Discovery has hired you as the new program director for adultswim. How do you save the block?

Discovery has hired you as the new program director for adultswim. How do you save the block?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Greenlight every crazy idea and make the entire network like those weird shows they air at 3 AM and see what sticks.

  2. 2 years ago

    Show hentai

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off, coomer. Go back to being a pedophile on Wrong board

    • 2 years ago

      Just take the money, show a full 8 hour marathon of various hentai, then GTFO as fast as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      This, but the hentai is censored and it's being roasted by comedians the entire time.

      • 2 years ago

        Show hentai

        That'd work, but it has to be the most fricked up hentai you can find.
        A full 6 hours of comedians losing their shit at insane guro insect rape fever dreams would be a 10/10 troll.

      • 2 years ago

        >comedians watching the boku no pico series
        It would fail to top YOOOOOOOOOO

      • 2 years ago

        >This, but the hentai is censored and it's being roasted by comedians the entire time

        I would actually love this, the first episode should be NIck Mullen and Adam Friendland watching whatever hentai he brought up watching during covid in one of the newer episodes of cumtown.

  3. 2 years ago

    the block is shutting down anyway, so the better quesetion is what CN reruns would you fill its 8-9 hour airtime with

    • 2 years ago

      source? Other than your own cum filled ass?

  4. 2 years ago

    unironically, greenlight a few half-hour sitcoms with mainstream appeal and put the ones that prove the most popular at the front of the block as replacements for Family Guy and the other Fox cartoons that kept Adult Swim afloat all these years. then once we have those as a financial buffer, go back to making weird and experimental (but cheap) 11-minute shows for the early hours of the morning that can just exist as art for art's sake without needing to turn a profit

  5. 2 years ago

    Take the money, plant explosives, run.

  6. 2 years ago

    I would greenlight I bunch of random stuff I want. Then abandon ship.

  7. 2 years ago

    Bring back Venture Bros for however many seasons Doc and Jackson want
    Greenlight Tyler and Co.

  8. 2 years ago

    I don't. I destroy it

  9. 2 years ago

    All kids out of the pool!

  10. 2 years ago

    So realistically they only have a few years left. Do you think they will do anything special for the final broadcast for all the millennials?

  11. 2 years ago

    Reruns of the old shows so it can at least go down in flames with dignity

  12. 2 years ago

    MDE gets however many seasons it needs for 100 episodes.
    Greenlight anime sequels for shows that aired on Toonami but never got closure (Bobobo, Zatch Bell, Soul Eater reboot, Big O S3, etc)
    Greenlight anime originals (which they're already doing btw)
    Mission Hill Season 2
    Air that second season of Baby Blues cause frick it, it's literally already made.
    Smack Egoraptor and tell him to make a Girlchan in Paradise series, or really any cartoon idea he had before his motivation in animation was slowly eroded and obliterated by Game Grumps.

    These aren't to "save" the block btw, cause cable is already fricking dead, this really is just a wishlist of stuff I want for me. But honestly, do this and then make it available on HBO Max the next day instead of this wait three months after the air date bullshit they're doing.

    • 2 years ago

      >Greenlight anime originals (which they're already doing btw)
      But every single one of them has sucked. Bargain bin trash.

      • 2 years ago

        I liked Blade Runner, Shenmue was ok but fans of the video game apparently like it a lot.
        I haven't watched Fena: Pirate Princess but I keep hearing that the ending really dropped the ball which is unfortunate.

    • 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Bring aqua teen back and listen to the viewers

  14. 2 years ago

    Revive the Venture brothers , Aqua teens, Stroker and Hoop ,and Korgoth. Green light a Dudes of Hazmat tv show, commission something from Umami, try to convince Brad Neely to recapture the magic of his Super deluxe works, give Brendan Small his Metalocalypse finale and maybe see if he has a third show in him, Try and bring Bill Plympton, Ralph Bakshi, Pat McHale and Alex Hirsch in to make something , an animated adaptation of The Tempest, green light a Tales of Alethrion show, make a cartoon musical of Joe's Garage, make a mini series about what the song Froggy went a courting made me imagine, commission Duncan Jones to make the dystopian rock opera his father David Bowie always dreamed of making as a program, a multi Media series of the Cornelius Chronicles, buy the rights to Harpy Gee, Ava's Demon, Gone with the blast wave and adapt them to series, Make Noelle Borrie's Faceless Neil a thing, green light an anime about Atsushi Onita, get fired before any of my decrees happened, Frankenhole season three, try to obtain the completed season 2of Baby Blues and release it in-between things since it's mostly finished .

