boring overrated trash

boring overrated trash

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago
  2. 8 months ago

    entertaining properly rated kino

  3. 8 months ago

    wrong n'Wah

    • 8 months ago

      scared me

  4. 8 months ago

    Your attention deficiencies are not criticism.

  5. 8 months ago

    you're right
    DC/Marvel threads await you

  6. 8 months ago

    The setting and music is more interesting than the characters. 2049 and the novel are far superior as character stories. in Blade Runner, Deckard is an empty shell and the replicants are psychos that murder the man that gave them refuge.

    • 8 months ago

      you never read the book.
      the point of the droids is that they don’t have empathy, which by default makes them psychos. they torture him in the book, murder him in the film.
      i repest, that’s the whole point, it is why he is dhown as obsessed with mercer

      • 8 months ago

        Not that poster but that's not the point. The pint is that each replica t is unique, pris cruelty doesn't mean they all lack empathy. Roy choose to save Deckard at the end for that very reason. Everything is a choice, that is the essence of humanity.

        • 8 months ago

          no, they really dont have empathy. they are incapable of it.
          roy sparing deckard caine was to teach him a lesson, and to leave his mark on the world, to be remembered.
          thus the idea of the moments of his existence being lost.
          pris is a carbon copy of rachel, the difference being the false memories implanted in rachel. rachel has no more empathy than pris, as is clear in the book. being conscious and selfish is not empathy.
          they can kill and not feel anything, but they do feel loss from things that directly belong to them.
          look up a definition of empathy and it should become clear.
          it really is the main theme.

          • 8 months ago

            You're confusing the book with the movie. In the movie they definitely have empathy. Roy cries after Pris.
            >it's the main theme
            In the book. The movie has different themes and world.

            • 8 months ago

              no. he cries because she belongs to him.
              like i said, you dont know what empathy is, look up a clear definition.

              • 8 months ago

                Watch commentary. The writers talk about that. They clearly believe that Roy is more of a human than other humans.

              • 8 months ago

                they mustn’t have understood what they were working with. roy is a killer, killed untold numbers off world, killed sebastian, killed the maker.
                he spared deckard caine to be rememhered, and that’s it.
                see Heat, and other nemesis type relationships, "closest thing i had to a friend".

              • 8 months ago

                >deckard caine
                You guys are genuinely some of the most idiot people in this thread right now. It's Rick Deckard, not a fricking diablo character you absolute subhuman.
                >Lists the most boring and genuinely worthless criminal drama possible, one that's constantly forced on this website by absolute idiots with no taste or basic level of narrative comprehension
                I'm genuinely not surprised anymore, this level of stupidity should be expected at this point.

                You seem upset that I expressed reasons I dislike a movie. Do you feel personally attacked?

                You are genuinel an idiot and the only one that should be upset here are you parents, for spawning such a complete and utter idiot. Nobody cares about your opinion if you can't even get the character's name right you absolute moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >someone doesn't like a shit movie and explains why
                >gah, you're just stupid
                Yeah, couldn't be it is just a shit movie

              • 8 months ago

                Try not naming the main protagonist a fricking diablo character next time you absolute moron or bringing up an even worse movie, that isn't even in the same genre, as comparison. You literally have zero comprehension, intelligence or credibility of anything other than the shit you just smeared all over yourself here, shut the frick up. Go open a letterbox account and stay contained there.

              • 8 months ago

                never seen diablo, it sounds lilke a spanish soap opera.
                so what if the characters have the same names in two films, there were about a million jacks in eighties action films and it wasn’t confusing.

              • 8 months ago

                Y'know not everybody who disagrees with you is the same person, right?

                Things that are in conflict with eachother cannot be 'the same'. A lion is in conflict with a rabbit: Are the the same? A fish is in conflict with the bait I used to catch it: are they the same? No. What a stupid statement. They are diametrically opposed. One, religion, is offering freedom from the bonds of slavery the world places on us, and Mass Media propogates this slavery. They couldn't be any more different.

                They're the same as in they're both fake distraction bullshit. Buster Friendly and Wilbur Mercer both are just characters on a screen. Friendly doesn't have some cosmic power that allows him to broadcast 46 hours a day he's just an android, Mercer doesn't have any divinity it's just old recordings of a washed up actor. In Do Androids Dream religion and mass media are shown to be literally the same thing as allegory.

                I never thought it would be possible for someone to keep writing and somehow consistently degrade in levels of intelligence, in such a way that is completely believable too. You might genuinely just be this absolutely braindead, what matter graced you to get ahold of the novel is beyond anyone's guess, that is if you've even read it. For my own sanity, I'll just assume this is bait and leave you to your rot and complete stupidity by yourself.

