>"Dear slim i wrote you but you still aint callin"

>"Dear slim i wrote you but you still aint callin"

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Star wars lore gets really weird prior to the brain chip retcon, where it implied originally that the clones were fully aware of their actions and betrayed the jedi anyways

      • 4 months ago

        It was only really an issue because they humanized the clones so much and showed them having outright personal friendships with the Jedi.
        Which I don't think was a bad idea, mind you. It's a more interesting take on them and highlights the whole ethical issue of literally breeding millions of people for the sole purpose of sending them to die in war, because they actually ACT like people and not just biological droids. Though at the same time I feel like the brain chip was kind of a cop-out.
        What would have been better is if most of the rank-and-file clones who never worked directly with the Jedi obeyed Order 66, but the commanders and troopers who worked closely with the Jedi throughout the Clone Wars die at the hands of their brothers after refusing to betray their generals. Of course, that contradicts what's shown in Revenge of the Sith, so by the time they came up with the brain chip idea it was already too late to go in that direction.

      • 4 months ago

        Huh? That's the whole point dude, the Clone Army was an elaborate trap to lure the Jedi into a false sense of security. The brain chip retcon ruins that.

        • 4 months ago

          > The brain chip retcon ruins that
          How so? They were still lulled into a false sense of security its just that with the brain chip retcon it explains why the clones did what they did. I like clones with three dimensional personalities honestly so it was always weird to me why they would betray the jedi at all unless they knew all about the kekaku before hand, which i assumed the original canon implied before the brain chip retcon

          • 4 months ago

            You remember when the Jedi would say "I sense a disturbance in the force"

            where was that during all of order 66?

            • 4 months ago

              Did yoda feel all those jedi dying at once?

            • 4 months ago

              Yoda at least does sense what's going on, that's pretty clear from the scene in episode 3. It's why when the clones pull their guns he's immediately ready to attack instead of going "huh? what? huh?" like every other Jedi

            • 4 months ago

              Yoda almost collapsed when he felt all the jedi dying

          • 4 months ago

            Order 66 was just another contingency plan. The clones didn't know it was the plan all along, it was just one of a long, long list of potential orders. Not sure if this has been retconned since the Disney buyout, but for example Order 65 orders the clones to remove the Chancellor.

            Star wars lore gets really weird prior to the brain chip retcon, where it implied originally that the clones were fully aware of their actions and betrayed the jedi anyways

            I think the brain chip retcon is the thing that makes it weird. The whole point of the clones, and what made them such a good trap for the Jedi, is that they looked and acted human, but were still brainwashed and essentially no more than droids if you gave the right order. I guess having it be a literal chip in their brains that makes them act serves the same purpose, although it opens up like a million different ways the plan could have gone wrong. What if the Jedi found the chip?

            • 4 months ago

              Wasnt the whole point in that one TCW episode is that sheev and dooku were freaking the frick out when that one clone had a defective chip that activated prematurely precisely because they were afraid of the jedi finding out about order 66?

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah that's actually what I was thinking of. There are so many other ways the Jedi could have found the chip before that point. Clones were constantly getting blasted to bits in front of them, and plenty of Jedi were the compassionate type who might have been willing to order some medic to try to treat a clone with a huge head wound, revealing the chip.

              • 4 months ago

                Wasnt another point of it that the chip was kind of hard to see originally? To the point that they thought it was just normal brain matter at first?

              • 4 months ago

                Maybe, but isn't the whole point of the Jedi that they're supposed to be supernaturally good at spotting shit and in tune with the life energy of organic matter or whatever? You'd think that a jedi as powerful as Anakin, Yoda, Obi-Wan, etc. would have noticed "huh there's this weird spot in the clones' brains where there's just nothing, and nobody ever said anything about an implant, wonder what's going on there"

              • 4 months ago

                Wasnt another point of it that the chip was kind of hard to see originally? To the point that they thought it was just normal brain matter at first?

                it's fricking Star Wars do they not have like sci fi bullshit chips in the brain for other reasons anyway. "Oh don't worry it helps them aim better"

              • 4 months ago

                Surprisingly, not really. There are plenty of individual characters with cybernetics, but when you compare it to sci-fi in general I think Star Wars is actually on the low end of the "everyone's got metal shit in them" scale.

