Did this film make you question gender roles and the purpose of being a man?

Did this film make you question gender roles and the purpose of being a man?

Did you relate to Ken and Mojo Dojo Casa House?

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  1. 10 months ago

    No because I didn't watch it.
    It's a girls movie.

  2. 10 months ago
  3. 10 months ago

    I watched this movie with a female friend, we both had fun but she seems to think it is some wakeup call about how men control the world and women are powerless. I just enjoyed it for the gag where the Kens were building a wall and only knew how to build up instead of sideways.

  4. 10 months ago

    >Did this film make you question gender roles
    >and the purpose of being a man?
    >Did you relate to Ken and Mojo Dojo Casa House?

  5. 10 months ago

    No one will ever be able to convince me that this thing is deep and not just a another throwaway collection of random gags that passes for movies these days. Stop this nonsense.

  6. 10 months ago

    I didn't watch it, it seems gay

  7. 10 months ago

    >Did this film make you question gender roles and the purpose of being a man?
    No, I already have put lots of thought into this and have my own definition of masculinity I adhere to without enforcing it on others.

    >Did you relate to Ken and Mojo Dojo Casa House?
    Yes, I like brewski beers. Did you enjoy watching Floppenheimer get mogged by this kino?

  8. 10 months ago

    I have a friend who lives in Kazakhstan (23F) who saw the film. I asked her what she thought of it. Her reply: "WTF was that? Do ALL American women hate men so openly?" She went on to say a number of her friends had a similar reaction.

    • 10 months ago

      If I ever find out where you live, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to break into your house at midday, to give you as much of a fair chance as possible. I will quickly subdue both you and your female friend from Kazakhstan (23), and tie you each belly down across a chair, and then position you so you are each facing each other. I'll then frick you in the ass, long and slow strokes. You'll have to look your female friend from Kazakhstan (23) in the eyes each time my phallus enters your hole, and you'll eventually avert your eyes in shame as you spray cum all over the floor from a prostate O. Then I'll frick your female friend from Kazakhstan (23) in her ass. I'll make her scream my name in pure ecstasy as she looks at her sobbing homosexual friend. I'll pump a MONSTER load up her ass and leave you both lying there, her delirious with bliss and you a crying husk of a man

    • 10 months ago

      You should have told her they were pulling their punches regarding the man hate.

    • 10 months ago

      how do i get a qt 3.14 kazakh gf bros

  9. 10 months ago

    I haven't seen this shit and I already know it better than 90% of middle class white children that saw it for entertainment thanks to you homosexuals.

  10. 10 months ago

    Whoever wrote barbie accidentally created satire and accidentally created a very well developed male character (ken). The female side of the film was botched so horribly that i had a physical cringe reaction because it felt like 2014 politics. Meanwhile the male side was the actual meat of the movie. Ken had the most character development by far, going from a person whos only affirmation in life is the acknowledgement of Barbie, to eventually realizing that finding his own identity is what he was searching for all along. Which is extremely relatable for young modern men.

    Also i couldnt believe that the "protagonists" solution was basically to create a civil war between the kens by manipulating their absolute loyalty to the barbies and then using that chance to basically midnight vote a new constitution. Because clearly that was the moral message they wanted to send their female audience.

    • 10 months ago

      It seems like such a moronic “this MEANS something” ending to have her go to the proctologist or whatever lol, what the frick even. That’s not a unique woman experience so I’m not even sure I understand what it was supposed to represent.

    • 10 months ago

      This right here.
      This movie is an AMAZING satire, and everyone is walking away loving Ken's song.
      Barbie's journey was ok, but Ken's was epic. His discovery of his self worth had depth and meaning.

  11. 10 months ago

    It made me go LET'S GO BARBIE LET'S GO PARTY

  12. 10 months ago

    It made we question why any rational man wouldn't support patriarchy

  13. 10 months ago

    The word “patriarchy” was said more times in this movie than in an average teenage highschooler’s instagram story during pride month

  14. 10 months ago

    idk all i know is girls like blond guys even more, sorry brownies

  15. 10 months ago

    We should probably just shoot as many women as possible while we are still allowed to own guns tbh

  16. 10 months ago

    I saw ukranian women twerking in european clubs while their fathers, brothers and boyfriends are getting shot on a commie block in bumfrick nowhere. You are never going to convince me women have it harder. Hell, if you still have this idea that the average joe has it easier because men are presidents or CEOs you might be unironically moronic

  17. 10 months ago

    Ken is right

    Source: my girlfriend

  18. 10 months ago

    >Did this film make you question gender roles and the purpose of being a man?
    Yes and yes.
    >Did you relate to Ken and Mojo Dojo Casa House?
    No. I don't like incels.

  19. 10 months ago

    >Did this film make you question gender roles and the purpose of being a man?
    Why? it's just a movie with exaggerated depictions of a feminist utopia and a Male utopia
    >Did you relate to Ken and Mojo Dojo Casa House?
    I find ken utopia more fun and relatable than barbie utopia because its played for laughs and is presented as a non perfect world, while barbie utopia is less relatable because is shown as a perfect place while is not. Even the main barbie choose to leave that feminist utopia for our world.

