Characters who are/would be better off without being classified as mutants

They did Franklin a favor by stopping associating him with mutants.
Who else do you think would be better off if they stopped being associated as a Mutant?

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  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      That would go in Cinemaphile

  2. 1 month ago

    Literally every character is better not being a mutant

    • 1 month ago

      Frankly this . The X-Gene was a stupid idea, and Stan even admits it was a lazy way to come up with superpower origins.

      Take Wolverine and Sabretooth for example; do you know how much better both would be if they weren't lumped in with mutant bullshit? Two immortal brothers, Cain and Abel, their origins shrouded in mystery so much that even they forget the tale. Plus I miss Wolverine's old explanation of claws being implants Weapon X gave him. I'll go a step further and say Juggernaut should be removed from X-Men stuff too.

      • 1 month ago

        >There's a universe out there where Sabretooth stayed an Iron Fist villain

        • 1 month ago

          >and became an obscure d-list character

          • 1 month ago

            >>and became an obscure d-list character
            And the world is better for it

      • 1 month ago

        Juggy isn't a mutant actually. He's mutant adjacent. He's a nepo mutie. His helmet is powered by an ancient god.

        • 1 month ago

          >Juggy isn't a mutant actually. He's mutant adjacent. He's a nepo mutie. His helmet is powered by an ancient god.
          I know, sorry if that was implied. I was just saying he should be divorced from X-Men entirely because 9 times out of 10 he's more interesting interacting with heroes such as Thor, Hulk, and even Spider-Man. Given his origins to the ruby of Cyttorak, its even more doable. His big connection is Xavier, which frick that

          • 1 month ago

            Ahh I see. I do agree but it's tough to do since he's Xavier's bro an all.

        • 1 month ago

          >He's mutant adjacent. He's a nepo mutie.
          They also get the rope.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm gonna be honest and say that Juggy having relations with an ancient god so he'd be like that is kind of lame
          Yea him being a big guy who's just like that #45654 wouldn't be original either but people still like Rhino for who he is anyway

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            This one's pretty interesting.

            • 1 month ago

              holy shit it's moronic

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds a little like Loeb anon. Don't make storytime Loeb's Wolverine run

        >There's a universe out there where Sabretooth stayed an Iron Fist villain

        >There's a universe out there where Wolverine remained a throwaway character the Hulk fought once

      • 1 month ago

        They are not brothers.

        • 1 month ago

          true they're father and son

  3. 1 month ago

    I think its fun to think of conventional origins for mutants/X-Men. Like for example what if Scott Summers was a volunteer to an experiment to restore his sight, but led to dire consequences?
    >Scott is born blind and wishes he could see
    >Mad scientist is experimenting with human perception, looking to see beyond this veil of reality.
    >Cons Scott to participate in an experiment, claiming its a cure but in reality wants to use Scott as a "window" to see other planes of existence
    >Scott is changed, and his eyes become portals to the punch dimension
    >Cyclops is born

    • 1 month ago

      While still contrived it is better. Or we could go the other way. The extremely lazy way and just say absolutely anyone with powers has this x-gene. At least that makes more sense. But then we wouldn't have the conflict and that's the whole point of the x-men isn't it?

      • 1 month ago

        Since X-Men is basically ripping off Doom Patrol anyway, all you really to say is the team is comprised of powered people who aren't popular or can't adjust to civilian life given what they are. Kinda like if The Hulk was more of a team player outside of occasional Avengers stuff or Defenders. Mutants like Beast, Cyclops, and Rogue all have issues integrating in society given their powers

        • 1 month ago

          That's a great point. And I suppose there are plenty of non mutant powered people who fit that criteria. You could lump a lot of villains in there. Like the Rhino.

    • 1 month ago

      >Mad scientist
      Mister Sinister.

    • 1 month ago

      I mean originally it was said that people were mutants cause their parents were involved in weird science stuff and because of radiation.

  4. 1 month ago

    Mutants used to be a byproduct of the Atomic Age. Their parents/grandparents were exposed to the radiation, and because of that, their offspring got superpowers. How bout using gamma radiation instead as the cause? Keeps everything connected.

