Did you see it in 1999?

How did people react back then?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    I was 9 years old and it was awesome. My friends and I saw it together in theaters like 3 times. I didn't give a shit what gen-xers thought then and I still don't.

    • 3 weeks ago

      homosexual everyone thought it kind of sucked

      • 3 weeks ago

        I've talked to several people who were kids in school at the time and they all said they liked it and that everyone in their class liked it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Only boomer homosexuals didn't like it. The movie was made for kids and kids loved it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Man I truly despise Gen Xers even more than boomers talk about biggest loser generation EVER.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Boomers and Gen X have created all the best music and movies of all time. Name an iconic movie or album created by someone younger than 40 that will actually stand the test of time.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yep. Pretty good.

          Nah. Both are annoying shit. The internet killed the music israelite and that's for the better. Musicians are still broke, but they aren't sold out repetitive pedophiles anymore.

        • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          hardcore henry. well, the filmmaker is 40 now, but it still counts

    • 3 weeks ago

      Gen X had Matrix and Fight Club. TPM was an afterthought for them and most got the impression it was for babies anyway aside from Duel of Fates and the Pod Race. It was a big 'Meh.' without the endless b***hing you see nowadays on social media, and thank God for that.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nine years old would've been the ideal age for that movie, everyone else viewed it as a more braindead sub-Disney product, the sci-fi equivalent to The Aristocats, The Great Mouse Detective or The Secret of NIMH. Every scene had a tendency to undercut the tone in one way or another. Episodes IV-V-VI never appeared to be the same sort of cinematic ice cream for boomers until about 1997 when the SE dropped, and this was tied to some obscure sort of cultural shift that was happening in the 1990's when that gen stopped giving a frick, or even being consciously aware, of about anything around or outside themselves. Irvin Kershner's perspective was so different throughout ESB, it was more grounded in the perception of a clear culture or generation gap. The prequels are effectively still re-telling the myth of the boomers in a way that is frankly redundant, even to the point of putting them into 1950's diners and 1960's clothing. The prequels are narrower because they were uniquely self-regarding, it was a myth tailored for Francis Fukuyama's End of History era.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Same. Only found out prequels were hated in 2010 or 2011 on a forum I used to visit. Until then I thought everyone loved prequels like OT.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Man I truly despise Gen Xers even more than boomers talk about biggest loser generation EVER.

      Gen X had Matrix and Fight Club. TPM was an afterthought for them and most got the impression it was for babies anyway aside from Duel of Fates and the Pod Race. It was a big 'Meh.' without the endless b***hing you see nowadays on social media, and thank God for that.

      >muh generations
      I dont think its a generational thing i think it is a casual fan vs hardcore fan thing
      The casual fans who just liked the movies exclusively and didnt explore anything else related to star wars seethe at the prequels
      The fans who engage with star wars beyond the movies, like the video games, comics, novels, etc. at the very least have an appreciation for the prequels

      • 3 weeks ago

        she was my first real celebrity crush because of George Lucas and the one i fantasized the most about seeing skid marks in her underwear

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm a gen X and I liked it a lot as it brought a lot to the table. Didn't care for AOTC or ROTS. Liked Genndys Clone Wars.

    • 3 weeks ago


      Liked it a lot, I was very much at sci-fi at this point and this shit was right up my alley. Loved the movie and tie in Racer game.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I was also 9 but even then I left the theater feeling a little disappointed

    • 3 weeks ago

      Fpbp, I was 9 so what else was I supposed to think

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Is this thread necessary every day?

    • 3 weeks ago

      I think so.

    • 3 weeks ago

      how else can he refute a fifteen year old youtube review he's still red hot about?

  3. 3 weeks ago

    I remember it being underwhelming as a 10 year old, but part of that was because the hype was so huge for a new Star Wars film at the time. The pod racing scene was the best part but the rest was kinda boring and jar jar obviously annoying.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Shock and dismay

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Oldgay here. I was 22 when it came out and loved the original trilogy as a kid. I thought Ep. 1 was weak. It felt like even more of a kid movie than Return of the Jedi with all the Ewok bullshit. Anakin and al the podracing bullshit was just shit. And I also remember thinking the CGI felt so cartoonish and not inline with the original films. Little did I know that Attack of the Clones would make it even worse.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I was 24. I bet 90% of what you think is cgi in TPM is not.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Yeah I was a child. I used to think darth muel was a demon or satan lmao

