to shut down and leave Chicago because they couldn't make any profit there because of the constant stealing 24/7 because the local black community developed a crime culture.

                >The simplest explanation is that collectively our Chicago stores have not been profitable since we opened the first one nearly 17 years ago – these stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years

                But both of these are bad, we need to fix both not just pick one of them.

              • 7 months ago

                >You say that until you're locked up for something you didn't do.
                Why do criminals always say this? Imagine thinking this is a better way to live.

              • 7 months ago

                >be regular citizen living in Japan
                >crime happens near you while you're walking back from work
                >police can't catch who did it
                >they pin it on you so they can close the case
                >if you're a foreigner, they'll either deport you or put you in jail for life
                that's some grade A copium you got there, anon

              • 7 months ago

                >locked up for something you didn't do
                That already happens in America, and they have a higher rate of crime and violence. Sounds like Japan wins.

              • 7 months ago

                >implying Japan wouldn't have an even higher crime rate if they were honest
                delusional moron

              • 7 months ago

                >J-Japan has more crime, they just don't report it!
                holy cope

              • 7 months ago

                it's true, i was there when all the crime happened

              • 7 months ago

                they dont report it. dont ask how i know since its not reported though.

              • 7 months ago

                it's true though. As a result of their conformist values, Japs rarely report crimes in order to not "rock the boat" as it were, and police rarely bother investigating crimes for similar reasons. When they do bother with it, they're far more focused on extracting confessions than gathering evidence or anything like that, and often hold suspects for weeks or even months on end with no access to legal counsel and no chance for bail. This effectively means that in the odd occasion that a crime is actually reported and prosecuted, the guy getting sentenced is some random schmuck they pick off the street and couldn't hold-up under constant police pressure. Their entire criminal justice system is just a really bad joke when you get right down to it.

              • 7 months ago

                There are clips on youtube with american detectives literally torturing a guy with a bullet inside his brain to confess. Idk who has it worst.

              • 7 months ago

                I won't say the Japanese police torture suspects into confessing but they definitely do a lot of torture adjacent shit like sleep and food deprivation when attempting to extract confessions. The American police definitely do some fricked up shit but the difference is it's not built into the system unlike the Japanese that consider it standard operating procedure. A confession extracted under duress like the one you mentioned will likely be thrown out in court. In Japan they'd consider that good evidence and despite the circumstances you'd be shit out of luck in a trial.

              • 7 months ago

                Statistically shrinkage from theft has decreased in the last few years so much so that they don't even report on theft and haven't run reports on it in the last 3 years because it doesn't happen as often as people say.

                the majority of shrinkage is from damaged products. You're essentially using a few freak occurrences over actual data showing the opposite

              • 7 months ago

                Nice try. Looting is up across the board, San Franciscans don't even lock their cars anymore because cops can't do shit.

        • 7 months ago

          This is wrong. Perry opened up Japan by challenging them to a baseball match.

        • 7 months ago

          >historically accurate
          nothing about this is historically accurate
          "white man brought guns to japan" lmao
          go and google tanegashima you illiterate motherfrickers in the writing team
          as if the nips needed a reason to find and make crazy weapons to kill one another over the slightest of slights, go look at what they started making after the second mongol invasion

          • 7 months ago

            Dumbass they didn't invent the tanegashima

          • 7 months ago

            >white man brought guns to japan
            They did bring guns to Japan.

            They just did it after the Portuguese did it.

      • 7 months ago

        As someone who thinks it was a 6/10 I think you're being a whiny moron.

        The MC herself is a complete butthole as well and Akemi ultimately decides to seek power over living with the love of her life basically wasting her caretaker's sacrifice. The only good/virtuous character was the handless motherfricker.

        Complaining that the men were buttholes when everyone was an butthole is just you looking for a reason to call this "woke".

      • 7 months ago

        As someone who thinks it was a 6/10 I think you're being a whiny moron.

        The MC herself is a complete butthole as well and Akemi ultimately decides to seek power over living with the love of her life basically wasting her caretaker's sacrifice. The only good/virtuous character was the handless motherfricker.

        Complaining that the men were buttholes when everyone was an butthole is just you looking for a reason to call this "woke".

        Oh yeah and to further refute your point about "boohoo all men were portrayed so poorly" the shogunate's son Akemi was going to marry actually turns out to be a timid well meaning guy who cares about her and not an evil butthole or a brute.

        • 7 months ago

          So like Ringo the moron, basically the only men allowed to be considered decent are the ones who act like spineless simps. Yawn.

      • 7 months ago

        This is funny since in manga this is rarely brought up at all. Westerners are mentally ill.

        • 7 months ago

          >this is funny since in manga this is rarely brought up at all

        • 7 months ago

          >"buh why would a country choose to not depict the shitty parts of their history?"
          jesus christ this thread is filled with coping weaboo homosexuals
          you will never be japanese

          • 7 months ago

            Its entertainment first and foremost. Westerners seem to want to preach about how evil the white man was. Doesn't that get tiring being hated by the mainstream?

      • 7 months ago

        >put a single black guy in a european setting
        >people don't like him for being black
        >Japanese portrayed as historically xenophobic

        /pol/gays are so self-contradictory.

        • 7 months ago

          Nice strawman. This is like if everyone in Europe obsessed about hating people with brown eyes, all the time. You know how stupid that would be and that's why you avoided the obvious comparison.

          • 7 months ago

            That’s because there are blue eyed and brown eyed people in Europe. Barring someone with a disorder, no Japanese had naturally blue eyes. It’s a striking difference.

            • 7 months ago

              It's actually pretty racist for you to think Japanese people were so obsessed with eye color and half-breeds, especially a time when there weren't many to begin with. You just automatically assume they would attack someone with different eye color on sight, that's what I can't stand about your false equivalency.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's actually pretty racist for you to think Japanese people were so obsessed with eye color and half-breeds
                dumbass they don't even like when they breed with their own people, if you were a family from Kyoto they didn't like if you got with someone from Hokkaido or some shit
                they only tolerate foreigners if they get something out of it

              • 7 months ago

                Sounds like you just have a chip on your shoulder about japs.

  20. 7 months ago

    Been meaning to watch it, putting it on right now

  21. 7 months ago

    20 some minutes in and she got her apprentice laid

    Already loving this

  22. 7 months ago

    It's weird they call them "White People" right?
    I mean most Japanese peoples skin colour is fairly similar to most Europeans.
    Shouldn't they just call them "Gaijin."

  23. 7 months ago

    I'll watch this after I start this series called Pantheon. Looks a lot like the same art team from Invincible.

  24. 7 months ago

    I like the show, but they failed in giving her a good fighting style. They have her fight like she's a man.

    They needed to give her a style that exemplars David vs Goliath. Instead they just made her the biggest Goliath of them all.

    A woman well trained can win fights against men, the kunochi killed MANY men in Japan, trained samurai even. They didn't do it by fighting like men. They need to use: speed, cunning, technique, tools and deception.

