Can they actually right the ship or is it a lost cause at this point?

Can they actually right the ship or is it a lost cause at this point? It's even gotten to the point where Iger has been telling shareholders during investor meetings that their post-Endgame content has been largely bad and they're going to have to "refocus".

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  1. 8 months ago

    marvel is still big so yeah i could see it

  2. 8 months ago

    While it's big, based on their current output (hello, Loki) they have too many creatives who don't know what the hell they're doing and too little unified vision of how to sell a compelling narrative unifying all the movies going forward. Kang hasn't just been a trashfire of a villain because the actor got in trouble, Kang is just plain unconvincing as a major threat in all of his appearances. The difference between how it is now and how it is then is that there is no Thanos-tier stage presence and nor is there a Tony/Steve-tier charismatic main character.

    No. No, I don't think given what they're working with and how they work that they can right the ship.

  3. 8 months ago

    If they cut out any and all woke shit and start taking their own characters and stakes seriously again? Possibly. I sure ain't holding my breath however.

    • 8 months ago

      >Marvel’s creative process is they shoot the film, Kevin Feige reviews the footage, and they have additional photography based on his notes. The only director who didn’t do this was Ryan Coogler.
      >Feige wanted to do three movies and two series per year, but Bob Chapek demanded more content to prop up Disney+. Because of this, Feige wasn’t able to review all the footage from all the projects and outside producers that weren’t trained in the Marvel method had to be brought in to handle certain projects, leading to quality decline.
      >Covid, Bob Chapek’s business model, the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes and external factors like Chadwick Boseman’s passing all hurt the flow of the Multiverse Saga.
      >WandaVision was filmed without an ending due to the production overhaul of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness after Scott Derrickson left and Sam Raimi came in.
      >The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was heavily reshot and re-edited to change the original storyline featuring a pandemic due to Covid.
      >Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was supposed to set up a “Cooglerverse” within the MCU with spinoffs for Ironheart, Okoye, the Dora Milaje and the kingdom of Wakanda.
      >Marvel was blindsided by Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania flopping. Internal feedback and test screenings were very positive, and they thought they had a hit.

      >On the other hand, Secret Invasion had a troubled production and had to be almost entirely reshot, so Marvel was prepared for people not liking it.
      >Fantastic Four and X-Men are the top priorities, Wonder Man and Vision Quest may be scrapped.
      >Feige is hard at work to fix things: Content output has been reduced, upcoming projects are being more extensively tested, the production method for the TV shows is being overhauled, and continuity more carefully maintained.
      Lmao yeah don't hold your breath, woke shit aside their creative process is fricked.

      • 8 months ago

        >Wonder Man and Vision Quest may be scrapped
        And nothing of value will be lost

      • 8 months ago

        >Marvel was blindsided by Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania flopping. Internal feedback and test screenings were very positive, and they thought they had a hit.
        How? It was by far the worst antman film. They abandoned everything that made the previous ones fun.

        • 8 months ago

          Probably because

          >LE QUIRKY funni gags
          >IIRC to encourage the support of NDAs, early screening goes to family members of cast & crew sometimes. So they got some very rosy reviews

          made them think it was a nobrainer.

      • 8 months ago

        >Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was supposed to set up a “Cooglerverse” within the MCU with spinoffs for Ironheart, Okoye, the Dora Milaje and the kingdom of Wakanda.
        Holy shit. How fricking delusional can you be.

        • 8 months ago

          It makes sense when you think about how far back these plans were done. Black Panther outgrossed everything except the Avengers 1-4, so they probably were confident or overconfident enough to have Ryan Coogler do his own thing, like they did with James Gunn. What they didn't count on was Chadwick Boseman's passing, which upended up key parts of the plans.

      • 8 months ago

        wanted to do three movies and two series per year, but Bob Chapek demanded more content to prop up Disney+. Because of this, Feige wasn’t able to review all the footage from all the projects and outside producers that weren’t trained in the Marvel method had to be brought in to handle certain projects, leading to quality decline.

        I kind of wonder how true this actually is, because there was a recent article about what Chapek and Iger were doing at the time, which amounted to implying Iger was still handling film/TV stuff up until he actually left in 2022. I could still believe Chapek would've been mandating that, but it seems strange because Iger should've been able to put a stop to that.

    • 8 months ago

      >seriously again
      so much this. writing comics is one thing. writing movies to BE comics with shit tier cable 'friends' humor and dialogue is another.

      I dont care about your fricking quippish tet-a-tet dialogue, you hack writers.

  4. 8 months ago


    Eh, a really good/crowd-pleasing movie can turn around the perception of something for the better. Remember how people only really started to care about MCU Thor because of Ragnarok? Yeah something like that, although Marvel just doesn't have the talent to constantly pull off such thing, the MCU had a sizeable chunk of "meh" films before.

