Chuds have no response to this

>a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman
>ok a woman is anyone who identifies as an adult human female happy?

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  1. 2 months ago

    You can identify as whatever you want, it doesn't mean anyone else has to take your assertion seriously. I could identify as God himself but it doesn't mean I'll be able to flood the world on a whim after the fact.

    • 2 months ago

      Transsexuals legitimately get upset when you acknowledge their pronouns but clearly don't believe it. They're demons that command absolute submission.

      • 2 months ago

        It's classic narcissism. Replace forcing people to accept delusions of grandeur to...other delusions of grandeur.

    • 2 months ago

      > it doesn't mean anyone else has to take your assertion seriously.
      Gender is socially constructed, and while there has historically most societies designed people with XX chromosomes as “female” 100% of the time and have with XY chromosomes as “male” 100% of the time, this has not always been the case with all societies and in all circumstances.

      • 2 months ago

        Gender is not socially constructed. Humans are sexually dimorphic. A male human and female human are fundamentally different creatures even though they’re the same species. Leftism/judaism/whatever is just a demented cult of pedophiles who want to put male children in dresses.

        • 2 months ago

          >Gender is not socially constructed
          Yes, it is. Sex is not but gender, and therefore gender rolls, are.

          • 2 months ago

            >we changed the definition of this a few years ago to fit our narrative and now pretend it was always the case so that just makes it true ok!
            nice try

          • 2 months ago

            No. It’s not. Gender and sex are synonyms. If you wanna wear a dress and act like a homosexual you’re still a man and not a woman in any way whatsoever despite you “socially” pretending to be one.

            • 2 months ago

              it’s funny because english has loads of redundant/borrowed words, and the obvious anglos don’t like saying “sex” issue, yet they still try to argue this word must have an objective meaning, not to mention a pedophile made that new definition

              • 2 months ago

                In my Pokemon games they used the word “gender” so the word “sex” wouldn’t keep popping up in a kids game. If trannies and John money wanna make up some weird new definition for sex and gender that’s on them if they wanna be insane and just make shit up.

          • 2 months ago

            the whole gender and sex dissociation is just stupid americans realizing that words in other, better languages have genders and extrapolating that shit to sex, which is honestly fricking hilarious when you realize that the whole queer ideology rests on a goofy interpretation of the mindless ramblings of derrida

  2. 2 months ago

    The man just looks like a textbook sex pest, on that alone it's difficult to take him seriously.

    • 2 months ago

      He's worse than that. He deliberately acts out every boomer stereotype there is. And he's not old enough to actually be a genuine Boomer.

  3. 2 months ago

    This documentary actually convinced me that gender theory is more right than wrong. The main premise this guy went around asking was for a definition of a woman. He can easily get that from a dictionary.

    But when humans say they are a woman, for example, they are referring to their gender identity and not their sex assigned as birth. Yet, for some reason he keeps harping on that woman = female. It's apples and oranges.

    Even the chicken example was ridiculous too. Our understanding of gender for humans has superseded biological definitions for sex, yet he purposely conflates it as well. We don't call female chickens "women" - they're not fricking humans.

    Overall it was a pretty disingenuous piece of commentary but can totally get the appeal if you're still someone living in the past.

    • 2 months ago

      Gender and sec are two related but different things.

      An adult male who presents to the world as an adult female is a different category to an adult female who presents to the world as an adult female. To me this is self evident, but it makes you a 'transphobe' who say their is literally no categorical difference.

      • 2 months ago

        taking the opinions of the extreme and motte-and-bailey'ing is weak. if you talk to relatively normie transpeople then none of them are ever going to say "i'm literally male" or "dude, i get periods" or something to that extent. the terminally online representation of transpeople that most people will see are clowns that can only subsist in their ridiculous, internet bubbles. the loud and abrasive online trans communities have done more harm to their supposed cause than any evangelical and/or conservative movement ever has.

        • 2 months ago

          >if you talk to relatively normie transpeople
          That's like saying if you ask "normal schizophrenics" to explain their hallucinations, it'll make sense.

          >none of them are ever going to say "i'm literally male" or "dude, i get periods"
          ...bro they absolutely the frick do that.

          In fact, the terminally-online Gen-Z kids who got peer pressured or joined in on the fad of being queer or trans, are more likely to grow out of those views with a year and some perspective. The "normie" people you're referring to that are NOT the "terminally online kids", are actually the ones who are so fricked up and mentally derranged that they tend to be fully-grown adult men who got porn-addiction'd or just generally went nuts and decided to live their lives as gross, hairy, ugly freaks, and they did it all on their own. If THOSE are the people you think are a good representation of the beliefs and ideologies here, then holy frick.

          • 2 months ago

            >That's like saying if you ask "normal schizophrenics" to explain their hallucinations, it'll make sense.
            how do you think medicine has come to better understand schizophrenia and/or any mental illnesses where there are breaks with reality? you can only learn about the illness and conscious experience from people that have it/experience it. psychologists speak to schizophrenics during periods of lucidity and/or medicate those that need it to maintain lucidity, those conversations with "normal schizophrenics" are the only conversations in which you can understand them. the fact that the only statement in your entire post that has any merit is the one where you were being ironic should trouble you. a lot.

            >...bro they absolutely the frick do that.
            except you've never knowingly spoken to a transperson in your life. these sorts of ideas are peddled by terminally online transpeople, relatively normie transpeople hate this sort of rhetoric.

