>Commander Cody, the time has come. >Execute Order 66.

>Commander Cody, the time has come
>Execute Order 66.

the EU made no sense with this and the inhibitor chips are a better reason

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  1. 3 months ago

    inhibitor chips, orange buttcheeks and robot maul, TCW was the downfall of star wars years before yidsney

    • 3 months ago

      All kino and only reason people even remember star wars today

    • 3 months ago

      truth nuke

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >orange buttcheeks
      If your goal was to deter me, you have failed

    • 3 months ago

      This is pure cope and the Clone Wars series is the only reason people like the prequel era.

      • 3 months ago

        "I like it because Padame by the fire"

      • 3 months ago

        The prequel era was the most successful in toy sales in Star wars history you liar. People came love it for shit like the animated Clone Wars show, Battlefront, and all the expanded material taking place during that time. If people hadn't loved it so much Lucasarts wouldn't have been bought by Disney in 2012 it would have been sold in like 2005.

        • 3 months ago

          > If people hadn't loved it so much Lucasarts wouldn't have been bought by Disney in 2012 it would have been sold in like 2005.
          Lucasarts is a subdivision of Lucasfilm responsible for videogames. Disney didn't buy Lucasarts. They bought Lucasfilm. Meaning, they bought everything under Lucasfilm's umbrella: anything Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and whatever other smaller IPs they had. Lucas was not selling in 2005. In 2005, he was already making The Clone Wars and planned to make a live-action TV-show.

          Disney bought Star Wars only for OT. They didn't care for the PT. That is indicative by the fact that literally the first thing they did after buying was cancelling The Clone Wars in the middle of production. Their first Star Wars: Battlefront game was OT only. The Force Awakens had no PT references whatsoever. Everything was OT only. It's only when TLJ failed, they started pandering to the PT crowd, because they realized there is a generation of people to be milked.

          • 3 months ago

            You know what I meant goofy. If the prequel era stuff hadn't sold as much as it did it wouldn't have survived long enough independently before being sold to Disney or some other megacorp long before TCW(which was not that popular as evidenced by the movie and original viewership ratings dropping with each season, and the fact that it was never finished).

            Disney stuck with the OT partly because they were going for the "we're not going to frick you like George did with the PT" PR, and similar rhetoric about having a final conclusion to the entire story, TLJ itself had PT references, so this is bullshit unless they retroactively predicted their own failure and did nothing to stop it.

            • 3 months ago

              >You know what I meant goofy.
              No, I didn't. Maybe you should use proper terms when conveying your thoughts. There are so many morons on this board, that it's hard to tell if you are just trolling or genuinely stupid.
              >If the prequel era stuff hadn't sold as much as it did it wouldn't have survived long enough independently before being sold to Disney
              I never said it didn't. Regardless, the main bulk of Star Wars' profits was always box-office, DVDs and toys. If we are talking about other stuff, like comic books and books - those were always extremely niche and minuscule in comparison to the main sources of revenue. But what I said is that Disney had bought Star Wars for the OT. That is a fact. They weren't interested in the PT. They distanced themselves from it as much as they could. They cancelled the 3D re-releases, the cancelled The Clone Wars, the entire TFA marketing campaign was about it being different from "those bad prequels", it was not referenced whatsoever.
              >TCW(which was not that popular as evidenced by the movie and original viewership ratings dropping with each season, and the fact that it was never finished)
              The film was financially successful, however. The show itself was quite literally the single most popular show in the history of CartoonNetwork, nothing ever came close before or after. And it's normal for long-running shows to lose its viewers. That happens with all the shows. It was still by far the only thing that anyone watched on CartoonNetwork up until 2012. It then exploded on Netflix. The only reason it was never finished is because Disney cancelled it - that is not indicative of the show itself, but the fact that it was PT-themed, it was expensive, and it was not something they could put on DisneyXD channel for 7-year-olds.
              >TLJ itself had PT references
              lmao even
              What references? "Darth Sidious"? Epic.

