Did the 2nd season of Kevin Smith's He-Man end up being any good?

Did the 2nd season of Kevin Smith's He-Man end up being any good?

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  1. 10 months ago

    I was hoping it never came out

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think anybody watched it.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think anybody watched it.

      >war story
      >people reacting irrationally out of grief

      I haven't seen this show. Tell me why this is bad?

      • 10 months ago

        She doesn't express grief in a recognizably human way for all of season 1 (never seen the rest). Anger is just one stage of grief but that is all she expresses. It's like a try-hard thing where they are so focused on being stereotypically feminist that they don't want her to express any 'weak' emotions like sadness or love. And as a result she behaves like such an edgelord that her behavior would be universally recognized as toxic and vile if it were a man behaving in this way. She is utterly unlikeable and yells at everyone including He-Man's mother who just lost her son, and she shows no gratitude for He-Man sacrificing his life for her. She doesn't even behave happy to see him when she is reunited with him in the afterlife.

        • 10 months ago

          >she doesn't express the full range of grief
          >i only watched the first season
          >she is only angry
          >the first stage of grief

          Again, I haven't seen this show. I don't have a horse in the race. But your logic is flawed.

          Because i guarantee you it's not painted as the female character acting irrational.

          Sounds like you haven't seen the show either, so I don't understand how you aren't reserving judgement considering you know as much for sure as I do.

      • 10 months ago

        Because i guarantee you it's not painted as the female character acting irrational.

        • 10 months ago

          She doesn't express grief in a recognizably human way for all of season 1 (never seen the rest). Anger is just one stage of grief but that is all she expresses. It's like a try-hard thing where they are so focused on being stereotypically feminist that they don't want her to express any 'weak' emotions like sadness or love. And as a result she behaves like such an edgelord that her behavior would be universally recognized as toxic and vile if it were a man behaving in this way. She is utterly unlikeable and yells at everyone including He-Man's mother who just lost her son, and she shows no gratitude for He-Man sacrificing his life for her. She doesn't even behave happy to see him when she is reunited with him in the afterlife.

          >she's not grieving the way I want her to.

          • 10 months ago

            >she doesn't express the full range of grief
            >i only watched the first season
            >she is only angry
            >the first stage of grief

            Again, I haven't seen this show. I don't have a horse in the race. But your logic is flawed.

            Sounds like you haven't seen the show either, so I don't understand how you aren't reserving judgement considering you know as much for sure as I do.

            She is the protagonist for the first part that was released and through all those episodes all we get from her character is anger. Even if you want to argue that this is realistic as to what someone might express in real life we need something more to be shown on screen if we are to care about the character or understand that she actually cared about Adam. She is pretty much a one-note character, nothing but aggression and anger which comes off as abrasive and offputting and yet the show expects us to follow her around as the protagonist and sympathize with her.
            Adam/He-Man actually shows a lot more positive emotions and comes across as likeable but unfortunately he's dead for most of the first part Netflix released.

            • 10 months ago

              I think you're supposed to assume that the original He-Man show happened and that these characters are further along in that same war with it having taken a toll on them.

              It seems like Teela is the gritty soldier character who does the sci-fi Starship Trooper shit and Adam gets to be Superman, and she's justifiably fricked off about that.

              Again, haven't seen the show. Don't know shit. But it sounds like the dissonance you're experiencing is exactly the conflict of the show. Teela is irrational because she's in a war story, and Adam is good because he's a hero in a hero story. That sounds like kinda the point, and honestly you've made me interested enough to actually watch the show now.

              • 10 months ago

                You sure have a lot of opinions about the show for someone who never saw it.. I'll be interested in hearing your opinion if you do get around to watching it though.

              • 10 months ago

                LOL. Watch the show. Then come back. No reason to invent all that weird shit.

  2. 10 months ago

    still find it hard to believe they went out of their way to screw the first He-Man show in years this bad. They say reception was so bad Netflix canceled any plan for a MOTU because of Smith. The poor performance of the CGI show certainly didn't help either. I

  3. 10 months ago

    I think Netflix has released one season but divided it into two "parts" btw. The problem is they killed He-Man in the first episode, and them brought him back only to kill him again just before he could turn into He-Man at the end of the first part. So we were stuck following Teela around, who they decided to make an obnoxious butthole. I know He-Man was resurrected yet again in the second part but I doubt many people stuck around to watch that. There is supposedly a second season coming out at some point called MotU: Revolution.

  4. 10 months ago

    She-Ra clears

  5. 10 months ago

    >implying anyone watched it
    Well meme'd, OP. You'd have to be a special kind of emotionally damaged to watch a cartoon made by someone who hates you.

  6. 10 months ago

    >be skeletor
    >have super steroids
    >evil lyn wants your boner
    >disable your super steroids to have sex
    >evil lyn takes your super steroids
    >becomes this
    >be sad skeletor

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


        Oh, and Kevin smith is a hack, with a mediocre taste in musclegirls.

    • 10 months ago

      I want to pull her clothes off and lick her abs.

  7. 10 months ago

    You just answered your own question

  8. 10 months ago

    I dunno I skipped through season 1 because the only interesting parts were when he-man died and when skeletor came back. The other characters still don't matter and never will. The quality of the whole thing was bad enough that I just didn't feel like watching any more.

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