CO on VB

I forgot Cinemaphile existed until after the Venture Bros finale.

What was the consensus?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Mostly the threads were about what a huge homosexual you are.

    • 6 months ago

      The price of being an icon.

  2. 6 months ago

    I liked it, I wish it was the 8 episode season it was clearly supposed to be and hope it continues somehow, but I legitimately enjoyed the ending and am mostly satisfied.

    • 6 months ago

      I lost interest in the full 8 episodes once I read an interview and realized most of the season would be wasted on Hank visiting old "girlfriends". Previous two seasons already had enough problems bad Hank/Dean balance.

      • 6 months ago

        Really? Sheesh, maybe was the correct route to take if they cute out that flack. The final season should tie up loose ends, not waste time on romance drama.

      • 6 months ago

        >most of the season would be wasted on Hank visiting old "girlfriends"

        Source? This is the first time I'm reading this

        • 6 months ago

          Not him, but far as I recall, the whole thing was that for most of the season, Hank doesn't show up until we see him revisiting the likes of the black mail-lady and that real-life gymnast he had the poster of. I don't remember it being said it would be the ONLY thing we see of him, just his initial goal before seeking his mother

          • 6 months ago

            >that real-life gymnast he had the poster of
            I don’t recall

            • 6 months ago

              I can't remember her name, but her poster was on Hank's side of the wall in their old room at the compound. I think he even managed to recover it, presumably thanks to Orpheus who had rescued Mr. Reachy for Dean

  3. 6 months ago

    It was satisfactory. Just open ended enough.

  4. 6 months ago

    It was good and overall we liked it but we’re sad that the ride is over. Happy that it happened and ended as well as it did but it left a longing feeling. That said we also thought the biggest downside to it was how fricking gay you were OP. Like goddammit OP we’re trying to enjoy this and here you come all pride parade, like you’re Ru fricking Paul.

  5. 6 months ago

    It was good. People still wished it had been a full season, but for what it was, it's better than what we were facing after season 8 was canned and we were seemingly stuck with the cliffhanger from season 7. The creators clearly want to keep the door open, as they selectively cut off many plot points to fit a movie runtime, and even reached into their own pockets to get some extra time tacked on just to make sure they didn't have to cut too many corners. But if this truly is the end, I'll gladly take it over what so many other AS show fans have to live with

  6. 6 months ago

    >Suck the penis, OP

  7. 6 months ago

    It wasn't the best thing ever, but it was a satisfying end.

  8. 6 months ago

    Oddly just watched it today, having marathoned the entire series in the last few weeks. Idk what took me so long bc it was a phenomenal ride.

    Movie was cool, if rushed or whatever. The gift and the curse of creating such a vast world of potential and great characters is that there's no way to really put a bow on it. Brock could have done more but he got the cool send off in the series finale bloodbath. Glad the triad came back and the vampire shit was cool. Liked the Hank bits, could have done with more Gary maybe. JK Simmons made me emotional in the end ngl.

    What other AS properties come close? ATHF, metalocalypse, sealab, etc?

    • 6 months ago

      ATHF, Sealab, and Metalocalypse for sure.

  9. 6 months ago

    Random bloviations after these weeks, feel free to engage or ignore, and share your own random show takes please. idk anyone irl whose seent it.

    -I really liked how the boys were able to sort of age and develop and have their arcs through the series, that was one of its strongest elements.

    -Surprised Triana sort of disappeared early on, what happened there? Even if they weren't gonna get it on, still had storytelling potential.

    -I was initially bummed when Brock got scaled back and didn't take to Hatred right away. But by the time Brock game back to the family, i'd found myself really endeared to Hatred, he grew on me bigtime. Really sidelined by the end.

    -The superheroic NY seasons are a lot of fun, but maybe lost a little bit of soul and humor

    -Again, w such incredible world building it's only natural to want more of a lot of various stuff. Jonas Sr being up there, and the original crew. Also could have done with more Jonas Jr doing actual genius science stuff to contrast w Rusty, didn't see him for a while. More Molotov wienertease and Bond-like spy stuff in general.