            >In fact, the terminally-online Gen-Z kids who got peer pressured or joined in on the fad of being queer or trans, are more likely to grow out of those views with a year and some perspective. The "normie" people you're referring to that are NOT the "terminally online kids", are actually the ones who are so fricked up and mentally derranged that they tend to be fully-grown adult men who got porn-addiction'd or just generally went nuts and decided to live their lives as gross, hairy, ugly freaks, and they did it all on their own. If THOSE are the people you think are a good representation of the beliefs and ideologies here, then holy frick.
            this reads like literal schizophrenic writing.

            • 2 months ago

              >relatively normie transpeople hate this sort of rhetoric.
              I love how we're just pretending that telling a troony they're not actually a woman isn't incredibly wounding for many of them

        • 2 months ago

          Not really, the core of the argument stays the same even for the trannies that don’t think they’re a real woman. Why do trannies identify as a woman as opposed to a man?

          • 2 months ago

            >the core of the argument stays the same even for the trannies that don’t think they’re a real woman
            what is the argument that you're seeing here? i'm attempting to educate the anon on his faulty argumentation and enlighten him that opinions on the internet do not define an entire group of peoples, especially their "offline" counterparts.
            >Why do trannies identify as a woman as opposed to a man?
            if i could definitively answer that question then i will have solved a sub-category of queer studies, my friendo. current research suggests that there may be a physiological difference in brain activity in transpeople. that is the leading theory if my memory serves correct.

            >relatively normie transpeople hate this sort of rhetoric.
            I love how we're just pretending that telling a troony they're not actually a woman isn't incredibly wounding for many of them

            >I love how we're just pretending that telling a troony they're not actually a woman isn't incredibly wounding for many of them
            if you cannot distinguish between "woman" and "female" then this conversation is beyond you. my assertion is that a relatively normie transwoman would AGREE with someone saying "hey, you're not biologically female." they would tell you that you're right but that has no bearing on how they present/appear as a woman.

            • 2 months ago

              >they would tell you that you're right but that has no bearing on how they present/appear as a woman.
              That's why trannies like you are delusional, because there's an inherent biological component to womanhood.

              • 2 months ago

                >makes an assertion with no support
                tell me then, what "biological component(s)" do you consider when you determine if a person is a man or a woman?

                Well there you go, trannies cannot explain why they identify as a woman as opposed to a man. It’s a mental illness, a brain problem. Why should I call you a she/her because you’re mentally ill? You should get mental help. I’ll call someone who identifies as Japanese a Japanese person if they meet the criteria that defines a Japanese person, but I won’t call them that if they can’t. I’ll call someone a she if they meet the criteria that defines a woman, but I won’t call them that if they can’t. So if you don’t have 2 X chromosomes, and if you can’t tell me why you identify as a woman and not a man, I will not call you she and you are not a woman, you are mentally ill, simple as.

                >Well there you go, trannies cannot explain why they identify as a woman as opposed to a man.
                i literally just told you where research is at the moment. this is akin to saying "well, we don't have a perfect understanding of gravity thus, i conclude, that our current understanding of gravity must be fraudulent."

                >It’s a mental illness, a brain problem. Why should I call you a she/her because you’re mentally ill?
                a discrepancy in brain activity and/or brain composition doesn't maketh mental illness. an individual with a propensity towards language/linguistics might have increased blood flow to the temporal lobes as compared to the average brain, that doesn't make them mentally ill. right-handed vs. left-handed individuals see differences in brain activity. men and women literally have different brain compositions (mass of lobes) and different levels of activity (between lobes and between hemispheres), that doesn't make both sexes relatively mentally ill. this is such a rudimentary and reductive way of thinking, it isn't surprising that the idea of gender vs. sex completely vexes you.

                as for pronouns, again, relatively normie queer people just hope that you call them for how they present. if it bothers you that much bro, you probably will never talk to these people outside of your daydreams anyway.

                >’ll call someone who identifies as Japanese a Japanese person if they meet the criteria that defines a Japanese person, but I won’t call them that if they can’t.
                how do you know if someone is japanese?

                >So if you don’t have 2 X chromosomes, and if you can’t tell me why you identify as a woman and not a man, I will not call you she and you are not a woman
                how do you know the chromosomal makeup of an individual? do you even know yours? you ever get checked?

              • 2 months ago

                >ell me then, what "biological component(s)" do you consider when you determine if a person is a man or a woman?
                "Man" or "woman" cannot be limited to the fulfillment of stereotypical gender roles or else dykes become men and gay queens become women. You cannot deny sexual dimophism exists in humans and the physiological characteristics that accompany it are overt and apparent to anyone with a handful of brain cells. And no, androgynous weirdos don't disprove this rule, just like how hermaphrodites don't deboonk the sexual binary in humans.

              • 2 months ago

                >"biological component(s)" do you consider when you determine if a person is a man or a woman?
                Trannies agree with this statement, moron. Which is why they insist on mutilating their breasts and wieners in the first place.

              • 2 months ago

                >i literally just told you where research is at the moment. this is akin to saying "well, we don't have a perfect understanding of gravity thus, i conclude, that our current understanding of gravity must be fraudulent."
                No it’s not, because we know gravity exists. Things fall. Gender does not really exist, it’s a social construct. So the fact of the matter is, if someone’s brain is telling them and making them feel like they have 2 X chromosomes when they really have a Y that just means they’re mentally ill. Same way someone is mentally ill when their brain is telling them and making them hear voices that don’t exist.