    • 7 months ago

      >They have her fight like she's a man.
      Isn't that the whole point

      • 7 months ago

        anon cant see that because of his 'condition"

      • 7 months ago

        I've seen men fight an infinite number of times, it'd be nice to see a woman actually fight and kill men the way they actually did in Japan. Kunoichi are cool and should be seen as an inspiration to women the same way David vs Goliath is.

        anon cant see that because of his 'condition"

        You are pathetic and don't respect women.

        • 7 months ago

          >You are pathetic and don't respect women.
          you're right. I dont respect you

          • 7 months ago

            May a car hit you soon

    • 7 months ago

      Keen assessment, fight choreography thus far has been trash.

      • 7 months ago

        >fight choreography thus far has been trash.
        literally how

        • 7 months ago

          Bro...she just simply kicked a dude with two swords in the chest and then he let her slash him. If you didn't see how terribly cringe that was then you shouldn't attempt to give an opinion

          • 7 months ago

            only bad fight in the season was the one right after the double spike pit, too many of the enemies just die like morons.

            • 7 months ago

              How about the death duel where the guy gets cut on the entire opposite of his body from where the guy he's fighting is at????

              • 7 months ago

                Uhhhhh....super...secret...magic cutting technique turn off your brain my man

          • 7 months ago

            That is not “choreography”, that’s one kill you didn’t like. Don’t use words if you don’t know what they mean

    • 7 months ago

      >A woman well trained can win fights against men, the kunochi killed MANY men in Japan, trained samurai even
      This. I always like when there are kunochi fights in samurai manga. There is room for so many interesting tactics.

    • 7 months ago

      Female assassins just act feminine until they get close and do a sneak attack, that's different from a 1 v 1 fight like in boxing or ucf where women get universally destroyed by trans men, let alone regular men

    • 7 months ago

      Look up the onna-musha. Women didn't just fight like assassins, they fought along samurai.

      • 7 months ago

        In order to win 1v1 fights women fought like ninja

        You guys don't know what real fighting is, those women were all given naginata so men couldn't get close to them...because even in a battle field when they used swords they got overpowered and died instantly. What's that? Using an unfair advantage to cover your weakness? SOUNDS LIKE NINJA

  25. 7 months ago

    How many seasons is this supposed to have?

    • 7 months ago

      As many as all netlfix animations get

    • 7 months ago

      Well she wants to kil l3 men, so maybe 3 seasons.

    • 7 months ago

      shes out to kill plague, famine, and war.

      • 7 months ago

        Four seasons according to writer

        That's their plan anyway

        This type of fight has been around since forever and the character doesn’t need to be a chosen one to do it. She’s over 30 years old and has spent her life training, like many heroes of old martial arts and samurai films have.
        You think Oldboy is shit because that guy did the same thing? Or is it okay there because he’s a guy and this is a woman? Freak

        Self training isn't training, she's cutting off people's heads like its nothing...she's clearly a actual demigod, a woman can't just be cleaving through MEN IN ARMOR like it's nothing.

        She is LITERALLY overpowered GROUPS of men all pushing against her and she's MORE POWERFUL THAN's nonsense.

        That is not “choreography”, that’s one kill you didn’t like. Don’t use words if you don’t know what they mean

        That is 100% choreography you blundering moron
        >I'm gonna stand here with two swords
        >She embeds her weapon in the ground
        >I'm gonna stand here now that she is disarmed
        >I'm gonna stand here as she presents her body to me which I could destroy with my TWO SWORDS
        >I'm gonna just get kicked in the chest and do nothing
        >Now now I'm gonna keep standing here as she then pulls her sword out of the ground and cuts me

        I hope you lose are you fingers so nobody has to be read your BS ever again.

  26. 7 months ago

    I went to Tumblr to see if there were any good pieces of fanart and it’s all just “omg Mizu is so heckin trans” posts. I don’t know what I expected.

    • 7 months ago

      as a trans i feel uncomfortable with that. it's just a case of mulan, not an actual desire to become the other gender. they should've at least say that it's a headcanon

  27. 7 months ago

    >>best Netflix show since Arcane
    That's a very low bar that suggests it's not worth my time.

  28. 7 months ago

    sell me on this show

    • 7 months ago

      Mulan X Usagi Yojimbo

      • 7 months ago

        how many innocent peasants die during the show? I need to know if I'm going to watch it

        • 7 months ago

          more than 10

          • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          MC sets a whole city on fire to kill one man and doesn't even kill the guy
          The villain even says "wow you did all this just to frick me up? that's your white half showing." with pride.

          • 7 months ago

            I like Fowler and Mizu’s dynamic so far. It was satisfying to watch her bash his face in.

            • 7 months ago

              >throwing a tantrum
              >smashes a man's head in on a wooden chair
              >takes his sword
              >perfect master swordsman cut through a table
              >actual confrontation with swords
              >OW MY FOOT
              >RUN AWAAAAY

              I was a little disappointed by the actual fight, but every time Fowler opens his mouth it's legendary. Honestly the later in the season you go, the less Kurosawa and the more Tarantino it becomes.

          • 7 months ago

            >japanese village gets set on fire
            This happens in every piece of japanese historic media. Why is japan so damn burnable?

            • 7 months ago

              Wood and paper houses.

  29. 7 months ago

    It's not that good.

  30. 7 months ago



    It gets even better (or worse depending on how you see it).

    >other writer is Green's half-Japanese wife who doesn't even have a wikipedia page
    >main character is basically a self-insert for her/her child

    • 7 months ago

      As a Japanese myself, if she helped greenlit these character designs and shit, I don't think she knows anything about real Japan. I feel she may be more American than Japanese.

      • 7 months ago

        you sound like the anon who claimed to be a Brown Latino when crying about spiderverse.

        you change your stripes often, mr zebra?

        • 7 months ago

          >Oh no. I don’t have a rebuttal…I know! I’ll manifest my own baseless schizo headcanon to argue against! That’ll show him!

      • 7 months ago

        I just finished it and it is actually really funny that it leans into the "White man brought guns to Japan, white man evil guns evil" when they had guns in the fricking sengoku era and that the shogunate did in fact keep the guns

        Also the implied gaining feelings for her bully who tried to kill her as a child and wanted her to kill herself. Second season is going to be shit if he shows up and honestly just pair her with anyone else. I already went through suffering My hero Academia's handling of Bakugo and Deku's relationship after the bullying

        • 7 months ago

          >implied gaining feelings for her bully who tried to kill her as a child
          This shit was weird, I enjoy a good enemies to lovers but the way it was executed was awful. I could understand if Taigen did a complete 180 from how he was as a child becoming an honorable kind man but he was still an butthole just a more pathetic one

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I couldn't stand his character. Really just about all the men are written to be insufferable buttholes. Even the most 'badass' villains we've seen are pompous morons, none of them have the presence or gravitas you'd see in a decent anime.

            Take the final antagonist in Samurai Champloo, he shows up for literally like one episode and already has more presence and character nuance than literally any of the villains in Blue Eye Samurai.

