currently marathoning E1 and it's a girlboss supercoon cringefest. Does it get better?

currently marathoning E1 and it's a girlboss supercoon cringefest. Does it get better?

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  1. 2 months ago

    First few episodes are captivating. It goes to shit after E3.

    • 2 months ago

      Literally the opposite you dumb fricking ape. The first 3 episodes are absolute garbage to anyone who's read the books or seen the tencent show or has half a brain.

      • 2 months ago

        This is a thread about the series not the books.
        Post on


        if you want to let everyone know that you're superior because you prefer reading

      • 2 months ago

        The first 3 eps are better than the last 5 by far. What the actual frick did you like about the last 5?

    • 2 months ago

      What a moron.

      It start shite, finally gets good at episode 5 and then it falls off

    • 2 months ago

      >First few episodes are captivating. It goes to shit after E3.
      Based i stopped at ep2 i called it before muh ayylmao stronk fem fatelle

    • 2 months ago

      First 2 eps are clunky as hell, then it starts getting good. Episode 5 is the best, 8 is the second best

      The duality of man

  2. 2 months ago

    the bad thing is that it condenses parts of all 3 books so you will be getting mega spoiled while also seeing a moronic globohomosexual retelling

    • 2 months ago

      soo far it only does the first 2 books and it's not even that great, too much cut content

  3. 2 months ago

    First 2 eps are clunky as hell, then it starts getting good. Episode 5 is the best, 8 is the second best

    • 2 months ago

      Can I skip right to ep3?

      I just couldn't take the blatant false premises and unrealistic characters. Oh, I'm a scientist so I don't believe in DOG!

      • 2 months ago

        Unless you've read the books, you're gonna miss some very important info in the first 2 episodes

    • 2 months ago

      8 is dogshit, the finale is supposed to either end in a cliffhanger or close out the story. In the end we got neither except for wallfacer reveal which doesn't tell us anything on how they will stop the invasion

  4. 2 months ago

    There's some kino mostly involving Davos, the fat detective and believe it or not the pajeet. Girlboss is an annoying c**t the whole time though. She even simps for the species traitors that sold out humanity.

    • 2 months ago

      thanks for the spoiler butthole

    • 2 months ago

      >the only girlboss scene ive seen was the bar scene of the dude trying to rizz up the scientists
      What did he say UHHHH EXCUSE ME WHAT DID SHE SAY was another one. Then that same b***h ranting at black science man for no reason at all. Guy was just there to support her. Then ranting at Based Pajeet for taking down all the terrorists YOU MASS MURDERER HOW COULD YOU HURT THE PRECIOUS INNOCENT PEOPLE SELLING US OUT TO GENOCIDAL ALIENS YOU'RE A MONSTER and then copy pasting that same rant to Davos. Then the same fricking rant against to chinese science woman. b***h will not shut the frick up.

      >what a b***h for being upset about being forced to build a weapon that murders children.

      morality isn't black and white dipshits
      she still makes the wire and does what needs to be done but she's allowed to be distraught that she's being forced to do it
      it would be pretty fricked up if she just smiled about bisecting little jenny and little timmy and said they deserved it

      • 2 months ago

        Her reaction and grief was understandable, but the boss b***h Moment with the "heh, I'm gonna leak everything and frick off to Mexico helping in Favelas" was kinda cringe lol

        • 2 months ago

          >"heh, I'm gonna leak everything and frick off to Mexico helping in Favelas"
          The leaking everything is actually good in that context. If you're in a race against impending doom and need to develop technology, the more people with access to it and working on it, the higher chance someone would come up with something. Gatekeeping tech might be good for corporate profits but not for winning a war. The thing is that the spin they gave to her actions is girbossy and muh thirdworlderinos.

  5. 2 months ago

    >three body problem
    The whole premise of the show (and the book) is moronic because the three body problem IS solvable, just not with a conventional mechanical equation (closed form solution).

    But you CAN still very easily simulate it, use an analytic solution or just do numerical analysis on that shit.

    • 2 months ago

      Anon these are the kind of people that think the "scientific process" is just listening to Neil Dumbass Tyson talk about how unrealistic anime is.

    • 2 months ago

      >the three body problem IS solvable
      how do you solve your planet eventually falling into one of the suns?

      • 2 months ago

        >how do you solve your planet eventually falling into one of the suns?
        That's an entirely different problem and a much more unsolvable one. But the point of the book is "omg le 3 body so heckin chaotic we can never predict when our civilization can collapse" you FRICKING CAN

        That doesn't matter, it's chaotic and the initial conditions aren't known exactly. All you can do is work on predicting further into the future, but that doesn't change the outcome.
        If a star is going to collide with your planet math isn't going to help you.

        >it's chaotic and the initial conditions aren't known exactly
        Why the frick aren't they known? Are you genuinely moronic and think a giga super advanced civilization who can into interstellar space travel can't determine the relative exact positions of 3 stars and their masses?

        • 2 months ago

          >But the point of the book is "omg le 3 body so heckin chaotic we can never predict when our civilization can collapse" you FRICKING CAN
          It's been a few years since I've read the book but in the show they said "the point of the game isn't to solve the 3 body problem, but to understand that saving the people is the problem". Was that not the same in the book?

        • 2 months ago

          There’s two problems the aliens face that are caused by the three body problem:
          1. Their society progressed slowly because of how unpredictable the chaotic and stable eras were
          2. Even if they can predict them, the planet can still be destroyed and there’s frick all they could do about it.
          Problem 1 exacerbated problem 2.
          The bottom line is they have to get the frick out of there. And no, space stations won’t cut it. They need the resources of a planet.

          • 2 months ago

            If you stuck to space stations and just mined comets for water you are far more hidden than being stuck on a planet. You can use your hyper advanced computers to live out your lives in simulations and live pretty happy. AI and robots could take care of the stations. Just find a red dwarf and hunker down for A trillion years.

            • 2 months ago

              Until you run out of fuel and material or your populace revolts from not being able to have children

              • 2 months ago

                The star will provide you with all the energy you would need. And you're assuming the population wound want children. With cybernetics you could live forever and wouldn't need to reproduce to keep your species alive. Or at the very least you could just have just enough children to keep the status quo. We see people today that would rather live the childless life rather than reproduce.

                The whole dark forest thing is about survival in the end. You would be better off keeping as low of a profile as you could. You could even disguise your space ship as an asteroid or other planetary body so no one will come looking for you. The end goal of life is to keep your species alive. You can do that without reproducing.

              • 2 months ago

                >You can do that without reproducing.

                In the real world aliens don't naturally reproduce.

        • 2 months ago

          >the point of the book is "omg le 3 body so heckin chaotic we can never predict when our civilization can collapse" you FRICKING CAN
          I love these threads so much because it utterly exposes the "I'M SO SMART!!!!!!!!!" people like you that completely missed the entire point

        • 2 months ago

          I don't know if I'd say the book has a "point," but the plot of the book is "science has stopped making sense and we need to figure out why."

          An "unsolvable" problem fits that motif, and the 3-body problem in particular is what is driving the actions of the aliens and therefore the plot of the book.

          What do you think would make for a better title?