                >a discrepancy in brain activity and/or brain composition doesn't maketh mental illness. an individual with a propensity towards language/linguistics might have increased blood flow to the temporal lobes as compared to the average brain, that doesn't make them mentally ill. right-handed vs. left-handed individuals see differences in brain activity. men and women literally have different brain compositions (mass of lobes) and different levels of activity (between lobes and between hemispheres), that doesn't make both sexes relatively mentally ill
                Again, these are all things that exist. Some people can learn other languages easier, most people have a dominant hand, men and women have different biology. Again, we are talking about real things. And again, gender is not real, it’s a social construct. Your Brain is telling you you’re the opposite sex, it’s a mental illness. Your brain doesn’t make you feel like a different gender, because gender is not real. Just like ethnicity is not real. Your brain doesn’t make you feel Japanese because ethnicity is not real. So your brain is not telling you your gender, because gender does not exist. It is telling you your sex, and when it’s telling you you’re the wrong sex it’s a literal mental illness.

              • 2 months ago

                we don't "know" gravity exists. you have a fundamental misunderstanding of science and research. this is completely ignoring the fact that you don't seem to understand the point of me referencing the incomplete understanding of gravity in the first place.

                further, using your hilarious definition of "know," we know that brains are sexed and differ. your ironic suggestion that a "brain makes you feel a different gender" is a very real possibility and is, in fact, the leading theory behind explaining transgenderism. the idea of someone having a differently sexed brain than their body and the results of that incongruity are the interesting part of all this.

                >Again, these are all things that exist. Some people can learn other languages easier, most people have a dominant hand, men and women have different biology. Again, we are talking about real things. And again, gender is not real, it’s a social construct. Just like ethnicity is not real. Your brain doesn’t make you feel Japanese because ethnicity is not real.
                i can't tell if you're being deliberately obtuse or if you're just really, really dumb. you have a gift for completely misunderstanding why the other person in the conversation is bringing something up. why do you think i'm asking how you would determine the ethnicity of an individual? how do you think i would draw parallels to gender? considering your misunderstanding of science and your continual displays of tautological thinking, i'm going to assume it's the latter. you're literally engaging the chewbacca defense from south park but you're doing it unironically. worse, you think you're contributing anything remotely intelligent.

                you say "gender is not real" yet you are sperging out and clashing with the fact that people are "changing" how gender is thought of. how in the world do you balance these two thoughts in your mind?

              • 2 months ago

                We know things fall and don’t float and we know that gender doesn’t exist and is a social construct.

                Your brain does not make you feel like a different gender, because gender does not exist, same way ethnicity doesn’t exist. Those are both social constructs. Your brain is not going to naturally tell you you are something that doesn’t exist in nature. It may tell you you are a different sex, and if it does that is a mental illness. The same way you are mentally ill if your brain tells you you are black when you’re really white. Your Brian doesn’t tell you you are Japanese, it recognizes you are Japanese based on society’s definition of it. So if we’re going to say gender identity is the same thing then you have to clearly define gender. If you can’t clearly define gender and what makes someone a man vs a woman, and it’s just you having a different sexed brain, well then you’re just mentally ill.

              • 2 months ago

                Race and gender exist, reddit spacer. You can test someone’s DNA and tell exactly what race and gender they are.

            • 2 months ago

              Well there you go, trannies cannot explain why they identify as a woman as opposed to a man. It’s a mental illness, a brain problem. Why should I call you a she/her because you’re mentally ill? You should get mental help. I’ll call someone who identifies as Japanese a Japanese person if they meet the criteria that defines a Japanese person, but I won’t call them that if they can’t. I’ll call someone a she if they meet the criteria that defines a woman, but I won’t call them that if they can’t. So if you don’t have 2 X chromosomes, and if you can’t tell me why you identify as a woman and not a man, I will not call you she and you are not a woman, you are mentally ill, simple as.

            • 2 months ago

              >current research suggests that there may be a physiological difference in brain activity in transpeople
              Hmm, just like there are physiological differences in the brain activity of pedophiles, schizophrenics, serial killers, Down syndrome morons, addicts, and anti-social people? Strange, isn’t it.

            • 2 months ago

              >but that has no bearing on how they present/appear as a woman.
              How do they present/appear as a woman and not a man?

              • 2 months ago

                they present with female secondary sex characteristics and societally normalized female attire.

                aka they grow out their hair, remove facial hair, get some breasts, probably lose some weight, maybe tuck their penis, and wear women's clothing. there is nothing within their physical presentation that is beholden to their biological sex that cannot be obscured.

                no one in this entire thread identifies the gender of people by their genitals or their chromosomes or whatever dumbfrick, solely biological factor. you did not walk up to your buddy at work, grab his dick and balls, and say "oh sorry bro, i had to make sure you were a man" or ask the cute girl for chromosome test results before asking her out.

                >ell me then, what "biological component(s)" do you consider when you determine if a person is a man or a woman?
                "Man" or "woman" cannot be limited to the fulfillment of stereotypical gender roles or else dykes become men and gay queens become women. You cannot deny sexual dimophism exists in humans and the physiological characteristics that accompany it are overt and apparent to anyone with a handful of brain cells. And no, androgynous weirdos don't disprove this rule, just like how hermaphrodites don't deboonk the sexual binary in humans.

                >"Man" or "woman" cannot be limited to the fulfillment of stereotypical gender roles
                except that's exactly how we define those two terms.

                >You cannot deny sexual dimophism exists in humans and the physiological characteristics that accompany it are overt and apparent to anyone with a handful of brain cells
                i have no idea who you're talking to considering i'm asserting that there is a meaningful difference between "woman" and "female." this should tell you where i stand on the concept of sexual dimorphism. in the post you're quoting, i'm literally speaking about the differences in male and female brains. are you fricking moronic?

