Can you drink from a fricking tree?

Can you drink from a fricking tree?

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  1. 8 months ago

    You can drink water from some vines, yes.

    • 8 months ago

      Have another drink

  2. 8 months ago

    just test the liquid first
    if it's not clear or too slimy then don't drink it
    also testing it on your skin to see if it causes some irritation is a good way to test if it's drinkable

  3. 8 months ago

    They drill holes in maples and birches and collect the juice from it, but it takes a while to build up

    • 8 months ago

      >the juice
      It's called sap ESL.

  4. 8 months ago

    Can you stockpile ammunition for the the next Kristallnacht?

  5. 8 months ago

    No, it's toxic. It's why he lost his legs

    • 8 months ago

      Predator chopped them off.

      • 8 months ago

        Did he get the Academy Award? I hope so. That's a hell of a thing to do for a movie.
        Is he method?

    • 8 months ago

      He's injun.
      He probably lost them from diabeetus

    • 8 months ago

      >He further called for Arabs to be banned from entering the United States, and referred that ethnic group as "camel dung-shovelers", and when questioned on this, suggested using the epithets "rag-heads" and "camel jockeys".
      Holy based

    • 8 months ago

      He begged Arnie for money in the early 2000s to which Arnie laughed and wiped his ass with his letter

  6. 8 months ago

    Yeah canadians do it all the time, its how you get syrup.

  7. 8 months ago

    when it rains the birds climb to the tops of trees to bathe
    the leaves hold a lot of water

  8. 8 months ago

    Who are we to judge you drinking from a fricking tree. To each their own. Just get regularly tested for arboreal diseases.

  9. 8 months ago

    I'm drinking trees right now

    • 8 months ago

      do those drinks really work?
      thats kinda cool

  10. 8 months ago

    Yep the trees sterilize it and give it a nutty woody falaor profile

    • 8 months ago

      >the trees sterilize it
      its still full of any pesticides they sprayed the tree with. And/or pollution from the ground. I wouldn't drink it unless it was the middle of the jungle and you were desperate

      • 8 months ago

        >I wouldn't drink it unless it was the middle of the jungle and you were desperate
        If you were not in the middle of the jungle why would you drink water from a random tree.

        • 8 months ago

          ‘Cause your thirsty? Duh

      • 8 months ago

        >In the middle of the fricking jungle

        • 8 months ago

          Yes, google it. Contamination that comes in through the water cycle. Shouldn't be a surprise when there's microplastics in the clouds

  11. 8 months ago

    I prune and remove trees for a living and I've seen a few that literally start to gush gallons of water when you cut into them. I'll never forget watching a coworker make a notch in a giant elm and it began spraying water all over him and his chainsaw to the point that it could have filled several buckets. fruit trees especially have a lot of water running through them, makes the wood really heavy when you have to pick it all up and throw it through a woodchipper. I don't know if you'd want to drink any of it, my job is pretty disgusting at times so I don't think much about eating or drinking during the day. a coworker of mine from el Salvador said he used to cut a certain tree where the sap could get you drunk but I have no idea if he was bullshitting or not.

    • 8 months ago

      Interesting, I used to work as an arborist's groundsman but I've never seen that. Would be trippy. I already felt uneasy cutting trees just for aesthetic reasons. But then, I eat meat so who am I to talk. In other ways it was fun times, man I was in good shape. Never felt disgusted though, being around plants and plant smells was refreshing and soothing in a way. The work was fricking hard though.

      • 8 months ago

        i just deal with a lot of rot and moist shitty dust all day, and it inevitably gets all over me since the company i work for is cheap and requires me to actually lift all the wood I cut. I get what you're saying about feeling guilty cutting living stuff but I'm at the point where I know the tree will heal from whatever cuts I make as long as I do a good enough job leaving a good collar. had to take down a perfectly good beautiful red maple yesterday though, that felt like shit.