  31. 7 months ago


    >Don't watch the show
    >I didn't watch the show
    >he's a bunch of screencaps from the exhausted research I did about the theological backgrounds of the people who made the show
    >that I didn't watch


  32. 7 months ago

    I was with it until she fought those 100 claw dudes. It got so much worse. We let heroes get away with a bunch of shit but they're descendants of legendary warriors, blessed by gods, they have some magic item, have magic themselves etc. This is just an angry b***h with a sword taking out groups of ARMORED trained fighters 10 to 1. I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them but once she's fricking Matrix jumping just after getting impaled though the ankle I stopped giving a shit. Well before that really. When she was fighting those hundred dudes and they had her pinned under that wooden thing, all they had to do was pile on her and jump on the thing until she died or passed out. She should have been captured, then someone comes to save her bacon, say Taiden, she rests, she heals she's back to kick ass. But nah, girlboss samurai don't need nobody.

    • 7 months ago

      >I was with it until she fought those 100 claw dudes.
      Just got here, let's see this

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah there's really no nuance to this and why she's so good, "she just is" or I'm supposed to swallow that she got this good from just watching people and self training (which is 1 grade above worthless)

      I'm just going to pretend she's actually a demigod or was trained by ninja, it fixes the writing

      • 7 months ago

        Right, like when she was sparring with the husband and all of a sudden she is a naginata master too. Be consistent, at least show one frame of her wielding or facing such a weapon before she's suddenly... this historical female bisento master whose name escapes me at this moment. I'd have said Tomoe Gozen but I don't remeber if she was renowned for that.

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe her husband really wasn't that skilled at all and his puffed up honor made him underestimate her.

          • 7 months ago

            When the wife is the protagonist of 8 episode of a samurai revenge anime...yeah, she if going to kick your ass.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah there's really no nuance to this and why she's so good, "she just is" or I'm supposed to swallow that she got this good from just watching people and self training (which is 1 grade above worthless)

      I'm just going to pretend she's actually a demigod or was trained by ninja, it fixes the writing

      This type of fight has been around since forever and the character doesn’t need to be a chosen one to do it. She’s over 30 years old and has spent her life training, like many heroes of old martial arts and samurai films have.
      You think Oldboy is shit because that guy did the same thing? Or is it okay there because he’s a guy and this is a woman? Freak

      • 7 months ago

        >This type of fight has been around since forever and the character doesn’t need to be a chosen one to do it
        Yeah we know what Jigaideki is, too bad the directors of this are just cramming as "cool" shit they can with no substance or apparently understanding behind it. Same problem Yasuke had. Even in Jigaideki, if the hero is wounded he has enough sense to turn tail and run. Hide. Use connections he's made along the way, but this b***h is doomguy because...she's doomguy
        >She’s over 30 years old and has spent her life training
        Ain't no amount of training or adrenaline let her overcome getting a fricking spike through her ankle bone enough to climb a ten story castle and leap like a monkey, or lift close or more than 1000 lbs AFTER getting fricking stabbed in the gut. If shit like that happened im any other show, oh the hero can vanquish his foes, but he's likely dying at the end of that shit.
        >You think Oldboy is shit because that guy did the same thing?
        I have not seen Oldboy but I know what you're talking about, his fight with like 60 dudes in that corridor, so I offer this example. In The Samurai trilogy, after Miyamoto Musashi has killed two of the leaders of the Yoshioka School, all the students of the school ambush him. He cuts down dozens of them but once fatigue starts setting in, he leads them to a muddy rice paddy field where they can't rush him together, he continues cutting those that approach one-on-one or two-on-one, not ten on one, until he can escape. He didn't just brute force his way through 300 men, all while fricked up like this hapa.
        Yeah frick you too, the show is thrash. Not even turning your brain off is this shit enjoyable.

        • 7 months ago

          You absolutely would not be complaining about any of that shit if the character was male. Action heroes have been walking off impalements, bullet wounds, high falls, etc. for years and it's fine until the action hero is a woman. He's right, you are a freak.

          • 7 months ago

            >hurr you just don't like it because it's a girl
            >dickriding another's post
            Based moron

      • 7 months ago

        And it actually stands out here at how much worse it's executed, and why it looks like a beikokujin production. I mean usagi yojimbo can do the same sort of shit, but they spent time and effort building it up and showing the components that went into that.

        it's true, i was there when all the crime happened

        It's true. He does all the crime.

  33. 7 months ago

    >be married to one of the only hapas in Japan
    >realize she’s tough and can fight and beat you
    >get scared and call the cops
    The gaygiest man in all of Japan.

    • 7 months ago

      >she's tough and can beat you
      >uses her murder-lust as an accelerant for her actual lust and gets all hot and bothered on top of you

      The only pussy he was prepared for was horse pussy and his own reflection in the mirror.

    • 7 months ago

      He was a b***h

    • 7 months ago

      Show was okay. Some of the fights were great and others were lackluster. They should have taken time to make more of the fights good but I did like it overall. It's a shame that these threads will forever be haunted by morons crying about her wanting to kill 4 white people. Speaking of which, I was annoyed that there was no flashback showing how she hunted and killed Violet or whatever his name was. She actually didn't kill a single white person all season

      He was a big gay for sure.

      • 7 months ago

        >be Horse Guy
        >wife is a sexy murder goddess
        >makes the attempt to tone down her sex-murder aura when she realizes it makes you uncomfortable
        >leave her out to dry anyways
        >oh shit she's got even more sexmurder in her than you thought and killed all those people

        My question is was it actually just the mother that sold her out? Was it him? Or was it the both of them, agreeing to split the bounty between them?

        I actually really enjoyed the puppet theatre and how it ultimately ties the whole episode together. They were doing a lot of a shit in that time space and managed to convey it properly.

        • 7 months ago

          I think it was either the husband or that they both sold her out independently. The mom seems less likely to me since she could have traded her in for the bounty at any point.

          • 7 months ago

            yeah but they told her no more pipe candy

            • 7 months ago

              True but it seems odd that she stuck around to watch instead of simply leaving with the money like she did in the past.

              • 7 months ago

                This is my number one reason for thinking it was both. Clearly the guy wasn't leaving his land, but he sold ALL his horses? And just happened to be on horseback over the hill while shit went down? Meanwhile mom stays inside smoking?

                Nah, he wasn't coming back to help, he was coming back to his house after she was dead. He probably would have kicked her out eventually, but she would have mooched as long as she could.

      • 7 months ago

        >Speaking of which, I was annoyed that there was no flashback showing how she hunted and killed Violet or whatever his name was.
        Saved for next season and to add mystery

        • 7 months ago

          It’s a unique, good show and it’s on Netflix. Those two together do not bode well for a season 2

          • 7 months ago

            I noticed yesterday that the show was not in netflix's top ten most watched shows on its debut weekend which I believe is a death sentence to netflix execs.

