Did the damn near everything is canon rule kill Star Wars?

Did the “damn near everything is canon” rule kill Star Wars?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Disney killed Star Wars.

    • 1 year ago

      No it didn't.

      • 1 year ago

        They absolutely did.

        • 1 year ago

          No they didn't

          • 1 year ago

            >No they didn't

            the brand and franchise are in a far, far worse shape under Disney than before.

            They've scared all the normies and jock chads away from it. No amount of nerds and contrarian nerds circlejerking can change that.

            Disney+ had Mandalorian success last about a season and a half. The other shows haven't moved any needle. They keep trying to launch new movie series that just end up falling apart. Merch is down. Hotels are down.

            • 1 year ago

              >They've scared all the normies and jock chads away
              No they haven't. That'd be impossible. Normies will always enjoy Star Wars.

              • 1 year ago

                Which is why the Disney Trilogy became the first ever series in history to go down one BILLION DOLLARS from the first movie to the last. ONE. BILLION. The Last Jedi has defied even the most hopeful of expectations that Avatar 2 would JUST make 2 billion dollars and remains the biggest sequel drop of all time with 742 million dollars lost between it and Force Awakens. Hasbro, for the very first time in history, lost 300 million on "Partner brands" in 2018, in a year with TWO Star Wars releases, and merchandise sold so poorly that entire pallets were shoved into a giant shredder because even liquidation stores didn't want them. Just a big old shredder to tear apart the merch nobody wanted as Rogue One toys we going for literally 3 cents, and that was too much. More than 1 out of every 3 tickets for The Last Jedi was sold in the first 3 days. Not first week, 3 days accounted for more than 1 out of every 3 people who wanted to see it.

                Disney did the impossible and crashed the most consistent merch seller and movie mover of all time. We genuinely have never seen a frickup this bad, our generation got to witness a once in a lifetime blowout that we just can't match. The only hope of it ever being even close to equaled is if Avatar 2 ONLY makes 1.7 billion dollars. Sit back and enjoy the awe of normal people leaving in droves that counted up to a literal BILLION DOLLARS in movie sales, alone.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not reading all that shit but nobody was expecting TLJ to make the same amount of money as THE FIRST Star Wars movie of a new trilogy as well as THE FIRST Star Wars in ten years.
                >but tcw movie
                I don't count that and neither should you.

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm not reading all that shit but nobody was expecting TLJ to make the same amount of money as THE FIRST Star Wars movie of a new trilogy as well as THE FIRST Star Wars in ten years.
                Right, which is why it had a nearly identical opening weekend as TFA. Except, suspiciously, Sunday saw a strangely high drop! Oh, and then next week it set a world record for 152 MILLION lost between the first weekend and second, prompting the to this day hilarious tweet by Rian Johnson about seeing it in week 3 because the "Energy is just right." Just to twist this knife, TLJ was contractually obligated to be shown on a set number of screens for one solid month, meaning even when it was the only options normies still dropped in such droves it set a record. But hey, maybe nobody was going at all. If only we'd had another movie released at around the same time that started at 33 million and somehow managed to make almost a billion dollars. A movie that did the unheard of and had it's theater count go UP in week 3 because a contract went out. If only.

                They got them in the door in near identical numbers, and after that it just dropped because, shockingly, they didn't want to come back.

              • 1 year ago

                I’m not reading all that shit either lol

              • 1 year ago

                That's okay, you read the first line both times, which is enough to leave you with nothing left.

                Now, sit back with the rest of us and laugh at this once in a generation frickup on a level we just will never see elsewhere. Even MCU's death is too slow to match the spectacle.

              • 1 year ago

                >Normies will always enjoy Star Wars

                the OT and maybe the prequels. The brand is on the decline and irrelevant amongst younger audiences.

    • 1 year ago

      Remember when George Lucas killed Star Wars?

    • 1 year ago

      most star wars media is bad.

  2. 1 year ago

    That was the "rule" according to Lucasfilm before Disney too.

    • 1 year ago

      >Disney spent a decade fricking around and then just did what Lucasfilm was doing from the start

      This has happened more than once, with more than one property under Disney's control.

    • 1 year ago

      It would have done if anyone particularly gave a shit. Now it's just fuel for people to laugh at when someone dredges it up. Probably out of context like the EU used to get, but still.

      Not really.
      The strength and weakness of the EU was that, since it was contradictory and could be bulldozed at any moment, you could pick and choose whatever you liked and ignore everything else, since only a few eras bothered to try coordinating.
      Disney was supposed to have a group dedicated to keeping consistency, but they were already shown to be impotent when TLJ rolled round and then RoS completely pissed all over them.