              • 3 months ago

                >No I didn't
                Yes you did, it's very clear what I'm talking about, and launching into a semantics argument is just being annoying, as is sphagettiposting.
                >The main bulk of Star Wars profits was always box-office, DVDs, and toys
                >If we are talking other stuff like comic books and books
                You cannot read and are purposely lying about what I said:
                >The prequel era was the most successful in toy sales in Star wars history you liar.
                >The film was financially successful however
                But you just made the argument that TLJ failed which caused that entire part of the debate.
                The reference where Luke's entire motivation is hinged on the Jedi's behavior during the PT and how that led to Darth Vader's creation and Sidious' rise. That is a reference, just because it's small doesn't mean it isn't a direct contradiction to your claims. I wonder how you think blatantly lying helps you, if you respond with a sphagettipost again argue with yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        this is pure zoomer cope, just because TCW introduced you to star wars in middle school doesn't make it good

        • 3 months ago

          It's good because it's good. The one who's coping is you, by the sound of that
          Kinda pathetic, not gonna lie.

          • 3 months ago

            it's good because the animation quality was greatly bolstered by a blank check from Lucas, that's how it stood out amongst its contemporaries in children's tv animation. The writing isn't anything phenomenal, it was very hackneyed, basic yet occasionally elevated by some vague fanciful ideas that George would bounce around the writer's room. Even the much celebrated late seasons are particularly great, a lot of it relies on the sheer spectacle of character mashups, impressive animation and callbacks to the EU. The reason it's so favourably remember is because zoomer are currently entering their quarter life crisis, so they're now in that period of wistfully remembering childhood nostalgia.

            • 3 months ago

              The writing is overrated but then so are most acclaimed animated shows. I finally got around to watching Avatar and while it was good I never felt it was spectacular. Just solid. But the EU also has high highs and low lows. It's not as consistent as those. But novels like Labyrinth of Evil are great though.

            • 3 months ago

              The animation is literally the worst thing about TCW. It looks like complete dogshit at the best of times mostly because the style they chose to work in went against how impressive it really was for the time. All the characters look like stick figures, the lightsabers had no weight, and neither did most collisions unless they were explosions. I'd say the writing was in part what made it so remembered, because the characters, quips, and the situations in the serial episodes were genuinely interesting enough to hold attention and keep you coming back even if it was largely basic as frick sometimes.

            • 3 months ago

              Again, all I am hearing is a bunch of cope that amounts to

              • 3 months ago

                But I am a zoomer, you think you adopted the debilitating attention spans and the reheated leftovers of 80s nostalgia? I was born it in, moulded by it

    • 3 months ago


      This is pure cope and the Clone Wars series is the only reason people like the prequel era.

      >zoomie doesn't remember Clone Wars Multimedia Project

      • 3 months ago

        Genndy Wars is the only part of CWMMP anybody gave a single frick about.

        • 3 months ago

          And that already surpasses TCW by leaps and bounds, never mind all the comics, books and games which put TCW to shame

  2. 3 months ago

    Soldiers have done worse without chips irl, you dolt. Inhibitor chips ruin order sixty-six.

    • 3 months ago

      This post best post. The tragedy of the fall of the Jedi works better if it's just soldiers blindly following orders. And the Jedi deserve it for throwing wave after wave of those soldiers against killing machines with the only reasoning being "follow my orders". So then the order comes in to turn on those bastards who see you as nothing but cannon fodder, and the clones grin under their helmets and finally get to like an order they follow.

      • 3 months ago

        >the clones grin under their helmets and finally get to like an order they follow.
        sounds like edgy fanfic

        • 3 months ago

          >For months we treated the rebellion like a disobedient child only to be repaid for our tolerance with treachery on an unimaginable scale.
          It was only 4 years after 9/11 so it makes sense why everyone was edgy.

