Clarkson's farm is complete fricking rubbish, absolutely scripted bullshit that only a fricking retard would think is either entertaining or a real...

Clarkson's farm is complete fricking rubbish, absolutely scripted bullshit that only a fricking moron would think is either entertaining or a realistic representation of farming as a whole.

And for some reason it's real fricking popular too, what the frick? They don't even release a full season at once, fricking hell.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago


    lmao shut up gay

  2. 4 weeks ago

    All reality TV is scripted and fake as shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's called REALITY tv for as reason.

      • 4 weeks ago

        All the world's a stage.

    • 4 weeks ago

      surface level normie take, each and every reality show is more or less real than the next and some of them are shockingly more real

      • 4 weeks ago

        frick off normalgay

        • 4 weeks ago

          >bro it's all scripted bro it's not real
          Literally everyone says this, even 80 IQ people watching reality TV say this like it's a great insight

          • 4 weeks ago

            the problem is that some people take the concept to the extreme and think that every single tiny detail in reality shows is scripted, as if the producers like doing 10x the work for no reason

            • 4 weeks ago

              I don't think Clarkson and Co are deliberately hurting themselves. His finger skin incident in series 2 and calebs head bang in s3e3 I somehow doubt were scripted

            • 4 weeks ago

              If you want the most soulful time of realty tv it was during the writers strike. If you watch little people big world you can see the quality shift when the writers came back and started adding notes on points to hit etc.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I agree in part that it's a surface level take. Real life is essentially scripted in the sense that people talk and behave superficially and are 24/7 social performers. So is reality TV any more fake than real life? I doubt it.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    But is it funny?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    It's comfy and that's all that matter

  5. 4 weeks ago

    He made 3 seasons of this for the express purpose of pissing off his local council because they said no to him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't blame him. Local councils in the UK are absolute fricking moronic.
      It's no wonder the UK has gone to shit at record speeds. The people running the country are all single digit fricking spackers who can't wipe their own arse, let alone run the country.

      • 4 weeks ago

        qrd for a foreigngay?

        • 4 weeks ago

          The loicence meme is applied on the local government level in the UK

        • 4 weeks ago

          Way too many issues to list. But a good chunk of the local councils in the UK are going or have already gone bankrupt. Most of them are overspending on shit by an absurd amount and a lot of it is really fricking stupid shit too. Like $100,000 to paint a rainbow crosswalk.
          But because of endless bureaucracy, this crosswalk takes about 3 years from planning to actually being painted. They have to go through a bunch of meetings, get things signed off, make sure it's environmentally friendly and a bunch of other really stupid shit, for a bit of paint on the floor.

          Now extrapolate this to almost ever facet of how the UK is being run. It's literally endless fricking bureaucracy and exorbitant costs due to this and as a result very little gets done, and what does get done is always way behind schedule and way over budget.
          They have been trying (and failing) for years to build a new high speed rail line in the UK. The plan was for it to connect the north and south of the country. It was way over budget and way behind schedule to the point they cancelled most of it. The only parts remaining of it will provide basically no benefit at all.
          The real kicker? This trainline is only 130ish miles long, and will cost £396 million per mile of train line built. This is about 10x the cost of building a similar trainline in most of Europe just for an example.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Isn't this the same everywhere?

            Story time: my local council (down under) buys plastic bags for dog owners to pick up shit with, and has the bags in dispensers in the parks. Good idea. The dispensers were cheap, made of plastic, but who cares, it's a dogshit bag dispenser. It worked fine. Also the dispensers usually came in pairs, with a phone number printed on the side: if you see a roll is empty, you call the council, they come out and replace it, meanwhile you just use the other roll. A good system.
            A couple of years ago for some reason they replaced all the cheap plastic dogshit bag dispensers with fancy metal dogshit bag dispensers, painted in the council's colour scheme. Presumably because these are much more expensive, they don't have so many, and they usually don't have two dispensers in the same place. So when a roll runs out, there aren't any more bags at that dispenser until it gets refilled, which might take days (or weeks). Thsu dogshit piles up in the park.
            Locals have sensibly responded by stocking up on the bags when they can, because the bags might not always be there, and you won't be able to pick up the dogshit: not only is that lacking in public spirit, but some c**t might dob you in, and you'll get a fine.
            The council's solution to this problem is to put a sticker on the dispensers telling people to only take one bag at a time. When that fails I assume they'll make it an offence to take more than one bag at a time, at which point we'll all just start paying cash for plastic bags ourselves, even though we're already paying for it through the council.
            Multiply this by literally everything they do. I could go on

