City of God

Why are there so many blacks in Brazil?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    It's a mistery

  2. 3 weeks ago

    >yet another BBC thread
    Mental illness

  3. 3 weeks ago

    I love that crazy lil homocidal homie like you wouldn't believe. his only mistake was crossing Lord Exu the Devil. big mistake homie

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ew, why did you post colossal is crazy?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >colossal is crazy
        literally who? I worship the White Devil God of Africa, Exu

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Lots of slaves were shipped to Brazil when it was a Portuguese colony

  5. 3 weeks ago

    It was the last christian nation to abolish slavery (and pretty much the only one still buying them) so all surplus inventory went to them.

  6. 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      me on the left checkin on the boys

  7. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      in retrospect
      what the frick were they thinking?
      did they thought slavery would be forever?
      like sure, blacks were viewed more as animals or property, but for fricks sake it was clear they weren't literally monkeys, you could properly communicate with them, they were taught other languages, they were taught Bible and shit
      wasn't it obvious this shit won't end well?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Our capabilities of foreseeing hundreds of years ahead aren't that good, we also don't care sometimes

      • 3 weeks ago

        Our capabilities of foreseeing hundreds of years ahead aren't that good, we also don't care sometimes

        Honestly sometimes I do wonder how slave owners would justify it to themselves sometimes, but the most probable answer is that they just didn’t give a frick.

        • 3 weeks ago

          they didn't have to. why would they since they didn't think they have done anything wrong, it was perfectly normal thing to do back in those day like you buying farming equipment. in other country outside christian world they even enslave peoples from their own country and some peoples sold themselves to slavery because of economic reason.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >what the frick were they thinking?
        Slave labor cheap, sugar expensive
        >did they thought slavery would be forever?
        Brazil abolished slavery as the last recognised country on this planet, and slave-like chattel was going till WW1
        >wasn't it obvious this shit won't end well?
        No, not at all.

        It's like you never heard about greed.

      • 3 weeks ago

        you can keep enslaving them or whatever race you want forever. slavery has done their job perfectly fine since the dawn of civilization. the mistake was the time when you let them free, gave them rights and staying with you.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's okay anon, they kept the receipt.

      • 3 weeks ago

        portuguese and spanish slave owners apparently treated "better" (it was still shit) the slaves than in the Americas (Brazil had actually free slave pathways dating to the 1600s-1700s, see the case of cities in Minas Gerais built by free slaves such as Aleijadinho), so they just preferred to be sold to work in Brazil than in the US

        it took ages to abolish because the system became uprooted in it

        • 3 weeks ago

          *than the brits and the french in north america/central america

        • 3 weeks ago

          >portuguese and spanish slave owners apparently treated "better" (it was still shit) the slaves than in the Americas
          They had sex with them and treated them as pets/lovers. Kinda difficult to be cruel with something you're constantly fricking or whatever children you end up putting in the world, even if their mothers were your slaves.

          • 3 weeks ago

            it sounds like you've never seen a light-or-medium-complected black american. very few of them are as black as native africans. 3 guesses as to why

            • 3 weeks ago


      • 3 weeks ago

        Same reason why modern corporations are willing to work their laborers to the death. What are they going to do, quit and starve on the streets?

        • 3 weeks ago

          I mean if everyone does quit then it will be the corporations the one that dies of starvation too so

      • 3 weeks ago

        and american companies are runing their own nation and europe and willing to run to asia in your lifetime, all for more cash and influence

      • 3 weeks ago

        You could ask the same of modern-day European and American elites allowing mass immigration into their countries for cheap labor. Everyone knows it’s not sustainable, but short-term profit always seems to hold more sway over humans more than long-term stability.
        So literally “not my problem” in action.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >but short-term profit always seems to hold more sway over humans more than long-term stability
          Wrong, long term stability was incredibly important for ancient empires which is why ancient Egypt and the various Chinese dynasties lasted for so long.