          • 2 months ago

            It's fine as a title, it's dumb as a plot device. It's not the three body problem that's driving the actions of the aliens , it's them living in a three body system overall

            • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          bro taking sci-fi as literal gospel, this isn't real life bud and in real life no civilisation would exist orbiting three stars

          • 2 months ago

            >Noooo you can't criticize hard sci-fi that brings up real concepts
            It really isn't that hard to adapt the story according to the actual point, which is the instability of the system and not the solution to the problem.
            >no civilisation would exist orbiting three stars
            There is literally not a single reason why a civilization couldn't exist orbiting three stars

            • 2 months ago

              yeah bro you are so smart. Academics, PhD researchers and Nobel Prize laureates have stated the 3 body problem is unsolvable but you here believe they are all wrong and you have solved it

              • 2 months ago

                >Academics, PhD researchers and Nobel Prize laureates have stated the 3 body problem is unsolvable
                May I see them? Kek

                in the books, they actually do plan to use sophons to cause mass hallucinations, but there aren't enough of them around earth yet. sophons are only the size of a proton, there would need to be many around earth to cause mass hallucinations on the scale needed to make humanity try and wipe each other out. during the time period of the first book there aren't enough sophons on earth to do everything, presumably creating them and accelerating them to relativistic speeds takes time. that said, they do plan to use mass hallucinations, but more to disrupt things and make people distrustful of scientists and authority figures so they can take over more easily. the blinking universe thing only happened with one character iirc and the "you are bugs" thing was only shown to world leaders and military, not the whole planet. the show changed it a little to be more dramatic, what with the whole camera erasing capability, but that might not be sophons exactly - it could just be human developed tech created with the assistance of trisolaris, like the VR game and headset. sophons in the show generally seem to work the same way as in the books, they are powerful but only in an indirect, action-at-a-distance kind of way. not something that can solely be used to take over the planet. their main use case is to delay human scientific development so that the fleet can arrive.

                >sophons in the show generally seem to work the same way as in the books, they are powerful but only in an indirect, action-at-a-distance kind of way
                In the show sophons can shut down electronics on a massive scale, as shown with the example with the phones and the plane. With that kind of shit you con make nuclear reactors meltdown, misfire rocket system, open dams, make computers malfunction and erase data, and so much heinous shit humanity would literally be forced to stop using electricity in any advanced form.

              • 2 months ago

                huh, i just started episode 6 so i haven't seen that yet. that is a little too much direct sophon activity.

              • 2 months ago

                That's the dumb showrunners thinking they're smart. Can't beleive a room full of professional writers couldn't foresee the massive plot holes there. Or they think the audience is dumb. Or pointing out your bosses' stupid ideas gets you fired

              • 2 months ago

                they just did it for dramatic effect and to hammer the concept of the sophons into the audiences head. d&d like to cater people who dont pay attention. im more miffed about them ruining the eye from a higher dimension thing for a cheap "lol we watch u" thing, but other than that, the show isn't bad.

              • 2 months ago

                Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the show even with its many flaws. I just was expecting more, I guess.

      • 2 months ago

        This. For whatever reason these threads attract utter pseuds. These STEMlets must know on some level that even this wonky adaptation is filtering them.
        >ackchually it’s easy. See? I solved the three body problem. We are definitely going to die.
        Gj moron

        • 2 months ago

          Just go to a random M class MILLIONS of years ago. The inability for aliens to locate useful planetoids is hilarious. Given that just leaving a system in ark ships doesn't seem to attract dark forest murderhobo's they could have done an exodus a while ago.

    • 2 months ago

      That doesn't matter, it's chaotic and the initial conditions aren't known exactly. All you can do is work on predicting further into the future, but that doesn't change the outcome.
      If a star is going to collide with your planet math isn't going to help you.

    • 2 months ago

      yeah no you actually can't, the further you try to simulate it blows your cpu up no matter what analytical algorithms you use

      • 2 months ago

        >yeah no you actually can't, the further you try to simulate it blows your cpu up no matter what analytical algorithms you use
        Stop bullshitting you brainlet
        >What are Puiseux series
        >What are numerical approaches
        Etc. Also it isn't computationally intensive at all, you can run it in your fricking browser for fricks sake

    • 2 months ago

      >The whole premise of the show (and the book) is moronic because the three body problem IS solvable, just not with a conventional mechanical equation (closed form solution).

      >But you CAN still very easily simulate it, use an analytic solution or just do numerical analysis on that shit.

    • 2 months ago

      >body problem IS solvable
      it's as solvable as the Navier-Stokes equations, the problem is that it's a bunch of coupled and nonlinear equations that have no explicit analytical solution, there MAY be a solution but it's not easy to find even if you dedicated all the PCs in the world.
      The book/movie goes on a dumb tangent how doomed they are while in practice they could just simulate (from that point) the meme you need initial conditions isn't real because as long as you know the positions and speed of all the bodies you can just simulate it.
      It's scifi for a reason, because people don't think straight and stuff is given as is.

      • 2 months ago

        >that have no explicit analytical solution,
        They do have an explicit analytical solution though. Navier Stokes is orders of magnitude more complex
        >easy to find even if you dedicated all the PCs in the world.
        It's sufficiently easy using only one PC, it's three bodies moving in a vacuum anon, you can predict that shit with nanosecond accuracy for several millenia. If it's about larger timescales the trisolarians would have absolutely zero issues computing their sun positions millions of years ahead with the computational resources that are available to them.

        >the meme you need initial conditions isn't real because as long as you know the positions and speed of all the bodies you can just simulate it.
        Indeed, so we agree after all

        >It's scifi for a reason, because people don't think straight and stuff is given as is.

        • 2 months ago

          >They do have an explicit analytical solution though. Navier Stokes is orders of magnitude more complex
          No, an analytical solution is a solution where you put the time and you get the positions of the 3 bodies, this doesn't exist, especially because it's not periodic
          >Need 1 PC
          1 pc is good for simulating the evolution, even my laptop can do it in Astrolab, I'm talking about solving the set of differential equations, just as it cannot be done with NS you can't for this problem.
          The point is that you cannot get the exact formula, you can simulate the dynamics, just as we do it IRL with CFD. The whole premise of the book/movie is dumb, and the explanation is "we forgor relativity, big sad!" is dumb and is just some trope to push the story forward.
          Also in the book it's shown humans move to space in the span of hundreds of years, why can't the trisolars do it themselves?

        • 2 months ago

          the dilemma in the series not about the trisolarians being unable to solve the problem. they can predict the orbit of their planet around their suns to a high degree of precision. the problem is that their planet will be destroyed eventually and they need to gtfo, which they do.

        • 2 months ago

          its not about predicting the orbits, its about saving the civilization. they say this explicitly in the show

  6. 2 months ago

    No, only worse

  7. 2 months ago

    the only girlboss scene ive seen was the bar scene of the dude trying to rizz up the scientists, the rest is normal sci fi stuff for the most part with random game of thrones dialogue, mileage may vary by how jealous you get seeing a hot chick be a scientist

    • 2 months ago

      >the only girlboss scene ive seen was the bar scene of the dude trying to rizz up the scientists
      What did he say UHHHH EXCUSE ME WHAT DID SHE SAY was another one. Then that same b***h ranting at black science man for no reason at all. Guy was just there to support her. Then ranting at Based Pajeet for taking down all the terrorists YOU MASS MURDERER HOW COULD YOU HURT THE PRECIOUS INNOCENT PEOPLE SELLING US OUT TO GENOCIDAL ALIENS YOU'RE A MONSTER and then copy pasting that same rant to Davos. Then the same fricking rant against to chinese science woman. b***h will not shut the frick up.