                Again, everybody who disagrees with you is not one person

              • 8 months ago

                >is not the same person
                Can't fricking type, shit

              • 8 months ago

                this is a dumb zoomie thread and nobody cares about your shitty opinions lol

              • 8 months ago

                You could actually address the things I said, but I guess it's easier to just insult and dismiss me for getting the name of a fictional character I don't care about slightly wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                We already have, up above where you got caught not knowing what you're talking about already. Where you don't even know the differences between the novel or the movie, as you keep sperging out like some kind of autist "theres no themes in the movie". You literally cannot even name the character, nobody cares about anything you said, absolute homosexual. Do you really think it's possible for a subhuman like you, that saves jpegs like this on his device to even begin to have a discussion? have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                >Where you don't even know the differences between the novel or the movie
                What on earth are you talking about? I've never read the book, and have no opinion on it.
                >as you keep sperging out like some kind of autist "theres no themes in the movie".
                I've never said that.
                >You literally cannot even name the character,
                Oh no, I misremembered "Deckard" as "Decker" how foolish of me.
                >nobody cares about anything you said, absolute homosexual. Do you really think it's possible for a subhuman like you, that saves jpegs like this on his device to even begin to have a discussion? have a nice day.
                You seem genuinely miserable, and if this is your reaction to reading opinions on a work of fiction, life is going to be very hard for you.

              • 8 months ago

                Genuinely fricking stupid, man. You didn't just misremember the name, everything you've said is absolutely idiotic in every single manner imaginable. And if you don't want a negative reaction, then don't come in here entitled thinking your opinion is worth a shit when you legitimately cannot even form cohesive arguments or name the characters, nevermind the themes or anything else in general. This is a discussion board, not your twitter space. Don't worry about me, bro. You keep going like this life is going to be hard for you.

              • 8 months ago

                >everything you've said is absolutely idiotic in every single manner imaginable
                That would be an impressive accomplishment if true.
                >And if you don't want a negative reaction, then don't come in here entitled thinking your opinion is worth a shit
                Oh, I don't mind a negative reaction, yours in particular is quite funny. What exactly about my opinion is "entitled"?
                >you legitimately cannot even form cohesive arguments
                Funny, because my first post was responding to somebody else who likes the film for aesthetic reasons, and they mostly agreed with me.
                >or name the characters
                OH NO! Calling the fictional character portrayed by the actor Harrison Ford in the movie Blade Runner "Decker" instead of "Deckard" is truly the greatest sin.
                >nevermind the themes or anything else in general
                I've never said "theres no themes in the movie" and I also think the statement is wrong.
                >This is a discussion board
                So why get so mad?
                >You keep going like this life is going to be hard for you.
                I'm not the loser calling people "subhuman" and telling them to kill themselves seething because they expressed opinions about a movie I like...

              • 8 months ago

                have a nice day subhuman

              • 8 months ago

                >OH NO! Calling the fictional character portrayed by the actor Harrison Ford in the movie Blade Runner "Decker" instead of "Deckard" is truly the greatest sin.
                >Deckard Caine

                they mustn’t have understood what they were working with. roy is a killer, killed untold numbers off world, killed sebastian, killed the maker.

                he spared deckard caine to be rememhered, and that’s it.
                see Heat, and other nemesis type relationships, "closest thing i had to a friend".
                have a nice day lying subhuman lol

              • 8 months ago

                You know there are more than two people in this thread, right? I've even told you several times that the things you've claimed I've said were not actually said by me, but you still couldn't figure it out.
                My first post in this thread is:

                I've tried so hard for so long to like Blade Runner, watched it 6-8 times over the years, but It's just not good.

                It looks good, but it has the philosophical depth of a mediocre episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Also, Decker, despite supposedly being "the best" is a total fricking moron who is trash at his job. The only good part of the movie is towards the end of the first act when he's doing detective work.

                It's a 45 minute plot stretched to a paper thin 2 hours.

                Don't get me started on the "tears in rain" monologue. I'm sure "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" are really impressive, but it means nothing to me. It's like trying to describe the D-Day landings to somebody in the 15th century without any visual representation.

                >inb4: no attention span
                My three favorite films are all bordering on 3 hours long, if not exceeding it, and no, they're not LotR.

              • 8 months ago

                >You know there are more than two people in this thread, right?
                the irony stop bumping this shitty thread you moron lol

              • 8 months ago

                >pls anon! stop bumping this thread! I can't handle more people commenting how mediocre Blade Runner is :""(

              • 8 months ago

                >gets filtered
                >stop enjoying things your dumb I will le show them!!! :'X
                dumb zoomer

              • 8 months ago

                I never told you to stop enjoying it, I just expressed, to somebody else mind you, what I thought about it and you sperged out.
                >dumb zoomer
                I was born in the 80s.

