Did D&D ever explicitly give a reason for cutting Victarion and massively watering down the Ironborn storyline?

Did D&D ever explicitly give a reason for cutting Victarion and massively watering down the Ironborn storyline?

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  1. 4 months ago

    No but I will use my psychic powers to divine the answer. Okay it's coming to me.... got it. The answer is "actors are expensive and we didn't want to make a bunch of new sets."

    • 4 months ago

      HBO gave them an essentially unlimited budget and time, lazy fricks

      • 4 months ago

        >>HBO gave them an essentially unlimited budget
        Only compared to normal TV shows. There's no way they were going to be able to afford a good actor for yet another Greyjoy plus all the people in his group, plus build a bunch of new sets just for his scenes.

        • 4 months ago

          >There's no way they were going to be able to afford a good actor
          One extra decent actor isn't going to break their budget, just cut the next Dragon scene by 5 minutes or cut the Ramsey torturing people budget
          >plus all the people in his group
          Just offer a bunch of lobster fishermen in New England $40 and a Sam Adams to be extras and hand them each a fake ax or sword, ez
          >plus build a bunch of new sets just for his scenes
          Like all his scenes are on a boat. Just switch the sail colors for one of their other boat scenes to the Greyjoy kraken and they're good.

          I could have done a better job than those hacks

          • 4 months ago

            > Just offer a bunch of lobster fishermen in New England $40 and a Sam Adams to be extras and hand them each a fake ax or sword, ez
            We’ya gowna plunda Lannisport, kid. Frick the Lannistas!

            • 4 months ago

              Balons hooah daughta wants us to end duh wah for a buncha trees and become fahmers? Is she retahded? Euron! Euron! Euron!

              • 4 months ago

                Fwakin’ Robb Stahhhk left Wintafell undefended! What a retahhhd.

              • 4 months ago

                >Fwakin’ Robb Stahhhk left Wintafell undefended! What a retahhhd
                He legitimately was

        • 4 months ago

          then don't start this fricking shit to begin with.
          they half-assed everything, got greedy and utterly desperate once the material ran out. they wrote themselves into a corner and had to make do.
          frick dumb and dumber, way to ruin your career and get fricking blacklisted you fricking hacks.

  2. 4 months ago

    If I'm being completely honest the dorne and iron island plots are bad and ruined the flow of the story.

    • 4 months ago

      The Dorne and Iron Islands plots are straight up required to make the rest of the plot make sense. Euron will be the one to bring down the Wall which is required to continue the Others story, and it makes a lot more sense for an insane lunatic with delusions to become a God than the moronic wight hunt in the show where Dany lost her dragon for no reason. The Dorne storyline also is key for Dany's story to continue with them legitimizing Faegon now that they're not going to side with her with Quentyn did. It further turns her from being accepted as a returning Westerosi to a foreign conqueror who will go mad.

      Also Chadstar is based

      • 4 months ago

        I guess so. But at the same time that's too complicated for George, he bit off more than he could chew. If he streamlined and simplified the story the quality might be less but at least we'd get a finished story. Oh well the books are never coming out so it doesn't really matter any more

        • 4 months ago

          >But at the same time that's too complicated for George, he bit off more than he could chew
          Definitely but only because he's so old he has no chance of finishing the massive task before him. D&D absolutely could have taken his notes and what he had written though and made a decent story out of it though and they instead decided to cut key plot points to rush and do Star Wars.

      • 4 months ago

        >Euron is a sorcerer.

        My brother in Christ, you're basing this on an unreleased chapter. You do know that, in books past, there were sample chapters that didn't make it into the finished book, like the one upon which the theory the Shrouded Lord is a Lannister comes from?

        • 4 months ago

          There's been too much set up for Euron having magic in the books released for their to be a pivot any other way. Fricker got visited by the Three Eyed Raven what other explanation would their be for that?

          • 4 months ago

            >Fricker got visited by the Three Eyed Raven
            No, no he wasn't. It's not stated anywhere in the books. And he's set up, at least currently, more as an extremely talented charlatan.

            • 4 months ago

              >And he's set up, at least currently, more as an extremely talented charlatan
              The Kingsmoot scene sets him up as far more than just a charlatan. He's going to do something crazy after the Battle of Blood and sack of Oldtown too. Probably involving bringing the wall down.

              the dragon horn was used though and it was epic. it cooked a guy from the inside out.

              It's never been used on a dragon though. Euron didn't really give Vic an instruction manual. Is Victarion just going to be forcing captive slavers to blow it and kill themselves during the battle of Fire anytime he things one of the Dragons gets close and hope he can hop on it mid naval battle?

