damn Across the Spiderverse is pure garbage

I thought I was going too hard on this movie without watching it and that maybe if I watched it I would be amazed by this incredible new way of making cinema everyone is talking about
Then I just watched this clip

Wtf is this lmao so this is literally what this all is. They can't even introduce the main antagonist without doing the gay borderline saints row millennial humour. How do you enjoy this without being an absolute homosexual
How can you listen to "YOU ARE FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION??? WOOOOW ACTUALLY IM NOT CONFUSED" in 2023 and approve of it
Why do people talk about this movie like it's different from the MCU
they could have used jokes from asdfmovie and it would have been more decorous

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  1. 12 months ago

    The more Cinemaphile Hates something popular the more it means it's good.

    • 12 months ago

      This movie is not defensible
      Maybe if they made it in 2014 it could get a pass
      It's 2023, even people that like this humour shouldn't be ok with it

    • 12 months ago

      >Wants to be a contrarian
      >Too chickenshit to contrarian the mainstream, contraries the contrarians
      >Becomes a shill
      Rope. Now.

    • 12 months ago

      So Mario is one of the best Cinemaphile movies of all time?

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >acting like Cinemaphile hated the Mario movie as much as the new spiderverse movie
        lol. lmao even

        • 12 months ago

          But the Mario movie didn’t cast “better black Mario” as the main character while shitting on Mario and the audience

          • 12 months ago

            arent the movies the same shit though? I haven't watched either but they don't seem that different. I think spiderverse is probably more gay but more visually interesting and mario is less gay but more mediocre. It feels like people really want Mario to be a victory against woke movies but is it really

            • 12 months ago

              It doesn’t push the lead characters irrelevance in order to push a diversity hire. That’s it, there is no “winning” against woke in corporate art like this, it’s simply pushing companies to either respect the IPs making them billions or make NEW IPs in the “proper color”. Spiderverse is giving bendis money and clout, and that ALONE should make the movies the most hated movies ever made on Cinemaphile. But every spiderverse homosexual likes bendis, despite them being afraid to say it because they’re zoomers who have no opinion beyond the hive mind of the culture

    • 12 months ago

      Wow, you'd be in serious trouble if you actually consumed any of the media you talked about online.

  2. 12 months ago

    >millennial humor
    It’s funny because Gwen already experienced dimensional stuff, so it makes sense that she isn’t that surprised (which is why it’s funny). I don’t understand the hate boner Cinemaphile has for this movie

    • 12 months ago

      it's not funny though
      these are filler dialogues from saints row 3 car rides
      is it funny cause she goes "wowza omg sci-fi???? we talk like we're self aware of being comic book characters with tropes??? actually im not confused"
      I dont even watch sitcom or play new videogames and im done with this humour I dont understand how you morons eat this slop up on the regular from dozens of different sources

      • 12 months ago

        dude why do you keep bringing up Saints Row 3. It sounds like you have an issue with Saints Row 3 and not Spider-Verse LOL

      • 12 months ago

        It’s not really filler though, it’s a slight reference to the events in the first movie, it’s not like dimensional spider-people is new to her. Gwen wasn’t even that surprised by it in the first movie. Whether it’s funny is subjective I guess

        • 12 months ago

          the fact you dont feel insulted by the quirky sitcom meta humour is crazy
          and the fact you dont even realize that is a problem so you think my issue must be explained away with context

          • 12 months ago

            >the quirky sitcom meta humour is crazy
            What’s meta about it if it’s in universe

      • 12 months ago

        There are no Saints Row games after 2.
        Shame too, such a good series dying just when it became really good.

  3. 12 months ago

    Still miles better than your favourite Mario "movie"

    • 12 months ago

      sucks too
      why anytime someone talks shit about the gay movie you like you gotta fire back at some other garbage no one brought up before you

  4. 12 months ago

    Best Jokes In The Movie:

    "Spider-Man, why'd you create that guy?"

