Can we admit that this show was mid now? No one would care about it if it wasn't connected to Breaking Bad

Can we admit that this show was mid now? No one would care about it if it wasn't connected to Breaking Bad

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Can we admit that OP is a redditor with shit taste?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >everything I don't like is reddit!

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >No one would care about it if it wasn't connected to Breaking Bad
    It was kino when it wasn't directly connected to BrBa. It only went to shit after they started introducing those elements.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. Also it's another Game of Thrones. Finale was so shit it kinda killed the whole show. Imagine if it ended with Saul talking his way to a slap on the wrist. To give it all up for some pussy he'll never have is absolute bullshit and not like Saul.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >To give it all up for some pussy he'll never have is absolute bullshit and not like Saul.
        He did it for Chuck you absolute morons. He knew he was a bad person and should face consequences for it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >bad person
          The moralhomosexualry of this show is what kills it for me. Unlike true crime/cop kino like The Shield, Breaking Bad portrays guys are you’re meant to think are evil because they do shit that makes their wives mad. Hector and Lalo are bad guys because they are le cartel drug dealers but literal psychopathic Gus, who threatens to murder Walts entire family later on plus his newborn, is somehow better? Why? Because he is a Black person homosexual?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Gus was gay and lalo was bisexual. You know what I would have done?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Unironically take your media literacy pills, the entire point of the show is that "Saul" was a persona to cope with Chuck's death and run from his feelings. He stops running in the finale.

          You all deserve to be put against the wall and shot. The entire point of Chuck's character was that Jimmy will never change.
          Then Jimmy changed.
          Chuck was wrong, and actively held Jimmy back from having a normal life, causing Jimmy to become Saul and Gene.
          You guys are fricking delusional, who ironically don't have "media literacy".

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unironically take your media literacy pills, the entire point of the show is that "Saul" was a persona to cope with Chuck's death and run from his feelings. He stops running in the finale.

        • 4 weeks ago

          But he was the same piece of shit before Chuck's death. Breaking Bad fans kept looking for some definitive moment he BECOMES Saul. I think he was Saul in spirit the whole fricking time. Slippin Jimmy is Saul by another name.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >media literacy
          it's called film analysis, you absolute frickwit zoomer

          • 4 weeks ago

            >films and shows aren't media

            • 4 weeks ago

              implies a non subjective interpretations of art. silly c**t 😛

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's a tv show 'ough

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. liked Breaking Bad's ending because epic hero man killed the bad guys with a machine gun and was badass

      • 4 weeks ago

        I bet you gays also think the protagonist from crime and Punishment shouldn't have turned himself in.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    like me bob. simple as

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Yes, they should’ve done a full on legal drama or something completely different. Instead, we received a watered down Breaking Bad with less story, worse characters, and zero tension.

    They could’ve easily condensed the thing into a miniseries or movie and it had the same effect.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    This show would have been borderline perfect if it had just focused entirely on Jimmy's schemes and tricks with minimal cartel bullshit going on in the background just because they already established it's part of the world in Breaking Bad. The peaks of the show is when you see Jimmy planning and successfully pulling of a scheme.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    actually BB was mid too - when you see the writers they had no idea what they were making, and it shows - so many lost hours
    how do you like the kleptomania hours?
    advanced the story?
    or just a clueless waste of time

  7. 4 weeks ago

    It was good but had the wrong focus. The best part of the show as always the relationship between Jimmy/Kim-Chuck/Howard but they wanted to do a prequel for Gus and Mike as well so the Cartel storyline ate into the other aspect of the show and lessened its impact.
    Even though the Cartel part had some good parts- Lalo, Mike's backstory about getting revenge for his kid- I think 90% of it should have been cut, Gus should not have been in the show before the final season.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    The last season was shit. Kim’s character was inconsistent with earlier seasons and Saul should have gotten away with it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kim was underdeveloped in favor of more cartelslop. They gave her the whole backstory of having had an absent and shoplifting mom, and wove that into why she is the way she is, but then never really went anywhere with it until the very end, which felt weak.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kim was underdeveloped in favor of more cartelslop. They gave her the whole backstory of having had an absent and shoplifting mom, and wove that into why she is the way she is, but then never really went anywhere with it until the very end, which felt weak.


