
It's like Disney is intentionally putting out shit movies lately to kill off franchises. In the last 5 years, Disney has either made pointless remakes or god-awful reboots. With story design, it's obvious that they care more about pushing "woke" agendas than actually creating art.
I'm led to believe that Disney is secretly trying to kill off any fan demand for old properties while keeping its positive image by catering to the liberal-biased journalism scene.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >please i’m begging you

    • 12 months ago

      same fricking song lol

  2. 12 months ago

    it's an error to attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity
    >inb4 nobody can be that stupid

    • 12 months ago

      >it's an error to attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity
      >>inb4 nobody can be that stupid

      this. Look at Disney's take on Lone Ranger, John Carter, Wrinke in Time, Prince of Persia, etc.

      all dogshit.

      • 12 months ago

        PoP was not dogshit. You’re just a certified simpleton.

    • 12 months ago

      An entire decade of totally not malice can't all be explained with incompetence

      • 12 months ago

        why. that's like saying "this person has been stupid their entire life so they must be faking it"

        • 12 months ago

          Your example falls apart when you include the fact that many many people worked on many many projects during the decade and they all couldn't be casually incompetent

      • 12 months ago

        it's an error to attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity
        >inb4 nobody can be that stupid

        studio executives are in an unwinnable position where what audiences will go to see (pre-existing IPs) is the least likely to have any original ideas (because they were already used).

        add in vidya and the internet turning all the autists who would have become writers into creatively unproductive wagies and this is the best they can come up with.

        • 12 months ago

          A thing they could do is diversifying their output and lower their budget, catering to specific audience.
          Their main mistake is chasing the mono-user for the mono-product, that need to mke back all the money because it was made spending all the money.
          Also cgi caused a drop in artistry in the name of lowering costs, but then it became the main, expensive course and it now costs a lot, but artistry never came back.
          And how the indstry works is bount to produce slop. A good movie need a director with agency surrounded by a trusted team and a producer willing to back him up, all of them believing in the quality of some spific script. You cannot keep all thes cogs working in a separate way. Now you have a concept shaped by the producer, writers and rewriters working on their own, actors randoml picked for diversity and popularity, director only exectuing orders, an indistinct army of computer monkey fixing everything in post.

          • 12 months ago

            >”A thing they could do is diversifying their output and lower their budget, catering to specific audience.
            Their main mistake is chasing the mono-user for the mono-product, that need to make back all the money because it was made spending all the money.”
            This is why I think Disney should have a division dedicated to producing animation specifically catered to an older audience. Instead of shoehorning woke bullshit and politics into content aimed at children and families they should make content and animation specifically catered to teenagers and young adults that features that stuff, that way they avoid part of the controversy and avoid tanking their big tentpoles

        • 12 months ago

          tv can do it but cinema only produces slop

        • 12 months ago

          studio execs and financial types and all the like are autists who quite literally do not understand creativity. they are the type of people who are genuinely convinced that the public demand is some type calculable formula because they have no imagination and their entire existence is devoted towards figuring out what that means.

      • 12 months ago

        Generational woke moronation being promoted for the sake of virtue signaling unironically explains every major Hollyisraelite flop of the last 15 years.

        Merit, innovation, creativity and the ability to tell a coherent story have been thrown to the side in favor of virtue signaling and serving as the Party Propaganda Apparatus.

    • 12 months ago

      The term is what can ‘Adequately’ explained by stupidity, not simply explained by it.
      Doubling down on mistakes that have demonstrably failed time and time again requires literally everyone in a position of power and executive control to be equally moronic.
      The most likely explanation in my eyes is that they’re attempting to devalue the company for a buyout.
      >but that’s illegal!
      True, but good luck proving it in a time big daddy Larry has given every company in the industry a perfect excuse for self destructive behaviour

      • 12 months ago

        >muh adequately
        >requires literally everyone in a position of power and executive control to be equally moronic.
        looking at government and society in general this still seems increasingly likely

        • 12 months ago

          No it doesn't. It only requires a critical mass of stupidity, say 3/10 of executives who can hold the rest hostage through something like DEI rhetoric, e.g.