    -Pound for pound Gary and Hank are my MVPs probably

    -The scene of Action Man killing that D level villain for getting near little Rusty was fricking gnarly lol, like a jarring get real moment out of nowhere.

    • 6 months ago

      Triana was voiced by Docs ex wife and that’s where I assume her being dropped so hard came from. Honestly Orpheus is such an under used character in general that I’m more annoyed about that than his daughter. Though fun fact apparently the sock golem from the movie was the last bit from the original show bible from over 20 years ago to finally get used.

      • 6 months ago

        >Surprised Triana sort of disappeared early on, what happened there? Even if they weren't gonna get it on, still had storytelling potential.

        She was voiced by the gf of one of the showrunners, I think? After they split up I guess she was phased out.

        That makes a lot of sense then. Yeah, Orpheus was awesome and I would have liked more of his own solo adventures or with the Triad.

      • 6 months ago

        Not the last bit. Brock has an evil brother. They never got around to that, there's def still a lot of stuff they never got to

        • 6 months ago

          >Brock has an evil brother.
          Wow, I never heard of that. I wonder what he would have been like.

          • 6 months ago

            Pretty sure his brother wasn't said to be evil, just that he has a brother, half-brother if I'm remembering correctly. The brother was only ever mentioned when he met Hunter and had his life story read to him before it was burned and he "became government property"

            • 6 months ago

              Maybe that was supposed to be Gary

              • 6 months ago

                Nope, Garry's too young, since he's only like 20-something as he got nabbed by 24 and some other Monarch goons when they were supposed to capture the governor of Colorado. And Gary's never mentioned any family beyond his mother, who never even made a physical appearance, just screeching at him during the second episode of season 2 and then I think one instance of a bumper ad for one of the later seasons where they both broke the 4th wall

        • 6 months ago

          I think he meant it was the last bit that they ended up using that was actually in that original bible, not that they'd gotten around to using every idea in it.

      • 6 months ago

        How did a straight man create a show so overtly gay as Venture Bros?

    • 6 months ago

      >Surprised Triana sort of disappeared early on, what happened there? Even if they weren't gonna get it on, still had storytelling potential.

      She was voiced by the gf of one of the showrunners, I think? After they split up I guess she was phased out.

    • 6 months ago

      People speculate there was just too much bad blood between Doc and Triana's VA. I'm doubtful because I don't see you writing someone out of the show, then bringing them back just to make what would essentially be your metaphorical self a big baby loser who's obviously in the wrong. I get the feeling that it was just they felt it would be a direction to go especially since in commentary you can get a feel for how they view the show's story contrasting with the fan's perception. Like they never viewed Triana's appearances as these massive things, it was just supposed to be "Dean gets a crush on a cool girl who represents everything he wants from the world, gets a little closer, she realizes she's leading him on because what she's avoiding, she lets him down without him even realizing it, then he can't handle the fact she moved on and it starts his emo phase" It really sounds like they didn't have any plans to bring her back, so she could remain the crush in the back of Dean's head that never quite resolves itself.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, interesting, I can appreciate that. The show seemed to subvert expectations and cliches pretty well in that way.

      • 6 months ago

        Really, I'm just glad they cut thing loose when they did. Triana shouldn't have led Dean on when she moved away, but it was probably for the best since he was forced to get over her cold turkey instead of holding onto any glimmer of hope from their original amicable "breakup" back in season 3

      • 6 months ago

        To be fair, they could have just fricking recast Triana. They did it before TWICE: first with the evil Mr Fantastic character when Colbert ghosted them and Sgt Hatred, when they made him a series regular and didn't want to waste money on Brendon Small (who voiced Hatred in his first appearance).

        • 6 months ago

          That just adds more to the idea it was never about Doc and Lisa but a natural direction they wanted to take the story. Also people cite the divorce as if it happened midseason but I think they broke up like almost 2 years before the season dropped.

          >Last season
          a lot of setups and no payoff
          worst venture bros media shit is a bad way to show someone what venture bros is all about

          >The series finale is a bad place to start a person on a series
          No shit?