    • 3 weeks ago

      A friend back in elementary school had his birthday a few days before the premier
      and three people got to join him if we could make him laugh (it was a game during his birthday)

      after watching it we were so fricking hyped darth maul was so fricking cool
      walking out of the theater we saw a woman in a burqa and ran towards her yelling that she's a sith his dad was not amused

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I wasn't born yet.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    My dad, who is 61, likes the prequels. When I told him they were replaying Star Wars in theaters he asked me if it was one of the originals. I told him no it's The Phantom Menace. He said "those are the originals to me", as in the "original 6". I can't tell if my dad is moronic or just unfathomably based but we went to see it and we enjoyed ourselves.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You are dad is queer.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If I squint, that picture looks like baby yoda if he was old.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    A little kid in the cinema cried because of Maul

  10. 3 weeks ago

    Yes, but this thread has already been made at least twice this week and 100 times before and I'm not telling you again. Fricking homosexual.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    I was 17 when it came out, my brothers and a few friends went to see it, i didn't. I thought it looked like shit then, and it still looks like shit today. I've only ever seen parts of it (or the other two)
    I'm glad i didnt waste my money on this trash.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    I think we all know it had a mixed reception. I think it is over-hated though.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Saw it with me dad, blew my child mind. begged dad to buy me a darth maul lightsaber right after. ended up getting a bunch of action figures and the chip reader that played sounds.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >huh, I don't remember that line
      >brain: that's because it's "Anakin will become a Jedi, I promise you (cut off next word)"

      • 3 weeks ago

        he says that during the funeral

        • 3 weeks ago

          The toy only has the latter line. Movie isn't kino enough to memorize line by line

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Movie isn't kino enough to memorize line by line
            Anon, the prequels are extremely quotable.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Qui-Gon's funeral
              >what will happen to me now?
              >Council have granted me permission to train you
              >you will become a Jedi, I promise

              I've seen this movie too many damn times.

              Star Wars really ended somewhere around this scene. TPM wasn't bad until the end.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Star Wars ended as soon as the word "midichlorian" was uttered on film

              • 3 weeks ago

                Those two scenes were shot last minute, too. You can tell because they look low-rez digital, not film, Jake is noticably older, Ewan has a terrible wig, and R2's head looks like plastic instead of metal like in the rest of the movie. George was like, "what is missing from this movie? Oh yeah! Midiclorians!"

              • 3 weeks ago

                If midichlorians weren't the end then the Yoda fight scene in AotC was.

              • 3 weeks ago

                THAT was where you drew the line? Frickin' weird, dude. Not Han stepping on terrible-cgi Jabba's tail two years earlier?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Qui-Gon's funeral
        >what will happen to me now?
        >Council have granted me permission to train you
        >you will become a Jedi, I promise

        I've seen this movie too many damn times.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I bought a bunch of pic related back in the day to make a Qui-Gon commlink. I bet I still have some unopened somewhere. It's crazy what these sell for because of Star Wars nerds.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    I was 6 and thought it was boring as shit, Jar Jar was scary and had no idea what was going on. The only thing I enjoyed was the Pod Racing

  15. 3 weeks ago

    i was too young to see TPM and AotC in a cinema but we had them on VHS and i remember liking the fight scenes. saw TROTS on release and loved it.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    everyone loved it. then 10 years later Plinkett made his reviews and suddenly everyone hated it. showbiz is a fickle b***h.

    • 3 weeks ago

      completely wrong. you weren't born when they came out and base every opinion in your head on plebbit

      • 3 weeks ago

        I was 9 yo when it came out. I remember 1999-2000 because that's when counter-strike came out

        • 3 weeks ago

          >I was a little 9 year old gayling when it came out.

          Do you hold the opinion of small children in high regard? I was 12 when it came out and enjoyed it well enough but as soon as grew up and had a functioning brain it became absolutely unwatchable kids slop. I also think the OT is shit to be honest for the same reason. Only good thing about it was prime Portman looking hot as frick.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >once i grew up and wanted to fit in i changed my mind

          • 3 weeks ago

            I love how utter homosexual like you make yourself so recognisable and easy to disregard.

            • 3 weeks ago

              No need to seethe over childrens movies my brown friend.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I enjoy the Plinkett reviews, I laugh and agree. But I also enjoy the pod racing scene, the space fighting scenes, darth maul is cool with his double-sided lightsaber. Jar Jar Binks is kinda funny in a dumb way. I decided to let go and actually enjoy things. It's pretty nice.