          >if you oppose me on this take, you are a racist/sexist/homophobe and will get canceled

          It's as simple as that. Woke corporations do happen to have capable executives within them that would like to change course, but at this point of the diversity zeitgeist, they literally can't. It's too dangerous for them.

          • 12 months ago

            if the others are so smart why cant they outmaneuver the critical mass of stupid wokists

            • 12 months ago

              because defending yourself from an accusation is more difficult and risky than screaming racism! sexism! istphobism!

              • 12 months ago

                and yet trump was elected president in spite of outrageous remarks

              • 12 months ago

                If you say so. I'm not american.

            • 12 months ago

              Because currently society is unwilling to kill.
              Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of ways to deal with this sort of thing, but the current situation exists specifically because certain historical factors are gone, and the re-implementation of murder for crime such as rape would remove the woke rapidly.
              >Muh good people
              Random (bullet) selection got a child molester, a violent thug, and a drunk felon. The woke is the most rotten group of all.

    • 12 months ago

      This piece of "colloquial wisdom" is original from a joke book. It's not thoughtfulness or insightful. The saying itself is a joke.

      • 12 months ago

        Hanlon is dead. Never attribute incompetence to something that could be attributed to malice

        >t. edgelords thirsty for (You)s

    • 12 months ago

      Hanlon is dead. Never attribute incompetence to something that could be attributed to malice

    • 12 months ago

      Frick off you gaslighting israelite, yes there ARE many stupid people in this world (like you), but these franchise-killing flops that Disney has shitted out in the last few years are NOT because of stupidity but because of intentional malice.

      • 12 months ago

        ah yes and here come the mediocre ones who cant climb the rungs of society without using a fall guy as a stepping stone. how convenient.

        • 12 months ago

          >i’ve been found out

          • 12 months ago

            >i cant progress in life without a fall guy

            • 12 months ago

              very interesting projection and cope
              i also like how you’re admitting white privilege doesn’t exist
              you haven’t had a real argument
              seems like just another transvestite foolishly thinking it could shift the narrative of the thread by using boilerplate reddit snark
              this isn’t 2009 nobody will read your post and agree with you for being gay
              i’m going to make you have a nice day irl using this website

            • 12 months ago

              >very interesting projection and cope
              its quite literally your fuhrer

    • 12 months ago

      it’s beyond obvious at this point what’s actually happening

    • 12 months ago

      Yup. I don’t think people here understand how out of touch this movie execs are. It’s not just that they don’t live in a normal reality, they’ve never lived in reality. They genuinely do not understand normal people, that’s why everything is focus grouped to shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Watching the Amber Herd trial gave me a lot of insight when they interviewed that chink movie exec.

      It really is a matter of marvel movies being so successful that the whole industry changed. These are business people not creatives. Youd be suprised how you get get so consumed by all these technicalities and analysis that you can miss the obvious. Like ww1 for example. Or how politicians were oblivious to the value of "genuineness" in the 2016 elections.

  3. 12 months ago


    Found the sensitive snowflake.

    • 12 months ago

      Found the troony

      • 12 months ago

        Aaaaand there it is.

        • 12 months ago

          >capital letter
          >full stop (no, you will never get a period)
          go back

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      You need to go back

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Obama was a lame duck president.

  4. 12 months ago

    no, they're just actually stupid enough to think that if they keep doing the same thing over and over again they'll eventually get a different result

  5. 12 months ago

    First off, no entertainment company would intentionally lose hundreds of millions of dollars for some magical agenda. Secondly, this idea requires you to selectively ignore the remakes that have been successful, such as Aladdin and Lion King. The truth is, nostalgia has proven to be quite profitable and on paper, an Indy 5 sendoff movie is a great idea. Third, you also have to ignore original content like Encanto.

    Just a reminder, you personally disliking a movie doesn't equate with critical or commercial success. So even if you think Lion King 2019 is bad for some reason, that doesn't work for the "kill off fan demand" argument.

    • 12 months ago

      >First off, no entertainment company would intentionally lose hundreds of millions of dollars for some magical agenda
      Look up ESG. Disney execs basically shrugged when Little Mermaid was $160 million away from breaking even (it still needs $60 million afaik)

      • 12 months ago

        1) That doesn't mean they put out the movie expecting to take a loss.
        2) The movie's slowly continuing to make money.
        3) It will be a streaming hit, most likely.