          • 7 months ago

            Hoping the title "the writer of Logan" being attached to the show is enough to greenlit more

  34. 7 months ago

    Just finished the whole show, pretty good. Basically mulan+kill bill with arcane style animation

    Really, no notes except that the main character hesitates a lot in the later episodes for someone who's mantra was no hesitation, but otherwise solid show

  35. 7 months ago

    alright, you bastards. I'll watch your damn show

  36. 7 months ago

    It was okay but it's sad how botted the imdb reviews are.

  37. 7 months ago

    The best show is Pluto. Go watch it.

  38. 7 months ago

    >not based on any existing big IP franchise

    Pass. Already seen countless Rouroni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, etc shows.

    • 7 months ago

      >not a remake? NOT A REBOOT!?

      Good, I don't want you here. Please don't watch this show and taint it with your viewership.

  39. 7 months ago

    I haven't had netflix in a long time, if it's good I'll torrent it, don't want to waste my money

  40. 7 months ago

    I want a blue-eyed samurai boyfriend (female).

    • 7 months ago

      Calm down Taigen. Go take a cold shower.

    • 7 months ago

      watch Cybersix.
      I've wanted a sexy English Teacher twink BF (female) for decades.

  41. 7 months ago

    cgi is ugly, arcanes was way prettier
    dont compare the 2 ever again
    have a nice day

  42. 7 months ago

    >Didn't even know it existed until this thread
    >watch the trailers
    What the frick are you talking about, anon? Arcane looks like it's leagues better than this trash. Even if they are both violent CGI "wanna be 2d" shows with a troubled female protagonist, Arcane has much better CGI, art direction, and story.

    Comparing the FrogGODS (Fortiche) to fricking LEAVES is insulting.

  43. 7 months ago

    can someone explain to me why anime dialogue is so cringe yet I can sit through hours of western cartoons? Is just the dialogue? This is a decent show better than I thought it would be.

    • 7 months ago

      I am the totally opposite. The dialogue in 99% of western cartoons is just jokes and references so fricking tiring. I prefer the T&J days when they knew how to shut up.

    • 7 months ago

      It's the voice acting, if you're watching dubs. The usual anime voice actors aren't usually as good as other voice actors.

      I am the totally opposite. The dialogue in 99% of western cartoons is just jokes and references so fricking tiring. I prefer the T&J days when they knew how to shut up.

      Though this is also true. Most western cartoons forget that they're a visual medium, and can express things through action. WORDSWORDSWORDS isn't only a comics thing, it's a Western media thing.

      • 7 months ago

        it's not just that. japanese anime writing is actually really low quality these days, broken down into the same little lexicons of statements and responses
        >it can't be helped
        >if it's something that can be stopped, just try stopping it!
        >I was...running away...
        >All I can do is move forward!
        It's so tiresome. I've been waiting for something like this for a long time, a proper samurai flick without any goofy wire fighting shit. If I want wacky wushu wire-fights I'll watch Thunderbolt Fantasy.

        • 7 months ago

          You are just generalizing + there are enough old anime to last you a lifetime. Also this show is nowhere near as good as Samurai Champloo or Seirei no Moribit(if you want more girl oriented stuff).

          • 7 months ago

            >comparing something made in 2023 to 'aughts anime
            that's not fair, man. of course the old shit is better.

            It's sobering to think that we're going to need to go through an actual dark age of expression again before good ideas can bubble back up. We're back in the per-renaissance days where church and state controlled artistic expression.

            The only difference now is instead of the church it's twitter moralists enforcing artistic censure, and instead of the state it's MORE twitter moralists enforcing artistic censure.

        • 7 months ago

          >a proper samurai flick without any goofy wire fighting shit.
          I feel you. I just want a historic anime/cartoon that uses actual fighting tactics with shields and spears instead fricking swords 99% of the time. My autism cant enjoy sword fighting.

    • 7 months ago

      >can someone explain to me why anime dialogue is so cringe
      It's difficult to take seriously, but I never take it seriously so it's rarely a problem for me. I'm not watching The Godfather, here.

    • 7 months ago

      Western cartoons write characters as people while anime write characters as archetypes.

      • 7 months ago

        That's one of the best jokes I've ever heard.

      • 7 months ago

        >Western cartoons write characters as caricatures while anime write characters as characters

        • 7 months ago

          That's one of the best jokes I've ever heard.

          • 7 months ago


            >story about samurai
            >has something to do with race
            For frick sake. I am not commenting about the quality of the show but it's so cliche that american media has to always be a bout race nowadays. Imagine if a japanese cowboy manga was all about race. It would be as moronic as this.

    • 7 months ago

      because translators do almost a one for one translation of the show instead of changing dialogue and mannerisms to match how the west speaks

  44. 7 months ago

    It has begun.

    • 7 months ago

      >me who watched this crap but won't engage with the memtally ill

    • 7 months ago

      >the world owes me
      Nope. See ya.

    • 7 months ago

      as a troony i don't care, she's just a tomboy, they exist, you know

      • 7 months ago

        trips of truth, honestly Mizu is the best tomboy we've gotten in a long while
        >flawed judgment clouded by hate prevents her from being a feminist power trip character
        >actually feels sexual attraction towards penised individuals
        >still kicks tons of ass

        I like the Mizu/Vi/Cybersix school of superheroism far, FAR more than the Disney Marvel Black Widow school. There's no story and no tension if the hero never takes a beating or makes a bad call, but modern hollywood writers seem to think that kind of thinking is sexist.

        • 7 months ago

          Mizu is a despicable human being. She becomes more unlikeable as the show goes on.

    • 7 months ago

      Did this person miss the point that main character wants to be a woman but she's surrounded by a world that thinks women are lesser to animals so she can't enjoy being herself so she adopted a male identity just to get the smallest things she wants done?

      • 7 months ago

        >that main character wants to be a woman
        I hate the trope where a female character acts like a man but "secretely wants to be feminine and wear kawaii dresses ugu". It's way too common.

        • 7 months ago

          That’s not really her case. She wanted to love someone as a woman; herself, but didn’t want to be a delicate doll. She wanted to be loved for who she was (and thought her husband did) which is why she was excited to spar with her husband and kissed him afterwards.

      • 7 months ago

        How can you get so much fricking wrong when it was all narrated and shown to you?

        • 7 months ago

          ??? homie what I said is what's actually happened.

          • 7 months ago

            Nope, dipshit. They all but spoon fed it to you and you managed to leave most of it on your bib.

    • 7 months ago

      Love to see the woke cult turning on each other

    • 7 months ago

      >the world owes me this much
      And trannies wonder why so many people hate them, they are far more entitled little shits than the other LGBs ever were.

    • 7 months ago

      Christ, this is like when people complained about the show/regular fans called Dororo a girl, insisting she was trans/non-binary because she was disguised as a boy, without understanding the context that a girl travelling alone in ye olde japan would be in pretty extreme danger of being targeted for robbery/assault/rape.

  45. 7 months ago

    Netflix shows always have this curse where the start and end of the season are great, but the stuff in between is pointless garbage nobody cares about. This one made an effort to make every episode have a big setpiece and so every one of them is memorable. Really good stuff.
    Also had some cool villains. They're exactly the archetype you've seen a million times in this type of story before, but have great dialogue and personalities.

