D&D would have made her show her ass or breasts like Emilia in S1.

D&D would have made her show her ass or breasts like Emilia in S1. When are you going to apologize to David Benioff and Daniel Brett Weiss?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Is there hot scenes in this or no

    • 9 months ago

      No, there's more male nudity than female because this show is made by feminists. Don't listen to the shills.

      • 9 months ago

        anon said in a previous thread the monkey girl gets fingered. Does it at least have good dialog like s1 got?

        • 9 months ago

          No, you barely tell she gets fingered. You barely see any female nudity and the female nudity you do seem is the ugliest woman in the show. This was all done on purpose.

        • 9 months ago

          it's comfy. i'll be finishing s1 tonight and i've enjoyed it so far. it's kind of like earlier got but there are dragons, but not the epic bacon dragons like in the later seasons. dialog is good, plot is good but kind of confusing because there are very similar names. comfy.
          the biggest problem with the show by far is the Black folk though. it is so god damn jarring to see their dumbass white dreadlocks. one of them gets his head chopped in half which was pretty sweet.

    • 9 months ago

      It was late at night in castle Dragonstone. I was lurking in the shadows of a corridor outside the room of Rhaenyra Targaryen. In my pocket, a tube of superglue prepared by the maesters. My aim: to sneak into her chamber and superglue my penis on Rhaenyra's beautiful face. It was a simple task. Rhaenyra would never expect me. The rest of us were merely servants to her. She was queen, after all. We did not dare defy her. But I knew that she had no idea how crafty I could be when horny. I just needed to get close enough... to see if it worked.
      I waited for a minute or two, and watched for some guards to pass by. When none did, I crept forward. I felt cold sweat forming on my forehead. I felt the heat from my burning cheeks. What if Rhaenyra wasn’t in bed?
      I reached her door and slowly opened it. Inside was nothing but darkness. I stepped inside. There were candles, though, sitting on tables near the wall. I took them down, lighting each one until the room was filled with light. Then I approached Rhaenyra’s bed.
      She lay there peacefully sleeping. The sheet was pulled up to her waist. Her white shimmering hair was spread out around her pillow. I didn’t notice at first, since I was staring so long at her body. But she was wearing nothing under the sheets. I noticed now, though. Even with her arms wrapped around herself, and only her bare feet peeking out from between the sheets, I was able to see every detail. Her legs, her thighs, her chest... her nipples... they were pointed and puffy. I wondered if they were sensitive. I imagined rubbing my hand against them until they hardened and turned into buds. Then I would suck on them... but then I remembered my mission and pulled the tube of glue from the pocket of my coat. Carefully, I held it up in front of my face and squeezed the end, making sure not to drop any onto the floor. Once I was ready, I raised the bottle over Rhaenyra's head and began to pour the liquid over her face.

      • 9 months ago

        Rhaenyra didn't even stir as I poured. I kept pouring. And finally, the entire bottle was used up.
        I dropped the empty bottle aside and quickly pulled my dick out of my pants. It was hard and full like a wiener in winter. I pressed it on her cheek and held it still, waiting for the glue to harden and fix my hard wiener on her beautiful face forever. I was breathing heavily. I couldn’t believe what I had done. She’d be so mad when she woke up. And I would die for sure. I was sure. But it was worth it. My penis stuck on her soft skin, held in place by the maesters' strongest glue. I was so happy. Rhaenyra didn’t know how lucky she was. She deserved this. She should wake up to this wonderful sight every morning.
        Every morning before breakfast, she should wake up to this glorious erection in the middle of her face. She should feel it pressing against her cheecks, her lips, she should feel it growing. And once the hardness had hardened enough, she should rub her eyes to try and make it go away and then wake up to this perfect surprise. She should feel it in her mouth, tasting of glue and precum, her eyes opening to its glory. As I was caught in this reverie, Rhaenyra woke up. "What... what are you doing here?", she murmured.
        The words came out of her mouth slowly, as though she was half asleep, barely awake. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She looked cute, disheveled, with sleep mussed hair, a sleepy face. "Why are you in my chambers?". Her hands instinctively brushed over her cheeks, and I watched her eyes turn from surprise to terror as she felt my hard dick glued to her face. Then suddenly, she started struggling, trying to pull my wiener off of her. "Let me go, you bastard!" But it was hopeless- the glue was too strong, it was impossible to remove my dick from her face without tearing both of our skin.