              • 8 months ago

                You're not 40+. If you are, have fricking mercy on your holy 'tism batman

              • 8 months ago

                >You're not 40+
                Anon, people born in the 80s are between the ages of 34 and 44.

              • 8 months ago

                nevet once saw anyone call him rick. everyone calls him deckard as his first name. sounds like you’ve been watching too much rick and marty.
                anyway the point stands, sherlock holmes and moriarty, dustin hoffman and tichard deniro in heat, the bad guy is alone, the good guy id alone, and all they have is their work. that’s why he wants to be remembered, and that isn’t empathy

              • 8 months ago

                no, they really dont have empathy. they are incapable of it.
                roy sparing deckard caine was to teach him a lesson, and to leave his mark on the world, to be remembered.
                thus the idea of the moments of his existence being lost.
                pris is a carbon copy of rachel, the difference being the false memories implanted in rachel. rachel has no more empathy than pris, as is clear in the book. being conscious and selfish is not empathy.
                they can kill and not feel anything, but they do feel loss from things that directly belong to them.
                look up a definition of empathy and it should become clear.
                it really is the main theme.

                It's unbelievably tiring and annoying having to deal with blatant fricking liars on here. Why do you feel the need to comment or post if you clearly have no idea about what you're talking about? Is it attention? Is it social media addiction? Are you really this desperate for attention you'll literally just make up random nonsense, maybe even not random, maybe you just genuinely don't remember it properly but you feel the need to stay adamant on your stupid point without double checking it at least? This is why there's zero incentive to have any genuine discussion on this shitstain website anymore. Whatever intelligence and taste you think you have, you've left that behind long ago. I don't think I'm staying on this website any longer... The generational gap is just way too much and you people have become way too addicted and unbelievably stupid.

              • 8 months ago

                calm down roy. you will never be a human

            • 8 months ago

              >The movie has different themes
              It doesn't have any theme.

              lol, the book is shit. How can you homosexuals prefer it over the movie?

              It's great. About a dying Earth, the struggle to simply be good enough, the conflict and identicalness of religion and mass media.
              The movie isn't about anything. The tards who made it just heard "bounty hunter whose quarry is androids" and made this shite without knowing what it's actually about.

              • 8 months ago

                >identicalness of religion and mass media
                Dropped right there. They couldn't be any different, they're diametrically opposed to one another. That struggle is why people obsessed with media hate religion, and why people obsessed with religion hate mass media.

              • 8 months ago

                >That struggle is why people obsessed with media hate religion, and why people obsessed with religion hate mass media.
                Yes, that's the point. They're in conflict but are the same. That is the culmination of the Buster Friendly/Wilbur Mercer conflict which is the heart of the story.

                Why did he rape Rachel?

                Because the people involved with making this movie were moronic. I still have no idea why they met up in the movie, no one has even tried giving a reason for it.
                She was supposed to seduce him like she did many bounty hunters before to get him out of the game. And when it doesn't work she kills his goat to frick with him. But in the movie they reverse that scene and there is no goat so it doesn't matter.

                It's goofy shit. There's barely any science in this science fiction book. The future world is too fantastical compared to the movie. I can imagine future similar to Blade Runner, the book future is already too outdated.

                The movie is about mortality, memories, empathy, loneliness, depression. It has universal themes that connect with me more strongly than anything from the book.

                >There's barely any science in this science fiction book.
                Space colonization, brain implants for mood smoothening and robot animals aren't enough science fiction for you?
                >It has universal themes that connect with me more strongly than anything from the book.
                If you can't connect with the struggle to simply be enough I don't know what to say. That is a universal theme unlike anything in the movie
                >The movie is about mortality, memories, empathy, loneliness, depression
                I guess any movie can be about anything if you say it is

              • 8 months ago

                Things that are in conflict with eachother cannot be 'the same'. A lion is in conflict with a rabbit: Are the the same? A fish is in conflict with the bait I used to catch it: are they the same? No. What a stupid statement. They are diametrically opposed. One, religion, is offering freedom from the bonds of slavery the world places on us, and Mass Media propogates this slavery. They couldn't be any more different.

              • 8 months ago

                I never thought it would be possible for someone to keep writing and somehow consistently degrade in levels of intelligence, in such a way that is completely believable too. You might genuinely just be this absolutely braindead, what matter graced you to get ahold of the novel is beyond anyone's guess, that is if you've even read it. For my own sanity, I'll just assume this is bait and leave you to your rot and complete stupidity by yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                They are diametrically opposed. You're failure to understand this very basic concept between any faiths theology, and 'the world' of evil it is in opposition to, is remarkable.

