Did he love his son?

Did he love his son?

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  1. 12 months ago

    No? The whole point of the movie is that he didn't

    • 12 months ago

      but that's not true! he did love his son! he just didn't prance around like some kind of lame ass princely queer giving him a car and shit.

      • 12 months ago

        >imagine not being able to understand basic storytelling
        He is indifferent to the emotional development of his own son anon, insofar as whatever he can materially gain from using him. When he loses his hearing, his concern isn't that he'll be deaf forever, but that he'll lack utility when he travels so he immediately fricking sends him away...for literal years.

        Put your phone down, moron.

    • 12 months ago

      The whole point of the movie is that Daniel is detached and can't love anyone, and this is what makes him such a great prospector. He's opportunistic and unempathetic. He's not a people-person. But every once in a while, i suspect that old nagging feeling in the back of his head comes knocking again, and reality sets in for Daniel, that he's ultimately lying to himself. We'll never know though. The movie is less of a character study and more of a story about oil and the church and industry and America

  2. 12 months ago

    love requires understanding another person's point of view
    that doesn't work if your own worldview is absolute. People fit that ideal or they falter or they fail and are eternal disappointments.
    People like that are incapable of love, they are only capable of temporary tolerance or indifference, which they conflate with love because it's the apex of what they experience.
    Plainview probably wanted his son to magically fit his specific paradigm of what a 'good son' is but as this inevitably fails he would project his own inability to love on his son and blame him for everything not comprehending the idea that you should love your kids no matter what they do.

    • 12 months ago

      >love requires understanding another person's point of view
      wrong. love for your children is innate. even animals with no internal dialog or concept of their self protect their children with their life

      • 12 months ago

        He’s not his child, he adopted him and used him to look good during sales pitches. As soon as the kid goes deaf and stops being cute, he abandons him

        • 12 months ago

          i missed that

          • 12 months ago

            Fair enough. The first scene of the movie is a worker getting blown up on an oil explosion, and Daniel adopting his baby

          • 12 months ago

            >I missed that
            He mentions it like 10 times in the fricking movie, christ

            • 12 months ago

              am i supposed to remember every detail of every movie i ever watch? frick off moron

              • 12 months ago

                You should rewatch There Will Be Blood every year so you know it inside and out.

              • 12 months ago

                it's not that rewatchable movie

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                maybe if youre a plotgay it isnt. As a character study it is an awesome movie and has tons of rewatchability.

      • 12 months ago

        Wild animals eat their young.

        • 12 months ago

          >moron thinks he made a gotcha

          • 12 months ago

            >Oh no I was called out for saying something stupid. I'll just call him a moron!

            • 12 months ago

              how did the animals grow up to breed if they get eaten at birth? lol moron

    • 12 months ago

      >you should love your kids no matter what they do

      Is that really true though?

  3. 12 months ago

    loved his son, yeah, loved him so much he ruined his life

  4. 12 months ago

    lol the real question is did he love his brother

    • 12 months ago

      Definitely yes.

  5. 12 months ago

    he should have killed him and Sammy bite his hea d.

  6. 12 months ago

    this movie isn't as good as succession

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Boutique zoomer black-culture-brainwashing California style moronation

  7. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I'm generally confused about this character. Were there any twins and if there were did the original twin ever come back?

      • 12 months ago

        Daniel realised he was lying about having a twin at the end and that’s why he killed him.

      • 12 months ago

        The only flaw in this film is that they should have used a different actor for Paul. They could have used anyone, some guy on the street, Jack Black, and it would have been perfect.

        • 12 months ago

          Paul Dano was a classic choice

  8. 12 months ago

    If he didn't love HW then wtf was the point of the little montage at the end that showed him playing with HW and being happy around him?

    • 12 months ago

      there was no point. it was a dumb movie

    • 12 months ago

      The montage was for you, the viewer. You were supposed to come to the conclusion that he was so emotionally distant that even playing with his adopted son ultimately was a facade because just like the phony "brother", his son grew up to betray him, (in his own logic, not the movie's). That none of it matters if everyone around Daniel is seemingly doomed to disappoint him. Like his mother, his father, his actual brother...

      Do you people not actually follow the movies you watch?