  15. 2 years ago

    Weed out the cheapass live-action and LOL SO RANDOM tawdry animation shows. If the budget is below The Venture Bros it's cancelled.

    Then I turn it into SyFy's old Saturday night block but instead of being disorganized it's assorted by bi-monthly themes. Eg.

    January; February are mecha. March ; April are Westerns and vampires. May ; June are .hack//sign or LAIN type. July ; August = parapsychology (MONSTER, Requiem from the Darkness; Mushi-Shi). September and October are samurai/Blood type. November; December: the blockbusters (these would be smattered throughout the year of course but these two months would be nothing but them.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Streamline the pitch process adding tighter guidelines like a normal network so that there's less wasted time with shitty jumbled pitches and more room for decent shows to put into the pipeline.
    >For solely animation, invest attention into A24's budding studio for a potential collaboration.
    >Fix scheduling to allow for more varied programming than the constant dry sitcoms, maybe sprinkle new episodes of shows between them to test the water
    >Set up a programme and budget to incentivise fresh pitches for both live action and animated programmes.
    >See if Alan Resnick is on board to do some continuities, maybe even greenlight a show.

  17. 2 years ago

    > bring back mde
    > bring back aqua teen
    > get rid of live action

    I swear these threads are like bug zappers for the dumbest people on the board.

  18. 2 years ago

    Put minoriteam, assy mcgee and superjail back into rotation for awhile.
    Crybabies will get over it.
    Cut back on the real people shows to "maybe" one a night, if that. Too many real people shows on a cartoon network.
    Fix the anime situation by getting rid of the current terrible lineup and look for lesser known action oriented shows geared toward older audience and maybe some comedy stuff to break up the monotony. No more shonen crap clogging up the lineup keep that shit on toonami in the afternoon and evening for the kids.

  19. 2 years ago

    Cancel smiling friends and have everyone that worked on it black listed from the industry.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      You forgot your name I hate smiling friends-kun

  20. 2 years ago

    >Pick up a mixture of regular half-hour comedies to appeal to the normies and extremely low budget, surreal quarter-hour shows like 12 oz. or Off The Air to get the SOUL back. The problem with some of their current stuff, like Birdgirl or Teenage Euthanasia, are that they're this awkward mix of the two.
    >Maybe a China, IL revival, that show was decently popular when it was out. Something like Home Movies you can't really revive without fricking up the ending, and boondocks already tried and failed at a revival.
    >Invest in merch more, literally the only show they have widespread merch for ATM is Rick & Morty, and that sucks since something like Smiling Friends or Pibby lunchboxes for the middle-schoolers who watch that shit would practically print money.
    >Air a grab-bag of shows after the premieres of new R&M episodes to trick normies who leave their TV on into watching them as well, potentially allowing them to catch on.
    >Next-day HBO to prevent piracy
    >Increase the relevance of their social media advertising, most of their posts are just "le quirky shower thoughts" unrelated to the brand or any of their shows
    >Cut back on the amount of credit squeezing, bring back the 4AM slot with the more obscure shows (for SOUL)
    >Introduce a cheap way for AS fans to directly communicate with the network. Obviously the livestreams would be too expensive, but maybe bring back the forums? Again, for the SOUL.
    >Get the rights to Hazbin Hotel. It doesn't really fit the brand but people will watch the shit outta it & the merch sales would be insane

    Toonami's honestly fricked since Sony has a monopoly on anime ATM but I guess I'd try to make good friends with the few anime companies that haven't sold out to Sony yet, give it it's own section on HBO, have it start at 10 or 11 instead of midnight, and don't air more then one episode of a show per week (or at least shift the shows airing 2 episodes like Naruto & One Piece to the very end of the block)

    • 2 years ago

      Revive Drawn Together by parodying both Zoomer shows AND watered-down Canadian remakes of American shows

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, a lot other people here have said what I'd go for: Revive some of the old shows, invest in new ones with a similar style, cut down on live-action,
      >bring back the forums
      As for something much more reasonable, I'd say to reduce Fox and R&M reruns to timeslots before 11PM, then fill the slots from then to 2AM with reruns of their old shows. Seriously just cycle through as many of the shows they can still legally air as possible. I still don't think it's that reasonable, but honestly I just want a whole block of TV I can tune in for without feeling the urge to turn it off within a show or two. Also what said about merchandise. There's honestly no reason not to try to make a little more off of their lingering appeal.