              • 8 months ago

                i think you’re right, decksrd caine is shown as weak, human and passionate, while troy is unemotional, robot-like and extremely strong.
                it’s apples and oranges, complete opposites

              • 8 months ago

                The movies have incredible amount of themes, you are quite possibly the most idiotic person on this website so far.
                Read this thread and then have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                It's goofy shit. There's barely any science in this science fiction book. The future world is too fantastical compared to the movie. I can imagine future similar to Blade Runner, the book future is already too outdated.

                The movie is about mortality, memories, empathy, loneliness, depression. It has universal themes that connect with me more strongly than anything from the book.

      • 8 months ago

        no, they really dont have empathy. they are incapable of it.
        roy sparing deckard caine was to teach him a lesson, and to leave his mark on the world, to be remembered.
        thus the idea of the moments of his existence being lost.
        pris is a carbon copy of rachel, the difference being the false memories implanted in rachel. rachel has no more empathy than pris, as is clear in the book. being conscious and selfish is not empathy.
        they can kill and not feel anything, but they do feel loss from things that directly belong to them.
        look up a definition of empathy and it should become clear.
        it really is the main theme.

        >The movie is about replicants having no empathy, because that is what the book is about.
        Are you for real? Absolute fricking moron.

    • 8 months ago

      Yep, it's empty popcorn trash. Completely devoid of theme and emotion
      And that poster is shit, looks like train and has no trains

      >more interesting than the characters
      That's because they cut out important characters and scenes for more pew pew action bullshit
      Oh, wait, you acknowledged that. Started typing too soon

  7. 8 months ago

    I still dont get why it is so highly praised.
    Yes sure it has some cool shots, mainly the long drawn out view shots, and I suppose the darkness and miniatures add to it, the feeling of a bleak dystopian cyberpunk world, story is not too bad either but I think it is an average movie.
    That being said I didnt rate 2049 too high until I watched it a few times and appreciate the undertones of the movie, stuff that is not given to the viewer.
    Harrison fords shoehorn into that movie really fricking ruins it, the entire parts of him are shit and ruin the movie. Would have been better if he was just dead when K sent to look for him and found no info.

  8. 8 months ago

    You should've used this chart for advice, you have no one to blame but yourself for watching it

    • 8 months ago

      >Puts Masters of disguise next to Kung pow..

    • 8 months ago

      Kurosawa's "Ran"
      Tokyo Story
      The Lion in Winter
      Titan A.E.
      Princess Bride
      Some Like it Hot
      Key Largo
      The 9th Gate

      add to the list if you're a film buff not some pantywaste gay.

      • 8 months ago

        Master and Commander
        There Will Be Blood
        Hard Boiled

  9. 8 months ago

    Stop trying to bait the legendary BR poster , he btfoed absolutely everyone in that soprano thread a few days ago and solidified this movie as the legend that he is. Nothing you could say could literally take away from it.

    • 8 months ago

      i don’t remember posting in any supraynu threads.
      there can’t be another

    • 8 months ago

      Do npcs dream of electric sheep?

  10. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      This dudes final scene was so overrated

      • 8 months ago

        >it’s cool to be bored
        Nah he’s what gave the movie soul.

        • 8 months ago

          What soul, saying "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"?
          I kept seeing gifs and edits of this shit quote and I went into the movie thinking it's going to be something really deep or at least a cool one liner but it was literally nothing.

  11. 8 months ago

    Pic unrelated, zoomer pleb

  12. 8 months ago

    lol, the book is shit. How can you homosexuals prefer it over the movie?

  13. 8 months ago

    It's not. from the aspect of production design and lighting design it's a masterpiece.

    • 8 months ago

      I've tried so hard for so long to like Blade Runner, watched it 6-8 times over the years, but It's just not good.

      It looks good, but it has the philosophical depth of a mediocre episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Also, Decker, despite supposedly being "the best" is a total fricking moron who is trash at his job. The only good part of the movie is towards the end of the first act when he's doing detective work.

      It's a 45 minute plot stretched to a paper thin 2 hours.

      Don't get me started on the "tears in rain" monologue. I'm sure "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" are really impressive, but it means nothing to me. It's like trying to describe the D-Day landings to somebody in the 15th century without any visual representation.

      >inb4: no attention span
      My three favorite films are all bordering on 3 hours long, if not exceeding it, and no, they're not LotR.

      • 8 months ago

        >I purposefully enter threads with things I do not like just to exclaim how much I don't like them, le profound intellectual
        Good thing nobody cares about your pseud opinion. Go start a letterbox account and revel in your own piss with the rest of the mutants there.

        • 8 months ago

          You seem upset that I expressed reasons I dislike a movie. Do you feel personally attacked?

