Designing cartoon animals

How do you draw cartoons that don't have that autistic vibe to them?

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  1. 6 months ago

    don't be autistic lol

    • 6 months ago

      pretty much this.

      Firstly, you have to know how to draw well. Secondly, no anime influence. And thirdly and most importantly, don't just design characters that you want to jerk off to. Oh, and also: absolutely zero Sonic the Hedgehog design influences.

      • 6 months ago

        i'm a well known artist in my community and nobody knows how much influence i took from sonic the hoghedge, and nobody ever will

        • 6 months ago

          It's usually very obvious when any artist grew up drawing Sonic, anon. People know.

        • 6 months ago

          It just depends on which era of sonic you took inspiration
          If you draw mainly archie or Adventure Era OCs (not the adventure era art style just the OCs) you are pretty much doomed. Otherwise, you are safe

          • 6 months ago


            How do you draw cartoons that don't have that autistic vibe to them?

            Oooh yeah autism cringe i sure don't wanna see anything that could be viewed as not immediately palatable to normies yup number one concern.

            • 6 months ago

              nice trips
              I could understand if this was about an experimental artstyle but we're talking about objectively low quality art.
              >inb4 ">objectively"
              Soul is real but it's kinda annoying how often people use it like a crutch, sometimes it's almost like hugboxing.

  2. 6 months ago

    Define "autistic vibe"

    • 6 months ago

      The opposite of that

  3. 6 months ago

    You have to accept that you're autistic anon. There is nothing to do about it.

  4. 6 months ago

    How do you draw cartoons that don't have that normie vibe to them?

    • 6 months ago

      why does this image have indivisible details in the thumbnail

      • 6 months ago

        It's just artifacting.

        • 6 months ago

          no it's a secret message

  5. 6 months ago

    Big breasts and dicks, sometimes both at once

    • 6 months ago

      You've said this every time and it's been unfunny every time

      • 6 months ago

        If someone has to keep making these threads because they can't get over their autistic hangups then why shouldn't someone shitpost in them?

        • 6 months ago

          The threads will stop when someone posts actual constructive advice. So far anons have just said
          >embrace being a shitty artist
          >just don't be a shitty artist bro
          Like, how do you study animals? What's the exact process that leads to success?

          • 6 months ago

            oh ok it's another /ic/ esque "tell me the exact process step by step" thread
            dammit anon you'll never learn to draw if you're incapable of figuring anything out yourself and needed every step tutorial'd for you

            >What's the exact process that leads to success?
            especially when you clearly don't love art and just wanna speedrun success

          • 6 months ago

            >What's the exact process that leads to success?
            1. take your thumb
            2. stick it as far up your butthole as you can
            3. wait
            trust me it'll work

            seriously tho, frick homosexuals who just come in asking people how to hack artistic success, it can't be done, it takes years and years of practice and then luck on top of that

            • 6 months ago

              >it takes years and years of practice
              Of doing what?

              • 6 months ago

                Studying from life, drawing, studying from artists you like, drawing, observing how animals move in nature, drawing, drawing, drawing, lots and lots of drawing

          • 6 months ago

            Look at an animal
            Draw it
            Does it look like shit?
            See why it looks like shit
            Draw it again
            Does it look like shit?
            See why it looks like shit
            Draw it again

          • 6 months ago

            >just don't be a shitty artist bro
            this is the best advice you're going to get here, anon. All you have to do is not draw shitty, and draw good instead. You will know it if you are doing poorly, and you'll know when you're starting to draw well. We can't give you a blow-by-blow breakdown of on how to achieve something that is subjective and different for every artist.
            >but HOW will I know if I'm not a bad artist?
            You just fricking will, okay? There's no explanation more complex than that, because it's too unique and personalized to explain. You will just know. LITERALLY all you have to do is draw good instead of drawing bad.

  6. 6 months ago

    I draw, I just don't have any direction. I've wasted years stagnating even while pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I've seen people in half the time I've spent drawing get extremely good and I don't understand how. Things just aren't clicking for me and it's really frustrating.

    • 6 months ago

      Whether you like it or not, the truth is some people just aren't illustrators in nature. Maybe you're not artistic, or maybe you'd do better with a different art form, that's just how it is
      I love music but I just can't grasp an instrument after years of trying, so I do other things, it is how it is
      The reason these people get good so fast is passion, they love what they do and love is valuable, just as valuable as constant practice, maybe more

      • 6 months ago

        Wasn't this the message of Monsters University?

      • 6 months ago

        >The reason these people get good so fast is passion
        I think it's more than that. My friend group growing up all had incredible talent for drawing. Just instant sense for appealing design and being able to translate an idea to paper with ease, even though they really didn't give a shit about it as a dedicated pastime.
        Meanwhile, I was one of those "I can't even draw a stickman" types, but I started drawing because I wanted to fit in and be able to do what they do. It took me a solid 3 years and 200+ pages of notebooks to catch up to the level they merely started from and by that point it was late-highschool and they all stopped with it entirely so my original motivation was just gone. but my new motivation was that I just liked doing it. It was hard, and took lots of concentration and forethought to get a result I liked, but it's still fun.
        I think talent and skill are two different thinks, and someone without talent can still develop it as skill, but you're right, some people are just going to mog you no matter what. I guess my only real response to

        I draw, I just don't have any direction. I've wasted years stagnating even while pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I've seen people in half the time I've spent drawing get extremely good and I don't understand how. Things just aren't clicking for me and it's really frustrating.

        is that it's helpful back at your old work and see how far you've come. It's not a race against others but just trying to be a little better than you were before. It also helps if you just like doing it. At least that what I have to keep telling myself.

    • 6 months ago

      Have you considered maybe you arent drawing what you like?
      I was in a very similar boat to you recently but got better at liking drawing and liking what i draw again when i realized i dont want to endlessly draw the same boring anime faces over and over

  7. 6 months ago

    Shouldn't this be on /ic/?

  8. 6 months ago

    Draw photorealistic animals then delete 95% of their features. Easy.

  9. 6 months ago

    These are animal caricatures with more human eyes. Learnt to draw animal caricatures, their gestures etc. and humanize them so they can act. It all comes from being really fricking good at drawing from life

  10. 6 months ago

    Just don't draw sparkledogs and you're good.

  11. 6 months ago

    interesting topic

    • 6 months ago

      I always feel a little less insane when I see other people acknowledge this specific artstyle of toons drawn by amateur autistic toonophiles exists.

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