Considering how bad Ralph Breaks the Internet, Frozen 2, and Raya came out to be narrative wise, how fricked do you guys think Gigantic was before they...

Considering how bad Ralph Breaks the Internet, Frozen 2, and Raya came out to be narrative wise, how fricked do you guys think Gigantic was before they gave it to the bullet?

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  1. 10 months ago

    They probably couldn't get past "it's too creepy if she's young, but the story doesn't work if she's older."

    Of course there are many ways talented storytellers could make this concept into something excellent, but this is Disney we're talking about.

    • 10 months ago

      Why not make both of them kids?

      • 10 months ago

        I don't know, your idea sounds like it would be a good path forward. We don't know what went down behind the scenes, but I'm sure we'll find out about it as soon as we hear more about American Dog, and The Good Dinosaur, and Brave, and Toy Story 1/2, and Frozen 1/2, and Zootopia, and that Henry Selick thing, and Newt, and Solo, and Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange 2, and

    • 10 months ago

      Why not make both of them kids?

      I don't know, your idea sounds like it would be a good path forward. We don't know what went down behind the scenes, but I'm sure we'll find out about it as soon as we hear more about American Dog, and The Good Dinosaur, and Brave, and Toy Story 1/2, and Frozen 1/2, and Zootopia, and that Henry Selick thing, and Newt, and Solo, and Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange 2, and

      How old would you say this iteration of Jack is?

    • 10 months ago

      why wouldn't it work it the guy was younger or she was older ?
      what were their age in the project

      • 10 months ago

        >Unlikely big sister has to protect her frail little brother from different monsters and beasts that hunt humans.

        I'd watch it.

        Disney doesn't make decisions based on whether they were good or bad, they make them based on if they see the ability to profit from them or not.

        Most of disney's recent movies have been complete flops so they're not doing a very good job.

        My gut instinct was that it would have been the last movie of the modern era that would have been undeniably good. Ralph Breaks the Internet and onwards just screams like full Bob Iger management and corporate think tank ideology fully sinking in, which is why every big animated film since then has some corporate stink to it. The "they couldnt find a proper direction" excuse is probably just a throwaway line to mask the bigger issues going on at Disney. For as much Cinemaphile call the premise out for the potential of being creepy honestly most normie audiences arent gonna think about the main two wanting to frick each other, normies arent that depraved. Zootopia had literal furbait but you dont see normies thinking that deep into it.

        Even younger Inma and Older Jack could work. Just do a big brother and younger sister vibes. Literally. But you could do jokes where Inma plays her big sister role seriously because she's literally bigger.

        Play up her possessiveness and her roughness a bit as the movie progresses she's more gentle with him. She's wouldn't be dumb or stupid, just unaware.

        >From the director of Tangled
        Sounds like it was just too similar to Tangled.

        So you're saying it would have been good then?

    • 10 months ago

      but from what I see it looks like they were going to make her some femme fatale which could have worked as long as she didn't try to undermine or treat jack like shit.

      More than likely, she would have been one of those girl boss, I can do anything, type female characters which are insufferable.

      It can work, but it would have to be something like luisa from encanto. I'd love to see it released if it even does happen again.

  2. 10 months ago

    It would have contaminated web searches for gigantic breasts.

  3. 10 months ago

    >From the director of Tangled
    Sounds like it was just too similar to Tangled.

  4. 10 months ago

    >Look at Tangled's development history
    >It's a mess
    >Look at Frozen's development history
    >It's a mess
    >Look at Moana's development history
    >Not entirely a mess like the other two but still messy enough that the chicken's personality change being a late alteration is noticeable when compared to his merch
    >Look at Zootopia's development history
    >Holy fricking shit
    Starting to think Disney just got very lucky

    • 10 months ago


      We were robbed of a very interesting movie

      • 10 months ago

        I thought so as well until I found out about their arguments
        Shock Collar Zootopia is a solid idea but an adult oriented project but it is not something a child would enjoy

        • 10 months ago

          Wasn't this movie a metaphor for gay people who couldn't express their feelings?

