>both krg and ssg hating current show

>both krg and ssg hating current show
Is there nothing you gays like? I'm tired of having to browse through the generals just to see WAH NEON SUCKS this and WAH GIRA IS AWFUL that. What happened to the good days where we just talk about the show and speculate as to what could happen next?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Welcome to the internet

    • 11 months ago

      >Cinemaphile = the entire internet

      • 11 months ago

        No but it's the only place you can talk about shit without making an account and having your data harvested while weirdos obsess over clout and posting histories.
        I miss old forum days where everything was small and scattered instead of homogenized into giant social media networks.

        • 11 months ago

          you might not need an account but you bet your ass that data is being harvested

  2. 11 months ago

    Bro update your schizo, Gira-sama is brave and wonderful now.

  3. 11 months ago

    Stop letting shitposting SEAs get to you.

    • 11 months ago

      OP is a homosexual shitposting SEA

  4. 11 months ago

    Anon, 2022 was one year ago.

  5. 11 months ago

    Geats is ass, but Kingohger is okay. Only Gira haters are Inoue dickriders.

    • 11 months ago

      >Only Gira haters are Rcles dickriders.

  6. 11 months ago

    Shut the frick up, butthurt Geatsgay.

  7. 11 months ago

    Neither of these generals actually like anything but Saber, gyms, babies and FFXIV (maybe gravure of some ladies with no ass nor breasts to speak of if you're lucky). I've stopped caring about what either of them have to say a long time ago because they're actual room temperature IQ Americans and SEAs that argue about politics in broken English and never actually watch the episodes (I know most toku "fans" online don't, they just read TVtropes pages for whatever they want to shitpost about - this is how a lot of plain wrong complaints come about, the people at TVtropes are bumbling morons who don't understand basic plotpoints and if you've actually watched any given show you can easily notice the wrong info TVtropes provides). Also, half of the arguments you see are basically just circlejerks originating in O-T and GC's respective Discords, since they're populated with weapons-grade autists that love to drag on dramas and memes from like, 2003 IRCs and such. I only check in every now and then for leaks and magazine scans, so I recommend doing the same.
    Geats is the most fun I've had with a toku show in years, btw.

    • 11 months ago

      Take your meds.

      • 11 months ago

        /ssg/ doesn't hate current show. Hell, I don't think they hated any show since LuPat and even then they softened on Kyu and LuPat since.
        Now /krg/ just got some shitposters and hates when the show that got promise turns out bad, which often happens in the later half. Even then Geats is treated rather alright compared to Zero-One, Saber and especially Revice.

        >Neither of these generals actually like anything but Saber
        No one really likes Saber aside from a few underused characters and V-Cinema, frick off.

        Ah, so you folks haven't been in the threads the past 2 years.

        • 11 months ago

          Says the delusional homosexual who's still seething about gymanon even though he hasn't posted shit in years.

        • 11 months ago

          Zenkaiger and Donbrothers were generally liked. King-Ohger for the most part is liked as well.
          Revice started okay but became complete shit, even worse than Saber. Geats started good, but didn't really deliver on the premise. Still better second half than Zero One.

          • 11 months ago

            Every year of the reiwa era I check I watch the first couple eps of the new rider, figure its pretty good but end up not watching any more and find out later on everyone hates the show now. Good for my FOMO but man, what the hell is going on at Toei?

            • 11 months ago

              Covid fricked over Zero-One, Saber actually got better (or so people say), Revice is a dumpster fire and Geats isn't that bad actually, aside from the usual series fatigue and general feel that the show keeps going even after exhausting the material.

              • 11 months ago

                Zero-One's decline started long before Covid. It's theorized the Covid rewrites might have somewhat salvaged the ending stretch even if it still ended up messy for obvious reasons. Covid certainly fricked Saber's production at the start though, in mutiple ways.

                As for Geats, I don't really agree with you since I think it started declining and spinning its wheels as early as Q2, but you do you.

              • 11 months ago

                kys saberhomosexual

            • 11 months ago

              /krg/ is an intensely negative general and is basically always going to tell you that the most recent show was shit no matter what its actual quality was. Form your own opinions instead of parroting what you read.

              • 11 months ago

                >/krg/ is an intensely negative general and is basically always going to tell you that the most recent show was shit no matter what its actual quality was.
                This, but that doesn't change the fact that Reiwa rider has been shit.