          It's just European autism. You guys fixated on democracy which promotes short term thinking and coupled it with capitalism which encourages the individual backstabbing his society for a quick dollar. When people point this out to you, that liberal capitalist democracy is self destructive cancer, you get all defensive and blame it on human nature or some other cope.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Well at least capitalism put Europe on steroids for a 300-year stretch and effectively made them rulers of the world. It’s just they got soft and did practically nothing with their lead. Of course, now it’s coming back to bite us.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >a 300 year stretch
              There were ancient empires that lasted longer than this by developing robust hierarchical systems in which everybody knew their place. The European mentality just can't stand this. Any kind of systemic rigidity makes you guys freak out and want to overthrow things.

              I don't think you ever really wanted societies in the first place. Maybe the ancient Greeks and other southerners, but it's pretty clear northern Europeans and their culture are defined by small isolated holdings and low population villages, where cooperation is more contractual.
              It's also why your societies are more liberal in a certain sense, you literally don't care what your neighbor does because you evolved to be extreme individualists.

              The up side is it makes you guys great businessmen, artists, and scientists, because you can revolt and overthrow traditions wherever you see them. But whenever something works well, you guys also want to destroy it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Not saying I agree, but how come I only read takes like these here on Cinemaphile? Where else can I find different takes like these?

      • 3 weeks ago

        The same way dipshit executives rape the planet for .00001% profit increases dude. Some people have infinite greed with no regard for future generations.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Colonial companies and the slave trade were the beginning of modern globalized capitalism.
        The same way that capitalists import Black person rapists who terrorize people just for a slight increase in profitability, so too were they doing it back then.

      • 3 weeks ago

        It makes you wonder, how much fricking better their lives were from slavery. there had to have been some MASSIVE fricking benefits from having slaves that just made the slave owners quality of life, like 4 or 5 times better than it was. making the human suffering worth it to them.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >don’t work
          >get to devote all your life on whatever autistic pursuits you have (study of classical history, brute-forcing mathematical theorems, doing at-home chemistry experiments)
          >which makes you feel justified slaves since if they weren’t tilling your fields, then your genius would be wasted because you’d be forced to work and not study
          There’s a reason the American founding fathers all seem like geniuses. They had nothing to do but read books, write treatises, and meet in clubs discussing their ideas.

          • 3 weeks ago

            which makes you feel justified in owning slaves*

        • 3 weeks ago

          They weren't better, at least not in a material sense. Adam Smith wrote a lot about this, slavery is a bad investment and it's much better for the businessman to deceive workers into paying for their own food, lodging, and transport.

          They wanted slaves more for vanity reasons. These people fled Europe where all the important people were nobility who had an army of servants to tend to their needs. Colonial men didn't want to do that, so they brought in slaves to essentially be their new serfs.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Apparently they were also trying to emulate Athenian nobility and Roman patrician, with their huge estates manned by slaves, because of the Renaissance taking place in Europe. They realized that many of the prolific writers of Antiquity were NEETs who relied on their lands and slaves, and wanted to be like them.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Yeah, I read about this exact argument in a history book. The author said slave owners alleged slavery let them focus on the cultural side of life. But then said there was very little cultural development from any major slave holder, no literature or philosophy worth writing about. So the argument is weakened a bit.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Apparently they were also trying to emulate Athenian nobility and Roman patrician, with their huge estates manned by slaves, because of the Renaissance taking place in Europe. They realized that many of the prolific writers of Antiquity were NEETs who relied on their lands and slaves, and wanted to be like them.

            enlightening posts, thank you

      • 3 weeks ago

        The one that really confuses me is how slave owners would frick their slaves, then enslave their own children.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >why pay for slaves when you can grow them yourself!
          That's just pure sensible business acumen.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I understand that from a theoretical perspective, but they're still your kids. Doing that to your own flesh and blood is just evil.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nobody cared about their kids back then.

        • 3 weeks ago

          they shit in pots and died at 50 or of some fricked up virus, you think their lives were 100 times better than slaves lol

      • 3 weeks ago

        >did they thought slavery would be forever?
        Honestly? Yeah
        They even advertised to confederates that Brazil still had slavery when they lost
        Plus, our slavery didn't end with a war, it ended with a whimper from a moronic princess who wasn't raised to be a good leader by her(admittedly based) father, the Emperor of Brazil

      • 3 weeks ago

        >what the frick were they thinking?
        >did they thought oil would be forever?
        - Cinemaphile user, 2500

      • 3 weeks ago

        Slavery has not stopped since the dawn of man to the second i posted this. You sound like a moronic burger.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >what the frick were they thinking?
        You could ask that about what we're doing to the environment now,byou could ask that about a lot of things. People don't think about the future

      • 3 weeks ago

        Slavery had been a thing for thousands of years across nearly all human cultures up to that point, so yeah, they absolutely thought it would last forever.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Same reason they killed millions of buffalo until there was less than 60K left. They were easy to kill and you could get. Slaves were easy to enslave (uprisings were few and far between) and you could make a shit ton of money from cotton, tobacco, etc. And why ever think of your children's future when you can make money now?