  3. 3 months ago

    Clones aren't people and I'm tired of pretending that they are

  4. 3 months ago

    Nah, you're stupid

  5. 3 months ago

    clone troopers are supposed to be flesh machines with pre-programmed orders. They're not suppose to be relatable goods guys because the entire point is war and militarization (or any extra-ordinary measure) can be used as a tool to dismantle democracy by arguing that the ends justify the means.
    It's not a coincidence that they use the imperial march at the end of AOTC when the clones are parading like a scene straight from triumph of the will

    • 3 months ago

      This. Humanizing the clones was a mistake. In the films, they serve their role perfectly. The cartoon fricked up and had to retcon them with the stupid chip

      • 3 months ago

        It's a shame too because if they had instead had other characters like some of the Jedi humanising them, only to later find out they really were just flesh machines and ultimately leading to their downfall it would have been more interesting nuanced dynamic.

  6. 3 months ago

    I wish they had shown more of commando cody gunning down the jedi.

    • 3 months ago

      >The Chekist (1992)
      >but against jedi

    • 3 months ago

      How quickly Cody goes from being buddy buddy with Kenobi to ordering his death is absolute kino. Truly just flesh driods serving their master, even if they have a pretty face

      doesnt matter, cody is a good guy now and went AWOL

  7. 3 months ago

    brain chips are moronic, why did nobody use them to assassinate the emperor if they were a thing? force users can't detect them

    • 3 months ago

      >force users can't detect them
      Never mind that, you're telling me no one noticed when countless clones got the heads blown open in combat?

      • 3 months ago

        Don't forget about the fact they were fighting droids so emp based weapons were breed and butter

        Same show btw
        Chips are fricking moronic

        >the EU made no sense
        >clones were drilled to be loyal to the republic, not jedi order since birth
        >jedi discovered clones right when civil war kicked out, so they had no chance to deeply investigate all military routine of their training process
        >order 66 wasn't even unique, just one of emergency situation order, long with order about arresting/killing supreme chancellor

        Not only drilled, but also straight up genetically modified to be loyle and obedient.
        Only some special forces clones (arcs and to lesser extent commandos) with more decision making leeway or "free will" and unconventional training methods were shown to break their conditioning. And even those were rare cases.
        Deltachads stayed loyal to Empire, while Omegasissies chose the way of Mandohomosexualry and Jedi pussy.

  8. 3 months ago

    >the EU made no sense
    >clones were drilled to be loyal to the republic, not jedi order since birth
    >jedi discovered clones right when civil war kicked out, so they had no chance to deeply investigate all military routine of their training process
    >order 66 wasn't even unique, just one of emergency situation order, long with order about arresting/killing supreme chancellor

  9. 3 months ago

    How quickly Cody goes from being buddy buddy with Kenobi to ordering his death is absolute kino. Truly just flesh driods serving their master, even if they have a pretty face

  10. 3 months ago

    >Be told in Episode II that they are programmed for complete unquestioning obedience to their highest authority
    >Be surprised when they do exactly that literally one film later

    Brain chips were moronic
    The EU was genuinely better, with BFII for example, where it shows Jedi earned loyalty of the clones through battle and showing how remorseful they were when they had to carry out their orders to kill them
    So much better than "They got mindjacked by heckin' bio-computers!!!!"

    • 3 months ago

      Do you think Aayla had sex with Bly

    • 3 months ago

      ok so couldn't she sense that they all got weird when she complimented them

      • 3 months ago

        The Jedi have been consistently dogshit at sensing anything for years by this point
        Ask Master "The dark side clouds everything" Yoda, Qui-Gon "I don't sense anything [murder attempt]" Jinn, or literally any of the many Jedi Masters who sat directly in front of a Sith Lord for a chat and had no idea who he was

      • 3 months ago

        These are 20-something men who've never talked to a woman before being thanked by a woman from the sex slave species. Of course they're going to be dropping their spaghetti all over the place.

  11. 3 months ago

    If it was just some chip in their brain why would he need to contact Cody directly? Clearly at least Cody was in on it from the start.

  12. 3 months ago

    why didn't they just turn off the inhibitor chips?

