>Book 1: Katara is mostly great and enjoyable, some instances of being a fun killer but is mostly a well written character

>Book 1: Katara is mostly great and enjoyable, some instances of being a fun killer but is mostly a well written character
>Book 2: Same but gets a little more annoying with Toph, but Toph makes it better by not taking her shit and they become friends
>Book 3: Unbearably annoying in almost every episode, especially her solo fieldtrip episode with Zuko. A constant b***h to everyone for no reason. In the finale she's back to her usual self but every other episode she sucks
What happened with Katara?

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  1. 2 months ago

    >Book 1 she believes there is a way to save the world now that she found the avatar

    >Book 2, Toph is actually quite annoying but the two agree that they should help the avatar above all else (Katara also defends Toph during Appa's kidnapping)

    >Book 3, they barely escaped from Ba Sing Se, the attack during the eclipse failed, they had to separate from their father again, the team do shit that attracts attention IN THE FIRE NATION and they receive Zuko with open arms after his betrayal in the earth kingdom where she was the one who most believed that he could redeem himselflf

  2. 2 months ago

    Book 2 Katara is the worst by far, she is such a b***h to everyone

    • 2 months ago

      Every time I see this b***h everywhere, all I see in Katara is this

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Fan art either colors her too brown or not brown enough. Why can't they just copy her skin tone from the show?

    • 2 months ago

      Book 2 Katarra pales in comparison to the shit that is Book 3 Katarra. At least Book 2 Katarra does some likable things

      • 2 months ago

        I guess I'm just a weirdo because I really hated Book 2. Everyone was so OOC except Sokka.

        • 2 months ago

          I guess thats fair, Book 2 Aang is so OOC and annoying even if his rage is justified.

        • 2 months ago

          I believe you're a weirdo, but I want to hear your argument

          >Everyone was so OOC
          how so?

          • 2 months ago

            In addition to Katara, Aang spent a lot of episodes being mad about Appa and Iroh acted like a bumbling moron much more than usual.

            • 2 months ago

              >Aang spent a lot of episodes being mad about Appa
              That's not out of character tho?
              >Iroh acted like a bumbling moron much more than usual.
              Granted, but but I feel only this one was the only real dumbfrick scene, and it was played for laughs

              • 2 months ago

                Can I get an edit of this post that says
                >Genuine Post
                >Or Schizoid Bait

              • 2 months ago

                It was intentionally out of character. Great from a narrative standpoint but I didn't like that arc too much. Zuko gets a pass too because his entire storyline was learning to be his own man.

              • 2 months ago

                Appa was literally one of his last connections to the life he had previously
                its perfectly in character for him to be mad about him being kidnapped

              • 2 months ago

                Being a tea autist is really that much OOC coming from him?

              • 2 months ago

                >take flower
                >keep it until you find someone who can identify it

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah I know but the dude is borderline addicted
                It's dumb, but not really that much OOC.

              • 2 months ago

                >take flower
                >keep it until you find someone who can identify it

                I've heard people so unwilling to accept Iroh could make a mistake saying he intentionally poisoned himself to get Zuko to engage with society. While I think that's stupid, that does affix in my mind that Zuko was trying to avoid all human contact at the time. So it wasn't like Iroh was about to find a tea sommelier.

              • 2 months ago

                What about when he fumbled the stack of spears on Zhao's ship.
                or when he detoured the ship to a neutral market just to buy a new Lotus tile only to buy a ton of other things, not including the lotus tile, and find out it was up his sleeve all along.
                or how he took a leisurely bath and a nap in the middle of enemy territory only to get captured because he didn't listen to Zuko telling him to get back to the ship.
                or how he completely missed the mark with trying to console Zuko. "why would he banish you if he didn't care"

                He's not the wise sagely perfect old man like everyone always pretends he is. He's a fully rounded character, capable of making mistakes, and having off moments.
                He gambles, he can be lazy, he was a bit of a lecher when it came to june, he even steals at some point.

                And about that one scene, remember that he also found what could potentially be the cure almost immediately after getting sick. If they just kept it with them to get someone with some expertise to verify it, this could have been a whole non-issue.

              • 2 months ago

                Agree, except for the tile part, it was implied he was trying to derail Zuko, whether to keep him away from Aang or just to make him stop for a while is undecided, if it were true it would be his most stupid move to lose specifically the Lotus tile, even more so when he probably could just recreate it with wood like when he remade the banner at season 3

    • 2 months ago

      umm her mother died anon?

    • 2 months ago


      >Book 1: Katara is mostly great and enjoyable, some instances of being a fun killer but is mostly a well written character
      >Book 2: Same but gets a little more annoying with Toph, but Toph makes it better by not taking her shit and they become friends
      >Book 3: Unbearably annoying in almost every episode, especially her solo fieldtrip episode with Zuko. A constant b***h to everyone for no reason. In the finale she's back to her usual self but every other episode she sucks
      What happened with Katara?

      Every time I see this b***h everywhere, all I see in Katara is this

      She was going through shit if you weren't an autist or sociopath you could see that.

    • 2 months ago

      umm her mother died anon?


      • 2 months ago

        Is that what she's screaming to Aang?

  3. 2 months ago

    >conflictf/a/g gets bored with making the same Calvin & Hobbes thread over and over again
    >starts making the same ATLA thread over and over again instead
    It's all so tiresome.

  4. 2 months ago

    >What happened with Katara?