      It was good but had the wrong focus. The best part of the show as always the relationship between Jimmy/Kim-Chuck/Howard but they wanted to do a prequel for Gus and Mike as well so the Cartel storyline ate into the other aspect of the show and lessened its impact.
      Even though the Cartel part had some good parts- Lalo, Mike's backstory about getting revenge for his kid- I think 90% of it should have been cut, Gus should not have been in the show before the final season.

      pretty much, i didn't really care about seeing gus build his lab or torture hector even further: shit felt almost way too fanservice-y in retropsect. bottom line is that the show should have been 5 seasons like brba was: keep chuck's death as a half-season finale for the third season then focus the rest of it, season 4 and finally 5 with jimmy going full saul and gettng caught in alaska

    • 4 weeks ago

      b***h somehow ended up being worse than Skylar. Fricked up the entire last season.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    The first 3 seasons were kino. After Chuck died they just dragged it out with pointless cartel shit.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    bad bait

  11. 4 weeks ago

    bcs surpasses brba in a lot of aspects, though

    • 4 weeks ago

      BCS at its peak is better than Breaking Bad, but BCS was almost unwatchably bad at points. That bit where Jimmy was disbarred and the entire season was focused around giving a backstory for Gus' meth lab was so terrible I was considering giving up on the show entirely

      • 4 weeks ago

        >better characters
        >better action

        it's as simple as that, breaking bad was unwatchable at times too when it focused on the wrong part of the show like the family drama shit that you didn't obviously give a single shit about because you were obviously rooting for waltuh doing cool neo-western stunts

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >sees "mid"
    >i immediately stop reading

  13. 4 weeks ago

    The first half of it was very good, I personally liked it more than BB, but it turned downward really quickly with the final season being an embarrassment.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    The first three seasons are the best thing Vince has ever done.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Vince had nothing to do with it

  15. 4 weeks ago

    NOT OP

  16. 4 weeks ago

    If you don’t like this show you’re a speedwatcher. Anyone attempting to refute this is also a speedwatcher incapable of truly enjoying any piece of media.

  17. 4 weeks ago
  18. 4 weeks ago

    Season 1 was great, because it was a supplement of Breaking Bad that had to stand on its own, because they didn't know if they were getting more seasons.
    Season 2 and 3 were pretty good repeats of season 1, stretched across 2 seasons. Then it was ruined by adding Gus.
    Season 4 and 5 were already into memeshit territory.
    Season 6 was trash.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Should've been a fun case of the week series with 90s lawyer shenanigans. Not an origin story and cartel shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They should have just done more of what made season 1 work so well.
      >Jimmy has a problem
      >tries to do the right thing
      >gets punished for it
      >pushes him further into the life of crime
      >slowly see the Jimmy of season 1 become the Saul of Breaking Bad
      >show Jimmy and Mike's relationship grow further, as Mike needed more money for his family
      >only have Gus in one episode to get that Mike & Gus connection
      >one of Mike's conditions is that he still can work for Jimmy
      >you can even to the entire episode that Mike did to frick over Hector's trucks
      >still have Mike meet Gus in the middle of nowhere
      >but that's Gus' only episode
      >have Nacho's plot actually matter to the Breaking Bad line if they insist on having it be a thing(it didn't need to be)
      >actually end it without ruining Chuck's entire motivation as a character
      >Jimmy/Saul/Gene takes what he's learned from all 3 lives
      >rather than trying to hide as Gene away from Saul and eventually becoming Jimmy again
      Instead Gus' actor insisted on having more of a role in the show, even though his character didn't need more, and what he did get wasn't useful.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Gus' actor is a c**t. Should've killed himself like he planned

  20. 4 weeks ago

    still better than bb

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I started to feel like I'm fricking moronic & didn't get this show the way people praised it as being as good as BREAKING BAD

    this shit wasn't a bad show but its not the amazing masterpiece people homosexual YOUTUBE VIDEO ESSAY make it out to be

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