D-Files 2 - the remaking of WDA post Lasetter

Part 2 of D-files focuses on the female activist-led takeover of Walt Disney animation after the ouster of John Lasseter, which began with Raya and the Last Dragon.
I dislike the writing style and the editorializing in the article, but here are the salient points:
>Jennifer Lee reshaped WDA with the help of Women In Animation, a feminist advocacy group that gained gatekeeping powers in the animation industry.
>Raya the Last Dragon was the first major project to see the effects of the Lasseter firing. The movie was to be directed by Paul Briggs and Dean Wellins, and written by Adele Lim. Briggs was demoted to co-director, and Wellins removed to a Disney+ project, as they were perceived as vestiges of the Lasseter era.
>Lim's script was taken over, and even though she already had mainstream success with Crazy Rich Asians, she saw her contracted writing fee reduced to bring in additional writers vetted by Lee and WiA.
>Many WDA veterans were forced out to achieve a 50/50 gender parity in the studio, and much of the incoming women animators were inexperienced but not mentored. Rather than hiring art school graduates exclusively, many of the new hires were found through social media.

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  1. 5 months ago

    This seems like it was written by a mental patient.

    Chris Gore?

    • 5 months ago

      >it’s THAT website

      Yeah no. They’re the definition of biased, badly sourced propagandist “journalism”

      So any real sources?

      Aw sweet, a schizo thread!

      Go to bed Lasseter.
      And next time, ask permission before you touch a woman

      Hillary lost 🙂

      • 5 months ago

        Trump lost and will lose again

        • 5 months ago

          Wdym? He beat Hillary 🙂

  2. 5 months ago

    >Rather than hiring art school graduates exclusively, many of the new hires were found through social media.

    And thus Awkwafina as VA was born

    • 5 months ago

      So any real sources?

  3. 5 months ago

    >it’s THAT website

    Yeah no. They’re the definition of biased, badly sourced propagandist “journalism”

    • 5 months ago

      You can hate the writing all you like. The amount bloviating and narrative painting is inappropriate for an expose. But what here is surprising, or even in dispute?
      We know Raya was eventually directed by someone with no animation experience.
      We know Lim had to share her writing credit.
      We know Disney works with WiA.
      The new hiring practices are in line with Disney's own DEI initiative.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >badly sourced propagandist “journalism”
      So is Forbes, the New York Times (WMDs in Iraq amirite bros?) Variety and every other major journalist outlet these days. There is no "good" journalism.

  4. 5 months ago

    >lasseter was secretly the backbone of disney and the only thing making it good you guys
    >even though he has produced literally nothing good since leaving

    why do you people lie to yourselves over and over

    • 5 months ago

      >>even though he has produced literally nothing good since leaving
      No Lasseter films have released out of Skydance yet. He joined the production of Luck 3/4ths of the way in, that's not on him.

      • 5 months ago

        Lasseter joined Meet the Robinsons about that far into production and essentially had them rework the entire thing.

        • 5 months ago

          You can really easily tell the bits of Luck that Lasseter had more of a part in (the bad luck world) and that was the part that was mostly re-written from when it was in development hell (was originally an open conflict between good and bad luck).

          On an unrelated note, I'd really like to hear more of the details about what went on with Brave. I remember reading that the original plot had the witch send Merida and her mother to the future (without them knowing). The destroyed kingdom was their own, it got destroyed by war after Merida's refusal to maintain diplomatic relations caused tensions to boil over and the monster bear was future mother. Never been able to find confirmation but you could see why Disney wouldn't let a "you destroyed the kingdom because you didn't act like a princess" story happen.

          • 5 months ago

            >the monster bear was future mother.
            Now that's news to me.

            • 5 months ago

              It's been known that Mordu was a post-Chapman addition.

              • 5 months ago

                Makes sense. Honestly preferred what could've been.

              • 5 months ago

                I think everybody did. The trailer promised something far, far more interesting than what we got.

    • 5 months ago

      If Disney had only fired Lasseter, I would bet things would still be okay at Disney and Pixar. Even without a visionary at the helm, they could at least stay the course.
      The problem is everything else that came with Lasseter's firing. The quality control was gone. The merit system was scuttled. Veterans were replaced by diversity hires to cement the political power of Jennifer Lee. Creative debate was silenced due to fear of HR. Activists used the movies to push ideas that were out of step with consumers.
      Lasseter was not the sole person responsible for Pixar and WDA's success. But his firing was the opening of the floodgates for WDA to be infected.

      • 5 months ago

        grow the frick up incel

  5. 5 months ago

    Aw sweet, a schizo thread!

  6. 5 months ago

    Lee reshaped WDA with the help of Women In Animation, a feminist advocacy group that gained gatekeeping powers in the animation industry.
    >women in animation
    EZ PZ was right! VINDICATED

    How does WiA have so much power?

    • 5 months ago

      >>How does WiA how so much power?
      Blame the revelations and controversy from the Weinstein reveal, and others like him along with Lasseter SA problems itself.
      Companies have to bring in things like WiA or else they’ll be sued and ruin their reputations as the people the kept Lasseter on for 20 years as he fondled female employees.

    • 5 months ago

      >How does WiA have so much power?
      Why do people fear mobs?
      Character assassination is incredibly powerful in Hollywood, and it is of their own doing. The image they concoct of themselves is their main asset.

  7. 5 months ago

    Frozen 2 was awful, Raya was awful, Encanto was decent, Strange World was awful and Wish was awful.

    • 5 months ago

      They're 1/5 in batting average if we're being generous. How the frick do they still have their jobs?

  8. 5 months ago

    So...what you're saying is that when you hire a bunch of people with no experience all for the sake of meeting racial and gender quota's, the end product is total shit. I am very surprised to hear this.

    • 5 months ago

      Go to bed Lasseter.
      And next time, ask permission before you touch a woman

      • 5 months ago

        >Firing lasseter means you have to hire incompetent morons just because they're womyn of color

    • 5 months ago

      No, it's actually the previous product that was shit by all objective metrics. It's only your white bias that makes them seem good.

  9. 5 months ago

    Short version: Jennifer Lee ruined Disney animation.

    • 5 months ago

      >Jennifer Lee ruined Disney animation.
      This is just a woman taking credit for a white man's work. Lucasfilm, MCU, parks, D+, and merchandising are all tanking. The credit clearly belongs to Iger.

  10. 5 months ago

    My issue with this movie isn't "muh feminism", but rather that it keeps trying to push a narrative of "dude just trust people lmao" despite the entire movie being a laundry list of reasons why you shouldn't trust people

    • 5 months ago

      >but rather that it keeps trying to push a narrative of "dude just trust people lmao"
      That's because the entire movie was rewritten to essentially mirror China's diplomatic policy of offering "gifts" that are in fact trojan horses. This helped them lock up rare earth rights in Africa, for example.
      The other theme in the movie is unification, which is China's ultimate goal in the region. China has historical claims on much of Southeastern Asia that was heavily used in marketing for this film. In fact a certain island territory that the US is obligated to defend served as the basis for the antagonist in the movie.

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