    • 3 months ago

      Couldn't bypass the compressor

  13. 3 months ago

    It is reasonable enough to think that the clones were indoctrinated enough to follow Order 66. In the films themselves there is not really anything to make us think that the clones in general held a positive view of the Jedi, or that the Jedi meaningfully cared about the clones. We have Anakin wanting to go and help some clone pilots in the opening battle of ROTS however, for all we know Anakin could be unique in his attitude.

    • 3 months ago

      >for all we know Anakin could be unique in his attitude.
      We are indeed inclined to believe this seeing as he's repeatedly presented as a heterodox jedi thinker in literally everything else, with Obi being the much more traditional voice

      • 3 months ago

        It is reasonable enough to think that the clones were indoctrinated enough to follow Order 66. In the films themselves there is not really anything to make us think that the clones in general held a positive view of the Jedi, or that the Jedi meaningfully cared about the clones. We have Anakin wanting to go and help some clone pilots in the opening battle of ROTS however, for all we know Anakin could be unique in his attitude.

        I think it worked better with the thought of Jedi humanizing them, seeing them as people and that's why they let their guard down or seeing them as disposable fodder that follows orders. Either view point ultimately leads to the Jedi letting their guard down because they couldn't possibly fathom the clones they see as friends or as bio machines betraying them. Every single death of the initial Jedi we see dying is portrayed as a betrayal and as a late realization for the Jedi unable to defend themselves towards it.

    • 3 months ago

      Plus the EU made it so that many clones genuinely fricking hated the Jedi since they weren't military commanders, treated them like shit, and also failed often because of their lack of experience. In pretty much every metric the EU was more complex and sensible(if you take away one off moronic authors like Traviss and co., as well as all the early adaptation weirdness).

      I was playing Jedi academy recently, and what I would kill to just have something like that again instead of that dogshit Fallen EA franchise.

      • 3 months ago

        >and also failed often because of their lack of experience
        why weren't the jedi ever demoted and clone commanders put in as chief commanders?

        • 3 months ago

          Because the entire war was a Jedi trap to put them in a vulnerable position where they were overextended, surrounded, separated, and dying stupidly. The second purpose was to also foster division because being military commanders in what's technically a liberation war on the corrupt establishments behalf is incredibly hypocritical. The Revenge of the Sith novelization goes into it a bit, pretty much every decision like that was meant to weaken, and get as many Jedi killed as possible while also distracting them with an endless number of moral quandaries they were forced into failing.

        • 3 months ago

          Because the entire war was a Jedi trap to put them in a vulnerable position where they were overextended, surrounded, separated, and dying stupidly. The second purpose was to also foster division because being military commanders in what's technically a liberation war on the corrupt establishments behalf is incredibly hypocritical. The Revenge of the Sith novelization goes into it a bit, pretty much every decision like that was meant to weaken, and get as many Jedi killed as possible while also distracting them with an endless number of moral quandaries they were forced into failing.

          I also forgot to add that stuff like that would distract them further because they were busy seeing the shorter problems instead of the more wide spanning ones like the entire thing ruining their reputation in the galaxy and making people eventually accept the idea that they did try to coup the Republic.

      • 3 months ago

        That's not complex it's just the polar opposite of how they're portrayed in Clone Wars 2008. The middle ground would be having clones who disagree with the Jedi and then ones who get along with them. EU and TCW paint two extremes.

        • 3 months ago

          They don't. The EU has them heavily brainwashed and heavily loyal, but still capable of thinking for themselves. Some would like and respect the competent ones, but many also hated them for their incompetence and perceived arrogance. The original EU was that middle ground, which was that after hearing of an attempted coup, and being led by a Jedi themselves to do what they did in the temple, many believed what they were brainwashed to. Especially because the EU itself had notable instances of the kaminoans being plain wrong about how effective their brainwashing was.