            • 4 weeks ago

              >The council's solution to this problem is to put a sticker on the dispensers telling people to only take one bag at a time. When that fails I assume they'll make it an offence to take more than one bag at a time
              Many such cases.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Doesn't apply. The same number of bags are being used overall, the resource isn't actually getting depleted, the council isn't actually having to refill more than usual. They are simply managing that resource incompetently
                >tragedy of the commons
                Fricking hell mate it's the fricking council, they're supposed to be the solution to that problem

                >We're stupid in the UK in that we have like 30% turnout in local elections because people don't think its important.
                Yes, this is the clincher. As an Australian where we have compulsory voting (on Saturdays) it amazes me how much it strengthens democracy. I would rather have disinterested bogans deciding elections rather than retirees and unemployed fringe militants deciding.

                We end up with the exact same centre left and centre further left parties running things, except here minor parties have even less of a chance. Compulsory voting should be abolished as an affront to liberty, and also opposed by "sensible centrists" as it obscures the strength of mandate - also why preferential voting should be booted

              • 4 weeks ago

                >We end up with the exact same centre left and centre further left parties running things
                No we do not you fricking imbecile. even if we did have the same people in politics we have completely different power structures and major issues. Stop pretending you know anything.

        • 4 weeks ago

          back in the 90s the central government (Westminster) started offloading loads of shit onto local government called councils.
          now councils have way too much power and they're highly corrupt.
          they'll issue a fine because you made a change to your property that a different department of the same council mandated you change or face a fine.
          Westminster allow this because it means they don't have to manage roads, waste collections, property development, social services, homelessness, disabled people, etc
          one time I was hired by Wiltshire Council to cut a path through some woodland, they then designated each side of the path as separate woodland, thereby creating woodland, and got a fat amount of money from Westminster for reforesting the countryside.
          councils can raise taxes, close businesses, impose licensing restrictions, prevent you from making wanted changes to your home, force you to make unwanted changes to your home, and decide how you use your land, and usually in a manner that only makes sense to a schizophrenic.
          councils are technically elected, but in reality the only candidates are friends or family of the current candidates.
          they're effectively home owners associations that you can't opt out of.

          • 4 weeks ago

            GTFO and go to Australia then?

            • 4 weeks ago

              This is actually happening at an alarming rate. Anyone in the UK with the skills or education is just leaving the country. There is no future here anymore. Wages are low, mass immigration will never stop and most British people are treated like 3rd class citizens in their own country.

              If you want an example of how bad wages in the UK actually are, a manager at McDonalds in the US can and probably does earn more than the majority of doctors in the UK. (Average salary for McDonalds manager is around $69k a year, average salary for a UK doctor is like £51k a year or $63k a year).

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Anyone in the UK with the skills or education is just leaving the country
                I have a 2:1 from a higher band Russel Group university where the department for my course is highly ranked, and if I really wanted to use every trick that I could, I can get a reference (and internship, etc.) from the VP of a multinational conglomerate (basically because they are the parent of my best friend from college, and their parents have always liked me and have been deeply grateful to me for how I've looked out for their child). I wasn't born with a silver spoon up my arse and have never, ever had connections before, so if life has offered me that may be useful, I'll take it. What are my chances if I sought gainful employment in Australia? Being saddled with own bullshit for a while now, haven't had the luxury to really consider this as an option

              • 4 weeks ago

                Get a blog, fatty.

              • 4 weeks ago

                If you are white and work in skilled employment, you basically have a 100% chance of getting a work visa in Australia.