  3. 1 year ago

    What a fricking moron

  4. 1 year ago

    Star Wars was killed the moment it was conceived by George Lucas

    • 1 year ago

      Star Wars died when George saw Flash Gordon as a kid.

      • 1 year ago

        Star Wars died when Lucas saw the hidden fortress

      • 1 year ago

        Is there a single person followin every single one of these SW shows? how can anyone bear it?

        Star Wars died when Lucas saw the hidden fortress

        Star Wars died when the Lumière brothers invented the cinématographe

        • 1 year ago

          I friend who loves Star Wars to death and follows all this Disney shit despite admitting most of it is not good. I think it’s autism.

        • 1 year ago

          I did for a while and became unberable.

          • 1 year ago

            I never bothered

        • 1 year ago

          I'm still trying to decide whether to watch the young Jedis show when I'll be 37 next month. Is that weird?

          • 1 year ago

            It stars a They/Them cultist who’s only claim to fame is being a black girl who makes movies where she only fricks white dudes.

            Don’t watch it

            • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Star Wars died when Lucas saw the hidden fortress

        Is there a single person followin every single one of these SW shows? how can anyone bear it?

        Star Wars died when the Lumière brothers invented the cinématographe


  5. 1 year ago

    Nah, it's because a lot of the new content just isn't good. Doesn't help that the sequels are sitting there, and everything have to confirm to its garbage story

    • 1 year ago

      It's so funny how the ST, particularly Last Jedi, just fricking killed Star Wars. It's like the entire universe just fricking died after that and Rise of Skywalker was just spitting on the corpse.

      It's been amazing watching Disney turtle inward with Star Wars. They can't move the universe forward because the ST has left the universe in a place everyone despises. So they keep making shows and movies set BEFORE the ST, but not going PAST the ST. Because they know that past the ST there's nothing of value. And it's their own fault.

      • 1 year ago

        Rian Johnson might be spitefully delighted.

        • 1 year ago

          >Rian knew the Sequel Trilogy and whatever came from it would be awful
          >deliberately made a universe-breaking movie to kill the future of Disney Wars forever

          This would be a hell of a twist, Rian being /ourguy/ all along.

          • 1 year ago

            I used to kind of think this might be the case, and that certainly would be interesting and somewhat heroic if true, but after seeing the Knives Out movies I can conclude that he's just a hack

            • 1 year ago

              The first knives out was entertaining but pretty quirky/reddit. Was extremely moronic how they had to go with "actually he was fine all along, you're such an amazing nurse you knew what it was no matter what", it's like he thought the audience couldn't handle the proantagonist fricking up in anyway. Second one was just straight moronic, you could have almost certainly found a way to convict not Elon musk and even if you couldn't, instead of destroying the Mona Lisa just ducking kill him. The man murdered like what three people, just blow the place up with him in it. Also the focus on making hydrogen seem like a dangerous fuel source seemed strange and propagandistic

          • 1 year ago

            No he's just, like, really stupid. I mean have you seen him or his writing? He's just legit dumb as frick. If you just see reposts of his twitter you can tell he's just a dumbass Kathleen used to kill Luke Skywalker so she could make the series about her favorite character.

          • 1 year ago

            It's more likely he just thinks Star Wars was beneath him and made his "daring" movie with a spiteful attitude.

          • 1 year ago

            He's just a bad writer. TLJ isn't particularly spiteful. It ends with all the usual bullshit and Luke gets a big hero moment. It's just an incompetent script.

          • 1 year ago

            He was way too hostile toward criticism for that to be the case. Guy legitimately believed he made something great.

            • 1 year ago

              He was a fricking moron that didn't understand how to make a pitched high stakes cat and mouse fleet chase. Keep the story on the ship. Have everything deal with events leading to Poe and his attempt at Mutiny. Frick the Casino and everything else.

          • 1 year ago

            He was way too hostile toward criticism for that to be the case. Guy legitimately believed he made something great.

            As bad as Last Jedi was, I hated TFA a hundred times more. Mostly because it was mystery bos, member berry bullshit and getting praised for it instead of ridiculed. JJ Abrams shat in a box and presented it to the world and thought he made high art.

            • 1 year ago

              The most damning thing about the last jedi is that it's the best of it's trilogy. There's plenty of insanely dumb stuff but nothing on the level of TFA's hack retread of ANH or "somehow, palpatine returned."

              • 1 year ago

                oh yeah exactly, it tried to do new things. Nothing good mind you, but that's more than 7 and 9.

              • 1 year ago

                I thought it was cool that everyone in the throne room scene was trying to replicate a feat from their role model and they all failed. It's fun and works on a meta level that they try to live up to the glories of the past but don't succeed. You can only really do that in a sequel.