          Yea, as great as Brock is, he can't be the one-in-all solution for everything. Besides, the frick was he supposed to do about the Helperpods? If Doc, Malcolm, and Gary couldn't do shit, I doubt Brock would have managed much better beyond maybe popping a few pods before getting overwhelmed

          It's more just about seeing more Brock and more of him in his trademark action. But unless you rewrite the plot, there really is nothing for him to do in that vein.

    • 6 months ago

      >-I really liked how the boys were able to sort of age and develop and have their arcs through the series, that was one of its strongest elements.
      Yea, it's such a rare thing in animated series. King of the Hill had it for its first few seasons, but then froze the cast around the time Bobby and his friends turned 13
      >-Surprised Triana sort of disappeared early on, what happened there? Even if they weren't gonna get it on, still had storytelling potential.
      As other anons said, Doc Hammer was married to her VA, so it's a sore spot when the character turns up. And really, she was just a deadweight for Dean's character. His fallout with her really allowed him to truly spread his wings and become his own Venture
      >-I was initially bummed when Brock got scaled back and didn't take to Hatred right away. But by the time Brock game back to the family, i'd found myself really endeared to Hatred, he grew on me bigtime. Really sidelined by the end.
      Hatred is great, and it's crazy that they managed to a former PEDOPHILE an endearing character
      >-The superheroic NY seasons are a lot of fun, but maybe lost a little bit of soul and humor
      I would say it just didn't get explored enough. Of course, seasons 6 and 7 were both hampered by AS dicking over the creators after the ATAG2 special
      >-Again, w such incredible world building it's only natural to want more of a lot of various stuff. Jonas Sr being up there, and the original crew. Also could have done with more Jonas Jr doing actual genius science stuff to contrast w Rusty, didn't see him for a while. More Molotov wienertease and Bond-like spy stuff in general.
      I agree, JJ was fun, but kind of got pushed to the side and then his last appearance he's just axed from the show

    • 6 months ago


  10. 6 months ago

    >I forgot Cinemaphile
    Teach me your arcane ways

    • 6 months ago

      I'm sorry but it's the lamest possible answer -- I just liked reddit more.

  11. 6 months ago

    She had a pretty sexy voice.

    • 6 months ago

      Maltila I feel was the weakest of the movie, but at the end I bought it, she being a dork that is into the cape stuff.

      I bet the things she was not planning on using where her ovaries, being a carrier woman and all.

      • 6 months ago

        Probably not her ovaries but just her eggs.

  12. 6 months ago

    "It was refreshing to see a season's arc condensed without the filler.... HOWEVER, Brock didn't get to do anything :("

    • 6 months ago

      Get out of my dang head

    • 6 months ago

      I liked his speech about his friends actually being kind of heroes.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of it.
      Smidge rushed & some disappointment at how little Brock did in the movie, but positive on pretty much everything else (with a bit of sadness that it's over).

      I personally really liked how much screen-time Jefferson Twilight had (enough that they even managed to use his 'conduit between realms' power again), always felt he was a bit shafted as a character.

  13. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Nice ass

  14. 6 months ago
  15. 6 months ago
  16. 6 months ago

    Was he wrong, or just an old windbag getting confused with something else?

    • 6 months ago

      Whats the difference?

      Even better if they were brave and made him canonically a blackula.

      I also was hoping Dean would have a supervillain arc -- Hank v. Dean final battle could have been epic.

      >Villain arc
      I think I'd rather that for Hank with the subversion being that Hank is just one of the punch clock villains, he likes the LARP but he's not a malicious person.

      • 6 months ago

        Because there can only be one definition for a sex act, it can't stand for multiple acts, ain't how definitions work

  17. 6 months ago

    Honestly I wish Dean had become a vampire. Him being a moron about it ate up precious screen time, and it went nowhere in the end. It wasn't even funny, and it seems like the kind of thing his character should have grown past by now.

    • 6 months ago

      Yea, that was pretty pointless, but I wouldn't say it wasn't completely unfunny, just something that could have been scrapped since it probably had a better payoff when it was still part of of the eighth season

    • 6 months ago

      Even better if they were brave and made him canonically a blackula.

      I also was hoping Dean would have a supervillain arc -- Hank v. Dean final battle could have been epic.

  18. 6 months ago
  19. 6 months ago

    I wanted them to use the scrapped plot of all of Hank's personas being the ghosts of dead Hank clones channeling through him.