              • 4 months ago

                moqorro is giving victarion lifehacks with his vision. he has his own red priest now and i feel like euron wasn't accounting for that. moqorro even warns him not to use it and seems to understand what needs to happen with it.

              • 4 months ago

                >moqorro even warns him not to use it and seems to understand what needs to happen with it
                I forgot about that, what do you see happening with Victarion? I don't really see GRRM having him become a dragonrider or marrying Daenerys but it would also be weird to kill him off so soon after introducing his motivation and making him such an interesting character. I feel like his plot is also too tied up with Euron to die away from him but I don't really know what to expect for him.

              • 4 months ago

                it seems like there is a way for him to end up being the replacement admiral for dany since they made such a big deal about the lack of ships and the impotent admiral who got killed as a hostage in ADWD. i could see a euron vs victarion naval battle being something that wraps up the victarion plotline.

              • 4 months ago

                >Battle of Blood and sack of Oldtown too
                Fan theories, no basis in the released novels.

                >Probably involving bringing the wall down.
                No basis for this one, unless you claim that Euron somehow knows what the Horn of Winter is; somehow knows Samuel Tarly has it; and somehow knows it's in Oldtown. You're making the same mistake Preston Jacobs or other theorists do - assigning supernatural knowledge and competence to minor characters.

                What you're doing is building theories, based on assumptions, based on other theories.

              • 4 months ago

                The basis is he introduced Euron for a reason and he needs to start moving the plot before his arteries clog. He’s spend the last two books essentially world building but with a lot of setup. Unless he massively pivots like with scrapping the 5 year gap that’s what’s gonna happen.

              • 4 months ago

                >The basis is he introduced Euron for a reason and he needs to start moving the plot before his arteries clog.

                He literally said, in multiple interviews, that he doesn't plan out his stories. There are multiple plot points in the first book alone that go nowhere, and were dropped.

                Your only real argument is "but it HAS to have a reason."

                He's over 70 years old, and massively obese. He can literally die at any moment. He has stated that, past his death, his notes will be burned (Pratchett did the same, he had around a dozen unreleased novels in the works). The story won't ever be concluded.

              • 4 months ago


                >You do know that, in books past, there were sample chapters that didn't make it into the finished book
                That’s just untrue. There have been no sample chapters that weren’t included. They’ve been changed but never cut. The shrouded lord chapter was never released as a sample chapter or read at an event. It was just something George talked about

              • 4 months ago

                And what exactly does

                >You do know that, in books past, there were sample chapters that didn't make it into the finished book
                That’s just untrue. There have been no sample chapters that weren’t included. They’ve been changed but never cut. The shrouded lord chapter was never released as a sample chapter or read at an event. It was just something George talked about


                1. That he self-admittedly doesn't plan out his stories?
                2. That's he's an old man?
                3. That he's morbidly obese, can can die any day?
                4. That he stated, on record, his notes will be destroyed after his death?

              • 4 months ago

                >That he stated, on record, his notes will be destroyed after his death?
                Never said that

              • 4 months ago

                >He has stated that, past his death, his notes will be burned

                Sorry Gurm, but that's not up to you. Your wife will inherit everything and can do as she pleases.

              • 4 months ago

                >This is the fat frick writing the most repulsive sex scenes you've ever read
                The Arys Oakheart scene where he described Arianne's nipples and the Sam/Gilly scene where some black guy gave Sam a pep talk on how to frick her were really something

              • 4 months ago

                This. It doesn't matter what notes he destroys or what he says in his will, those books will 100% get completed after his death

              • 4 months ago

                He's only doing this so he can be king of all the other loser nerds. He's king of homosexual mountain lol, like a janny or discord mod.

                You homosexuals need to get off this shit, there's so much better fantasy out there.

              • 4 months ago

                >There are multiple plot points in the first book alone that go nowhere, and were dropped.

                I havent read the books in like a decade, like what exactly?

              • 4 months ago

                There weren't any, he's probably just talking about forshadowing for things that haven't happened yet, like all the Ned Stark scenes where he thinks back to the Tower of Joy that foreshadow Rhaegar being Jons father. The entire series was originally supposed to be only 3 books so the reveal has taken way longer than it was originally supposed to.