              • 1 year ago

                As bad as Last Jedi was, I hated TFA a hundred times more. Mostly because it was mystery bos, member berry bullshit and getting praised for it instead of ridiculed. JJ Abrams shat in a box and presented it to the world and thought he made high art.

                Agreed. And now I'm sad. Confound this...

              • 1 year ago

                ST could have still been salvaged if they didn't start backpedaling in the third one and had the balls to commit to anything

      • 1 year ago

        the logical thing to do is retcon the sequels or set them in a different timeline

      • 1 year ago

        >They can't move the universe forward because the ST has left the universe in a place everyone despises.
        They could if they had anything in mind. If they set a story 100 years later they could do more or less whatever they wanted.

      • 1 year ago

        You can't really kill Star Wars, the franchise is too big to die at this point. Some movies/shows will be shit and everyone will cry out about Star Wars being ruined forever then a movie/show comes out that people actually like then they praise it as the best thing since Empire. It's been like this since the prequels.

        • 1 year ago

          >the franchise is too big to die at this point.
          Is it? TLJ's legendary drop and Solo's followup of an out and out bomb proved there is actually a line that is too far for regular people, and Disney already crossed it. Even the one teeny tiny scrap of success they got with the Mandalorian has apparently died off thanks to a stream of shitty shows like Obi-Wan and Boba Fett.

          Star Wars didn't survive off the name "Star Wars", it survived the prequels because it kept the "I remember that!" factor. But if they make a sequel with Rey, then nobody's gonna fricking care about it. Even if it's good, nobody is invested in Rey and they'll think it's more Rey. Rey is far and away the worst selling of the protagonists on merch, so even little girls aren't going to want to go see it. When you've killed off everything the normal people loved and remembered, who cares if it has the name? Didn't fricking work for Little Mermaid.

          • 1 year ago

            TROS still made a billion ard from what I can recall, The Mandalorian and Obi-Wan were actually pretty successful in the ratings. Andor is the opposite in that it didn't really attract a lot of viewers but it was well received and is considered to be Disney+'s sole prestige show.
            >When you've killed off everything the normal people loved and remembered, who cares if it has the name? Didn't fricking work for Little Mermaid.
            Luke died in TLJ but people literally coomed when his deepfake clone popped up in The Mandalorian season two finale, I would even say his cameo was the main reason why Filoni and Jon became known as the "saviors of Star Wars" for a while. People still respond well to shameless fanservice.

          • 1 year ago

            There's a difference between "dying" and "not making gigastonks anymore." Proportionally, the drop from 7 to 8 was roughly the same as from 1 to 2, so in both cases it's more like 1 and 7 had a massive wave of excitement behind them from being the first new Star Wars movies in decades, and a drop was inevitable. 8, 9, and R1 all made over a billion dollars, Solo is the only financial disappointment so far and it still made a healthy profit, and the TV shows regardless of your opinions of them are enough to keep interest going.

            • 1 year ago

              >Proportionally, the drop from 7 to 8 was roughly the same as from 1 to 2
              That's a very commonly mistaken myth, in reality
              In their first year of release, A New Hope made 190 million VS 140 million, or a difference of about $184,079,490.29 when adjusted for inflation. Needless to say, 732 million drop despite a near identical opening is just a touch worse. The reason people commonly misattribute a similar drop is actually in those links I provided, Star Wars 1 literally stayed in theaters unstopped until over a year into ESB's release, and then both of them had a re-release in 1981, and then a bonzo big release for A New Hope in the 90's when George was guaging to see if the Prequels would sell. TLJ's drop, even if we for some reason took it out of the climate of Sequels almost universally making more than their predecessors regardless of how wanted they are, ask Endgame about that one, still managed to defy even the kindest of expectations which put it at 1.8-1.9 billion just on a 3X multiplier, which it obviously couldn't touch.

              >and it still made a healthy profit,
              Oh shit I'm talking to an absolute moron what the frick am I doing.

              • 1 year ago

                I think anon was referring to TPM and AOTC, not ANH and ESB

              • 1 year ago

                Then you're also wrong and thinking of re-releases, of which The Phantom Menace surprisingly had a great one.


                Adjusted for inflation Attack of the Clones made 513,390,039.23 less in TODAYS money. Wanna know how much less TLJ made than TFA adjusted for todays money? $905,930,629.90. Inflations a b***h.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon, look up what "proportionately" means, thank you.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Adjusted for inflation? AOTC has the lowest box office gross out of all the SW films

              • 1 year ago

                You're talking to someone who thought a movie that had a 77 million write down in a year where Hasbro lost 300 million on all partner brands(That's almost entirely Star Wars) somehow made a profit.

        • 1 year ago

          >too big to die

          They literally cancelled several movies. Including Iran Johnson’s trilogy because of TLJ reaction and then SOLO bombing

          • 1 year ago

            Hey, Rian Johnson's trilogy is still coming!

