Did he job?

Did he job?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    No. He was the final fight in the movie.

  2. 11 months ago

    He beat everyone easily and was defeated by a legendary technique that obliterates the opponent.

  3. 11 months ago

    He was really strong, but he got wienery and pretty much almost lost the fight against the Furious Five, the reason they lost the battle is because they themselves got wienery and when he came back from the broken bridge they got scared and he used his broken nerve strike skill to win, he then fought against his father figure who didn't have the heart to fight back at full power (but he still would've probably lost)

    He was a REALLY strong fighter but he wasn't invincible, Oogway would've probably destroyed him but he wanted to pass the torch to someone else so he died

  4. 11 months ago

    Why does he have so many teeth?

  5. 11 months ago

    No, you're thinking of the "Furious" 5

  6. 11 months ago

    >Order up! (Po slides out the bowls of noodle soup to the Five, except Tigress who already has a plate of tofu) Hope you like it
    >(Mantis takes a sip) This is really good!
    >No, c'mon. You should try my dad's secret ingredient soup. He actually... knows the secret ingredient
    >(Viper) What are you talking about? This is amazing
    >(Crane) Wow, you're a really good cook
    >(Mantis) I wish my mouth was bigger
    >(Monkey) Tigress, you've got to try this
    First film is great. What happened afterwards? Oh wait, i know : the directors didn't come back.

    • 11 months ago

      >What happened afterwards
      we got shen, which was fricking rad.
      third movie is where it's a let down, plus that panda village bullshit

  7. 11 months ago

    Could Undertaker beat him?

    • 11 months ago

      >can't be dragon warrior cuz you have da darksied inside of yooze!
      >was only evil because the homosexual turtle didn't even give him a chance
      It doesn't even make sense once you know what the dragon scroll contains. The scroll itself should have been the filter, not some untouchable plot device turtle.

      Can you wrestling shills frick off already? I don't care what you're being paid. Every fricking board with this shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >didn't even give him a chance
        He literally got the scroll in his hands and threw a tantrum afterwards.

        • 11 months ago

          I mean before turtle left. The whole reason he got locked up was because he got angry when turtle wouldn't let him be dragon warrior and get the scroll.
          He gets pissed when reading the scroll, which makes sense, but the whole setup to that is so poorly put together.

          Anon, the turtle could pretty much see people's souls, as the Dragon Warrior he would've probably eventually got some civilians killed because he was too wienery

          Sure, and that's garbage writing. Turtle is a walking plot device that literally writes itself out of the story so there can be tension. I don't care if the tiger was ONE DAY going to be ebil. WE never see him do anything evil. We see him spazz out after a life time of training lead to some homosexual turtle just saying "nah". And the result was him getting locked in prison for the rest of his life. For doing kung fu against his kung fu master.

          • 11 months ago

            Anon you've clearly never seen a Martial Arts movie, "I can see the evil inside of you" is a pretty standard trope

            • 11 months ago

              You excuse poor writing because you see it so often? On top of the implication that ALL uses of that trope work the same way? C'mon now. It's no excuse for the non-character that is turtle. They could have written it better. And I am not alone in thinking tiger got fricked over. If he was meant to be a villain fine, we got there in a lame way is all.

              >We see him spazz out after a life time of training lead to some homosexual turtle just saying "nah"
              >no you arent ready for the scroll
              >throws a b***h fit and destroys the valley and tries to steal the dragon scroll
              he is literally embodying pride, believing himself to be entitled to ultimate power and then going on a rampage when someone says no

              you dont need to see every single moment of tai lung being arrogant to justify oogway telling him he isnt worthy, just the mere fact that he feels entitled to something and will lash out and wantonly destroy things is enough to make you go "you know, maybe he wasnt a great guy this whole time"

              > And the result was him getting locked in prison for the rest of his life. For doing kung fu against his kung fu master.
              he was locked up because he is an incredibly powerful combatant who is shown to be willing to resort to violence because his feelings got hurt

              >warrior uses his warrior skills learned from his father master from birth
              >he is evil because of this
              I agree he was prideful, but who gave him that pride? He could have been better balanced, and accepted the thing he had been working his whole life for wasn't going to happen, just because some homosexual turtle said so. But even with that, you don't empathize with tigers position there?
              I guess my perspective is, I can empathize with tiger. I can't with the turtle. And the turtle is the one that starts the conflict, so i'm left emotionally conflicted. I feel that didn't have to be the case.

              • 11 months ago

                >You are entitled to a job because you got a diploma

              • 11 months ago

                That was more or less what he was raised from birth to believe, yes. As I said, he could have been more balanced but he wasn't. Being unable to empathize with his frustration is not a failing of the character here. And making the turtle harder to side with was just stupid. I WANT to like the heros.