                I know someone who went there a while back, probably 10-15 years. He worked as a fricking door to door sales man. He was there for maybe 2-3 years. When he came back to the UK he had enough money saved up to buy his own home and start a business. There is almost no job in the UK where you could earn enough money to outright buy your own house with 2-3 years of saving. That is literally top 0.01% of jobs.
                I don't even know why he came back to the UK either.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It isn't the same here now

              • 4 weeks ago

                As long as your skill is one in demand in Australia, it's still relatively easy to move from the UK to Australia. It's why so many British nurses have left the UK. Australia wants nurses so they make it very easy for them to move there.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah except the British doctors and nurses coming here are all moronic pajeets and Black folk who were too stupid even for the nhs

              • 4 weeks ago

                If the pay scale difference is literally as stated he could probably live like a king in the UK and have a harem of British Stacys like a Russian oligarch-in-exile

              • 4 weeks ago

                Something from 15 years ago will not apply to now.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Over 12,000 nurses leave the UK for Australia every year. Just 10 years ago this number was like 4000 for a 5 year period (from around 2011 to 2016 or so). The number is doubling almost yearly.
                A lot of people in UK politics are actually getting pissed off at it because it's crippling the NHS. These nurses spend years learning and training to a high standard, and usually get lots of funding to do this because the UK desperately needs more NHS workers. Then they immediately frick off to Australia where they get paid 3x more for the same job.

                You might think 12,000 isn't a huge number. But the UK is losing almost 2% of it's total nurses per year to Australia.

                The Australian government has a list of in demand skills. If your skill is on that list, you are almost guaranteed a work visa as long as you can pay the various fees needed to file the paperwork and cover the cost of the actual move.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is deliberate, people in the UK want to whiteant the NHS and replace it with something that pays. They are trying to do it in Australia too but they have further to go.

              • 4 weeks ago

                At this point I'm all for paid healthcare just to see the dysgenic pakis limping around on deaths door.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thing is, paid healthcare costs the taxpayer more on top of what they now have to pay (plus the Pakis will still get it for free). That is just in apples to apples comparing the numbers, does not even include the fact that less healthy populations do not produce as much. The original socialised healthcare did not come out of a selfless noble goal like the propaganda tells you, they realised that the shitty health greatly diminished Britian's; fighting ability in world war two.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm white, not an uggo, etc. Work experience I lack though. All I have is the good grade from a good uni, not much beyond that outside of bartending experience

              • 4 weeks ago

                Frick off, we're full.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You don't want to go to Australia lol unless you're Asian

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Russel Group university
                is that like a polytechnic?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I have a 2:1 from a higher band Russel Group university where the department for my course is highly ranked
                In what you stupid c**t? If ti is mining, you will be rich. If it is in automotive manufacturing or interpretive ballet than you will not have much luck.

            • 4 weeks ago

              To be fair he is just explaining when asked.

              • 4 weeks ago

                i'm only suggesting. He makes it come across as really bleak

              • 4 weeks ago

                These types of things can be found everywhere to be fair.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Same shit but you have to acknowledge the Traditional Owners while you do it

              Isn't this the same everywhere?

              Story time: my local council (down under) buys plastic bags for dog owners to pick up shit with, and has the bags in dispensers in the parks. Good idea. The dispensers were cheap, made of plastic, but who cares, it's a dogshit bag dispenser. It worked fine. Also the dispensers usually came in pairs, with a phone number printed on the side: if you see a roll is empty, you call the council, they come out and replace it, meanwhile you just use the other roll. A good system.
              A couple of years ago for some reason they replaced all the cheap plastic dogshit bag dispensers with fancy metal dogshit bag dispensers, painted in the council's colour scheme. Presumably because these are much more expensive, they don't have so many, and they usually don't have two dispensers in the same place. So when a roll runs out, there aren't any more bags at that dispenser until it gets refilled, which might take days (or weeks). Thsu dogshit piles up in the park.
              Locals have sensibly responded by stocking up on the bags when they can, because the bags might not always be there, and you won't be able to pick up the dogshit: not only is that lacking in public spirit, but some c**t might dob you in, and you'll get a fine.
              The council's solution to this problem is to put a sticker on the dispensers telling people to only take one bag at a time. When that fails I assume they'll make it an offence to take more than one bag at a time, at which point we'll all just start paying cash for plastic bags ourselves, even though we're already paying for it through the council.
              Multiply this by literally everything they do. I could go on

        • 4 weeks ago

          it means 10 different coloured bins shitting up the place that all get collected at different times.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >qrd for a foreigngay?