      • 2 months ago

        I mean to be fair she was more b***hing about murdering children, wasn't she? The parents are bastards for putting them in that situation but the children are still innocent

      • 2 months ago

        >mileage may vary by how jealous you get seeing a hot chick be a scientist
        that part was for drooling morons like you
        there's plenty of in show reasons why she'd yell at her bf for getting drunk and high instead of picking up the phone, and at the army for using her tech to kill civilians
        I also have no clue what's the first bit you're schizo ranting about

    • 2 months ago

      you're full of shit, girlboss is toxic and whiny the entire runtime
      >hot chick be a scientist
      but there isnt one

  8. 2 months ago

    2 body 2 problem

    • 2 months ago

      my body your problem (aka trisolaris rehydration)

  9. 2 months ago

    If you're offended by the presence of female scientists, then no, it does not get better.

    • 2 months ago

      Ok with sexy nerds but what about all the Black folk and chinks? That offends me.

      • 2 months ago

        Not enoug chinks if you ask me

  10. 2 months ago

    Nope, it only gets worse
    Feels like watching Bachelor, not sci-fi, its for redditors

  11. 2 months ago

    the show is a polemic against mass immigration and population replacement but you chuds are too dumb to understand

  12. 2 months ago

    why did they turn luo ji into a black guy
    what the frick lol

    • 2 months ago

      They turned nearly every chinese character into some british dipshit. Interesting how you only focused on the black dude though.

      • 2 months ago

        i didn't like that either actually

  13. 2 months ago

    >picrelated is the main character of the show and will survive till the death of the universe
    Not sure how to feel about this

    • 2 months ago

      Does the book end with millions of alien species chasing exploding black holes looking for that last remaining star. Or do they all kill one another because of the whole dark forest thing.

      Eventually all species will be forced to the last remaining stars.

      • 2 months ago

        Book ends by cancer boi getting cucked again when they're about to meet, because he triggers some folded dimension trap and the main character girl falls into a time dilation thingy. She survives till the end of the universe when some other gigachad alien civilization says "no stop wasting energy" and they all decide to kill themselves kek

        • 2 months ago

          No, from what I remember two people and Sophon escape to a pocket dimension "outside" the universe, but then some higher-dimensional beings are like "the big crunch is real, it's been happening for all of time, but escaping the universe makes it impossible because you're stealing the matter needed to do it", so everyone that went into all their pocket dimensions return all matter back into the universe so it can collapse/big bang again, and all life can get reset

          I am so glad I didn't waste my time reading the this crap for months

        • 2 months ago

          >She survives till the end of the universe when some other gigachad alien civilization says "no stop wasting energy" and they all decide to kill themselves
          i hope you're not trolling

          • 2 months ago

            it's kind of like that but not really

      • 2 months ago

        No, from what I remember two people and Sophon escape to a pocket dimension "outside" the universe, but then some higher-dimensional beings are like "the big crunch is real, it's been happening for all of time, but escaping the universe makes it impossible because you're stealing the matter needed to do it", so everyone that went into all their pocket dimensions return all matter back into the universe so it can collapse/big bang again, and all life can get reset

  14. 2 months ago

    The only good part in the whole show is the boat scene. Everything else is garbage.

  15. 2 months ago

    season 2: Im gonna tell everyone our locations if you dont stop with your invasion!

  16. 2 months ago

    Netflix's version of Three Body Problem is complete trash.

    Watch the Chinese produced tv show.

    • 2 months ago

      Holy shit the chink version looks like THIS. How will netflix ever recover?

      • 2 months ago

        As much as I hated not seeing them in the Netflix version, this looks like ASS

      • 2 months ago

        >MUH GRAPHIX
        Save up enough good boy points to get mommy to make you some tendies while you play on your nintendo this weekend little buddy?

        • 2 months ago

          Seething. Your show looks like shit

      • 2 months ago

        I think the show was alright, but I learned that it's very different from the source material so I picked up the novel.

        Netflix's version of Three Body Problem is complete trash.

        Watch the Chinese produced tv show.

        Looks cheap as frick. Guess I'll go back to reading.

        • 2 months ago

          The problem I have right now is that I can't remember the character names.
          Like what the hell.

    • 2 months ago

      does the chink version has a dub?

      • 2 months ago

        >does the chink version has a dub?
        no it doesn't, Amazon Prime carries the chink version too and that is not dubbed, just subbed.

  17. 2 months ago

    Holy keks, came to post this. Half hour into episode one. Idgaf about the raceswapping. This dialogue is beyond cringe. Wth did they do to the story? Why even do an adaptation if you're too stupid to understand the essence of the book. The only things they've done right thus far are the Chinese parts. Even though they're speed running the shit through the story.

    The people who are responsible for this crap should be executed. Netflix execs and the writers team behind this crap.

    • 2 months ago

      this is exactly how I felt just watching this abomination

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah! They should follow the books where the author introduces a concept and the characters spend like 3 chapters trying to understand the concept only to eventually say this shit is too hard and move on to the next thing.

      • 2 months ago

        Euh yea that would have been better you dumb frick. The science should be front and center. Now it's just an afterthought. The book asks the reader all sorts of questions and let these marinate before giving us the answer. This show doesn't even ask us half the questions.

  18. 2 months ago

    Why don't aliens simply crash the cars or planes in which scientists travel using their sophons?

    • 2 months ago

      Because physics actually works fine. The sophon actually inhibits physics by making all the scientist wonder about the massive plot holes in the story.

    • 2 months ago

      the show sophons are insanely OP. They shouldn't be able to control electronics, and for physical interactions the aliens relied on ETO members.

      • 2 months ago

        yeah the show sophons could just hack nuclear systems, shut down every power plant, stop every pacemaker, etc all in about 30 seconds. none of the plot makes sense with the show sophons

  19. 2 months ago

    It was okay, but guess the novel fans re boiling in rage. The humor is out of place most of the time.
    >Ha, suck it Copernicus!
    And they made it feel like any generic sci-fi or fantasy series, no substance at all.

    • 2 months ago

      Novel fans are morons that think they are really smart because they read a bad sci fi novel. Anyone that hates this because it doesn't stick to the novels is moronic, anyone that likes the chinese version because it ties closer to the novels is an even bigger moron. The source material is trash and all of its adaptations should join it where they belong.... in the trash.

      • 2 months ago

        Just have a nice day shill.

        • 2 months ago

          >oh no he hates the shit im shilling for, better try to deflect by calling him a shill
          ESL moron moment.

          • 2 months ago

            This is a thread about the series not the books.
            Post on [...] if you want to let everyone know that you're superior because you prefer reading

            I repeat have a nice day, you useless bag of skin.

            • 2 months ago


              >when crocodile dundee turns into an esl moron speaking broken english

            • 2 months ago

              >he's still posting it
              wow anon ur so kewl oh wow oh geez I'm so intimidated oh gosh

      • 2 months ago

        >t. Netflix Public Relations

      • 2 months ago

        And yet you read the books, watched the show and are posting about it. I don't understand people like you.