    • 1 month ago

      >How bout using gamma radiation instead as the cause?
      That opens up a lot of problems considering what all that entails. You'd be better off using cosmic radiation, like what created the Fantastic Four and The U-Foes. Much more random

      • 1 month ago

        This sounds good, they could say that cosmic radiation arrives like solar storms, they hit the world from time to time but there are some pregnant women who are affected by this, causing their children to be born with these future powers.

        The Fantastic Four would be different in that they were not born with these powers but rather went and exposed themselves outside of Earth in an accident, receiving a larger, purer dose and therefore the "X-men" would not consider them his peers, Magneto above all, would be the most jealous to know that there are people with powers like his, but much purer

      • 1 month ago

        >You'd be better off using cosmic radiation
        Too geeky.

  5. 1 month ago

    Oh, look at that. OP being a homosexual. Im shocked.

    • 1 month ago

      I know you'd like me to be a homosexual like you anon, but no, you can't suck my dick if that's what you wanted.

  6. 1 month ago


  7. 1 month ago

    They retconned Franklin into not being a Mutant again. Frankling willed himself into being a Mutant because he wanted a community to fit into.

    In one comic, even the Celestials were getting annoyed at all the Hyper-Omnipotent Mutants that just show up out of nowhere. Writers just want to make Omnipotent characters but don't want to explain why they are Omnipotent, so they just say they are a Mutant.

    • 1 month ago

      >Writers just want to make Omnipotent characters but don't want to explain why they are Omnipotent, so they just say they are a Mutant.
      This is basically the same as why most mutant character outside the X-Men books exist. Someone created a character but didn't want to do the work of writing an origin to explain why they had powers, so they just said they were a mutant. We had a Dazzler thread the other day where it was pointed out that her original concept and gimmick of being a singer who's also secretly a superheroine would still be workable if they hadn't made her a mutant, which led to her becoming just another minor X-Men character after her solo book got cancelled.


      Firestar, Wanda and Pietro are characters who'd absolutely benefit from the X-books not being allowed to even mention them, as much as they'd benefit from not being mutants. Like with Beast, it's about protecting them.

      • 1 month ago

        >which led to her becoming just another minor X-Men character after her solo book got cancelled.
        Specifically one editor wanted to keep Dazzler relevant so he forced Claremont to put her on the X-men since she had a string of appearances with Beast and other characters just before her solo ended (and the Beauty and the Beast mini).

        Claremont did NOT want Dazzler on the X-Men since he didn't feel she fit the team but he had to take her and so gave her absolutely jack shit to do other than having her fall in love with Longshot and complain a lot. Which made her nobody's favorite and made her become a "disposable" X-Man.

      • 1 month ago

        >singer who's also secretly a superheroine would still be workable if they hadn't made her a mutant
        with that said, she wouldn't get a mini-series, she will this year. and frankly, I don't like dazzler, so it's a waste of space for me

      • 1 month ago

        Dazzler is a shitty character, x-men or not

        • 1 month ago

          She can be salvaged if they updated her.

          • 1 month ago

            Not really. You already have Lila Cheney, and she isn't being used much either

          • 1 month ago

            All Dazzler updates have been terrible.

  8. 1 month ago

    Omega level mutants and reality manipulators are basically creatively bankrupt characters. Shepard is another example of this. Literally got every power imaginable despite not being a reality manipulator. Only good thing about him is that no writers want to use him.

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick is with this obsession of the X-Men franchise making these stupidly OP characters, or scrambling to claim ownership of them like fricking pokemon? Like, who is this fricking gaywad in ?

      • 1 month ago

        X-men doesn't make sense without stupidly OP characters.

        >mutants are more powerful than
        >muties get wiped out or oppressed immediately due to being outside of state control

        >mutants are strong enough to just brush off earth an already over powered planet
        >other high-powered groups or entities shit down their throat for being a threat to cosmic hegemony

        Mutants are at their best across all spectrums because it justifies both aggression from third-parties at all power scales and mutant resistance to said parties.
        Mutants are a cosmic experiment that went far, far, far too well. They are the only population that can consistently produce cosmic tier individuals.
        They have more flexibility than the Gods who are forever forced to 'fit' expectations. They are not bound with cycles or forces. They have more scaling than cosmic entities. There is never going to be an army of Galactuses - but with sufficient time there WILL be an army of Jeans/Davids/Jaspers ect.