            • 3 weeks ago

              I actually like this point of view and think its fair you have it. I enjoy movies for the action set pieces, plot and dialogue combined and Phantom menace is terrible for the second two for me.

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's a dumb action movie. I don't watch Van Damme movies for the dialogue. It's people that elevate Star Wars who expect it to be some poignant drama. It's a movie about fricking space wizards.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    like the trekgays, the warsgays are all unwitting members of the death cult. frick 'em.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    Episode 1 was "awesome" until everyone went home and never re-watched it again because it actually kind of sucked.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    My parents took me and we got in late, about when they're discussing the Trade Federation motives in front of the window. Can't remember anything else from the showing, either my mind completely erased it or I fell asleep for the first and only time in a movie theater.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    i thought it was a cartoonish mess
    i wanted to like it, some of the design was nice, Jabba looked really good considering the ROTJ special edition version from a few years prior looked god awful.
    I watched it a few times on video and decided that the dialog is what hurt it the most and it feels forced and not thought-out at all.
    If the jedi mentioned midichlorians at the start of the film it would get the audience wondering, so when its explained further with Anakin it doesnt feel like a clumsy expo dump. stuff like that.
    I loved the pod racing (not the commentator alien) and still do. Really great sequence.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I was 8. I don't remember too much. My city was only maybe 65k people back then. I remember my dad's brother visiting for the first time in my childhood and him pushing me on the swing at the shitty Ramada Inn my family lived in after the movie. I do recall a few people dressed in brown robes and whatnot in the line and memeing.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    i saw all three in the cinema, took my younger sister.
    she enjoyed it more than me, as they were designed for younger people.
    i was quite disappointed, especially in the first one - most of what made starwars special wasn't there.
    the audience was mixed.
    no one thought they were terrible, it just wasn't what we wanted or were expecting.
    the second film was better. jar jar was awful

  23. 3 weeks ago

    It's not the worst Star Wars movie, but it was when it came out.
    Same with 2, which was worse than 1 in every way.
    3 saved it though. There were still people with a stick up their ass about it, but for the most part everyone liked it and it was a satisfying ending to the saga.
    And then Disney happened.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >literally the only movie where something of consequence happens and it's handled in the most melodramatic and over the top way possible
      >"a satisfying ending to the saga"
      do ROTSgays really?

      • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          what argument are you trying to make with this image? that empire is the only OT movie where something happens, or that the vader reveal scene is too dramatic? because both of those are objectively untrue.

  24. 3 weeks ago

    Yes. And people were laughing at it.

  25. 3 weeks ago

    >I saw a cop beat a priest on the T. V.
    >And I know they killed our heroes too
    >We sing the death song, kids
    >'Cause we got no future
    >And we wanna be just like you

  26. 3 weeks ago

    I was 24 when it came out, I saw it twice, once with my SW buddy and once with my dad. I personally loved it. Normies enjoyed it but they didn't understand the story, and not a single person I spoke to figured out that Palpatine was the bad guy from RotJ. They all complained about Jar Jar and thought the Maul/Podrace scenes were awesome.

    Caught the rerelease at the cinema a couple of weeks ago and it's honestly better than ever.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >only fat adults buying toys

    • 3 weeks ago

      >not a single person I spoke to figured out that Palpatine was the bad guy from RotJ
      Really? I thought it's was the most obvious twist ever.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Wasn't even really a twist, it was obvious to any SW fan, I mean it was the same actor after all. For people who had probably only watched the OT once or twice though, I can understand how they might not have seen it coming.

        • 3 weeks ago

          People legitimately miss everything Palpatine does in 1 and 2, such as orchestrating the Naboo Crisis and literally being in control of both sides of the Clone Wars. Yes I know these are obvious but most casual viewers legit don’t get it.

          • 3 weeks ago


  27. 3 weeks ago

    Lots of revisionism in this thread. Kids mostly loved it and anyone late teens or above found it shit. Then most kids grew up and found it shit too. Spergs online now pretend it isn't garbage.