            Any day now we're going to hear about it, surely!

          • 1 year ago

            Didn't Solo mainly bomb because it was wedged between Infinity War and Deadpool 2? Would have probably done better if it came out in the holiday season.

      • 1 year ago

        >So they keep making shows and movies set BEFORE the ST, but not going PAST the ST.
        They're literally making a movie about Rey 15 years after the ST.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't think anyone thinks that film will be finished.

        • 1 year ago

          They ANNOUNCED a movie about Rey. They have announced and cancelled so many projects at this point that until they start filming, it ain't happening

  6. 1 year ago

    Yes because it makes the sequel trilogy canon which makes the fans not care about anything that takes place after the OT as much due to everything eventually leading up to that shitshow. At the same time, it makes Disney avoid making post ST or ST adjacent things because they know how much people hated the trilogy so they keep giving us post-Imperial slop and prequels like Andor.

  7. 1 year ago

    It's been very interesting to watch people dunk on the dumbest aspects of the old EU for years
    >IG-88 had a clone that was in the process of hijacking the Death Star and was about to use it to wipe out organic life before Luke blew it up?
    >pic related were actually lovers who died in each other's arms while fighting for the rebels on Hoth?
    >bugnest orgies?
    >Han Solo fought giant otters and velociraptor-people?
    >fricking everything about The Force Unleashed?
    only to more or less universally agree that Lucasfilm's control over the old EU and their collaborative work with Dark Horse was far far better and more tightly controlled than Disney/Marvel's EU.

    • 1 year ago

      It's one thing for a barely wrangled group of randoms to make dumb shit on occasion, and quite another for a group supposedly under one banner to not only keep fricking up despite having a what not to do blueprint, but to then frick up in new ways not even the worst of the EU writers would ever have dreamed of.

    • 1 year ago

      The Dark Horse Star Wars comics feel like a golden age now. Even their wackiest shit feels better than Disney's garbage.

      Pic related. I read a little of this storyline but always wanted to read the whole thing. The idea that the Moffs and the other "secular" Imperials would decide they didn't like taking orders from the Sith Lords is such a neat idea. Dark Horse's stuff was full of neat ideas like this. When it didn't work, it could be bad, but even then it was still usually INTERESTING. And when it worked well it was great.

      • 1 year ago

        >When it didn't work, it could be bad, but even then it was still usually INTERESTING.
        I'd argue TRoS is pretty interesting in how badly it doesn't work. So many baffling decisions it's hard to look away from.

    • 1 year ago

      The olden days being batshit doesn't preclude them from being superior to Gisnep throttling the franchise

    • 1 year ago

      I actually liked Ssi-Ruuks

    • 1 year ago

      The crazy shit is fine when you consider that this crazy shit accumulated over 30+ years and most of it was in random minor comics or books which almost no one knew about. When you reset the canon in 2014(idk actual year of purchase) and sling this much shit, especially after saying that you were resetting it so that you wouldn't have that much shit being slung, then it's a lot less acceptable. To make matters worse the ridiculous shit isn't just a minor detail but often is deeply connected to everything.
      "Red light sabers are red because crystals are basically alive and you can cause them to break and "bleed" by being pissed at them but if you are unpissed at them they unbleed and become white"
      moronic. Having red crystals be artificial is a much better explanation since it further emphasizes the dark side being a corruption and the siths seek to expose their will on the force

      • 1 year ago

        I don't mind the bleeding crystals thing, it provides an interesting look into how the Sith functioned with acolytes probably graduating into full time apprentices if they managed to kill a Jedi and take their lightsaber for themselves,cplus it encapsulates how the Sith teachings and values are a corruption of the Jedi.

        • 1 year ago

          You don’t think it’s a little too on the nose?

    • 1 year ago

      Han Solo also FRICKED a giant otter

      • 1 year ago

        That was someone else. Something something her fur irritated the hell out of his skin, his sweat burned HER skin...Selonian, I think her species was called.

    • 1 year ago

      I noticed a LOT of people were willing to forgive the EU because it turned Luke into...well, into the nerd version of what Rey presumably is to Kathleen Kennedy: A shameless self-insert with fanfiction-tier powers who can battle space shoggoths, toss around black holes and frick his assassin into a waifu.

      I'm not woke or anything, but I'm just saying that if you liked the character arc Luke got in the OT you would barely recognise the character he becomes in the EU.

      • 1 year ago

        That's an interesting point. Reminds me of pic related.

        • 1 year ago

          I love this series. All the seething betas trying to figure out why their wives/sisters/daughters were wet for Edward was hilarious when it came out.

