Did they ever get back together?

Did they ever get back together?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 months ago

    In a single episode of Angel which ended up being undone.

    • 2 months ago

      No I mean after both series were finished

      • 2 months ago

        I refuse to accept the comics as canon so I'm going with 'no'.

      • 2 months ago

        >No I mean after both series were finished
        Comics continuity is unfathomably bad and shouldn't be acknowledged.

        I refuse to accept the comics as canon so I'm going with 'no'.

        >I refuse to accept the comics as canon so I'm going with 'no'.
        This is the correct response. I read Angel ATF and a couple small things aside i.e. Angel naming the dragon Cordelia hit for me, Lorne controlling a slice of Hell.A. and it being completely peaceful was appropriate, and there were some outrageously good covers for the issues (pic related), it was straight trash. No one should bother.

        • 2 months ago

          And this Incredible Hulk reference. The Illyria jigsaw puzzle cover is also tops.

        • 2 months ago

          I read a few of those. Didn't seem to make much since, the panel placement was all fricked up

          >Wesley becomes a ghost
          >Gunn gets turned into a vampire

    • 2 months ago

      Good. That episode was shit. So was every episode that had a crossover. They should have kept the shows separated from each other after they spun-off.

      • 2 months ago

        You're a stunad of the 1st magnitude, the crossovers were Kineaux di tutti Kini

        • 2 months ago

          >when anon has a stroke yet must still Post

          • 2 months ago

            If you can't read that you're stupider than I thought

            • 2 months ago

              I used google to try to comprehend your gibberish.
              Wop slang. Irrelevant language, irrelevant people.
              >Kineaux di tutti Kini
              Literal fricking gibberish.

  2. 2 months ago

    oh yeah they do

    • 2 months ago

      I can see why anon refuses to accept those as canon.

      • 2 months ago

        Well, it's not up to debate. Whedon himself wrote this.

    • 2 months ago

      Well, it's not up to debate. Whedon himself wrote this.

      This is embarrassing

    • 2 months ago

      >why do people flock to manga

  3. 2 months ago

    Angel was pretty whatever on Buffy but man did Riley and Spike's relationship with her fricking suck.

    • 2 months ago

      Spike was the stupidest mistake. Having him date buffy.and get a soul too was so fricking cringe.

      Reminds me of when Cordelia gave the Groosalugg a makeover and basically just turned him into a copy of Angel

      • 2 months ago

        >Spike was the stupidest mistake. Having him date buffy.and get a soul too was so fricking cringe.
        Them banging was a mistake but having Spike fall for her and go to the effort of getting his soul back to impress her was peak Spike behaviour. Dude reverted back to his lovesick puppy human persona after Dru abandoned him. Also if he doesn't get his soul back, he doesn't end up in the amulet, therefore doesn't contribute to the most kino season of Angel. Can't have that.

        I'm still pissed off for how they handled Cordelia's whole plotline. A season long coma? A "it was all a dream" send off? They even bungled her daughter's plotline
        >I am an all-powerful god and you will love me!
        >acks after 1 episode
        >well that just happened
        >onto the next plotline!

        I got finished watching S4 last night and the Jasmine shit is so bad I'm convinced that's why everyone thinks it's irredeemable trash. The first half of the season is honestly fine, especially the Punished Wesley arc. Connor is annoying but he's barely in it, but the Jasmine stuff seems like it lasts way longer than it actually does and completely overshadows any of the good.

        • 2 months ago

          >but the Jasmine stuff seems like it lasts way longer than it actually does and completely overshadows any of the good.
          That's because they spend a lot of episodes talking up Jasmine. They made it seem like she was going to at least be a season-boss. Her plan was actually working, but she hit one little snag and decides to just kill herself.

        • 2 months ago

          Maybe figure out why?
          Charisma Carpenter broke her contract and showed up last minute to filming S4 fricking five months pregnant, causing last minute rewrites OF THE WHOLE FRICKING SEASON and Joss was in such a rage that he made her into an evil possessed pregnant c**t that pretty much dies at the end with only bits and pieces left of his original season left.
          Whedon is difficult to works with, and he has his favorite actors and actresses, but that S4 shit is on Charsima Carpenter.
          She fricked that season up and caused last minute bad writing.
          I'm not even a Whedon fan and I know that shit.

          • 2 months ago

            I didn't assign blame to anyone but you're out here running defense anyway.

            • 2 months ago

              So you're just claiming that something sucks without providing a reason?
              I can tell that you are a fricking ADD zoomer.
              I gave you a reason. A reason you can look up, that is the same reason Whedon isn't doing so much and is persona non grata. Carpenter whined that Joss was mean to her because she fricked up an entire season's storyline by breaking her contract, then a few people complained about the actress for Glory being Whedon's frickpuppet, and bam #METOO'ed.
              I didn't mind Glory's actress. She was the perfect amount of wildly annoying villain and eyecandy.

