>character exists solely so nerd writers can take out their pathological resentment at being unpopular virgins in high school on them

>character exists solely so nerd writers can take out their pathological resentment at being unpopular virgins in high school on them

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    i will never get the trope where the successful chad starts to be the bully.
    irl its never those people because they are busy fricking or doing whatever chads do, and the real bullies are mostly people who are fricked up themself and get beaten at home.

    • 2 years ago

      This, the bizzare resentment is getting pretty fricking stale. When I was in HS all the chads were pretty good people and nice to everyone, which is most likely the reason they were considered chads

    • 2 years ago

      Idk there are a lot of stories of sports team chads like raping a kid to death with broom sticks in the locker room as a joke. It happens

      • 2 years ago

        yeah i dont doubt that, what i doubt is that its as normal as shown in various medias.

        • 2 years ago

          why do you doubt it?

          • 2 years ago

            because different experiences, tho im not an american so maybe its different.

            • 2 years ago

              well you've only lived one life, this stuff could have been happening at your school to other people for all you know, just not to you.
              and yeah it feels more like an american thing, their obsession with sports means their student athletes are treated like gods. there are tons of stories of players or teams getting drunk (illegally of course) and gang raping some girl, but the town just pretends it doesn't happen because they're so desperate to win their local championship or whatever.

              • 2 years ago

                You used their so I'm going to assume you're not American. Each American state is like its own country, because they're the size of European countries. The behavior you're talking about may be more common in parts of the south or poor areas. The south/poor areas care a lot about high school/college sports, because sports culture is big in the south and poor areas just have nothing else to do so booze + sports. I've never seen the sports obsession you're talking about in schools as I'm not from the south. There's not a universal American obsession with sports.

              • 2 years ago

                fair, but hawkins is a small town in indiana so i feel like the sports obsessed stereotype would hold up in places like that. you can easily see a charismatic jock like Jason getting away with whatever he wants if the whole town desperately cares about his team winning

              • 2 years ago

                Local events definately mattered more as well back then. This is really the only time in history where every news story is a national one. It's more social media's fault than national news.

      • 2 years ago

        the bullies ive met were closer to the bullies from stephen king stories / movies tbh.

    • 2 years ago

      it's a generational thing. There have always been the drop-out bully from a bad home. But there used to also be successful popular jock bullies. When schools started punishing bullying, a lot after Columbine; the jocks stopped, cause they have self-control, and a nice future that could be fricked by a bad behavioral record. The drop-out bullies are undeterred by punishment by the school administrators though, cause they've got nothing to lose, so they still exist.

      • 2 years ago

        this , any jocks in my school were too concerned with the "code of conduct" to frick with anyone.

      • 2 years ago

        >When schools started punishing bullying
        This never happened, the only time "bullying" is punished in schools is when the bullied person stand up for himself and fights back.

    • 2 years ago

      it's an 80s movie jock bully pastiche thing. it's not supposed to be an accurate representation of what anyone is like.

    • 2 years ago

      >and the real bullies are mostly people who are fricked up themself and get beaten at home.
      That actually is a trope. IRL most of the times the moment some guy gets at least some of the success, he will turn into smug c**t as if he won in whole life.

      • 2 years ago

        this is pretty much a fact.
        there was a study done with monopoly; two players, but at the start they flip a coin and whoever wins gets to roll twice instead of once for the entire game. this is a significant advantage, as anyone would agree.
        the double rollers won far more often, of course, but by the end of the study a staggering number of double rolling winners thought their own skill or decisions played a significant part in their victory. they also noted behaviors like gloating, celebrating good rolls, and even eating (snacks were provided to both) all went up when the double rollers were winning. they felt good about their victory and thought they deserved some credit for it, even when an 8 year old could tell you that one person getting to roll twice every turn is bullshit.

        tl;dr people in good positions will almost always be smug about it and feel like they deserve it, even if they had the most unfair advantages you can think of.

    • 2 years ago

      The movie "Christine" is one of few movies where the Chad is the hero and the nice guy.

    • 2 years ago

      during my schooling all the chads were great guys and all the nerdy gays were resentful angry c**ts

    • 2 years ago

      It's usually the hangers-on to Chad that are the bullies, kids who are vying for more status and take to cruelty because they think it will make them more popular. Chads were always secure in themselves and had no reason to be mean to somebody

    • 2 years ago

      Idk where this comes from but every c**t I fought with in school was a popular athletic type. If you’re genetically superior you’re incentivized to be an butthole.

      • 2 years ago

        you sound like a hothead 2bh. is your dad a drunk?

    • 2 years ago

      Same. The two sportsbro chads in class invited me to gym when i was a stick and i've never met more supportive people in my life. Not only that but they actively interrupted bullying if they saw it, even when it was someone from another class. I'm still friends with them 10 years later.