    • 7 months ago

      >Netflix shows always have this curse where the start and end of the season are great, but the stuff in between is pointless garbage nobody cares about.
      This is what happens when you push binge watching unfortunately. No one remembers the in between because they don't have time to mull it over while waiting for the next. All they care about is a good beginning to hook the viewer and a good ending to leave an impression. The 6-8 hours in between are just busy work.

    • 7 months ago

      >"okay nice talk but can you get in the fricking sake barrel please?"
      >Fowler being a proper Moriarty style adversary
      >everyone hates his fricking guts
      If the white man being the bad guy is what it takes for a properly written villain in this day and age, paint me in the evil colors.

      • 7 months ago

        White guys are the only characters that even have the chance of being proper villains because writers don't need to worry about provoking the progressive hivemind.
        Minorities as characters can only be at worst, villains but with a good point.

      • 7 months ago

        Considering how the story ends they can Fowler's character in different directions.

      • 7 months ago

        White guys are the only characters that even have the chance of being proper villains because writers don't need to worry about provoking the progressive hivemind.
        Minorities as characters can only be at worst, villains but with a good point.

        British people have always been stereotyped as the bad guys, mainly because of their accents. It's not a recent development in media at all.

        • 7 months ago

          >because of their accents
          Are you sure it wasn't due to the massive global mercantile empire sellings guns and drugs?

          • 7 months ago

            That too but something about the posh accents makes them prime villain material

          • 7 months ago

            >Be from tiny island.
            >Do the empire thing every other country in the world was trying to do.
            >Do it better than everyone else.
            >Impose western and progressive ideology on natives.
            >Apparently this makes you evil.

            right, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the opium and the slavery
            India called, King George, they still want their stuff back.

            >Spearhead a global crusade to abolish slavery.
            >Everyone just calls you slavers anyway.

            The world hates us for being pluckier and morally superior to everyone else.

        • 7 months ago

          right, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the opium and the slavery
          India called, King George, they still want their stuff back.

    • 7 months ago

      >They're exactly the archetype you've seen a million times in this type of story before, but have great dialogue and personalities.
      Really? I thought Fowler was an interesting subversion of the "white colonizer" trope. Usually his character archetype involves him seeking to destroy the natives because he thinks they're savages or inferior but Fowler himself is very honest and casual about his own people are brutal and his own nature as a fricked up degenerate without being that against the japanese.
      There's also some interesting touches to his history that they don't fully reveal like how he became a master tier swordsman with a katana.

      • 7 months ago

        Not every colonizer speaks slurs 24/7 but they all have in common their greed, and their lack of care for innocent deaths. Radcliffe from Pocahontas also just acted racist to get his gold, not because he actually cared about white superiority or anything like that.

  46. 7 months ago

    Weeb /co learns for the first time that the Japanese are actually REALLY racist

  47. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      That's what the ashtray is THRE for. All the pennies are coated in liquid ricin.

  48. 7 months ago

    Fine I'll watch your show

    • 7 months ago

      The japanese metallica fight was so close to kino

  49. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Stop bumping this thread
      all fields

      • 7 months ago

        ill consider it

  50. 7 months ago

    I’m surprised Fowler managed to become fluent in Japanese

    • 7 months ago

      He had 20 years to sit around mastering calligraphy and swordsmanship I'm not surprised at all he found time to squeeze in some anki cards

      • 7 months ago

        I didn’t pay enough attention to his backstory, why exactly was he in Japan for so long?

        • 7 months ago

          He and the other white dudes came to japan to do crime and make money under the guise of helping the shogun make money. But the shogun's rules were that they weren't allowed to be seen by anyone so they locked themselves away to be crime lords in secret. Fowler stuck around because he was plotting to be king of japan but it seems like the two other remaining dudes realized they could make money from back home so Fowler really was just that power hungry.

          • 7 months ago

            Makes sense now, thanks

  51. 7 months ago

    >Sends women to bed her apprentice

    Admit it Cinemaphile, you'd want to learn from her.

  52. 7 months ago

    Anyone else notice that they made an effort to have every Japanese character voiced by an Asian but they're all different kinds of Asians. Brenda Song who voices the princess is thai for instance.

    • 7 months ago

      Anne finally had sex

    • 7 months ago

      Makes sense to me. Make a token show of effort to have kinda sorta ethnically accurate casting so twitter doesn't try to cancel you but also who gives a frick cast who sounds good. This seems like a good balance.

  53. 7 months ago

    You know, I don't normally say things like this, but holy shit there's some misogyny in this thread. Practically feels like I'm on a Korean message board.

    • 7 months ago

      Combat misogyny by discussing how beautiful Mizu is.

      She is very beautiful!

      • 7 months ago

        She is!

    • 7 months ago

      Combat misogyny by discussing how beautiful Mizu is.

      She is very beautiful!

      The show is literally a misandrist hit piece. Straight from the director:

      >“It was so eerily relatable how Mizu felt as a woman going through Edo Japan, when women were really seen as decorative things,” Wu tells Polygon. “I absolutely related to the anger she felt. I was able to channel that anger. And it was very cathartic.”

      >Wu’s frustration with the “bro club” of Hollywood action work comes out in full force in Blue Eye Samurai, which rewires razor-sharp swordplay for the John Wick era.

      • 7 months ago

        Based. I want Jane Wu to peg me while cosplaying Mizu.

  54. 7 months ago

    The characters don't act Japanese, the men especially are all outwardly rude, loud, petty, overly intense, chatty, arrogant, perverted, etc without anyone ever being level-headed or holding their cards close to their chests.

    Obviously these character traits aren't uncommon in Japanese media but just about ALL the men were portrayed this way. You also have common folk constantly talking back or arrogantly insulting heavily armed samurai apparently for no other reason than to give them an excuse to cut them down.

    To add insult to injury, the woke shit was pushed to the breaking point. Men constantly lecture women about "their place" like it's not common knowledge and everyone seems to have opinions on blue eyes or white people. There's this focus with racial and sexual identity politics bordering on obsession. Yes, Japan back then was heavily focused on keeping out foreign influence, but caring about eye color and having strong views on half-breeds at a time when they were almost nonexistent? There's really no record of this. And yes, there was a lot of scheming, plotting and backstabbing but not really the over-the-top broadcasting of intentions like what we see in this show, which would've been seen as foolish.

    Finally, the characters are so joyless, they act like caricatures who take themselves too seriously and not a lot of time is given to developing the antagonists as formidable opponents so the heroine's triumph over them doesn't hit as hard as it otherwise would. She's basically fighting video game NPCs, not people. The heroine herself is also unlikable, another recycling of the stoic female badass with no charisma or flair.

    tl;dr this feels less like historical Japan and more an American/Asian-American take on historical Japan. The women don't need no man and seem to be literally trying to overthrow the patriarchy of Edo Japan.

    I watched it with my wife and even she said the feminist garbage was getting in the way of the story.

    • 7 months ago

      Keep watching K-On, homosexual.