              • 2 months ago

                You keep saying this like I didn't already know why the writing went in the toilet. I was commenting on it overshadowing an otherwise okay season.
                You have autism and you're screaming into the ether.

          • 2 months ago

            So you're just claiming that something sucks without providing a reason?
            I can tell that you are a fricking ADD zoomer.
            I gave you a reason. A reason you can look up, that is the same reason Whedon isn't doing so much and is persona non grata. Carpenter whined that Joss was mean to her because she fricked up an entire season's storyline by breaking her contract, then a few people complained about the actress for Glory being Whedon's frickpuppet, and bam #METOO'ed.
            I didn't mind Glory's actress. She was the perfect amount of wildly annoying villain and eyecandy.

            >How dare Carpenter get pregnant!

            • 2 months ago

              Literally yes.

        • 2 months ago

          >he doesn't get his soul back, he doesn't end up in the amulet, therefore doesn't contribute to the most kino season of Angel. Can't have that.

          Oh, heavens forfend!

      • 2 months ago

        It shouldn't have worked... but ...
        It worked really fricking well

      • 2 months ago

        Spikes weird infatuation with her actually lead up to something that could at least be called real love and adoration
        Buffy and Angel was just stupid fawning puppylove from start to finish
        Not to mention that Spike was the best part of Buffy once he entered and the best part of Angel once he entered. Like its not even close. He was the poochie of the whedonverse

        • 2 months ago

          It was completely in-line with his character. As a human he was completely obsessed with a girl who didn't want him, got turned the night she rejected him, and that carried over into his vampire persona. He obsesses over girls he can't have.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah but as cheesy as it was/is, he was such a genuinly decent/innocent person as a man that even as a soulless demon he still had enough sapience to off his mother when he saw what vampirism did to her. Or how he bonded with Joyce the mother figure. Or how he genuinly cared for Dawn even before he had a soul.
            He was definitely an obsessive stalking weirdo creep but he also grows to genuinly deeply love Buffy in the end. That sort of character progression was interesting to see and he never felt flanderized.
            What can I say, I really enjoyed him as a character and his growth. It didnt feel like a predetermined arc, more like every thing that happened to him and around him really did have a slow compounding effect on his character.
            One of those rare cases where a character can be both pathetic and badass at the same time.

        • 2 months ago

          >He was the poochie of the whedonverse
          You just reminded me of The Bloody Board

          • 2 months ago

            >The Bloody Board
            I had never heard of this until now and now I wish I never had. Thank you

  4. 2 months ago

    wasnt buffy 15 when angel took her virginity?

    • 2 months ago


      Well, it's not up to debate. Whedon himself wrote this.

      That's just more reason to disregard it.

    • 2 months ago

      That's just more reason to disregard it.

      >17yo jailbait pussy is so good it can make a man the absolute happiest he's ever been or ever will be
      What exactly did Joss Whedon mean by this?

      • 2 months ago

        fricking prime smg would make me lose my soul too to be honest

  5. 2 months ago

    I'm still pissed off for how they handled Cordelia's whole plotline. A season long coma? A "it was all a dream" send off? They even bungled her daughter's plotline
    >I am an all-powerful god and you will love me!
    >acks after 1 episode
    >well that just happened
    >onto the next plotline!

    • 2 months ago

      How they handled Angel's son was much worse, and even more stupid.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm still pissed off for how they handled Cordelia's whole plotline. A season long coma? A "it was all a dream" send off? They even bungled her daughter's plotline
        >I am an all-powerful god and you will love me!
        >acks after 1 episode
        >well that just happened
        >onto the next plotline!

        Joss Whedon can't write characters for shit. Angel was only successful because David Boreanaz is handsome and charismatic enough to push through Whedon's shit.

        No idea what they had planned with Winifred. They "kill" her off, then do nothing with the demon they now have control over. Then the demon dies in the finale to a goon with a gun anyways.

        • 2 months ago

          I love how they killed Anya. It looked like an extra dying, fricking hilarious

        • 2 months ago

          I said in the other thread Fred is useless and doesn't do anything. Things just happen to her and that's it. That's her character. Yet the rest of the team fawn over her like she's saviour of the universe and a totally indespensable member of the team.

          >but the Jasmine stuff seems like it lasts way longer than it actually does and completely overshadows any of the good.
          That's because they spend a lot of episodes talking up Jasmine. They made it seem like she was going to at least be a season-boss. Her plan was actually working, but she hit one little snag and decides to just kill herself.