    • 2 years ago

      This I've bullied and I've been bullied and I'm a wizard

    • 2 years ago

      The jocks at my school were absolutely nothing like the ones in film. None of them were bullies.

      Discount Brad Pitt wasn't really a bully though.

  2. 2 years ago

    The jocks at my school were absolutely nothing like the ones in film. None of them were bullies.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually I can think of one more that was realistic. Chris Klein in Election is basically how the popular jocks were at my school.

      • 2 years ago

        You mean the types that just Mr. Magoo'd there way into success in popularity?

    • 2 years ago

      I went to a rural school , the only bullies were the Hicks , the rich kids and the fricked up kids.

    • 2 years ago

      They were nice guys. All of them. Had far more problems with spics, spades, and poor white juggalos.

      • 2 years ago

        pretty sure a jock has never shot up a school. each and every time its a nerd

        • 2 years ago

          I even feel bad because I wasn't always nice to the ones that were being nice to me, given that I knew them far better in childhood. I was conditioned that jocks are bad because they were not my pointless high school subculture. I just had a little reunion yesterday where I talked to a bunch of them because someone we knew died. On better terms now. Glad I broke free of the israeli/anti-white/anti-tradtional narrative surrounding them.

          • 2 years ago

            i was always nice to the nerdy kids and they followed me around like lost puppies. i bet they would have allowed me to leave if they shot up a school during my time. thats karma

          • 2 years ago

            But you still fall for the israeli shit about hating blacks you don't even interact with. Keep hating jamal. That'll make your life better

            • 2 years ago

              I don't hate blacks in a generalized way, but there is a very clear and pernicious anti-white narrative even in the interactions of this character with black characters. It is forced on everyone by those in power and it is not improving race relations. You presume that I haven't interacted with blacks. I have and in ways that I doubt that you have, even if you have a black friend or whatever. In groups and in bad areas they were the most likely to be violent with me just being white. It's funny how it was never that way around white jocks.

              • 2 years ago

                >there is a very clear and pernicious anti-white narrative
                This isn't true btw

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, it is btw.

              • 2 years ago

                Explain it, lay it out for me. Show me the dialogue or scenes that display this.

              • 2 years ago

                The scene just before this happened (linked below) is a good example. He just had to find the black characters before he found anyone else from the Hellfire club. It was written to be that way, not a coincidence. He just had to get into a violent confrontation with an innocent black character and be choked to remind audiences of what happened to Saint Floyd just to show that all whites are racists.

                >The evil angry white man pointing a gun at the innocent, calm and kind black man.

                He's also some sort of spiritual cop that almost chokes the black kid

                repeating the St Floyd ritual

                He literally did nothing wrong, yet he was killed as he was the villain and in the most gruesome way. His crime? being white and attractive.

              • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    No no no, you've got it all wrong,
    >character exists solely so satanist writers can continue the witch hunt narrative to discredit the real cases of the 'satanic panic'
    There I fixed it for you.

    • 2 years ago

      meds at once

      • 2 years ago

        FBI Records now

        • 2 years ago

          has nothing to do with satanism, schizo

          • 2 years ago

            >Sacrificing pregnant goats while wearing robes has nothing to do with satanism
            Only schizo here is you.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, he was just another lazy one dimensional villain, just like Vecna.

              Overall I enjoyed it but there were a lot of massive letdowns this season.

              • 2 years ago

                What the frick are you talking about?
                I was referencing a real life instance in FBI documents I linked.

              • 2 years ago

                YOU KNOW WHY!

                Seriously, I'm tired and used the wrong comment my bad.

                Take you meds now!

    • 2 years ago

      Anti-white filth.

      • 2 years ago

        That it was.

    • 2 years ago

      >giant fricking red cracks open across the town
      >in the epilogue Mike's Dad still apparently thinks it's not big deal somehow
      >it's not even completely clear if the final scene is real or metaphorical

      people wouldn't even still be living in Hawkins if it was that much of an apocalypse, but next season is 100% going to start with them still at highschool, it's insane.

      • 2 years ago

        Mike's dad was referring to the news anchor claiming that a portal to Hell opened, ie it was the final bit of witch hunt narrative pandering by saying the media was blowing satanism out of proportion.

  4. 2 years ago

    This was one of those cases where the writers want you to hate a character then proceed to make him relatable by accident.
    He quite literally did nothing wrong and then they kill him off in like two frames during a scene that isn't even about him. They really should've kept him around for a future redemption arc.

    • 2 years ago

      they should have depicted him less negatively to begin with so his death would have been more tragic and Lucas wouldn't have appeared to lack integrity for wanting to expand his social circle to include non-nerds, which is a totally reasonable ambition to have.

    • 2 years ago

      >quite literally did nothing wrong
      he called for a man-hunt on an innocent man, against police advice. eddie did nothing wrong, but if this guy had found him he'd have shot him dead in a heartbeat. who'd be the bad guy then?