          • 3 months ago

            Eh the idea that they were fighting a war with clones that hated them and the Jedi were complete buffoons doesn't work for me. Feels un-Star Wars and limits storytelling. George went for a more THX-1138 arc with the clones in animation and I preferred that. The role of the clones in the old EU was taken over by the Republic military officers though so that component is still there. They're the ones butting heads with the Jedi because of their tactics, Yularen, Tarkin etc. And as the war continues Palpatine puts them more in charge of the clones over the Jedi generals, like with his regional governers. Meanwhile the clones are pliable to the Jedi way of doing things. Though there are still clones that disagree and follow their Republic conditioning earlier in the war like the Devil Dogs. And commandos are more like EU clones as well since they operate independently from the army and Jedi usually. I like that the clones have an arc and aren't just locked into being like droids with their programming. And it makes the irony that their humanity is stripped from them and they become meat droids when the chip activates anyway.

            • 3 months ago

              It's not that they were complete buffoons, but that they tied themselves to a corrupt entity that had been infiltrated by the Sith since the New Sith Wars. They were put in the position of being military commanders when the Russian Reformation's entire point was to never let Jedi be in that position as a response to what happened during the NSW's. That comes across more as a "fricked if you do fricked if you don't" scenario rather than the Jedi just being incompetent, they basically gave up their training and skill in commanding armies up until that point until the greatest(?) Sith Lord of all time basically forced them into using atrophied muscles to fight a pointless conflict. I think that sets up a very interesting dichotomy, and also ties the clones themselves to the success of the Rule of Two sith's way of doing things over the traditional sith empire bullshit the EU spammed.

              In my opinion the clones could have still had those character arcs within TCW, especially if they just focused more on stuff like Pong Krell's behavior not being alien to Jedi commanders, and the fact that they're loyal to the Republic above everything, even admirals, and the Jedi. As it stands they basically just remain default good guys who fight and die with little comment compared to the bootlegged Mandalorian crusaders with a bottom line that resembled the Mandalorian honor they were cloned and trained from.

    • 3 months ago

      >In the films themselves there is not really anything to make us think that the clones in general held a positive view of the Jedi, or that the Jedi meaningfully cared about the clones.
      I can easily see plenty of clones (and those in whatever planetary defence forces or Republic police that get folded into the Grand Army) having a poor view of the Jedi leading them. The Jedi end up leading the military - due to Palps wanting the Jedi leading the clones as it means Jedi could get killed in battle and it sets up them being in place for 66, the Jedi wanting to control the direction of the war, and perhaps the Senate being happy to dump the problem of the Jedi - though they aren't really suited for the task. Most Jedi are: 1) not going to have any military training, making them incompetent in general; 2) besides that incompetence their attitudes are going to see them pick decisions that are not military ideal or practical; and 3) the way they handle emotions is going to come across (if not even make them) callous about lost of military personnel.

  14. 3 months ago

    I never watched the Clone Wars cartoon but, I am told you have teenage Ahsoka outranking the clones - which is fricking insane.

    • 3 months ago

      if you watch TCW movie this is actually brought up, ahsoka says that because shes a jedi she technically outranks captain rex, of which rex responds "in my book, experience outranks everything"

      • 3 months ago

        >captain rex, of which rex responds "in my book, experience outranks everything"
        That sounds like cope on his part that he is outranked by a teenager.

        • 3 months ago

          oh it is, but anakin and ahsoka always defer to him for tactical advice because hes a solider

        • 3 months ago

          Ahsoka might actually be older than rex.

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty sure that was always part of the canon regardless of who owned the series.

    • 3 months ago

      if you watch TCW movie this is actually brought up, ahsoka says that because shes a jedi she technically outranks captain rex, of which rex responds "in my book, experience outranks everything"

      >captain rex, of which rex responds "in my book, experience outranks everything"
      That sounds like cope on his part that he is outranked by a teenager.

      It's the classic trope of an enlisted officer with years of experience being outranked by an upper class officer straight out of the academy.
      Did they do anything more with it in EU?

      • 3 months ago

        >It's the classic trope of an enlisted officer with years of experience being outranked by an upper class officer straight out of the academy.
        I see what you are getting at but, is is different. Ahsoka is not some 20-something fresh from officer training, she is a teenager that has no meaningful military officer training.