  20. 10 months ago

    Can somebody tell me what was in this movie that made the middle east angry I am from Iraq and we have brothels and liquor stores legally how the frick this is worst

    • 10 months ago

      Because the movie its a tool for feminists.
      Anyway, is funny how the film shits on third wave feminist

      • 10 months ago

        Barbie ends with a post-feminist take. Barbie talks with first wave feminist (ruth) is helped by second wave feminist (the mother) and third wave feminist (daughter) is just an annoying child who just watch how adults fix the world.
        Is very based in my opinion.

        chudcel cope

        • 10 months ago

          >the movie laughs on third wave feminism
          >chud cope
          You are the cope one, troon.

          • 10 months ago

            You either didn't watch or didn't understand.

            • 10 months ago

              >the most annoying character in the whole film is a teenager who only throw third-wave feminist lines
              >her mother, a second-wave feminist shits on her views several times.
              >You either didn't watch or didn't understand.
              The cope troon attacks again.

    • 10 months ago

      The idea of women having their own lives and making their own choices makes them seethe.

  21. 10 months ago

    Ken was based the entire movie, I enjoyed it. Anyone complaining about it being extremely feminist is a moron.

  22. 10 months ago

    This is one of the most painfully un self aware films I’ve ever seen. It really shows you the mind of female solipsism and their complete inability to ever not take responsibility, not play the victim, their complete contempt for men; and their delusional belief in their own superiority which depends on both a deep hatred and narcissism in their femininity.

    • 10 months ago

      Barbie ends with a post-feminist take. Barbie talks with first wave feminist (ruth) is helped by second wave feminist (the mother) and third wave feminist (daughter) is just an annoying child who just watch how adults fix the world.
      Is very based in my opinion.

  23. 10 months ago

    while I can appreciate the plight of ken, as he is literally me, it is not enough for me to tolerate watching a film with so many women.

  24. 10 months ago

    I went to see this with my friend. We’re both twenty-seven-year-old females who grew up playing with Barbie, so we’re definitely the target demographic. I was so excited but left the theater with a bad taste in my mouth. I had an eating disorder all throughout my teens and early twenties, but Barbie did not contribute to my illness. K-pop and social media did. I’m not sure if I want to get married and have kids, but it’s not because I think all men are evil, patriarchal warmongers who get off on subjugating women. It’s that dating apps and the hookup culture have made it nearly impossible to find a suitable partner, and I’d much rather be single than dip my toe into a cesspool.
    I’m also an aspiring author. Not once has a man in my life ever looked at me, patted my head, and patronized me. In fact, my biggest supporters have been my father, brother, and two male friends who are also aspiring authors. One of my male writer friends even told me that I’ve inspired him to stay the path and pursue his own writing.
    In addition to all the ham-fisted feminist messaging and blatant male-bashing, I hated the fact that they tried to act like all women are in this close-knit sisterhood where they support and uplift each other. The biggest detractors and bullies in my life have been fellow women.
    I’ve never been talked down to, catcalled, or otherwise belittled by men. I’ve had negative experiences with both genders, but that’s because some people suck. It’s not a gender-specific issue. It’s a human issue.
    Anyway, props to the marketing team. You did your job well. I should have suspected this would be a preachy master’s thesis on intersectional feminism and the patriarchy, but I didn’t. So disappointing but par for the course for a movie released in 2023.

    • 10 months ago

      One of the strangest parts about the sisterhood message in Barbie is that when the Barbies use literal feminist brainwashing to “deprogram” the bimbofied Barbies, in the original rant Gloria talks about female problems in the real world - problems that Barbie(s) would have no concept of. They live in a paradise where they have a perfect sisterhood and the men are simply not equal to them. How would they have a concept of the struggles Gloria would go through as a women? Either women are causing the problems or men cause the problems, and neither is possible since Barbieland is a paradise. But the women all agree with Gloria as if they suffered the same thing as her - which isn’t true because Gloria’s problems come from a deep repression in capitalist society - the Barbies even when kens bimbofied them, they were brainwashed, so they still don’t have the concept of neurotic, repressed frustration that Gloria would have.

      Barbie, like a lot of modern feminists, immediately assumes all women to be a collective in a sisterhood. Gloria comments about it, but again the movie has no self awareness by ultimately playing it straight. Barbie makes all women into a hive mind, and if any woman acts outside this hive mind they are assumed to be brainwashed and needing saving from their oppression/internalized mysoginy and must learn how to take back power to oppress women. The people who make this movie are either extremely stupid and delusional or evil but sadly I think they’re just that clueless. The women treat themselves and each other worse then the men do.