        And it's that overwhelming nature which justifies why every other force wants them dead. They just cannot be left unchecked. From street level muties posing an inherent threat to security and safety, omega morons threatening galactic empires, to even the top tier omegas becoming approaching the mantle of those who would dictate reality.
        The entire setting is compelled to shit on them - and it's great. Mutants did nothing wrong but neither did the rest of reality retaliating against what is effectively an existential threat.

        • 1 month ago

          >X-men doesn't make sense without stupidly OP characters.
          The problem is that if they're one of the good guys, then the bad guys would get stomped easy unless they're overpowered too. And at that point, it's just DBZ.

  9. 1 month ago

    Magik would be better off as a magic character instead of a mutant associated with the X-men.

    • 1 month ago

      That makes no sense, all her relationships and main stories are in the X-Men, that's where her root is

      • 1 month ago

        She learned magic from (alternate Limbo) Storm!

      • 1 month ago

        It's a shared universe, who cares?

        • 1 month ago

          apparently OP, who as usual, is a homosexual

          Make her Strange's apprentice.

          been there, done that. also strange is boring like shit

    • 1 month ago

      Make her Strange's apprentice.

  10. 1 month ago

    >pic unrelated
    they retconned him back. if the writer wants to use him as a mutant, they can

    • 1 month ago

      lol Slott literally retconned the mutant gene just so Hickman couldn't use him for his more popular X-Men stuff.

      what a fricking little b***h

      • 1 month ago

        and North retconned it back. and frankly, everything that slott ever did was bad, so congrats on defending slott.

      • 1 month ago

        and they also blocked namor from having a bigger part as well. you know, it's always disingenuous to see threads like this where everyone want to take an x-men character and make him join a non x-men team, but if it happens the other way around, there is a massive seething suddenly

        • 1 month ago

          >you know, it's always disingenuous to see threads like this where everyone want to take an x-men character and make him join a non x-men team, but if it happens the other way around, there is a massive seething suddenly
          The writers and editors at Marvel keep doing that because they like those characters, or because they're literal morons who genuinely believe some non-Wolverine, non-Deadpool character from the X-books is going to help sales in any way at all, but if you pay actual attention to the fans, to the readers, most of them DON'T want X-Men stuff in the other Marvel books. Marvel got a lot more aggressively obnoxious with this in recent years and nobody likes it at all. They've managed to get Spider-Man and Iron Man readers angry with this, Avengers readers don't want Storm on the team instead of an actual old Avengers character they could have had instead.

          Literally the only X-Men character there's any call for at all to appear outside of the X-books is Beast, and that's just his own fans wanting someone else to come along save him from years of sustained abuse.

          • 1 month ago

            This. It's gotten to the point that Beast's the only mutant I want to see joining the Avengers because of how much more fricked up he's gotten since he's gotten more deeply immersed with the X-Men. It's like watching someone who was a halfway decent person turn into a deluded loon you can longer recognize because he started hanging out with a bunch of crazies that they gaslit into being just like them.

      • 1 month ago

        Good. Nothing good would have come from letting Franklin get involved with Krakoa

        • 1 month ago

          or maybe the other way, it would have made it much better and less hypocritical. not that a little c**t like you would ever know

  11. 1 month ago

    what you fail to understand is that there is a reason that certain characters became popular, and it's not because of them being mutants. it's the X brand.

    there was a thread about whirlwind being part of brotherhood, and it made me think how much MORE popular the character would be if he indeed was part of it. as of today, whirlwind is a very obscure simp for wasp and occasional d-list henchman to some villain, he never really developed beyond that.

    the same would happen to every character mentioned in this thread. and franklin is ironically a good example, because both slott and north did basically FRICKALL with franklin.

    Franlin being omega mutant god and a husband of rachel is the only interesting thing about him.

    • 1 month ago

      let's also remind about the fail inhumans era, when every new superpowered character became an inhuman. do I have to say that it failed spectacularly and everyone tries to forget it happened?

    • 1 month ago

      >there was a thread about whirlwind being part of brotherhood, and it made me think how much MORE popular the character would be if he indeed was part of it. as of today, whirlwind is a very obscure simp for wasp and occasional d-list henchman to some villain, he never really developed beyond that.