      • 2 years ago

        He saw his friend get telekinetically torn apart by, in his eyes, his gf's killer. What the frick was he supposed to do?

        • 2 years ago

          >in his eyes
          key phrase. eddie was innocent, we know that for a fact, but this guy was willing to murder him in cold blood over a misunderstanding. he's a textbook antagonist; we as the viewer do not want him to accomplish his goals, because we know his goals are wrong. killing eddie, or even worse one of the other kids from Hellfire, would have made him a murderer, not a hero.

        • 2 years ago

          >What was he supposed to do?
          Not murder an innocent person.

      • 2 years ago

        >who'd be the bad guy then?
        The israelites who wrote this moronic crap - that's who.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Thread exists so supreme losers can LARP as chads when they were not even bullied as kids, just ignored as the nothings they were/are

    • 2 years ago

      The whole idolization and identifying of this type, by people who were clearly never fricking able to ever be like that is just sad and bizarre to me.

  6. 2 years ago

    >nerd/geek/dork character
    >played handsome actor who probably went home with a random hottie from production after filming
    immersion ruined

  7. 2 years ago

    Remember how nerds used to think "you make fun of me now but one day I will be YOUR boss"


    • 2 years ago

      Nerds run everything, it’s just seething nobodies that were too afraid to even be losers ITT

  8. 2 years ago

    He wasn't a bully when the show started, he was a popular, likable chad. Sure he didn't really like the Hellfire kids, but he didn't openly bully them either. His arc is showing how someone who has everything, looks, talent and a great future, can lose it all and become a violent, paranoid murderer in response to loss and trauma.

    An argument can also be made that this is the result of ignorance, which is a theme in this season more than others. Jason accuses Eddie because he's doesn't know about the Upside Down, the new chief doesn't either so is helpless to keep control, and the townspeople know something's up but their fear and ignorance cause them to panic. If Hopper or even Joyce had been at that town hall meeting they probably would have been able to shut down the witch hunt before it began, but there was no-one there who actually knew what the hell was going on to speak up and keep calm.
    Similarly there are warring factions within the FBI because one of them doesn't know enough about the situation to trust Eleven the way we do. They vaguely know she "caused"all the trouble by opening the door, and assume anything weird happening must be her fault somehow, even when we know she's completely powerless right now.

    You could argue that the message is about what happens when scared, angry, well intentioned people aren't given the full facts, or don't believe them when they hear them. They want to fight, to change things for the better, but because they don't know what's really happening they just make things worse.

    Whether or not you want to draw parallels with real world events, that's for the viewer to decide.

    • 2 years ago

      Holy frick, I will beat your ass, b***h.

      • 2 years ago

        U mad bro?

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty correct tbh. Most of the antagonists this season save for Venca were relatively good people. The general and Jason really judt thought that the others were doing evil shit. Arguably the most evil person next to Venca this season was papa and papa was helping El get her powers back

      • 2 years ago

        I hate how the show try's to "redeem" papa, And why did El just run instead of going back to kill all the army dudes with her powers?

    • 2 years ago

      >An argument can also be made that this is the result of ignorance, which is a theme in this season more than others. Jason accuses Eddie because he's doesn't know about the Upside Down, the new chief doesn't either so is helpless to keep control, and the townspeople know something's up but their fear and ignorance cause them to panic. If Hopper or even Joyce had been at that town hall meeting they probably would have been able to shut down the witch hunt before it began, but there was no-one there who actually knew what the hell was going on to speak up and keep calm.
      I sorry but even if Hopper or Joyce was there do you really believe an angry town would accept something to the effect of, "Yeah in Hawkins there's a portal do a different dimension and monsters on at least 3 occasions popped out. So no Eddie isn't a murderer it's the creatures from the different dimension."

      • 2 years ago

        They wouldn't need to tell the truth to argue against Jason, all they'd need to know is that Eddie is innocent and they'd be motivated to shut him up. Hopper definitely wouldn't have just let the kid take control of the meeting and rile everyone up. He probably would've completely turned it around on him.
        >"Kid you don't know what the hell you're talking about, now sit down."
        >"No, I want to speak! That monster's still out there!"
        >"How do we know you're not the mosnter, huh? You find them together, get jealous and kill Chrissy? Maybe you killed off your friend too because he threatened to stop acting as your alibi? That's why you want to hunt down Eddie, isn't it, because he's the only witness?"
        >"Wha- no, I would never! I loved Chrissy!"
        >"Yeah, maybe too much. You're just as suspicious as Eddie as far as I'm concerned, so why don't you sit down before I put you in a cell?"

