>but Quantumania really shook [Marvel Studios] because they felt like they had something good.

>but ‘Quantumania’ really shook [Marvel Studios] because they felt like they had something good.
>They all internally thought, 'Everyone's gonna love this.'”
>With ‘Quantumania,’ they were like, 'We put out a banger.' And then that's not how a lot of people felt."

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  1. 8 months ago

    Nobody cares about MODOK.

    • 8 months ago

      I care about MODOK. That's why I hated this.

    • 8 months ago

      People might have cared about MODOK if he hadn't been made a joke

      • 8 months ago

        It's hard to say who and what people will care about when Rocket flipping Raccoon is one of the most beloved characters in the whole series.

        • 8 months ago

          considering how bad phase 4 is it's a miracle that guardians vol. 3 was as good as it is, james gunn might be able to save DC yet.

        • 8 months ago

          That's just because furrys.

          • 8 months ago

            those rocket threads make me want to avoid admitting I like the character, this is why people hate furgays.

            • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Rocket got more pathos than the entire cast because his plotline was literally SUFFERING for the entire series. Everyone else was spouting pop culture quips and being marketable plushies, but Rocket
          >Starts as an smart-ass with a haunting past who pisses/is hated by nearly everyone, save for his best-friend
          >Lost his best friend
          >Befriended the rest of the Guardians, but is still an butthole
          >Ruminated over whether or not anyone would give a shit if he died
          >Watched ALL of his friends die
          >Nearly dies for his past actions, but his saved by the very people he feared wouldn't care if he died
          >Becomes a true hero by no succumbing to the urge to heartlessly kill the man who ruined his life to begin with

          • 8 months ago

            "guardians don't kill people" was such a bullshit line, plus nobody would be upset if you killed space hitler. like I do understand why he didn't but it was such horse shit of a line.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh, it's absolutely stupid of his to not kill High Evolutionary, but in a world where literally EVERY superhero movie ends with them killing the bad guy, it was the most genuine superhero scene in the whole franchise. If you're trying to get a heartless mercenary his "redemption" moment, its that.

              • 8 months ago

                not only that they also killed ego, a ton of aliens, several kree, ronen the accuser but then draw the line at killing a guy who is 100% fricking irredeemable?

                what a krock of shit, it would of been better if rocket said something like "I want you to live with your failure" or "you don't deserve death, you deserve less then nothing" which would of been far more cathartic.

              • 8 months ago

                To be fair ego was planetary cancer and was going to absorb everyone in the universe on every planet he seeded


            • 8 months ago

              Oh, it's absolutely stupid of his to not kill High Evolutionary, but in a world where literally EVERY superhero movie ends with them killing the bad guy, it was the most genuine superhero scene in the whole franchise. If you're trying to get a heartless mercenary his "redemption" moment, its that.

              He should have said "He is just an idiot", like the film is basically telegraphing, the point is that Rocket is not only smarter, but more civilized and wiser than the HE, and thats a hurdle that its only gonna make him inferior, HE spends all the flashbacks belittling everybody else´s intelligence and feelings, thats the end you gotta have, better than death worse than mercy.

              Its because this is not in the film that I know Gunn is a hack, I dont even know what a GOG is for that crappy line to make sense, I know that not long after they close the movie with the guardians going to slaughter animals of presumably lesser intellect so the freakin guardians of the galaxy apparently have a kindred spirit to the HE considering he was too intelligent to get blasted, and they generally only kill animals after the first one IIRC

            • 8 months ago

              He ripped his face up pretty gory lol, he didn't get off Scott free

          • 8 months ago

            Deliberately ignoring the pathos the other cast got aside, I agree

            • 8 months ago

              Honestly, seeing Nebula crying of happiness over knowing her friends are alright and that Rocket made it... man.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes yes you want to frick the raccoon so you ignore everyone else's problems. I'm sure Quill never once struggled and that Nebula had a great time under Thanos and that Mantis working for Ego was all sunshine and rainbows etc. etc.

            • 8 months ago

              They do tend to overplay Mantis's sillyness. Which is a bit of a shame because she was quite sweet in the holiday special when she told Quill they were related.

            • 8 months ago

              Deliberately ignoring the pathos the other cast got aside, I agree

              I assume it's more of a "Rocket's full character arc took ~5 movies to complete" thing as opposed to most of the cast taking around 2. Quill, being the main character, has some big character thing every movie, but Drax definitely devolved into "Big guy who says silly thing", Groot basically became a mascot, and Gamora gets reset thanks to time-shenanigans.

    • 8 months ago

      Moviecasual pls go back to Cinemaphile

      • 8 months ago

        I feel like a lot of classic stuff is getting retroactively lambasted and that a lot of stuff that was liked is getting treated like shit after the fact.

    • 8 months ago

      MODOK Head Games rules kys

    • 8 months ago

      I thought the idea was hilarious, but I can understand why people would take it as a down right insult. They should have done something different with the original character and just forgone the MODOK concept altogether.

  2. 8 months ago

    I don't think I've seen a single one of these movies past iron man 2 with the exception of the first Disney Spiderman with a kid relative.
    People really need to grow up and get over spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make adaptations if children's stories written on toilet paper

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, anon, you're very cool for not liking capeshit on the board dedicated to comicbooks and cartoons. Here's your (You).

    • 8 months ago

      This anon fricks.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Even people who like Marvel movies tell me they had to drop them because there were too fricking many.

      • 8 months ago

        i've been a long term mcu enjoyer, but after secret invasion, yeah, i feel the drain now.

        • 8 months ago

          secret invasion was absolutely fricking terrible.

          spider-man was the swan song of the MCU

          • 8 months ago

            My friend is more MCU friendly than I am and he said he dropped it when they killed Maria Hill off. I haven't even gone to check it out, I tried Ms Marvel for an episode or two but that shit was beyond boring. I dropped She-Hulk at the wedding episode when I realized there was nothing for me there.

        • 8 months ago

          >but after secret invasion
          How the frick did it take you that long to get burned out?

          • 8 months ago

            Seriously. I was ready to tap out by Ultron.

            • 8 months ago

              I was a little burnt out by Ultron, but I kept tabs on it and watched Infinity War/Endgame because I figured I should at least see the big finales. Glad they didn't completely blow it, but I completely dropped it after that and everything I hear about everything post-Endgame just vindicated my choice more and more.