      • 7 months ago

        Nice argument, it's good to know this is as far as feminists can defend their propaganda.

  55. 7 months ago

    >flashes back to her meeting a decent guy
    >think the show will finally depict a male character positively even though he'll probably have to die tragically since this is a flashback
    >lolnope, he hates her after she bests him in combat (because of course she does) and she ends up killing him

    I really wanted to like this but the man-hate is off the charts. This was made by people who worship the Japanese aesthetic but hate the men who built it.

    • 7 months ago

      Ringo, the swordfather, Akemi’s final husband, Akemi’s surrogate father, and Taigen are all decent male characters. Of course there’s a greater percentage of cruel men because there’s an extremely disproportionate amount of men in power vs women. Akemi’s husband’s mother and those maids/whatever they were were cruel because they, unlike many other women, had the power/platform to be.

      • 7 months ago

        Literal gimp moron

        Acts like a whiny child through most of the season.

        These are the caliber of men allowed to be good and none of them are interesting. The only character who even comes close to interesting is Fowler, basically the showrunners think Edo Japan was a misogynist hellscape where everyone - men and women - were 100% focused on female oppression and killing half-breeds.

        It's just such a sickening take on a nuanced people and culture, you would never see any other part of the world depicted this insultingly but this has always been the problem with Asian-Americans; they want to cling to their cultures of origin for identity politics but at the end of the day see Western values as superior so that colors their entire view of Asian cultures, society, history and so on.

        tl;dr the show says more about how Americans view Japan (and the world) than anything actually related to Japan.

        • 7 months ago

          The main female character snapped a deaf/mute girl’s neck at the behest of another female character, they’re not exactly gunning for Nobel peace prizes

          • 7 months ago

            Wow what a great character and definitely one I want to follow.

            The male character this show blatantly ripped off would've figured out how to save her by the way.

        • 7 months ago

          lol have you not seen people make fun of the realistic medieval age, or real cowboys and indians?

          • 7 months ago

            buttholes are always the exceptions in medieval or cowboy tales, because these stories understand you have to care about the people before you can hope to see them protected or saved. BES isn't interested in any of that, it wants to tell you Japanese people, and especially the men, are bad and they need a mixed race savior to help them be less bad or just punish them for being bad and also protect them from evil foreigners because Japanese can't hope to defend themselves.

            It's the white savior trope repackaged and I think this is why I prefer Japanese tales from Japanese people. When Americans do it, it always seems to come from a place of hate or disdain, which isn't surprising given Japanese-American history.

        • 7 months ago

          >basically the showrunners think Edo Japan was a misogynist hellscape where everyone - men and women - were 100% focused on female oppression and killing half-breeds
          To be fair medieval history in general tends to be depicted as a grimdark savage land where nobles were sadistic and committed summary executions all the time while peasants did nothing while living in mud huts. Like a lot of people took Game of Thrones at face value.

    • 7 months ago

      you guys have no idea how japanese culture hates women, Japanese men is dead afraid of women, they cant stand a women simple existing.

      • 7 months ago

        I hear they kill all their women from birth. There are no women in Japan, that's the truth they don't want you to know.

  56. 7 months ago

    She's literally an oni. People are overthinking it.

    • 7 months ago

      The characters are poorly written, simple as. This kind of story has been told much better in other shows. The showrunners just wanted this to be about hapa mutt female empowerment so they put all their eggs in that basket.

  57. 7 months ago

    Great Destiny Man did it better.

  58. 7 months ago

    why are the frame rates so fricking low? laggy as hell

    • 7 months ago

      Too many windows open?

      Netflix really wants it to be the only thing have open in your browser. Even when I have over 50% of my ram free I notice it not giving me the best quality at times so I have to shut everything down and relaunch it solo pretty much.

  59. 7 months ago

    Any preg content?

  60. 7 months ago

    Would Mizu kill Silence?

  61. 7 months ago

    >Edo period
    Daring today, aren't we

  62. 7 months ago

    Holy shit he literally got away with everything.
    Gets 10-15 years fricking japanese pussy, kills the shogun and then absolutely wins because some hapa has a murderboner

    • 7 months ago

      I stopped watching around the claw fighter fight. She didn't kill him? She kills scared kids but not him?

      • 7 months ago

        He convinces Mizu to keep him alive, so he can help her find the other two white men, who are apparently in London. Mizu never left Japan before, and doesn't know what London is or where it is, so she's forced to take his offer.

        • 7 months ago

          Confirms my theory that the writers only know how to write interesting Western characters. He was by far the most fun to watch since the director obviously has a hateboner for Asian men above all else.

  63. 7 months ago

    Probably the best TV show I've ever watched. Everything in Blue Eye Samurai just works. The writing and character development are remarkably on point. The characters have panache, personality, they're incredibly easy to relate to and just feel natural and right in this world. The animations are elegant, well-directed and congruent. The story is simple but captivating, really nicely paced and capped by a couple of lovely twists. The set pieces are gorgeous. The soundtrack is spectacular. Everything in this show came together harmoniously and organically. I cannot recommend this enough. Whether you're into animated shows or not, give this a try. It will do so much more than not disappoint.

    • 7 months ago

      Was about to call you a shill but then I realized you probably copy/pasted that from a subreddit post.

      • 7 months ago

        What gave it away?

  64. 7 months ago

    put it on today as just background noise, saw it had booba, and stopped it.
    I'll have to come back to it when I can pay full attention

  65. 7 months ago

    Not anime.

  66. 7 months ago

    Just finished watching the finale. Hoping it gets renewed since it's pretty obvious that they gonna need atleast 2 more seasons to tell the full story. I liked it, but the ending could be unsatisfying for those who wanted to see Mizu take her revenge.

    Looking forward to 17th century London. The Japanese setting was one of my favorite things about the show so it's gonna be interesting to see how well it performs in a different environment.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm worried because a lot of the responses on Instagram from the people who made it imply it was a one-season deal unless Netflix renews it, and that company is a bastard that can't be trusted.

    • 7 months ago

      I literally got this feeling from the first ten minutes that the show didn't feel very Japanese, nor was it very interested in its own Japanese setting. It felt like Arcane but with a samurai coat of paint, somehow the cinematography and pacing just felt boring. Very disappointed to hear it will just up and leave for some other country, but glad I didn't waste time watching it.

  67. 7 months ago

    >mfw watching the first episode

    • 7 months ago

      Separate topic but I remember how some tumblr people hated the remake for removing Shang, mainly because he was seen as a bi icon. And this was despite claiming to be progressive.

      Then again they could have also removed him to appeal to the Chinese more or to make Mulan the only important character.

      • 7 months ago

        the honest truth is that, under their veneer of leftism, Disney is about as progressive in their beliefs as any megacorp, which is to say: as progressive as will make the most money.

        Groups like this have no core values, 50 years ago Disney was making racist stereotypes in every single one of their films, and why? Because it was seen as funny at the time, and focus groups tested will with it. The second that stopped, the humor stopped.