      • 12 months ago

        I feel like he genuinly did love him at some point, I think it started as oprtunistic deffinetly and then when everything was going well in his life and he was actually working hard, before the well explosion, he really did love his son, and after all that it was a gradual to the point where after the time skip he just despises him. bassically his emotions where always tied to his buisness and financial success, and there are deffinetly tons of people like this, but when people are working and persueing goals, it makes the person much happier and able to love others. once things fell apart, and all he was left with was bassically no work and a shitload of money that would bassically kill anyones emotions

        • 12 months ago

          That's a super charitable reading on what's basically an autistic coded self-involved sociopath who's entire career revolves around destroying small towns if they have oil underneath. He doesn't even bother to tell his son's biological surviving family that the kid is still alive.

          • 12 months ago

            idk its the only way the story works for me otherwise its very hollow statement on his character, theres bassically no tradgedy element to his character if he never really lost anything since there was nothing there at the start... to me the story is about the balance of religion business and family, all huge things especially for rural americans like the ones in the town, and how having one in your life dominate the others destroys the others. before daniel showed up the town, but more specifically the preachers family was dominated by religion which the movie shows as the other children in that family clearly having a similar relationship to there father as daniel and his son. so its not that the oil ruined the town as it more just replaced the religious fundamentalists with something that equally destroys families

            If he didn't love HW then wtf was the point of the little montage at the end that showed him playing with HW and being happy around him?

            NTA btw, the montage to me was basically reinforcing what he lost obviously

          • 12 months ago

            idk its the only way the story works for me otherwise its very hollow statement on his character, theres bassically no tradgedy element to his character if he never really lost anything since there was nothing there at the start... to me the story is about the balance of religion business and family, all huge things especially for rural americans like the ones in the town, and how having one in your life dominate the others destroys the others. before daniel showed up the town, but more specifically the preachers family was dominated by religion which the movie shows as the other children in that family clearly having a similar relationship to there father as daniel and his son. so its not that the oil ruined the town as it more just replaced the religious fundamentalists with something that equally destroys families
            NTA btw, the montage to me was basically reinforcing what he lost obviously

            and about telling the family that the kid is alive is kind of a grey area up for interpretation no? like its never brought up at all we don't even know if daniel tried at all or what the entire circumstances were around his adoption since all we see, iirc, is that the miner dies and daniel ends up with his son and the rest of the details sorounding the adoption arn't really explicit

            Daniel realised he was lying about having a twin at the end and that’s why he killed him.

            this is moronic

            • 12 months ago

              it's true if you pay close attention

              • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          He "loves" the son when he fulfils exactly the purpose Daniel wanted him to fulfil. As soon as he doesnt act and do exactly what Daniel wants, he resents him. Thats not love at all. He has the ability to reciprocate and treat people well when they do and act exactly what he expects and wants from them, but thats where his emotional intelligence ends.

    • 12 months ago

      its just set up so the viewer really gets to think about what kind of character traits Daniel has. What kind of person is he, that he could still treat his (adopted) son like that in the end? He is an extreme character with an extreme view of the world and people. That personality is why he made it financially, but it is also why in the end he is a failure as a human being.

  9. 12 months ago

    >I'm a family man. I run a family business. This is my son and my partner, George W..

  10. 12 months ago

    To me he was like Sadie from the Whale or Kitty from Puss in Boots. He obviously had a rough childhood, his adult life didn't seem much better. It's easy to imagine that such a person grew to view other people as enemies, the ones that will earn your trust and then frick you up the ass when the situation calls for it, or they just outright seek to humiliate and destroy you. As a result Daniel treated every other person (except for his family) as competition, tool or a possible enemy and developed something of an avoidant personality-disorder. Henry and H.W. are the only people that he had a soft spot for in the movie, but then, surprise! He let his guard down around a man that wasn't even his brother and abused his trust and was playing Daniel for a fool, all for a cozy job. He lets these feelings fester in him and when H.W. wants to leave Daniel he has a full meltdown where he just wants to burn all bridges between them, only to not get hurt by another person that was close to him. Then he's finally alone, but instead of finding peace he becomes a drunken, miserable dark hole. As a whole, he's like meme related. So yes, Daniel did love H.W., but in a dysfunctional way.

    • 12 months ago

      >As a whole, he's like meme related.

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