Compared to his old relaxed Conan Visits bits, this scripted shit is depressing

Compared to his old relaxed Conan Visits bits, this scripted shit is depressing

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Aww I really wanted this to do really well. I loved his remotes and travel bits in his talk show.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    that was absolutely the main problem
    the audience knows when it's improv and when it's staged
    fake is fake is fake - no soul, just a cashgrab

    • 3 weeks ago

      What parts seemed scripted to you guys?

      • 3 weeks ago

        The scripted parts, mostly

        • 3 weeks ago

          I mean the guy straight up brought fake legs with him to the muy thai studio, he knew exactly what they were going to be doing

  3. 3 weeks ago

    >this scripted shit is depressing
    I agree. I love Conan but this was awful. It's like they took a list of the most beloved improv from old remotes and then scripted those scenarios in to this show, and not only that, they did it 4 times. Every episode was the same.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    It was alright

  5. 3 weeks ago

    It was always scripted.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    When is he going back to Haiti? Those beaches are to die for.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Too soon.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I don't think Conan understands his own strengths and goes overly juvenile because he thinks that's what people want
    Also I noticed the guy only has like three jokes here
    >Hello woman, you should be attracted to me. You think I'm creepy instead?! I'm depressed now
    >Hello skilled professional, I'm going to attempt to do the same thing you do and be really bad at it, eventually rolling around on the ground
    >Here's Jordan Schlansky pretending to be a snob, I'm going to be mean to him

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah, as he's been getting older he increasingly relies on these few routines
      Aside from getting old, it's pretty clear he's also depressed and is phoning it in

  8. 3 weeks ago

    I liked it.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Conan has always been weighed down by his scripts, he is at his best doing improv. I don't understand why he keeps shooting himself in the foot like this. People didn't like his remote sections just because of the travel aspect, they were liked because they were more off the cuff than the regular scripted bits in his show, and that's the type of comedy he excels at. It's like he didn't understand why his own segment was popular.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >he is at his best doing improv
      He just yells and/or gets condescending when he's improvising. It's lazy as frick.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    He needs to chill on the self deprication, it gets tired.

    • 3 weeks ago

      As someone who chronically self-hates, it isn't really something you can shut off. The more praise you get, the less you believe it, and you force people into disliking you so you can feel like things are normal.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    It was just okay overall, but Argentinian Larry David was fricking hilarious

  12. 3 weeks ago

    >dude hasn't written his own material in 30 years
    >"omg this was scripted!?"
    Come on guys....

  13. 3 weeks ago


  14. 3 weeks ago

    To Haiti

  15. 3 weeks ago

    I like anything with Conan, so even though i agree with you, i still enjoyed this

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm grateful it was short. I didn't enjoy it, but I'd watch another season of it. I think he could benefit from having a travel partner to bounce off

      • 3 weeks ago

        That's what i think too. If its to test the waters, theres a lot to improve on. I think this has potential and not everything is good on its first season

  16. 3 weeks ago

    People who obsess over Conan are the same kind of person to me as those who obsess over bacon, sriracha, Star Wars and Marvel

    • 3 weeks ago

      Just say "redditors".

      • 3 weeks ago

        Meanwhile on Cinemaphile today ive seen at least 5 threads about star wars

  17. 3 weeks ago

    when conan used to do his remote segments on his talk show, he would lay down on the ground and act like a moron and the audience would laugh and it would be a light mood. when conan films these now, he lays down on the ground and start acting like a moron, but all we see now is straight faced locals looking with a a mixture of concern and spite.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >used to do his remote segments
      and he did so many of them over the decades we sort of forget the meh ones and only remember the 10/10 level stuff. I don't think a tv show with a handful of eps can compete hit for hit with such a large body of work.
      Where as this 40m+ format just makes them include stuff that feels forced and some scripted stuff to fill the time. Victim of his own success of the remote stuff in the past. They can't all be bangers and have a run time of 40m+.

      • 3 weeks ago

        guy needs to just accept that he's in the twilight of his career and stick to the podcast and occasional guest appearances on other people's shows. but I think he's one of those people who HAS to work.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    He’s trying to cringe humor his way through things and it sucks.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    That's such a shame because he did an unscripted Hot Ones interview and utterly annihilated the host and the concept of a food interview show.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Seriously this was some of his funniest work he's done in a long time, and it was pure improv with one planned gag, the doctor.

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