        Just an example, but however it played out Hopper would have wrestled the kid to the ground and slapped cuffs on him before letting him rile up a man-hunt against an innocent kid. Joyce doesn't have his authority but I can easily imagine her snatching the mic away from him and talking sense to the crowd.
        The point is that in this scenario both of them know for a fact that Eddie is innocent because they know the truth of the situation, so they wouldn't let misinformation spread. But in the scene, the remaining cops have no idea what the truth is, and suspect Eddie of being the killer themselves, so they're not exactly motivated to keep him safe. Factor in the bizarre state the corpses were found in, they may be willing to believe some of this cult nonsense themselves. After all, what else could it be?

        It's not a coincidence that the scene played out the way it did, with no-one who actually knew what was going on there to speak on the side of truth; that Eddie was innocent all along.

        • 2 years ago

          Erica was there, and knew about the Upside Down but she didn’t know it was the cause of the recent deaths.

          She was the only one yelling that Hellfire was just a nerdy club not satanists.

          • 2 years ago

            Exactly, she was the only person there connected with the actual truth of the matter, and she spoke up to defend him. But she's just a kid so they ignored her. Hop or Joyce would have been able to stop the crowd from forming a mob, which is why they weren't there. We were watching Hop's ineffectual replacements trying to keep control and failing, wishing he was still there to stop what was happening. "Knowing the truth" is a virtue in this season, and in the show in general, and being "ignorant of the truth" makes you an antagonist almost by default.
            Fear, paranoia, anger, pain - all the characters feel this, but those that know the truth about the Upside Down or about Eleven's true nature know where to direct those feelings, anyone else is dangerous and violent.
            Aside from Papa, who knows the truth and thinks it justifies his inhumane actions.
            I guess he represents the other extreme of the debate; what happens when "knowing the truth" is all that matters, even over basic morality.

    • 2 years ago

      >His arc is showing how someone who has everything, looks, talent and a great future, can lose it all and become a violent, paranoid murderer in response to loss and trauma.
      i largely agree with this, except for his random bullshit death. that was pure spite from the duffers

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah that felt pretty rushed, the only reason I can think of for getting rid of him is that if he was still alive there'd be nothing on earth that could convince him he was wrong about the Hellfire club and the satanic panic thing, now that he actually witnessed Lucas being involved with one of the "rituals".
        He'd be convinced that they caused the rift, that Eddie's still out there somewhere, and that everyone who tries to convince him otherwise is in on it. How do you get rid of a character like that without killing them off? He's sure as frick not going to move away or just get over Chrissy's death, he'd fight until his dying breath to see the Hellfire kids dead or in jail. We don't need a second season with him doing basically the same stuff, so it's easier and neater for the overall narrative to get rid of him, even if it's unsatisfying for the character arc.

        • 2 years ago

          have him fall through the rift and see the upside down/vecna so he believes the hellfire gang maybe? and then he spends s5 on a steve-esque redemption arc? idk, youre right, its not an easy one to resolve. the duffers excel at writing themselves into corners

          • 2 years ago

            >have him fall through the rift and see the upside down/vecna
            Possible, but even showing him the Upside Down would just convince him he was right about the Satan thing, and I doubt Vecna's going to take the time to clear Eddie's name to Jason. Even if Hopper or the govt agents tried to convince him he might think it was a cover up and run to the press or something. There's room for a story progression, but I don't know how interesting it'd be.
            >its not an easy one to resolve. the duffers excel at writing themselves into corners
            Exactly, but they could have made the death more meaningful at least. Maybe have Lucas or Erica actually kill him first, and the rift just consume the body? Then they could explore that trauma next season, that he wasn't just collateral in the war against Vecna, but that they actually personally took his life. Show some flashbacks of him with his throat slit, choking on blood or whatever. Maybe too dark for this kind of show though.

  9. 2 years ago

    >handsome jock bully takes advantage of meek closeted nerd which evolves into a secret relationship
    Now that would be based

  10. 2 years ago

    >is 5' 5
    it was painfully unbelievable

  11. 2 years ago

    >attempt to molest teenage boys
    >"noooooo why are you prosecuting me you homophobes!"

  12. 2 years ago

    In my high school the popular kids and the poorest kids were all bullies. The kids who were nice got bullied. I can't think of any exceptions so this is really weird reading how chads were nice people. Are any of you from the uk? Do I just live in a country full of shitty people?

    • 2 years ago

      >In my high school the popular kids and the poorest kids were all bullies.
      >The kids who were nice got bullied.