      • 1 year ago

        Luke gets his ass kicked across the EU pre-Vong.At one point he even prepares to pull an Obi-Wan and come back as a ghost and Leia just shoots the guy as Han traps him in an anti-force bubble.

        • 1 year ago

          And Rey has an emotional breakdown at multiple points of TFA (seeing the lightsaber vision, seeing daddy Han die), her equivalent of Luke's cave vision of Vader is looking deep into her character soul and finding nothing (TLJ), and in RoS Palpatine had her dead to rights with Force Drain but decided not to kill her immediately because reasons. Not saying he didn't struggle, but the journey still leads to the similar destination of Luke being able to beat Palpatine like an uppity redheaded stepchild after Palpatine cheated death by cloning and became stupidly powerful beyond even what was shown in RoS

          • 1 year ago

            Rey's "flaws" and setbacks are only ever meant to make her more likable. This is the prime reason she is an archetypal mary-sue.
            Luke fricking up with C'Baoth, Kueller, et al are not
            >but the journey still leads to the similar destination of Luke being able to beat Palpatine like an uppity redheaded stepchild
            shit, I should have read this first and realised you don't have a clue what you're talking about

      • 1 year ago

        >A shameless self-insert with fanfiction-tier powers who can battle space shoggoths, toss around black holes and frick his assassin into a waifu.

        In other words you never read a single EU novel starring Luke

        • 1 year ago

          Writing standards may have been higher back then, but don't you dare sit here and tell me Mara Jade is a natural and logical outcome of the Empire's dissolution

          • 1 year ago

            >a natural and logical outcome of the Empire's dissolution

            What do you even mean by that? Mara Jade basically ditched her imperial assassin identity and became smuggler after Palpatine died since she only answered to him

    • 1 year ago

      >bugnest orgies

      • 1 year ago

        Killiks get freaky.

  8. 1 year ago

    "Star Wars" made by people that don't understand or care about Star Wars killed Star Wars.

    • 1 year ago

      They actually understand it way better than you.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Rogue One, The Bad Batch, Rebels, Andor, The Mandalorian and TCW S7 are better than anything the EU ever did.

          • 1 year ago

            Rogue One contradicts and misunderstands the original movies.

            • 1 year ago

              How's that, big brain?

              • 1 year ago

                Star Wars is good vs evil but in Rogue One the rebels murder loyal allies to cover their own asses and assassinate prisoners after agreeing to rescue them and lack the backbone to do anything even when a lot is on the line.

                In the original movies the rebels are underdogs (most of the ships sent against the Death Star die, their guns are too weak in the snow battle, they're foreced into a near-suicidal charge in the space battle in RotJ etc etc.) which underlines the courage of what they're doing but in Rouge One they show up and start slugging it out and win pretty easily.

                It recontextualizes Princess Leia's spaceship being attacked in the 1977 movie to her being persued from the scene of a battle rather than her just doing diplomatic stuff for her planet and suddenly being attacked by Vader (which demonstrates what thugs the empire are). Leia is supposed to be SECRETLY aiding the Rebels and Vader can get away with kidnapping her and killing a bunch of people on a hunch.

                Says the Death Star's vulnerability is deliberate sabotage by a coerced engineer which ruins its symbolism of the hubris of the Empire; they never considered one man in a little spaceship could stop them until it's too late. (I also dislike the idea that some genius engineer was needed to build it but that's not directly contradicting anything)

              • 1 year ago

                >Star Wars is good vs evil but in Rogue One the rebels murder loyal allies to cover their own asses
                Darth Vader murdered children but he gets redeemed in the end.
                >In the original movies the rebels are underdogs (most of the ships sent against the Death Star die, their guns are too weak in the snow battle, they're foreced into a near-suicidal charge in the space battle in RotJ etc etc.) which underlines the courage of what they're doing but in Rouge One they show up and start slugging it out and win pretty easily.
                They lose like half their fleet and all the main characters die.
                It recontextualizes Princess Leia's spaceship being attacked in the 1977 movie to her being persued from the scene of a battle rather than her just doing diplomatic stuff for her planet and suddenly being attacked by Vader (which demonstrates what thugs the empire are).
                You don't actually need that in order to show the Empire are thugs, particularly not after forty years of additional Star Wars material.
                > Leia is supposed to be SECRETLY aiding the Rebels and Vader can get away with kidnapping her and killing a bunch of people on a hunch.
                Secret to public at large, yes. The Empire are more than aware of what Alderaan is up to, that's why they blow it up.
                >Says the Death Star's vulnerability is deliberate sabotage by a coerced engineer which ruins its symbolism of the hubris of the Empire; they never considered one man in a little spaceship could stop them until it's too late.
                It further demonstrates their hubris by the fact nobody was able to detect what Galen was doing.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                No, you just have a moronic baby's understanding of Star Wars, holy shit

              • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            And the Headliner act shat itself on stage slipped and fell into its own mess. And Season 3 Mando decided to belly flop into the shit puddle too.