  20. 6 months ago

    I feel like I'm the only person who hates Ben. He just shows up, infodumps, and then leaves. It steals what could be good scenes from the actual characters. He's just a blunt tool to resolve arcs.

    • 6 months ago

      He’s a character that’s certainly helped by the performance of his actor. He would’ve been better if we got at least ONE flashback with him and Jonas, something to frame him a bit better to the setting beyond being a feud ex machina for two solid scenes

      • 6 months ago

        I'm curious if they are meaning for him to be Benton Quest, Johnny's father. That's been a popular theory since he first showed up in the Halloween special. But it's definitely hard to tell since that was also a good while after Doc and Jackson were told to stop toying with the Johnny Quest IP since WB "wanted" to try and revitalize that with new projects.

        • 6 months ago

          He felt more like a Big Lebowski reference than anything else.

          • 6 months ago

            Not like it can't be both, Johnny's dad if he were played by Jeffery Bridges. The show loves creating some truly off the wall characters by taking iconic figures and either parodying them to high hell with legally free spoofs or just applying a personality that actually fits pretty damn well. It is a shame that we never got to see more of JQ stuff and how it ran parallel to Rusty's life before the suits had to get all israeli about shit

        • 6 months ago

          I’m hoping that they nut up and give them Johnny quest outright, looking at what they let happen to scooby doo with Velma why the frick would they care about a franchise a fraction of the size and relevance?

          • 6 months ago

            Because they've been trying to make a live action JQ movie for over a decade, with all the merchandising and tie ins that come with it.

          • 6 months ago

            It really is weird WB didn't just let them have it back. As far as I recall, they tried to reboot Johnny with some epic comic book crossover that had him meeting the likes of Scooby Doo, Space Ghost, Birdman, and so on, and that fricking failed. They supposedly wanted to do a live action movie, and nothing has manifested in the last 15 or so years. I think the last "news" was maybe a Race Bannon prequel or something, can't recall, but wouldn't shock me if they were trying to MCU Johnny fricking Quest with movies for all the characters

            • 6 months ago

              >but wouldn't shock me if they were trying to MCU Johnny fricking Quest with movies for all the characters

              Well, they did try to launch a Hanna Barbera cinematic universe with SCOOB!, so...

              • 6 months ago

                That wasn't a completely bad idea, it just clearly didn't have a clear idea of where it was going. I mean, HB characters meeting one another had been a thing in the past, after all

              • 6 months ago

                >it just clearly didn't have a clear idea of where it was going

                Like so many other cinematic universe attempts...

              • 6 months ago

                Like ALL of Warner’s attempts at a cinematic universe honestly

              • 6 months ago

                Except the Monsterverse, but they only distribute that one.

              • 6 months ago

                Well, yea, but that must goes back to my point about how not having a direction will mean any connected universe ideas aren't going to work out. It's definitely something that can work, if the people making such ambitious projects take their damn time to plan things out and not just go "and then this character meets this character, who will star in this movie and introduce that other guy"

  21. 6 months ago

    it was fine

  22. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      I know this is AI crap, but seeing this makes me think Jack Black would make a pretty good live-action Gary.

  23. 6 months ago

    Does anyone alive really dig Johnny Quest that much? It may be part of the cultural lexicon but that's not the same thing as an active fandom.

    • 6 months ago

      The 90s cartoon was pretty fricking rad, as it made the series surprisingly hardcore without becoming edgy

    • 6 months ago

      The VB creators probably grew up with it, since they are nearly 60 or something, but no one under like 50 has any real nostalgia for Johnny Quest

    • 6 months ago

      i've loved the original show ever since my dad netflixed the dvds for me twenty years ago. just because the property isn't being dangled in front of your face constantly like marvelslop doesn't mean people don't still like it.

  24. 6 months ago

    I miss them so bad, I would fricking burn every other show just for a new season.

    I'll miss them.

  25. 6 months ago

    I think they showed restraint in not letting it become The Brock Samson Show and using him relatively sparingly or as but a part of a larger ensemble cast. Could have easily been a Wolverine situation where he ran away with the franchise in lesser hands.