        • 9 months ago

          Her screams echoed throughout the corridors. "Help! Someone come! Let me go!" Her cries rang through the halls of Dragonstone Castle. The servants ran into the room to save their future Queen from the monster's perversion. I grinned as I watched them crowd around her and gently tug her hands off her face. “Stop! You'll ruin your beauty.” They said in unison. "Your Majesty, please do calm down." "Rhaenyra, I am so sorry...". They spoke soothingly. Then she looked right at me and let out a scream. "YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! Why is your wiener on my face?!" she cried. I felt her hot breath on my shaft. I smiled. It had been easy. The sticky glue was holding fast enough. I could hear them speaking to each other, trying to calm the enraged woman down. They must have realized that the glue wasn't going anywhere, and that the best course of action would be to keep her calm. Finally, some servants came running with lukewarm water to slowly dissolve the glue. In order to unglue my dick, they had to simultaneously pour it while gently and slowly moving my penis back and forth. This is what I had hoped for. Her servants had to rub my dick on her face if they wanted to save her. Slowly I was being edged all over Rhaenyra's gorgeous face by several skillful servant hands as she stared up at me with horror and disgust. The glue held well despite their struggle and I continued to slide my wiener across her face, getting closer and closer to climax. "You're making it worse. Stop!" she screeched. But it was too late. I was coming. Hard, thick, pulsating semen shot out of me and splattered onto her face.

          • 9 months ago

            The servants froze in horror. Their efforts had failed. Once they regained composure, they brought towel after towel to clean the mess off her face but the tidal wave of cum would not stop washing over Rhaenyra's face. Some of it got in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but more kept flowing in. I saw her swallow. I was watching everything with satisfaction and excitement. I had made it. The warm river of cum finally dissolved the glue and my penis came unstuck and slipped off her face. Rhaenyra fell to the ground and vomited up whatever she had ingested earlier in the day. I stood up with great satisfaction. All the servants were looking at me with fear. I nodded slightly in their direction. I didn't need to tell them anything. They understood immediately. They were about to leave the room when Rhaenyra grabbed my leg and pulled me close to her, wrapping her arms around me. She whispered in my ear. "Thank you.

  2. 9 months ago

    Alright: You can have a full frontal sex scene of Milly, however the nude scenes of emilia clarke, missandei, and badpoosy will be wiped from existence. You will know that they appeared nude in an alternate timeline but you will have no recollection of it.

    Do you take this deal?

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, you can only choose one
      [ ] Unsimulated footjob scene with Alicent
      [ ] Full frontal softcore nude scene with Rhaenyra
      [ ] Original nude scenes of Dany, Missandei, and sandsnake

    • 9 months ago

      Bad Poosay was a bad scene.

    • 9 months ago
  3. 9 months ago

    You literally see half of Matt Smiths dick and Tom Glynn Carney's butthole (also Ty Tennant's ass while he's jerking off) in this but you see none of Milly Alwiener, Emily Carey, Emma Darcy, or Olivia Cook's butt, breasts or vagene. They did this on purpose to lecture you about the male gaze or whatever.

    • 9 months ago

      what women don't get is that all women are bi HOARS who get horny looking at breasts while most men don't wanna see a plumpy delicious wiener.

  4. 9 months ago

    this show brought more unbalanced women to this board than any other, fortunately they all got jobs and took responsibility for their lives since then

  5. 9 months ago

    their ridiculous violence against women and forced nudity broke the final straw and no qt will ever get naked ever again. Those fricking clowns ruined everything. Frick them.

