
I want to like Disney but looking at the amount of shit they put out and have aquired it baffles me how anyone can be a fan of Disney as a whole.
You have the classic films, all the stuff from Pixar, Lucas Film and Marvel. It feels like a huge clusterfrick. It's so weird that I wouldn't recognize something being from Disney, if it didn't had the logo on it.

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  1. 11 months ago

    I sincerely typed out an entire five paragraphs of what made Disney work better than what it became but lost it all due to a captcha fail.

    I’m going to bed.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm sorry anon. The new captcha sucks.

    • 11 months ago

      You'll know to temporarily store your wall of text on the clipboard or notepad.exe next time :^)

  2. 11 months ago

    They need to adapt Percy Jackson into films, not some show.

    • 11 months ago

      >They need to adapt Percy Jackson into a cartoon

  3. 11 months ago

    They're going to dump all their debt on hearst by selling espn to them. Then they will everything when warner and paramount file for bankruptcy and everything gets auctioned off.
    Screencap this b***hes

  4. 11 months ago

    The 2000s were really a disaster for them and eventually what lead them to almost just give up on producing original stuff and just buying our other IPs like Star Wars and Marvel. Now it's worse because they are only interested in making stuff that can be franchisable like Frozen. .

    • 11 months ago

      At least Frozen was a shot in the dark. The company had no idea it would be profitable. Hell the amount of production hell it had been through made Disney just hope it'd break even. Whether you love or hate Frozen it was at least made with creativity and passion, Let It Go sprang from a desire to tell a whole new perspective on the Ice Queen and its admirable that they made something for the sake of their own creativity. It's shameful to see that creativity essentially murdered by producing awful sequels to a film that didn't need one. Frozen 2 is essentially the same garbage as the straight to video sequels of the 90s.

      • 11 months ago

        >Frozen 2 is essentially the same garbage as the straight to video sequels of the 90s.
        I don't think it can even claim that level of creativity.

        • 11 months ago

          Let's not go crazy and say that Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 was a bastion of creativity just because Frozen 2 sucked.

          • 11 months ago

            I think other than one? of the Cinderella direct to video sequels and maybe Bambi 2 were actually good, the rest were rehashed plots except this time following the child of the original protagonist (Little Mermaid 2, Lion King 2, Peter Pan 2) or put protagonists in a completely new but weird plot (Mulan 2, Hunchback 2)

            • 11 months ago

              101 Dalmatians 2 was actually not bad either

        • 11 months ago

          The only decent sequels were Aladdin honestly.

      • 11 months ago

        >it was at least made with creativity and passion
        It doesn't show. Frozen is extremely bland, and the cynic in me thinks that the only reason they used a sister plot is so they could market and merchandise two princesses
        >tell a whole new perspective on the Ice Queen
        Frozen shares a couple elements with the Andersen tale, but it's not fair at all to say Elsa and the Snow Queen are the same character

      • 11 months ago

        >Whether you love or hate Frozen it was at least made with creativity and passion, Let It Go sprang from a desire to tell a whole new perspective on the Ice Queen and its admirable that they made something for the sake of their own creativity.

        It was made with the cynical bullshit mentality common with modern writers and took an actually interesting fairy tale that would've made a great adaption and turned into a muddled mixed-messaging mess with basically zero likable characters. There was no "new" perspective, Elsa shares about as much in common with the Snow Queen as Jack Sparrow has with Black Bart.

  5. 11 months ago

    No one is forcing you to be a fan of a fricking corporation. Be a fan of artists and directors and writers.

  6. 11 months ago

    Buying everything and putting it all under the Disney banner has really diluted their brand identity.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not just a consequence of them buying everything, it's also something they are actively doing internally. They are clearly putting less effort into their animation at least since the early to mid 2010s onwards and have completely redirected everything to Marvel because it generates the most profit for them.

    • 11 months ago

      I think one of the few valid distinctions b/w Millenials and Zoomers is their take on Disney; The former actually grew up with Lion King, Aladdin, etc. so to them Disknee will always be a kino factory regardless of how shitty their movies get over time, while actual Zoomers are more familiar with Chicken Little or Meet the Robinsons and therefore their reputation of Disney has never been high to begin with. They have much more nostalgia for Shrek or Madagascar than any of that schlock. And anyone who tries to attribute Toy Story or The Incredibles to Disney should be permabanned, end of story. Also , even if they actually wanted to put effort into something they probably couldn't afford to at this point, it looks like Marvelslop is starting to slowly lose it's death grip on the film industry as a whole so there's no real way for the Mouse to become great again at this point. Thank you for reading my blog post

      • 11 months ago

        >Zoomers are more familiar with Chicken Little or Meet the Robinsons and therefore their reputation of Disney has never been high to begin with
        As a Millennial, I always felt like they for some reason stopped trying in the 2000s. Like all the financial problems and bad decisions of the Eisner era just led to them cutting down resources in their animation department.

  7. 11 months ago

    Being a fan of Disney as whole isn't something you should want. The people that do that are made that way by being mentally and emotionally stunted during childhood.

  8. 11 months ago

    They've killed everything they had. Brand is now absolutely toxic.

  9. 11 months ago

    It is curious to see in Star Wars force is female and now in Indiana Jones they tried to push a Lara Croft woke and in the MCU the She-Hulk that should be the Jessica Rabbit of the MCU became a joke, Captain Marvel from sexy and athletic became a lifeless pale version in the MCU besides the miscast of not understanding the IPs they bought and not understanding what people want to see in 2023 specifically women the Disney management seems the same as Bud Light.

  10. 11 months ago

    Disney is just a name. A company is its people. If there is no ironclad set of principles and values at a company, call it a constitution or commandments, then the culture can and will shift, and the product will change with it.
    Steve Jobs once said the best managers never sought out to be managers. The Disney of today is run by a professional class of managers who have no real connection to the work their underlings do. Has Bob Iger ever had an argument with an animation fan about which style is best? Has Kathleen Kennedy ever taken her children to a movie? I think not. I'm not even sure they're human. They probably can't tell you what is good or evil until they commission a survey.

  11. 11 months ago

    >I want to like Disney but looking at the amount of shit they put out and have aquired it baffles me how anyone can be a fan of Disney as a whole.

    Disney has always put out a ton of shit. Just a metric ton of shit. People just forget about it and focus on their wins because disney is quick to drop anything bad and promote anything good.

    Like, disney used to make an assload of bad live action movies in the 50s to 70s. And they made several bad live action shows and direct to tv movies in the 90s and 00s. And there is also that pile of direct to video animated movies.

    its always been like this. They just drop the failures asap.

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