          >just kill herself.
          Connor punches a hole through her head. Wouldn't really list that as a suicide.

          • 2 months ago

            Fred was the most intelligent member on the team, but that never really came in handy because the solution was always just "kill kill kill"

            • 2 months ago

              Kill kill kill or asspull magic. Hence why I said she's useless. Both of those roles were already covered by the team when she was still shitting in a cave in Pylea.
              They should have kept Lilah alive and turned her into Illyria.

              • 2 months ago

                I don't remember Illyria accomplishing much either. I think Joss just wanted the actress on set.

              • 2 months ago

                She doesn't. She just beats up Spike every week and complains about the lower beings. I just think it would have been more interesting to put Lilah in that role given her forever contract with W&H and her actually having an established relationship with Wesley, unlike Fred.
                >I think Joss just wanted the actress on set.
                You're probably right. New obsession after Charisma rejected him.

    • 2 months ago

      >Spike was the stupidest mistake. Having him date buffy.and get a soul too was so fricking cringe.
      Them banging was a mistake but having Spike fall for her and go to the effort of getting his soul back to impress her was peak Spike behaviour. Dude reverted back to his lovesick puppy human persona after Dru abandoned him. Also if he doesn't get his soul back, he doesn't end up in the amulet, therefore doesn't contribute to the most kino season of Angel. Can't have that.
      I got finished watching S4 last night and the Jasmine shit is so bad I'm convinced that's why everyone thinks it's irredeemable trash. The first half of the season is honestly fine, especially the Punished Wesley arc. Connor is annoying but he's barely in it, but the Jasmine stuff seems like it lasts way longer than it actually does and completely overshadows any of the good.

      Charisma Carpenter got pregnant and didn't say anything for a while and by the time she said something they had season 4 all planned out but then had to rewrite/adjust to her needing maternity leave. Whedon was super pissed and salty about it.

  6. 2 months ago

    What kind of name is Joss anyway?

    • 2 months ago

      The kind that fricks all your waifus

  7. 2 months ago
  8. 2 months ago

    why do we have to age ?

    • 2 months ago

      She looks pretty good for a israeliteess approaching 50.

    • 2 months ago

      to mock god

      • 2 months ago

        God is the one who mocks us
        Me specially
        I was born as a cosmic joke

  9. 2 months ago

    Buffy should’ve ended after season 3 and I’m tired of pretending 4-7 were good. The sentiment that season 6 was uniquely bad is cope

    • 2 months ago

      I could never make it past whatever season was her Freshman year of college. I've watched Angel all the way through multiple times though.

      • 2 months ago

        That’s season 4. Season 3 ends with graduation day of high school and the death of the best big bad

      • 2 months ago

        It gets better in season 5. And then gets worse again in season 6. And improves a tiny bit in season 7 but still isn't good.

    • 2 months ago

      >The sentiment that season 6 was uniquely bad is cope
      No one says that, it's just (arguably) the worst of the bad seasons.

  10. 2 months ago

    >fraternizes with multiple enemies
    Woman moment

  11. 2 months ago

    I shed a tear when I watched this


    • 2 months ago

      >Forced to kill the love of her life
      >Runs away to cope with it
      >Comes back
      >Everyone immediately attacks her and makes it all about them
      That episode makes my eyeball twitch.

      • 2 months ago

        Bro, do a full, scathing audit of the "Scooby gang" and you'll realize they are all awful people.

        • 2 months ago

          everybody shits on buffy throughout the show unfortunately
          the best thing she got was a gravestone saying she saved the world and then her friends ripped her out of heaven to make her work at a fast food joint so she didn't even get that

          I know. Willow is so bad it makes me wish she'd got the bullet that killed Tara. Especially in that season 7 episode where everyone turns on her and kicks her out of her own house that they've all been living in rent free since Joyce died.

          • 2 months ago

            They only did that to push Spike as her one true love that actually cared about her, it was out of character for everyone, and theyre still shitty selfish morons. Willow was ruined when she turned dyke, Xander was assassinated when he ditched Anya, Buffy was always a b***h. Giles is a ruthless manipulating frick that ditched his surrogate daughter
            Again, Spike was genuinly the most morally upstanding and pure person in the show. At least he was upfront about his faults, at least he owned them. At least he tried to be better. Frick willow and her quirky narcissism

      • 2 months ago

        everybody shits on buffy throughout the show unfortunately
        the best thing she got was a gravestone saying she saved the world and then her friends ripped her out of heaven to make her work at a fast food joint so she didn't even get that

  12. 2 months ago


  13. 2 months ago

    I wish David Boreanaz was my dad.

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