    You’re asking why the teenage girl whose powers are tied to the lunar cycle acted b***hy?

  5. 2 months ago

    Why did Toph make things worse with Appa being kidnapped by making up lies about them muzzling Appa?

    • 2 months ago

      Toph is blunt. She's been isolated by her family a lot thinking she needed protection.

      • 2 months ago

        What does being blunt have to do with lying about the situation to escalate things?

        • 2 months ago

          Was she lying? I forget.

          I think she also felt responsible for what had happened because she was stuck trying to hold up the library while he was taken. She really wasn't thinking straight and Aang was throwing blame all over the place.

    • 2 months ago

      She heard the dude say "put a muzzle on him" not sure if she could actually sense that they failed since her seismic was wonky in sand during that time

    • 2 months ago

      >making up lies
      Not a lie tho. The sand benders actually say the line.
      It's pretty important detail plot wise too, since she was the one who identified who stole Appa and get their first lead on finding where he went.

  6. 2 months ago

    I never liked her revenge episode because in order for her to not kill in revenge she needed the satisfaction of knowing that killing her mom's murderer wouldve been a mercy because he was living a miserable life anyway. Would she still have shown mercy if he was a happy man with a family and a mother who wasnt a b***h?

    ...but it was nice seeing zuko get an episode

    • 2 months ago

      >Would she still have shown mercy if he was a happy man with a family and a mother who wasn't a b***h?
      She would've if he either:
      1. Showed remorse
      2. Had family that relied on him like a wife or children
      Her anger wouldn't have been strong enough to ironically do the same thing he did to her. Take a parent away from their kid.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, I guess that sounds in character for her to not do the same by taking away another kid's parent and continue a revenge cycle. I think this scenario sounds much more realistic and serves a better moral lesson than telling kids that "some guy that wronged you in the past is probably just a loser now, so have peace with that".

        • 2 months ago

          I never liked her revenge episode because in order for her to not kill in revenge she needed the satisfaction of knowing that killing her mom's murderer wouldve been a mercy because he was living a miserable life anyway. Would she still have shown mercy if he was a happy man with a family and a mother who wasnt a b***h?

          ...but it was nice seeing zuko get an episode

          >Would she still have shown mercy if he was a happy man with a family and a mother who wasn't a b***h?
          She would've if he either:
          1. Showed remorse
          2. Had family that relied on him like a wife or children
          Her anger wouldn't have been strong enough to ironically do the same thing he did to her. Take a parent away from their kid.

          This episode always bugged me because I can't tell why, other than the fact the show was on Nick, that lead Katara to her actions. She insists with rage she didn't forgive her mom's killer. She clearly didn't move past her feelings because she's seething. Yet is better by the end.

          I admit I can be dumb but I thought the episode commentary might reveal the motives. The commentators were the casting director, and Zuko's VA but not Katara's. We get gems like:
          >"Aang had to be like Katara's dad for this episode."
          Katara's actual dad was IN THE PRECEDING EPISODE rescued from an ultramax prison and has no role in the series following that. Why isn't Hakota even voicing an opinion on Katara's bloodlust?
          Well maybe there's some internal confusion about the placement
          >Directed by the same guy
          >10 minute dissertation about the production pipeline from the voice director explaining the coordination that goes into sequencing the episodes, and how the recording is the first produced part of the final media.

          Okay well what do they have to say about the actual central internal conflict? Nothing about Katara's perspective.
          >"When you think about it Aang lost way more than Katara, and this shows a lot of maturity"
          This element is the worst thing in the episode. Aang's supposed to be a spiritual leader and was raised in a monastery but his attempt to coax Katara into forgiveness is on the level of a kindergarten group manners song. Also no one draws a parallel to the times Katara stopped Aang from killing people in a rage.
          What else is in the commentary
          >4 minutes joking about Grey, Azula's VA, being Katara's Mom's VA. and the voice director fantasizing about hitting on her.
          >3 minutes joking Luke is Zuko's Father
          >Bryan going on for 3 minutes on a half-remembered Wuxia concoction he calls "real martial arts" that tries to explain makes bloodbending is the same thing as healing and is cut off just before he equates it to The fricking Force.

  7. 2 months ago

    Katara ends up being Wendy to Aang's Peter Pan. So while she fits that love interest role she also has to be the responsible stick in the mud. People took that to mean she's rude or mean. So whenever she has major choices in the series people seem to hold things against her more. Ultimately she's a kid who lost her mom trying to cope while everyone else goofs off a lot. Without her drive they'd get no where.

    • 2 months ago

      Everyone seems to get that she's motherly yet can't see the negatives that entails, only that she's a "bitch" and shit. Of course she is, she was forced to grow up faster and has a lot of baggage

  8. 2 months ago

    Everything in season 3 sucked. I hope Netflix fixes it.

  9. 2 months ago

    She payed by the travel.

  10. 2 months ago

    >Katara ended up with Aang just because
    Before bending was a retcon in being a genetic lottery Katara ended up with Aang because the spirits talked her into it, right?

    • 2 months ago

      >Before bending was a retcon in being a genetic lottery
      You mean in the development phase of ATLA?

  11. 2 months ago

    then why don't you marry her!

  12. 2 months ago

    not only is this a repost, but I'm pretty sure it's a repost from reddit
    If you want to see some of the most mind-bogglingly moronic takes about ATLA, visit the normalgay website. It's basically the Korra defense force at this point but also the defense force of the netflix show

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