  20. 2 months ago

    It surprisingly gets better from episode 4 onwards. I fricking hated the first 3.

  21. 2 months ago

    >not the hecking childrerino!!
    That hoe was the worst written character I've seen in some time.

    • 2 months ago

      Well get used to it because that is Cheng Xin, the worst written character in all of fiction. She constantly dooms humanity because reasons and then gets bailed out by a stronger character. She literally lives until the end of time because cancer man gives her a magical pocket universe to live in. This series is fricking garbage, none of you should waste your time.

  22. 2 months ago

    The author keeps bringing up the three body problem not just for the orbital dynamics of alpha centauri but also as a metaphor for the relationship between the trilmaos and humans, made more uncertain and chaotic by the other party out there. I think it's very kino.

    • 2 months ago

      >0 mentions in the second book
      >0 mentions in the third book
      Fricking have a nice day

      • 2 months ago

        >everything needs to be mentioned explicitly in text
        Is this the first book you've read in years?

  23. 2 months ago

    Much like your life, no. It will not get better.

  24. 2 months ago

    Are you a poof or what?
    I'm so sick of how weak you homosexuals are.
    >muh feelins a bloo bloo

  25. 2 months ago

    Tv show is about Aliens coming to invade but focuses mostly on two dumb fricking bawds that do nothing but whine and cry throughout the show. They kill off the only likeable character early on. Who happens to be a white fat guy put there for comic relief but turns out to be the best character of the show, because the others are just unlikable DEI morons.

    The Chad pajeet that does nothing wrong is just a normal guy imo is made out to be a bad guy (attack on masculine authority). Because he carries out a necessary mission against a terrorist fanatic cult that is aiding the Aliens. Kids are collateral but high stakes gamble and opportunity. Kids are being indoctrinated to be fanatics and attack humanity.

    The cancer dying white simp who is obsessed over some chink b***h, That friend zones him at every chance is annoying. His obsessed with her to the point of mental illness that you end up wishing he just dies because he does nothing for the plot. The show hints he has some greater purpose early on but the forced romance and feelings he has for the chink is overdone. His friendship with the fat white guy who dies early on has more emotional weight.

    Also everybody in the show constantly whines and attacks authority. Black guy is given absolute authority but typical of the show he rejects it and cries like a b***h throughout the show. All these scientists come off as selfish morons who care more about their individual lives, morals etc than the human race. If the shows intention was to make you cheer for the Aliens it's succeeded.

    • 2 months ago

      >They kill off the only likeable character early on. Who happens to be a white fat guy put there for comic relief but turns out to be the best character of the show
      I WAS SO FRICKING MAD. When he punches that dude in the game was the peak of this entire goddamned season. Right up there with pic related

      • 2 months ago

        He was the only character who was relatable. The other two "men" were infuriatingly timid.

    • 2 months ago

      >Tv show is about Aliens coming to invade but focuses mostly on two dumb fricking bawds that do nothing but whine and cry throughout the show
      Unarguably valid. Frickin hated it.
      >The Chad pajeet that does nothing wrong is just a normal guy imo is made out to be a bad guy (attack on masculine authority). Because he carries out a necessary mission against a terrorist fanatic cult that is aiding the Aliens.
      Wasn't Zhang Beihai treated exactly like this in the books? Dude was "for the greater good" personified and was constantly shat on, from what I remember from the books. Honestly had zero complaints with how he was done/treated in the show
      >The cancer dying white simp who is obsessed over some chink b***h
      Lol this was EXACTLY how he was in the books. Also thought this was pretty damn faithful
      >Black guy is given absolute authority but typical of the show he rejects it and cries like a b***h throughout the show
      Also how he was in the books holy frick anon this is proof you never fricking read them. A lot of shit takes here.

      • 2 months ago

        Its funny because book gays hype up their series, when in reality the first and third book were garbage. The only book in the series that was decent was the second one, and none of those characters really had anything to do in the time the series is taking place.

        • 2 months ago

          >The only book in the series that was decent was the second one, and none of those characters really had anything to do in the time the series is taking place
          Which was all of episode 8, which naturally was the best episode of the season (outside of ep 5's ship scene)

        • 2 months ago

          The second book has kino scenes, but the first is really good too. I like the third for the ambition to portray some really wonky shit, but it is the weakest.

      • 2 months ago

        >Wasn't Zhang Beihai treated exactly like this in the books? Dude was "for the greater good" personified and was constantly shat on, from what I remember from the books. Honestly had zero complaints with how he was done/treated in the show
        It was moronic in the books. Of all the things they could keep, having people get hysterical over Zhang doing literally nothing wrong should not be a priority.

        • 2 months ago

          You're not wrong, just being a dipshit due to stupid "attack on masculine authority" nonsense.

        • 2 months ago

          >Tv show is about Aliens coming to invade but focuses mostly on two dumb fricking bawds that do nothing but whine and cry throughout the show
          Unarguably valid. Frickin hated it.
          >The Chad pajeet that does nothing wrong is just a normal guy imo is made out to be a bad guy (attack on masculine authority). Because he carries out a necessary mission against a terrorist fanatic cult that is aiding the Aliens.
          Wasn't Zhang Beihai treated exactly like this in the books? Dude was "for the greater good" personified and was constantly shat on, from what I remember from the books. Honestly had zero complaints with how he was done/treated in the show
          >The cancer dying white simp who is obsessed over some chink b***h
          Lol this was EXACTLY how he was in the books. Also thought this was pretty damn faithful
          >Black guy is given absolute authority but typical of the show he rejects it and cries like a b***h throughout the show
          Also how he was in the books holy frick anon this is proof you never fricking read them. A lot of shit takes here.

          what the frick are you guys talking about? nobody shits on Zhang Beihai in the books, he fricking single handidly saves humanity and nobody is even aware of it.

      • 2 months ago

        I never claimed to read the book if this is accurate to the book its a gay book. Only Chinks and morons seem to enjoy it.

        • 2 months ago

          >Only Chinks and morons seem to enjoy it.
          >everyone who likes things I hate are stupid
          Ah, classic middle schooler mindset. More proof you dipshits never grew up.

      • 2 months ago

        Wait so the books fricking suck too?

        • 2 months ago

          Yes. Bookgays are in denial. The books suck, the netflix series sucks, and the chink series REALLY sucks.

          • 2 months ago

            >I came to a thread about stuff I hate to complain about you talking about the thing I hate
            >I am an intellectual

          • 2 months ago

            >chinese attempting anything

        • 2 months ago

          That's a pretty subjective question you have there.
          But if you think that the Netflix show is unbelievably stupid then you would think the books suck.

        • 2 months ago

          Not at all, maybe if you are the type of reader to seethe at the hope in hopelessness theme the author likes.

          • 2 months ago

            >its the seething at the hopelessness not the moronic plotlines and 0 character development that make the books bad

            • 2 months ago

              There is nothing wrong with the plotlines. The characters are mostly just vehicles for the wonky physics/sci-fi concepts and theorizing about human nature and potential ET culture, so they are sometimes a bit wooden, but he does a good enough job at writing them.