            Yea it has some bright spots. But it's way overshadowed by shit.

            It's like Star Trek Proidgy being good while still in the shadow of its shit wallow.

            Hard to see the good for all the shit.

            • 1 year ago

              Why do people hate Mando S3 again? The criticism makes it seem like people just hate Star Wars being Star Wars

              • 1 year ago

                Season 3 Mando is a woeful step down in quality that feels like executive fingers are in all its pies.

                "Damn you mentioned the whole Mandalore thing in another show, better figure a way to get it in here."

                Bending over fricking backwards to make Bo-Katan the main character and super awesome special "walks in both worlds" nonsene.

                Only bright spots were the Cloner Scientist story of struggling to want to do good with his skills stiffled by the New Republic only to setup and betrayed. And Christopher Loyd as the aging Separatist that hated both Empire and Republic forces controlling his planet.

                Lizzo and Jack Black are fricking useless.

              • 1 year ago

                Honestly I don't see Manndo S3's faults being that much different from the previous seasons. It feels like people only noticed now because they were clouded by the novelty of Mando being the first SW series and all the cameos.
                Bo-Katan effectively becomes the main protagonist or at least the only character with an arc because Din's story basically ended in the previous season.
                Lizzo and Jack Black were just guest stars.

              • 1 year ago

                The problem was they couldn't commit to Din. Season 2 ended with Grogu getting shuffled off and Din having the darksaber. That's a good, firm ground to pivot towards Mando culture stuff with Din reluctantly at the center of it.
                And then they reel it all back so hard it almost feels cynical. Grogu's back before Season 3 even fricking starts and Din eagerly hands off the darksaber on a technicality. All the mando culture stuff gets transferred over to Bo-katan and Din is free to go right back to doing his Lone Wolf and Cub thing because the marketing team demanded it or else they'd start executing the hostages.

              • 1 year ago

                The season just felt disjointed and bland writing-wise. There was also a lack of character and emotion. I don’t mind basic Star Wars adventures but S3 is forgettable because that’s all that it was and it lacked soul.

                Then show can’t figure out if it wants to be episodic or serialized. One episode we’re working towards retaking Mandalore, the next, Mando is fighting some bird creature, then the next, here’s two unrelated characters nobody cares about. The writing is all over the place. Moth Gideon comes back only to be beaten a third time.

          • 1 year ago

            If they understood Star Wars Rogue One wouldn't even exist.

            • 1 year ago

              If they understood Star Wars Kyle Katarn wouldn't exist.

      • 1 year ago

        Nice rebuttal, vegana. Who paid you to post this? Women are incapable of making art and belong in the kitchen

        • 1 year ago

          Your mother is paying me to talk to you between our backdoor frick sessions.

          • 1 year ago

            >The Hole can’t even shitpost correctly

            Back to the kitchen, b***h

            • 1 year ago

              You're a redditor with delusions of grandeur.

  9. 1 year ago

    Not really, honestly the EU had a good enough system and generally spinoffs and books and shit were isolated enough to not really ruin shit. The issue is basically at the end of the day Disney shitting the bed with damn near absolutely everything and ESPECIALLY with the three movies they had intended to be the luynch pin of how the IP was gonna be in their hands (because those 3 Movies are bad every work based around them or in their "era" has to deal with their shit), like there was like what? Jedi Survivor and The Mandalorian that landed well without controversy? Arguably Rebels too?

    I think the best analogy would be that Disney bought a miliking cow, attached, put the milker at the "Black Hole" setting to be able to make a bigger profit and proceeded to sell milk mixed with blood and puss.

  10. 1 year ago

    disney killed star wars

  11. 1 year ago

    Nah, that's not the problem. Shitty movies that turned off viewers is the problem. Canon can be anything anyone wants as long as the movies are fun to watch.

  12. 1 year ago

    They are "canon", but the movies are free to ignore everything, and the TV shows are free to ignore everything but the movies.

  13. 1 year ago

    Disney killed the franchise so thoroughly even shit they don’t control like the Old Republic MMO is being sold from BioWare and put into maintenance mode.

  14. 1 year ago

    Disney killed Star Wars the moment they bought it, simply by treating it as just another interchangeable brand IP they owned. Lucas oversaw everything to do with Star Wars licensed products, and while there were more than enough misses by him (do not pretend for one second the prequels were better received at the time than the sequels were now) the oversight meant not only far more brand cohesion, but a desire to expand Star Wars into as many areas as it possibly can. Obviously that's Lucas' own desire for money, trying to monetize Star Wars in every way he can think of, but it meant Star Wars stayed in the public eye with products of varying quality. Even if you thought the prequels were bad, you had books, comics, games, cartoons, everything, and you could pick and choose the best from each of those.

