Did Phantom Menace even imply the more Midi-chlorians in your blood, the more powerful you are?

Did Phantom Menace even imply the more Midi-chlorians in your blood, the more powerful you are?

A lot of leddit neckbeards were pissed off about that idea because it ruins the mind over matter lesson
of the OT, which is understandable, but I can't remember any line in the movie that says or even implies this.
It seems to me that Anakin having a high midi-chlorian count only meant to add more mystery to him.
It wasn't a clear sign that he was going to be a great Jedi or anything.

I mean if that was the case, Jedi Council wouldn't decline his training at first, right?
They saw a Midi-chlorian count no one has ever seen in the galaxy and they were still like
"nope, too old for training, he won't worth shit"

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Did Phantom Menace even imply the more Midi-chlorians in your blood, the more powerful you are?

  2. 9 months ago

    if george lucas ideas were used by disney, the next star wars film was going to be about the midichlorians in a osmosmis jones style. there'd be living characters inside a jedi that we'd see the whole world of. yup/

    • 9 months ago

      and it would have been kino

  3. 9 months ago

    The real way to fix it is correlation/causation. A throwaway line saying MC's are a harmless microorganism attracted to force-users would be enough.

  4. 9 months ago

    >not even master Yoda has a midichlorian count that high

    it's literally power levels from dbz. stop coping

  5. 9 months ago

    Remember that, at least in the Old EU obi wan had a lower midicholorian count than han solo. Also the OT makes it clear anyone can be a jedi if they train hard enough. No matter what later films try to retcon it people will always remember Empire and Yoda. Not the phantom toy commercial and Qui Gon Guy

    • 9 months ago

      >at least in the Old EU obi wan had a lower midicholorian count than han solo

    • 9 months ago

      No one cares about your fan fiction.

      • 9 months ago

        Official licensed made by professionals and with approval of the creator is not fanfition.

  6. 9 months ago

    The more STDs you have the more powerful you are Anikan.

  7. 9 months ago

    Remember when the prospect of a new Star Wars film was literally the most exciting event on planet earth?

  8. 9 months ago

    The Phantom Menace is a good movie.

    • 9 months ago

      i don't get the hate for young anakin. it absolutely makes his fall more of a tragedy knowing he was just some standard annoying kid when he was whisked away from his life by space monks

    • 9 months ago

      It isn't, but I like it the best of the prequels. I like the look and feel of the movie, for the most part.

  9. 9 months ago

    In the original trilogy, the reason why Vaders kids were important were because of inheritance. I dont understand the neckbeards on this one.

  10. 9 months ago

    It is a way to detect for force potential.
    A person with high midchlorians but low training would lose to someone with mid midchlorian count but years of force training.
    It's a basically a "how high could this person theoretically go" rather than a "this is how strong they are".

  11. 9 months ago

    The OT states that the Force is hereditary several times. You're right though nerds got upset about it because it ruined their headcanon that anyone can use the Force if they just simply believe in it.

    The irony being that they're partially right because it's a metaphor for believing in oneself and deciding your own values of right and wrong despite the fact that your genes and your parenting will inevitably sway you, but they're so caught up in literalising their space wizard movies and demanding free pretend magic powers that the point went completely over their heads.

  12. 9 months ago

    midichlorians are just a result of closely examining jedi bodies, just like we have DNA ooh that means God can't exist right? no it doesn't at all. the force is still a magical force its just been studied to death by advanced jedi cultures and the best understanding they have is that this part of a guys blood means he might have force potential. do you really think that all those super young... younglings were individually sought out and discovered for force sensitivity or they make all republic children on coruscant take a blood test? only George's movies are canon i am emotionally prepared and mentally willing to defend btw

    • 9 months ago

      lmao, what the frick. Not even a 7 year old smashing toys together would come up with this out of sheer embarrassment

  13. 9 months ago

    I can't believe how Lucas made anakin Jesus, and how he made up a character to steal obi wans backatory.
    Forget jar jar, Obiwan being on the ship on Tatooine is a bigger problem to the movie. Dumb Lucas just another obiwan stand in to kill at the end.
    Also Yoda said Luke was too old to train but he was like 20, now anakin at 8 is also too old? Cmon bro, wtf are you doing?
    Ans vader buikding c3p0 and obiwan already knowing r2d2?
    Seriously I can't believe this got approved and how no one told him he was wrong.
    And don't get me started on poo and fart jokes, or making the mother of leia a queen but unrelated to alderaan, that's also incredibly silly.

    • 9 months ago

      I like the art though but that was Chiang, not Lucas, maybe he should've been the director. At least he understood jedis don't wear tatooine clothes.

    • 9 months ago

      >can't believe how Lucas made anakin Jesus, and how he made up a character to steal obi wans backatory.
      It was quite stupid yeah.

      • 9 months ago

        And he made him a slave with a suposed bomb on the head that we never see geting deactivated, and the fact that they didn't save the mom... I mean what was Lucas intention? Did he really wanted jedis to be baby snatchers that don't give a damm of slavery? Was Maul suposed to be bad? Cause we didn't see him doing anything evil but killing a monk who abandoned a slave women.

        • 9 months ago

          Darth Maul mean mugged on the hologram in front of the Neimoidians, he cyber bullied them.

          • 9 months ago

            imo he should've been the one talking with the neimodians, sidious was too exposed

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, it's funny how everything that Palpatine does to hide his real identity is to put a cloak over his head.

              • 9 months ago

                also the fact that he undermines his own plans, if the neimodians or maul would've killed the jedis and made amidala sign the treaty he wouldnt have become chancellor

              • 9 months ago

                >if the neimodians or maul would've killed the jedis and made amidala sign the treaty he wouldnt have become chancellor
                He would, because the outrage among the galactic community would topple Valorum and put him as the representative of poor little Naboo in the spotlight. Throughout the PT Palpatine is playing win-win gambits where he's controlling both sides so he'll win no matter what happens.

  14. 9 months ago

    It was clear going all the way back to OT that there were people who could use the Force and ones that couldn't even if the Force was with everyone, and no it wasn't due to training (Leia starts having connections through the Force simply because she won the genetic lottery). Midichlorian count was the explanation why (everyone has midichlorians, but you can't do Jedi shit if you don't have enough of them). Was it clunky? Yeah. Did it demystify the Force to a certain degree? Kinda. Did it contradict a single thing from the OT? Not really. Even the powerlevel shit was already there since Palpatine considered Luke to have more potential than Vader.

  15. 9 months ago

    George Lucas came up witgh midi-chlorian to give a reason for Qui-Gon to pick up a random slave (Anakin) and send it to Coruscant for Jedi training even he was already "old".

    • 9 months ago

      Too bad he didn't watch the original movie to realize that it was obiwan who discovered anakin, who was already a great pilot and that he convinced him to help the republic.
      Imo anakin shouldve already been Hayden and be a naboo pilot helping the ship get away from the trade federation, maybe then landing on tatooine or some other planet like ord mantels and do the podrace there to earn money for repairs.
      That would explain him being too old, also no building of c3po, no virgin birth, no midiclorians and no chosen one prophecy either

  16. 9 months ago

    Midiclorians could've been explained like moths that go to the light but instead it would be the force.
    But I don't like that you use that to use the force, I mean do rocks have midiclorians? Cause jedi move them.

  17. 9 months ago

    Are you brain dead?

  18. 9 months ago

    >leddit neckbeards were pissed off about that idea because it ruins the mind over matter lesson
    I see. It makes sense now. They are monks not wizards... right?

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