  21. 2 years ago

    I would get rid of the live action stuff. Ok I understand that it's cheap and sometimes funny but overall I think that there shouldn't be live action on the *Cartoon* Network
    I would hire a dozen of those artzy internet people who animate crazy fast on a 0$ budget and see what they are capable of with an actual buget. Have them pitch stuff to the network too.
    On wednesday nights legacy shows only as a gift to oldgays.
    There's a lot of stuff from current AS I would keep like the flexible on-air schedule, the bumpers and the overall creative freedom.

  22. 2 years ago

    Just play The Room on a nonstop loop

  23. 2 years ago

    greenlight spooky dreamz and macbeth with dinosaurs already

  24. 2 years ago

    i'd stop waiting 2 to 5 years for every new season of each show. adult swim has wb money, they should make use of it.

    also, i'd give tender touches like 200 episodes

  25. 2 years ago

    Fire all the women

  26. 2 years ago

    You know how they did Saved by the Bell for a week?

    They should start taking classic shows and do that every week, but just not random episodes either, like the five best "Married with Children" episodes. Do this with whatever great sitcoms they have access to from the 70's 80's and 90's and try to work in a theme for each weeks block.

    Start at 8 and do a 1.5 -2 hour block with 3 to 4 shows. Maybe it could be like 2 sitcoms and 2 classic cartoons that don't get air time anymore. Flintstones and stuff like that.

  27. 2 years ago

    Bring back boruto dub

  28. 2 years ago

    Run contests. Give a bunch of people a shoestring budget to make pilots and have people vote for the best one

    I would also contact very well-known internet animators like Max G or Yotam Peril to make higher budgeted but still cheap shows but I would give them like six episodes a pop instead of just a pilot

    I would have Rick and Morty do a promo to help advertise the new shows. Unironically the commercials Rick and Morty do for fast food and stuff is funnier than the actual show now

    In fact, I would make a brand new show on adult swim that's just called non-canonical crossovers and have Rick And Morty help cross-promote old and new shows alike. Can you imagine how funny a venture bros and Rick And Morty crossover could be if it didn't take itself to seriously? I would keep Dan Harmon far away from this

    I would also beg Justine Roiland to make his own live-action show similar to the Eric Andre show. I would bring back the old thing they use to do where they would hear out pitches and critique what was presented. It was super interesting. Although I would jazz it up a bit so normies would like it too

    I would shift the whole focus of the channel to look for a lot of creative voices. and spread art. I would use Rick And Morty stuff to hold it together and really get experimental. But with some quality control. I would let Dino (creator of Moral Orel) do whatever he wants if he wants to finish the series proper more power to him. If he wants to make something new hell yeah!

    I would want someone to turn on the channel and see something amazing and think they had a shot at making something themselves and get on Adult Swim

    I would focus on merchandise too. I would bring back classic shows or have the creators of those shows to come back and make new stuff. Bring Brendon Small back. Have him do that weird idea where all the characters in home movies are babies

    I would buy Mission Hill and make more seasons. I would do the same for Clone High and undergrads

    • 2 years ago

      >Run contests. Give a bunch of people a shoestring budget to make pilots and have people vote for the best one
      The funny thing is they almost kinda did this back in 2007 and 2010, though I would assume the shows were made by their usual staff and connections.

  29. 2 years ago

    Actually green light shows and anime people actually want to see. Who the frick watches these new shows trying to appeal to women and failing at that and not being good. No one wants more FLCL sequels, Shenmue while a decent adaptation didn’t need an anime in first place. The Pirate Princess was a huge dud. Only anything good that has come out of AS in the last several years is Smiling Friends and Primal everything else has been either bad or at best mediocre. This is more of a program product problem at AS rather than a budget problem.

  30. 2 years ago

    heart she holler bringing back kristen schall and let pffr go fricking wild

  31. 2 years ago

    >Discovery has hired you as the new program director for adultswim. How do you save the block?
    Blood Dumpster 32 episode commitment, 11 minute episodes.

  32. 2 years ago

    Get this: new show. The main character is your average dude, but he SMOKES WEED, like tons of it, and he is DEPRESSED and has TONS OF SEX. And the side cast is a cute little cartoon bunny that says "FRICKING SHIT" constantly (but it's bleeped out so it's funnier) and his best bro who's gay and also SMOKES WEED and is DEPRESSED. There's also this lady and her entire gimmick is that she SMOKES WEED and is a prostitute, but it's later revealed she's actually a lesbian. The artstyle will be a mix of Big Mouth, Calarts and Family Guy - we'll just hire the same guys who worked on similar shows - but as an ironic twist, we'll be using it for parody's sake. I think it'll make millions.

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