          Councils in England are responsible for a huge amount of day to day services. Since the Conservative government came into power in 2010, council budgets have been slashed by about 30% due to a programme of financial austerity. This has resulted in everything going to shit - potholes everywhere, libraries and swimming pools closing etc, since councils will obviously prioritise the frontline services they are responsible for such as Police, fire, ambulances etc
          Some right wing tabloid readers will find an example of some diversity officer being paid loads and use that to argue that the budget should be slashed even more. Those same people will then turn around and complain when everything inevitably gets way worse

          • 4 weeks ago

            Lets not pretend that councils in the UK are run with any kind of competency. They overspend on absolutely everything and deadlines may as well not exist because they will not meet them.
            But even if we ignore this shit, councils frequently spend money on moronic shit like this
            They literally prioritize spending money on shit like this instead of just making sure those pot holes are fricking fixed. (By the way, Kent council claims it will take then £25k to repair one pot hole, or £50 million to repair the 2000 or so potholes it has on major roads, while the actual cost of repairing a pot hole is more like £50 including labour and material costs)

            Given how blatantly councils in the UK waste money, they should honestly have a much larger cut to budgets that 30%. If it is costing them £25,000 to get a £50 job done, then there is something deeply wrong with how these councils work.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Well those people just need to be voted out. We're stupid in the UK in that we have like 30% turnout in local elections because people don't think its important. In reality, these people manage all the day to day services we use and will probably have more of an effect on your life than most things central government does.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >those people just need to be voted out
                poor fool

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Well those people just need to be voted out
                Are you idealist or naive idiot? Not like there is much difference

                Its literally true at a local level though. Turnout is so low you could probably get 100 people together and take over an entire ward

              • 4 weeks ago

                pentecostals took over my council via this method
                they don't seem to have changed anything though

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Well those people just need to be voted out
                Are you idealist or naive idiot? Not like there is much difference

              • 4 weeks ago

                >We're stupid in the UK in that we have like 30% turnout in local elections because people don't think its important.
                Yes, this is the clincher. As an Australian where we have compulsory voting (on Saturdays) it amazes me how much it strengthens democracy. I would rather have disinterested bogans deciding elections rather than retirees and unemployed fringe militants deciding.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The advantage of such low turnout is that very very small groups can wield disproportionate influence. A little bit of money and coordination and you can take over the council, many groups do - how do you think the current lot got in?

          • 4 weeks ago

            So you believe that if the council's budget was increased by the 45% or so then all significant institutional inefficiency and disfunction would disappear? Were they well run before the austerity cuts?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Up to a point. Just pointing out that this 'wasteful spending' shit has been tabloid fodder for decades. If you took private companies and slashed their budget by 30%, then the product / service would be worse. Its not like it would just magically be unaffected

              • 4 weeks ago

                Elon cut Twitter staff by 90% and it's about the same
                Whether or not the service declines due to budget cuts depends on whether the useful part of the operation is affected, how much waste there is, etc
                I appreciate this is all a bit complex for someone complaining about tabloids in 2024

              • 4 weeks ago

                >complaining about tabloids in 2024

                Tabloids seems to be the leading source of this shit where people try and act like 50% of every councils budget is being spent on 'red tape' and when you ask for proof they're like 'well it just is'.
                Tabloids will have a guy who's job is just to comb through this shit so they can write a story about 'council in Shittistone spends whole budget on gay black diversity officer' then act like thats totally representative of everything. My friend works as a reporter for an agency that sells stories to the tabloids. He has an entire Excel spreadsheet that just tracks celebrities having planning disputes with their neighbours. His whole job is just to specifically generate that exact type of story