      • 8 months ago

        I agree with your issues surrounding the plot. I'm not a huge fan of the plot, although I do like the idea of androids being unaware they are androids, and the identity crisis the realization that they have no real 'personality' causes them. I am more a fan of it's production design than anything. Story could and should have been way better.

        • 8 months ago

          i`m pretty sure roy knew he was a robot, don’t know where you have this identity crisis’s like saying terminators dont know they are cyborgs

      • 8 months ago

        >looking for depth in movies
        lol, you think the silly book is deep?

        • 8 months ago

          I've never read the book so I have no opinion on it.

      • 8 months ago

        I agree with everything you said, people who praise Bladerunner have never consumed media that actually has an interesting story.

      • 8 months ago

        I'll be honest, you, just like most people in this thread are genuinely ignorant. However, I will do my best to offer a very diplomatic response to you. It's understandable, from your limited point of view, that you've given the film multiple chances, and it still hasn't clicked with you. Films, especially ones as iconic as Blade Runner, can be quite divisive in terms of personal taste and interpretation. The visual aspect of the movie, which is often praised, certainly adds a unique and visually stunning dimension. In terms of philosophical depth, it's true that not every film resonates with every person on the same level. What some find profound, others might not. As for the main character, Rick Deckard, some people view his character differently and it is my belief that most people simply choose to ignore key themes in lieu of their personal bias or limited intelligence. His flaws and struggles are central to the story's exploration of humanity and what it means to be human, but it's fair to have a different perspective. It doesn't mean you are important or that this clarifies your existence. It just means that you have a different view. The pacing and plot can indeed be a matter of personal preference. Some appreciate the deliberate, atmospheric storytelling, while others may feel it's stretched thin. The "tears in rain" monologue by Rutger Hauer's character Roy Batty is often lauded as a powerful moment in the film, but it's also perfectly fine if it didn't resonate with you. This doesn't take away from the scene, it just takes it away for you. Film interpretations are highly subjective and can be influenced by various factors, including personal taste and the context in which you view them, not to mention level of intelligence, emotional awareness or basic levels of attention. that's perfectly fine. There are countless other movies out there, each with its own unique appea that will resonate with you in a different way, in a different thread.

        • 8 months ago

          This reads like chat GPT. Especially: "Films, especially ones as iconic as Blade Runner, can be quite divisive in terms of personal taste and interpretation."
          I'm well aware that my opinions are my own, you don't have to reiterate that several times.

          • 8 months ago

            No. It has to be reiterated because you seem to be laboring under the delusion that they are objective factual statements, when in fact they are not. They are just your private opinions.
            >"it's just not good"
            Is a factual statement. It's in your first apparent post. I am trying to be civilized with you, so do not be dishonest anymore. I completely understand your limited perspective. If you're looking for a more engaging and tightly woven story, then stop replying and find something else. I understand it's frustrating when a film doesn't deliver on that front for you personally but you are simply not going to convince anyone nor succeed in ridiculing people for enjoying what they want.
            I also understand that some people are more interested in a different narrative and character development that what you've perceived out of it. If you are genuinely an intelligent person then you should realize the choice to find movies that align with your preferences and storytelling expectations. For most people I would say it is celebrated for its influential visuals and thought-provoking themes but again, it's understandable it's not everyone's cup of tea. Nobody intelligent, clear minded and positive about this film expects anything out of you if you don't. You are entitled to express your opinion, if you want to have a blade runner hate thread go ahead but you have to expect to be challenged.
            Which brings me to the actual real reason for this thread, which is baiting for attention. No genuine discussion can occur with a loaded setup in the original post like that and no poster should be taken at full face value and in true faith. This is a massive issue with this website, you people are too concerned over your egoic prisons than having a genuine, meaningful interaction. This speaks more volumes about the type of people that you are, than anything you believe in here or anywhere else, about this movie or otherwise.

