Daredevil Born Again

New logo, also trailer description:

>"They did a fantastic job of replicating the visual style of the Netflix show. It looks like it could be a season 4 in that regard. We get some dialogue about how people keep disappearing in New York and nobody seems to care, Matt talks about how the legal system is David vs Goliath. Matt seems to have a variety of costumes, or at least masks, in one shot. Frank doesn't seem to recognize Matt as he starts to attack him with a hatchet in a rage until Matt tells him who he is. There's a quick shot of White Tiger suiting up, the suit looks great. It was very much a tone piece. Only a quick glimpse of Foggy and Karen as well. All I can really say is - it felt right.”

>The [trailer] shows Matt Murdock donning the iconic Daredevil suit while narrating that the "Whole system is against you in New York." At the end of the trailer, following a brief action sequence, Murdock is asked "What kind of a lawyer are you?"
>"A really good one," he quips as he puts on a broken pair of his familiar glasses.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >call it born again
    >has nothing to do with born again
    Yep, typical MCU homosexualry. Frick this show.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The title is a holdover from the original version which they threw out after they'd shot something like 40% of it. They fired the writers and directors and started again as something more in line with the original Netflix series.

      It was kind of the breaking point for Feige's attempt to make TV the way he makes movies. Now he's being forced to hire showrunners and make pilots and all the other stuff he thought he was too big to need.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wasn't season 3 literally Born Again?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to sneak any footage or do we just have word of mouth to go off of

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's a lot of leaked footage from filming available in HD right now

      >Cameraman follows Charlie as he jumps from a building to tackle Bullseye

      • 2 weeks ago

        I've seen all that I'm just looking for footage of the trailer, but thanks anyway

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I hate to say it, but there's really no reason why Matt shouldn't be hitting up Spider-Man for an assist

    • 2 weeks ago

      how about a magic spell erasing every trace of spiderman from his mind

      • 2 weeks ago

        >no hyphen

      • 2 weeks ago

        The spell removed PETER PARKER from everyone's minds, moron. People still know Spider-Man. "Gee, here's a guy who might be able to help me. He's an Avenger, local, and seems to give a shit about the little guy, like me."

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I remember people saying Echo was similarly dark and violent, and few weeks later it was forgotten. I assume it'll be the same for this. MCU can't do dark and intense stories.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Echo was either rushed or severely edited to take out a bunch of stuff. It might have been planned to be way more gritty but it didn’t end up like that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Echo was either rushed or severely edited to take out a bunch of stuff. It might have been planned to be way more gritty but it didn’t end up like that.

      It was the other way around, Echo was originally planned to be like PG-13 but then they edited it to be "grittier" (i.e. more blood splatter during fight scenes) amd presumably that scene where Kingpin beats a guy to death onscreen was added after a reshoot at the last minute.

      Meanwhile Daredevil Born Again was completely overhauled in the middle of production, it went from being a more lighthearted "soft reboot" to just straight up becoming Daredevil Season 4. First episode apperently ends with Bullseye shooting up Josie's Bar and managing to kill Foggy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Echo was ruined by the magical injuns bullshit.
      If they kept it a gritty and violent martial arts series (and seriously improved on fight choreography, Jesus) maybe more people would like it.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I think Disney+ trying to recreate that Netflix style will also crash and burn. It’s like of HBO Max tried to copy the CW style for DC shows now. They were popular for the time in a very small timeframe and were the only capeshit available at the time. I too was excited about Daredevil S1 and Arrow S1 because if they made superhero series like this they’d be potentially great. But instead we get shit like Echo and Batwoman now so nope.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Batwoman was a CW show, moron.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I didn’t say it wasn’t moron.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Echo was like on par with the other Netflix Marvel shows that weren't Daredevil, maybe even slightly better because it was only 30 minutes long and 5 eps instead of 13 50 minute episodes. Daredevil was always a fluke.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Early Arrow was, first and foremost, a competent action series with great villains and decent fight scenes. It's still comfy to rewatch a random episode from season 1 or 2 (and 5. Prometheus is based) so it's not just because of the time period.
      Batwoman had none of that and was more interested in deepthroating lesbians.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Is there a chance they could bring back Wesley since it's a new continuity and all? He was the best bro.
    Thank you, Wesley.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Since it's a new continuity
      It's the same

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I saw a prop from some one I know that was a funeral card for ……….….Foggy
    No idea if this is from the scrapped stuff or if they’re still doing that plot line

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Can't wait for all the hilarious MCU one liners and zingers! Thanks, Joss Whedon!

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