        • 3 months ago

          Her training is "vibes"

      • 3 months ago

        no idea, but they did it with this butthole

        >"tell me lieutenant, how many missions have you commanded?"
        >"thats what I thought"

        • 3 months ago

          The shitty cartoons are EU, too. Basically anything that's not the films is expanded universe.

          • 3 months ago

            when people say "EU" they mean the old expanded universe before disney got rid of it all for a clean slate

  15. 3 months ago

    How many clones even are there? Even if we take units to be X number rather than just meaning 1 clone, there doesn't seem to be enough to wage a galactic-scale war.

    • 3 months ago

      >wage a galactic-scale war.
      This gets down to the issue that the CIS should overwhelm the the Republic but, it doesn't as it is being controlled by Palpatine. If Dooku went rogue or there was some CIS coup against him, a CIS free of Palpatine's control becomes an actual threat to the Republic.

      • 3 months ago

        If the Jedi are fighting on the front-lines then really more should have got killed by a competent CIS. Forgot sending B1's at them, some Jedi out in the open shouldn't survive a battery barrage or a swarm of cruise missiles.

        • 3 months ago

          >shouldn't survive a battery barrage or a swarm of cruise missiles.
          If anything that is overkill. Give droids kinetic weapons. However fast Jedi reflexes may be they are not going to be able to dodge the speed of bullets - especially if you have a platoon of droids unloading on them.

          • 3 months ago

            Jedi in every canon can dodge bullets, blasters are just as fast as bullets, the reason they're a danger is because their first instinct is to block with a lightsaber which means they get pelted with supersonic melted metal pieces that go everywhere.

            • 3 months ago

              >blasters are just as fast as bullets
              Are they? We can see blasters move on screen - with perhaps the exception of them in space, they are far slower than bullets.

            • 3 months ago

              >A bullet is fired at a typical muzzle velocity of around 2,700 ft. per second
              Handheld blaster gun fire is not going that fast.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah you might be right about that, I suppose I was mistaking the statements of people actually expecting Jedi to block slugthrowers(and them doing so on several occasions) in the EU as a canon statement of blaster speed when seemingly no one really gives enough of a frick to write it down.

    • 3 months ago

      It's always been moronic. IIRC old Legends said there were like 10 million or some dumbass number to start with and then they just kept training more. So in that canon the droids were generally dogshit when fighting against the Jedi+Mandalorian clone combo, or Palpatine was being himself.

  16. 3 months ago

    Kinda funny how most of you gays b***hing ITT never even engaged with the actual source material. Like reading this thread, homies ITT legit think it's some kind of micro-chip, as in a piece of electronic technology, in their heads, questioning why it wasn't disabled by EMPs and not found. Funny. But it's not like people on Cinemaphile actually watch shit they're talking about. At most, it's some YouTube man told them that the thing is bad.

    • 3 months ago

      Kek is that Mike "directing people to their seats"

    • 3 months ago

      We all know it's a biochip, no one even implies otherwise, we have a problem with
      >Muh hijacking chip is at fault, the clones dindu nuffin
      Because it's moronic and gives them less character as a whole for the sake of characterizing ones like Rex and Cody

      • 3 months ago

        >We all know it's a biochip, no one even implies otherwise
        Really? Doesn't seem like it. Like there are legit some morons here who question "why it wasn't disabled by an EMP", "why wasn't it found", "why wasn't it turned off", etc. You can tell, that people don't know what they are talking about. Again, at most, their either heard it from some grifter YouTuber (who also probably said that it's something disney made, when it was Lucas), or they heard it here. No one here actually engaged with the source material on a conscious level.
        >we have a problem with
        >Muh hijacking chip is at fault, the clones dindu nuffin
        Did you have a problem when
        >muh hijacking the genes to be docile and obedient and follow the order without question
        that was said in Attack of the Clones? Because that is the same.