    With Disney, everything is based on whatever business decisions they want, and they're more interested in short-term profit margins than actually trying to expand Star Wars as a brand. Video game exclusivity with EA is horrible for long-term brand viability, but it's better in the short-term so they did it. Killing off old canon and recreating their own is horrible for long-term brand viability, but it caused a brief explosion of interest in the "brand new" materials for short term profits, before people stopped caring. They're less inclined to hand out piecemeal licensing contracts to anyone that can put a product together like Lucas did, because it means less in the short term ledgers.

    • 1 year ago

      >Killing off old canon and recreating their own is horrible for long-term brand viability, but it caused a brief explosion of interest in the "brand new" materials for short term profits
      There was no way for the sequels to coexist with the EU. It was as impractical as TCW coexisting with all the other Clone Wars EU material. And this is ignoring the fact they knew they were going to continue expanding into TV the same way Lucas had tried to do.

      • 1 year ago

        >There was no way for the sequels to coexist with the EU
        Only if you assume the sequels HAD to be set only a few decades after the original movies so we can bring back all the familiar ships and characters for memberberries. Whatever your opinion is of the Legacy comics, they at least had the common sense to just go "okay, a century has passed, let's do something new." Hell, the backstory to the sequels would've made a hell of a lot more sense if it was a century or two beyond the original movies, because then it would be more reasonable that a new Empire would rise and threaten the Republic, instead of setting it while the original characters were still alive and now they all look like a bunch of incompetent morons.

        • 1 year ago

          >Only if you assume the sequels HAD to be set only a few decades after the original movies so we can bring back all the familiar ships and characters for memberberries
          Practically speaking, they did. Or at least that was always the plan, including Lucas's outline.

          >There was no way for the sequels to coexist with the EU.
          The Sequels were a horrible idea to begin with.

          I agree.

          • 1 year ago

            >Or at least that was always the plan, including Lucas's outline.
            Then Disney should've either kept Lucas in charge of the brand or gone in a different direction.

      • 1 year ago

        >There was no way for the sequels to coexist with the EU.
        The Sequels were a horrible idea to begin with.

        • 1 year ago

          The Sequels "Idea" was just that, they said it outright. They didn't have any idea where anything was going.

    • 1 year ago

      Good analysis

  15. 1 year ago

    It's ultimately a pointless rule when there's just as much contradiction as before.

  16. 1 year ago

    Star Wars was killed by an oversaturation of endless new characters all shoved into the same narrow span of time. All of them competing for the spotlight, stealing valor, stealing antagonists, etc. All taking place in fixed-result timelines.

    It's impossible to care about anything.

    • 1 year ago

      I think you're just depressed.

      • 1 year ago

        No I just think Star Wars specifically is shit, you moron.

  17. 1 year ago

    No, axing the EU killed it. That was far more expansive and creative than the new canon, probably because it was created by actual men and talented women instead of talentless women and feminized, childish men.

  18. 1 year ago

    Unironically yes because now no one is allowed to touch the Clone Wars Except Dave Filoni. Which for some reason also extends to comics and video games. And the 20 year period between ROTS and ANH is becoming really fricking oversaturated because that's all Disney has been working on since the buyout.

    The universe feels more tiny and limited than ever because now everything bends around the same cast of characters.

    • 1 year ago

      >The universe feels more tiny and limited than ever because now everything bends around the same cast of characters.
      That's been a problem since TPM.

      • 1 year ago

        At least back then you had the Videogames that told stories beyond Episodes 1-6.

        • 1 year ago

          I mean even they usually circled back to the OT in some way, whether some major character appears or they visit the same locations again.

      • 1 year ago

        The old EU used to expand outward. People weren't afraid to make shit up and then weave it into canon somewhere. Everything in Disney Wars needs to lead into the next event.

    • 1 year ago

      So true. The books in the EU had tons of events that didn't even revolve around the conflict between the resistance and the Empire and jedi. We have books like The Alien Chronicles by Deborah Chester that was just about slaves in an arena fighting for freedom.

  19. 1 year ago

    Star Wars unironically works best when it's trying to get you to buy cool shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Something something "Force is Female"

  20. 1 year ago

    Disney killed star wars, the old canon was perfectly fine

  21. 1 year ago

    >Damn near everything is canon
    As far as I can tell 'Movies/Tv series canon >> Books/Comics canon' rule is still there

    • 1 year ago

      It really varies on the creator, you have Jon Favreau relying on the books and comics like the Aftermath trilogy as the foundation of several plotlines in the Mando show but then you also have Dave Filoni bulldozing the Kanan comic and the Ahsoka novel.

