Describe her without saying his appearence, his profession and role in the movie

Describe her without saying his appearence, his profession and role in the movie

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  1. 2 years ago

    Boring, sedative, emotionless, robotic, soulless, passionless.

  2. 2 years ago

    an Angel

  3. 2 years ago

    I want sex

  4. 2 years ago

    >describe her without saying his appearence, his profession
    ESL moment

  5. 2 years ago

    cute and funny

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Kind, naive, repressed, curious. She’s seen the world from a high window her whole life but has never really lived in it
    Frick off rlmgay

    • 2 years ago

      you’re not allowed to have a better answer than me! it’s supposed to be an impossible question!!!

      • 2 years ago

        It’s a bad movie because it doesn’t have a single main character!!! The bet with Watto breaks the movie because I played meme music over it - IT JUST DOES, OK?!?!

        • 2 years ago

          >it just does

          • 2 years ago

            Hi Mike

        • 2 years ago

          I don't get it.

    • 2 years ago

      you’re not allowed to have a better answer than me! it’s supposed to be an impossible question!!!

      Literally nothing in the movie makes her come off as any of those things except kind. And even then she doesn't really have enough screen time to figure out if she actually cares about her people or just doesn't want to lose her planet to space israelites. I mean really, naive? She's the only person in the entire movie to do something smart: use a body double and hang out with the jedi master on the hell world rather than sit around in a chrome coffin. Not that the movie actually acknowledges this.

      • 2 years ago

        Naive - she thinks she can get rid of the Trade Federation without fighting them (“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war”) and falls for Senator Powerhungry’s scheme hook line and sinker. Hmm, the Supreme Chancellor who sent these Jedi who saved my life and is consulting with them is taking too long? Better bump him off so the dude who’s almost drooling over power can get in!
        Repressed - she’s under layers of makeup and poofy clothes and talks like a robot but her performance warms up over the film as she learns confidence
        Curious - why do you think she wanted to explore Tatooine? Most of the exposition about Anakin’s life comes from her asking Shmi, too
        High window - visual language of her looking out a massive window while caked under her getup and crumpling from it?
        Han never seduces a woman onscreen who isn’t Leia but we can still call him a womanizer by his demeanor; similarly so for Padmé
        Watch the movie again, it’s a good time

        • 2 years ago

          >Naive - she thinks she can get rid of the Trade Federation without fighting them (“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war”)
          She knew that her people would lose the war. It wasn't naive, it was basic common sense: her people didn't have an army, just a basic security force. I guess you could argue that there's naivete in going without a military in the expectation that the republic to intervene more urgently in a situation like this, but she's literally 14, it wasn't really her call to not have a military.
          >falls for Senator Powerhungry’s scheme
          That's also not naive, it's common sense. Valorum was an impotent moron who refused to defend a constituent planet against a literal invasion, he deserved to be ousted.
          >Repressed - she’s under layers of makeup and poofy clothes and talks like a robot but her performance warms up over the film as she learns confidence
          She wasn't lacking confidence while in her gettup, she was just speaking formally while in a formal context. You'll note she went back to that demeanor upon returning to Naboo.
          >why do you think she wanted to explore Tatooine?
          I don't know. The movie never addresses it. Could have made for a good scene I guess.
          >High window - visual language of her looking out a massive window while caked under her getup and crumpling from it?
          Except she is very sociable with everyone, including those lacking decorum or manners, and seems completely empathetic to, unsurprised about, and unbothered by the struggles of common people. Maybe there could have been a thing where like, Jar Jar wasn't a literal moron but just kind of crass, and he hits it off immediately with Anakin, and initially the two of them put Padme off, but eventually he starts to win her over with his skills and bravery, leading her to reconsider her method of judging people. Oh but that's in an actually good version of this movie where Padme is a character and Anakin isn't fricking 9.

          • 2 years ago

            >seems completely empathetic to, unsurprised about, and unbothered by the struggles of common people

            • 2 years ago

              Not even, because that would be an actual character flaw to overcome. She's considerate, just relatively powerless in the situation to do anything about it. Or to do anything about anything, frankly. Looking at the overall plot, they might as well have just left her in Theed while they rallied the gunans for a counter attack.

              • 2 years ago

                >unbothered by the struggles of common people
                Either you meant "apathetic" when you wrote empathetic, or you're contradicting yourself. If you're unbothered by the struggles of common people then you're obviously NOT empathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, imprecise language. I meant that she wasn't uncomfortable around it, which a lot of rich or sheltered people can be when personally witnessing a struggle they hadn't even considered.