          • 8 months ago

            I was burnt out with eternals like holy frick that movie was terrible and boring and the pajeet guy was just so fricking obnoxious too, like literally 2 hours of talking and talking only for the ending to be a terrible CGI fight.

            My friend is more MCU friendly than I am and he said he dropped it when they killed Maria Hill off. I haven't even gone to check it out, I tried Ms Marvel for an episode or two but that shit was beyond boring. I dropped She-Hulk at the wedding episode when I realized there was nothing for me there.

            honestly he didn't miss much secret invasion was just complete shit, the way they handed fury was terrible anyone I ask who watched agrees it was fricking dreadful and boring.

            you should of dropped she-hulk as soon as the scene where she vents to bruce about "boo hoo I was cat called: (meanwhile banner was abused by his parents, hunted by the world, tried to kill himself his girlfriend scarified herself to save the universe but oh no someone found me attractive but then I b***h how nobody likes me or gives me no attention even though I literally just complained that people gave me attention), they had every tool in the tool box to write an amazing super hero court drama but instead you know what we get? the jolly green giant twerking based on a shitty comic that was extremely out of character.
            >y-you just hate strong women
            nope, just hate mary sue self inserts, I like Jessica jones just fine.

            • 8 months ago

              I love that the writers selected to write a law comedy both didn't understand law or comedy.

              • 8 months ago

                if I were to write it I'd take the harvey bird man approach with that one episode of venture bros where they were in court and the tick, just a complete shitpost about a hero who has no business being a lawyer with a bunch of whacky shit and visual gags making fun of silver/gold era comics and tropes while still being a love letter to the medium.

                or I'd play it seriously as a court room drama with people with super powers being held accountable basically law and order and J.A.G with a hint of N.C.I.S

              • 8 months ago

                A bit of both sounds perfect to me, superhero shenanigans stuffed into a courtroom, costumed weirdos slinging legalese at one another trying to use the system to their advantage rather than just doing a big superpowered battle. It would and should be awkward and silly to have The Juggernaut wearing a long tie around his big helmet in a courtroom while he countersues the city for damages, that's the entire point and it actually is fun if you do it right.

              • 8 months ago

                it's amazing how we can come up with a better idea for a show in two seconds then so called "professional writers" can in their entire career that they are payed for.

              • 8 months ago

                Well I'd argue that coming up with ideas is easier than implementing them and none of us have to actually put our ideas into practice. But it's also not really our jobs and something being hard doesn't mean you get to no ass it and turn out crap. So it's sort of a wash. A lot of the comic writers have spent years coming up with far more interesting, far more complex and far more well written stories.

              • 8 months ago

                true, I was more shitting on the Disney writers more so then the comic writers (save for ones that do stupid/bad shit and wonder why manga is running rings around the western comic book/graphic novel industry but that's a whole other can of worms)

                still, to do a goofy low stakes court room show you'd need naked gun-eque visual gags, amazing word play, well written characters who are dialed to 11 or just unhinged, ridiculous but easy to understand plots, some form of stakes (even if it's "you'll be out of a job" or "the family gets denied money" the whole world doesn't need to be in danger all the damned time) make fun of stupid super hero plots and powers (the one good bit of she-hulk was the shape shifter thing or using powers in funny ways like mentok the mind taker) people would love that.

                also very quotable characters and lines that can be used even outside the context of a reference.

              • 8 months ago

                Something as low stakes as " hero will be kicked off his unemployment benefits/social housing because he hasn't been engaging in further education or active jobseeking for more than 6 months.

                League of Gentlemen type unemployment agent.


                Revealed at the end to be the hero's arch enemy in disguise. ( or maybe all along- they only got the job because they could torment the hero that way)

            • 8 months ago

              >nope, just hate mary sue self inserts, I like Jessica jones just fine

              Awful taste. Bendis should never be rewarded.

              • 8 months ago

                I honestly can't think of any other single person that has done more damage to the industry than he has.

          • 8 months ago

            I was calling it quits after Endgame, but there were things I wanted closure on. Spidey, Strange, Ant-Man, Thor, and the Guardians. I stuck around and watched the other things more passively in the meantime, but I can't say I cared much about the other characters, like FalconCap, and much less the new ones (except maybe for Moon Knight).

            Spidey was good, Strange was alright, but Thor and Ants weren't worth the effort it took to stick around.
            Guardians was great tho, but paradoxically that only made it feel even more like the last stop for me.

            The last sliver of interest left in me was Daredevil, but after Kingpin's mauling in Hawkeye, DD's episode in She-Hulk (actually the only one I saw from that), and the rumors and issues with the new show, I don't think it's worth sticking around for it either.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm still pretty sore they waste Warlock.

              • 8 months ago

                Eh. There's room for him to grow into the Space Messiah he's meant to be. He didn't start out that way in the comics either.

                That is, provided the MCU manages not to fricking die before they get to that, which becomes more dubious by the day.

          • 8 months ago

            I genuinely like to see where the story goes.

            Been watching since I was 9 when Iron man cane out, dint see a reason not to.
            (Although there will be ones I skip like she hulk and the Marvels. )

            Really I'm waiting for more spider-man as well as some ACTUAL x-men and fantastic four content.
            Tired of these b and c-list hero projects, marvel knows they're stretching out the bottom of the barrel before bringing out the big guns

        • 8 months ago

          I burned out on movies with Iron Man 3 and on shows with Jessica Jones.

          I was burnt out with eternals like holy frick that movie was terrible and boring and the pajeet guy was just so fricking obnoxious too, like literally 2 hours of talking and talking only for the ending to be a terrible CGI fight.
          honestly he didn't miss much secret invasion was just complete shit, the way they handed fury was terrible anyone I ask who watched agrees it was fricking dreadful and boring.

          you should of dropped she-hulk as soon as the scene where she vents to bruce about "boo hoo I was cat called: (meanwhile banner was abused by his parents, hunted by the world, tried to kill himself his girlfriend scarified herself to save the universe but oh no someone found me attractive but then I b***h how nobody likes me or gives me no attention even though I literally just complained that people gave me attention), they had every tool in the tool box to write an amazing super hero court drama but instead you know what we get? the jolly green giant twerking based on a shitty comic that was extremely out of character.
          >y-you just hate strong women
          nope, just hate mary sue self inserts, I like Jessica jones just fine.