    *kid licking the subway window for 10 straight seconds*

    "I dont believe in consistency" from Spider-Punk

    "Actually, I think Spider-Man's Dominican"

    Spot talking about his holes also got a laugh out of me

  5. 12 months ago

    worst line is Gwen telling Jess to adopt her
    pure cringe

  6. 12 months ago

    You know what I find hilarious
    One of the problems with this kind of movie is that since it's written like some tumblr webcomic it validates people that make that shit cause now they have a reference for something "good" done with that style and tone, which means they can write some moronic webcomic full of "like" and "totally" and self-awareness and characters acting like Lego Batman and it makes them professional cause that's what's also in theatres
    But at the same time the funny part is so many of these morons can't even pull this humour off, like for some of them writing "You are from another dimension? actually that's not surprising to me" is some Quentin Tarantino skill that they will never reach

    • 12 months ago

      It's hilarious that this is complete cringe and shit writing everyone would be calling out as such if not for the art and diversity, for example Flash which is basically the same movie both plot wise, humor wise, characterization wise, acting wise etc except for the art and diversity and is getting HAMMERED (completely rightfully).

      • 12 months ago

        I heard Spiderverse is a meta commentary about canon and what is canon and whatever the frick
        which sounds like geek fandom mumbo jumbo
        The Flash though despite being a mediocre or below mediocre movie had actual decent meta commentary which was "look how many capeshit movies and alternative versions of capeshit we are creating, it's fricking up the meaning of fiction itself and we need to stop"
        it still was pretty forgettable but at least it was a movie about the abuse of capeshit and it kind of made sense cause you have this protagonist that's annoying and obnoxious that becomes aware of his mistakes and becomes more genuine which makes you think see he learned there's too much capeshit even he figured it out

        what's the meta commentary of spiderverse, "canon is like...totally relative? draw porn of your spidersona and it's canon"

      • 12 months ago

        >I love how/I like how
        >le based/cringe
        opinion discarded go back. oh wait

        • 12 months ago

          What the frick are you talking about schizo

    • 12 months ago

      >"You are from another dimension? actually that's not surprising to me"
      the way she says it (but I guess the way she talks the whole movie), if I hated myself I could create a one hour long compilation of videogame voice actors and shit that talk this way. It's not old school valley girl, it's a california accent learned from sitcom and tv and passed down to moron loser millennial women that work in offices and go to starbucks, I've seen many voice actresses that talk like this, or even vtubers. It's so annoying
      I've worked in customer service and saw all kinds of people, you can tell in a second what kind of people are twitter/tumblr types, you can clearly tell the difference between some random guy with a videogame shirt and a guy with shit like triforces and rick and morty that screams "im one of those morons on twitter"
      Or you can see many girls and go yeah these are pretty average normie tik tok girls but then you see a couple of fat hoes with colored hair and checkquered t-shirt and vans and clothes with mismatched colors and you go oh yeah these are the ones. And those are the types of people doing this type of talk and voice acting

      • 12 months ago

        >Upset about vocal inflection

        • 12 months ago

          if you don't get upset by constant uptalking your brain is fried, you lost your ability to even conceptualize autism in your head

          >No one EVER said "I'm glad spiderverse movies don't have the jokes like they did in the MCU"
          >have you even watched the first one?
          About that..

          is there even a single good song in the spiderverse movies? I listen to a lot of trap and black music and this shit is gay as hell
          the soundtrack is so gay if they added jack harlow and drake to it it would somehow become less gay

  7. 12 months ago

    Your post sounds like bait because you havent watched the movie at all. Thing is here

    • 12 months ago

      does the trash played out millennial self aware humour become funny when in context or is it still bad but the rest of the movie is still good so you ignore the bad parts? cause the movie would have to be 2001 a space odissey with this clip inserted in it to have enough good to make up for how much this clip sucks

      are we gonna pretend like spider-man 2099 and ben reilly aren't just lego batman?

      • 12 months ago

        >does the trash played out millennial self aware humour become funny when in context or is it still bad but the rest of the movie is still good so you ignore the bad parts
        You sound really butthurt for some reason over just one line that makes sense for Gwen’s character, relax

        • 12 months ago

          it doesn't make sense and it's not funny
          it's not a line that makes sense for a character
          it's a meta line
          it's literally a soft version of breaking the 4th wall and it's written in a way that knows you know its written
          there's no trying to make you think the movie is real
          this is deadpool scott pilgrim writing but worse

          and no im not butt hurt but I do want to kill everyone in the world that enjoy this shit

        • 12 months ago

          >that makes sense for Gwen’s character
          No it doesn't, it makes sense for a shitty Rick and Morty character, which is what Twitter wants Spider-Man to be for some reason

          • 12 months ago

            you DO know this Gwen has already experienced dimension travel stuff from the first movie, right? That is why she is not impressed when something like that happened again. It's literally what these movies are about

            • 12 months ago

              You DO know she can say that in a non-obnoxious non-Rick and Morty humor kind of way