              • 2 years ago

                >I meant that she wasn't uncomfortable around it,
                So... she was apathetic.

                >lack of interest or enthusiasm towards something; disinterest (in something).
                >Identification with or understanding of the thoughts, feelings, or emotional state of another person.

                She didn't give a shit about common people, so she was apathetic towards their plight. She had no empathy for them. I hate this website so much.

              • 2 years ago

                >She didn't give a shit about common people,
                Except that's not what I said at all. In fact I said the exact opposite, she wanted to help but had very limited ability to do so. I was just saying that she didn't have a personally negative reaction.

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty fair, want to say a couple things, may able to give this more attention later on:
            * Confidence - she starts out being bossed around by advisors; Bibble even shuts her down when she wants to try keeping negotiating with the Federation (how naive!). Then she does everything official by proxy through Kiera Knightley - but ends the movie leading an assault on Theed in person! She’s not the proh tah gone ist or anything but she definitely glows up
            * Curiosity - she has some line to Qui-Gon about “the queen wants to learn more about the planet” (can’t find the scene on YouTube and I ain’t paying Disney for this) when justifying herself going into Mos Espa and she asks Shmi the most about how they live
            * Chancellors - Valorum did unironically nothing wrong, the Senate was deadlocked (by a Sith pulling strings behind the scene, mind you) and he sent Jedi, what else was he supposed to do? It’s only really the naive idea that he could just wave his hand and fix everything that led to him getting ousted

            I don't get it.

            Those are actual arguments made in Michael “Mike” Stoklasa’s TPM review

            • 2 years ago

              >what else was he supposed to do?
              Deploy the military for a short term emergency purpose before getting congressional approval just like every executive ever is able to do.

              • 2 years ago

                What military? The whole thing at issue in Episode II was passing a Military Creation Act, which goes against centuries of Republic tradition. And again, he sent Jedi

              • 2 years ago

                He sent 2 jedi. How about 20? And even the coruscanti defense force would utterly dwarf the trade federation occupation force.

              • 2 years ago

                I get where you’re coming from, but the Jedi have some say over their own members too. Before the Federation landed ships, the blockade was more a big protest than a war, which it’s reasonable to send only a few (superhuman) negotiators to end. And let’s not forget the Neimoidians wanted to back down except for the fact they had Darth Evil over their shoulder - how should anyone have known they’d be that dug in?

                >You'll note she went back to that demeanor upon returning to Naboo.
                One of the biggest issues with TPM. None of the characters go through any change.
                Imagine if Finn went back to being a stormtrooper at the end of TFA.
                Imagine if Luke went back to being a farmboy at the end of ANH.

                I mean Qui-Gon dies, Anakin becomes a Jedi, and Palpatine becomes Chancellor - and this is still supposed to be while the system is working

              • 2 years ago

                >which it’s reasonable to send only a few (superhuman) negotiators to end.
                Sure. And then they went to coruscant and told the republic government that the Neimanoids tried to gas then and threw an army of battle droids on them and had overthrown the planetary government. If Valorem wasn't a pussy dipshit, he would have recognized that the most politically advantageous option would be to raise hell over it. Instead he does literally nothing besides send an old drunk and his boy toy back to fight an entire fricking army.

              • 2 years ago

                I don’t know what the lame duck period for Republic Chancellors is but all of that was after the vote of no confidence and with the prevailing sentiment in the Senate being not to do anything, don’t know if beating the Naboo drum harder would have helped his political fortunes
                All this makes me realize is how badly I want a like House of Cards show about the rise of Palpatine - hell even call it that to mirror TROS
                As for why more Jedi weren’t sent back when Qui-Gon reported a Sith...idk, guess Yoda had too much ketamine that day? Maybe there’s some line to paper that over but I don’t recall any

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe Yoda was hoping Qui gon would get his dumb ass killed

              • 2 years ago

                It was supposed to be a trivial trade dispute.

                >You'll note she went back to that demeanor upon returning to Naboo.
                One of the biggest issues with TPM. None of the characters go through any change.
                Imagine if Finn went back to being a stormtrooper at the end of TFA.
                Imagine if Luke went back to being a farmboy at the end of ANH.

                >None of the characters go through any change.
                >Anakin leaves his home planet
                >Obi-Wan becomes a master
                >Qui-Gon dies
                >Padme reveals herself to the Gungans
                >Maul gets chopped in half
                >The neimoidians get humiliated

              • 2 years ago

                I'm talking about when they went back to naboo, not at the start of the movie.