                >And no, androgynous weirdos don't disprove this rule, just like how hermaphrodites don't deboonk the sexual binary in humans.
                who are you arguing with? yourself? no one is talking about intersexed people.

                >"biological component(s)" do you consider when you determine if a person is a man or a woman?
                Trannies agree with this statement, moron. Which is why they insist on mutilating their breasts and wieners in the first place.

                >Trannies agree with this statement, moron. Which is why they insist on mutilating their breasts and wieners in the first place.
                read the above, moron. then go read up on idea of a "rhetorical question."

              • 2 months ago

                >except that's exactly how we define those two terms.
                Absolutely not. Which is why Tomboys are still women. Wearing dresses and trying to frick women doesn't make you a lesbian woman lmao. If there wasn't a biological component to womanhood then you wouldn't see trannies dick-chopping in a pathetic attempt to emulate that. So continue coping.

              • 2 months ago

                >Which is why Tomboys are still women
                wow, you're so close to making a breakthrough. why are "tomboys" a distinct term from woman (or girl/girly)? tomboys ARE female... but they present with... with what? physical features that are generally tied to men? behaviors and demeanor tied to men? wear clothing more associated with men? so it seems that if you APPEAR/PRESENT with enough visual and physical characteristics that other people will determine your gender as being askew to your sex. tomboys are viewed as not girly/womanly, not fitting within the societal mold that we, everyday people, use to determine gender.

                >If there wasn't a biological component to womanhood then you wouldn't see trannies dick-chopping in a pathetic attempt to emulate that.
                again, at the cusp of another breakthrough. do you think gender reassignment surgery changes the underlying truth that a penis is a penis? do you believe that surgery will change a clitoris into a penis? the absence of testicles maybe? no, it wouldn't. what does it change though? how it presents/appears as a means to align appearance with consciousness.

                >they present with female secondary sex characteristics and societally normalized female attire.
                They present with weak imitations of those sex characteristics. Putting pads down your shirt doesn't mean you have breasts, and definitely doesn't mean you're a woman.

                >They present with weak imitations of those sex characteristics. Putting pads down your shirt doesn't mean you have breasts, and definitely doesn't mean you're a woman.
                yes, they PRESENT with, not HAVE ATTAINED. the same way you don't check for surgical scars and feel for implants before determining if that woman has "real, biological" breasts or not.

                further, flat-chested/small-busted woman are treated as less womanly. the same way that a woman with visible facial hair would be treated as being less womanly.

              • 2 months ago

                >tomboys are viewed as not girly/womanly, not fitting within the societal mold that we, everyday people, use to determine gender.
                Tomboys are still viewed as women because the way you present does not determine your sex or gender because your sex is determined by chromosomes and gender doesn’t exist. So if you’re going to make the argument that gender exists than what is it and what defines it? How do you fall into the criteria? Ethnicity doesn’t exist, it’s a social construct and it’s defined. You are not Italian because you feel Italian, you are Italian because you are from Italy. So define gender please.

              • 2 months ago

                >Tomboys are still viewed as women
                except you don't view tomboys as necessarily women, you distinctly differentiate them from women by calling them tomboys.
                >because the way you present does not determine your sex or gender because your sex is determined by chromosomes
                we're not talking about sex, we're talking about gender. there's literally no point in such a conversation in which chromosomal makeup is brought up.
                >and gender doesn’t exist
                yet you've typed up all these posts and words discussion gender. how are you talking about something that "doesn't exist?" how are you identifying "tomboys" if the concept of gender doesn't exist?

                >So if you’re going to make the argument that gender exists than what is it and what defines it? How do you fall into the criteria?
                i cannot spell it out clearer than i already have. it'll cause me great anguish to slow it down even further for you. if you cannot keep up then that's on you.

                >Ethnicity doesn’t exist, it’s a social construct and it’s defined. You are not Italian because you feel Italian, you are Italian because you are from Italy.
                how do you know someone is italian/from italy?

              • 2 months ago

                >except you don't view tomboys as necessarily women
                Literally moronic. Everybody knows tomboys are still women, dumbfrick.

              • 2 months ago

                >tomboys are viewed as not girly/womanly, not fitting within the societal mold that we, everyday people, use to determine gender.
                But they're still considered women, despite not conforming to traditionally feminine social roles, which means that your "womanhood" isn't determined solely by what stereotypes you choose to embody, but inherent physical characteristics as well. Therefore, your womanhood isn't based on acting like a shallow, borderline pornographic interpretation of what you think womanhood is about. You will never be a woman, basically.

              • 2 months ago

                >they present with female secondary sex characteristics and societally normalized female attire.
                They present with weak imitations of those sex characteristics. Putting pads down your shirt doesn't mean you have breasts, and definitely doesn't mean you're a woman.

      • 2 months ago

        They’re a subgroup of women, trans women, but they’re still part of the overall group

        • 2 months ago

          How are they women if they're not female?

          • 2 months ago

            Adult presenting as female = woman
            Adult male presenting as female = trans woman
            Adult female presenting as female = cis woman
            Adult female presenting as male = trans man

            • 2 months ago

              If I "present as" a poached egg does that make me a poached egg?

              Are white people in blackface black?

            • 2 months ago
              Fledgling Investor

              there is no presenting.
              you can present yourself as dirt, there's no obligation for me to recognize yourself as dirt.
              there are only two genders, male and female defined by our chromosomes. Some people have chromosomes disorders which we also recognize.
              That's it, there is no discussion here to be had. You can claim to be batman or robin, that's not my problem.