  28. 3 weeks ago

    I think I was six, it was the first movie I ever saw in a movie theater, a real shitty Russian movie theater Rodina, that actually got a glow up shortly before this movie. Probably for this movie premiere really. They had all these hand drawn cutouts of the old star wars characters.
    I loved it and when I left I was confused because my dad didn't. "It really felt like it was a movie for little kids. Haha, I guess it was okay you liked it!" He rubbed my hair and put me on his shoulders, but I remember the pout he had.
    Years later we were leaving the theater after watching Matrix Revolutions and there it was again. That sad pout, that annoyance and fatigue in his face. The man loved movies but they just kept missing the mark.
    I haven't seen that pout since then, because these days the man expects every sequel to be worse, so he never has the bright hope and expectation when going to see a movie. I wish he still did.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Years later we were leaving the theater after watching Matrix Revolutions and there it was again. That sad pout, that annoyance and fatigue in his face.
      Boomers were a mistake.

      • 3 weeks ago

        frick you fetus!
        i know what that dad felt, looking forward to something that should be a joy only to be confronted with something dumb and a waste of potential.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    Who gives a frick how people reacted when it came out? We know from history that art isn't always appreciated until way later.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Agreed, we should stop deluding ourselves into thinking this film is out of its hate period yet. Let's give it another few decades.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's Disney loyalists trying to say "you'll like the sequels eventually". No I won't, they're terrible. The prequels had immediate staying power, frickload of toys and video games. The most iconic thing to come out of all Disney star wars is Baby Yoda, and they fricked that show up too.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >Show ends with giving Grogu or whatever it's name is to Luke
        have a nice day Disney.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >The prequels had immediate staying power
        With poor reviews, razzie awards and everyone on the internet saying they were the worst movies ever.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Critics at the time hated anything that wasn't pretentious, just like how modern ones hate anything that isn't woke. It sold a frickload of toys/merch, had a successful spinoff cartoon, had multiple video games...etc; that means it succeeded. Disneywars has the Mandalorian S1&2 and that's it, despite trying much harder.

  30. 3 weeks ago

    Biggest joke about this is it still has the best light saber action in 25 years.

  31. 3 weeks ago

    Mostly enjoyment with some disappointment. Midichlorians really pissed me off, jar-jar was annoying but I thought it was intentional. As a horny teen with no porn I jerked it to a Queen Amidala magazine photo multiple times. Overall I had optimism for the future.

    The force awakens was more disappointment than enjoyment. I felt nothing sexual for Rey, I know there more porn now but I still jerk off to female characters I like.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Midichlorians really pissed me off,
      That's because you're a halfwit

  32. 3 weeks ago

    Stunned silence. Everyone knew it was shit, but no one wanted to say anything. So all they kept going on about was the lightsabre battle at the end.

  33. 3 weeks ago

    The droids were lame enemies. It makes sense why, but that doesn't help.
    The big CG battle between droids and fishmen was ugly and I didn't care about either side.
    The Pod racing scene looked pretty good.
    The ship designs, Darth Maul and the lightsaber fight at the end were cool.
    People gave the kid too much shit that he didn't deserve.
    I didn't care at all about Midichlorians, but it upset a lot of people.
    Jar Jar sucked.
    6/10. I download the song from the fight at the end and listened to it while I played SW video games.

    At the time, the worst thing Star Wars fans had to be made about was Ewoks, so they were shocked my TPM and shit all over it. Even more than AOTC, which is much worse.

  34. 3 weeks ago

    Yeah I saw it. Reactions were mixed, no one like Jake Lloyd or Jar-Jar.

  35. 3 weeks ago

    people in the theater clapped and cheered at all the expected moment. black people especially cheered when Mace Windu made his first appearance.

    the hate all came a couple days later from self important nerds on the internet and pop culture media.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >everyone loved it
      And yet AOTC had a 40% box office drop.

      • 3 weeks ago

        And then people came back for ROTS. Don't blame TPM, AOTC was literally just worse.

        • 3 weeks ago

          ROTS still did like 30% less than TPM.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Bad word of mouth from people pissed at EP 1 and 2 probably. A lot of the promotional stuff for 3 says stuff like "this is the one they want to see"

  36. 3 weeks ago

    Remember when there was a tv spot with Darth Maul saying way more than he even said in the movie (and none of it was even in the movie)?

    Now you do. Also, I remember that most normies didn't figure out that Palpatine was the bad guy, despite this commercial pretty much telling you he is.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Maul didn't need to say much. His presence and purpose is entirely physical.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I assume this was recorded specifically for the tv spot. There's no place in the movie where it would make zero sense for him to monologue to anyone like that. He never even speaks to anyone except Sidious.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I wrote that moronicly. No place where it would make sense.