              • 4 months ago

                Nowy Tends

              • 4 months ago

                Nowy Tends

                >Lord Stark, we've been expecting you. Your sister is alive, but the midwives fear she will not last. Come, quickly. Take my twin sabers, Dawn and Dusk, as a peace offering. We mean you no harm.
                Unironically why the frick did the fight at the Tower of Joy even happen? Rhaegar was dead, the rebellion was effectively over. Ned Stark was no different from Arthur Dayne in that he was foolishly loyal to a less than honorable lord, but why didn't they just let bygones be bygones and have Lyanna explain the situation and be done with it?
                Also what the frick does any of it even matter since Bran is omniscient and can operate outside of time, directly influencing any and every character at any point in history to directly affect the viewer's present. Every character is just Bran. What the frick, Dab?
                I fricking hate this show so much.

              • 4 months ago

                >assigning supernatural knowledge and competence to minor characters
                >Euron, a minor character
                Anon Euron is the endgame, the series is a Song of Ice and Fire and Euron is the silence, the arch enemy of a song. Anytime Euron is in a crowd his arrival is heralded by silence and so is his departure. His ship is called the Silence and he cuts out the tongues of his crew. He has crazy magical ability, he was visited by the three eyed crow. Did you forget when hes naked talking to Victarion talking about jumping out of a window to see if he could fly?? What do you think that scene was for? It was almost line for line from that bran scene in the first book
                >Euron somehow knows what the Horn of Winter is; somehow knows Samuel Tarly has it; and somehow knows it's in Oldtown
                He claims to have gone to Old Valyria and returned and has rare magical stuff found no where else to back up that claim, the dragon binder horn and i the unreleased chapter a suit of Valyrian steel armour.
                The dragon binder horn shows that Euron knows a magical horn when he sees one and whose to say he didn't time his invasion of old Town after Sam got there via a glass candle for the horn?
                What is Euron going to win the battle of blood, whereh krackens loom in the water killing and eatingthe corpses and people that fall in and no sack old town? just go home? Sam is going to escape with the horn he thinks is just an old war horn and nothing will come of it.
                You think the Wall is not going to fall?

              • 4 months ago

                Do you really see him being the final villain? I can definitely see him bringing down the wall but beyond that I dunno what GRRM has planned for him. Maybe trying to control or work with the Others.

              • 4 months ago

                I see him trying to become a god and that backfiring very badly. Like Patchface and Aeron becomning a prophet for a god annihaltes your previous personailty, I can see Euron being the final villian with his own dragon after taking over one of Danys, I think the Night king wighting a dragon came from the plot point of Euron claiming one.
                Euron will be overtaken by the drowned God, but that god is sleeping so he won't be totally overtaken but instead a gradual slide into insanity
                This ends in Euron effectivly being Cthulhu. Cthulhu had the body of a man with dragon wings and the head of an octopus and Euron will be a man with a squid god in his head, his family sigil is a squid head while riding a dragon.

                I think he will be at odds with the Others, they're ice spirits that want to kill all life if they don't get what they want, human sacrifices to them so they can maintain their form/ be returned to the weirwood network they were kicked out of by the last hero and his greenseer companions, who may have been undead greenseers that replaced them inside the weirwood as the 'old gods'.
                The Others seem want to kill all life Euron wants to ensalve them and force them to worship him, much like Cthulu he may use a glass candle in the Hightower to project himself into peoples dreams. But its not just Euron but a stirring Drowned God that is hijacking his mind and body. turning him into GRRM version of Sauron. Dany may burn Kings landing to kill everyone in the city after they're minds are overrun with madness and are turned into Eurons gibbering cultists. People won't know they're mind were magically invaded in their dreams, we know that can happen since lots of POV chapters have strange dreams that are outside forces trying to influence them, Bran, Jamie, Dany, Euron, Aeron, Jon etc but the world doesnt so Dany will just be seen as a mad queen like her father.

              • 4 months ago

                No frickinh way GRRM finishes this in 2 more books, he’s gonna have to expand it again which he doesn’t have time to do

              • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >You do know that, in books past, there were sample chapters that didn't make it into the finished book
          That’s just untrue. There have been no sample chapters that weren’t included. They’ve been changed but never cut. The shrouded lord chapter was never released as a sample chapter or read at an event. It was just something George talked about

        • 4 months ago

          >unreleased chapter
          homie, he's been sipping shade of the evening for a good while, he has warlocks locked in his ship

          sure, the unreleased chapter push us even further into this, but even without it, euron reeks of toying with magical shit he doesn't understand. or he actually does, some say he might have been the first Bloodraven's disciple, way before Bran

  3. 4 months ago

    Victarion is a based moron and Game of Thrones pandered to midwits who think they’re smart for quoting Tyrion Lannister. He unironically would have filtered a massive chunk of the audience.