          >I like Jessica jones just fine.
          Your issue is shit taste then.

      • 8 months ago

        It's not that it's too many movies, they fricking suck ass. Avengers was the first movie where I noticed that I was only hyped in the theater but questioned my hype afterwards. Iron Man 3 was literally the first and only movie I saw in a theater that made me rage hard with that shitty Mandarin reveal. Civil War made me quit watching the movies in the theater, GotG, and the last two Avengers movies being the sole exception. I literally quit paying for Disney movies afterwards and don't plan on going back. The quality has made such a significant drop, it's unreal

        i've been a long term mcu enjoyer, but after secret invasion, yeah, i feel the drain now.

        Took you long enough, holy shit. How the hell did Thor 3, Captain Marvel, or even She Hulk not drain you out? She Hulk and Captain Marvel were literally the worst products to come out of the whole thing, Secret Invasion was a hundred times better than those

    • 8 months ago

      You must have taken quite the wrong turn to somehow end up in this board that is entirely dedicated to childish media.

      • 8 months ago

        There's childish media and there's dumping billions of dollars into creating childish media that pretends to be and is insisted as being adult entertainment.

        • 8 months ago

          >and there's dumping billions of dollars into creating childish media that pretends to be and is insisted as being adult entertainment.

          What happened to all ages movies? Indiana Jones and James Bond are no different

          • 8 months ago

            I personally suspect it's just a decline in writing talent in Hollywood. If all you have on your writing staff are (wo)manchildren, of course your stories will be hard-capped at being childish or simplistic. That's not to say there are NO mature films being made because there obviously are, but the big money studios aren't throwing cash at those writers because children's story pretending to be serious can be sold to everyone and make more money.

      • 8 months ago

        Like ok, we get it

        I don't think I've seen a single one of these movies past iron man 2 with the exception of the first Disney Spiderman with a kid relative.
        People really need to grow up and get over spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make adaptations if children's stories written on toilet paper

        you're a BIG BOY because you don't care about any capeshit even though no one asked
        This is the 50th time ove heard someone announce that

        now let us discuss why we hate the new capeshit in peace

        It's like people who come on this site b***hing about anime, if you're really "above it" then be an adult and go elsewhere

    • 8 months ago

      I saw GotG 1 and No Way Home and no other MCU

    • 8 months ago

      >People really need to grow up and get over spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make adaptations if children's stories written on toilet paper

      Why? Pre-MCU, lots of directors wanted to do Marvel adaptations

      The stories themselves aren't the problem

    • 8 months ago

      They hated him because he spoke the truth. I remember when the top films of the year could be anything from an original action flick or a sport film to a drama, now it's children's franchise installment after the next.

  3. 8 months ago

    anything past end game isn't worth watching save for guardians 3 which was the only good movie post end game and even then not all of the movies before that are good. (captain toe fungus dark world age of quip-tron) it's not that people are burnt out on super hero content they are just tired of terrible writing, the boys, hit monkey, invincible all proved that there's still a market for it, it's the same story with star wars everyone is just sick of Mary sues and terrible quips

  4. 8 months ago

    >least popular MCU Avenger (barely beating out Captain Marvel)
    >plot is fricking moronic
    >Cassie is an annoying c**t
    >everyone else treats Scott like shit and goes back on literally everything established about their characters
    >Kang is an awful villain
    >Saying technobabble and "quantum realm" over and over when it may as well just be magic nonsense
    I know they're deeply out of touch... but do they watch their own movies? Are they even capable of understanding how they're fricking up?

    • 8 months ago

      don't forget:
      >muh political allegory
      >muh strong wahman soggy knee
      >cut out scott's crew for no good reason despite people liking them in 1 and 2
      >quips every second because we can't let things be serious ever
      >terrible CGI (not just MODOK)
      >fan fic tier writing
      >let's bash the main protagonist, the guy who is quite literally saved half of the entire universe and name sake is the title of the fricking movie in a thinly veiled attempt to appeal to the woke crowd who hates the companies guts no matter how hard they try to shill for them just for the sake of empty virtue signalling that just pisses people off, even normies are sick of it.
      >"big ugly CGI fight of armies clashing because we don't know how to write anything but endgame anymore"
      >terrible passing a good 30 minutes could of been cut from the run time
      >shameless bill Murray cameo

    • 8 months ago

      >everyone else treats Scott like shit and goes back on literally everything established about their characters

      don't forget:
      >muh political allegory
      >muh strong wahman soggy knee
      >cut out scott's crew for no good reason despite people liking them in 1 and 2
      >quips every second because we can't let things be serious ever
      >terrible CGI (not just MODOK)
      >fan fic tier writing
      >let's bash the main protagonist, the guy who is quite literally saved half of the entire universe and name sake is the title of the fricking movie in a thinly veiled attempt to appeal to the woke crowd who hates the companies guts no matter how hard they try to shill for them just for the sake of empty virtue signalling that just pisses people off, even normies are sick of it.
      >"big ugly CGI fight of armies clashing because we don't know how to write anything but endgame anymore"
      >terrible passing a good 30 minutes could of been cut from the run time
      >shameless bill Murray cameo

      >>let's bash the main protagonist, the guy who is quite literally saved half of the entire universe and name sake is the title of the fricking movie in a thinly veiled attempt to appeal to the woke crowd

      You people are pathetically fragile.

      • 8 months ago

        You're right. Why should the main character and protagonist of the story be treated like anyone should like him, trust him, or respect him after all those movies he was in where he earned all of those things?

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah that was an odd writing choice. My guess is they did it because it's a recurring theme for Scott to be someone that has to prove himself in the eyes of others that look down on him, he's the little guy. Iit makes sense in the other movies, he's an excon that is just gaining the trust of everybody or his past choices jeopardized the existence of everybody around him.

          Here however, Scott is coming back from his peak, he helped save the world, the literal universe, so there's really no way to look down on him and frame him in the need to prove himself yet again. So the solution they come up is to have him "retire" to show that he has fallen off, that it's wrong for him to want to retire comfortably because heroes don't do that, they keep fighting the good fight, so the rest of his arc is about how he regain his sense of heroism, growing even more because he has to face off against The Biggest-Threat-to-the-MCU-yet™.