            • 2 months ago

              >Adult male presenting as female = trans woman
              >Adult female presenting as male = trans man
              these categories are synonymous with extremely online leftism and are an obvious visual marker of dangerous mental illness and you shall be treated as such

            • 2 months ago

              How do you present as a female? Also, if I paint my face black and present as ugandan am I now trans ugandan and should be respected and treated as such for my teansethnic identity?

              • 2 months ago

                By utilizing societal female gender norms. Not everyone who is trans though chooses to present societal gender norms. You can be trans but still present as male. Gender =/= sex. Think of how we gender colors; pink is often associated with women but there's no real reason for that. Men, women, non-binary people can love/wear pink. It's just a color. To your second point, transgenderism is something that has been seen throughout time and different cultures, though often represented as a third gender. Any basic 101 anthropology class would address this at some point. The argument about trans-race or tans-ethic is a pretty hollow strawman because there is no real history for it. Certainly there are people who feel this way (see Rachel Dolezal) but the cases are so few and far between and there's almost nothing linking them.

              • 2 months ago
                Rich Investor

                literally all false. all of it.
                you will never be a woman dude. EVER

              • 2 months ago

                >The argument about trans-race or tans-ethic is a pretty hollow strawman because there is no real history for it.
                keke african Black person tribe will tell you they are whiter than other village down the road
                Ethopians larp as cauicasians and refused to join African congress at some point.

              • 2 months ago

                Utilizing societal female gender norms does not make you a woman, nor is it how you identify as a woman. A point you conceded already so whatever. Also it’s be a silly point to make in the first place since tomboys that have short hair, don’t like girl clothes, don’t like make up, don’t like pink, etc., are still woman and still identify as women. So again this is all irrelevant.

                The point remains the same what makes someone trans? What makes someone identify as a woman? How/why do they identify that way? What is it about them that says to them they’re a woman? For example most woman say I’m biologically a woman therefore I’m a woman, so what is it for trannies?

                And no, it’s not a straw man about transracial jam or transethicities, and history is irrelevant here. It’s the same faulty logic. You just only recognize the logic as faulty when it’s applied to race and ethnicity as opposed to gender and sex. If you can feel like the opposite sex/gender than you can feel like another race/ethnicity

              • 2 months ago

                False. See Brazil and how color of skin has no meaning for them with plenty of Black folk identifying themselves as white and white identifying as black for free things. There's even a famous case of a pair of twins that are white and black or the family of Ana Hikari (she looks like a typical Japanese but her father is a mix of black and natives). If Ana decides to act as her father side while looking like a Japanese who are you to tell that she can't? butthole
                Trans race is something that actually exists and has way more base in reality than what you think, since it relates to biology.

            • 2 months ago

              so drag queens are trans women?

            • 2 months ago

              Leftism presenting as functional system = fantasy

            • 2 months ago

              >cis woman
              That's just a woman, there's no need to add a qualifier because men aren't women.

            • 2 months ago

              If we're going to accept this stupidity there's absolutely no logical reason why it shouldn't extend to other things. I'm trans black now and you owe me reparations.

        • 2 months ago

          you can say a sub catgeory if you want, but we need terms to differentiate them

          it also means that transwomen are a subcategory of males. theyre at the overlap between the two circles, and so can not fully be either

    • 2 months ago

      Did we watch the same documentary?
      Walsh completely obliterated trangenderism by asking a few questions. None of the "experts" could give a sensible answer to basic questions, or they dodged questions they didn't like. And they got offended at the mere suggestion that they might be wrong.

      Every human being on the planet knew what a man and a woman was until a decade ago. Why? There's clearly something nefarious behind gender ideology, and you're an idiot if you don't see it.

      Also hilarious how you freaks fail to mention the John Money/Alfred Kinsey segment of the doc. Both unapologetic pedophiles who paved the way for this gender ideology bullshit. Look into the Kinsey studies if you want to be redpilled. The man literally jacked off toddlers to confirm his insane udeas about sexuality.

    • 2 months ago

      Gender is a leftard conspiracy theory made up by a pedophile in the 50s.
      It doesn't even exist as a word in majority of languages.

    • 2 months ago

      right, just like when I tell girls on Tinder I'm 6' I'm referring to my HEIGHT IDENTITY not my height-assigned-by-the-tape-measure baka fricking heightphobes can't understand

    • 2 months ago

      >But when humans say they are a woman, for example, they are referring to their gender identity and not their sex assigned as birth.

    • 2 months ago

      gender identity is tied to your sex though. you cant have the gender identity of a woman if you are in fact a male. just like a white guy cant have the racial identity of a black person.

    • 2 months ago

      Okay then I'm your dad.

    • 2 months ago

      >This documentary actually convinced me that gender theory is more right than wrong
      >sex assigned at birth

      And thus communist pedophile transsexual reveals himself.
      You will never, EVER BE A WOMAN.

    • 2 months ago

      I think the whole point is that gender identity isn't a real thing. You can identify as a woman, but if you aren't actually a biological woman then you're just entertaining a delusion. Didn't the left pretty much concede this point when this white chick pretended she was black? Even the most hardcore lefists don't believe that Rachel Dolazal or whatever her name was was actually black just because she identified as black, right?

      • 2 months ago

        White people aren't allowed to become Black people because otherwise the entire system of "affirmative action," "purely socio-economic factors" and "oppression Olympics" falls apart. How is Hollywood supposed to cast a swarthy Nigerian as the King of England when the Nigerian has lily-white skin?

    • 2 months ago

      Gender and sex were synonymous for hundreds of years in the English language. Recently, social activists has made the claim that gender is it's own separate thing. Since they are now claiming gender is distinct, why would every word and phrase that previously applied to both when they meant the same thing now apply to gender over sex?