  4. 4 months ago

    I can't even remember what Victarion did in the books. He killed some people, sailed out to find Dany and acquired a lava arm somehow?

    • 4 months ago

      Euron sent him on a quest to find Dany after Victarion failed at the King's Moot, but Victarion is now on a quest to cuck Euron and claim Dany for himself.

    • 4 months ago

      Euron sent him on a quest to find Dany after Victarion failed at the King's Moot, but Victarion is now on a quest to cuck Euron and claim Dany for himself.

      It should also be noted that Victarion is a massive moron and is likely playing into Euron's hand. The brown woman he keeps explaining his entire plan to after they frick was given to him by Euron and Euron may be warging to control her. Or learning from her some other way. Also the dragon horn Euron gave him to control her dragons has never been used in recorded history so whatever happens when he blows it is anyones guess.

      • 4 months ago

        the dragon horn was used though and it was epic. it cooked a guy from the inside out.

    • 4 months ago

      He lost the most important naval battle of his life to a guy that had never fought one lol

      Then either ran away or surrendered

      • 4 months ago

        >to a guy that had never fought one lol
        be fair, that guy was stannis.
        its never embarrassing to lose to stannis.

  5. 4 months ago

    They’re hacks. Do you really need to hear their bullshit explanation?

  6. 4 months ago

    They basically did, but called him Euron instead.

    I love how those two fricks tried to cut corners and rush the end of GoT to start working for Disney, only for Disney to see the slop they were making and back out of the deal

    They got what they deserved in the end, nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      I honestly wonder if D&D would have been better or worse for Disney's Star Wars projects.

  7. 4 months ago

    I miss /got/ so much bros

    • 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    I thought the point was that you made up your own stories

  9. 4 months ago

    Because they’re normie frauds that didn’t want to make a fantasy show. They wanted to make a period drama with sex and people in rooms monologuing at eachother and that’s why they cut out lady stoneheart, the Ironborn shit and magic in general

    • 4 months ago

      They didn't give a shit about the Ironborn and don't like magic anyway.

      Why the frick didn't they like magic anyways? They acted like adding magic would have driven normies away but normies loved the dragons, Dire wolves, and Others. Why wouldn't normies have wanted even more like that as the show built up?

      • 4 months ago

        because all of those things you mentioned are expensive to film compared to sitting around talking about politics

        • 4 months ago

          It seems like they justified cutting it be saying adding more magic would actively turn off their fanbase though, which is moronic

          • 4 months ago

            yeah they were coping

  10. 4 months ago

    It's over

  11. 4 months ago

    They didn't give a shit about the Ironborn and don't like magic anyway.

  12. 4 months ago

    They probably felt they didn't have enough time/budget...then come the final season and they had frick all.
    Not that it would have mattered, GRRM wouldn't have finished Winds of Winter in any case and left D&D left to dry.

    • 4 months ago

      HBO offered them as many seasons as they wanted, they chose to rush shit because they were sick of Game of Thrones and were getting a bunch of offers including Star Wars because of how successful Game of Thrones was

  13. 4 months ago

    Because the show was already overstaying its welcome and adding in yet another storyline with more characters wouldn't help that at all.
    You can make books as dense and convoluted as you want because they're books. But TV shows have casts with human actors who age and want to move on to other projects and they can't run forever. The public was already losing interest.

  14. 4 months ago

    >Orders his guard to kill the Stark men, but to bring Eddard alive
    >Fifteen seconds later gets angry and punches one of his soldiers for doing exactly what he was ordered to do
    What the frick was Jaime's problem?

  15. 4 months ago

    D&D only had the books and some dot points for the series ending to work with. Victarion is only seemingly coming into prominence in the next book.

    At the time GoT started, GRRM was planning to kill off Victarion so going into S2 would be tricky regarding the Greyjoys. They went full moron with Euron though, they introduced him so late and sloppily that there was almost no purpose introducing him at all

  16. 4 months ago

    >D&D has official storylines
    Lmao, huh? I thought D&D were just rules to abide by and the DM would make up their own story.

  17. 4 months ago

    for me, it's Doric

    • 4 months ago

      She’s not gonna frick you for watching her dogshit movie

  18. 4 months ago

    D&D are the kind of people who skipped' A Feast for Crows' chapters and pages and screamed "where is my tyrion/daenerys/whatever".
    and they wanted to BTFO to Disnay asap
    gladly, it didn't work for them

  19. 4 months ago

    The Greyjoys kind of forgot they had another uncle.

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