          Except that they don't emphasizes this much, like Scott even says he would go back to the action if the Avengers need him and he doesn't seem to act conceited enough to provoke the ire of everybody else so he just comes across as sensible man when Cassie gets arrested for doing some off-screen activisims. That's also another problem, they MCU has always been wishy-washy with worldbuilding so there's no real reaction when Scott gets called out for not helping out with problems that we as an audience barely know exist in the first place, the "what have you done lately?" is too much and also indirectly insults the sacrifice of the other Avengers, or at least that's how the audience see it.

          • 8 months ago

            It's the same shit as when Captain Falcon said "YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER!" Better at what? These people want a cause that doesn't exist and then complains when no one helps their non existent battle. Some moron in the writer's room just says Cassie is an activist and activism is good so that means Scott and everyone else is bad because frick you.

            • 8 months ago

              It could maybe work if it was the focus of the story and was tied to the character arcs and not just lazy setup

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Yeah. I can kinda understand their sentiment because I'd like for my waifu to be treated with respect as well. But that's my waifu. People cry like this about every male character they like, so I guess maybe their identify with them a bit too much.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't watch an ANT-MAN movie to see the main character get treated like an annoyance

        Same issue with the mario movie

        If you have a humiliation fetish be my guest, watch them

    • 8 months ago

      Cassie getting recast after they made a huge fuzz about T'Challa not getting recast sure soured a lot of people.

      And it's not like Kathryn Newton attract crowds anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        >Cassie getting recast after they made a huge fuzz about T'Challa not getting recast sure soured a lot of people.

        No, it didn't.

        Nobody fricking cared, other than people that may have wanted to frick the other Cassie over Newton.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't know why they made such a fuss about recasting T'chall and possibly even Kang when Rhodie's been recast. Like will modern audiences just not GET that OH it's a new actor. That really doesn't require an explanation.

        • 8 months ago

          the funny thing about kang is they could just say "oh different timeline/alternate universe" and the problem wouldn't exist.

        • 8 months ago

          T'Challa wasn't recast because Boseman became emblematic as the character.

          Kang hasn't been recast because they are still waiting for the result of Jonathan Majors' trial. The James Gunn debacle taught them not to rush into decisions like these.

        • 8 months ago

          they should of just recasted T'Challa and called it a day, killing him in cannon off screen was a stupid idea just slap a "in loving memory of" at the start of the film, it fricked up the entire movie (ablobloblo meh dead bruddha the entire fricking time) they recasted war machine and nobody gave a shit about that, nobody would've gotten upset.

          It came to light that Rhodey was recast because some guy didn't care enough and said something like "who cares all Black folk look the same anyways" so any attempt at trying to recast Boseman would've been scrutinized, and he was their flagship black representative. There's no way that would've flied, especially if the other black costars make a stink out of missing Boseman and the Rhodey recast reasoning

          • 8 months ago

            I think they would of accepted it alot better considering, y'know HE FRICKING DIED so there's a legitimate reason to recast, I suppose it was a lose-lose situation.

            though kang being a racist or whatever the deal is getting shit canned is even more funny with that in mind.

          • 8 months ago

            Didn't they recast Rhodey because the original actor was demanding he get paid the same as Robert Downey Jr? Which is hilarious because no one was getting paid the same as RDJ, he had a special contract only because they didn't expect how hugely popular the first Iron Man was going to be on top of him being THE face of the MCU for quite a while.

            • 8 months ago

              It was a whole mess of contracting, but yeah that's the short version.

              Is SHS squad any good? Some of those scenes were actually pretty funny.
              And yeah I like they had a good grasp on how powerful even just one of the stones can be. I get they couldn't make them QUITE as good in the movies but come on, the comics Gauntlet Thanos would completely shit on movie Gauntlet Thanos any day of the week.

              >Is SHS squad any good?
              It's a decently amusing show for it's target audience. They make A LOT of obscure references and a A LOT of characters show up. So that's pretty cool. It's for really little kids but it will make you laugh if you get the references.

              • 8 months ago

                Well maybe I'll take a look at it later, some kids shows are still solid in spite of it.

              • 8 months ago

                It is what it is, and it's pretty amusing. Even got Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing. That's neat.

      • 8 months ago

        they should of just recasted T'Challa and called it a day, killing him in cannon off screen was a stupid idea just slap a "in loving memory of" at the start of the film, it fricked up the entire movie (ablobloblo meh dead bruddha the entire fricking time) they recasted war machine and nobody gave a shit about that, nobody would've gotten upset.

        • 8 months ago

          God, they really did fricking run the Black Panther brand into the ground.

          • 8 months ago

            and even if people complained about a recast they could just say "well the guy fricking died what do you want us to do? CGI him in after he kicked the bucket? we got shit for doing that in star wars with a dead actor, sometimes shit just happens deal with it"

        • 8 months ago

          I think it's sad he died and he was actually great in the roll but to just unceremoniously kill him off actually feels more disrespectful than if they were to recast him. You're basically just ending the character then and there instead of letting the work he put in on carry on. Moreover, these character have existed for ages and will continue to do so. A lot of actors have really put the definitive face on some of them, sure, but they're still characters that belong to time rather than anyone person.

          • 8 months ago

            the worst part of that whole situation is that's not even the worst part of that movie either. that honor goes to the terrible CGI of iron heart because, yet again they learned nothing from the first movie crunching the artists, compare the CGI of pirates of the carribean 3 to the 5th pirate movie and black panther 1 and 2 you see the quality is like night and fricking day.

            • 8 months ago

              Just Iron Heart and Suri in general. Why are they in such a desperate rush to push Riritard is beyond me. Of all the characters....

              • 8 months ago

                they are clearly trying to push a "young avengers" thing what with America chaves, iron boy jr, terrible CGI ghost head child (heimdels kid), the kid with thor, the kid with the stupid powers in guardians 3, ms marvel it would not shock me if miles shows up in the next spider man film as peters protege


              • 8 months ago

                Right but even if they wanted to push a younger team we've had no shortage of that long before most of these modern characters came out. Maybe I'm just angry about all the recency bias but I'd be more excited about say a New Warriors project than any of this shit.