    • 9 months ago

      >D&D ruined it
      >Not Miguel Sputnik's witch wife having conniptions and forcing the show to only have male nudity
      OK roastie

    • 9 months ago

      Women not only deserve but need to be beaten you mong

    • 9 months ago

      >ridiculous violence against women
      Ah yes, in the same show where a dude gets tortured and his dick cut off. Another dude gets his nipple cut off (on screen). Another guy gets his hand cut off (on screen). Midge gets hacked in the face and has a huge scar for the rest of the show. Various men get stabbed, beaten, burned, and beheaded regularly. The part where Brienne gets part of her face bitten off was cut. The part where Lady Hornwood eats her own fingers off got cut. The part where Jeyne Poole got raped by dogs was cut. But OH MY SCIENCE, Sansa had offscreen clothed forced doggystyle with her explicitly evil husband on her wedding that she agreed to marry of her own volition.

  6. 9 months ago

    Has nothing to do with DD and everything to do with the culture war, #metoo, and writer room diversity quotas. DD couldn't do shit today either

  7. 9 months ago

    She wanted to go nude too. Probably knowing that being replaced by another actress was career suicide, she needed to make a huge debut.

    I mean for fricks sake, am I the only one who sees she looks like an imitation Emilia Clarke? Not a bad thing. But she probably expected her career to blow up like EK'd did.

    Probably explains why she's given up acting and getting tattoos all over her body at an alarming rate.

    • 9 months ago

      She looks like she has ghost nips

    • 9 months ago

      >Probably explains why she's given up acting and getting tattoos all over her body at an alarming rate.
      was the show canceled?

      • 9 months ago

        have you watched the show?

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >She wanted to go nude

      • 9 months ago

        me she's my gf

        • 9 months ago

          then why is she pissing in my mouth as we speak?

          • 9 months ago

            I am what's known as a cuckold

    • 9 months ago

      >But she probably expected her career to blow up like EK'd did.


      Emilia’s post-GOT career nose dived into nothingness, kid.

  8. 9 months ago

    Do you think "male gaze is evil"/Female gaze empowering era of movies is just phase or is this how things are gonna be in the foreseeable future.

    • 9 months ago

      MeToo and Obama's "dear colleague" letter gave hags carte blanche to take over every institution. They are deeply
      embedded in the halls of power now. Look at Kathleen Kennedy. No one can get rid of her. They will give up their seats over their dead bodies. We are living in hag world and there's nothing hags hate more than pretty young women taking their clothes off.

  9. 9 months ago


  10. 9 months ago


    Dude, she fricking LOVES it. Crying because she's never cum before. GOT is truly kino.

    • 9 months ago
  11. 9 months ago
  12. 9 months ago

    HOT MESS traded hot naked white girls for tons of Blacks, mutts and race-mixing.

    That’s what you call being woke, kids.

  13. 9 months ago


    reminder, Jason was wearing a pink fluffy sock on his dick for this scene
    >Emilia Clarke in one of the episodes of the famous Graham Norton Show, shared that her co-star Jason Momoa took it upon himself to lighten up the mood on the set before their rape scene. She revealed on the show, “There was the lovely, uh, the lovely rape scene…so obviously, there’s nudity and you kind of have to try to lighten the mood. So he decided to not use a modesty sock but use a beautiful pink, fluffy sock.”
    >The Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke further added, “So getting that close-up from me looking petrified, just like ‘I didn’t want it to happen’ [drew] lots of laughter—’It’s huge and it’s big and I don’t know what to do!'”
    >Jason Momoa, too, addressed the mentioned situation in one of his interviews. Talking to E! News, he shared, “She was like, ‘Jason has a fluffy pink thing on his penis. And they were like, “Momoa, we need to get this shot! We have to go!’ And I was like, ‘I’m the only f–ker in here naked! I don’t see anything more appropriate than me having a good time. I mean, this is awkward. Just let me make her laugh and I’ll try to get through this.'”

  14. 9 months ago

    Honestly, I don't care about the politics. I only care about the writing and production value. The costumes look decent and the writing ain't bad. Both of those things were dumpster tier Season 5 and onward in GOT.

  15. 9 months ago

    DND only got away with that cause S1 GoT was literally who tier. Once it got big, all the main actresses started covering up coincidentally

    • 9 months ago

      Emilia showed breasts in S6
      Missandei in s7
      Cersei in s7

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