    • 2 years ago

      i guess it also depends on the school.
      i was at a higher school, so people there naturally were more study focused and the worst the jocks of this school would do was give you snarky comments.
      ive heard from people in other schools that were below the educational level of my school that bullying was alot more rampant there tho.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, uk here and the pikeys were all shitheads and the second anyone got popular they were a bully. I was, i'm kind of ashamed to say, just because I was popular. Our 6th form was part of our high school so when that started all the pikeys and popular kids dropped out so I was left with just the nice kids, that kind of made me realise whay a c**t I had been

      Eddie's character existed solely so they could kill someone off and have it feel meaningful and make Vecna seem legit. Billy was the same, same with Sean Astin's character. Just bring him in, establish him, then kill him because they don't have the balls to kill a main character

      I thought this too. There's no threat at all to the original cast now I don't think

    • 2 years ago

      >Do I just live in a country full of shitty people?
      Yes. t. spent 2 years of HS there. You guys are a bit c**ty, i assume its because of the weather

    • 2 years ago

      In my school the kids weaker and less popular than me got bullied.

    • 2 years ago

      They were probably friends with the chads or something. Schools are a heiarchy. The ones at the top will bully the ones at the bottom. Thats it.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, uk here and the pikeys were all shitheads and the second anyone got popular they were a bully. I was, i'm kind of ashamed to say, just because I was popular. Our 6th form was part of our high school so when that started all the pikeys and popular kids dropped out so I was left with just the nice kids, that kind of made me realise whay a c**t I had been

      I thought this too. There's no threat at all to the original cast now I don't think

      Britain in a lot of ways is just c**t Island.
      Australia Is c**t island 2 btw

  13. 2 years ago

    Are Chad bullies are real thing in burger schools? I always thought it was a Hollywood meme

    Here in Europe (at least my personal experience) bullies were considered uneducated morons who sometimes played football and will definitely fail in life. Chads were either absolutely average or overachievers who cried about the equivalent of getting a 3.9 instead of 4.0 at graduation

    • 2 years ago

      The only true answer here is: sometimes. buttholes come in all varieties but only some of them are in a position to bully people below them.

    • 2 years ago

      First you say that chads aren't a thing in europe, then you tell us about european chads. Make up your mind. Also, look up what chad and jock actually mean, so that you're maybe not quite as clueless in the future. They're not the same thing.

  14. 2 years ago

    >have 20 characters
    >only 2minutes screen time per episode for each
    glorious planning

  15. 2 years ago

    Most of the villains/antagonists in this show have always been 2 dimensional. I think the writers inability to write a reasonable antagonist really stands out in this season, though. It's not like I'm expecting every baddie to have some dramatic backstory that explains their shitty behavior or anything. It's just that every bully character in this show is a walking cliche. I personally found 11's bullies the most ridiculous. I immediately thought they were comically mean. Every scene the main bully was in she was always accompanied by other goons that would cartoonishly laugh at her insults. The writers should feel embarrassed for writing the rollerblade scenes in particular. Her bullies making some impromptu plan to circle around her and joining hands while calling her a loser while also paying off the DJ to call her out was the most blatant act of contrived drama I've seen since Elfen Lied.
    The most ridiculous part of the show for me was an emotionally volatile teenager convincing a decent chunk of the town that a DnD club consisting entirely of highschoolers is actually a cult and that they need to be actively hunted down.

    • 2 years ago

      i agree about 11's bullies, her dad was a hero cop that died saving lives and they straight up mock her for being sad about it. but to be honest teenagers can be pretty sociopathic at that age, some of them don't learn real empathy until they're older. some never learn it.

  16. 2 years ago

    Oh boy it's another Cinemaphile "j-jocks are actually the cool and good guys and never bullied anyone" thread.

  17. 2 years ago

    Eddie's character existed solely so they could kill someone off and have it feel meaningful and make Vecna seem legit. Billy was the same, same with Sean Astin's character. Just bring him in, establish him, then kill him because they don't have the balls to kill a main character

    • 2 years ago

      Max is toast

      • 2 years ago

        She isn't. But the point still stands, she isn't original cast

      • 2 years ago

        nah they'll bring her back. they set this up already by showing that vecna had versions of his victims captured in the upside down even though they were dead in real life. plus papa said he aborbs their memories etc.
        max will be tied up in that house thing, and the only way to wake her up will be to free her from vecna so she can return to her body

    • 2 years ago

      i was really hoping they'd kill off one of the main kids this season. i like them all, but it felt time to really drive home the feeling of despair. they even chickened out of killing max at the last second.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely. They are all great but I think it was necessary, just to show that they don't all have plot armour

  18. 2 years ago

    >be good at sports in hs
    >always end up in the teams with all the chads
    >be friends with all of them, can even banter and shit
    >moronicly shy around girls so I got exactly 0 pussy
    I blame my parents and God

  19. 2 years ago

    >let max die
    >End with a black cut after the rift opens in the city
    There, I fixed season 4