        • 4 months ago

          >a false sense of security
          Which is stupid because the Jedi literally knew the clone template, Jango Fett, was in cahoots with Dooku.

      • 4 months ago

        Not a star wars fan but I always liked the droids design
        Did they ever do something cool with one? I mean Jedis destroy them in massive numbers, it would be cool if for some fricking reason one of them was competent enough to fight back

        • 4 months ago

          unfortunately, not really. i loved the battle droids in episode 1 when i was a kid, but they turn them into a stupid joke in episode 3 (continued in TCW) by turning them into vehicles for slapstick comedy with helium voices. episode 3 even gave the super battledroids moron voices

        • 4 months ago

          They had like droid characters like RO-GR

      • 4 months ago

        Making the Clones the "good guys" was always a moronic narrative choice.

        • 4 months ago

          Timothy Zahn and all the other EU writers assumed the Clone Wars was some enemy attacking the Republic with clones. George Lucas kind of forgot the point of his prequels by making the clones on the Republic's side. Really the Seperatists should have attacked the Republic using alien clones, some big surprise Pearl Habour attack, and Palpatine uses this to gain power and then centralise the different Republic forces into a group he controls who swear allegiance to him. Alien clones would explain why the new military would be human centric. Having a proxy fight between two disposable forces doesn't explain why anyone would later support the Empire tbh. But a brutal surprise attack and war? People dying? Actual stakes? I know people also love Order 66 and stuff, but the conditioning and later biochip retcon is eh. Honestly the first two movies should have been the Clone Wars with the third being about the Empire and Inquisition. And the Inquisition should have been drawn out and involved the fanatics and true believers forged by Palpatine during the war hunting down the Jedi. And the sad thing is these ideas would have been easy to do and would be massively in keeping to the central point about the prequels (Republic falls, Empire rises, Anakin falls). The movies do a really bad job explaining why anyone would truly fall in line for the Empire. Side note, I also find it funny how post AOTC a lot of people were like "So Stormtroopers are clones and that explains the line about Luke being too short" but then we get the whole conscript thing. And the conscript thing in Bad Batch has been one elongated joke about "Stormtroopers are bad soldiers" even though that is a misunderstanding of ANH because they purposefully let them escape the Death Star to track them.

          • 4 months ago

            >And the Inquisition should have been drawn out
            I was with you up until this point. The Jedi have to be wiped out virtually overnight, it's the only way for the narrative to make even the slightest bit of sense.

          • 4 months ago

            >Alien clones would explain why the new military would be human centric
            The prequels actually already explain that, the Separatists are led by aliens. In the ROTS novelization, Dooku, who's an anti-alien racist himself (despite being trained by Yoda), says that this was the entire point

            • 4 months ago

              >despite being trained by Yoda
              Now I'm imagining Yoda on Dooku back while he runs.

              • 4 months ago

                It's kind of interesting. Yoda trained Dooku, who trained Qui-Gon, who trained Obi-Wan. So Dooku sees Obi-Wan almost like a grandson, it's why he tries so hard to convince him to join up despite Obi-Wan being the ultimate goody two shoes jedi.

            • 4 months ago

              The problem with the prequels is that it really started to do a lot of tell don't show, when really you needed a show don't tell ethos. No where in the prequel movies does it really show or explain this, heck you even mentioned the novelisation. You could easily have had these themes in the films without taking away much screentime. Show us how the Republic and its citizens are falling alongside how Anakin is falling. Show us how they got manipulated. And granted not everything is explained in the OT, stuff happens between movies, but the prequels was meant to be about how we got the Empire. These films are about the rise of the Empire and honestly don't do enough to explain it. Why are people in the Senate cheering for Palpatine's declaration of an Empire when the war had ended? The prequels really hadn't done enough to show this. Heck, most of the war was in the Outer/Mid Rim and the Republic pretty much attacked first on Geonosis.

              >And the Inquisition should have been drawn out
              I was with you up until this point. The Jedi have to be wiped out virtually overnight, it's the only way for the narrative to make even the slightest bit of sense.

