Did this episode prove Matt and Trey have the big gay? Theres not a single straight man repulsed by queefs.

Did this episode prove Matt and Trey have the big gay? There’s not a single straight man repulsed by queefs. We’re indifferent at worst and the majority of straight guys think it’s hot.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Hispanic here. I didnt even know queefs existes. There isnt even a word in spanish for that.i thought it was a South park invention.

    • 5 months ago

      They don't, they only happen after sex maybe

  2. 5 months ago

    Queefs are gross because they turn the vegana into an anus.

    • 5 months ago

      How so? Because they release gas build ups? So do burps. Do mouths remind you of an anus?

      • 5 months ago

        Burps don't smell like poop. I assume queefs do, hence the comparison to farts. Am I wrong?

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Queefs aren't gas, I'm not even sure how gas would manifest in a vegana. It's more like the armpit farty noise. QueefS smell like the vegana it came out of. If it smells like poop the lady has poor hygiene and needs to see a doctor.

            I didn't know this because I'm a kissless virgin. Thank you for clarifying.

            • 5 months ago

              It's okay, veganas are indeed gross, just not in a G I tract kind of way. Stay pure, anon.

        • 5 months ago

          Queefs aren't gas, I'm not even sure how gas would manifest in a vegana. It's more like the armpit farty noise. QueefS smell like the vegana it came out of. If it smells like poop the lady has poor hygiene and needs to see a doctor.

    • 5 months ago

      That's kinda hot.

  3. 5 months ago

    the thing is, they portray farting to be a male exclusive thing, and make this a sexist issue "haha men are grossed out by women being gross but they're ok with men being gross!" it's not the same thing tho, genitala is always seen as more crude and uncomfortable than body parts everyone has

    it'd be more like if they had the women queefing, and the men slapping their ballsack or whistling with their dickholes or something
    then, maaaaybe you could make it a sexist issue... but that wouldn't work because guess what, would would find it gross if men did that too, so the whole argument falls apart

    this reminds me of when women see a girl in movies or vidya or something with her boobies out and go "what if men pulled their wieners our, huh?? what if they had big balls flopping all over the place?" no you moron, one is a sex organ and the other is a sex characteristic. men having their wieners out would be like women running around with their entire pussy hanging out and the flaps clapping together
    you know what would be a good comparison to having a woman's breasts out? having a man's pecs out. same spot on the body, same sexyness, same role as an attractive sex characteristic... so why don't any games do tha- oh wait, every single game ever does

    • 5 months ago

      There is already is an equivalent though. When men joke about dicks its funny, when women joke about their veganas is gross and obnoxious

      • 5 months ago

        Tell me one funny dick joke right now because I think both are equally unfunny

        • 5 months ago

          You are mentally a woman

          • 5 months ago

            Not even one?

      • 5 months ago

        >When men joke about dicks its funny
        This is the same exactly reasoning as when women go "oooh so men can talk about fricking twelve chicks and be gross all day" no they can't
        In polite society doing that will get you shunned no matter your sex, the only time when men can do that is with the boys in dumb frat parties where everyone's drunk
        Guess what? Women do the same in their own dumb parties
        Nobody actually likes people who talk about their junk all day and women who fall for this meme that it's ok for men and not for women just do it because they consider men disgusting and secretly hate them

      • 5 months ago

        The difference is that men can't fart with their dicks

  4. 5 months ago

    Matt and Trey are literally one Hollywood pizza party away from becoming the Wachowskis

  5. 5 months ago

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