          • 2 years ago

            >You'll note she went back to that demeanor upon returning to Naboo.
            One of the biggest issues with TPM. None of the characters go through any change.
            Imagine if Finn went back to being a stormtrooper at the end of TFA.
            Imagine if Luke went back to being a farmboy at the end of ANH.

        • 2 years ago

          >Repressed - she’s under layers of makeup and poofy clothes and talks like a robot but her performance warms up over the film as she learns confidence

          Oh! She's written like an ideal male character for women's romance novels. Her and Anakin are basicly christian steele and anastasia with reversed gender. Ok now I get what they were going for.

      • 2 years ago

        Naive - she thinks she can get rid of the Trade Federation without fighting them (“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war”) and falls for Senator Powerhungry’s scheme hook line and sinker. Hmm, the Supreme Chancellor who sent these Jedi who saved my life and is consulting with them is taking too long? Better bump him off so the dude who’s almost drooling over power can get in!
        Repressed - she’s under layers of makeup and poofy clothes and talks like a robot but her performance warms up over the film as she learns confidence
        Curious - why do you think she wanted to explore Tatooine? Most of the exposition about Anakin’s life comes from her asking Shmi, too
        High window - visual language of her looking out a massive window while caked under her getup and crumpling from it?
        Han never seduces a woman onscreen who isn’t Leia but we can still call him a womanizer by his demeanor; similarly so for Padmé
        Watch the movie again, it’s a good time

        Lmao anon BTFO

        • 2 years ago


          Almost his entire post is headcanon and what isn't is his own assumptions based on fricking costuming. He said it himself: we assume things about Han based on what he says and does, while with Padme we're largely expected to fill in the gaps based entirely on vague visual context, and it's not even well executed.

          • 2 years ago

            Come on man are you saying we can’t use things like picrel to learn about characterization? Film is visual. Are such shots just in here because pretty?

            • 2 years ago

              Yes. That shot is just there because it looks pretty. It COULD have been informative in the context of the rest of the film, but that's not how it's written. For example, if the shot was meant to imply that she was out of her depth, it would help to show her have apprehension over what to do, not have a plan to solve the problem, or at least, you know, be scared. But none of that happens. Once the jedi rescue her, she knows exactly what she wants to do and why, accepts an opportunity for an alternative plan when the original one falls through, and acts confident and fricking boring for the entire run time.

              • 2 years ago

                She watches Bibble’s transmission helplessly at least two times and her plans are basically to just have the Jedi do things for her. Watch the scene where Anakin gives her the japor snippet again; there’s a lot about her going on there too

            • 2 years ago

              >Are such shots just in here because pretty?

      • 2 years ago

        Naive - she thinks she can get rid of the Trade Federation without fighting them (“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war”) and falls for Senator Powerhungry’s scheme hook line and sinker. Hmm, the Supreme Chancellor who sent these Jedi who saved my life and is consulting with them is taking too long? Better bump him off so the dude who’s almost drooling over power can get in!
        Repressed - she’s under layers of makeup and poofy clothes and talks like a robot but her performance warms up over the film as she learns confidence
        Curious - why do you think she wanted to explore Tatooine? Most of the exposition about Anakin’s life comes from her asking Shmi, too
        High window - visual language of her looking out a massive window while caked under her getup and crumpling from it?
        Han never seduces a woman onscreen who isn’t Leia but we can still call him a womanizer by his demeanor; similarly so for Padmé
        Watch the movie again, it’s a good time


      • 2 years ago

        You assume too much.

    • 2 years ago

      Making shit up in your tiny schizoid mind for attention is pretty sad.

  8. 2 years ago

    nu star wars wishes it had the prequels' art direction. Still so pretty today.

  9. 2 years ago

    israelite power fantasy

  10. 2 years ago

    Are you stupid

    • 2 years ago

      >describe her without saying his appearence, his profession
      ESL moment

      I meant to say her.

  11. 2 years ago

    Curious, naïve, brave

  12. 2 years ago

    >her [...] his

  13. 2 years ago

    i want to smell queen amidalas nabooan butthole

  14. 2 years ago

    That's not fair Anon, we're talking of a woman here.

  15. 2 years ago

    Keira Knightley's body double

  16. 2 years ago

    fancy hole

  17. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    Pedophile, tease, idiotic, emotional wreck.

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    i honestly thought she was a totally different character from Padme when i was younger.

  21. 2 years ago

    Why did you stop posting in the other thread you absolute Black person troony prostitute

    Die in a ditch

  22. 2 years ago


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