              Obi Wan talks about them hunting down the Jedi in ANH in a way that doesn't neccessarily suggest a single slaughter. Lucas got the concept of the Jedi wrong in the prequels. They should be wandering warrior monks but in the prequels they are bureuacrats at the heart of the Republic. For me the war should have ultimately been Palpatine's way of drawing the Jedi completely out and creating them as scapegoats to unleash his wave of terror upon them. (Honestly the main Jedi Temple should have been one some calm backwater.) What is better, a singular scene in which a slaughter takes place because of conditioning (or bio chips) or a wave of fanatics made true belivers by the fires of war being unleashed on the drawn out Jedi who only seeked to achieve peace? You can still have some scenes of slaughter, temples and waypoints burnt down. But it doesn't all have to be overnight. Jedi being wanderers in general would better explain them as having an air of mystery too rather than being centralised in the Republic.

              • 4 months ago

                I think the Jedi being centralized actually explains why they were forgotten so quickly. Han is a traveler from Corellia, in the mid rim, and he thinks the Jedi and their powers were an exaggerated hoax. I think that only really works if the Jedi were an order which had traditionally been confined to Coruscant, doing practically nothing in the 1000 years between the last war against the Sith and the Clone Wars.

                >What is better, a singular scene in which a slaughter takes place because of conditioning (or bio chips) or a wave of fanatics made true belivers by the fires of war being unleashed on the drawn out Jedi who only seeked to achieve peace?
                A singular scene. Order 66 is literally what half of Star Wars runs on these days.

              • 4 months ago

                >I think the Jedi being centralized actually explains why they were forgotten so quickly.
                The opposite should be true. They were literally all around:
                >Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic.
                >All the apparatus of power, including Senators from all worlds and the Chancellor.
                >Generals in the Clone Wars.
                >They scarred the Chancellor who then became Emperor.
                Like people around the literal apparatus of power in the whole Galaxy aren't to be forgotten? Maybe you can hand wave it away with "Empire Propaganda" or something.

                >Corellia, in the mid rim
                >Corellia was a planet located in the galaxy's Core Worlds
                A better excuse would be the fact that Han was a nobody urchin I guess. (Although the old EU had him in the Imperial Academy proper.)

                >I think that only really works if the Jedi were an order which had traditionally been confined to Coruscant, doing practically nothing in the 1000 years between the last war against the Sith and the Clone Wars.
                This is a really weird take tbh and I don't agree at all. The whole stagnant Jedi thing is something I have always found rather boring that adds nothing to the prequels. All I am saying is the Jedi being wanderers in general, who carry that air of mystery really plays to their strengths. I mean Hidden Fortress was a big influence on the original SW. Warrior monks Akira Kurasawa style Jedi in the prequels would have been great. I've never been a fan of the whole "Jedi were stagnant" and Dooku ranting about Yoda not stopping slavery etc in one of those EU novels. For me the Jedi should have been generally small in number who travel around helping people as the will of the force. But the war is something that disrupts that completely.

                >Order 66 is literally what half of Star Wars runs on these days.
                Yeah unfortunately SW is stuck banking on the same pool of ideas which in turn is what degenerates it as a copy of a copy of a copy. I mean frick, they constantly reuse old stuff.

              • 4 months ago

                Mandalorian season 1 is proof star wars can be fun. I think a loose narrative, and practical effects is all you really need. Hell Just mando as a character with a bucket on his head is enough yo just see him go on different missions is enough.

                But I swear, noone can have shit these days, the minute they see you having fun they just start injecting shit into your shows. Until you don't even know what the frick you're watching anymore.

              • 4 months ago

                >Mandalorian season 1 is proof star wars can be fun.
                Anon, I hate to tell you this, but the game was rigged from the start. Disney, like many other companies, just wants copies of the MCU, but they don't understand what made it successful (they've literally forgot how to do it too). All this time they have been trying to make SW into the MCU.
                >with a bucket on his head
                Mandalorian was created by Jon Favereau who also directed the first MCU movie, Iron Man, who also had a bucket on his head. The whole point of the Mandalorian was set up for content. They ease you into it. Gave you a false sense of security. All the spin off Star Wars story movies that were cancelled post Solo all got spun back into Disney+ shows (Boba Fett & Obi Wan). Mando is now literally building to an Heir to the Emperor pastiche and an attempt to recontextualise the sequels. They didn't inject shit into your shows, they wanted to build another SW MCU attempt.