    • 2 years ago

      this, i was shocked to realize there was another 30 mins to go after the rift opened, felt like the end of the season.
      i also would have changed the nature of eddie's death. it felt like he was just trying to prove something but what did he actually accomplish? the others were already tied up by vecna, we don't even know if the bats would have returned to the house. felt like he just died in the middle of nowhere, for no real reason.
      as it stands, eddie and hopper's storylines feel sort of pointless. we have no idea if distracting the bats for longer than they already did helped at all, and it's not clear whether what hopper's doing is affecting him either.
      i would tweak it to show the bats actually going back to the house after eddie and dustin get safe, threatening to attack the others while they fight off the vines (they were tied up for way too long, we could have had a whole action scene of them chopping up vines all over the house). then eddie has his hero moment and rolls up on his bike, sets off a firework to draw their attention (season 3 callback), giving the others enough time to get to vecna, then they get tied up because he's completely surrounded his body with vines.
      then, instead of the "i love you so much 11" speech, have hopper killing the demogorgon be the thing that causes vecna's vines to loosen, and the bats to start falling, even if only for a moment. elven gets free (sure she can still be hearing mike's voice for the power of love stuff), then she blasts vecna which allows steve's group to access his body.
      everyone's actions have a clear and meaningful affect on the final battle, and eddie dies a true hero.

      • 2 years ago

        >i also would have changed the nature of eddie's death. it felt like he was just trying to prove something but what did he actually accomplish?
        His death might have been in vain but people forget two important truths:
        >people die of stupid reasons irl all the fricking time, virtually every minute. losing oneself in a woods just a few steps away from the main road and starving to death? showing pressure valves into your ass blowing up your own intestines? the list could go on...
        >compared to these irl stories at least Eddie had a probable cause to do what he just did. he wanted to five some more time to his friends/allies in defeating a transdimensional evil that threatened not only his home town, but possibly the entire planet. he might have wanted to prove smtgh to himself and to his friends too, yes, but in the end, he just realized that the things that are going on are waaay bigger than him.

        • 2 years ago

          good points but it's still a little unsatisfying. people die for no reason irl, but in stories deaths have to matter. imagine if a character just randomly got hit by a bus or had a brain aneurism, completely unconnected to the plot. it might be funny in a comedy, but not dramatic or interesting.
          i can't ignore stuff like this ever since the whole "indiana jones has zero impact on the story of the Lost Arc" meme. the nazi's still would have found it, opened it, and exploded. he contributed nothing, and it cheapens the whole feeling of the movie for me. i hate when characters do impressive, dramatic things that don't end up mattering if you actually think about it. it's like watching someone risk life and limb to finally get a key, only to find out the door was unlocked the whole time. again more of a punchline than a satisfying conclusion.

          hopper literally broke back into prison, putting his and joyce's life in danger, all for the slightest chance that killing the demogorgon might slightly weaken or distract vecna in some helpful way. and as awesome as that scene was, we don't actually know if it accomplished anything, because vecna was already fighting with 11 when it happened. my version shows directly that if hopper didn't pull off this insane stunt, the whole plan would have failed.

          same with eddie, we have no idea if his "buying more time" blaze of glory, heroic sacrifice thing actually mattered in the slightest. the bats were still nowhere near steve's group, and he could have just as easily stayed in the trailer and fought them from there. running into the open and standing his ground against them felt stupid, not brave. at least in my version he has a reason to leave the trailer and face them head on instead of trying something smarter.

          • 2 years ago


            as an example they actually nailed this with the mike group story. their desperate probem solving to track down Nina seemed like it was going to be completely pointless for a second; 11 had decided to leave and i thought they were going to have them meet the pizza van randomly on the road, or for the boys to miss her and only get there after she'd already left.
            but instead, their journey mattered massively to the plot because they were able to distract the sniper long enough for 11 to take them out, get her out of the desert safely, and build the chamber for her. without them she might have died alone in the desert, or taken so long to get home that everyone was already dead.

            a satisfying conclusion to that journey, that impacts the plot in a significant way. in comparison, hopper and eddie's places in the final battle felt forced, just something to make it feel like everyone was contributing even though really they were just putting themselves in danger in a way that didn't even seem to be helping.

            i'm just saying if it were me i would've shown more clearly the exact impact of each action to show that they mattered. i'm fine with eddie going out in a blaze of glory, but as it stands it feels more like someone being told they need to get a truck to pull over, so they decide to step in front of it instead of just waving it down. more of a dumbass move than a heroic one.

          • 2 years ago

            But Eddie would've still been villanized by the entire town for causing the event with devil worship and killing the kids. They would never understand Vecna without being able to directly encounter him first. It was a sacrificial death, and they had little use for the character anyway since he was about to graduate.

            • 2 years ago

              To be clear I have no problem with Eddie going out in a blaze of glory, but I just want it to mean more. It really felt like he died for no reason, stupidly standing his ground against an army of demons instead of just distracting them like they originally planned.
              Like maybe if Dustin got snatched away by them, and he had to fight them off to save him? Literally covering Dustin's body with is own while Dustin cries for him to just run away, that would've been heroic as frick. It would have given Dustin's conversation with his uncle more weight too, not "he died fighting for this town" but "he died saving my life".