        • 12 months ago

          >1) That doesn't mean they put out the movie expecting to take a loss.
          >2) The movie's slowly continuing to make money.
          >3) It will be a streaming hit, most likely.

          • 12 months ago

            So you're automatically right about anything you say about Disney. Including the premise that they intentionally made a movie they expected to flop. And anyone who disagrees is a fat meme person. Frick you.

            Same shit as SJW, PC, virtue signaling, and so on. This rebuttal isn’t as clever as you think you programmed moronic wienersucker

            Is Spiderverse woke?

            • 12 months ago

              >multiple hints that a beloved comic book character is now trans
              yea, it's kinda woke

            • 12 months ago

              you’re an actual moron and i’m glad you get exposed every time you post

          • 12 months ago

            >the alt right doesnt defend multibillion dollar companies

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            >Be given logical answer
            >Black person response
            have a nice day.

        • 12 months ago

          >That doesn't mean they put out the movie expecting to take a loss.
          I doubt they expected a loss of this level but for the women running Lucasarts right now the money is entirely secondary to recreating these properties in their "vision." They don't care about the financials, that's Iger and the board's problem.
          >the movie's slowly continuing to make money
          it hasn't made a dime until it covers production and marketing costs, which it will not during its theatrical run
          >it will be a streaming hit
          Disney loses money on streaming because of the bass ackwards way they negotiate contracts with the actors, and Ford is a notoriously expensive one. Most likely it'll be like Willow, it'll be put front and center on Disney+ for a few weeks then unceremoniously after nobody watches it.

          • 12 months ago

            i dont even get the streaming hit argument
            you buy to watch a single movie?
            here you can only buy a subscription, meaning if you already had a subscription then it doesnt change anything, and nobody buys a subscription to watch a single movie

            • 12 months ago

              >pay to watch a single movie
              a lot of people will via amazon and other streamers, it doesn't make the studio nearly as much money as a movie ticket or a physical media sale would, but it's something. The real problem with Disney's streaming is the residuals to the writers/actors, currently they're negotiated like TV ones so that means that every day Disney is hosting that content they're paying for it, even if they supposedly own it outright. They can't change anything about this because actors and writers are unionized. This means that if the content isn't making enough views to justify the daily cost, it's gotta go. This is why you're seeing Disney take a bunch of their own original content off the platform, they simply can't afford to host it under the way they negotiate their contracts. Indy 5 is going to burn a shitload of money for every minute it sits unwatched on D+, like Willow it's going to be pulled without fanfare.

              • 12 months ago

                ah I see thanks
                here Amazon isnt supported, and you can only buy a Disney+ subscription

        • 12 months ago

          >person in charge uses a formula that is a proven money loser
          >not expecting a loss
          >streaming hit
          Yeah, millions will retain subs or sign up for a film they have no interest in, fo sho.

      • 12 months ago

        >Disney execs basically shrugged when Little Mermaid was $160 million away from breaking even (it still needs $60 million afaik)
        More like $100 million. I did the calculations a few times, assuming 60% of the ticket gross from the domestic box office goes to Disney, 45% of the international, and 25% of the Chinese, and also assuming they're not lying like the sociopaths they are about the ACTUAL budget (Dr. Strange 2 has been revealed to have gone over the stated budget by $100 million, and they've probably lied about everything else too, including Indy 5's actual price tag) and a $140 million marketing spend. There is a 0% chance they see a dime from TLM.

    • 12 months ago

      >First off, no entertainment company would intentionally lose hundreds of millions of dollars

      • 12 months ago

        did they really think they wouldn't lose money after Coca-Cola lost like 500 million by Ronaldo pushing away a bottle of cola during an interview

        • 12 months ago

          That was based. I was in college and my marketing class was a heated discussion shortly after that.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      ESG is about money, not ideology. The woke shit exists purely as a distraction from the real purpose, which is preserving the value of fossil fuel investments, which far exceed the value of the entire movie industry. They don't even need to be sneaky about this (pic related) because everybody is too mind-broken by politics to notice what's actually going on.

    • 12 months ago

      ESG is part of an intentional destruction of society to prop up one world government and bug eating.