            • 8 months ago

              >"it's just not good"
              >Is a factual statement.
              Are you being intentionally obtuse? Do I need to clarify every opinion I state with the tag " my opinion" just so you understand what you're reading? "I am of the opinion that the movie Blade Runner is just not good."
              >I completely understand your limited perspective.
              What exactly is my "limited perspective" here? Because there's a good chance I own more movies than you've even watched.
              >If you're looking for a more engaging and tightly woven story, then stop replying and find something else.
              This is a "please stop saying things I don't like" statement, but I'm glad you admit the story of Blade Runner is a mess.
              >ridiculing people for enjoying what they want.
              Who exactly have I ridiculed? Because the primary response to my opinion was insults, something I actively avoiding doing in response.
              >If you are genuinely an intelligent person then you should realize the choice to find movies that align with your preferences and storytelling expectations.
              Trust me I have.
              >For most people I would say it is celebrated for its influential visuals and thought-provoking themes
              "most people" implies a majority, the majority of opinions on the film are that it is dull, which is evident by its performance at the box office.
              >You are entitled to express your opinion
              Gee, thanks Chat GPT, I'm glad I have your permission to express an opinion.
              >if you want to have a blade runner hate thread go ahead but you have to expect to be challenged.
              The bulk of "challenges" have been insults, or people who like the film agreeing with me.
              >Which brings me to the actual real reason for this thread, which is baiting for attention.
              Ask OP, I just responded to somebody praising the aesthetics of the film.
              >you people are too concerned over your egoic prisons than having a genuine, meaningful interaction.
              I criticized a movie you like.
              >This speaks more volumes about the type of people that you are
              I'm a single person, chat GPT.

              • 8 months ago

                >Do I need to clarify
                1. Yes, you do. Since every statement you have made is by default in a thread with a preconceived bias. You are intentionally passing off your statements as objective fact.
                2. Your limited perspective is the inability to perceive media you clearly are not interested in yet persist in spending time, energy and effort trying to understand it. If you do not like something, you move on. But that's not why you're here is it? I don't think anyone cares about your worthless credentials. You are not an authority here. It is irrelevant both to the discussion or the movie. Your validation seeking and need to establish authority is irrelevant.
                3. I never admitted the story of Blade Runner is a mess. Do not assign things I have never said. The statement I've made is straightforward, simple and simple to understand, if you wish to find a more engaging and tightly woven story then stop replying and find something else.
                4. This is an anonymous website, I have no evidence or basis to accuse you specifically and personally of ridicule, however, based on the replies so far, the original bias of the entire thread and your current reply to me. It is clear you are here for the same reason. I am not chatgpt, mongoloid. That's a joke, I'll try take that as a compliment.
                >Trust me I have
                5. Then leave. By continuing to stay here and argue you are effectively supporting the bias of the thread, the need to attention seek and argue about opinions that you've already stated, which aren't discussed anymore. Everything that was written up above has been diplomatic, open-ended, acknowledging of your irrational personal feelings and meant to create a compromise between this conflict. But that's not why you're here, is it? By choosing to stay here you are forfeiting any genuine credibility and not one singular person wishes to engage with you or your mentally ill like any further.

              • 8 months ago

                >1. Yes, you do. Since every statement you have made is by default in a thread with a preconceived bias. You are intentionally passing off your statements as objective fact.
                "You need to tell me it's an opinion every time you state an opinion" Holy fricking autism.
                >persist in spending time, energy and effort trying to understand it.
                Watching a movie every 5-6 years to see if it clicks with me isn't that much effort. There's also nothing to "understand" about the film that I'm not grasping, which is kinda my problem with it.
                >You are not an authority here.
                Never claimed that I was. But I will certainly counter any claim that I have a "limited perspective" on films by pointing out that I've seen a significantly broader spectrum of movies than most people.
                >stop replying and find something else.
                "PLS STOP CALLING A MOVIE I LIKE BAD" no, you're free to leave and hide the thread at any time.
                >It is clear you are here for the same reason.
                "I've divined his motivation from the rodent's intestines."
                >I am not chatgpt, mongoloid. That's a joke, I'll try take that as a compliment.
                Being called out for vapid surface level responses isn't a compliment.
                >Then leave.
                >By continuing to stay here and argue you are effectively supporting the bias of the thread
                Yes, and? What are you going to do about?
                >the need to attention seek and argue about opinions that you've already stated
                It's almost like... ...this is a discussion board...
                >not one singular person wishes to engage with you or your mentally ill like any further.
                You want to try that one again, this time in English?

              • 8 months ago

                too obvious

            • 8 months ago

              >"it's just not good"
              >Is a factual statement
              Correct, Blade Runner is objectively a bad movie
              >thought-provoking themes
              Are you talking about a different movie now? Blade Runner doesn't have themes, it's too busy with pew pew action garbage for shit like that
              >celebrated for its influential visuals
              You mean constant nighttime? Wow, what great viduals

              • 8 months ago

                >Blade Runner doesn't have themes, it's too busy with pew pew action garbage for shit like that
                I dislike Blade Runner, but it certainly does have themes, and it's "pew pew action" is few and far between. Neither more nor less action would remedy the movie's problems.

              • 8 months ago

                Every statement you have just made is objectively false. It is entirely your personal view and you are entitled to believe so. However, if you want to act like a child, then you will be treated such.