    • 11 months ago

      my wife yumi

    • 11 months ago

      /ssg/ doesn't hate current show. Hell, I don't think they hated any show since LuPat and even then they softened on Kyu and LuPat since.
      Now /krg/ just got some shitposters and hates when the show that got promise turns out bad, which often happens in the later half. Even then Geats is treated rather alright compared to Zero-One, Saber and especially Revice.

      >Neither of these generals actually like anything but Saber
      No one really likes Saber aside from a few underused characters and V-Cinema, frick off.

    • 11 months ago


      Probably British (worse than newbie)

    • 11 months ago

      SSG has been immensely supportive of both Donbrothers and King-Ohger. There's some criticism, yes, but so what? None of these shows are perfect and it's fine to criticise them. A few don't like them but it's not the majority.
      KRG turned against Revice and Geats because both shows fricked up immensely. It's natural that fans would react negatively to a show fricking up, especially considering both main writers for these past series are massive hacks. If you want /krg/ to stop being a mess, then Toei should stop making messy products.

      All because of how much of a shitshow Rider has these days that they even bashed Geats for stupid reasons. They had to rightfully bash Saber and Revice because both are crap, but Cinemaphile loves to divide fanbases for liking one thing and disliking the other and vice versa, saying Saber good Revice bad, or Revice good Saber bad, well I HATE BOTH, OKAY? It's just like in the Fire Emblem threads in /vg/, the fanbase is too divided with Engage that there is no middle ground between Engage good and Engage bad, well I SAY ENGAGE IS THE FRICKING MIDDLE OF FIRE EMBLEM! I MEAN SERIOUSLY, WHY IS THERE NO OTHER OPINION?

      • 11 months ago

        >Fire Emblem threads in /vg/
        Frick off Neonsister, nobody except you know or gives a shit about this. Geats and your """wife""" get shat on for valid reasons

        • 11 months ago

          I'm getting Yua wifeposting flashbacks from this.

          • 11 months ago

            The Neon coomer/schizo is even worse. He has like 4 different personas.

            • 11 months ago

              >He has like 4 different personas.
              Jesus, is this what waifuhomosexualry is like?

            • 11 months ago

              I am not a major Neon fan. I watch what I want, so shut up already! This is why idiots like you never read who they are because of the poorly mandated Anonymous system. Yes, I say Engage is the middle of Fire Emblem popularity-wise, and no, I don't think Geats is saving Kamen Rider. I really hope Gotchard kills the franchise for all I care, because Reiwa is the worst era for Kamen Rider.

      • 11 months ago

        Geats sister, why do you keep bringing up fire emblem in the general and here? Nobody gives a shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >Geats fan is a schizo
        Of course

      • 11 months ago

        You remind me of this toku fan with a TaJaDor pfp who would always abuse caps.

  8. 11 months ago

    /ssg/ likes King-ohger though

    • 11 months ago

      who wouldn't like that smile

  9. 11 months ago

    >stop disliking things and only come up with head canon that will just make the show worse when it doesn't happen because the writers are shit

    • 11 months ago

      They're literally toy commercials for kids where funny guys in costumes beat each other up. Your life is FUBAR if you're caring about or arguing about the actual quality of the show itself instead of just enjoying the dumb action.
      Frick off and watch something for adults if you care that much. You're eating fast food and crying when every year it remains fast food instead of being lobster.

      • 11 months ago

        >They're literally toy commercials
        Toy commercials aren't allowed to have good writing?
        Gundam is a toy commercial and we talk about how good and bad the writing for that is all the time
        Also lmao at desperately clinging to food analogies

  10. 11 months ago

    SSG has been immensely supportive of both Donbrothers and King-Ohger. There's some criticism, yes, but so what? None of these shows are perfect and it's fine to criticise them. A few don't like them but it's not the majority.
    KRG turned against Revice and Geats because both shows fricked up immensely. It's natural that fans would react negatively to a show fricking up, especially considering both main writers for these past series are massive hacks. If you want /krg/ to stop being a mess, then Toei should stop making messy products.

  11. 11 months ago

    Decade in Gotchard will carry the Reiwa era

  12. 11 months ago

    This is post-election Cinemaphile, where all the normies who flooded the site think that being a contrarian homosexual who hates everything makes them fit in when all it does is out them as tourists.