        At the end of the day, they can't actually achieve anything truly "Woke" because they're only pretending to know what that word even means. It's why Disneywoke is frustrating, hackneyed soap-boxing, and why series like Arcane and BES are being received so well.

        They've been doing it wrong for years now, every time someone does it halfway right is a blessing.

        • 7 months ago

          If Disney isn't really woke, why do you constantly defend it from the anti-woke crowd calling their garbage out at every opportunity?

          • 7 months ago

            >I refuse to watch this movie because it has black people.
            >You are a racist.
            >Why are you defending corporations?

            lmao every time

          • 7 months ago

            >if thing isn't thing then why do you [thing you don't you]

            shut up frickwit

  68. 7 months ago

    Bros... I'm literally crying right now.

    • 7 months ago

      Will MC probably end up with a white man

      she has a lady boner for Taigen, but so did Akemi.
      my money is on Ringo

      no, she'll end up with a racist asian

      She'll end up with a white man because the writer and director both ended up with white men. That's where this is really going.

  69. 7 months ago

    Will MC probably end up with a white man

    • 7 months ago

      she has a lady boner for Taigen, but so did Akemi.
      my money is on Ringo

    • 7 months ago

      no, she'll end up with a racist asian

  70. 7 months ago

    I think portraying guns as these unstoppable tools of death was a little over the top, though I suppose they were supposed to be actual proper rifles? If he had wheeled forward a few actual cannons that would have made the situation carry a bit more weight.

  71. 7 months ago

    I feel like she will find the man who is her father and he’s since repented from his old criminal ways and seeks forgiveness but she is compelled to slay him for revenge anyways, just like the puppet ronin story
    It just seems cliche enough to happen.

  72. 7 months ago

    >story about samurai
    >has something to do with race
    For frick sake. I am not commenting about the quality of the show but it's so cliche that american media has to always be a bout race nowadays. Imagine if a japanese cowboy manga was all about race. It would be as moronic as this.

    • 7 months ago

      >implying manga doesn't also talk about race
      This is also based on a real period in human history, like a lot of samurai stories set in specific time periods of Japan. Most samurai stories are also about something, not just "cool sword guy kills baddies".

      • 7 months ago

        manga doesn't also talk about race
        I didn't say that. Imagine for a second that someone tells you this "Look at this new cool samurai show". You are interested. And then he tells you about the rest of the premise. Your first instinct would be to remark "It's american isn't it?".
        >Most samurai stories are also about something, not just "cool sword guy kills baddies".
        Yes and there 100 of premises they could have chosen from, yet they chose the most cliche american one. Don't you get it?

        • 7 months ago

          >And then he tells you about the rest of the premise. Your first instinct would be to remark "It's american isn't it?".
          Only if you're a schizo, normal people would be intrigued or unbothered until watching it for themselves.
          >yet they chose the most cliche american one
          Tell me of all these other cliche American series about half-white chicks in the period of Japan that closed borders, I'd love to check them out.
          Or do you think racism being a part of any story makes it exactly the same as all the others regardless of the context and way its used in the story? Surely you would never admit to being that dumb

          • 7 months ago

            >Only if you're a schizo, normal people would be intrigued or unbothered until watching it for themselves.
            Considering how many of the netflix shows put accent on the race they would just sigh.
            >Or do you think racism being a part of any story makes it exactly the same as all the others regardless of the context and way its used in the story?
            No but when it's used in every other story it becomes such a boring ass trope.

            • 7 months ago

              >how many of the netflix shows put accent on the race
              Besides Castlevania, in terms of animation, they really don't. Live-action shit maybe, but I don't bother with those.

  73. 7 months ago

    I think it's telling that none of the promotional outlets have gotten any Japanese opinions on it. You had Chinese saying great things about Total War: Three Kingdoms and Japanese loving Ghosts of Tsushima but complete silence when it comes to this show. I think the animation and fighting scenes were alright but the characters were frustratingly dull.

    • 7 months ago

      Why does she look so cute?

  74. 7 months ago

    About to start watching today, just saw a minute of it. Too bad it looks like they released it all at once, a weekly release would build interest. Frick binge culture.

  75. 7 months ago

    whats the thing ringo wears over his head called?

    • 7 months ago

      Kasa, or simply a woven straw hat.

    • 7 months ago

      Kasa, or simply a woven straw hat.

      Oh you mean plank head Poe. I'm not really sure that has a proper name. He was just using it as a serving tray at the start right? I'm not exactly sure why he kept it on after leaving the noodle store.

  76. 7 months ago

    This thread is full of jealous Amerimutt schizos. Why are Amerimutts so fricking mentally deranged?

  77. 7 months ago

    I wonder how mixed race individuals were treated in the edo period. Generally interested, not trying to /misc/ bait. From what I could dig up, they were treated kind of shit at this time unless you had noble blood. But I know if they were treated as bad as this show portrays it. I do know that modern Japan can still be pretty xenophobic but that varies from person to person of course.


    • 7 months ago

      * But I don't know if they were treated as badly as this show portrays it.

      I should mention I'm just on episode 1.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not sure how ritualized it would be like the shows fixation of her "Blue Eyes". Her overall facial structure would probably be a bigger hint for most people that she was different far more than just her blue eyes, though I suppose that could just be chalked up as being ugly. But Japan was a very culturally stringent society, and disparaging others wasn't just based on foreign ethnicity. Similar to India, they had a caste system that deemed those who fulfilled certain professions to be unclean such as Butchers, Undertakers, or Tanners, who it would be socially unacceptable to associate with or intermarry with. There were also persecuted native ethnicities such as the Ainu people of the Hokkaido region, who were systematically culturally suppressed similar to the British treatment of the Irish or the Canadian reserve system.

      Discriminating against someone who was partially white in the Edo period was probably a safe bet, because chances are their mother was a prostitute.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine you live in a place that is completely cut off from every other nation, the people there have looked a certain way for centuries, and then 1(one) kid turns out with round blue eyes.
      If Japan is xenophobic now that they have been visited by foreigners for centuries, imagine back then.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe they exaggerated some parts for dramatic effects, but Japan has a history of being cruel and brutal in their early ages, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did things like in the show.

  78. 7 months ago

    >amerimutts always have to screech over japan every time they slightly see japanese stuff in cartoon or comics

    can you shut the frick up, amerimutt monkeys?

    nobody gives a frick about your crime ridden third world trashhole. you can enjoy your shoplifters and drug addicts

  79. 7 months ago

    I've been trying to get people to watch this since it fricking launched and it had the first episode up on youtube, literally nobody replies to my threads
    It's actually really fricking good

    • 7 months ago

      I enjoyed it. I feel like the shamed Samurai Guy and Noodle boy could have been blended into the same character to some degree, they both sort of fulfill the same side kick niche. The antagonists were all pretty great and the main character was okay. I feel like they probably could have just had him be a man, being both a half breed AND a woman and being an amazing self trained Samurai is kind of pushing it, but since the show is kind of silly here and there I'm willing to forgive it.