                >"it's just not good"
                >Is a factual statement.
                Are you being intentionally obtuse? Do I need to clarify every opinion I state with the tag " my opinion" just so you understand what you're reading? "I am of the opinion that the movie Blade Runner is just not good."
                >I completely understand your limited perspective.
                What exactly is my "limited perspective" here? Because there's a good chance I own more movies than you've even watched.
                >If you're looking for a more engaging and tightly woven story, then stop replying and find something else.
                This is a "please stop saying things I don't like" statement, but I'm glad you admit the story of Blade Runner is a mess.
                >ridiculing people for enjoying what they want.
                Who exactly have I ridiculed? Because the primary response to my opinion was insults, something I actively avoiding doing in response.
                >If you are genuinely an intelligent person then you should realize the choice to find movies that align with your preferences and storytelling expectations.
                Trust me I have.
                >For most people I would say it is celebrated for its influential visuals and thought-provoking themes
                "most people" implies a majority, the majority of opinions on the film are that it is dull, which is evident by its performance at the box office.
                >You are entitled to express your opinion
                Gee, thanks Chat GPT, I'm glad I have your permission to express an opinion.
                >if you want to have a blade runner hate thread go ahead but you have to expect to be challenged.
                The bulk of "challenges" have been insults, or people who like the film agreeing with me.
                >Which brings me to the actual real reason for this thread, which is baiting for attention.
                Ask OP, I just responded to somebody praising the aesthetics of the film.
                >you people are too concerned over your egoic prisons than having a genuine, meaningful interaction.
                I criticized a movie you like.
                >This speaks more volumes about the type of people that you are
                I'm a single person, chat GPT.

                You have been challenged right now. So far, your response has been typical of the same attention seeking behavior that is rooted in egoic prison petty struggles. It is virtually impossible to have a diplomatic, civilized discourse this way. Every reply that was made to you was incredibly considerate of your ignorance and stubborness. Learn how to have a genuine conversation instead of sitting in threads such as these, stunting your mental and physical development this way, while pretending you are accomplishing any meaningful criticism of any kind. This interaction is over.

              • 8 months ago

                >1. Yes, you do. Since every statement you have made is by default in a thread with a preconceived bias. You are intentionally passing off your statements as objective fact.
                "You need to tell me it's an opinion every time you state an opinion" Holy fricking autism.
                >persist in spending time, energy and effort trying to understand it.
                Watching a movie every 5-6 years to see if it clicks with me isn't that much effort. There's also nothing to "understand" about the film that I'm not grasping, which is kinda my problem with it.
                >You are not an authority here.
                Never claimed that I was. But I will certainly counter any claim that I have a "limited perspective" on films by pointing out that I've seen a significantly broader spectrum of movies than most people.
                >stop replying and find something else.
                "PLS STOP CALLING A MOVIE I LIKE BAD" no, you're free to leave and hide the thread at any time.
                >It is clear you are here for the same reason.
                "I've divined his motivation from the rodent's intestines."
                >I am not chatgpt, mongoloid. That's a joke, I'll try take that as a compliment.
                Being called out for vapid surface level responses isn't a compliment.
                >Then leave.
                >By continuing to stay here and argue you are effectively supporting the bias of the thread
                Yes, and? What are you going to do about?
                >the need to attention seek and argue about opinions that you've already stated
                It's almost like... ...this is a discussion board...
                >not one singular person wishes to engage with you or your mentally ill like any further.
                You want to try that one again, this time in English?

                Bro. You're literally 40+ shut the frick up you stupid homosexual, youre not owning anyone here

              • 8 months ago


                >You're not 40+
                Anon, people born in the 80s are between the ages of 34 and 44.

              • 8 months ago

                >if I keep regurgitating the same armchair psychology maybe they'll stop telling me Blade Runner is bad
                Blade Runner is bad.

              • 8 months ago

                i watched a 40 year old movie when i was a kid
                thought it was shit and old and shit
                but then i grew up
                and it will happen to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

      • 8 months ago

        You got filtered Black person deal with it lol

        • 8 months ago

          Filtered by what exactly? Baby's first philosophical thought experiment? Move sucks.

  14. 8 months ago
  15. 8 months ago

    hate when people call the plot revolutionary
    homie read any mid century science fiction book

    • 8 months ago

      /tv/gays have never read a book in their lives

  16. 8 months ago

    I always forget how bat shit crazy the film turns near the end, with all the somersaulting

  17. 8 months ago

    Why did he rape Rachel?

  18. 8 months ago

    THANK!! YOU!!

    Finally, someone said it.

  19. 8 months ago

    have a nice day homosexual.

  20. 8 months ago

    low IQ zoomer thread

  21. 8 months ago

    i've read manga with more depth than this shit movie

    • 8 months ago

      The manga about highschool girls trying to eat mermaids to make boys fall for them has more depth and more to say than this movie.