      • 2 months ago

        Wrong, gender wasn't a word for 99.999999% of humanity until a homosexual pedophile invented it to promoted his homosexual pedophilia.

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I can't see how you miss the point that he's concern trolling the whole time. He's trying to get people to be hypocritical on camera through rhetorical tricks. On the other hand I agree with the Chuds that trans woman are just delusional men who should accept that they're gay. I'm a live and let live sort of person but they're mentally ill to the extreme.

    • 2 months ago

      So why can't you people admit gender ideolgy is the same as sexist stereotypes? If they are different then what's stopping any of you giving an example of gender expression which doesn't rely on seist stereotypes. Also,






    • 2 months ago

      Gender idenity isnt relevent. You wanna frick someone cause they identify as having big breasts and a tight pussy, or because they do have big breasts and a tight pussy?

    • 2 months ago
      Aspiring Investor

      Find a rope

    • 2 months ago

      >We don't call female chickens "women" - they're not fricking humans.
      responding to copypasta but this gotcha always irked me, female chickens = hens and male chickens = roosters, just like female humans = women and male humans = men

      • 2 months ago

        Are those situations though based on genuine transracism, i.e. they genuinely identify as that race, or are they more social constructs where groups identified with a more powerful group who happened to be white?

    • 2 months ago

      >It's apples and oranges.
      I’ve noticed lately that more and more people are just saying they’re “trans” instead of man or woman.

      • 2 months ago

        Why would they not want to call themselves Trans? That’s how they get their power.

    • 2 months ago

      What's the difference between "gender identity" and "sexist stereotypes"?
      A little boy that doesn't like rough housing, enjoys dolls and dress-up, interested in people lore than things - according to troony ideology, he has a female/feminine gender identity.
      Isn't that just a sexist stereotype of what a woman is supposed to be?

      • 2 months ago

        Why do you think old schools feminists hate the troony shit? It's counter to what they preach, about how your womanhood isn't predicated on upholding culturally defined stereotypes.

        • 2 months ago

          Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a feminist

          • 2 months ago

            The only thing that everyone sane can agree is that trannies are abominations that shouldn't exist.

            • 2 months ago

              Now I miss the r/superstraight

    • 2 months ago

      People aren't "assigned" a sex at birth. People at birth have an objectively true biological sex: male, female, or intersex.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >t. discord moderator

  4. 2 months ago

    He's wrong that it's circular, but he is correct in essence.

    What's the issue?

  5. 2 months ago

    define "female"

    • 2 months ago

      producer of large gametes

      • 2 months ago

        trans women aren't female then

        (which I think is correct btw but the trannies won't accept this)

        • 2 months ago

          >trans women arent female
          correct. claiming they are is a sure sign that someone has lost touch with any kind of non-subjective truth

  6. 2 months ago

    >what are you talking about, sweaty? I'm clearly black because I say so

    • 2 months ago
      Anonymous Mogul

      White pepe looks like that guy who gets the succ machine used on him in Monsters Inc.
      Kinda fricked up they were planning to strap children to a mindrape Cardassian ass torture device.

  7. 2 months ago

    >What is <thing>?
    <Thing> is anything that is a <thing!>
    >How do you tell what is and is not a <thing>?
    You can't!
    >So how can you say that something is <thing> if you can't identify <thing>?

  8. 2 months ago

    The science... is chud

    • 2 months ago

      TIL my grandmother who had to give birth by caesarean since she was too petite was actually a man the whole time

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago
        Fledgling Investor

        some people are born with 4 or 6 fingers. But the human body has 5 fingers, that's the rule.
        Your mother was an exception, that's all there is to it. Doesn't change a thing

      • 2 months ago

        >people born with webbed toes are actually ducks and should be plucked stuffed and fricking roasted

      • 2 months ago

        She probably was a man considering that her grandson is a homosexual.

        • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        She still would have larger hips than a male of the same size. The fact that your parents have bigger heads don't change that.
        But at least we know that your grandma was more masculine than you.

    • 2 months ago

      OP BTFO

  9. 2 months ago


  10. 2 months ago

    any opinion from this guy is immediately disregarded by my brain when i found out hes a glorified pedo

  11. 2 months ago

    One thing is certain, capitalism is quaking at our trans might

    • 2 months ago

      >investing in bodies that will stay with them for the rest of their lives
      We have such sights to show you.

      • 2 months ago

        It's crazy to see all these girls turning themselves into 5ft manlets that will go bald withing two years because of the T

  12. 2 months ago

    You can a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman, but then you have to explain what that means. How do you identify as a woman? That’s the problem, they don’t answer that part and just stick with circular reasoning, a literal logical fallacy. So how do you identify as a woman? What defines the female identity and how do you adhere to it? What makes you a woman and not a man?

    • 2 months ago

      not only that, but after falling into the circular definition fallacy they go on to describe the most possible discriminatory and sexist definition of what a woman is, they start rambling about doing things that women like doing like knitting and wearing pink clothing and staying at home and taking care of people, as if a woman could not like other things or be a trucker or a mechanic or a bus driver, so yeah, the ideology of the most basic queer motherfricker is going from nonsense to sexism in 5 seconds, these deranged animals are honestly hilarious

    • 2 months ago

      The truth is there is no defintion because it's not real. Much like Race, there is no gender in nature. Identity as a concept is a mistake.

      • 2 months ago

        You’re severely mentally ill. See:

        Gender is not socially constructed. Humans are sexually dimorphic. A male human and female human are fundamentally different creatures even though they’re the same species. Leftism/judaism/whatever is just a demented cult of pedophiles who want to put male children in dresses.