              • 4 weeks ago

                >people try and act like 50% of every councils budget is being spent on 'red tape' and when you ask for proof they're like 'well it just is'
                Those stories are proof
                People have given multiple examples of proof ITT
                You could also look at the vast growth of the state over the last two centuries and wonder why, for instance, crime is higher now with more police
                Or you could check libertarian think tanks for publications on govt waste
                You will accept none of this because you are a whinging homosexual with low IQ

              • 4 weeks ago

                >getting called low IQ by a lolbert
                >because I dont want G4S Presents: The Fire Brigade

              • 4 weeks ago

                I said libertarian think tanks have collected the evidence you claim to want, not that I'm a libertarian
                They would also perhaps be able to explain to you why G4S is not "the free market in action", although they would probably still do better than the current fire brigade, who exhibit all the problems spackers like you claim to fear from the libertarian cartoon spectre of private fire brigades (including setting the fires themselves)

              • 4 weeks ago

                fricking hell, you must have the gayest accent if this is your vocabulary. lmao.
                >blimey mam, I'm jas takin' some wieners up me arse, innit?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >including setting the fires themselves

                oi oi??

              • 4 weeks ago

                You sound like someone who never discusses these issues with anyone who has an actual opposing viewpoint and when you finally do you get so offended that you start spouting words like "gammon" and nazi".

              • 4 weeks ago

                I only wrote these:

                >qrd for a foreigngay?

                Councils in England are responsible for a huge amount of day to day services. Since the Conservative government came into power in 2010, council budgets have been slashed by about 30% due to a programme of financial austerity. This has resulted in everything going to shit - potholes everywhere, libraries and swimming pools closing etc, since councils will obviously prioritise the frontline services they are responsible for such as Police, fire, ambulances etc
                Some right wing tabloid readers will find an example of some diversity officer being paid loads and use that to argue that the budget should be slashed even more. Those same people will then turn around and complain when everything inevitably gets way worse

                Well those people just need to be voted out. We're stupid in the UK in that we have like 30% turnout in local elections because people don't think its important. In reality, these people manage all the day to day services we use and will probably have more of an effect on your life than most things central government does.

                not this:

                The same thing every other country has, but NORF FC-tier gammon-faced gurning INGERLISHMEN don't like it when they're told they can't build their shitty lean-to "garden pub" with a sound system that could wake the dead up against their neighbours wall, or have to deal with "elf 'n safety rubbish", or have bought in to some redtop rag's fictional bullshit about free ice cream for asylum seekers(bloody disgrace innit!), so they piss themselves complaining about what an inefficient bureaucracy we have and then vote for Tories to who just defund everything further and make it ten times worse.

                Like this c**t here [...], b***hing about "stupid shit for a bit of paint on the floor", the kind of dipshit who'd ooze his Hutt-like bulk into his local boozer and butt in to a conversation about the local school falling apart because of Tory cuts and bleat out
                >Ahhhh youngins today are just pussies lead paint and asbestos never did me any 'arm! Waste of bloody money innit probably pakis are allergic or summink

                Im saying that if a council is run by morons then you vote them out. Thats exactly what that mechanism is there for, even if people don't use it. You seem to think that budget cuts should be used to punish councils because some of them do something dumb?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >If you took private companies and slashed their budget by 30%
                kek you have never had a job, let alone been through a major restructure.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Answer the fricking questions

        • 4 weeks ago

          The same thing every other country has, but NORF FC-tier gammon-faced gurning INGERLISHMEN don't like it when they're told they can't build their shitty lean-to "garden pub" with a sound system that could wake the dead up against their neighbours wall, or have to deal with "elf 'n safety rubbish", or have bought in to some redtop rag's fictional bullshit about free ice cream for asylum seekers(bloody disgrace innit!), so they piss themselves complaining about what an inefficient bureaucracy we have and then vote for Tories to who just defund everything further and make it ten times worse.