            • 12 months ago

              so you still don't understand that it's not the context that's the problem but what she says

              you still think plot can explain why this doesn't suck lmao
              and as I said before you can't even tell there's a problem with the little gag, you think it's perfectly fine so we're having a problem with whatever plot hole you think we found.
              it's the gay ass delivery that we've seen a million times in videogames, movies, comics, tv shows, done better and done worse and it got boring years ago

  8. 12 months ago

    When I see Gwen, I don't simply want to frick her, as most here do. Rather, I want to wear her outfit and mince about with my wiener tucked, like a fricking troon

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm 99% sure OP is a spammer with an autistic hatred for the MCU, millennials, and the concept of humor


    • 12 months ago

      not me

      So you admit to being a brainlet who irrationally hates a movie he hasn't even seen? Your opinion and criticism means less than nothing.

      That's how I almost felt before watching this scene
      im not watchign this movie after watching this clip

      wow, from everything bad in this movie, you focused on one of the most harmless moments.
      Spiderman is all about making quips while you fight supervillains. No one EVER said "I'm glad spiderverse movies don't have the jokes like they did in the MCU"
      have you even watched the first one?

      Spider-Man joking has been turned into Spider-Man being Deadpool. He's literally in the scott pilgrim category now just cause he made a joke here and there in the original comics.
      Honestly and this is probably more true than I even realize, if I pressed a button that made it so Spider-Man could never ever make a single joke for the rest of history in all of his versions, not only would he not take that big of a hit but it would probably be the only way to save the character

  10. 12 months ago

    wow, from everything bad in this movie, you focused on one of the most harmless moments.
    Spiderman is all about making quips while you fight supervillains. No one EVER said "I'm glad spiderverse movies don't have the jokes like they did in the MCU"
    have you even watched the first one?

    • 12 months ago

      >No one EVER said "I'm glad spiderverse movies don't have the jokes like they did in the MCU"
      >have you even watched the first one?
      About that..

  11. 12 months ago

    So you admit to being a brainlet who irrationally hates a movie he hasn't even seen? Your opinion and criticism means less than nothing.

  12. 12 months ago

    No matter what Cinemaphile says about spiderverse, it'll always come crawling back like a fentanyl addict.

  13. 12 months ago

    pretty roundabout way of saying "I'm a transphobe"

  14. 12 months ago

    sometimes I think of stories that are meta but meant to attack meta fiction
    you know how all this self-aware ironic shit makes it so easy to criticize anything cause you can break the 4th wall, have characters talk about other media, have character talk about the story they're in etc, just like meta parodies so easily the straightforward stuff, it would be really easy to make meta stuff that criticizes meta
    but the idea of doing something meta in the first place seems too tiring with all the meta fatigue

    I think a story about everyone in the Batman franchise being aware of being in a comic and breaking the fourth wall where Harley Quinn or Batmite are the only ones that don't break the 4th wall and think everyone else is crazy and take the plot seriously would be funny

    • 12 months ago

      breaking the 4th wall would be like being an atheist that believes in science and that nothing matters and being the only characters that still care about the plot would be like being Christian
      You could also do the opposite cause obviously if you're a fictional character and you know you were created and that you live on outside of your story that could be a parallel to religion, but I think the self-awareness and meta shit is closer to atheist ideas like living in a virtual reality and caring about the plot of your story and believing in more stories after the end of your current story is more similar to Christianity cause it gives meaning to the world they live in and even if there is no awareness it gives more respect to the author

  15. 12 months ago

    I'm not a big fan of Gunn anymore but he knows how to do this humour way better

    I can watch this and think it's not my type of humour when she can't open the door and they start talking shit but it works and in the right situation could get a laugh out of me. Same with The Suicide Squad, I liked the movie overall, didn't enjoy the humour too much, but it worked so I wasn't too bothered and once in a while there was something funny that got me whether I liked it or not.
    Also I think this type of humour works when you write realistic characters cause when they're quirky or acting like idiots it looks like real people and when the humour gets taken slightly over the top it's something funny, but when the whole thing feels like a strip posted on twitter by some guy that makes porn, where characters just say whatever some moron thought was cool, I mean this is basically the level of writing you see in rule34 art with balloons

  16. 12 months ago

    The people who grew up on boarderlands dialogue are now writing our scripts.

    • 12 months ago

      Some people are figuring out what meta is now and probably want 5 more years of it (could end up being 10)

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