              • 8 months ago

                the reason why they slap the kiddie heroes with the old ones is to shamelessly shill to younger audiences to self insert, it's really shameless how they do it by making the old heroes written in a bad light.

                it's like how scrappy doo/robin/bucky was paired up to try and get a younger demographic end game was the shark and thanos was the one to jump it.

          • 8 months ago

            >A lot of actors have really put the definitive face on some of them, sure, but they're still characters that belong to time rather than anyone person.
            We live in a narcissistic age where anything that induces any kind of present "discomfort" (like reminding you of someone's death) must be erased. Entire scripts are thrown out and development time wasted because of their writer's messy exit and not for their quality, books such as Ducktales are banned or retroactively altered for depicting contemporary values, and it is de-facto assumed that modern sensibilities are the only ones that will ever be.

          • 8 months ago


            Plus having a black male character with his OWN mantle (not Sam as cap) is what we of the black community need.

            I think Disney and Blackrock feared us having a black masculine hero like Tchalla

        • 8 months ago

          >should of recasted
          Dumb Black person talking about dumb Black person movies

    • 8 months ago


      >but ‘Quantumania’ really shook [Marvel Studios] because they felt like they had something good.
      >They all internally thought, 'Everyone's gonna love this.'”
      >With ‘Quantumania,’ they were like, 'We put out a banger.' And then that's not how a lot of people felt."

      Yeah the biggest flaw for me was cassie i couldn't even watch the first mins because she immediately pissed me off. Also she plays off the mary sue(or mary sue adjacent) vibe. She talks down to her father and everyone around her either sucks her dick. Shit Hank who hates arrogant people and wanted to try to raise his daughter the best he could while protecting her. Why would that guy ever frick with scott the man who he saw a bit like a son and knew was the same, why would he get involved in his relationship with his daughter. Also god forbid scott wants to be safe and protect his family, scott you suck and don't care.

      Then hank for some reason wants to study his tech and the quantum realm which is insane. He even let a child work on it, also the whole bs which plagues marvel comics now which is every teen has to be a super genius. It was fun the first few times like with characters like richie from static shock, but as syndrome said when everyone is a genius no one is. Kang really was a disappointment he's the new thanos but just doesn't work because we've seen him too much and he's too human. That was a similar complaint about him in loki, he's a supervillian but he acts so over the top and childish. As a infinite guy he should always be overwhelming or more it is what it is type making him feel so inhuman and out of place and even when you win you lose. Don't get me started on modok, god bad enough as it was and then the "don't be a dick scene" also his death and them making fun of his whole i'm a avenger thing like bro is dying and had the only real arc out of you planks of wood. Really could have done something with him but he was made a whole joke. Overall a bad movie.

      Cassie getting recast after they made a huge fuzz about T'Challa not getting recast sure soured a lot of people.

      And it's not like Kathryn Newton attract crowds anyway.

      Really in the end of the day the cassie thing was so controversial was how they didn't even tell her. she just assumed she wasn't in the next movie or it wasn't coming out then she saw the post and trailers and was like wait wtf.

      • 8 months ago

        Cassie got hit hard with a new personality all because they needed some form of conflict.

    • 8 months ago

      >written like a rick and morty episode
      >written by a rick and morty writer
      >Cassie is basically Summer

      • 8 months ago

        That series has been a cancer since day one

  5. 8 months ago

    The problem with marvel is the quality and quantity. I can't fricking watch 15 films over 3 years anymore plus TV series to enjoy one Avengers movie properly. I don't care about any of the new characters either.

    • 8 months ago

      The formula used to be:
      >One(ish) movie a year
      >TV shows are auxiliary material

      Then it became:
      >3-4 movies a year
      >TV shows are essential (they've already seem tp have started backtracking on this, but only recently)

      How the frick can anybody be expected to keep up with that? and of course when you rapid-fire a dozen movies in such a short time span, the final products are going to be mediocre.

    • 8 months ago

      gotta keep shitting out content for their failing streaming service, that's why there's like fricking 6 star wars shows.

      Imagine being a housewife who last saw Avengers Endgame and then took her kid to see Multiverse of Madness.
      >"Why is Wanda a bad guy now?"
      Making the shows mandatory viewing instead of ancillary material was a mistake.

      the shows should of been strictly for B and C lister hero's that they weren't going to use or treated as supplemental/ alternate universe stuff like how agents of Shield was (which is far better then wanda and loki and captain falcon and snow warrior and twerking goblin, still not great mind you but waaaay better)

    • 8 months ago

      They fumbled really fricking hard on the "mentor initiating the new generation" aspect, in like every fricking movie/show. that's why no one gives a shit. They could've fricking worked on the bonds, but besides Tony & Peter they all sucked at it.

      • 8 months ago

        Hawkeye did it fine, the problem is no one cares about Hawkeye.

        • 8 months ago

          did it though? it was just another excuse to shit on hawkeye, he's become the yamcha of the marvel universe.

      • 8 months ago

        >in like every fricking movie/show
        They're just adaptingcomics, who failed at it first.

  6. 8 months ago

    Imagine being a housewife who last saw Avengers Endgame and then took her kid to see Multiverse of Madness.
    >"Why is Wanda a bad guy now?"
    Making the shows mandatory viewing instead of ancillary material was a mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      A housewife wouldnt remember Wanda or her name

      • 8 months ago

        Wanda might be the only character a housewife WOULD remember, you don't know women.

    • 8 months ago

      I suspect Feige learned the wrong lessons from two movies: Thor: Ragnarok was popular, so that means people will love a serious story played like a goofy comedy (Thor: Love and Thunder) and people will love to see a sequel that's radically different from the earlier movies in the series (Quantumania, possibly Multiverse of Madness).

      And the ending of Infinity War worked so they decided that was a greenlight to get edgier, when that was probably as edgy as they could get away with.

      It's not like people who watched the show were less confused (especially since many people don't bother to watch the credits scene) and questions like "why doesn't she care about Vision any more?" were in the minds of people who watched the tag scene.

      Honestly the movie makes more sense if you haven't seen WandaVision than if you have, but either way, thinking people were going to love seeing a reasonably popular MCU character go on a murder spree is one of the many weird ideas Feige and co. in 2020-1.