    • 6 months ago

      Yea, as great as Brock is, he can't be the one-in-all solution for everything. Besides, the frick was he supposed to do about the Helperpods? If Doc, Malcolm, and Gary couldn't do shit, I doubt Brock would have managed much better beyond maybe popping a few pods before getting overwhelmed

  26. 6 months ago

    >Last season
    a lot of setups and no payoff
    worst venture bros media shit is a bad way to show someone what venture bros is all about

  27. 6 months ago

    It was good but it felt more like a compressed season then a proper movie because it was. Some stuff felt a little rushed but overall it was amazing and a decent send-off to a great show. It would have been better if it was a full season instead of a movie with half the run time of a season.

  28. 6 months ago
  29. 6 months ago

    Only show that ended that legitimately made me sad

  30. 6 months ago

    Hank's first episode as the gumshoe is one of the funniest.

  31. 6 months ago

    Thought it was a good end but you can really tell it was a bunch of episode ideas squished into one.
    Really hope Warner Brothers get their heads out their asses and continue the damn show.

    • 6 months ago

      Really hoping you guys quit forcing shows to run longer than is necessary.

      The Venture Bros. Will Not Return

      • 6 months ago

        >creators have literally said they would love to continue if given the chance
        >"stop forcing shows to run longer than necessary"
        Shut up

      • 6 months ago

        >Angry nerd noises.

        Mm hmm. Thx.

  32. 6 months ago


  33. 6 months ago

    It'd be interesting if we got a futurama style movie every now and then, but I reckon we're prolly going to have to be satisfied with some comics.

    I'd be fine with either, honestly.

  34. 6 months ago

    Was as good as it could've possibly been given the restrictions, I'm glad they had one final send-off to finish out Season 8. Ended up buying the Blu-Ray, and will probably get the other seasons too. One of the very few shows I'd happily own products of.

    Only thing I disliked that Hank & Deans "mother" didn't actually elope with Doc, but her womb being extracted to make them test-tube babies is still on-brand enough to ultimately get a pass.

    Wonder if The Monarch being a Jonas / Baboon hybrid clone redeems Jonas a bit since it seems he didn't actually sleep with Blue Morpho's wife.

    • 6 months ago

      >Wonder if The Monarch being a Jonas / Baboon hybrid clone redeems Jonas a bit since it seems he didn't actually sleep with Blue Morpho's wife.
      Let's be honest, he probably still tried and just got shot down, with the baboon clone thing being a poorly thought-out backup plan.

      And either way he still blackmailed Morpho into, among other things, sleeping with Dr. Z

      • 6 months ago

        >Let's be honest, he probably still tried and just got shot down, with the baboon clone thing being a poorly thought-out backup plan.
        I could see it. In fact, I'm convinced that's what happened.

        >And either way he still blackmailed Morpho into, among other things, sleeping with Dr. Z
        True, but the key phrase here was "a bit".

  35. 6 months ago

    So Rusty is the biological father of Hank and Dean, right? For some reason I thought that it was implied to be the Monarch. But that makes no sense when I think about it. Rusty obviously used unfertilized eggs and his own sperm. Unless he was a massive cuck.

    • 6 months ago

      How did a straight man create a show so overtly gay as Venture Bros?

      He's New York Underground New Wave/Artist straight, which is like Gay for almost anywhere besides South Florida or the California Coast.

    • 6 months ago

      Yes Rusty is their dad. The Monarch and Rusty are slightly different clones of Jonas, so Monarch is basically their uncle, because he and Rusty are genetically the equivalent of twins if one of them had a tiny bit of baboon DNA.

  36. 6 months ago

    Decent at best. Except for Helper wienering the gun in the elevator, the rest of the jokes fell flat. Not a fan of the ending. I appreciated that it was made and I paid nothing to see it.

  37. 6 months ago

    So is there a Mega or some other upload of this? Most of the streaming sites people tend to suggest aren't consistently available outside of the US.

    • 6 months ago

      Should be. Back when the film dropped, people were only able to download a censored version of the movie, which clued people into the fact that AS was planning on airing the movie not too long after, as they had done with Plantasm, and I think they also did it with Army of the Doomstar

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