  6. 12 months ago

    Disney is infected with woke SJWs from the top execs all the way to the bottom. That's a problem because woke people can't make good media content. They have literally never made a single good piece of media that people actually paid good money to see.

  7. 12 months ago

    Any hope of continuing Indiana Jones as a franchise died with River Phoenix in the 90s at Club Viper.

  8. 12 months ago

    Define woke

    • 12 months ago

      Ignorant, the opposite of awake.

    • 12 months ago

      adjective to describe virtue-signaling people who are obsessed with jumping on whatever moral bandwagon is necessary to feel included, though ironically being the most intolerant and hypocritical people on the planet.

    • 12 months ago

      Same shit as SJW, PC, virtue signaling, and so on. This rebuttal isn’t as clever as you think you programmed moronic wienersucker

    • 12 months ago

      aggressive invasive push for extremist leftist ideas and tropes
      btfo once again

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      annoying boss girl perfect at everything.
      destroying established male character

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      leftist identitarian

    • 12 months ago

      at this point it just means annoying. it's been concept crept, but i guess it's still a slightly useful term.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Political correctness.

    • 12 months ago

      Cultural marxism

    • 12 months ago

      Any politics that basically boils down to anti-white/male/straight/traditional.

      For example, the idea that it's inherently wrong to police black criminals because black people are good, and white people are bad.
      Or the idea that it's inherently wrong to do anything specifically for the benefit of men, because women are good, and men are bad.
      Or the idea that you should constantly be trying to push people to be more gay, because gay people are good, and straight people are bad.
      Or the idea that something that simply is the way it was a hundred years ago, doesn't need to be torn down in the name of "progress".

    • 12 months ago

      Anti white

    • 12 months ago

      Redistribution of wealth and power according race, sex, sexual deviancy status.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh god. This gonna be one of those where some morons pretend like the word woke was invented by old white boomers…

    • 12 months ago

      Politically correct

    • 12 months ago

      woke means i woke up from my sleep YOU FRICKING GORILLA Black person homosexual

    • 12 months ago

      anything that paints savage african americans and homosexuals in a positive light and better then straight white males

    • 12 months ago

      progressive : woke = throwing out the dirty bathwater : throwing out the baby with the dirty bathwater

  9. 12 months ago

    You have to look at it from the perspective of the people who greenlight this shit. Kathleen Kennedy doesn't give a frick about the studio losing money since it isn't her money; she's already rich. It's all about the propaganda for her and shitting on beloved IPs that were made primarily for a male audience.

  10. 12 months ago

    I actually found myself pleasantly surprised by the latest Indie movie. Not only didn't it push a woke agenda but the female character was shown to be a selfish and arrogant person through most of the movie, and when asked about how she ended up that way she says its because Indie wasn't being a Father to her, after her real Father died and he was her Godfather. She only becomes a decent person after Indie encourages her. So basically the message of the movie is that women need a man to set them straight. That's about as anti-woke as you can get for a modern movie.

    As for racial stuff The black CIA woman gets killed off pretty easily, Indie refuses to take his Egyptian friend with him on the adventure when he asks, and the Middle Eastern kid is a liability more often than a benefit

  11. 12 months ago

    they cast the ugliest white woman they could find to turn men off white women and make them stop complaining about diversity casting.

    • 12 months ago

      Crypto-jewesses aren’t white.

  12. 12 months ago

    Am I the only one thinking the dumbest shit is that it stars EIGHTY(80) years old Harrison Ford as the protagonist in an action adventure movie, who moved like a tired grandpa in Star Wars 7, eight years ago? What was the brainstorming like? “You know the other day I was channel surfing and caught Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and I was like we should do another Indiana Jones movie” “yea and who would play Indy, dipshit?” “Ford ofc” “Ford is fricking 80, man” “yeah, and?”

  13. 12 months ago

    They should have bit the bullet and made it star Shia and hedge their bets by invluding Shortround then based on reactions from fans decide to go where next. Thye could have potentially had Shia and Shortround movies and keep this dead IP alive.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean, it worked for Rocky

  14. 12 months ago

    Dial of Destiny is kino though.

  15. 12 months ago

    It's called post modernism. The writers and producers who create this drekk think they are geniuses.