      • 8 months ago

        We all know the real reason why love and thunder sucked ass: taka is a hack that should of stuck to shitty indie films and TV shows.

        • 8 months ago

          You could have said the same after Thor 3 and it was a commercial and even critical success. I never fully understood why, but you can see why they thought doing it all over again would at least be inoffensive.

          Instead people who loved Thor 3 hated Thor 4, maybe because Thor 4 was built out of two basically serious stories (Gorr and Jane's cancer) and obviously trashed both of them, while no one really cared that Thor: Ragnarok made Ragnarok a joke.

          • 8 months ago

            >while no one really cared that Thor: Ragnarok made Ragnarok a joke.

            I did. I hated that movie. I hated that they killed off the Warriors 3 and then spent the rest of the movie doing LOL JEFF GOLDBLUM SO FUNNEH! 80s SYNTH! I hate that they made Thor a comedy character. I hate that they made fun of the end of Asgard. I hated that they spent the whole series sidelining Sif. Never got to Bill. And I hate that we didn't get a real Planet Hulk.

            • 8 months ago

              >I hated that they killed off the Warriors 3
              I hate that it never even earned a mention by Thor, his best friends casually cut down by a villain who wasn't even trying, never again to even be mentioned. Thor sure was pissed when Heimdel bought it but not his three other companions, the ones he actually fought alongside for ages?
              Not even a "Hey where's Fandral?" while they're running around Asgard?

              • 8 months ago

                Seriously. It would be one thing if their deaths meant something but you could have just cut that scene out entirely and it wouldn't have changed the plot. And nobody even knew where Sif even was for how long?

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, but Sif was because Jamie Alexander was doing that show with the tattoos.

          • 8 months ago

            I lament the loss of Asgard, the setting and music were cool. The refugee camp in Norway is max gay and Valkyrie should be exiled.

            • 8 months ago

              She was the worst

              • 8 months ago

                she is very much a poochy character, same as rey.

    • 8 months ago

      >"Why is Wanda a bad guy now?"
      They say like ten fricking times in the movie that the Darkhold corrupts anyone who uses it.

    • 8 months ago

      This strawman is stuoid because the show doesn't even explain why Wanda turned evil. The movie was so disconnected from it you could never know about its existence and still understand the movie.

    • 8 months ago

      >Imagine being a housewife who last saw Avengers Endgame
      Did you really have to go for the most moronic, made up scenario? If kids can keep track of this shit, why can't adults?

  7. 8 months ago

    I like the Deadpool and Spider-Man films still. The problem is those are only *just barely* MCU films at this point.

    • 8 months ago

      Iron-boy sucked.

      • 8 months ago

        yeah iron boy jr sucked, no fricking uncle ben? what is that crap?

        • 8 months ago

          I'm fine with skipping the origin story for Peter, We've all seen it it enough. In fact if/when they do Fantastic Four I'd be content if they skip their origin directly too. The problem is he feels less like Spider-man and more like, as you said, Iron Boy Jr. Peter is many thing, he's often put upon, he burdened by real life problem, but he would never question being Spider-man, outside some half insincere grousing. These movies write him like a teen disney comedy.

          • 8 months ago

            another issue
            >let's tease vulture knowing spider-mans true identity
            >then do nothing with it and retcon it with magic because we wrote ourselves into a corner.

            • 8 months ago

              And I'll just say it. I don't like Hot Aunt May.

              • 8 months ago

                My youngest aunt is only two years older than me so I never understood Aunt May being 100 years old.

              • 8 months ago

                Because most people's Aunts and Uncles are closer to if not older than their parents.

              • 8 months ago

                But that would make Peter's parents crazy old, too.

              • 8 months ago

                Some people have kids late. They didn't really have time to sit down and settle a family what with being super spies and all that.

            • 8 months ago

              What's even funnier I'd that Vultures trapped in the fricking Sony universe now haha

              At this point I don't think the mcu is that much better than Sony

              At least Sony is Still fun when it's bad

          • 8 months ago

            >he would never question being Spider-man
            Are you unaware of one of the most iconic stories in Spider-Man, one which was used for Spider-Man 2?

            • 8 months ago

              You mean the comic where life, his family situations and being unable to support his ailing aunt cause him to temporarily question himself before rushing in to do what was right? Yes that very much is like the current movies where he spent them acting like a spoiled teenager upset someone told him take out the trash. If you can't see the difference between that comic book and the MCU portrayal of the character then you're the one who's not familiar with one of the most iconic comics in the character's history. And even in that comic he was constantly, almost reflexively jumping at the chance to react to what he heard on the news and all around him. You're an idiot.

              • 8 months ago

                When in the MCU does Peter act like a spoiled child? He leaps into danger no matter what his circumstance. You're the overreacting idiot, idiot.

              • 8 months ago

                The whole point of NWH was Peter being a childish b***h. He couldve had Strange erase people's knowledge of him and spiderman being the same, and dealt with revealing his secret to may and the rest a second time ( an easy option because he already knew how theyd react), he couldve kept his mouth shut as Strange cast the spell instead of acting like a child, or he couldve dealt with the fact that he no longer has a secret identity and tried to see if he could handle that kind of life.

                People liking NWH is hilarious. The introduction of the other Spidermen, was so fricking anticlimatic. Why have any of the two's first appearance be during an action scene when you can have a unfunny, boring scene in a house, where the main spiderman isnt at.
                I guess people were wowd by the blood and pointless deaths. It was shallow and relied on shallow heart string pulling to stick in peoples mind. Aw, feel bad for peter, now hes alone. Good. Stupid homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                NWH was such a shit movie. People were just taken in by the nostalgia of seeing Tobby and that other guy. It was just toys on the screen.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I just... I feel like I'm in a mad house. I feel like this shit has been going on for so long that nobody has any idea of what GOOD even looks like anymore. This goes for movies and comics and so many other things too. There's just... people are going to grow up with this all as their benchmark of quality.

              • 8 months ago

                >I just... I feel like I'm in a mad house. I feel like this shit has been going on for so long that nobody has any idea of what GOOD even looks like anymore.
                Welcome to knowing how it felt reading all the praise for Jessica Jones and the whiny inept manchild it had for a main villain.

                >nope, just hate mary sue self inserts, I like Jessica jones just fine

                Awful taste. Bendis should never be rewarded.