      >The movie is about replicants having no empathy, because that is what the book is about.
      Are you for real? Absolute fricking moron.

      It's what the movie should be about. Androids are allegory for letting yourself get so doped up you don't really feel anything anymore.
      This is another thing the movie fails on. There's no mood organs

      • 8 months ago

        >Androids are allegory
        mate... lmao
        literally stop bumping this shit thread nobody cares about your filtered status

  22. 8 months ago

    hes right you know

  23. 8 months ago

    Welcome to 90% of "classic masterpieces".

  24. 8 months ago

    hows the simpsons version compare

  25. 8 months ago

    ive been here for about 15 years and ill still never not be surprised by how you c**ts can make copper wire out of a penny.
    youll argue about anything.
    its like you think your hot takes clarify your existence.

  26. 8 months ago

    The main problem is Scott trying to ruin the film's ambiguity regarding certain plot elements and to force feed his personal interpretation to everyone with his new "improved" cuts.
    Not only did Scott never make a single quality film after Blade Runner he is also retroactively trying to make one of his few good films worse.
    He really should have kicked the bucket after the 80s

    • 8 months ago

      >Scott never make a single quality film after Blade Runner
      Eh, I have a soft spot for Gladiator and American Gangster is alright. I fear Napoleon will be a bloated mess, but I hope for the best.

  27. 8 months ago

    Not the fricking point. For one thing, the special effects are still unmatched to this day. The film is an incredible technical achievement. What is with zoomers and their desperate need for plot twists? Because that's really the big thing that's missing here for them. Nothing they can take to Reddit about and talk about how "hype" it was.

    • 8 months ago

      >the special effects are still unmatched to this day
      This is just patently false.
      >What is with zoomers
      Audiences at the time of release thought it was a boring mess (they were correct). Were they zoomers?
      >desperate need for plot twists?
      It's not about plot twists or the lack thereof, it's the fact that what little plot there is has been stretched to a painfully dull 2 hours.

      If you like looking at cyber punk imagery so much just stare at cyber punk wallpapers, some of us are here to watch a story.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, plot and characters is what a story is about. And this movie butchered both
      Being pretty is not enough and this shit doesn't even do that, it's ugly as shit. If you want a storyless visual spectacle movie watch Life of Pi

  28. 8 months ago

    I tried to watch it twice and I was bored out of my fricking mind. I love Alien too so it confuses me why I hate it so much.

  29. 8 months ago

    Reminder that, whenever you're bickering with a millennizoomer b***hing about a celebrated genre epic and they won't say what their idea of a "good" movie's capeshit. Always.

  30. 8 months ago

    i love blade runner but i dont care for its themes or character development or lack thereof.
    i just love watching these alien people going about their business in this alien world.
    thx 4 listening.

  31. 8 months ago

    I saw the shining in theaters this week and thought it was boring as hell

  32. 8 months ago

    its threads like these that make me realize how truly bitter and worthless this place has really become, it's a good movie go frick yourselves you souless attention vampires

    • 8 months ago

      It is vapid shlock.
      >ohhh but the special effects
      Looked like shit then and still do

  33. 8 months ago

    >op makes guaranteed replies thread
    >makes self look like total moron in the process
    every time

    • 8 months ago

      imagine wasting hours a day replying to bots and bait threads on a dead thread created by souless bitter lonely monsters because it makes them feel unique and edgy

      • 8 months ago

        1 make shit bait thread
        2 wait for people to take bait
        3 try and tell them off for taking the bait
        4 feel good that you have dragged the world down to your meaningless level

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think OP has actually posted in the thread...

  34. 8 months ago

    >What if we gave androids fake consciousness and memories, made them superior to humans in every physical aspect except lifespan?
    >Now what if those androids wanted to extend their life span?
    >Wow, things not wanting to die, such a profound original concept for a story
    >shove that into a cyberpunk setting and it'll distract audiences from how little substance there is.
    >oops we made it boring and nobody cares

    • 8 months ago

      Seventh Seal should be added to

      Kurosawa's "Ran"
      Tokyo Story
      The Lion in Winter
      Titan A.E.
      Princess Bride
      Some Like it Hot
      Key Largo
      The 9th Gate

      add to the list if you're a film buff not some pantywaste gay.

      Aka good movie list

  35. 8 months ago

    Great setting
    Great visuals
    Great atmosphere
    Great premise
    Good actors and actresses
    Shit story
    Any other kinos like this?

    • 8 months ago

      A lot of the films of Jess Franco

    • 8 months ago

      Lost in Translation? Story is virtually non-existent.

  36. 8 months ago

    Blade Runner is the epitome of pseuds thinking a movie looks cool = a movie is good.
    Pic extremely related.

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