  37. 3 weeks ago

    I remember people did not like it including myself. Some people outright hated it and were yelling.

  38. 3 weeks ago

    I did and I loved it, and I loved JarJar

  39. 3 weeks ago

    only zoomers like phantom menace

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's the best prequel movie by far.

      >1: Entertaining romp with cool action and best lightsaber fights in series
      >2: Snoozefest with crappy romance
      >3: Overrated as frick

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nah, zoomers are gonna be the ones that are gonna be like prequelgays but for disneywars lol

      Prequelgays are gonna get to see what it looks like when they're on the other side of the generation blind spot

  40. 3 weeks ago

    Was Darth Maul the first instance of lightsabers having different looks entirely?

    • 3 weeks ago

      There was a dude from ancient times in early 90s comic books with a double ended one.

    • 3 weeks ago

      In the movies, yeah. They shouldn't have showed both blades in the trailer. But the toy was out anyway. I remember it had a problem with the battery leads or something shorting out, and there was a period where it was super hard to find because they recalled them from stores to modify them.

  41. 3 weeks ago

    I didn't see it myself, but no one at my school liked it and all the adults made fun of how much it sucked
    The only love I remember seeing about it was for all the toys and trailers before the actual movie came out
    Maybe I was influenced by them, but when I saw part of the pod race on some TV spot, I remember thinking it looked gay kek
    Only finally watched the movie less than a decade ago along with all the other Star Wars movies, and yup, it sure sucks. Clones is even worse.

  42. 3 weeks ago

    I was like 12 and I loved it but I remember hearing endless arguing and bashing of Jar Jar Binks in every medium

  43. 3 weeks ago

    I'm a millennial and I'm honestly pretty proud of our generation overall, but our apologism for the god awful Star Wars prequels has to be one of our most embarrassing follies
    That and loving Harry Potter

    • 3 weeks ago

      Its not about prequels being good, its more about NuWars being even worse.

      • 3 weeks ago

        That's not even true, though
        They're just shit in different ways
        Maybe you can convince me the prequels are better, but you're really dredging in the pool of shit to try to compare which one smells the least bad
        And besides that, there are genuine prequels apologists among us, believe it or not

  44. 3 weeks ago

    kids loved it cause pew pew zoom zoom smash bang wooosh
    manchildren hated it cause too much politics and talking
    adults didn't care and were watching better films

  45. 3 weeks ago

    the buildup and hype were crazy. And then it was released and... not so much hype.

  46. 3 weeks ago

    went and saw this for my birthday with a bunch of friends, shit was cash and I still love it. Frick haters.

  47. 3 weeks ago

    I loved the OT when I was a kid. When TPM was released I don't remember being excited. I watched it of course but I didn't care very much. It's a bad movie so I think I recognized that in some way even as a child, even if I couldn't articulate why (or care enough to try).

  48. 3 weeks ago

    I was kicked out of the band i was in at the time for liking it. Well, that and being opposed to vandalism and petty larceny. Those guys were dicks.

    • 3 weeks ago


  49. 3 weeks ago

    I don't care Phantom Menace is awesome. I don't really like Clones though.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I don't really like Clones though
      Filthy clanker.

  50. 3 weeks ago

    Saw it on opening day at 3am. The theater was packed and the audience went wild when the opening crawl started. Was an enjoyable experience despite being a shitty movie.

  51. 3 weeks ago

    How much is George paying you to keep making these threads?

    • 3 weeks ago

      how many consecutive months have you subscribed to Mike's patreon?

      • 3 weeks ago

        I don't remember when he started it.

  52. 3 weeks ago

    people were mad in the theater. I recall a lot of candy being thrown at the screen and sighing

    • 3 weeks ago

      Newspaper reviews of the movie were saying the Gungans and Neimoidians were raciss caricatures. I felt that that was projection on the part of the reviewers. But I do remember people giggling when the Neimoidians first spoke.

  53. 3 weeks ago

    My friends dad took me and his son's to the theater to see it. He was an old school nerd. I was 10 and completely in love and entranced by 15 year old Natalie Portman with that white face paint and red lipstick. It sparked puberty in me

  54. 3 weeks ago

    it was well received

    • 3 weeks ago

      absolute bullshit, it was not

  55. 3 weeks ago

    The movie is great but people parrot so many dogshit opinions about it, most of which originate from butthurt fans at the time who didn't get what they expected. Pod racing and Duel of the Fates alone make it a fantastic film.