              • 8 months ago

                I just really bothers me to feel like an outsider in my own hobby again. My hobby used to be what made me feel less alone. Now I feel more like I don't belong than ever.

              • 8 months ago

                NWH was such a shit movie. People were just taken in by the nostalgia of seeing Tobby and that other guy. It was just toys on the screen.

                I enjoyed NWH for what it was as I was watching it in the cinema, but practically the instant I walked out, I was thinking about how ultimately hollow and empty it really was. MCU Spider-Man has never been allowed to stand on his own and this movie was the pinnacle of it. Not only is Dr Strange the requisite MCU co-star (as Iron Man was in Homecoming, and Nick Fury and Happy Hogan were in FFH), but they also end up bringing in almost ALL the villains from Tobey and Andrew's films AND then bring in Tobey and Andrew themselves.
                It's all fun from a fan service point of view, but look past that nostalgiawank and it's immediately, painfully clear that MCU Spider-Man is dangerously close to being sidelined altogether in the final film of his own damn trilogy. None of these villains belong to Holland, and none of the big moments or emotional impact actually comes from anything to do with MCU Spidey. I wouldn't say it's an outright bad film. I like what the ending sets up for the future (if they'll actually follow up on it instead of immediately bringing Zendaya back and keeping MCU Spidey a dorky teenager), and Willem Dafoe completely steals the film (webm related). He's easily the best villain who's ever shown up in the MCU, even if he's not original to the series.
                But again, that last point just speaks to the big fricking problem with NWH. MCU Spider-Man really just has nothing by itself, and most of its appeal to the general audience is based almost entirely on other characters from other, better films.

              • 8 months ago

                >He's easily the best villain who's ever shown up in the MCU
                The best part is that he's completely dumbed down in MCU and still manages to be better than other villains.

              • 8 months ago

                He's just a brilliant villain, and he's genuinely a threat. Most MCU villains are kinda toothless or unimposing, not to mention the fact that the fights between the hero and villain are all usually CGI'd or filled with boring lasers/energy blasts instead of genuine action. Then in this the Green Goblin just shows up, bombs a bridge, manipulates everyone, utterly beats the shit out of Holland's Spidey, kills his aunt, and still gets Holland Spidey to send him home without so much as a scratch.
                I haven't rewatched NWH, and I'm not sure if I will (I haven't seen FFH since cinemas, either) but I bet if I did that Dafoe would just prove himself to be the best thing about the film.

              • 8 months ago

                Hell isn't it also lowkey implied killing him will do jack shit as it's the GAS that's actually the Goblin, adding another level of spookiness?

  8. 8 months ago

    I certainly won't waste any breath defending it, but I don't know why this one got shat on so hard when at least it wasn't as goddamn boring as Black Widow and especially Black Panther 2.

  9. 8 months ago

    I am NOT a dick!!!!!!
    *essplodes u*

  10. 8 months ago

    >t. OP and every other clown ITT still b***hing about disney slop in 2023

  11. 8 months ago

    unironically my favorite well-hated film. i don't care if it's objectively bad! i love and enjoyed every single second of it!

  12. 8 months ago

    Surprised nobody brought up the dumb nanotech suits thing yet.

    >everyone with a helmet proceeds to put it on then take it off several times, sometimes just moments after putting them on

    • 8 months ago

      Super heroes not wearing their masks in movies have been a problem for as long as there have been super hero movies and is why Dredd was the best one.

    • 8 months ago

      Super heroes not wearing their masks in movies have been a problem for as long as there have been super hero movies and is why Dredd was the best one.

      you can blame the actors ego's and the suits for that one.
      >no you HAVE to show off that you got this expensive popular actor take the mask off of them!

  13. 8 months ago

    The avengers videogame that was recently pulled from stores did MODOK better than this shishow

    • 8 months ago

      >a shitty game with gacha shit at full price with terrible grinding and poor pacing with glitches and broken content that nobody liked is still somehow better then a big budget hollywood film.

      fricking grim times we live in.

    • 8 months ago

      Super Hero Squad did MODOK better than this. Did Thanos and Warlock too for that matter. Lot of characters really.

      • 8 months ago

        sadly enough your not wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          Man that show went into some weirdly deep cuts.

  14. 8 months ago

    ENTER: The best depiction of MODOK in a non-comic medium

  15. 8 months ago

    Surely The Marvels will be the adrenaline shot the MCU needs!

    • 8 months ago

      that shit is going to bomb HARD, the only reason people watched the first one was because it was awkwardly shoe horned in before infinity war, the marvels doesn't have that same grace, plus with marvel fatigue and nobody liking ol' toe fungus and how bad secret wars was, it's not gonna go well at all the writing is on the wall: people know it's going to be bad so they won't bother with it there's zero hype even from the most hardcore M SHE U stans

      • 8 months ago

        It'll make another Briellion, chuddie

        • 8 months ago

          memes aside, they've been bombing very hard as of late when even the fanboy simps are tired you know their fricked.

    • 8 months ago

      It's genuinely the worst possible movie they could have lined up after all their recent failures. They're fricked. I almost feel bad for them, except for the fact that they're making this obviously crap film in the first place.

  16. 8 months ago

    This had the same graphics as speed racer in a far worse executed frame.

  17. 8 months ago

    Guys I know how we can fix MODOK; we recreate the Gorillaz DARE music video

    • 8 months ago

      >Not The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
      Come on, man

      • 8 months ago

        That joke has been done to death since we've seen him

        • 8 months ago

          I just think it's very fitting.

          • 8 months ago

            Like George lopez's wrinkles just fit the idea of MODOK being a genetically engineered freak. all worn and torn.

  18. 8 months ago

    Quantumania was so overly ambitious that it crumbled under its own weight, it had excellent ideas that were not executed properly and the whole things ends up being a boiler plate adventure film. I think some people behind the wheel had passion for the material but weren't good enough to translate that passion into an actual good movie. Ant-Man deserved better.

  19. 8 months ago

    The MCU gives me a headache to think about, and I haven't seen much of it, but I don't know why everyone acts like Modok is some kind of obvious shark-jump moment. He looks like exactly what I'd want out a capeshit movie - some goofy shit that stands out from the pack of indistinguishable suited people punching each other in bland greyovision.