      Yeah he could be as popular as Pyro or Avalanche

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, they are actually more popular, they even had toys, appeared in more cartoon episodes, and if you asked random marvel reader, they would be more aware of them than a whirlwind

        you also have characters like mandrill, nekra, portal who also are mutants, but somehow, they aren't really remembered either

    • 1 month ago

      >Franlin being omega mutant god and a husband of rachel is the only interesting thing about him.
      So you like him for power level homosexualry and as an accessory to a different character? i.e. you don't actually care about Franklin being a mutant you just care about one of your many toys being taken away

      • 1 month ago

        No anon, I care about an interesting story. They are fictional characters, I don't treat them as waifus/husbandos, because I'm not that deranged

        But go on, name me 1 interesting story that happened with franklin in the last 20 years

        • 1 month ago

          Modern FF comics may suck, but "Franklin goes through his emo phase" is at least an FF story and a story about Franklin. It's inherently got more going for it than the X-books just trying to grab Franklin to make him just another big gun in Krakatoa's arsenal.

    • 1 month ago

      >there was a thread about whirlwind being part of brotherhood, and it made me think how much MORE popular the character would be if he indeed was part of it. as of today, whirlwind is a very obscure simp for wasp and occasional d-list henchman to some villain, he never really developed beyond that.
      But he wouldn't be the same character anymore. He wouldn't be the Whirlwind we know, he'd just be another interchangeable Brotherhood henchman. For all that

      Yeah, they are actually more popular, they even had toys, appeared in more cartoon episodes, and if you asked random marvel reader, they would be more aware of them than a whirlwind

      you also have characters like mandrill, nekra, portal who also are mutants, but somehow, they aren't really remembered either

      points out Pyro and Avalanche being in more cartoons and having slightly more toys than Whirlwind, it's hardly worth sacrificing what identity and individuality he does have for it.

      • 1 month ago

        The irony is that the general apathy to Whirlwind by the X-office has actually given the dude an actual personality trait of being a thug that actively avoids anyone with a higher cause beyond beating up people he hates and guaranteeing him a good pay day, specifically because he's paranoid of the backlash should said lofty dreams inevitably blow up in their faces and how he'll get the shaft in return. Which is at this point a lot more than either Pyro or Avalanche get, since their personalities have apparently never evolved beyond "lights things on fire" and "makes things quake cause he's a shitter".

        • 1 month ago

          >The irony is that the general apathy to Whirlwind by the X-office
          This is actually a good point, if they'd ever wanted him they would have grabbed him, and nobody would likely have made much effort to stop them, Avengers editorial historically has let other books use much higher profile villains like Ultron and Kang whenever they want unless they're actually in an Avengers story at the same time.

          >Which is at this point a lot more than either Pyro or Avalanche get, since their personalities have apparently never evolved beyond "lights things on fire" and "makes things quake cause he's a shitter".
          In fairness, the one thing they did have beyond that is "they are friends", but that just meant there have been fujos shipping them since the 80s because they can't comprehend friendship.

      • 1 month ago

        >He wouldn't be the Whirlwind we know
        Who gives a shit?

      • 1 month ago

        >He wouldn't be the Whirlwind we know
        Oh no, he wouldn't be a pathetic simp to wasp, the horror!

  12. 1 month ago

    >Characters who are/would be better off being in limbo

  13. 1 month ago

    They'll re-retcon him as one in a few years, don't worry

  14. 1 month ago

    Is there any other comic with a more divisive fanbase than X-Men?

    • 1 month ago

      I don't consider the morons who clearly only use the x-men to whine about real world political groups to be real fans.

    • 1 month ago

      anti x-men gays. nobody whines more than them

    • 1 month ago

      Literally every fanbase? like spider-gays, batgays, whatevergays

  15. 1 month ago

    None of them.

    The problem isn't having characters classified as mutants. The problem is the modern idea, popularized in the post-Morrison era, that mutants can ONLY exist within the X-Titles. Mutants used to be just a feature of the Marvel universe, just another part of worldbuilding. But putting them all in the various X-titles makes the universe smaller and less nuanced and also puts a bunch of extra characters into the pressure cooker.