      • 3 weeks ago

        for the same reason we're growing crops with groundwater that's depleting faster than it replenishes

      • 3 weeks ago

        The israelites that sold them realized they could then wield them as weapons against us

      • 3 weeks ago

        >it was clear they weren't literally monkeys, you could properly communicate with them, they were taught other languages, they were taught Bible and shit
        None of that is true

        • 3 weeks ago

          You do realize some people have been able to talk to blacks? They’ve been taught to taught sometimes.

      • 3 weeks ago

        yes they knew but its a case of "not my problem"

    • 3 weeks ago

      Over 80% of slave owners were israeli

      • 3 weeks ago

        I mean whiteness probably should be removed in favor of ethnicity and a collective European identity

        Otherwise you just get all these conversations about who is and isn't white and the whole thing becomes pointless.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >source: my ass

        • 3 weeks ago

          They found that Larry David's great grandfather owned slaves and even found their decedents.

          Larry has made nearly a billion dollars on Seinfeld, and supports reparations - when asked if he would donate a small sum to the family, he declined.

          • 3 weeks ago

            That has nothing to do with your original claim that "over 80% of slave owners were israeli"

            And you still did not provide a source.

            • 3 weeks ago

              NTA, but I'd tell you to do your own research but that's an alt-right dog whistle to you people.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I have done my own research and I've found nothing to substantiate that claim. It's just an anti-semitic lie.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    He had a revolver and shot like a dozen time in the hotel.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    slavery is probably a cover story, black were everywhere, but the new wolrd order that started some time ago has obfuscated hsitory in favor of npcs

    • 3 weeks ago

      >we wuz kangz n shit

      • 3 weeks ago

        phonecians were prolific sailors and circled the earth and back, they are the ones that civilized whites and turned them into their pets for the nwo kali yuga

        • 3 weeks ago

          dont look like a homie to me. and this is from carthage, one of the great colonies of phoenicia

          • 3 weeks ago

            nah, phonecians are black, whites have no history until the dark ages when they were groomed and perfumed , and retrofitted into history as a false narrative

            • 3 weeks ago

              I wish to say thank you to our black masters who educated and uplifted us. I long to return to the old days, as your subject.

            • 3 weeks ago

              alright Black person that must be why Black folk were moronic cannibals 2000 years ago according to arab slavers, were moronic cannibals 500 years ago according to white slavers, and are still moronic cannibals today as we can prove thanks to liveleak

              • 3 weeks ago

                arab slave trade was blacks enslaving blacks, also enlasving whites and using the womenas cocubine in harems creating a mutted society

                the meme arab youre referring to didnt exist in mass 2000 year ago

            • 3 weeks ago

              Phoenicia was an early mutt civilization who intermixed with Greekoids to make the second-best empire in the Mediterranean.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Brazil, being a Portuguese's colony, really, REALLY LOVED SLAVERY.
    The fact that the Portuguese people also loves to frick everything that moves fricked things up for everyone.
    They wanted to PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT everyone, specially the slaves. Even male slaves.
    Because of that Brazil was the last country to end slavery, but by then the damage was already done. The freed slaves were also all cross-breeds between owners and slaves.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    you've got to be the stupidest man alive.
    "gee, why are there any large populations of African people everywhere that isn't Africa?

  12. 3 weeks ago


  13. 3 weeks ago

    The slave trade.

  14. 3 weeks ago


  15. 3 weeks ago

    There were left over Black person slave populations in the north east.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Brazil is just a glimpse of the future for the West

    A high end society built by Europeans "diversified" itself with their Black folk and jungle monkies and now it's a dying shithole.

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