Did Greedo shoot first?

Did Greedo shoot first?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Uhh in the timing of the original cut Han Solo shot first and then Lucas got butthurt about people making it part of his character so he edited it to make Greedo shoot first and that's what happens in all current releases.

    • 4 months ago

      And it's one of the gayest things he did. Along with changing the line in RotJ when he says to Lando, "Trust me" to "I can see a lot better now"
      moronic fool

    • 4 months ago

      It makes no sense that Greedo would shoot Han at all, he's a bounty hunter not an assassin and Han is worth more alive. It makes even less sense that he would miss.

      • 4 months ago

        Watch the original scene. He basically had decided to kill Han from the beginning. He only talked to him long enough to see if he could get the money he owed Jabba before trying to kill him. He straight up said he had been waiting to do it for a long time, implying they had rubbed each other the wrong way before. Han knew what was going to happen which is why he slowly pulled his gun while they were talking. Greedo wasn't letting him walk out of there alive

        • 4 months ago

          it's established that Jabba wanted Han alive, if only to torture him to recover his money. Greedo shooting Han mid conversation while seemingly in the position to take him prisoner makes no sense. Why defend this infantile change.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm not defending any change. The change in the other versions is stupid. I'm talking about the original scene. Greedo was going to kill him. He only held off to see if he could get what Han owed Jabba. He knew how slippery Han was and wasn't going to take the chance. Don't act like employees always follow what their boss says. He wanted the money and saw a way to get away with it. And if he couldn't get that then he could at least bring Hans body and get something from Jabba. Jabba would have taken Hans ship either way

    • 4 months ago

      This makes those people and George stupid because Greedo had a gun on him and therefore should have been shot first.

      This "argument" infuriates me more than anything else about Star Wars including the new shit.

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          You are absolutely right. My Star Wars outrage is now properly redirected at NuDisney NuWars.

        • 4 months ago

          why did he not know what the goongas were called

        • 4 months ago

          >Naboo has the best pizza because the water
          has more minerals in it

    • 4 months ago

      I heard that Lucas only changed it because the film ratings board threatened to give the film a higher rating unless he changed it. Was that not true?

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago


  4. 4 months ago

    somebody please post the gif/webm of han's head wobbling like he ate the gum gum devil fruit

  5. 4 months ago

    >character is slimy alien criminal
    >almost names him Guido
    now that would've been a little bit too on the nose George.

    • 4 months ago

      >character is a greedy slimeball
      >named Greedo

    • 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    For me it's calo nord

  7. 4 months ago

    Yes. Special Editions are the Lucas canon. Han is not a cold-blooded murderer.

    • 4 months ago

      He is though. The Greedo shit is the most blatant case of it. Later when they rescue the princess he just starts dropping officers/guards in the prison as soon as Chewy gives him the chance

      • 4 months ago

        why is his shooting the guy who is going to bring him into a crime bross dead or alive a bad thing to do? and then that guy (jabba) is probably going to do horrible shit to him

  8. 4 months ago

    Lucas wanted Han to shoot Greedo out of self defense. Because Star Wars target demographic was and has always been 8 - 12 year old boys.

    • 4 months ago

      only a little homosexual in that age range would have a problem with han killing greedo in cold blood

  9. 4 months ago

    Changing it to Greedo shooting first was the beginning of the West's sissification

  10. 4 months ago

    >George Lucas: [...] If you really look at it, there's hardly any changes at all. The thing that really caused the trouble on Star Wars is the whole question of whether Han Solo or Greedo shoots first. The way it got cobbled together at the time, it came off as [Han] fired first. He didn't fire first.
    >EW: So you consider this a correction?
    >George Lucas: It's a correction. [When I made Star Wars] I said, 'Well, I don't have that shot, so I'll just, you know, fudge it editorially.' In my mind [Greedo]shot first or at the same time. We like to think of [Han Solo] as a murderer because that's hip—I don't think that's a good thing for people. I mean, I don't see how you could redeem somebody who kills people in cold blood.