        • 3 months ago

          One guy made that argument after someone was literally arguing about them being biological thus being capable of being sensed by the force. You're being dishonest.
          >Did you have a problem
          No because it's not the same. That's something that allows each clone to have a different view of what they're doing and why, but a bottom line they've had essentially groomed into them. The other is having them grow up the same but have their agency taken from them whenever necessary, making them incapable of actually interacting with the setting as equals. You sound like a Disney dicksucker trying to dishonestly make a connection you know is false. It's the same shit as
          >Well you didn't have a problem when Anakin was a prodigy
          In response to Rey.

  17. 3 months ago

    Chips were a cringy copout used to turn clones into dindunuffins. Frick that.

    • 3 months ago

      Rise of the Empire is unironically the best Star Wars story. A cog in the machine experiencing a coup to take over everything first-hand. The only way it would be more Kino is the 501st gets Seal Team 6'd after Hoth and the last mission he helps the rebels on Endor

  18. 3 months ago

    Good bait.
    I hope everyone you know and all people related to you up to your fifth cousin to die horribly.

  19. 3 months ago

    actual dialogue from the Episode 2:

    >they are totally obedient, taking any order without question, we modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host

    You're fricking moronic OP

  20. 3 months ago

    Then why were they answering with Yes my lord?
    Lord isn't the position of office the chancellor holds-

    • 3 months ago

      Caller holocaller ID said Mai Lorde.

  21. 3 months ago

    It makes more sense that they were all subtly brainwashed while “in development” to get Manchurian Candidated at the utterance of a specific term. The organic brain chip thing is just a convenient excuse for guys like Rex to still be good guys after 66.

    • 3 months ago

      >The organic brain chip thing is just a convenient excuse for guys like Rex to still be good guys after 66.
      Which is the show missing the whole point of even introducing characters like that to begin with. Even if though the audience knows Order 66 is coming, a clone that the audience has followed and likes turning on a dime to follow through with Order 66 hammers home how indoctrinated the clones are and put the audience in the Jedi's position of unexpected & shocking the betrayal is.

      • 3 months ago

        I completely agree. If I’m honest, I never really liked the take of giving the clones distinct personalities anyway. It’s like Lucas was trying to have it both ways. Having a bunch of identical guys who look and behave the exact same way would be creepy and confusing to keep track of who’s who, not to mention killing any sense of stakes when the bulk of your army are blank copy/pastes, but then when you give them individual personalities and aspirations, you’re suddenly in a situation where the “good guys” are keeping an army of slaves to die by the thousands on their behalf, and nobody bats an eye. At least the “bad guys” are largely just using droids.

        • 3 months ago

          >At least the “bad guys” are largely just using droids.
          The clones are just biological droids, or at the very least that is how the Republic effectively views them. On the subject of droids, that is something which Star Wars has never really known how to handle as droids are seemingly sentient in a way that is beyond just mimicking, yet they are treated as property and sent into battle.

          • 3 months ago

            There was even a droid force sensitive in the EU. I think some authors like the ones from Kotor 2 and the aforementioned Jedi sensitive fully admitted that the entire Star Wars universe was egregiously fricked up when it came to droids while others just kind of ignored it. At the very least we had shit like the Great Droid Revolution which implied there was SOME conflict over the endemic slavery going on.

            • 3 months ago

              >There was even a droid force sensitive in the EU
              I am pretty sure that was always an apocrypha joke story

              • 3 months ago

                I was talking about the one from Coruscant Nights.

          • 3 months ago

            It kind of depends on who’s writing it, but George himself seemed to view them mostly as glorified appliances that some people just so happen to develop sentimental attachments to.

            • 3 months ago

              >glorified appliances
              My toaster doesn't show signs of joy, annoyance, or worry for itself and others.

              • 3 months ago

                Depending on how reflective your toaster is, it very well could display those emotions

              • 3 months ago

                Neither do most droids, unless a part of their function is direct social interactions with sapient life forms, like a protocol droid, or an astromech, who needs to be able to converse with a pilot on the fly.