            • 2 months ago

              >my opinion is better than your opinion
              Anon, you're supposed to grow out of this during high school. What's the matter, peaked when you were 15?

        • 2 months ago

          I thought they were alright but they aren't without flaws.
          He's not very good at writing people for starters. Considering a character in the book tries to write a story, accidentally creates a tulpa gf which ruins his relationship, maybe there's a deeper reason behind that.

          • 2 months ago

            tulpa gf was kino and is integral to the character, which is the only of the very few he wrote that was actually good
            If Netflix excludes it, which they will, I will be upset. Saul in general seems too well-adjusted and too well-socialized to me, especially since they seem to be sticking close to the books with his plotline.

            • 2 months ago

              I think there's a chance we get the tulpa gf. He's shown to be partying and a little detached at the start of the show and the writers can just chalk that up to the collapse of particle physics and the death of his boss or throw in a backstory episode or two at the start of next season when it will be more relevant.
              Considering the liberties they've taken so far it could go either way.

              • 2 months ago

                Scenes with the tulpa GF will also probide a way for that character to "vocalize" his thought process for his wallfacer shit, which he can't talk to an actual person about.
                The tulpa will obviously be Auggie, though, and not a beautiful Chinese.

              • 2 months ago

                auggie is cute and the tulpa will be auggie, but idealized or whatever

              • 2 months ago

                What would an auggie pussey feel like? Be as descriptive as possible
                I havent seen a pussy in 10 years bros. Help a player out

              • 2 months ago

                auggie is cute and the tulpa will be auggie, but idealized or whatever

                why would the tulpa be Augie
                Saul is fricking a blonde white girl in the wallfacer episode

              • 2 months ago

                Why isnt he fricking auggie?

              • 2 months ago

                i havent finished series yet, so i assumed they would change things around and make auggie a more important and long-lasting character instead of just female wang mio that is always involved with saul, who is supposed to be luo ji.

              • 2 months ago

                Because they definitely aren't going to use the moronic idea from the book (where Luo Ji imagines his dream girl and later sends Shi out to find her in real life).
                In the show, Saul will feel lonely and isolated because of the Wallfacer thing, so he will imagine himself talking to Augie, who he misses. It's a way to keep Augie in the show without making up a bunch of fanfic about her adventures selling water filters.

              • 2 months ago

                >Augie in the show without making up a bunch of fanfic about her adventures selling water filters.
                This part made me kek so hard

                >Having complete control over the technology I'm responsible for?
                >Naaah I'll just let it out in the open for everyone, including bad faith actors, to see

    • 2 months ago

      Bro spent 19.5 million dollars on a picture of a star and I genuinely wonder whether the Netflix execs thought someone out there would find that to be romantic and not creepy.

      Is he this dumb and simpy in the book or do the show writers not know how to write legitimate romances? I wouldn't want this guy dating my daughter (if I had one) due to how weak and simp like he is. Cowardice doesn't even begin to encapsulate his persona. Biggest coward in TV history

      • 2 months ago

        He literally has terminal cancer. What is he suppose to do? Try to steal her from chadpreet?

        • 2 months ago

          He was a simp BEFORE he got the cancer diagnosis, he became even more of a simp afterwards.

          It wasnt even 19.5 mill on a painting, it was 19.5 mill for "a star" that he sends to her anonymously, that she unwraps and calls stupid. Then she later founds out he sent it to her but by then he's already been decapitated and put on the space ship she built....This show is watchable in the sense that it's fun to make fun of...If Davos and Wong weren't the only good non-crying actors in it I wouldn't have suffered through all 8 hours.

      • 2 months ago

        The show greatly enhanced his role and screentime.
        In the book he doesn't even know her outside of talking to her in college like a single digit number of times. He buys her the star anonymously with money his friend gave him because he doesn't want the money to go to his sister when he dies. He's about to kill himself with euthanasia when she has him selected as a candidate for Staircase because a college pal told her he has terminal cancer. Then he accepts despite thinking that his oneitis was only using him and dooming him to drift in space. He's much, much more pathetic. Wade chooses him as the brain because he is antisocial and doesn't fit in with humans. He also doesn't get much time as the POV character.

        • 2 months ago

          >be pathetic beta with a terminal case of oneitis
          >get to live an idllyic life wife with a hot chick from the future on an unspoilt planet and get over your oneitis
          Yuan Tianming won

        • 2 months ago

          Wow that's even more depressing than the show version but this character in general should not be held up as some kind of hero. Every time he's on screen, I root for the aliens to show up and eviscerate him.

          The entire cast of scientists are very hard to root for. They're all villainous and none of them are in any way likable. What Dr. Wenjie did by betraying humanity was supposed to seem despicable but these 4 clowns make it seem like a good bargain was made.

    • 2 months ago

      >bro writes 4 paragraphs of schizobabble and only gets 2 reply in 4 hours
      ok bro takes L but u can have my (You) at least

    • 2 months ago

      White fat guy, most likeable. Stopped reading there you dumb frick. That guy is the worst written character since True detective season 4.

  26. 2 months ago

    >chink story chink cast
    >you are all bugs
    Based space Black folk

  27. 2 months ago

    Just started watching it, I am super confused at who the characters are supposed to be since they made them Westerners. Is the black dude Luo Ji? Wong is of course Da Shi, but with everyone else I am lost.

    • 2 months ago

      Indian Navy dude is Zhang Beihai, Saul is Lou Ji, Cheng Xin is Cheng Jin, Jack Rooney might be OC? Will Downing is Yun Tianming, Ser Davos (Cunningham) is Wade, Auggie is that nanofiber scientist? I can't remember

      • 2 months ago

        Thanks. Helps a ton.

      • 2 months ago

        This is close. Jin is also Ding Ye, Auggie is Wang Miao. Jack is not technically OC but he might as well be. There is a minor character whose name I don't remember who gives Tianming money because he had the idea for a well-selling beverage that Jack is based off of.

  28. 2 months ago

    >higher dimensional beings and oldest aliens such buttholes they cause the Big Crunch
    All xenos must die.

    • 2 months ago

      They don't cause anything it's the natural cycle of the universe. This is explicitly stated, anon.

      • 2 months ago

        Silence, xeno apologist!

  29. 2 months ago

    i said this as i watched ep 1 but it got better. i still kinda just skimmed thru some scenes with the side characters i didnt like

    ser davos and sam tarley were the only good characters in the show, the story is interesting enough but if they follow the books im not interested in followup seasons

  30. 2 months ago

    >based author thinks the Chinese can't be trusted with democracy

  31. 2 months ago

    I've watched a few episodes of this and my takeaway so far is that the guy who plays Wong in Dr. Strange is unironically kino, he's great in this. Is there anything else he's been in that I should watch?

    • 2 months ago

      He's Kublai Khan in Marco Polo, which was pretty decent but cancelled after 2 seasons because it was insanely expensive. But yeah, he's entertaining.

      • 2 months ago

        Marco Polo was unbelievably cringe because it focused far too much on some moron white guy with unrelenting yellow fever rather than Kublai. Every scene where Marco is not there is dramatically improved.

  32. 2 months ago

    >Sophon so early

  33. 2 months ago

    someone calls someone else a moron in the last episode, so it gets better in the aspect that you seem to be worried about.

