Castlevania Nocture

I'm about to marathon this Cinemaphile. What am I in for?

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  1. 8 months ago

    A show about some vampire slayers, vampires and well, a lot of modern standards and sensitivities for 1800 france, then again, the french have always been colossal homos.

  2. 8 months ago

    Not sure if I am a minority here but I really loved how it looked, the colors and the shading in particular, unironically pretty. Animation is a bit stiff though. Wish there were more cartoons that didn't try to be as repulsive as possible. That said, that new HBO sci-fi is also pretty, though rather the landscapes and details.

    • 8 months ago

      Animation was good to great all the way through, save for a few scene where you could tell it was a drawn over 3D model. Although there's even some criticism here when voice actors don't match the animation. Often they are at odds.

      • 8 months ago

        It was oddly enough better during the action scenes. The action was great, but I noticed a few scenes where simple walking animation was off, as if they had skipped some frames. Altogether I liked this much better than the first castlevania cartoon for some reason.

        The show's mythology has no reason or rhyme, but apparently that true to the game which was just whatever monsters were public domain. It feels vaguely Christian, but then you also have Egyptian gods, 'Forgemasters', African Shamanic Spirits, 'Death', Sorceresses... But also Hell and other dimensions.

        Yeah this is my main issue with it. But as you said this is the fault of the game. Would be cooler if Barthory transformed into a goddess or evil spirit related to Romanian folklore or paganism.

  3. 8 months ago

    I bailed after the second episode because I didn' the setting or characters

  4. 8 months ago

    Homos and browns. Also it feels akin to S1 in the sense that everything is a setup towards the real action and plot

  5. 8 months ago

    Mediocre story that waited 80% of the season to even tell us how Richter and Maria met, and even then it was a one off after thought tier of a comment, while a vast amount of time is spent on Annette, someone most people don't care about as she's a OC character.
    Focus is by and large in the wrong spot for the majority of the season.

  6. 8 months ago

    Standard American Coastal writing (ineffective cursing, race-swaps, stilted relationships, sterile dialogue, etc.), although it seems to me to be mostly stuck in the 00s when New Atheism was the dominant zeitgeist among urban leftist types.

    Frankly I don't know why these types all try to twist existing properties instead of making their own. Over half the characters are so different they might just be entirely new people.

    Still, I would say the designs are great. But that's the most positive I can say about it.

    • 8 months ago

      >Frankly I don't know why these types all try to twist existing properties
      Because existing properties sell.
      Literally no one would watch this shit if it didn't have CASTLEVANIA in the title.

    • 8 months ago

      >Frankly I don't know why these types all try to twist existing properties instead of making their own.
      Something, something, evil cannot create anything new only corrupt and ruin, etc, etc.

  7. 8 months ago

    The show's mythology has no reason or rhyme, but apparently that true to the game which was just whatever monsters were public domain. It feels vaguely Christian, but then you also have Egyptian gods, 'Forgemasters', African Shamanic Spirits, 'Death', Sorceresses... But also Hell and other dimensions.

    • 8 months ago

      >The show's mythology has no reason or rhyme
      That's how the Castlevania games have been sense day one, as the bosses for the game has you fight frankenstein's monster, Medusa the gorgon, and a mummy, i forgot which mummy exactly. The point being though is Castlevania's mythology and bestiary has always been pulled from many cultures and mythologies beyond the basic stuff, especially in games like SOTN and onwards.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah its a complete global monster mash, which I love about it even if it doesn't make any sense

      • 8 months ago

        The show's mythology has no reason or rhyme, but apparently that true to the game which was just whatever monsters were public domain. It feels vaguely Christian, but then you also have Egyptian gods, 'Forgemasters', African Shamanic Spirits, 'Death', Sorceresses... But also Hell and other dimensions.

        >No reason or rhyme, but apparently that true to the game
        eh, idk about that, most of the games stick to the gothic theme which has the backlog of most near east and european stuff. Gorgans and mummies didnt just disappear after rome fell memetically speaking, the medievals loved their ancient beasts and why they later culmiated into the 19th century gothic.

        I might say the games had no rhyme or reason if there was a more prominant focus on new world stuff, or chinese stuff. I think the series goes a bit too far from that broader "old world" zeitgeist.

    • 8 months ago

      It was oddly enough better during the action scenes. The action was great, but I noticed a few scenes where simple walking animation was off, as if they had skipped some frames. Altogether I liked this much better than the first castlevania cartoon for some reason.
      Yeah this is my main issue with it. But as you said this is the fault of the game. Would be cooler if Barthory transformed into a goddess or evil spirit related to Romanian folklore or paganism.

      Lizzie in the games turns into a reptile-like creature, presumably a reference to the Bathory family's coat of arms.

    • 8 months ago

      It was oddly enough better during the action scenes. The action was great, but I noticed a few scenes where simple walking animation was off, as if they had skipped some frames. Altogether I liked this much better than the first castlevania cartoon for some reason.
      Yeah this is my main issue with it. But as you said this is the fault of the game. Would be cooler if Barthory transformed into a goddess or evil spirit related to Romanian folklore or paganism.

      >The show's mythology has no reason or rhyme
      That's how the Castlevania games have been sense day one, as the bosses for the game has you fight frankenstein's monster, Medusa the gorgon, and a mummy, i forgot which mummy exactly. The point being though is Castlevania's mythology and bestiary has always been pulled from many cultures and mythologies beyond the basic stuff, especially in games like SOTN and onwards.

      >Egyptian gods, 'Forgemasters', African Shamanic Spirits, 'Death', Sorceresses... But also Hell and other dimensions
      None of these things have actual story/lore relevance in the games, it's just a colorful backdrop for disposable monsters with no deeper implications. The show makes the mistake of trying to genuinely reconcile these clashing elements into something coherent. Even the games are smart enough not to do this.

  8. 8 months ago

    How come Carmilla doesn't get as much fanart as the guys?

    • 8 months ago

      Most fanartists for stuff other than moe are grills and pretty white-haired dudes like Alucard or gay knights make women brains go brrr

  9. 8 months ago

    90% dogshit show with animation that's only good in a few scenes
    the people saying the action looked good are idiots, it's actual powerpoint-tier shit

  10. 8 months ago

    I actually liked the gay knight. But maybe because I always like templars. You could put one into the background of a show that isn't doing anything but standing there and looking grim and I would probably call him the best character regardless. Though I generally like loyal warriors especially if they are religious, for whatever reason.

  11. 8 months ago

    Woke shit

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