    • 8 months ago

      >Remember how people only really started to care about MCU Thor because of Ragnarok?
      I'm not saying you're wrong, but as someone who cared about Thor since the first movie and hated him being turned into a joke character this is a bitter thing to remember.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I get that, I have mixed feelings with Post-Ragnarok Thor. That's why I also said "crowd-pleaser", because even though it's debatable if such a drastic turn was something actually good, for better or worse, it reignited the interest on the character and made him reach new heights after lagging behind Iron Man and Captain America for so long. Even Cap went through something similar to some extent, TWS was the movie that elevated him in popularity.

  5. 8 months ago

    Here are few ways I can think of getting MCU on track.
    >villains are important
    Always has been MCU problem, one people tended to ignore because either of the live-action capeshit novelty or because they were too invested in the buildup to Thanos. Now that both those elements are gone, it's become more and more apparent. There are also times when MCU promised fairly threatening villains in the trailers like Ultron or time to poke the Iron Man 3 shills beehive again to see them repeat their "b-b-but no one cares about Mandarin" cope for the 10000th time. Mandarin.
    In short, make your villains threatening both physically and emotionally and if you can't then please get the frick outta here, why are you a writer in the first place? It's not that hard. Tim Burton figured it out in the late 00s-early 90s.
    >actually have superHEROES do heroic things
    Don't just have superpowered people. Preferably if it has nothing to do with the plot of the movie. Let me explain why I made this specific distinction: shit like Spider-Man stopping a random mugging attempt is always fun and shows that the hero cares enough to help people even when the circumstances don't force them into it.
    >good fight scenes
    This is something MCU always sucked at with few select exceptions. Even in its good days of the MCU the fight scenes were pretty sucky.
    >humor is okay in measured doses
    Another of MCU's problems. Everything has its time and the comedy is at times overbearing.

    • 8 months ago

      *late 80s

    • 8 months ago

      Well Mandarin's a lost cause since "the real Mandarin" turned out to be an antihero family man in Shang-Chi. Personally I'd rather have Dormammu as the next major villain over Kang. Y
      >good fight scenes
      It's still weird to me the Captain America movies got the lion's share of good fights.
      >the comedy is...overbearing

      • 8 months ago

        I feel like Shang-Chi's Mandarin had potential if they actually allowed him to face Tony.
        And given him cooler powers, all the cool shit the rings can do (I don't even care that it's fricking handbands anymore) and all MCU could come up with is Whiplash 2.0?

    • 8 months ago

      villains are meant to be one-off characters, nobody cares about Ego or whatever

      • 8 months ago

        That's the kind of limited thinking that lead to the problems with MCU

        • 8 months ago

          What problem? Just introduce another villain like Star Wars does.

          • 8 months ago

            That's also the kind of limited thinking that lead to the problems with MCU

      • 8 months ago

        Oh. look. A moron.

        • 8 months ago

          That's also the kind of limited thinking that lead to the problems with MCU

          I don’t see the issue here.

          • 8 months ago

            That's cause you're creatively bankrupt

            • 8 months ago

              nta but wouldn't the creatively bankrupt thing be to constantly reuse villains instead of using new ones

              • 8 months ago

                One great villain > 100 shitty and forgettable ones. You're not being creative by shitting out the latter, you're just a human conveyor belt. And when your mindset and approach to writing is "who cares, the villain is disposable" you are creatively bankrupt by definition.

              • 8 months ago

                i see

      • 8 months ago

        What problem? Just introduce another villain like Star Wars does.

        Darth Vader.

        I feel like Shang-Chi's Mandarin had potential if they actually allowed him to face Tony.
        And given him cooler powers, all the cool shit the rings can do (I don't even care that it's fricking handbands anymore) and all MCU could come up with is Whiplash 2.0?

        The idea that in an upcoming What If? he faces Hela and it ends as anything other than a big spiteful stomp in Hela's favor is laughable.

  6. 8 months ago

    They reached the top of the mountain. It's been uncharted territory since then

  7. 8 months ago

    Stop cheaping and hiring B-grade comedy television writers and directors. These movies are meant to be ACTION first and foremost, start primarily recruiting people from that world.

  8. 8 months ago

    >MCU takes comic book storylines and Hollywoodizes them i.e. makes them generic
    >Turns out this completely ruins the long tail by removing all the creativity and continuity potential
    >Why did all our fake normie fans get tired of our boring rehashed movies every year

    Highly deserved

  9. 8 months ago

    I feel like even if they do they're gonna keep on doubling down on whatever got them back on track and eventually everybody'll get tired of that aswell

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