  34. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >when your minister uses divination instead of SCIENCE

  35. 2 months ago

    books had great concepts but shit characters. Still gonna watch because sci-fi is cool

  36. 2 months ago

    >Does it get better
    If by get better the lovey pure cringe dovey crying scenes and nauseating philosophical speeches run through a post-modern filter decrease then no.

    The concept of the aliens is so good but it just has to be weighed down by whatever team of writers they got trying to force relationship drama that NO ONE asked for nor cares about.

    The male characters are completely and utterly useless. They are idiots. They are bugs

  37. 2 months ago

    The show should be about auggie

    • 2 months ago

      You could write her out of the show and nothing would change. She's useless to the plot.

  38. 2 months ago

    ye wenjie did nothing wrong really

  39. 2 months ago

    Can someone explain why they made auggie, saul, and asian female mc? What's the point of these characters? Why not use the original MC?

    • 2 months ago

      Because the original MC is Chinese and the show is British. The original MC would also have absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the series after episode 5.

      • 2 months ago

        >british show, so british MCs
        >a Hispanic, a Black person and a chink
        Yep, sounds about right

  40. 2 months ago

    The good
    >Big budget sci-fi
    >Decent visuals
    >Cool overall story
    >Nice world building
    >Detective kino
    The meh
    >The ebin quips
    >Good/interesting characters get killed off early
    >moronic decisions from both aliens and humans for no explainable reason
    The shit
    >Show is about aliens about to invade earth and the implications, spends 2/3 of it's runtime about interpersonal relationships of four insanely self-obsessed people who constantly whine
    >2 out of those characters are arrogant, all-knowing pricks (one of them especially, Auggie)
    >1 is a cuck to such levels you might think it was intentional
    >1 gets constantly his ass kissed and handed to him, ends up only smoking weed and fricking instead (once again, you might start to think this was intentional)

    Overall I'll give it a 6/10 simply because I love original sci-fi but the characters really drag it down.

    • 2 months ago

      >Show is about aliens about to invade earth and the implications, spends 2/3 of it's runtime about interpersonal relationships of four insanely self-obsessed people who constantly whine
      works on my machine

    • 2 months ago

      >ends up only smoking weed and fricking
      Literally me, minus the fricking

    • 2 months ago

      >>1 gets constantly his ass kissed and handed to him, ends up only smoking weed and fricking instead (once again, you might start to think this was intentional)

      Was it seriously not intentional to have the black guy be jobless, smoke weed, have sex all the time, and refuse responsibility?

      Are the woke execs at Netflix all just giggling to themselves behind closed doors when they embed all these stereotypes and tropes within their show?

      Or the main female characters being emotional and on the verge of tears in nearly every scene?

      • 2 months ago

        He's not jobless. He worked in Ye's daughters lab before she died, and presumably still works there. When he's chosen as wallfacer he tells them that he's a low-level researcher.

        How the FRICK was he suppose to compete with a fricking admiral? What woman is going to pick a teacher over that?

        His and Jin's relationship is so bizarre. It's only ever paid lip service in the show and Jin straight up says they only see each other once a week. It seems like they are only together so that they can inevitably break up and give the characters a reason to be sad.

        • 2 months ago

          It makes sense because hes probably out to port every couple of months

        • 2 months ago

          He's currently jobless, in fact he's been jobless since ep 1. Until the last 2 episodes, he's shown having sex or smoking weed and occasionally being called a genius despite not showing how or why, that's been his story arc for 75% of the season.

      • 2 months ago

        >Was it seriously not intentional to have the black guy be jobless, smoke weed, have sex all the time, and refuse responsibility?

        Theres no way an urkel is gonna get laid that much. Women only want thugs

        • 2 months ago

          >Theres no way an urkel is gonna get laid that much. Women only want thugs

  41. 2 months ago

    based liu cixin filtering pig dog westerners with his characters

  42. 2 months ago

    How the FRICK was he suppose to compete with a fricking admiral? What woman is going to pick a teacher over that?

  43. 2 months ago

    I'm watching the chinese one, the Netflix adaptation seems a muttification (aka feminism + Black folk + gaygets) or americanization, if you prefer, of the original work.

    • 2 months ago

      Dont forget that every character is in an interracial relationship

      • 2 months ago

        We got BMWF, WMAF, IMAF, did I miss something?

        • 2 months ago

          I = A

      • 2 months ago

        Also every white dude, when its not a homosexual, is pathetic, evil, old or a combination of these.
        Another sign of "made in usa"

        • 2 months ago

          >Also every white dude, when its not a homosexual, is pathetic, evil, old or a combination of these.
          This is legitimately 100% how white people, specifically Americans, are portrayed in the books/Chinese version.

    • 2 months ago

      You do you, but my question is why are you watching something that you will need subtitles to understand that copies its dialogue straight from the book instead of just reading the book?

      • 2 months ago

        >i hate netflix therefor i love china
        Contrarianism. It's a hell of a drug.

  44. 2 months ago

    I feel like I could have done such a better job making this show great and I'm not even a writer

  45. 2 months ago

    I just want to participate in the orgies my dudes.

  46. 2 months ago

    >from the creators of Game of Thrones
    Oh boy....

    • 2 months ago

      >forcing cuss words into every context possible is the distinguishing mark of their screen play

    • 2 months ago

      I too was upset when they left out Dany drinking tainted water and shitting herself all day. It shows a deep lack of understanding of the books.

    • 2 months ago

      the show is actually following general plot and characters arcs from the books fairly closely, just like GOT did at first lol, even though some characters have been combined and introduced early

      • 2 months ago

        From what I've seen, they took one character, split him into 5 characters, each with a single characteristic (one mad, one happy, etc.) that are paper thin architects and forgettable.

        • 2 months ago

          No they frickin didn't. Every main character has just been changed into a British one.

  47. 2 months ago

    >Hey, Augie. How was the doctor? What did he say?
    >SHE. What did SHE say.
    >Oh, s-sorry.
    Even at a funeral this b***h is insufferable.

    • 2 months ago

      I want to slap whoever wrote that in a script, and the litany of people who then looked at it then approved it.

      Would anyone even enjoy working with someone like this for a day?

    • 2 months ago

      >>Hey, Augie. How was the doctor? What did he say?
      >>SHE. What did SHE say.
      >>Oh, s-sorry.
      this is when I turned the shit off, it was a forced SJW narrative.

  48. 2 months ago

    I'm trying to understand the ship scene. They can't bomb the ship, can't send the special forces, etc because he hard drives might get damaged or get destroyed by the crew.

    But they decide to completely annihilate the ship and everyone inside it. So they just hope that they get lucky that the drives don't get destroyed by you know, the debris, colllapsing structures, the fires, and what not? Or that some crew member does not just instantly nuke the drives when they realize something shady is going on? Dunno, seems like there are some holes in that planning.

    • 2 months ago

      That entire operation was to get Auggie involved in the main plot, sow discord between Jin and her perfectly handsome Indian bf who treats her well, and to make Ward to be some kind of villain, instead of the aliens who had been causing scientists to mass suicide themselves.