              • 2 years ago

                Sure. Of course, but it's drama, not real life so everything always has to hang by a narrow thread and buy just a little more time. It's just that they needed more genuinely sad moments to show the weight and stakes of the struggle, They did that by sacrificing Eddie's character even if his death wasn't the most heroic thing he could've done, they hinted at his death through his relationship with Dustin saying don't ever change.

      • 2 years ago

        The point of Eddie was this

        Eddie's character existed solely so they could kill someone off and have it feel meaningful and make Vecna seem legit. Billy was the same, same with Sean Astin's character. Just bring him in, establish him, then kill him because they don't have the balls to kill a main character

  20. 2 years ago

    This board really watches Stranger Things? It’s been like 6 years and it wasn’t even good then. Do you guys really watch The Boys? Are you guys actually excited for the Barbie movie? Is it really gonna be another decade?

    • 2 years ago

      I enjoy watching schlock. I'm a trash connoisseur. I actually enjoy reading wuxia novels which are probably the absolute worst kind of cringey and nonsensical shit you could possibly imagine. I sage threads for popular shows because I'm paranoid they're shill made.

  21. 2 years ago

    IRL the incel freaks (usually mutts) shoot up schools while the white chads save lives. Hollywood is literally just an inversion of reality at this point, and I say this as an Indian.

  22. 2 years ago

    Every single new character they introduced in this season died except for Vecna. Makes the whole thing seem fricking pointless. What a shit season, worst since 2, I can't believe some people were saying it was the best since 1. Also they played that fricking Kate Bush song 95 times. Frick Kate Bush.

  23. 2 years ago

    >The evil angry white man pointing a gun at the innocent, calm and kind black man.

  24. 2 years ago

    >israelites can take out their pathological resentment

  25. 2 years ago

    The main reason why Eddie and Jason died is to close the whole Satanic Panic plot. Kinda gay approach but the show did it anyway.

  26. 2 years ago

    I love Stranger Things for reminding me that healthy Aryan male traditionalists need to not get so worked up about Devil-worshipping freaks undermining their small towns.

  27. 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    I really liked Eddie. I think they could have done something with him next season. They should have killed one of the original kids instead to show that there is a very real threat and nobody is safe from it. Now I know they are toothless and Dustin, Black Kid, Mike and Gay Mike are all unkillable

    • 2 years ago

      Agreed, for some reason I was pretty sure Dustin was going to get it this season. He's a fan favorite and both Steve and Eddie basically see him as a little brother. His death would have made a huge impact to the characters and the audience, far more than Eddie's pointless sacrifice or Max's cop out coma.
      But maybe they're saving that for the show finale.

      • 2 years ago

        Agree, Dustin should have gone instead. Incidentally, I find myself oddly attracted to Eddie. I have never had any homosexual feelings of any kind in my entire life, yet here we are. Odd.

        • 2 years ago

          >attracted to Eddie

          I'm with you there mate, it's the blowjob eyes. A very confusing wank that was

    • 2 years ago

      They should have killed of Joe Keery. I like his character but that would have been a ballsy move and really established some stakes. Overall season 4 was pretty fricking bad tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        What with these people that come up with the most moronic propositions and say "it would be ballsy/they don't have the balls".

        The only thing that comes from a "twist" like this is resentment, it's cheap.

        • 2 years ago

          The point is though that killing Eddie was cheap. They wrote him specifically to have a dramatic death scene. Like Billy and Samwise, he only existed to be killed off. If they have to kill someone, making it an original kid at least establishes a greater threat even though it might still be lazy writing or whatever

          • 2 years ago

            I think the point of killing Eddie is to get rid of the bloat of their giant roaster of characters, and unlike billy and Samwise, Eddie had no connection with the gang, he wasn't someone boyfriend like Samwise or brother like billy, he was just a guy caught in the middle, there were no emotional stakes for anyone.

          • 2 years ago

            >They wrote him specifically to have a dramatic death scene. Like Billy and Samwise,
            Eddie is literally a reincarnation of Billy because they killed him off too early

            • 2 years ago

              Billy wouldn't have worked in that role, he'd have found Jason and beat the shit out of him first.

        • 2 years ago

          It's more that after 4 seasons of near misses, it really feels like the kids aren't in any real danger. Season 1 was all about getting Will back, 2 was about Will being possessed, but by 3 none of the kids were in real danger except for maybe 11, and even then she obviously isn't going to die.
          So this season it was even harder to care about the dangerous situations the kids were in, because we knew none of them were going to die. Even Max, who's whole arc this season was about dying, didn't die. And we all suspected Max was going to die just because he was knew, which he did. It's predictable and robs the scenes of some of the drama and tension; no matter what the kids will be fine. Killing off one of the original 4 would have completely subverted that and introduced real stakes again.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Stranger Things
    >All the bad people are blonde, blue-eyed males
    Sounds like ~~*Netflix*~~

  30. 2 years ago

    nerds are simply waiting for their turn to twist the knife. if they weren't born so fricked up they would literally be the popular kids, theres nothing special about them except their inability. they have the same rotten souls as anyone else

    • 2 years ago

      look at israel. are they better than nazi germany? no. and now its their turn to commit genocide

  31. 2 years ago

    agreed. He was chad till the end. They made him seem reasonable to me.