          Like this c**t here

          Way too many issues to list. But a good chunk of the local councils in the UK are going or have already gone bankrupt. Most of them are overspending on shit by an absurd amount and a lot of it is really fricking stupid shit too. Like $100,000 to paint a rainbow crosswalk.
          But because of endless bureaucracy, this crosswalk takes about 3 years from planning to actually being painted. They have to go through a bunch of meetings, get things signed off, make sure it's environmentally friendly and a bunch of other really stupid shit, for a bit of paint on the floor.

          Now extrapolate this to almost ever facet of how the UK is being run. It's literally endless fricking bureaucracy and exorbitant costs due to this and as a result very little gets done, and what does get done is always way behind schedule and way over budget.
          They have been trying (and failing) for years to build a new high speed rail line in the UK. The plan was for it to connect the north and south of the country. It was way over budget and way behind schedule to the point they cancelled most of it. The only parts remaining of it will provide basically no benefit at all.
          The real kicker? This trainline is only 130ish miles long, and will cost £396 million per mile of train line built. This is about 10x the cost of building a similar trainline in most of Europe just for an example.

          , b***hing about "stupid shit for a bit of paint on the floor", the kind of dipshit who'd ooze his Hutt-like bulk into his local boozer and butt in to a conversation about the local school falling apart because of Tory cuts and bleat out
          >Ahhhh youngins today are just pussies lead paint and asbestos never did me any 'arm! Waste of bloody money innit probably pakis are allergic or summink

          • 4 weeks ago

            You sound extremely vaccinated

          • 4 weeks ago

            The paint costing £50,000 is just systemic of a larger problem with how councils in the UK are run. The fact that you're too low IQ to see this and instead think it's only about complaining about some rainbow paint tells me you're not someone worth talking to.

            Again, it is taking Kent council £25,000 to do a £50 job. This is a 50000% increase. If this kind of wonton waste is the same across the board, you could infact cut a councils budget to 0.2% (not by 0.2%, but to 0.2%) and with proper budget management get the same work done.
            The fact that councils in the UK need to spend as much as 50000% more to get a job done is the actual problem, not a 30% cut.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >wonton waste

            • 4 weeks ago

              Not only 25,000 but this same group has hired sub-contractors to do it usually unburdened with silly things like ethics practices, licensing and safety equipment. -see Baltimore in the USA with that bridge.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Show should be called “why Libertarians are right”.

              Despite owning his own fricking land and animals, making his own products entirely locally, selling them on the fricking farm they’re made on, NOPE. Can’t do it. Frick you. Rules and regulations mate.
              Same fartsmelling morons who argue about regulations to go green are buying products made in Poland, packaged in China from their local Tesco, protesting this.

              Even when he finds ways to produce and sell his products that ARE NOT against rules, they find new ways to frick him. They’re weaponizing the red tape to strangle the rare c**t who actually has the money and time to fight them over it. Imagine these petty tyrants rule over anyone with less money and power? This by the way from the very same people who claim the rules are about protecting the people from the rich - the reality is the rich are the only ones free to fight or ignore your rules. Bazza can get fricked at stage one.

              I just can’t square these people’s need to regulate their own countries to death while exporting more and more to be done in countries without said regulations. Do they even understand the connection there? Child workers in Bangladesh make your clothes because you regulated all local enterprise to death. Workers with no protections at all package the “cheap food” that killed domestic produce as you both whine about carbon emissions and cry for more regulations of evil farmers. Mental.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Even when he finds ways to produce and sell his products that ARE NOT against rules, they find new ways to frick him. They’re weaponizing the red tape to strangle the rare c**t who actually has the money and time to fight them over it. Imagine these petty tyrants rule over anyone with less money and power? This by the way from the very same people who claim the rules are about protecting the people from the rich - the reality is the rich are the only ones free to fight or ignore your rules. Bazza can get fricked at stage one.
                Tends to happen when you are arrogant and try to use loopholes. Guy was being a dick blocking the roads creating a spectacle. The council knows if they give him an inch he will take a mile so they want to stop him form doing anything besides farming.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Idea for a show: Clarkson's Putsch
                Jeremy secretly funds a raft of candidates to take over his local council
                We learn about things like branch stacking and going thru people's bins to see if they read dirty magazines

              • 4 weeks ago

                >They’re weaponizing the red tape to strangle the rare c**t who actually has the money and time to fight them over it.
                As was pointed out last season, he doesn't. He had to turn down pursuing an appeal because it could easily run into a million plus pounds with no guarantee of even a 50/50 success chance, and he doesn't have that kind of money. He's worth maybe 60-70 million pounds total, and while that sounds like a lot, it is not enough to fight the local council who can set ten times that amount on fire as a literal Frick You and just bill Westminster.