    Rising to the top and getting actual screentime in an X-book is probably the most competitive thing possible at Marvel. The X-Men have several full rosters of iconic characters that originated in X-Men that they can't even feature all of them now, so dragging in more characters serves no purpose. A new writer who burns for that particular character can use them but then they become a background extra or fodder for big fight scenes.

    This is tied to Marvel altering the context of mutant oppression with Morrison and beyond. It has severely damaged the allegory and is today so exaggerated that it's almost become a parody of itself

    • 1 month ago

      >It has severely damaged the allegory
      There is no allegory. Morrison did not invent the setting. He can use the series allegorically, and he did, but the series is not an allegory.

  16. 1 month ago

    The problem with X-Men is that it never should have touched the rest of the Marvel universe because it renders everything else down into powerscaling against it. How many actual non-mutants can go toe-to-toe with someone like Legion and expect to come out of it not a gibbering moron trapped in their own brain's k-hole?

    • 1 month ago


      X-men doesn't make sense without stupidly OP characters.

      >mutants are more powerful than
      >muties get wiped out or oppressed immediately due to being outside of state control

      >mutants are strong enough to just brush off earth an already over powered planet
      >other high-powered groups or entities shit down their throat for being a threat to cosmic hegemony

      Mutants are at their best across all spectrums because it justifies both aggression from third-parties at all power scales and mutant resistance to said parties.
      Mutants are a cosmic experiment that went far, far, far too well. They are the only population that can consistently produce cosmic tier individuals.
      They have more flexibility than the Gods who are forever forced to 'fit' expectations. They are not bound with cycles or forces. They have more scaling than cosmic entities. There is never going to be an army of Galactuses - but with sufficient time there WILL be an army of Jeans/Davids/Jaspers ect.

      And it's that overwhelming nature which justifies why every other force wants them dead. They just cannot be left unchecked. From street level muties posing an inherent threat to security and safety, omega morons threatening galactic empires, to even the top tier omegas becoming approaching the mantle of those who would dictate reality.
      The entire setting is compelled to shit on them - and it's great. Mutants did nothing wrong but neither did the rest of reality retaliating against what is effectively an existential threat.

      The issue is Morrison pushing X-men as a societal allegory when the original runs had X-men as a group who feared human censure but never specifically did anything for them, instead making sure there weren't any mutants out there making 'their side' look bad and inciting humans to action.
      Mutants keeping to themselves makes perfect sense. They are aware that mutants are an inherently disorganised groups. They don't have traditional family structures and appear dispersed throughout the population. While individually they are strong collectively they are very vulnerable.
      The counter to that is two fold and accurately portrayed in most eras of X-men:
      Playing interference so humanity doesn't get too openly genocidal and covertly eliminating any and all threats that seem credible as they emerge.
      It should be a muties worst nightmare for anyone to confront one of theirs - something the krakoa era gets sort of right. There was so much good in the premise and approach to krakoa that was just fricked so so so badly in execution. It is genuinely tragic.

  17. 1 month ago

    Nah Franky-boy will never escape those origins regardless of the retcons. Just like how no one will EVER except Kamala as a mutant.
    Franklyn's just a weaker but more stable David anyway. There's no reason for him not to be a mutant. It makes perfect sense. You don't see his power levels just appearing elsewhere.

  18. 1 month ago

    Franklin being a mutant has never been relevant to his character. He’s also never had ties to the X-Men

  19. 1 month ago

    Mutants are not and have never been a distinct species. They are simply a phenotype of humanity. You can't talk about "mutant society" or "mutant culture" because it's just humans all the way down.

    And this is good because mutants being a different species totally sabotages whatever they try to say about discrimination and racism. Racism only exists within a species that's the entire point of it. Hating and fearing a different species is no longer racism.

    Thus the distinction is important. Bigots want to paint mutants as The Other in order to treat them like animals with no legal protection. That's the point.

  20. 1 month ago

    kys slott

  21. 1 month ago

    Honestly, if you erased the whole X-Gene, and made a Cyclops solo with the Summers powers being tied to the Celestials, you'd get pretty much 70% of the important X-Men stories and it'd be for the best. Hidden under "X-Men" is a kino Space Opera starring Cyclops & Phoenix, but nobody will ever believe me.

    • 1 month ago

      This but maybe drop a few of the millions of alternate reality Summers kids and siblings

      • 1 month ago

        Or consolidate them all into one of two characters.

