comic book collecting is a dying practice. I wish the younger generations got into it more

comic book collecting is a dying practice
I wish the younger generations got into it more
I feel like an old man in the comic book store

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    I prefer reading them online. I do visit comic books now and then because I have always liked the atmosphere and sense of wonder they had for me a s a child but I rarely buy stuff. I don't have the collector spirit in me.

  2. 11 months ago

    The next step is to get your floppies custom bound.
    Make them even more unique.

  3. 11 months ago

    >comic book collecting is a dying practice
    A simple answer would be to suggest that online comics killed this, however a more detailed look into the truth of the matter is that regardless of online comic books, most people are simply not buying new comics because they suck. I know so many westerners with Jojo's bizarre adventure anthologies and no batman. People who would buy and import hunter x hunter issues but not even blink at a spiderman.

    New comics suck. It's a writing issue. I've been trying to get people to read good western comics but nobody does because of how shitty the modern standard of comics is. Blame marvel.

    • 11 months ago

      >I know so many westerners with Jojo's bizarre adventure anthologies and no batman. People who would buy and import hunter x hunter issues but not even blink at a spiderman.

      Manga has anime propping them up

      Comics need cartoon or anime adaptations to bring in that more hardcore and dedicated audience

      • 11 months ago

        Considering they dont make cartoons about white guys anymore, go figure

  4. 11 months ago

    The economy is too shit to spend thousands of dollars on collecting disposable niche media that can be found online, cheap legally and free pirated.

    We don't have unlimited money like boomers and genx.

    • 11 months ago

      I read through all of simon hanselmanns comics online and then later bought physical because i enjoy them that much. Legitimate fans will make legitimate purchases, see

      >comic book collecting is a dying practice
      A simple answer would be to suggest that online comics killed this, however a more detailed look into the truth of the matter is that regardless of online comic books, most people are simply not buying new comics because they suck. I know so many westerners with Jojo's bizarre adventure anthologies and no batman. People who would buy and import hunter x hunter issues but not even blink at a spiderman.

      New comics suck. It's a writing issue. I've been trying to get people to read good western comics but nobody does because of how shitty the modern standard of comics is. Blame marvel.

  5. 11 months ago

    New comics suck and aren't worth collecting, old comics are too expensive for most young people to get a decent collection going, and scans of those comics are readily available online so I don't need to bother collecting to read them.

  6. 11 months ago

    you are an old man in the comic book store

  7. 11 months ago

    This is like watching video of teenagers in a Mall, in 1983, and thinking to yourself "I wish Malls hadn't died."


    • 11 months ago

      people still hang out at malls, nobody collects comics lmao

  8. 11 months ago

    i'd collect more if I had friends who had any interest in lending each other comics to read

    but no one I know really likes reading comics it's either reading novels or nothing at all

  9. 11 months ago

    I buy collected volumes from time to time but stopped buying floppies a while ago because it was getting to be a hassle. I've had several hobbies around obsessive collecting and in most cases that ended up getting in the way of actual enjoyment. If you're old enough then you probably remember the speculator bubble bursting.

    • 11 months ago

      >l hobbies around obsessive collecting
      Name them, I'm kind of interested,

      • 11 months ago

        Nta but tcg's are good for that. Getting a playset of each card in a set, getting og artist signings of cards and playmats, card proofs, variants such as foils, reverse foils, and misprints (if the general print quality is good), just buying premade decks and not opening the box, figurines of the characters, sleeves, deckboxes, paint over alterations of the art, et erreta'd cards, unopened booster packs and boxes. Lots of stuff to get, and for smaller or dead tcgs it's not as prohibitivly expensive.

        • 11 months ago

          and then wizards of the coast can take a giant dump on the tcg you play simply for virtue signal points and make everything retroactively increasingly worthless because the tgc is now tainted and impure

          • 11 months ago

            You can always get the gang together for some tabletop cube draft with proxies, wotc be damned

          • 11 months ago

            I've had this talk with my local comic shop owner. Wizard caters, he says, to the die-hard collector market (when they aren't virtue signaling) to the point that you'll NEVER fricking see any of the classic icon cards from Fourth Edition (which was when Magic exploded into popularity/was the gateway series for most people) or prior to Fourth Edition because Wizard doesn't want to risk pissing off the hardcore collectors who horde those retired cards; especially the Power Nine cards which, I've repeatedly argued, should be brought back into production purely as a sales stunt and to bring in lapsed players so they can play using the Moxs, Astral Recall, Black Lotuses for novelty purposes.

      • 11 months ago

        Mainly tcgs, figures (not funko pops but they're a good comparison), and video games with gacha/lootbox systems. Team Fortress 2 was an early one for me with the hat economy.

        Magic the Gathering has been an interesting case to follow. After WOTC was acquired by Hasbro they started exponentially ramping up new card releases and variants, basically becoming impossible to keep up with if you don't devote all your time and money to the game. For collectors it's a nightmare because new cards can have a shitload of variants like this example. There are a lot of parallels to the comics speculator burst but somehow the game keeps chugging along well past every predicted breaking point. I scaled my purchases way back because I just couldn't keep up anymore and also seeing $900+ booster packs snapped something in my mind.

  10. 11 months ago

    Comics are always better in the physical form, but sadly many do not have the type of disposable income to spend thousands of dollars buying crates full of comics
    Honestly, if I had the money to do that, I'd probably just payroll some indie comic series'

  11. 11 months ago

    >comic book collecting is a dying practice
    the whole comic book industry is dying (and that's good thing)
    I'm surprised it took that long

  12. 11 months ago

    It's kind of booming though. All the old books are getting reprinted, all the foreign books are getting reprinted and many are better than the originals (besides maybe colouring). It's one of the best times to be a collector so many random obscure books getting beautiful treatments, manga in English in nice big hardcovers (maybe even with japanese lettering and always right to left), european books in their big and small awkward sizes all at my fingertips in English.
    Sure maybe it sucks that you can't dig through the dollar bins much anymore and you aren't getting your first editions or whatever but I much prefer it this way. If Americans fix their coloring it would be the golden age for collecting

  13. 11 months ago

    >Physical media

  14. 11 months ago

    Collecting floppy's is insane. Just buy trades.

    • 11 months ago

      I buy some if you can't get that collected in a book or if I only want some issues. It's became impossible though, due to collectors pretty much every book has been ballooning in value

    • 11 months ago

      Even out of print trades can run $50+ now. God forbid you buy a used copy most likely from a library. "Good" conditions are drink stains, torn and stuck together pages.

  15. 11 months ago

    >reading comics

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