  20. 8 months ago

    While it's not good in itself, I really think Love and Thunder "broke the seal" so to speak, causing the general public to violently catch up with the negativity a lot of people already had about the MCU, causing them to reacted to Quantumania even worse than it deserved.

  21. 8 months ago

    Looking back I don't think even End Game was all that good either. It kind of falls apart the more you think about it. Like at all. And I don't mean that in a nitpicky cinemasins type deal either. Like the plot is seriously dumb. And I don't mean the idea for a time heist either. Well I kind of do. There was just no reason to break up the team to go after every stone. All you need is the time gem. MAYBE the space to work in tandem. So why go after them all. Frick forget time and space. Get reality. I suppose my complaint is less about the time heist and it's logic and more about how little imagination or understanding the writers had with the infinity stones in general. It never really felt like it played with them. They were just sort of vague power macguffins. And I don't automatically expect them to always function like they do in the comics but I think it's worth exploring at least a bit more than they really did. I mentioned it before but even SHS had a better understanding of the gems.

    • 8 months ago

      Is SHS squad any good? Some of those scenes were actually pretty funny.
      And yeah I like they had a good grasp on how powerful even just one of the stones can be. I get they couldn't make them QUITE as good in the movies but come on, the comics Gauntlet Thanos would completely shit on movie Gauntlet Thanos any day of the week.

    • 8 months ago

      Endgame is absolutely pretty naff when you think about it or rewatch it. When it first came out, people loved it because it was this culmination of the whole MCU up to that point and just cheered it on. Everyone got caught up in the hype. But if you take a look at it, it's really a mess in a lot of places:
      >"FIVE YEARS LATER" means they completely skip over a whole bunch of character development and barely explain the state of the world/universe post-Snap
      >Hulk and Thor get utterly shafted by the unexplained development (though at least Thor was allowed to shine by the end)
      >the heroes find and kill their Thanos in the first 10 minutes of the film; the Thanos who's the antagonist for the rest of the film is a younger, less interesting one who has zero connection to any of the characters and wasn't the one who did the Snap
      >"JARVIS, invent time travel"
      >the whole time travel plot as simply an excuse to revisit a bunch of previous MCU scenes like a slightly lame greatest hits album (the New York 2012 segment was the only interesting part of the time heist)
      >the climatic battle largely sucks outside of the Cap vs Thanos moment

      • 8 months ago

        Hulk getting shat on and shafted is MCU's pastime at this point.

      • 8 months ago

        >"FIVE YEARS LATER" means they completely skip over a whole bunch of character development and barely explain the state of the world/universe post-Snap
        And yet I would claim that the first half of Endgame was the best content we got in the entirety of Phase 3 and most of Phase 4. The scene where Scott returns and finds out about the world was top notch and probably my favourite dramatic scene in the entirety of the MCU. That motherfricker Rudd made me shed a tear when his daughter opened the door, what a great performance

        >>Hulk and Thor get utterly shafted by the unexplained development (though at least Thor was allowed to shine by the end)
        The explanation is that they only did it for the lulz. Hulk hasn't been a character since Incredible Hulk and Thor was flat out turned into a moron at that point

        >the climatic battle largely sucks outside of the Cap vs Thanos moment
        Even though I utterly despise Brie Larson and Captain Marvel, I have to say her blowing up that ship was pretty neat. I also liked the "American football" scene with the glove but yeah, apart from that.... Also that girl power scene was unfiltered garbage

  22. 8 months ago

    At least Eternals was good

  23. 8 months ago

    Shouldn’t a studio think that everything they put out will be a banger? Why would you put out a non-banger?

    • 8 months ago

      They should be smart enough to know when something is not a banger.

  24. 8 months ago

    >Their response to negative reviews is "B-BUT WE HAD A GOOD THING GOING"

  25. 8 months ago

    >Marvel Studios successfully recreates the 90s "other world" premise
    >people hate it because uuuhhhhh jokes??

  26. 8 months ago

    The whole Iron Heart thing really chaffs me because they could have just as easily had Rhodey, Tony's best friend and partner, would have been a perfect pick to step up as the new Iron Man. He actually WAS Iron Man at a point even. People liked him. They've always liked him. He was a popular character with EVERYONE.

  27. 8 months ago

    Read this in modoks voice

    Marvels out of touch now, they Unironically used the girl power scene in endgame in a commercial for the Marvels recently even though everyone thought it was kinda cringe and was just there for diversity points

    Even the Boys roasted that scene

    Is this all Feige?
    Is this Blackrock?

    Who is holding Feige at gunpoint to do this?
    Or is this really all hom going senile

  28. 8 months ago

    I still can't believe this isn't a photoshop someone on this site made to shitpost.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, It took me a good while to cotton on that it wasn't a shit post.

  29. 8 months ago

    remember when Modok had good taste in women? those were the good times

  30. 8 months ago

    >With ‘Quantumania,’ they were like, 'We put out a banger.' And then that's not how a lot of people felt."
    They probably would have been right if they had released this shit in 2012. They're basically stuck a decade ago when people still gave a frick about the MCU.

  31. 8 months ago

    Why did they think they had something good? They had a c-list villain they had to sell as the next big villain of the franchise, and another c-list villain they couldn't take seriously in the first place. All carried by a hero who wasn't super popular anyways. You'd think they would know they had a hard sell on their hands.

    • 8 months ago

      I can clearly see the corpo-think that went into it.
      >Okay, we need to set up a reason for a multiverse to exist so we can recast all the big Avengers roles in the future
      >We'll use time travel in the last Avengers movie, so the "multiverse" will be different timelines
      >Kang is a villain who time-travels between different timelines, so he'll be our next big bad
      >Let's introduce him in the one big MCU tv show most people will watch
      >Okay, what movie can we put him in?
      >Well, Antman is our C-tier Avenger, so it;l be a big sales boost if the next major Avengers villain is in HIS movie!
      >And just to make sure we get maximum money, put in that MODOK guy we did a cartoon of; we didn't make our money back on him.
      >Make him dumb and ineffectual so he doesn't actually compete with Kang.

      • 8 months ago

        Supposedly, they wanted Kang for Ant-Man 3 before he even was considered as the potential big bad of the new phase, they always wanted the third movie to be Ant-Man vs a big villain to change things from the previous two and because it's unexpected.

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