              • 4 months ago

                >SW MCU attempt.
                We literally have What If Star Wars coming.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                So glad lizzoe career is in the dirt now

              • 4 months ago

                i genuinely don't even know who she was until she got cancelled.

              • 4 months ago

                >art of the empire strikes back
                >copy paste of the mandalorian season 2

    • 4 months ago

      Star wars lore gets really weird prior to the brain chip retcon, where it implied originally that the clones were fully aware of their actions and betrayed the jedi anyways

      >All the proto-stormtroopers were clones of Boba Fett's dad
      How tf is THIS not shallow OT fanboy pandering?

      • 4 months ago

        It is but they managed to make the clones endearing enough to overlook it, also in a sense it sort of undercuts Boba since he's ultimately just a clone too. Basically Clone Wars had the fortune of having years to turn the ship around and y'know doing it. You forget how much ill will it had to power through before people decided the cgi show was actually pretty good. Like if you told me 14 years ago people would say Ashoka would be regarded as anything but a cheap mary sue meant to pander to little girls, I'd call you a Black person homosexual. Which was the style at the time

        It was only really an issue because they humanized the clones so much and showed them having outright personal friendships with the Jedi.
        Which I don't think was a bad idea, mind you. It's a more interesting take on them and highlights the whole ethical issue of literally breeding millions of people for the sole purpose of sending them to die in war, because they actually ACT like people and not just biological droids. Though at the same time I feel like the brain chip was kind of a cop-out.
        What would have been better is if most of the rank-and-file clones who never worked directly with the Jedi obeyed Order 66, but the commanders and troopers who worked closely with the Jedi throughout the Clone Wars die at the hands of their brothers after refusing to betray their generals. Of course, that contradicts what's shown in Revenge of the Sith, so by the time they came up with the brain chip idea it was already too late to go in that direction.

        > The brain chip retcon ruins that
        How so? They were still lulled into a false sense of security its just that with the brain chip retcon it explains why the clones did what they did. I like clones with three dimensional personalities honestly so it was always weird to me why they would betray the jedi at all unless they knew all about the kekaku before hand, which i assumed the original canon implied before the brain chip retcon

        It sort of takes away the weight of the situation. Like the quote where the troopers feeling guilt when Aayla Secura praises them knowing full well their ultimate duty is to shoot her in the back doesn't hit with the retcon that none of them know and there's a chip that'll flip them into kill mode.

        • 4 months ago

          >Basically Clone Wars had the fortune of having years to turn the ship around and y'know doing it.
          It also had the knock-on effect of sort of saving Hayden Christensen's image with Star Wars fans, which I always thought was hilarious because he had nothing to do with the show. Zoomers who grew up with the Clone Wars CGI show got to see Anakin actually being a good person who occasionally had flashes of anger/darkness. All millennials have is "and he was a good friend" memes and memories of Anakin being an insufferable, whiny little shit in Attack of the Clones and then a psychopath in Revenge of the Sith.

          • 4 months ago

            > then a psychopath in Revenge of the Sith.
            That was when anakin was at his most enjoyable imo

            • 4 months ago

              People why like Rey

            • 4 months ago

              All I'm saying is that Anakin was WAY too eager to murder children in exchange for a vague promise of "yeah, idk, maybe we can save Padme's life if we figure it out together" from Palpatine

              • 4 months ago

                I wish i could find that clip of these guys in a bar watching ROTS and cheering on anakin during that scene shouting "KILL THOSE KIDS"

              • 4 months ago

                He threw Jules out a window, he was a couple pounds worth of pennies into it by then.