        • 10 months ago

          >but an adult oriented project but it is not something a child would enjoy
          This is bullshit, kids love dark shit, a ton of older animated films were more aimed at adults but had massive popularity amongst child audiences.

          • 10 months ago

            The big complaint during the test screenings was that with the collars it made the setting of Zootopia too unlikable, too depressing to want to see it be redeemed
            They didn't want kids to exit the theater hating the setting and wishing it'd just burn to the ground

            • 10 months ago

              It wasn't that bad, slapstick violence was supposed to counterbalance that

              • 10 months ago

                Didn't work with Chicken Little and stop that setting from being too unsympathetic

            • 10 months ago

              I do get that causes Zootopia's biggest strength as an IP IS it's setting.. which is why it's crazy they've done so freaking little with it.

              • 10 months ago

                >which is why it's crazy they've done so freaking little with it.
                Didnt' they have a miniseries dedicated to its day to day life?

              • 10 months ago

                it was like 6 shorts but that they were just that shorts and that was like 7+ years after the fact.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah that's a big case
                They shifted the movie from a spy thriller with anthros to being about the city after realizing how much more fascinating that'd be
                The collars would only sour that magic

              • 10 months ago

                Nah, it would spice it up

            • 10 months ago

              I was talking about Gigantic

              • 10 months ago

                The reply chain is about Zootopia

    • 10 months ago

      That's the reason they are paying shill to damage control Pixar movies flops.
      They are seriously praying for inside out 2 and wish being success(TS5 will obviously sell a lot)

  5. 10 months ago

    I mean, lets be honest, the movie just comes off as Giantessgay bait.

    So I don't see it having been good in any way.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        We already had a movie with that as its entire hook (Monsters vs. Aliens) and it bombed anon.

  6. 10 months ago

    I wish you would get the bullet.

  7. 10 months ago

    >we lost tons of macro porn with a girl

    • 10 months ago

      We also lost a ton of Macro vore.

      Heck, part of me suspects there could have been a vore scene in the movie itself.

  8. 10 months ago

    you misunderstand anon, it got the bullet because it was legitimately good. Disney doesn't like to do "good" anymore

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Yes, a perfect example.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate what Disney has become now

  9. 10 months ago

    How far along was this project when it got canned anyways?
    I remember seeing some concept art but it was all very different art styles which made it seem like they hadn't even settled on one yet and that was basically it.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean once you get to the stage where you see these fully painted renders that they were using to market the movie to the public the style was set. If your referring to pic related odds are its a storyboard/animatic which are allowed to look different cause they are just gonna reboard it with the 3D models down the production line anyway.

  10. 10 months ago

    We were robbed

  11. 10 months ago

    Honestly, it would not surprise me in the slightest if Disney were to grow a pair and just bring this whole project back to life. Encanto wasn't good enough for 'princess' material anyway.

    After losing out so much fricking money lately and their movies/tv shows being flops after flops, they gotta be real desperate to get another Frozen level tier hit to save their asses. Literally no one I know IRL is even excited for that Wish movie coming out soon and that's a red flag.

  12. 10 months ago

    I never understood how Jack and the Beanstalk worked. Was it just giants living on islands in the sky?

    • 10 months ago

      They were going for like the giants being like the "almost god like beings" Giants, that would have been the angle.

    • 10 months ago

      I always interpreted the giants and their castle as having been created BY the beanstalk, their entire society having been a product of the magic beans.

    • 10 months ago

      I always interpreted the giants and their castle as having been created BY the beanstalk, their entire society having been a product of the magic beans.

      I took out as the "Cloud palace" essentially being an alternate celestial world, and that the bean stalk was basically transdimensional being like Yggdrasil. I suspect Norse mythology has some actual influence that inspired the story.