  22. 3 months ago

    The Clone should never have been humanitized. Beyond that, clones should have been on each side of the conflict. Imagine a civil war the size of a galaxy with clone soldier on each side, you'd never know what was truth & who to trust. I would have been a nightmare & the jedi would be needed, not just for their skills with a lightsaber, but with diplomacy & empathic reading of threats

  23. 3 months ago

    what kind of name is that for a clone raised on a planet filled with long-necked ayyys?

    did sheev personally name each and everyone of them?

    • 3 months ago

      clones pick names for themselves or from someone else

      e.g fives is called fives because his number is CT-5555, echo is called echo because he always repeated orders when they came in

  24. 3 months ago

    Not a Star Wars or whatever fan, but i'd think that's a trucker music fan referring to these guys

    And unless they have 65 other named orders, that 66 looks suspiciously like a defunct route across America
    tl:Dr I think your big plot point might be a stoner joke

    • 3 months ago

      There were 150 base orders they all had to memorize and be able to recite without hesitation.
      It was Order 65 or 67, I forget, that was the exact opposite of Order 66.
      It was about removing the Chancellor from power by force if the Jedi found out that the Chancellor was working against the best interests of the Republic.
      Jedi really missed their chance there. They could have turned the clones against Palpatine instead of having Windu and a few meat cans try to arrest Sheev.

      • 3 months ago

        That's not something George Lucas came up with and not something that was there when he wrote the movies. "150 contingency orders" is Karen Traviss shit that makes no sense in the context of the movies.

        • 3 months ago

          Somehow, I think that you are this

          >the clones grin under their helmets and finally get to like an order they follow.
          sounds like edgy fanfic

          guy too.
          The smell these two posts just oozes off you like the stench from your axe wound.

          • 3 months ago

            whatever makes you sleep at night

  25. 3 months ago

    Feels like Yidsney wants us to hate the stormtroopers, at least when the very best of them were clones you had an excuse to think they were cool. It wasn't really their fault that they were supporting a totalitarian government run by a space wizard. They were a part of what made Palpatine's evil empire be so effective.

  26. 3 months ago

    What kind of a fricking name is Cody for a clone trooper? Goofy ass name

  27. 3 months ago

    I think Baker is an excellent voice actor but I still wish Morrison had agreed to come back when they started TCW. I think they would have gone more towards the clones being raised by amoral alien sociopaths and a distant Mercenary for hire.

  28. 3 months ago

    >they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. we've modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host
    stay off your phone next time midwit

  29. 3 months ago

    Why are these so kino?

  30. 3 months ago

    nah inhibitor chips suck, the whole thing was meant to be a commentary on the whole concept of "just following orders."

    • 3 months ago

      also maybe buying a army enslaved from birth from a bunch of long necked freaks is highly dystopian and any true hero of the force would have destroyed the cloning operation and freed the clones.

      • 3 months ago

        >And that's why I destroyed the only thing holding back an army of killer robots, your honor.
        >What? Treason? Executed!? Well at least I was following my heart

        • 3 months ago

          Let them secede. The galaxy should nut up and fight the killer robots.

      • 3 months ago

        Just like freeing the slaves held by the Hutts on Tattoine?
        Kamino is not a part of the Republic, so Jedi had no authority there.
        I realize that using essentially a slave army was never brought up in "official disney lore" but it was addressed several times in the EU before "lol roflamo, that's not cannon cause disney said it wasn't fr fr no cap" frickwit zoomers crowd.

        • 3 months ago

          yeah the result of being senate lapdogs

    • 3 months ago

      that's a shit commentary when people "following orders" were literally grown in a lab and physically altered on a genetic level to be docile and obedient and follow orders without question, they are not real people with real agency, will and choice - all of that had been taken away from them before they were even born on a physical level, they are incapable of not following orders
      so the commentary on "le nazis" or whatever falls flat, because those are actually real people who hadn't been genetically altered to be nazis and follow those orders
      clones are just a plot device to get rid of the jedi because they were not in the OT, clones have literally zero blame or agency in this, they are like a gun - you don't blame the gun for killing someone

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