    • 10 months ago

      >describing yourself as females
      Next time call yourselves women to sound more plausible

    • 10 months ago


  25. 10 months ago

    > Barbie in the beginning is someone who wants to keep the status of Barbieland, restoring this is her motivation
    > when she sees the real world she runs back to Barbieland
    > when Barbieland becomes Kenland Barbie’s motivation is to restore the status quo (which it has been the entire movie)
    > after spending the entire movie with her entire motivation being to return to the Barbieland status quo she decides to go to the real world and abandon everyone for no fricking reason
    What the actual frick were they thinking? This movie makes no sense. Barbies arc is nonsensical and completely incoherent when compared to Ken, whose story completely sidelines Barbie’s original arc/motivations (since her motivation at the end is just defeat ken) and whose narrative climax has a lot more build up then Barbies last minute MUH REAL GIRL

    • 10 months ago

      Barbie stops Ken and politely tells him to frick off. Barbie is free and goes out into the real world. Which is based.

    • 10 months ago

      Is funny how the movie makes ken the only character that completes an arc. He realizing that he dont need barbie anymore, throwing his mink, makes more a closer to the film than barbie saying "I have a vegana"

  26. 10 months ago

    I’m a Barbie girl, in a patriarchal worlddd
    Life is oppression, I’ve learned my lesson

    • 10 months ago

      You can watch me twerk, just don't talk to me at wo-ork
      Men bring me pain, when they mansplain

  27. 10 months ago

    When me and my dad went to watch Indiana Jones I saw a poster for Barbie which said: "She's everything.
    He's just Ken."
    I thought to myself:" Wow that sounds kinda feminist". Bruh moment right here

  28. 10 months ago

    my girlfriend was appalled at how this movie portrayed men; before I even said a single thing about the movie she apologized for me having to sit through it.
    Another thing is the way the Barbies "won" was through literal emotional manipulation, like lying and setting up situations to make men as jealous as possible, extremely toxic things that women do in real life, things that I've seen absolutely destroy people's lives and wellbeing for many years, and it was portrayed as a good thing.
    That was the most sickening thing to me.

    • 10 months ago

      >ooh look at me i have a gf and she's really cool!
      frick off, man

      • 10 months ago

        Not him, but I had a similar experience:
        >my wife asked if we can watch the movie with our kids (16 and 12).
        >Me and the kids laughed on how cartoony was the the whole thing. Never taken the film seriously.
        >My wife came out really scared and now she is afraid of the world that awaits our children
        >all her friends are third wave feminists
        Is funny how this movie works in women depending of her age.

        • 10 months ago

          You have no wife or children.

          • 10 months ago

            >this basic and classic cope
            My wallet wishes I didn't have a wife and two kids plus a 20-year mortgage. Projecting your lonely reality onto others is not healthy for you.

            • 10 months ago

              >Projecting your lonely reality onto others is not healthy for you.
              Exactly. And your imaginary family won't help either.

              • 10 months ago

                I wake up every morning to breakfast cooked by my wife before I drive to drop my kids off at school and spend 8 hours at work to pay bills, hard to imagine.

                It's funny when people like you think that being a fulfilled adult is "imaginary", it says a lot more about you than it does about me

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah you seem real fulfilled

                Fulfillment is definitely the impression thats coming across here, yep

                I totally believe you dude but you'll need to pretend to argue with me for your own mental sanity so go ahead and do that and try not to think about anything when youre going to sleep because of how fulfilled you are

              • 10 months ago

                Extremely satisfied here. Having responsibilities and complaining about the bills doesn't make me less satisfied, but more honest about myself. I sleep happy every night because I have a reason to wake up every day.

        • 10 months ago

          I overheard a middle aged woman say that she liked the nostalgia aspect (she loved Barbie's as a kid) but that their were parts of the movie she though were really stupid. I assume she meant feminist or vulgar stuff, haven't seen it

          • 10 months ago

            My mother (72 YO woman) watched the film and she liked that the film was presented as a broadway type of show, but yeah, she wasn't too into the message and "vulgar" was the word she used to describe a lot of parts.

            Funny thing, she love korean dramas, kek.

  29. 10 months ago

    Yes. As a boy I used to play with Ken Toys, now as a man Ken toys with my mind.

  30. 10 months ago

    I celebrate beautiful Ken-free Barbies.

  31. 10 months ago

    My gf expectatives: 5/5
    My expectatives: 2/5

    Me, after watching it: 3/5, based Ken. Didn't care about the rest
    Gf, after watching it: 2/5, very disappointing, too preachy, Ken was the only good part

    Based Ken, mogging Barbie in her own flick

    • 10 months ago

      Same here. I had a better time watching this than my gf. Based Ken.

  32. 10 months ago

    Ken was awesome and the Barbies seemed genuinely happy being under their control. Not like the scripted unchanging happy that they had before, but deeper.

    The comparison to smallpox and other diseases immunities makes no fricking sense.

    • 10 months ago

      I wish the film showed how the barbies bought the kendom. Is odd how the film choose to show the barbies deceiving them playing with their feelings like something good. Manipulation is good now.

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