DC Cosmic

Why hasn't Earth built up any kind of interstellar infrastructure? There's an alien invasion every other week, but humanity has no space industry at all.
>"muh world outside your window!"
Fricking stupid.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Big oil stonewalling it. Interstellar spaceships require massive, stable clean energy so it would put them in the ground.

    • 8 months ago

      >corpos actively stagnating humanity's development
      >none of the hundreds if not thousands of super vigilantes will do anything about it
      ... Y'know, I'm genuinely surprised the Legion of Super-Heroes isn't investigating this shit. Obviously they have a vested interest in Earth eventually venturing out and helping to form the United Planets.

  2. 8 months ago

    I guess it because the justice league does it for Earth already.

  3. 8 months ago

    This is the problem with DC, Marvel and any super hero setting. They confine them into being closer to our real-life world. Which is moronic.
    There were a ton of alien invasions. People at this point got a lot of alien junk if not alien tech in perfect condition including probable energy sources.
    With all the stupidly smart characters who specialize in tech they could easily reverse-engineer it for human use, release it to the public with all the info on how to manufacture the whole stuff and even invent a ton of other useful pieces of tech to supplement what they reverse-engineered. This way humanity would instantly transform into a interstellar civilization and in DC's case even go so far as create a federation by inviting the Martians and other species that live in the sol system. Hell, with this we could've gotten the Legion of Superheroes far earlier.

    • 8 months ago

      But that wouldn't be "relatable", and we can't have that. Better to throw all logic and narrative potential out the window and completely ignore that superheroes are supposed to be a form of speculative fiction so we can keep pushing the exact same kind of static setting readers got bored of decades ago.

      And yes, like you said, it's especially galling that no independent entities have started building up their own space tech for profit. Fricking nonsense.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine Star Labs creating their own space ship subsidiary that builds their own science ships for survey and research.
        Or LexCorp branching out into space mining, space logistics and anything terraforming-related. And in case of space mining it's literally a mountain of profit considering even the smaller asteroids have enough of resources to satiate Earth's needs for a century or two.

        • 8 months ago

          Or Carol Ferris using her connections to create a space branch of Ferris Air. Or J'on getting really tired of Mars being empty and just sharing his people's tech. Or Clark VERY carefully giving out bits of Kyrptonian knowledge to trustworthy parties who he will have a close eye on. Or Earth starting trade with Rann. Or Earth starting trade with Thanagar. Or hell, if you wanna get really crazy, buy some stuff from the Reach with the GLC as a mediator. It's utterly silly how many angles Earth could start exploring the stars.

          • 8 months ago

            Bottomless potential to have your fantasy run wild.
            Something we sadly never get...EVER.
            And that's just DC.
            Marvel feels as bad if not even worse at this.

            • 8 months ago

              Marvel might be worse because SWORD exists. You can at least bullshit that the Justice League is an independent group and thus have no obligation or inclination to share the Javelins and Watchtower, but SHIELD and its sub-branches are UN back organizations. How the frick isn't this tech everywhere? And don't even get me started on Stark and Richards. Tony is an alleged futurist capitalist businessman, and yet has not started developing commercial spacecraft? Bullshit. And hell, back in the day, they had to explain that Reed was actually getting paid by corpos to not release revolutionary tech that would utterly BTFO anything they could make. Our heroes, everyone.

              • 8 months ago

                Now that you mention it it's insane someone like Tony isn't pulling an Elon Musk or any of those businessmen with aspirations of commercial space craft dreams and instead build a space station with a set of space ships for trade, tourism and transportation.

                But that part with Reed is fricking bizarre. If I were Reed I'd go full frick corpos and instead carefully release said revolutionary tech little by little so not to create too much chaos. And the corporations? They better start to either adapt or diversify.

              • 8 months ago

                >Now that you mention it it's insane someone like Tony isn't pulling an Elon Musk or any of those businessmen with aspirations of commercial space craft dreams and instead build a space station with a set of space ships for trade, tourism and transportation.
                Right? He's an arrogant frick with a savior complex. It's borderline out of character that he hasn't done this.

                >But that part with Reed is fricking bizarre. If I were Reed I'd go full frick corpos and instead carefully release said revolutionary tech little by little so not to create too much chaos. And the corporations? They better start to either adapt or diversify.
                Also this. kinda nonsensical that he can just be paid off like that. Why the hell would he care?

              • 8 months ago

                Our heroes indeed.

                >Now that you mention it it's insane someone like Tony isn't pulling an Elon Musk or any of those businessmen with aspirations of commercial space craft dreams and instead build a space station with a set of space ships for trade, tourism and transportation.
                Iron Man: Fatal Frontier

                Humanity established a colony on the Moon to mine a new mineral they found there that worked as a clean energy source and Stark was the Sheriff

                And then Stark rendered it inert and humanity abandoned the colony

                That's even worse.

              • 8 months ago

                >Now that you mention it it's insane someone like Tony isn't pulling an Elon Musk or any of those businessmen with aspirations of commercial space craft dreams and instead build a space station with a set of space ships for trade, tourism and transportation.
                Iron Man: Fatal Frontier

                Humanity established a colony on the Moon to mine a new mineral they found there that worked as a clean energy source and Stark was the Sheriff

                And then Stark rendered it inert and humanity abandoned the colony

              • 8 months ago

                Wow. it's like they keep coming up with new ways to make Tony a c**t.

                The creators must be trekkies, lel

                I mean, it's not like that's uncommon, to be fair.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine Star Labs creating their own space ship subsidiary that builds their own science ships for survey and research.
        Or LexCorp branching out into space mining, space logistics and anything terraforming-related. And in case of space mining it's literally a mountain of profit considering even the smaller asteroids have enough of resources to satiate Earth's needs for a century or two.

        Hell. Imagine what Bruce Wayne could've done if Wayne Enterprises could get alien tech. Would see Bruce also hiring some of his more redeemable members of his rogue gallery to get into this kind of stuff. Maybe then Mr. Freeze would save his wife with crazy alien tech.

  4. 8 months ago

    The proper adult answer is that by introducing this future tech to the greater world you run the risk of going far too sci-fi which fricks with the lower tier characters and leads to the situation where stuff will become outdated faster and faster as tech evolves.

    If we want the more realistic answer we can go with: 1) Earth's various governments can barely cooperate in real life so what makes you think they'd be able to form a united space force any time soon, 2) the government/big industries/etc are actively stifling the widespread industrialization/development of this more advanced tech because of the short-term ramifications it would do to their business and profits (excluding groups run by supers who either: have no incentive to help the normals with their tech (Lexcorp) or are more comfortable with keeping it in Justice League control to ensure positive use (Kord Industries, TerrificCorp, etc), 3) Earth simply lacks the necessary resources/intelligence/etc to properly replicate or reproduce alien tech on a wide enough scale to simply steal it and reuse it all.

    • 8 months ago

      Marvel on the other hand has done many stories surmising this exact what if scenario and the reality of it is that the average Marvel character (super or not) is utterly deranged and amoral, and can't go a month without shooting themselves in the foot and destroying all their progress

    • 8 months ago

      No matter what the explanation, it's ultimately just really damn boring and makes for a less interesting setting.

  5. 8 months ago

    The creators must be trekkies, lel

  6. 8 months ago

    Manhunter girls are cute. CUTE!

    • 8 months ago

      They have girls now?
      Kind of an improvement.

  7. 8 months ago

    Timeline is reset every other year

    • 8 months ago

      That part doesn't help, no. Kinda hard for the setting to develop when they keep resetting everything all the damn time. Fricking sliding timescale.

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