        Based fellow arborist. IMO it's a bad idea to drink from any trees that happen to grow in the same place people live. They soak up EVERYTHING. Drunk people's piss, dog shit, puke..etc.

        cheers brother, yeah I wouldn't want to drink anything in the ugly city I work in but I'm willing to bet the guy I work with wouldn't give a shit

        What do you gays think about the trend of grafting every damn species of fruit tree together to maximize fruit production?
        also, what's the best companion plant for maple trees?

        i like it for aesthetic purposes but I don't see how it would maximize production more than standard orchards. as for the maples, fricked if I know, I just cut the frickers. maybe someone else here would know?

    • 8 months ago

      Based fellow arborist. IMO it's a bad idea to drink from any trees that happen to grow in the same place people live. They soak up EVERYTHING. Drunk people's piss, dog shit, puke..etc.

      • 8 months ago

        A lot of the tree trunks in the park I walk are graffitied with smiley faces or Latino gang signs.

        • 8 months ago

          diversity is our strength, chud.

          • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              you some kind of cop-hating antifa queer?

    • 8 months ago

      Interesting, I used to work as an arborist's groundsman but I've never seen that. Would be trippy. I already felt uneasy cutting trees just for aesthetic reasons. But then, I eat meat so who am I to talk. In other ways it was fun times, man I was in good shape. Never felt disgusted though, being around plants and plant smells was refreshing and soothing in a way. The work was fricking hard though.

      What do you gays think about the trend of grafting every damn species of fruit tree together to maximize fruit production?
      also, what's the best companion plant for maple trees?

      • 8 months ago

        Wish I knew. I never learned much about fruit trees. Most of what I did as an arborist's groundsman was carrying brush and logs to the chipper and chipping them, raking the ground clean if we were working in someone's yard, handling ropes for the arborist when he was climbing the tree so that we could safely lower logs from the tree using friction of the rope against the trunk, and occasionally running the chainsaw to cut stuff up.

        • 8 months ago

          out of curiosity what do you do for a living now? I'm thinking it might be time to move on soon, my body is killing me lately

          • 8 months ago

            Computer programmer. I was always pretty good at math and writing and after I stopped doing tree work, I got into tutoring high school kids. Did that for a few years and got into programming for fun around that time. I'm a UC Berkeley grad but when I was in college I just did drugs and fricked around and barely went to classes so when I graduated (barely) I had no idea how to get a job or make money. So in my 20s I ended up doing all kinds of jobs like sales, tree work, the tutoring, and so on. Anyway, my degree was in some humanities stuff and not in anything computer related. So after I got into programming for fun in my late 20s I wasn't sure how much of a chance I had to get a job doing it. But I started just mentioning in a lot of conversations I had with people that i was looking and eventually it turned out that a friend of mine knew a guy who was looking to hire somebody to do computer stuff. So that's how I got my foot in the door. Ended up getting laid off from that job a few years later but having it on my resume made it so that recruiters kept hitting me up on LinkedIn so so far I've managed to keep getting new computer jobs.

    • 8 months ago

      Based fellow arborist. IMO it's a bad idea to drink from any trees that happen to grow in the same place people live. They soak up EVERYTHING. Drunk people's piss, dog shit, puke..etc.

      Trees is hard job

  12. 8 months ago

    gosh you have a big pussy

  13. 8 months ago

    Yea but can you frick a drinking tree?

    • 8 months ago

      That was his native american name.
      >Billy AKA Fricks the Drinking Tree

  14. 8 months ago

    Yes, but not from any old vine, and the flow of water will vary greatly. You can get as much water as what he got, but you can also get a very slow drip.

  15. 8 months ago

    Some, yeah. Cane and bamboo are particularly hollow and hold water.

  16. 8 months ago

    It’s a vine but yes some vines
    There is also some trees you can drink from

  17. 8 months ago

    Op is a limp wristed city gay

  18. 8 months ago

    How does he have time to drink?

  19. 8 months ago

    Its a vine and yes.

  20. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      How the frick did Hawkins turn black and loose his wiener?

  21. 8 months ago
    Hitman Monaghan

    “She’s got everything that uncle John needs. Oh baby, gonna have some fun tonight”

  22. 8 months ago

    Bad idea, you might fall

  23. 8 months ago

    if you don't mind brain eating parasites yeah it's fine

  24. 8 months ago

    I did it back in the army

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