    • 2 years ago

      he was still wrong though, so if he'd actually shot eddie he'd have murdered an innocent man for nothing. if you care more about being violent than about being right, i guess you'd find that sensible.

      • 2 years ago

        He just had no way of knowing. But I'm just trolling. They made him vindictive and irrational and even racist (shocking) just because they don't want that image of the all-American Christian white jock to be considered good or reasonable. israelites say they're evil and they need them gone.

        • 2 years ago

          I took it more to be an arc about how even an all-American Christian white jock with everyting going for him can turn into a violent murderer in the right circumstances. Loss, pain and ignorance can destroy anyone, even our heroes. He wasn't an butthole from the beginning remember, he was beloved by the school and went out of his way to make Lucas feel included even when he was just riding the bench.

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe, but it was likely their plan all along to show the moral panic of the 80's caused by the Christian right wing. Not saying that was a good thing through and through, but his character was just a vehicle for showing that.

  32. 2 years ago

    They were laughing at you morons, not with your. You can stop defending rich suburban yuppies now.

  33. 2 years ago

    was he really a bully though? He thought this person literally murdered his Girlfriend.

    would he pants and trash can a random kid for laughs normally? I didnt get that impression.

  34. 2 years ago

    >be Will
    >get most repulsive haircut ever conceived
    >stand around contributing absolutely nothing in every scene 99.9% of the time
    >remaining 0.1% of the time make homoerotic speeches and cry
    Did he piss somebody off? I mean it's a stupid easy paycheck but there's no way this leads to more acting roles.

    • 2 years ago

      He was supposed to have Peter Pan syndrome, but when the fanbase listened to Mike's line "it's not my fault you don't like girls", the writers spun into him being a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah he did frick all this season. I actually forgot how important he was in the first two seasons, when he was like "Now that I'm back here I can feel him." I was like "Oh yeah, he was literally posessed by Vecna."
      They could have had a whole "Harry Potter-Voldemort" thing, maybe Vecna could speak directly to Will and try to tempt him onto his side, stuff like that. Instead he literally stood around and sometimes cried.
      Also he claimed Mike was the heart of the group when it's clearly Dustin.

  35. 2 years ago

    there was absolutely no point to him or the witch hunt plot line. went nowhere. no consequences. nothing of interest. flat characters.

    • 2 years ago

      It provided tension, otherwise most of the series would have happened in that boathouse. If no one was out looking for Eddie he wouldn't have been in danger, they needed something run from and be afraid of and god knows it wasn't going to be the two comic relief cops.

  36. 2 years ago

    So what happened to the chad? Memoryholed?

  37. 2 years ago

    He literally did nothing wrong, yet he was killed as he was the villain and in the most gruesome way. His crime? being white and attractive.

  38. 2 years ago

    everyone forgetting OP's picrel was never a bully. he only started his own little crusade after his gf died, that's not bullying. he was blinded because he was a sports moron. Pretty accurate if you ask me.

    • 2 years ago

      half the troony reddit posters here would be saying their prayers if some real satanic shit happened and they couldn't use rationalwiki to explain it. there are no atheists in foxholes

  39. 2 years ago

    unpopular virgin here, Chad never bullied me, he generally ignored me but was cool in our few interactions, the same with Stacy

    the people who dug their nails into me were the Brads and Kacys, people who seemed to think they were Chad and Stacy but were a little too ugly, fat or stupid, me, I was an aspy frick with no inclination to socialize, I'm not making any excuses, but I was never mean to anyone, however they would actively go after me, like I would work hard on a presentation, I was good at science and put a lot of effort into it but Kacy would go "ew" after each sentence and make me look like an idiot in front of everyone, she had to try and stain my one talent with her shit

    most bullying was like that, subtle reminders that you are an inferior and attempts to ostracize you and of course all the normies just went along with it, I could make the new girl giggle in class but then a while later she'd be all cold and "we're not friends anymore", obviously someone had a talk with her and got her to cut me off, every time you make progress socially they leap in and cut you off

  40. 2 years ago

    He's also some sort of spiritual cop that almost chokes the black kid

    repeating the St Floyd ritual

  41. 2 years ago

    Am I moronic for wishing Jason somehow had a last minute change of heart and saved Eddie? I’m so tired of them killing off cool or interesting characters.

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