      Yes the whole operation was stupid but that's what you can expect from the brain trust that brought you S7 of GOT

      • 2 months ago

        literal moron who never read the books

        • 2 months ago

          If the show is a reflection of the books then why would I subject myself to the torture?

        • 2 months ago

          >u have 2 red the books 2 understund the plot

    • 2 months ago

      It was done MUCH faster and cleaner in the books. Also the ship didn't have hundreds of people on it, it was like a couple dozen or something like that

      • 2 months ago

        lol no it wasn't, the ship scene is pretty much exactly how it was written, the ship in the books isn't zooming through the fricking Panama Canal.
        What is omitted is the discussion of how they can optimally space the wires so that nobody survives but minimal damage might be done to any valuable servers, and how because the wires are razor thin they should be able to put a drive back together without memory loss.

        The show does however SHOW you that the wires left nobody alive and that the drive Evans was trying to destroy was small enough that it was not sliced by any wires.

    • 2 months ago

      also scientists constantly spouting or using the most basic physical laws etc in random conversations is so fricking dumb and overused. SHE SAID THE SCIENCY THING!! At least one of them should have chosen their playername as something like SexKillerCoolguy69420 instead of random scientist names.
      But anyway its mostly watchable, just quite corny and cheesy at many points. Not like there is anything better to watch either.

      It was done MUCH faster and cleaner in the books. Also the ship didn't have hundreds of people on it, it was like a couple dozen or something like that

      i heard that the books didn't have kids in the ship. Apparently show runners figured that it was necessary because killing adults is just so normal that who cares. Killing kids = big sad.

      But Auggie seemed pretty nonchalant on her role in massacring like was it thousand people? I wonder if they're gonna just ignore that, make it a dumb drama crying plot, or just make it seem like shes a strong scientist who understands the need to murder 1k people in a wild plot to hopefully get a hard drive that they might not even be able to read if the opponents are at all compatitive. Still 3 episodes left for me.

      • 2 months ago

        >i heard that the books didn't have kids in the ship. Apparently show runners figured that it was necessary because killing adults is just so normal that who cares. Killing kids = big sad.
        The ship in the book was more akin to a military base, the ship in the show was a fricking cult/daycare center. It was WAY different and a terrible change imo
        >But Auggie seemed pretty nonchalant on her role in massacring like was it thousand people?
        Shock is a helluva drug, anon.
        >Still 3 episodes left for me.
        Lol yeah you need to see the rest. She's *not* okay.

  49. 2 months ago

    Not going to watch this show. So what exactly is the 3 body problem? I'm guessing it's some kind of riddle or paradox withing the show.

    • 2 months ago

      From wikipedia
      >In physics and classical mechanics, the three-body problem is the problem of taking the initial positions and velocities (or momenta) of three point masses and solving for their subsequent motion according to Newton's laws of motion and Newton's law of universal gravitation.[1] The three-body problem is a special case of the n-body problem. Unlike two-body problems, no general closed-form solution exists,[1] as the resulting dynamical system is chaotic for most initial conditions, and numerical methods are generally required.

      The ayys that come to invade humanity come from a solar system with three stars. It's arguably a metaphor for other things but that's conjecture.

    • 2 months ago

      The alien planet is a 3 star system which means you need to calculate a mechanical 3 body problem to predict the movement of the stars and natural catastrophes. Something we solved a century ago but apparently hyper advanced aliens who can into interstellar space travel can't solve kek

      • 2 months ago

        it's 3 stars and trisolaris itself and they need to calculate all the orbits with extreme precision to predict stable eras. they do end up solving it for long enough periods to develop technology using the same numerical methods scientists use today. the point of the game is not to actually help trisolarians solve the math, it is to make humans sympathize with the plight of trisolaris. it's propoganda, essentially.

        • 2 months ago

          It's also true that regardless of whether they've solved stable periods or not, they still have to deal with chaotic periods which is a fricking nightmare, and their planet is still going to be destroyed so they need to get the frick out.

      • 2 months ago

        >Something we solved a century ago but apparently hyper advanced aliens who can into interstellar space travel can't solve kek
        I love it when people say this because it's complete proof they either never read the books or completely missed the entire fricking point. The "VR game" was to make people help the aliens and to let them invade us and take our planet. They knew everything about their star system millions of years ago

        • 2 months ago

          >The "VR game" was to make people help the aliens
          Ah yes the best candidates for that are smart scientists and not blind followers

  50. 2 months ago

    The author has yet to explain why the aliens act as a collective whole, but humans act as divided individual nations.

    • 2 months ago

      Humans work together once shit hits the fan. Even before the aliens are common knowledge, there's a multinational coalition to deal with it.
      For the Trisolarans, shit has already hit the fan.

      • 2 months ago

        >Humans work together once shit hits the fan.

        >*looks around at modern society that is slowly depopulating the animal / planet population and sucking up all the water*
        Yea I forgot about human unity during Black Death and the World Wars.

        • 2 months ago

          They do in the book. That is the authors explanation.
          There was a great deal of unity in the world wars. Both American Republicans and Democrats hated the Japanese. With ayys as the enemy, it's easy for all of humanity to unite against them.

        • 2 months ago

          He was saying in the book you complete fricking moron. My god.

    • 2 months ago

      they don't entirely, but we dont see much of that. there are trisolarian dissenters and pacifists and those who do not want to exterminate humanity. trisolarians also are all somewhat telepathic with each other and cant lie, such a society would naturally be more open to collectivism. they rebuild yuan tianming and let him do his thing as well and i dont buy the surface level explanation in the book - even if the trisolarians aren't capable of subterfuge they know humans are, it’s why they set up the ETO. it would be more in line with the themes of the book that they let yuan tianming communicate with earth even though they knew he would likely divulge information vital to the survival of humanity, information that could potentially hurt them.

  51. 2 months ago

    Kek. So cringe.

  52. 2 months ago

    it's from the creators of game of thrones, so the only good 3 body problem worth discussing is pic related

    • 2 months ago

      sophie moggs so hard here

  53. 2 months ago

    >starts out shit
    >boat scene happens
    >show immediately gets better

    It was like a switch got flipped

  54. 2 months ago

    >marathoning 1 episode
    Do americans really?

    • 2 months ago

      It's a pretty long episode

  55. 2 months ago

    Why not have multiple wallfacers? Like dozens, why publicly announce who? Either way you'd be able to vaguely track things due to resources being used (and eventually ETO spies leaking who is doing what, even if not knowing why, just want project their on and the higher they get in an organisation the more they know). And again, why assign one wallbreaker per facer? Why not have teams working to guess what idiot A is up to?

    It's also hilariously cynical how 3 of the fallfacers fail/break etc. Doomed to die the sci-fi series because everyones an butthole.

  56. 2 months ago

    where do I start with this stupid series?

    >Aliens have the ability to make people see things and manipulate media from light years away.

    >Don't simply use this ability to easily get humans to wipe themselves out.

    >fresh clean uninhabited planet when they arrive.

    • 2 months ago

      have the ability to make people see things and manipulate media from light years away.
      Apparently this is not a thing in the books, in the books they can only manipulate shit on the quantum level so basically making experiments go wrong and stuff. The show fricked it up by making them literally able to manipulate anything electronic which yes indeed would make the task absolutely easy as frick.