          • 4 weeks ago

            For a reactionary c**t Clarkeson criticises the Tories quite a bit for how much they frick things up for farmers. Cannot think of anything off the top of my head he criticised Labour about on the show.
            >Like this c**t here

            Way too many issues to list. But a good chunk of the local councils in the UK are going or have already gone bankrupt. Most of them are overspending on shit by an absurd amount and a lot of it is really fricking stupid shit too. Like $100,000 to paint a rainbow crosswalk.

            But because of endless bureaucracy, this crosswalk takes about 3 years from planning to actually being painted. They have to go through a bunch of meetings, get things signed off, make sure it's environmentally friendly and a bunch of other really stupid shit, for a bit of paint on the floor.

            Now extrapolate this to almost ever facet of how the UK is being run. It's literally endless fricking bureaucracy and exorbitant costs due to this and as a result very little gets done, and what does get done is always way behind schedule and way over budget.
            They have been trying (and failing) for years to build a new high speed rail line in the UK. The plan was for it to connect the north and south of the country. It was way over budget and way behind schedule to the point they cancelled most of it. The only parts remaining of it will provide basically no benefit at all.
            The real kicker? This trainline is only 130ish miles long, and will cost £396 million per mile of train line built. This is about 10x the cost of building a similar trainline in most of Europe just for an example., b***hing about "stupid shit for a bit of paint on the floor", the kind of dipshit who'd ooze his Hutt-like bulk into his local boozer and butt in to a conversation about the local school falling apart because of Tory cuts and bleat out
            Oh. You're a gay.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            >Owen Jones enjoying the feel of the wind in his hair

      • 4 weeks ago

        Local councils are all just fat old petty boomer scum that spend their entire lives taking as much as they possibly can and ensuring everyone else has nothing.

        • 4 weeks ago

          My local mayor is a guy I knew in secondary school who was in the special needs classes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      he made three seasons because amazon was paying for his oversized farm

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Are you telling me that millionaire buying a farm to shoot a reality show is not an accurate representation of farming? Well frick me mate!

    • 4 weeks ago

      He had the farm for quite sometime before they even thought of filming.
      He bought it as an investment years back and was rented to farmers

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >a realistic representation of farming as a whole
    It's a hobby farm, not a commercial farm and to that end I'm not sure it's far off.

    • 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    scripting?!?!?! IN TELEVISION!?!?!?!?!? unheard of!

  9. 4 weeks ago

    But it's highly entertaining.
    Last episode (4) literally broke me. The final scene with the piggies and Baroness.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Wait, are you telling me that Clarkson didn't actually think that a hovercraft would be good at spraying fertiliser?!?!

  11. 4 weeks ago

    British who stayed are inferior and less cultured than those who left to the colonies.

  12. 4 weeks ago


  13. 4 weeks ago

    Doubt Clarkson had a non scripted thought for decades

  14. 4 weeks ago

    is the season done yet or should i wait for a few more days before i pirate the thing
    id like to watch the whole season

  15. 4 weeks ago

    You implying that the film crew deliberately killed all those piglets?

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >Clarkson's Farm is all white. Here's Why That's Not Okay
    >The Not-So-Subtle White Supremacy of Clarkon's Farm
    >Clarkson's Farm - a Masterclass in the Exclusion of Black Bodies by whites from British rural society

  17. 4 weeks ago

    He wouldve done it properly

    • 4 weeks ago

      He would have done it super fricking gay.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >stands in a moronic place during a dynamic vehicle recovery
      >gets thrown on his head into a pile of volcanic rock
      >easily could have died
      >refuses to elaborate
      How does James May script so good?