  56. 3 weeks ago

    It's a pretty good film, but the plotholes and inconsistencies are hilarious.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I could see saying AotC has plotholes, but what do you consider TPM's?

      • 3 weeks ago

        lets take this slave kid we just rescued back into a war zone

        • 3 weeks ago

          The fact the Jedi never appear in the senate to say the invasion is real.
          The fact that invading and forcing someone to sign a treaty is considered legal and a fair move to an intergalactic government.
          The fact that the Jedi take Anakin to Naboo when they know there's a war going on.
          The fact that they could've solved the Tatooine problem in many better ways.

          Qui-Gon has tasked Anakin with watching him to learn. He's highly force sensitive and honestly not in much danger. The Jedi were sent there secretly and not on official capacity, and they don't have any proof either. The Trade Federation could easily argue the Jedi are in league with the Naboo and still ask for official observers. The point of getting the treaty signed was so that Palpatine could present it to the Senate as evidence his planet has been invaded legally which would be scandalous and get Valorum removed from office. Padme escaping wasn't part of the plan so he instead got her to do it and gain sympathy votes.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Qui-Gon has tasked Anakin with watching him to learn.
            watch me avoid these lazer blasts Anakin
            Anakin, get away from that battle tank
            DUCK UNDER THE SITHS LIGHTSAB....oh never mind

      • 3 weeks ago

        The fact the Jedi never appear in the senate to say the invasion is real.
        The fact that invading and forcing someone to sign a treaty is considered legal and a fair move to an intergalactic government.
        The fact that the Jedi take Anakin to Naboo when they know there's a war going on.
        The fact that they could've solved the Tatooine problem in many better ways.

  57. 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      This meme would carry more weight if I wasn't reading it after watching the shitty Youtuber tier production value shitty written movie that is Honest Thief. After seeing the geezer teezers with Bruce Willis and other actors, I just can't take shit like this seriously.
      Like after admitting he has a seething anger at black people in ireland was he gonna burn more bridges? Ofcourse not.

    • 3 weeks ago

      He was easily the best thing about the movie too.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Interesting how all of the actors say they enjoyed themselves immensely and always express how much they respect George and thought he was clever and passionate. They all had plenty of opportunity to backstab him over the years with little consequence.

      He was easily the best thing about the movie too.

      Liam is easily the most convincing aged wise (human) Jedi Master next to Alec.

  58. 3 weeks ago

    I was 10 and I thought it was rad, although the talky bits went on too long.

  59. 3 weeks ago

    I remember Jar Jar not bothering me too much (except for the slapstick in the droid v gungan battĺe)
    What I did find annoying was Anakin being the creator of C3P0. Shit was moronic.

  60. 3 weeks ago

    Well the context that sometimes gets lost is that they rereleased the originals in theatres prior to this, and it's like black and white. During those films, which I saw with like my entire extended family, a dozen or so deep every time like a holiday, it got extremely hype. Crowd going nuts, laughing, cheering, a celebration every time. Magic at the theater. Then.. this one. And it was honestly just bemusement. Hushed tones, furrowed brows. The marketing had promised big things for Maul especially and also Qi Gong, like oh man these are the new guys, can't wait to see what they're gonna do. And besides a few mins of Maul jumping around there was none of that, no star turn, no filling the shoes. The bb Anakin stuff, conceived by Lucas to appeal to kids, me, was just tedious. A miscalculation, kids don't care about somebody their age in space. They see a Han Solo figure as a wish fulfillment thing, like, oh wow that's gonna be me when I grow up! So it was just enormously deflating and my cousins and uncles looked like they were leaving a funeral and that put an end to our little theatrical family reunions.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >my entire family is moronic and couldnt appreciate kino
      uh oh, thats embarrassing!

  61. 3 weeks ago

    the phantom menace is half baked
    which is a shame because the cooked bit is really good

  62. 3 weeks ago

    I saw it in theaters in 1999, thought it was the shit and watched the VHS home release so many times that the tape got worn out.

  63. 3 weeks ago

    Watched it as a kid with my father. He fell asleep during the finale.

  64. 3 weeks ago

    My parents surprised my sister and I by taking us to the premiere. I was disappointed to go cuz I never cared about Star Wars. Even when I was 8 then. Today I feel bad cuz I think I just complained the whole time and my parents went through all that trouble to treat us to a big premiere.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You ungrateful little shit

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