      • 2 months ago

        in the books, they actually do plan to use sophons to cause mass hallucinations, but there aren't enough of them around earth yet. sophons are only the size of a proton, there would need to be many around earth to cause mass hallucinations on the scale needed to make humanity try and wipe each other out. during the time period of the first book there aren't enough sophons on earth to do everything, presumably creating them and accelerating them to relativistic speeds takes time. that said, they do plan to use mass hallucinations, but more to disrupt things and make people distrustful of scientists and authority figures so they can take over more easily. the blinking universe thing only happened with one character iirc and the "you are bugs" thing was only shown to world leaders and military, not the whole planet. the show changed it a little to be more dramatic, what with the whole camera erasing capability, but that might not be sophons exactly - it could just be human developed tech created with the assistance of trisolaris, like the VR game and headset. sophons in the show generally seem to work the same way as in the books, they are powerful but only in an indirect, action-at-a-distance kind of way. not something that can solely be used to take over the planet. their main use case is to delay human scientific development so that the fleet can arrive.

  57. 2 months ago

    wtf are they even saying. i read the books but lol holy shit trying to watch anything now just sucks because 70% of the show is in chinese or indian or fricking whatever the frick and there's no subtitles
    i'm about to kick someone right in the ass

  58. 2 months ago

    >mogged by a random Chinese student filming in minecraft
    The absolute STATE of modern media

  59. 2 months ago

    What would you do if you were given the position of wallfacer? Personally I'd order every chick in the world to suck my wiener

    • 2 months ago

      hey luo ji how it's hanging?

  60. 2 months ago

    i'm on episode 2 and i don't think it's bad
    i happy rn

  61. 2 months ago

    The books were the most boring thing i've read, ever. I don't see why the SF world feels the need to fellate the only remotely competently written (debatable) novel china has ever produced.

    • 2 months ago

      It's far from perfect. But it is one of the only sci fi books I've actually finished. This show with its incredibly childish humor didn't do it for me. I quit half way into episode 1.

  62. 2 months ago

    After Episode 5. It gets better! Best sci fi show this year so far

  63. 2 months ago

    the title alone is enough to know its garbage. someone hears some generic science term and makes it a title to appear smart.

    i know nothing about the show beyond the name and that alone is enough to know its cringe dogshit

    • 2 months ago

      i really hope this is bait. holy fricking cringe if not

  64. 2 months ago

    so is the 'game' supposed to reflect what life is like for tricolarans in their fricked up star system?

    • 2 months ago

      the game was designed for the smartest minds on Earth to see if they can solve the 3 body problem on their planet and as recruitment

      • 2 months ago

        >martest minds on Earth to see if they can solve the 3 body problem on their planet and as recruitment

        >"3 body problem"
        >Click on wikipedia

        Wow I'm one of the smartest minds on earth I guess

        • 2 months ago

          >food comes from the store

        • 2 months ago

          Therre was no wikipedia in 2006

          • 2 months ago

            >Oldest wikipedia revision for the three body problem: 2004

            >food comes from the store

            Repeating what you read on Wikipedia, especially for a more or less standard mechanical problem isn't particularly hard anon.

            • 2 months ago

              even in your own link it specifically states there is no generally accepted solution. not that it should have even been taken seriously in the first place. like wtf are you Destiny himself? who tf takes themself this seriously?

              • 2 months ago

                you are living proof that the ability to read and type does not make you smart

                >Midwits can't read past the first sentence
                The absolute state of Cinemaphiletards kek.
                >There is no general closed-form solution to the three-body problem, meaning there is no general solution that can be expressed in terms of a finite number of standard mathematical operations.
                Broken down for dummies: you can't express the problem as an equation where you just input the masses and positions. That's literally all it says.
                It then continues
                >However, in 1912 the Finnish mathematician Karl Fritiof Sundman proved that there exists an analytic solution to the three-body problem in the form of a Puiseux series
                >Using a computer, the problem may be solved to arbitrarily high precision using numerical integration
                >In addition, using the theory of random walks, an approximate probability of different outcomes may be computed

              • 2 months ago

                isaac newton died a virgin because that's what you get when you invent calculus. fricking nerd.

              • 2 months ago

                t. climate change denier, flat earth believer, anti-vaccer, fake moon landing, 9/11 hoax

        • 2 months ago

          you are living proof that the ability to read and type does not make you smart

  65. 2 months ago

    The final episode is over the top with sheboon world leaders. The only white men are minions. I’ve never seen such a lack of accuracy in demographics. It was done on purpose.

  66. 2 months ago

    I binged the first 4 eps and it's been alright so far. But I don't see how this gets to a satisfying ending in only 4 more. Is there going to be a season 2? Or a massive time skip? Also do we every see what the aliens look like? Id imagine they would be pretty interesting since the origin planet is so fricked.

    I have to put a plug in it cause I need the sleep thing. It's 3am here and I got stupid family shit to do cause of Easter.

    • 2 months ago

      >there going to be a season 2? Or a massive time skip?
      Both, but the main characters stay the same
      >Also do we every see what the aliens look like?
      Not in this season

      • 2 months ago

        > Both

        Interesting, not sure how I feel about that at this point.

        The usual message stuff ain't even that strong. Sure it's a little heavy handed episode 1, but I feel like it takes a back seat to the plot. I've read they skipped over a fair bit, but as someone watching this without reading the books or watching the original series, it's been pretty good so far. I am just waiting for it to fall apart like game of thrones did.

        Sad Rooney died. He was pretty damn good and that actor deserves better roles. He's look good since game of thrones though.

        I also really liked the VR game as a learning mechanism about the aliens.

        Auggie is a little annoying but she's having a breakdown so it makes sense. I'm a little confused why grandma chang is friends with all the main characters.

        There wasn't a physical description of the aliens in the book. If you ask me, not showing them is better than making some shit up.

        On one hand I get it, for suspense and tension but like not even a big reveal at the end? What a cop out. Like if you are watching a horror movie, you want to know what the big bad looks like at some point. It's part of the pay off.

        • 2 months ago

          >On one hand I get it, for suspense and tension but like not even a big reveal at the end? What a cop out.
          If you like cliffhangers you'll HATE the ending of this season kek. It's basically all about deflating any tension and then throwing in a "but don't lose hope you guise!!!" at the end

        • 2 months ago

          >On one hand I get it, for suspense and tension but like not even a big reveal at the end? What a cop out. Like if you are watching a horror movie, you want to know what the big bad looks like at some point. It's part of the pay off.
          this really isn't that kind of series. the "big bad" is not really the trisolarians, the "villain" is more like the nature of life to be inimical to itself in various ways.

    • 2 months ago

      There wasn't a physical description of the aliens in the book. If you ask me, not showing them is better than making some shit up.

    • 2 months ago

      never see the aliens' true form because they said we wouldn't like what they look like, so they use AI to appear human both in the game and real world.

      the only characters i liked were the asian girl and the fat dude from game of thrones. the american girl who was constantly pouting was annoying.

      the ending is terrible. nothing happens basically. haven't read the books so i can't judge the universe as a whole but this series felt like a total waste of time to watch.

  67. 2 months ago

    this show is over all kino. the sci fi and alien focused bits are great.

  68. 2 months ago

    yes, when you ctrl+w

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