  13. 11 months ago

    Imagine seething so hard you got btfo in a general that you need to make a thread about it

    have a nice day Neongay / Girasimp

    • 11 months ago

      I thought the Girahate was just Goroge roleplaying.

  14. 11 months ago

    This is literally New Thing Bad the board, what do you expect? Most idiots here would rather wallow in 30 year old nostalgia than ever admit they enjoyed anything new.

  15. 11 months ago

    what are you talking about, /ssg/ dickrides the frick out of king-ohger

  16. 11 months ago

    For some reason the recent KR shows can't keep the momentum of a 50 episode series and start to have a bunch of stupid contrivances so we can fill 3-4 episodes on the way to ending arc. Saber might be the only show in the Reiwa era that hasn't fallen prey to this but most of Saber's stuff was bad to begin with so it's not really high praise

    • 11 months ago

      This has been apparent for a while. Ex-Aid and Build have it particularly bad. Both main villains resort to mustache twirling "I'll get you next time Kamen Rider!" to pad out their episode time. Then you have shit like the Job arc in Zero-One or everything relating to Sakura in Revice. It's like, why not just have shorter series? Gaim and Decade were both a bit shorter than the norm.

      • 11 months ago

        > It's like, why not just have shorter series? Gaim and Decade were both a bit shorter than the norm
        Hello, newbie.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah let's pace everything out like Decade, the show so poorly thought out that Toei was almost sued because of it. ur a genus anon

        • 11 months ago

          Ultraman has been doing just fine with 25-26 episode shows for a while now and that's even while taking on bigger, more character-focused story arcs. In fact, Ultra is the only franchise of the Big Three that has actually been increasing in sales and viewership while Sentai and Rider have been circling the drain for years.

          • 11 months ago

            >circling the drain
            In what fricking world? Ultragays are way too uppity, christ.

            • 11 months ago

              In the fact that Rider has hit the ceiling because of low birthrates in Japan. That's why we have more p-bandai shilling and forced female Riders trying to get older demographics and girls into buying more KR merch. Ultraman has fricking chinabux and the china market and Kamen Rider did squat there other than Saber so Rider has no room to grow since they are shackled mostly to a shrinking dometic audience with less spending power.

              • 11 months ago

                >Kamen Rider did squat there other than Saber
                Stop talking out of your ass, anon. Revice has even beat Saber in popularity.

                Also stop reaching so far and making moronic assumptions just from reading Color's (I doubt you even know who that is) insight on Geats' toyline.

                >In the fact that Rider has hit the ceiling because of low birthrates in Japan
                It's making more money than Ultra.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's making more money than Ultra.

                That's not the problem. The problem is it's not growing further. It's growth has peaked and they are stuck with diminishing returns to achieving further growth. Again you don't seem to understand the underlying problem that they are confronted with.

              • 11 months ago

                Anon, at the numbers they are, they're in a pretty comfortable position. They're not at risk if they don't grow, they're at risk if their numbers go down drastically.

          • 11 months ago

            >while taking on bigger, more character-focused story arcs

  17. 11 months ago

    >Is there nothing you gays like?
    New Ultra looks pretty cool.

  18. 11 months ago

    what exactly do you expect from third world autists who spend all day talking among themselves about 20 min long toy commercials?

  19. 11 months ago

    King-Ohger hasn't really done anything to "wow" me or stand out, but it's been remarkably consistently entertaining at the very least and I look forward to watching each new episode. Geats has been on a slow but steady downward slide since the end of the first quarter and is more and more of a chore to watch with each week.

  20. 11 months ago

    I would like the KingOhger much more if the fight scenes weren't unwatchable, I dropped it pretty early because I couldn't put up with how bad they were.
    Sentai has always had good fights, and in the last few years we've seen some of the franchise's best (Kiramager is a stand out in this regard), so to have every fight reduced to 'slo-mo effect, jump, slash effect, obnoxious vfx' is just sad.

    • 11 months ago

      Watanabe is smoking some weird shit I guess. People liked his action work in Zero-One from what I heard.

  21. 11 months ago

    This only really applys to krg because that general is a dumpster fire nowadays

  22. 11 months ago

    /ssg/ loves King-ohger and it derails the thread entirely if you say something negative about it because everyone jumps to its defense. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

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