    >"It was always meant that Greedo fired first. In the original film you don't get that too well. But in terms of Han's character, I didn't like the fact that when he was introduced the first thing he did is just gun somebody down in cold blood. That wasn't what was meant to be there."- George Lucas, ABC News, 1999

    >"It was always meant that Greedo fired first. In the original film, you don't get that very well. Some people thought we should leave that ambiguous, but I didn't like the idea that practically the first thing Han Solo does is gun someone down in cold blood."- George Lucas, Star Wars Archives Episodes 1-3, 1999-2005

    • 4 months ago

      >George Lucas: Episodes IV, V, and VI are nice movies, where the good guys win. For the Han/Greedo scene in the cantina, the idea was originally that Greedo fires first, then Han shoots him. The tradition of gun fighting is the good guy always shoots second. When I edited the scene in 1977 you couldn't tell who did what.
      >Paul Duncan: To me it looked as though Han just shoots Greedo.
      >George Lucas: I never designed Han to be a ruthless killer. All the good guys shoot people in self-defense. So I decided we needed to insert a shot where Greedo fires first, so Han can shoot him.
      >Paul Duncan: Han's reaction time to Greedo's shot is fantastic—less than a quarter of a second according to storyboard PC1. But there was a tremendous backlash about that—people were upset you changed it.
      >George Lucas: Those people wanted Han Solo to be a murderer. The whole point to the movie is to establish certain moral parameters. Everything in a movie teaches something. If you have kids, you know how they are—they wake up, look around, and copy how other people act. Everything we are is defined by the way we conduct ourselves, the way we talk, the way we think about other people. So if you have a lot of self-centered, selfish people who ignore the rules and do whatever they want for their own reasons, you have a society that does that too.

    • 4 months ago

      >George Lucas: Episodes IV, V, and VI are nice movies, where the good guys win. For the Han/Greedo scene in the cantina, the idea was originally that Greedo fires first, then Han shoots him. The tradition of gun fighting is the good guy always shoots second. When I edited the scene in 1977 you couldn't tell who did what.
      >Paul Duncan: To me it looked as though Han just shoots Greedo.
      >George Lucas: I never designed Han to be a ruthless killer. All the good guys shoot people in self-defense. So I decided we needed to insert a shot where Greedo fires first, so Han can shoot him.
      >Paul Duncan: Han's reaction time to Greedo's shot is fantastic—less than a quarter of a second according to storyboard PC1. But there was a tremendous backlash about that—people were upset you changed it.
      >George Lucas: Those people wanted Han Solo to be a murderer. The whole point to the movie is to establish certain moral parameters. Everything in a movie teaches something. If you have kids, you know how they are—they wake up, look around, and copy how other people act. Everything we are is defined by the way we conduct ourselves, the way we talk, the way we think about other people. So if you have a lot of self-centered, selfish people who ignore the rules and do whatever they want for their own reasons, you have a society that does that too.

      based Lucas dabbing on manchildren

    • 4 months ago

      >George Lucas: Episodes IV, V, and VI are nice movies, where the good guys win. For the Han/Greedo scene in the cantina, the idea was originally that Greedo fires first, then Han shoots him. The tradition of gun fighting is the good guy always shoots second. When I edited the scene in 1977 you couldn't tell who did what.
      >Paul Duncan: To me it looked as though Han just shoots Greedo.
      >George Lucas: I never designed Han to be a ruthless killer. All the good guys shoot people in self-defense. So I decided we needed to insert a shot where Greedo fires first, so Han can shoot him.
      >Paul Duncan: Han's reaction time to Greedo's shot is fantastic—less than a quarter of a second according to storyboard PC1. But there was a tremendous backlash about that—people were upset you changed it.
      >George Lucas: Those people wanted Han Solo to be a murderer. The whole point to the movie is to establish certain moral parameters. Everything in a movie teaches something. If you have kids, you know how they are—they wake up, look around, and copy how other people act. Everything we are is defined by the way we conduct ourselves, the way we talk, the way we think about other people. So if you have a lot of self-centered, selfish people who ignore the rules and do whatever they want for their own reasons, you have a society that does that too.

      I believe it. This makes a lot of sense when you take into account the kind of films Lucas was inspired by when making Star Wars. They definitely weren’t the dark antihero movies that were popular in the 70s. More like the westerns, ww2 action flicks, and adventure flicks from the 40s, 50s, and early 60s. Same with Indiana Jones.

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