      It strikes a very odd balance between fantastical possibility of Samurai fantasy and being more grounded, which I think is fine. Blue Eyes gets the absolute shit kicked out of her all the time but she's also able to fight off fairly large groups of enemies on her own even when badly injured, but it does manage to make those victories look hard won so that her injuries don't feel meaningless. My only real gripe for the fighting is a small handful of times in looks like she stabbed someone straight through a solid breastplate or it kind of just felt like a solider was pretty much letting her kill them.

      Guns are a little overhyped. I don't think they're even proper rifles, they're just matchlocks. If they had been rolling up with some actual cannons then I would understand how fricked the Shogunate would be.

      • 7 months ago

        flintlocks, the knight-shaped flint strikes an abrasive plate
        they're not rifled barrels, but they do seem to be products of industrial mass production rather than artisan craft, which is where guns really take over warfare.

        The real problem with shitty match/flintlocks isn't the reload time, it's the expense of production and the expense of ammunition. If you can solve the last problem, you can just bury the first two in quantity of arms.

      • 7 months ago

        magic meteor metal

    • 7 months ago

      First thing I've binged in a long time, I like that they have purely evil villains that they don't try to make sympathetic. God damn sick of that trope. Solid 7/10 which is rare for Nigflix

  80. 7 months ago

    Cyberpunk Edgerunners > One Piece Live Action > Arcane > whatever this is.

  81. 7 months ago

    Straightbros, we WON.

  82. 7 months ago

    I was hooked for a bit but the finale just didn't hit the same. The show just isn't good at large scale fights outside of the framing of the episode for the Thousand Claws. The recycled samurai armor design also looked kinda ugly which didn't help. I still give it a 7/10.

    • 7 months ago

      The show definitely had potential, there's a good story in there somewhere but it gets in its own way too often.

  83. 7 months ago

    I thought for sure the drunk samurai who did the Kurosawa at the beginning of the prostitutehouse miniarc was going to come in and help but he only appeared in a bisexual sex scene and never again. Show is kinda weird, kinda garbage, kinda anachronistic/saying something "modern" to try and say something (Fowler going "eventually you'll find my ugly face more beautiful than your own. Hell, a lot of Fowler's lines), a lot of it just rang hollow. Fowler was a pretty great villain, but so much of the culmination of his plan made me question why. Over all: Eh. Also, should've had William Adams as one of the white guys considering he existed in the time period. But I guess having a high ranking white guy with mixed race kids who are nobility would kinda go against what they're going for. Though it would be funny if he ended up being Mizu's father and the other english guys killed him.

  84. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >Princess JOI

  85. 7 months ago

    I miss Afro Samurai

    • 7 months ago

      Funny, ain't it? I don't remember anyone complaining about Afro Samurai having a black man being better than everyone else at it. Because the show didn't focus on him being black. It focused on the cycle of revenge.

  86. 7 months ago

    The core motivations and conflicts in the show are about race and gender. Interpret that how you will.

  87. 7 months ago

    Finished the first ep and I have to say unless this really takes off, it's not going to be anywhere near Arcane. The characters just aren't nearly as likeable. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded because Pantheon and Scavengers Reign have been so good so my standards for adult animation might be a bit too high but it did feel like it was trying a bit too hard.

    • 7 months ago

      It's not as good as Arcane but it's almost as good

  88. 7 months ago

    Why is everyone desperate to plug every new not-completely-shit thing as TEH NECKS ARRCAYN!!!!!!!!!

    • 7 months ago



      • 7 months ago

        that takes me back

  89. 7 months ago

    Why would I watch this over something like Rurouni Kenshin or Samurai Champloo? Or even Samurai Jack?

    • 7 months ago

      >just keep watching the same TV shows you've already seen, never try anything new
      You're boring

      • 7 months ago

        Lol I didn’t watch any of them I’m just listing Samurai shows

  90. 7 months ago

    Why do people hate Asian men so much?

  91. 7 months ago

    >No you can't frick me, but you can't jerk off on my sandals. That will be fifty ryo, plus tip.

    • 7 months ago

      honestly, this is the scene where she shows she's not just a pretty face and feminist ideals, she can actually work a room.

  92. 7 months ago

    the voice acting is pretty mediocre and whoever voices the main chick is straight up bad

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like there's been a slowly growing trend of shows casting a particular kind of female VA with a somewhat masculine voice and little to no actual voice acting talent. Like its just the girl doing their normal voice and not properly emoting when they should or as much as a more seasoned actress would for the scene. They usually get the main character role as well, which makes it all the more noticeable. It's over a few different shows and its across several different actresses which increases the notability because it seems like a glaringly obvious problem that the voice director should have caught in casting. It makes me wonder if it's a deliberate choice or something. I see it a lot on shows with a female creator but its weird because it's never the creator themselves. Onyx Equinox is an example that jumps to mind because it was a smaller production and I thought it was really striking because the MC's voice was so bad but the creator herself actually voiced a character in the show and did a much better job. It makes me feel like I'm being weird for noticing it but it's like, you definitely had access to better talent so why? Am I just crazy?

      • 7 months ago

        I mean the mc is supposed to be a stoic ronin whose hiding the fact that she's a woman

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah but there's VAs that are better able to pull that off. Her voice screams, girl trying to do a man's voice because her actress doesn't really seem to be doing anything beyond their normal voice.

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like there's been a slowly growing trend of shows casting a particular kind of female VA with a somewhat masculine voice and little to no actual voice acting talent. Like its just the girl doing their normal voice and not properly emoting when they should or as much as a more seasoned actress would for the scene. They usually get the main character role as well, which makes it all the more noticeable. It's over a few different shows and its across several different actresses which increases the notability because it seems like a glaringly obvious problem that the voice director should have caught in casting. It makes me wonder if it's a deliberate choice or something. I see it a lot on shows with a female creator but its weird because it's never the creator themselves. Onyx Equinox is an example that jumps to mind because it was a smaller production and I thought it was really striking because the MC's voice was so bad but the creator herself actually voiced a character in the show and did a much better job. It makes me feel like I'm being weird for noticing it but it's like, you definitely had access to better talent so why? Am I just crazy?

      She sounds like picrel to me. iykyk.

  93. 7 months ago

    Netflix will see this show and believe it will be a necessary sacrifice to produce the tenth season of Big Mouth

    • 7 months ago

      Actually, Big Mouth and its spinoff are ending soon

  94. 7 months ago

    I need more stories about domesticating tomboys and turning them into tradwives pleeeeease.

    • 7 months ago

      It's like, no matter how many times I go back through the episode, I can't stop every cell in my body from screaming "GAAAAY" at that old fricker for pushing her off and running away.
      >teach tomboy wife to enjoy sex and marriage
      >then teach her never to enjoy sex and marriage again
      what a moron.

  95. 7 months ago

    If a Japanese cop arrests you and you are not convicted he has to kill himself. True facts. He is very incentivized to put you behind bars.

    • 7 months ago

      No no, he just has to cut off his pinky and present it to the defendant on a little ceremonial pillow.

  96. 7 months ago

    Pluto is better

  97. 7 months ago


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