                >I agree he was prideful, but who gave him that pride
                shifu literally apologizes to him for being so proud of him that it blinded him to what tai lung was becoming
                tai lung then rejects that, because he would rather have ultimate power

                >He could have been better balanced, and accepted the thing he had been working his whole life for wasn't going to happen, just because some homosexual turtle said so
                tai lung is a bad guy, he is too arrogant to accept the turtle pointing out he isnt worthy and he throws a fit and proves oogway right literally 10 seconds after
                oogway didnt do anything wrong, he just told an arrogant, temperamental, kung fu guy that the scroll wasnt his to read yet
                tai lung is the one who though he was ready, when he clearly wasnt

                > And the turtle is the one that starts the conflict, so i'm left emotionally conflicted
                all oogway did is tell tai lung he isnt ready
                a decision that is 100% correct because anyone who is willing to fight their own father over a scroll is definitely not deserving of any thing

                >rejects that
                You can't empathize?
                >turtle didn't do anything wrong
                My problem, again, is that there was NO REASON to not let tiger have the scroll. It would have done nothing for him. Then we can see tiger freak out and be locked away. Turtle just saying "no, because I said so" is stupid. It makes turtle look like an butthole and shifu (I have no clue what he is animal wise, a fricking chinese rat?) a failure.
                Of course the turtle was right, he's the writers convenience. Who happily fricks off exclusively so the story can continue. What about this could not be improved?

              • 11 months ago

                >My problem, again, is that there was NO REASON to not let tiger have the scroll.
                the scroll is for the dragon warrior
                tai lung is not the dragon warrior, and anyone unhinged enough to destroy the town because he was told no is not someone you want handing the scroll too anyways

                tai lung is not entitled to the dragon scroll, its not up to him to decide what he deserves or not, he is 100% in the wrong for resorting to violence over something like that

              • 11 months ago

                >it's not up to him to decide what he deserves or not
                It would be, if it was written better. In the end it's not a failing on his part, it's a failing on his masters. One or two small changes and i'd feel differently.
                But we disagree. It all works out the same either way, so really it's just me arguing preference. I just really don't care for how the turtle was written. If the story told me he was God i'd have no trouble accepting that.

              • 11 months ago

                >In the end it's not a failing on his part, it's a failing on his masters.
                >oogway very plainly tells him the truth, he isnt the dragon warrior and he wont be, and he wont get that scroll
                >tail lung throws an autistic fit because he cant hande the truth
                the fault is 100% on tai lung

              • 11 months ago

                He does get the scroll, after turtle is written out of the story for convivence (a point of enormous significance). And if it was only his fault shifu wouldn't have apologized or been left traumatized by the experience. Both of those things work, if it was written better.

              • 11 months ago

                You must really hate your parents, if any kind of authority seems like abuse to you, holy shit.

              • 11 months ago

                It is not "any kind of authority". That is not what I have been complaining about. And shockingly this conversation has had NOTHING to do with my personal life. This isn't my blog. This is my perspective on the poor writing in Kung-Fu Panda and a few things I wish had been done differently in regards to that children's animation. I enjoy it otherwise, mind you. And prefer 2, since it was written better and even has a direct connection to our protags past. Love to see continuation.

                Maybe this conversation can't go anywhere else. Looking back at it no one seems to want to address the writing itself. It's fine.

                He jobs in the 3rd film off screen to Kai, but so did everyone else except Po.

                >3rd film
                Was it good? Missed out on it when it released and never bothered.

              • 11 months ago

                I liked the 3rd film but it's probably the weakest of the series so far.

              • 11 months ago

                >Looking back at it no one seems to want to address the writing itself
                Because there's nothing wrong with it. You just are biased against Oogway.

              • 11 months ago

                I'd correct you and say I am biased against the writers, who self inserted a non-character so their plot could happen. But yes, I tend to be bias in those situation. When something is wrong with the writing. You're fine with him the way he is, you need no explanation and don't feel the need to hold the writers accountable here.

              • 11 months ago

                >When something is wrong with the writing.
                But there's nothing wrong with the writing, you are just upset that your favorite character didn't get what he wanted and Oogway just happened to be the perfect scapegoat

              • 11 months ago

                >I agree he was prideful, but who gave him that pride
                shifu literally apologizes to him for being so proud of him that it blinded him to what tai lung was becoming
                tai lung then rejects that, because he would rather have ultimate power

                >He could have been better balanced, and accepted the thing he had been working his whole life for wasn't going to happen, just because some homosexual turtle said so
                tai lung is a bad guy, he is too arrogant to accept the turtle pointing out he isnt worthy and he throws a fit and proves oogway right literally 10 seconds after
                oogway didnt do anything wrong, he just told an arrogant, temperamental, kung fu guy that the scroll wasnt his to read yet
                tai lung is the one who though he was ready, when he clearly wasnt

                > And the turtle is the one that starts the conflict, so i'm left emotionally conflicted
                all oogway did is tell tai lung he isnt ready
                a decision that is 100% correct because anyone who is willing to fight their own father over a scroll is definitely not deserving of any thing

            • 11 months ago

              also, po is being told a story not a documentary
              so its not a 1:1 blow by blow, this is exactly what happened report, but just a general retelling of events

              so "sensed the darkness in his heart" is not meant to be taken as a literal even, oogway did not recieve the newtype flash upon being in proximity with an evil being
              its just a more poetic and more succinct summary of what people said happened, which is that oogway knew tai lung was trouble and not worthy of being the dragon warrior

              • 11 months ago

                >it's not just nonsense it's vague nonsense
                You could remove turtle from the story and the only thing that would change is it would be a better story.