        This post ^ undoes all of leftism in its entirety. If you argue with me, you’re a mentally diseased moronic pedophile, unironically.
        There is no discussion to be had here. The documentary in the OP is a mummer’s farce.

  13. 2 months ago

    a communist is anyone who is a supremely ugly mentally ill failure

  14. 2 months ago

    what is a chud¿

  15. 2 months ago

    >gender is different than sex - you cannot reduce people to their genitals
    >I was born a man but now I identify as a woman
    >I'll just visit Dr. Sheckelstein and have my dick chopped off

  16. 2 months ago

    >Chuds have no response to th-ACK

    • 2 months ago

      she's confused 'chair' for 'seat'. What a dum dum lol

  17. 2 months ago

    >What is a woman
    A human which body physiology is meant to produce egg-cells.

    Check mate.

    • 2 months ago

      you're an eggcel

      • 2 months ago

        and yet the definition is correct and definite.
        it also avoids any chromosome discussions, though they can also be avoided by simply state a woman is a human which sexual chromosomes do not contain a Y chromosome.
        In case you dont know:

        XXX woman
        XXXXX woman
        XXY man
        XXXXXXXXXY still a man

        Thats because one Y is enough to further transform the protobody into a male, doesnt matter the overshoot on genetic material from X.

        Now one can still argue about SRY people, who only have a split Y chromosome and are what people consider as intersex, but even they are on a spectrum where at no point anything is both.

        >A human which body physiology is meant to produce egg-cells.
        is perfect. Any Y involved would prevent this

  18. 2 months ago

    Walsh is a fricking idiot. You simply do not go to an insane asylum and start debating what a horse or Napoleon is with inmates. Because, like gender lunatics, they're INSANE.

  19. 2 months ago



  20. 2 months ago

    >there’s male and female for humans
    >no it’s a spectrum you fricking transphobe you can be a woman and have a penis
    >okay what is a woman then
    >a person who identifies as a woman!
    >well excusing the fact that you’re using the word to define the word, how can anyone identify as a woman if it’s a spectrum, aren’t you the one being transphobic by making that association
    I dunno how anyone can stand having this debate at all. Who gives a fricking shit about what someone identifies as

  21. 2 months ago

    Gender isn't real. Sex is.

    • 2 months ago

      It's the same old
      >make shit up
      >argue on the basis of your made up shit

  22. 2 months ago
  23. 2 months ago


  24. 2 months ago

    reminds me of one of those yt video
    >yard full of smiling npcs
    >so can anyone be a woman?
    >suuuuuure of course this is like obvious hehehe
    >so can i be id as a Black person if i feel balck and get gibs?
    >nonono that's just silly pal ahaha common sense men you can't change your race you were born with it lmao

  25. 2 months ago

    >okay, you might be a "woman" but you are not a female
    Would this make trannies seethe?

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, but only because you're saying "no" to them. As

      It's classic narcissism. Replace forcing people to accept delusions of grandeur to...other delusions of grandeur.

      points out Trans people are almost always immensely self-centered narcissists riddled with mental illness *beyond* transsexuality. You're setting yourself up for an argument and likely losing your job.

  26. 2 months ago

    Not a fence sitter, but why not push this shit into bio-women faces? I've seen liberal women become snarky little b***hes when they perceive a transsexual might get Chad, or might beat them at some thing they had actual interest in.

    • 2 months ago

      Because Chad has never, will never, and would never date a Transsexual. This isn't because Chad is intolerant, but rather because the vast majority of Trans people are hideous, both in personality and person. Chad does not need to date Trans people because Chad has his pick of the cis litter. Trans people are utterly powerless before Chad because Chad can acknowledge their pronouns all they want, because it does not hurt him. He's got a 19 year old with Double Ds at home.

    • 2 months ago

      Women don't think like men.
      They will always support ugly things that are not a threat to them, like fat and trans. Because they like to see others in a worse position.
      Also moat women like to see men suffer.

  27. 2 months ago
  28. 2 months ago
  29. 2 months ago

    >we should seize means of production and das capitals
    >akshually troony rights more crucial now

    • 2 months ago

      Occupy Wall Street struck so much fear into the 1% that they recognized the only way to stop future uprisings is to drown the public in so much ultimately worthless bickering that they can never rise again to oppose them. Factory workers did the same thing in America by inciting racial tensions between poor whites and migrant blacks to ensure nobody realizes they're both getting bad wages.

      • 2 months ago

        >Factory workers did the same thing in America by inciting racial tensions between poor whites and migrant blacks to ensure nobody realizes they're both getting bad wages.
        Factory OWNERS, sorry. I'm heading off to get some exercise so I'm doing that bow-over typing malarkey, my head's not in the game. Point is that homogenous societies are dangerous societies for the wealthy because it means everyone has common cause. This is why Amazon proudly operates at peak diversity, since it keeps unions from forming.

      • 2 months ago

        >Factory workers did the same thing in America by inciting racial tensions between poor whites and migrant blacks to ensure nobody realizes they're both getting bad wages.
        Factory OWNERS, sorry. I'm heading off to get some exercise so I'm doing that bow-over typing malarkey, my head's not in the game. Point is that homogenous societies are dangerous societies for the wealthy because it means everyone has common cause. This is why Amazon proudly operates at peak diversity, since it keeps unions from forming.

        Damn we should flood the country with Muslims and Africans to dunk on those evil 1 percenters who are stopping us from achieving a multiracial utopia. Can't believe Rupert Murdoch is stopping us all from loving black people.