      • 1 month ago

        Or consolidate them all into one of two characters.

        I like the Summers family as is tbh. A son, a daughter and an AU clone ain't so hard to keep track of. Were this an AU, I'd probably make Nathan and Rachel come from the same time, and turn Nate into a clone or something.

        • 1 month ago

          Cable, Nate, Rachel, Hope, Vulcan, Maddie... feels bloated. And that's not even going into the much less used ones like Ruby

          • 1 month ago

            If we're talking brothers/clones/etc, then yeah, it gets bad. Personally, were I writing an AU I'd
            >drop Havok
            Yeah he's the guy eternally in Scott's shadow, blablabla, who cares. He's dead weight.
            >keep Vulcan
            Make him a foil to Cyke and he works. Not exactly evil, tone down the childish tantrums, make him more like a detached Space Emperor, and you've got a nice basis.
            >drop Maddie
            If Sinister has Jean's DNA and can create a clone, why not just... make a proper kid from Jean's and Scott's DNA? You ask me, Nate should be the product of that, Sinister finally perfecting his tech and creating his ultimate weapon himself.
            >keep Nate
            He could be the Ben/Kaine of Nathan.
            >make Nathan and Rachel siblings
            Have Jean give birth to twins, and then take the "sent to the future" bit and give it both of them. They come back from a deleted timeline. In the meantime Nate's grown closer to his "parents" and that causes friction with the other two.
            >delete Ruby
            I don't like Scemma.

            I think that's fine. And Corsair, come on, he's a literal Space Pirate, you can't drop him.

        • 1 month ago

          If we're talking brothers/clones/etc, then yeah, it gets bad. Personally, were I writing an AU I'd
          >drop Havok
          Yeah he's the guy eternally in Scott's shadow, blablabla, who cares. He's dead weight.
          >keep Vulcan
          Make him a foil to Cyke and he works. Not exactly evil, tone down the childish tantrums, make him more like a detached Space Emperor, and you've got a nice basis.
          >drop Maddie
          If Sinister has Jean's DNA and can create a clone, why not just... make a proper kid from Jean's and Scott's DNA? You ask me, Nate should be the product of that, Sinister finally perfecting his tech and creating his ultimate weapon himself.
          >keep Nate
          He could be the Ben/Kaine of Nathan.
          >make Nathan and Rachel siblings
          Have Jean give birth to twins, and then take the "sent to the future" bit and give it both of them. They come back from a deleted timeline. In the meantime Nate's grown closer to his "parents" and that causes friction with the other two.
          >delete Ruby
          I don't like Scemma.

          I think that's fine. And Corsair, come on, he's a literal Space Pirate, you can't drop him.

          I think it's easier to just roll Rachel, Hope and Nathan into one character. It's what I do in my AU.

  22. 1 month ago

    Franklin is still a mutant, he just turned off all of his powers for the majority of the year because he wants to be a normal boy for some reason.

    • 1 month ago

      >reality bending mutant uses his powers exclusively to protect himself from being in X-books

      Literally every character is better not being a mutant

      was right

      • 1 month ago

        bending mutant uses his powers exclusively to protect himself from being in X-books
        Extremely based.

        • 1 month ago

          >reality bending mutant uses his powers exclusively to protect himself from being in X-books
          [...] was right

          He will still frick Rachel and have a kid with her, no matter what

          • 1 month ago

            Rachel's a dyke forever now. Sorry

          • 1 month ago

            That was just one possible timeline on a highly disliked run. The only other instances showing an adult Franklin has him single or, weirdly enough, married to a Wakandan woman (which has been the case twice for some reason)

            • 1 month ago

              >married to a Wakandan woman
              wow, how great that franklin has no ties to x-men then. truly, an improvement

            • 1 month ago

              I mean, it makes perfect sense.
              His kid can be just as powerful as him, and they'd be black.
              That's exactly what modern writers would love.

          • 1 month ago

            Rachel's gay now bro

  23. 1 month ago

    What was Mutant before Marvel?

  24. 1 month ago

    Clark and Dagger
    Making them mutants just puts them in an even greater pidegeon hole than the one they're in. Let them be something else.
    My choice would be they're some variation of magic

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