              • 4 months ago

                Could have always just lied to Palpatine
                >"You want me to go attack the Jedi Temple? Yeah sure no problem boss"
                >Leaves building
                >Hops on comlink or whatever the Jedi use for mass communication
                >"Heads up guys, Palpatine's a Sith and the clones are about to turn on you"
                Then just pick up Padme and leave the planet, ez

                I understand the clones all ending up with the same physical build but I don't like the idea that it's all the same person. It would be like when people clone their pets, it will look like them but they could develop wildly different personalities, it wouldn't just be boba's paw x 1,000,000,000

                >it will look like them but they could develop wildly different personalities
                Isn't that exactly what happens with the clones, though? They all have their own quirks and personality traits despite being genetically identical and raised in the same environment, just like twins do IRL

              • 4 months ago

                i havent watched star wars
                palpatine was a notable bad guy from that franchise right

        • 4 months ago

          >Like the quote where the troopers feeling guilt when Aayla Secura praises them knowing full well their ultimate duty is to shoot her in the back
          Disney actually updated the quote to fit the new retcon
          >I'm glad we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye, because we were all staring at her breasts. Those massive blue things just bouncing around on the battlefield, it was ridiculous. Only thing that got me through those terrifying nights in the jungles of Felucia. I tried going to a Twi'lek strip club here on Coruscant and asking one of the women to dress up as Aayla Secura, but she just couldn't get the costume right

          • 4 months ago

            Skinner as a clone having clone wars flashbacks would be a kino simpsons crossover short

          • 4 months ago

            >Twi'lek strip club

            • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago
            • 4 months ago

              One of the funniest consistent bits of Star Wars lore is that no matter the era or adaptation, Twi'leks are ALWAYS strippers.

  2. 4 months ago

    Well for what's it's worth, OP, I didn't INTEND to hijack your thread with clone mind control arguments

    • 4 months ago

      Dont worry i love star wars anyways so this is still a good thread

  3. 4 months ago

    >"You think that's bad? Remember that time I drank a fifth of vodka and was dared to drive?"

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >hey, Slim, that's my wife screamin in the trunk

        • 4 months ago

          My tea all cold I'm wondering why

  4. 4 months ago

    Slim Shady?

  5. 4 months ago

    I understand the clones all ending up with the same physical build but I don't like the idea that it's all the same person. It would be like when people clone their pets, it will look like them but they could develop wildly different personalities, it wouldn't just be boba's paw x 1,000,000,000

    • 4 months ago

      > It would be like when people clone their pets, it will look like them but they could develop wildly different personalities
      Did you not watch TCW? Clones have varied personalities in that

      • 4 months ago

        Nobody watched TCW, everyone just saw some clip compilations on youtube with titles like "Anakin Darth Vader foreshadowing" or "Obi-Wan being snarky for 5 minutes straight"

  6. 4 months ago

    A thread like this becoming a serious star wars discussion is funny af

  7. 4 months ago

    Did anyone kinda find the concept of eminem writing a song about a guy so obsessed with him he kills himself because he doesn't get a response a bit self centered? Especially the part where he makes sure he does write the fan in the end

    • 4 months ago

      Obsessive fans exist. Just look at Star Wars fans.

      • 4 months ago

        >"Dear George I wrote you but you still aint callin"

      • 4 months ago

        Did I say that they don't?

    • 4 months ago

      You want to gear something stupid? For whatever reason, as I kid I 100% believe this song eas real. I think I convinced myself this guy existed mailed a taoe a and the radio played it. What really haunted me is believing this person recorded himself dying and the radio just kept playing it over and over.

  8. 4 months ago
  9. 4 months ago

    Wtf i just listened that first time after 15 years. Are you in my head?

    • 4 months ago

      I listen to that song alot lately. Its cathartic in a way

  10. 4 months ago

    who slim

    • 4 months ago

      what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?

      • 4 months ago

        Why? So you guys could lie just to get me here?

  11. 4 months ago

    Grogu drip

  12. 4 months ago

    why do family guy cutaway gags make me laugh? everyone online apparently hate them, but i love them and family guy honestly is the king of cutaway gags imo. i know, i know "they have nothing to do with the plot" but who is watching family guy for the plot? honestly? We're watching for the funny jokes and scenarios, and when family guy does focus on plot and character development (like those brian & stewie episodes) it is great.

  13. 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    >Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri!

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