        • 2 months ago

          Flooding the country with Muslims and Africans is part of the plan, though? Once everyone has forgotten what the Good Times were like, the 1% can live in decadent gated communities surrounded by the few pretty whites that remain, while they siphon continuous wealth from a generational rent culture beyond their guarded walls. Literally third-world behavior.

        • 2 months ago

          Trumpgays vote against their own economic interests

  30. 2 months ago

    It's easy. I'm a straight man. If I want to frick you, you're a woman. If I view you as competing with me for the women I want to frick, you're a man. If you're neither, you're a gender. Any questions?

  31. 2 months ago


    Mass replyers are worse than copy pasta-ers.
    Responding earnestly to copy pasta is a long and proud tradition.

  32. 2 months ago
  33. 2 months ago

    >ok so by that logic you'd have no problem with me identifying as a black man, right?

  34. 2 months ago

    Trans women are TRANS women. The debate around this moronic topic needs to end, they're not women they're trans women. There's no point to arguing that they're real women because NOBODY believes it, literally nobody not even the most turbo liberal in the fricking world does, the distinction between woman and trans will always exist.

    Here's my thought experiment:
    >Liberal woman joins a book club
    >She spends 5 months in this book club and befriends a trans woman
    >They get along well and enjoy talking to each other during this time
    >the woman is sympathetic to her trans identity and is a complete and total ally
    >she leaves the bookclub because she moves across the country
    >5 years pass
    >the liberal woman thinks back on her time in the book club
    will she think back on "wow I really enjoyed my conversations with the woman I met there" no, the distinction that she was trans will always be there. They're not women they're trans.

    • 2 months ago

      Ok, what is a trans woman? How do you identify as a trans woman? What criteria do they meet that tells them they identify as a trans woman?

      • 2 months ago

        >what is a trans woman?
        a man that feels like a woman? I don't even understand the point of your question. Anybody that transitions is a trans woman/man. Unless you're such a shut and lacking in so much empathy that you refuse to even grant them the trans label.

        • 2 months ago

          How do they feel like a woman and not a man?

          • 2 months ago

            I don't know, I'm not trans. I personally think the whole thing is dumb and I can't understand it, but it is unquestionably a real thing because its existed forever unlike the non-binary memes we have today which is a complete fad and will blow over and be remembered as the "emos" of the 2010s.

            • 2 months ago

              It’s existed forever because it’s a mental illness. If your brain is making you feel like the opposite sex it’s because you have a mental illness. How do you feel like a man and not a woman?

              • 2 months ago

                I don't disagree with anything you said. I just have enough empathy to go along with whatever pronoun they wanna go by, but I don't believe they're women because of that.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Ok, so if I felt like a black person and painted my skin black you’d have enough empathy to call me Tyrone and think that people who didn’t accept and respect my identity lacked empathy?

              • 2 months ago

                but nobody does this, it's not a thing. What you're essentially asking me here is do I have empathy for crazy people and yes I do.
                This is kind of like saying "You have sympathy and patience for autistic people so why aren't you an outspoken supporter of people that wish they were trains" I don't need to be, I'm sure there are people out there that wishes they literally were a train but I don't need to extend empathy to these people because they have literally zero relevance to society whatsoever.

              • 2 months ago

                I have empathy for crazy people too. However I will not enable their mental illness, that is immoral.

      • 2 months ago

        1- a crazy men that has a fetish in dressing like a woman and is delusional in thinking its one
        2- be crazy and stupid.
        3- crazy stupid and pathetic seems to dobthe trick

  35. 2 months ago

    There is still circularity you dumb frick.
    Is there any other thing beside woman (and a man I guess) that you will become once you identify as such?

  36. 2 months ago

    >a dog is anyone that identifies as a canis lupus familiaris
    Nope. You can't do that.

  37. 2 months ago

    Why did Matt Walsh cut out the professor's response of a definition that wasn't circular?

  38. 2 months ago

    Now for a funny thought experiment
    >show a lefty woman a picture of a trans woman
    >ask her if she's a woman
    >ask her if she's beautiful
    >after she says yes to both, tell her she looks just like her
    What do you think will happen in this scenario? If the trans woman was a woman, the lefty woman in question would surely take it as a compliment...

    • 2 months ago

      I tried once and got called a transphobe.
      Why? Woman logic.

  39. 2 months ago

    No, a woman is a human born a female, which you can't change.

  40. 2 months ago

    >ok a woman is anyone who identifies as an adult human female happy?
    Nice to see that libtards are admitting that they have stopped pretending like they consider sex and gender separate

  41. 2 months ago

    A woman is any man who wants to peep on little girls in locker rooms

  42. 2 months ago

    JK just went nuculer on troons and clownworld over on X. Libshits are seething.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


  43. 2 months ago

    It was cool seeing that died hair demonic looking roast doctor say kids should be given puberty blockers in order to own the system

    • 2 months ago

      Sounds like he was already moronic lol

      • 2 months ago

        He was black so above average for them.

  44. 2 months ago

    If trans women are women, why are they constantly asking for representation? aren't they supposed to be women already? Sounds like they don't believe that themselves...

  45. 2 months ago

    ~~*neocons*~~ should talk about something besides trannies

    • 2 months ago

      They can’t or else they will lose a significant chunck of their base when they realize republicans want to turn them into battery acid for Jeff bezo

  46. 2 months ago

    I just find the troony stuff exhausting. I loved the 90s and 2000s. I think everyone is sick of the 2010s politics and are ready for a cool down period. Who the frick wants to live in a society that dwells on issues like this forever? It's disgusting.

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