Can you tell that this show was made by a woman? I feel like I could've told even before I knew that.

Can you tell that this show was made by a woman? I feel like I could've told even before I knew that. There's just so much crying, hugs and emotional reactions here. It's also got a cast that is 90% girls and even if the protagonist is a boy, he might just as well be a girl based on how he acts. I definitely agree that this is the CN show with the most crying.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Can you tell this thread was made by a homosexual?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >most crying
    so? Go read Romance of the Three Kingdoms and count the times warlords cry and hug and promise to die together with their best bros. Or read ancient Greek tales of male comraderies which don't lack for all kinds of emotional expression and these are men who ran near naked into other groups of men with a shield and a spear and slaughtered each other every fricking summer.
    >protagonist might as well be a girl
    Unlike most media, SU unusually depicted a preadolescent boy as an emotional nonce like they actually are. When you were a kid, OP, you acted the same effeminate way. As you grew you were bullied into becoming a robot because unlike girls/women you were pressured to accept a ridiculous amount of expectation for excelling in sports, business, or the armed forces. This expectation is meant to transform you from a human into cannon fodder or mindless money making machine (for your elite bosses) or a distracted consumer of sports memorabilia, spending your savings on going to stadiums, etc.
    Women/girls on the other hand are only expected to be baby factories for men. They are chattel, they're not human and deserve no respect. In this way, oddly, they are allowed to be more human as long as they don't try to obtain too much independence. They retain all their nonce where as the nonce is beaten out of the men/boys.
    You're upset because you can't be human, you can't express all your feelings, because you have to live up to a cult's expectations of total self sacrifice to big wigs you never met and who will laugh at you when you die on the battle field, pay your taxes, or wave your silly little flags at the big ol' sportso game.
    You can take back your humanity and become well rounded like you used to be before they molded you like clay to serve only their purpose or you can be a 'man'.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking slaughtered the OP

    • 2 years ago

      You had me til the rambling about the cult bullshit. You don't need to be a fricking homosexual to show emotion, or a stern scumbag to be completely unfazed by emotional stimulus.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll try to explain better. You're born an emotional being who bursts into tears at any moment and expresses themselves openly and holistically whenever you get the chance. But then society steps in through your parents and teachers who are all part of this enculturation of how things 'should' be. And slowly this holistic being that you used to be is pressured into developing a conscious and unconscious dynamic.
        It happens for everyone (boys and girls) for certain essential behaviors (such as going to the bathroom in a toilet instead of in your diaper, this is a big one we all go through) and every adult has this dynamic of repressed behavior (unconscious) and encouraged or acceptable behavior (conscious).
        Boys are pushed even further to have greater unconscious content for two major reasons: our culture is dependent on men throwing away their lives (military/police/firemen, etc.) for 'glory' and protecting, developing, and raising families. Their identities are tied to it and through systemic repression that's more or less EVERYTHING they are allowed to have. If they want anything else it must be done secretly or as an after-product of reinforcing the cultural hegemony. You can do something 'girly' like art but only if it's 'manly' (edgy). And only if it makes money, men are the breadwinners after all.
        We are all cut up and truncated from who we really are underneath the un/conscious divide but boys are pressured so much they tend to explode into violence (extreme disproportion of males commit violent crime compared to females) and theatrical violence like mass shootings. It sells tons of 'disaffected man goes crazy' movies and video games as well as fostering addictions to porn, strip clubs, and the objectification spiral where men are conditioned to expect unrealistic returns on their attention. All of this strips away humanity to serve the elites of society (who themselves are exempt from the pressure and are always acting 'effeminate' and cowardly)

        • 2 years ago

          What about women throwing tantrums when they don't get their way?

          • 2 years ago

            women are not pressured to be robots as much as men
            Depending on the situation everyone should 'throw tantrums' all the fricking time. But yes, the old misogynist adage that women are children is a self fulfilled, culturally engineered reality. Women are more like children because they are free to be more human than men. Men are mindless cannon fodder for the war machine. Women get to raise kids and be baby factories. Acting childish is only a real detriment for the soldier that is conditioned to die for his country with a smile on his face while the elites who sent him into a desert for oil laugh and drink champaign.

            • 2 years ago

              And here you are pushing the idea that being a c**t who breaks down at the slightest hint of a mild inconvenience is more human than the alternative.
              Good thing we got you, the only double gendered person in existence who can vouch for the mindset of two halves of a population at the same time, and better yet, swap to and fro at your whim.

    • 2 years ago

      YWNBAW troon lover

    • 2 years ago

      You uh, you wanna talk about something anon?

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off libtard cuck. This place isn't for you. You have to go back. Cinemaphile is for conservatives not fricking homosexual libs like you.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not a liberal
        And for the record, conservatives in the western world (US, England, Canada, Austrailia) are ALSO liberal. We live under liberal ideology much in the same way the Middle Ages lived under the "Divine Right of Kings".
        Liberal ideology is about letting the market place and the super-rich direct the process of a representative republic. There are no alternatives to this. This is the foundation for both the DNC and the GOP in America, for example. Or the Tories and Labor in England. Above all other concerns rich citizens must have disproportionate power. They must be above the law.
        For all their bluster, US conservatives know Donald Trump never paid his taxes and constantly did illegal and unethical things to retain the wealth he was born with, they know he is a deeply immoral man who has no sense of decency or decorum around sex, he is not a 'family man' with 'family values'. The only thing they really liked is his hatred of 'liberals' and non-whites.
        But the neo-liberal agenda is equal on both sides. There are distracting wedge issues and mobs of people that want Jesus-oriented theocracy or social justice but the people in power only give a frick about looting the global south and their own citizens through obscurest policy so they personally remain superior to the dregs they govern.

    • 2 years ago

      why the frick did you post a pic of 600 broken eggs with that statement

    • 2 years ago

      Men aren't expected to NOT have emotions, we are expected to CONTROL them. I've cried before, but I do it alone, don't make a scene, do it quietly and prefer it that way. When I'm mad I do yard work. Being a man is about being responsible and in control. Women don't have that pressure because the consequences of them losing control of their shit isn't as catastrophic.

      • 2 years ago

        >When I'm mad I do yard work.

        Boomer hands typed this post.

    • 2 years ago

      Gay. That would just make everyone miserable. Also, lol at thinking being a weepy loser is anti-establishment or w/e

    • 2 years ago

      is there a followup to this? just blue pearl with a big fat wiener?

      homie, nobody is going to read this shit

    • 2 years ago

      >Or read ancient Greek tales of male comraderies which don't lack for all kinds of emotional expression and these are men who ran near naked into other groups of men with a shield and a spear and slaughtered each other every fricking summer.
      Who cares, the Greeks we're also notorious homos and pederasts. Most modern Europeans too

      Silence your emotions, because the wheel of progress does not feel for you in return

  3. 2 years ago

    What's wrong with that Pearl?

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