      • 1 year ago

        Old habits die hard

  22. 1 year ago

    Resistance actually tried to flesh out the sequels and give weight to the meaningless shit that happened in them. It also didn't damage the canon as most of it was small scale and pre-existing. ideas

  23. 1 year ago

    No, creative inbreeding did. It's always the same stuff regurgitated. Lucas was the only one to ever push things forward into new ground, and with him gone all hope is lost, and we're doomed to see the franchise tread water with 'member berries for the rest of time.

    • 1 year ago

      >No, creative inbreeding did
      Spot on.
      Lucasfilm also convinced themselves they were the geniuses, and Lucas the problem. Turns out "George not listening to advice" thing went both ways.

  24. 1 year ago

    Was wild they had Kreia in Resisty.

  25. 1 year ago

    Not planning out their new trilogy from the get go and then trying to use their hit series as a tent pole to launch all their other shows to the detriment of said popular show is what is killing Star Wars.
    Also, a weird aversion to death means characters overstay their welcome, which is practically like Reva and that fake Jedi in Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    • 1 year ago

      Hey, 'member how they kept trying to create an artifical Boba Fett moment using Phasma? Not only getting her shoved down a chute in TFA, but also having a dramatic fight scene where she gets her ass beat by Poe?

      The weird thing is for the 30 people on Earth who actually give a shit about Phasma as a character is that her character is that she's a backstabbing, ruthless coward. She's not even a hard b***h the way Ventress or Talon was, she's straight up a petty, stupid sociopath without any of Palpatine's charisma or intelligence. And some fricking how someone got the brilliant idea of making a solo novel for her.

      People talk about Rey being Kathleen's self-insert, but everything about Phasma reeks of someone less important in Disney's hierarchy submitting theirs and having it quickly shelved once the higher-ups realised she basically submitted a Sith without any redeeming features.

  26. 1 year ago

    >Well actually an endless amount of Jedi survived Order 66 alongside an unamed amount of totally-not-sith
    >Every single one of these OCs have spectacular powers and eventually fight (and sometimes beat) Darth Vader
    >But they’re never mentioned in the movies
    >And they can’t kill Vader because canon

    I’ve never seen a franchise so creatively bankrupt and too scared to move past ONE SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD in its canon. For fricks sake, even DBZ moved past the Buu Saga.

    • 1 year ago

      The sequel trilogy ruined the post-ROTJ era but they won't decanonize it so their hands are tied.

  27. 1 year ago

    No the" everything ends with Luke" is what will kill sw if ppl see how I see it

    Vader comic
    Vader force stratagist to kill him. Satanist leads him to lightning Vader gets up and move around. Note statagist said Vader suit is purposely made to be weak to lightning (that's why Vader dies to sidious force lightning yet he cant tank it?)

    Ezra is considered a powerful force user by Darth maul (maul also had vision about the jedi order will fall and told obi wan how luke might be the chosen one in case you wnt to know his accuracy assessment) Ezra shouldn't be older and be used on the front line of important missions also he's a decent pilot

    Ashoka still alive why she haven't help Luke to prevent obi wans death or fhelp fight Vader final takedown of the sith.
    Hell ashoka Yoda and obi Wan could have meet up and fought back not to mention ventress was ending her sith arc and mellowing out a bit around this time

    And the games don't help
    In survivor 1 ending the Mc finds a relic that shows child force users but he destroyed it cause he's not responsible enough to have it and don't want sith to take it and kill the kids rather then find a competent jedi or building a new order

    See no matter what happens the endgame is always Vader kill sidious and Luke is the hero the ending don't get re written ill just take a comic book if route this is the one time marvel Disney should be making ifs for sw

    Also sw has that xmen problem even tho the rebles win the story is still takes place in the aftermath.

    Imperial is still around sith are still there but they aren't strong as Vader or general geivious jedi order is not being build and Luke dissappear like the 1313 game development were just in limbo

    I like to read ya thoughts on my take plz don't explain why it's shit

    • 1 year ago

      is this speech-to-text?

      Vader has been massively over-emphasized, though. RotJ makes it clear the emperor would casually sacrifice him just to enjoy corrupting some other guy. He's a wretched slave, not a demon lord. The retroactive twist to his attempt to get Luke to help him overthrow the emperor in ESB is that he wasn't greedy for more power, he was trying to free himself from slavery to evil (through evil means, which is why he failed)

      • 1 year ago

        No I typed it on phone and I don't really check for typos

      • 1 year ago

        same guy as

        No I typed it on phone and I don't really check for typos

        I get that I just hate how the end game to sw is usually rotj (sorry if i didnt make my point clear ) even tho all the new story and char are alive but don't do anything when it matters k

        inda like xmen before krakoa

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