      • 4 weeks ago

        All the people involved in that situation couldn't see the outcome.

      • 4 weeks ago

        what are you referring to?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't want it done properly

    • 4 weeks ago

      >gets caught by fast rotating dangerous bit behind tractor
      >oh wiener

      • 4 weeks ago

        >rennervations are complete

    • 4 weeks ago

      >he crash himself into a wall at the end of a tunnel

      this is darwin at work

  18. 4 weeks ago

    OP here

    Sorry, I lied, I actually really like the show but you know how it is when you want people here to talk about something.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I never hear anyone mention this shit outside of Cinemaphile. Even Jeremy Clarkson in general seems to have been forgotten by normalgays on Twitter etc.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Every auntie at my work has seen it and I don't live anywhere near the UK.
      It's like Top Gear for old ladies.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's a show for boomers and farmers.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    First season it isn't that obvious. Second season suddenly Charlie is just hanging around for no good reason

    • 4 weeks ago

      He didn't have many problems that required Charlie in the first season. Makes sense he would be around more once the shop was open etc.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Exactly the same with top gear. I think Americans are just braindead drones at this point. They only scoff up the very worst slop the basedbrits shit out.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    The Council is in the right though, Clarkson knows this and is using it as fuel for the show.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    i live on my family's farmstead and i've probably done half the dumb shit clarkson has, it's not THAT far off

  24. 4 weeks ago

    its extreme kino that I will be watching as soon as 4k torrents come out

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >they scripted a pig fricking another pig bro
    >someone wrote the line “huge quantities of sperm”
    Reality TV isn’t scripted, that’s why it’s cheap. You construct the narrative by having stupid amounts of footage. Unrelated sequences get edited together over a whole day or weeks to make a story. That’s the “scripting”, post fact.

    What they might plan initially is just outlines for shit they’re going to do.
    “Jeremy buys pigs” this season.
    You’re also an active participant in the script writing by forgetting the shit that happens that goes nowhere.
    Jeremy wants to fix a dam and doesn’t. Wow, exciting. He saws a branch and almost gets hit, he could have hurt himself with a chainsaw. Wow so exciting. You accept this as a narrative when, if it happened in your daily life, it’s not even a story. I was going to do something and it rained so I didn’t. I almost got hurt. Ok.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You sounds extremely jaded.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Eh not really it’s just a very old and dumb argument about scripting, when we have decades of reality tv now and so many participants to draw from. Listen to Penn Jillette talk about being on The Apprentice and he lays it out well; they get their material just by having a camera in your face all day. Eventually the facade slips, tempers flare up, minor mishaps happen, and now they build an episode around that with some music stings.
        You can have someone who’s cordial for 97 hours of 100 hours of filming and still have enough to make him the rude butthole in editing.

        I thought people would get more aware of this over time as it’s now normal to have your life ruined over 10 tweets you made over the span of 3 years, 10 years ago. That’s now a narrative of what kind of (un)person you are. Bill Burr had a bit about that too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Reality TV isn’t scripted, that’s why it’s cheap.
      Early reality TV was pretty expensive because it involved sending out a multi camera crew to follow someone for months on end (early Osbornes/Anna Nicole etc) The cost cutting came when they desired to streamline this shit by faking it as much as possible with a single camera. Clarkson's shows lean towards the former but shit like The Kardashians is almost entirely planned out in advance and made as quickly and cheaply as possible.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >They don't even release a full season at once, fricking hell.
    Binge format is a cancer, have a nice day

  27. 4 weeks ago

    >spend a whole season talking about how you love this cow Pepper and its your pet cow and bla bla bla
    >ship it off to slaughter 5 minutes into new season


    • 4 weeks ago

      It's kind of normal in rural life. When I was a kid they would occasionally separate a runt lamb or something that I would raise like a pet until it went to 'market'

    • 4 weeks ago

      that was actually the most believable part of the show

  28. 4 weeks ago

    time to bring out that iq bell curve graph again

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