  13. 10 months ago

    My gut instinct was that it would have been the last movie of the modern era that would have been undeniably good. Ralph Breaks the Internet and onwards just screams like full Bob Iger management and corporate think tank ideology fully sinking in, which is why every big animated film since then has some corporate stink to it. The "they couldnt find a proper direction" excuse is probably just a throwaway line to mask the bigger issues going on at Disney. For as much Cinemaphile call the premise out for the potential of being creepy honestly most normie audiences arent gonna think about the main two wanting to frick each other, normies arent that depraved. Zootopia had literal furbait but you dont see normies thinking that deep into it.

  14. 10 months ago


    I honestly think Lasseter getting the boot and no longer giving feedback might play a role in that

    • 10 months ago

      Man I feel bad for the guy. Sure he was creepy but but like the innocent kind of creepy. I feel weird for getting hugs for my coworkers too but I wouldnt throw them under the bus for it.
      Also goes to show how little studios in general prepare for when the old guard leave. Like imagine if Lasseter just left on his won terms without the pressure of getting got, they didnt have anyone as qualified as him to step up or even like a protege. Once Pete Doctor bites the dust Disney is plain fricked fill stop.

      • 10 months ago

        IIRC Pete's genuinely skilled and nice but he's too nice and it's been a detriment to Pixar

        • 10 months ago

          I get that just by looking at the guy. I imagine as long as he gets his own movies out the door hell let the newbies do their thing for better and for worse(largely worse) but still, hes still a creative force if not a strict one. What will happen when he leaves/dies? Neither Disney or Pixar has any director worth a damn anymore to claim any prestige/consistency to their studios. The studios are dead zombies walking at this point just like Lucasfilm honestly and Bob Iger would rather have 3 golden parachutes then invest in any director worth a damn to lead this ship.

  15. 10 months ago


    >The staff of Disney Movies don't care about Lasseter.
    Given how he influenced Zootopia, I'm gonna disagree

  16. 10 months ago


    >If anything we were entering a new Disney Dark Era.
    And the Experimental Era was better?

  17. 10 months ago

    Disney doesn't make decisions based on whether they were good or bad, they make them based on if they see the ability to profit from them or not.

  18. 10 months ago

    >literal giantess movie

  19. 10 months ago

    I’m so sad this movie didn’t come out. Having a miniature man that I could forcibly crossdress in cute outfits was one of my biggest fantasies as a twelve year old girl.

    • 10 months ago

      Jack cross dresses not because he likes it but because of survival. Realizes that he rocks some of the cute outfits and cross dresses from time to time.

      The writing and support for the LGBTQA+ whatever other letters is right there. Disney is just blind. They want the gay audience and the writings right there.

  20. 10 months ago

    Either A:
    Make them both kids. Jack is 12-14, Inma is 11. Play on the siblings trope and have them become practically siblings in the movie. They can still keep their personalities.

    Jack is a quick thinker and on his feet. Will run away at the first sign of danger. Not out of fear but out of survivial. Is very money hungry and tries to scam people due to growing up poor.

    Inma was "Fiery, a handful, and hard to control." That gives me brawler, tomboy vibes. She's a punch first ask questions kind of gal. To showcase her recklessness, you could have her trying to fight other norse creatures like trolls, cyclops, and the kraken even.

    Like the dynamic between ballister and nemona. They could have had a buff, nordic, blonde haired blue eyed viking mommy.

    Or do it where they're adults. Closest thing I can think of is either Moana or road to el dorado. That was what their first version was going for. Just the pure banter of them going back and forth like in road to el dorado or something like that.

    As long as jack wasn't a bumbling idiot for the entire movie and actually contributed. There could have been plenty of references to previous disney movies like Jack controlling Inma like remy in ratatouille, attack on titan references, making refences to the big friendly giant.

    Have Jack mention thor in some way shape or form and have Inma get visible either excited or uncomfortable due to ragnarok implications.

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