              • 11 months ago

                do you really not understand?
                po is being told a story, it isnt an after action report
                its meant to convey to both po and the audience the broad strokes of what happened without going into details, because details arent required to get the gist of things

                do you have an media literacy?

              • 11 months ago

                he's a shitposter, he's been doing this in every KFP thread

              • 11 months ago

                What I said didn't even imply a lack of understanding.

                >When something is wrong with the writing.
                But there's nothing wrong with the writing, you are just upset that your favorite character didn't get what he wanted and Oogway just happened to be the perfect scapegoat

                If you can take a major character out of a story and it changes nothing, there is something wrong with the story. My favorite character is the panda.

                Unironically Yes
                ya seethe b***h? LMFAO

                Contrary to common beliefs, my life is not being staked on this conversation about kung fu panda.

              • 11 months ago

                >and it changes nothing
                But taking Oogway away does change the story.
                Without Oogway Shifu wouldn't find in him to teach Poh
                Without Oogway, Shifu would've failed to stop Tai Lung from taking the scroll
                Without Oogway Poh wouldn't have been chosen as the Dragon Warrior
                Without Oogway, Shifu wouldn't have a master.

                Oogway IS important to the story, you are an imbecile.

          • 11 months ago

            >We see him spazz out after a life time of training lead to some homosexual turtle just saying "nah"
            >no you arent ready for the scroll
            >throws a b***h fit and destroys the valley and tries to steal the dragon scroll
            he is literally embodying pride, believing himself to be entitled to ultimate power and then going on a rampage when someone says no

            you dont need to see every single moment of tai lung being arrogant to justify oogway telling him he isnt worthy, just the mere fact that he feels entitled to something and will lash out and wantonly destroy things is enough to make you go "you know, maybe he wasnt a great guy this whole time"

            > And the result was him getting locked in prison for the rest of his life. For doing kung fu against his kung fu master.
            he was locked up because he is an incredibly powerful combatant who is shown to be willing to resort to violence because his feelings got hurt

      • 11 months ago

        Anon, the turtle could pretty much see people's souls, as the Dragon Warrior he would've probably eventually got some civilians killed because he was too wienery

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically Yes

      >can't be dragon warrior cuz you have da darksied inside of yooze!
      >was only evil because the homosexual turtle didn't even give him a chance
      It doesn't even make sense once you know what the dragon scroll contains. The scroll itself should have been the filter, not some untouchable plot device turtle.

      Can you wrestling shills frick off already? I don't care what you're being paid. Every fricking board with this shit.

      ya seethe b***h? LMFAO

  8. 11 months ago

    He was hard countered by an extremely unconventional fighter that was immune to his strongest techniques

  9. 11 months ago

    He jobs in the 3rd film off screen to Kai, but so did everyone else except Po.

    • 11 months ago

      >but so did everyone else except Po.
      po gets his ass-handed to him in every fight against kai
      he only gets even in the end by exploiting kais one weakness, which is that controlling all of his jombies spreads his attention, and even then all it does is give him an opening to send both of them to the spirit realm, where po is on the recieving end of a beatdown

      po is consistently shown to be very quick thinking, not necessarily the strongest there is
      even his final blow against kai isnt to overwhelm him with martial arts but just realizing that he could give kai more spirit energy than he can handle and blow him up
      the only enemy po defeats on a purely physical level is shen, but this is because shen was primarily a threat from his military ambition not his individual kill

      >And if it was only his fault shifu wouldn't have apologized or been left traumatized by the experience. Both of those things work, if it was written better.
      shi fu acknowledges the part he played in tai lungs upgringing
      but that does not excuse tai lung or shift any of the culpability in him
      he alone made the decision to destroy the valley

  10. 11 months ago

    How come he was losing so hard after the scroll opening scene? Before that he was keeping up with Po and even got him good with that 2-hit attack that made a crater.

    Also am I the only one that dislike the third film with the "chosen one" shit? I honestly liked the first film and it's message much more.

    • 11 months ago

      >How come he was losing so hard after the scroll opening scene?
      he was having a full-on mental breakdown as he realizes his entire life was for nothing
      the dragon scroll wouldnt give him power, and if it wasnt for the big fat panda he have figured it out
      and then he learns his trump card that one-shotted the furious five is useless against po because of the same fat he made fun of him for

      you try fighting someone when you discover that the reason you turned on your own adoptive father and got locked in prison for was all for nothing

  11. 11 months ago

    Tai lung was right
    Frick them turts

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