    • 12 months ago

      Blade Runner and Pulp Fiction are postmodern movies, but I don't see the similarities to this slop here.

      • 12 months ago

        Postmodernism had a different meaning when those movies were made

  16. 12 months ago

    >intentionally putting out shit
    Why is it so much easier to believe in 4D chess than just to accept that the people with more money and power than you are genuinely talentless and undeserving

    • 12 months ago

      I used to argue with people like you, up until COVID arrived and now it's undeniable that money and power doesn't come bundled with ability. No one is steering the ship.

  17. 12 months ago

    We live in post capitalism world. It's a crypto communist regime run by oligarchs using free money from the FED to impose globohomosexual propaganda.

  18. 12 months ago

    Yup they are intentionally trying to go bankrupt so China can buy them.

  19. 12 months ago

    >I'm led to believe that Disney is secretly trying to kill off any fan demand for old properties while keeping its positive image by catering to the liberal-biased journalism scene.

    And this supposed to help them how exactly?

    Seriously, it's like claiming that Vladimir Putin is playing 5D chess by deliberately fricking up the invasion of Ukraine to lure NATO into a false sense of security or something

    • 12 months ago

      >Ukraine analogy
      yikes dawg. I dont care one single bit, but I doubt the reality of it parallels this, because I'm sure very few people are truly unbiased on this issue.

  20. 12 months ago

    The won't right the ship until there is mass turnover at the board of directors and new executive management is installed. Could take a decade.

    I think they'll just reboot everything like Ubisoft. A new Indiana Jones timeline maybe?
    Rebooting the MCU.
    Star Wars in the Old Republic trilogy?
    New Star Wars timeline, reboot everything?

    Executives who were behind the acquisitions already milked these franchises. They made their money. They're gonna retire soon. Quality was shit, they don't care. Up to the next gen to reboot it or fix it to give value to the company and keep their jobs or get promoted.

    They fricked up goyslop moneymakers, they don't care.

    • 12 months ago

      >The won't right the ship until there is mass turnover at the board of directors and new executive management is installed. Could take a decade.

      By the time that happens, Disney's reputation will be throughly ruined and the company itself will be on the brink of bankruptcy, if it's not already

    • 12 months ago

      >Executives who were behind the acquisitions already milked these franchises. They made their money. They're gonna retire soon. Quality was shit, they don't care.
      This. Thes IP are clearly losing all their value and identity, but all they care about is the short term achievement.
      3x the marketing money will be needed to put butts into seats to see the next Indy, Terminator, Tomb Raider, Rambo after the last entries, in few years? Not their problem

      • 12 months ago

        It's a real tragedy as Walts whole thing was about creating a long lasting, even timeless, legacy.

        • 12 months ago

          Walt knew that
          >with ____, you lose.

      • 12 months ago

        Rambo 4 and 5 were bad but not franchise-killing bad

        • 12 months ago

          Haven't seen 5, but 4, even if not a franchise killer, made me disinterested in anything Rambo going forward. Action had lesss impact, blood was all cgi, Stallone was past his prime...
          It was clearly a movie that didn't need to be made.
          Only thing I liked is the ending.

          • 12 months ago

            5 was really bad
            90 minutes long, and 70 minutes are just Rambo driving, sitting in his rocking chair, or acting like a literal moron
            only the last 20 minutes have action but Stallone is so past his prime he walks with the speed of a tortoise

            • 12 months ago

              I remember there was a movement when it came out to watch the movie to “own the libs” because they found it to be problematic or something. God, that was stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                maybe because it portrays South Americans are cartel fricks trafficking people and forcing girls to become sex workers
                I wonder if Max Payne 3 could get done today, it basically says Brazil is a shithole where people are either corrupt, or will shoot you for a cheap pair of sneakers

              • 12 months ago

                The difference is Max Payne 3 is decent while Rambo 5 is bad, hell, Sound of Freedom which just released does something similar and is a much better movie

            • 12 months ago

              Sounds terrible. Definitely dodged a bullet.

              I remember there was a movement when it came out to watch the movie to “own the libs” because they found it to be problematic or something. God, that was stupid.

              Yeah I hate that shit. As if giving woketard money through another route was a victory.
              Just don't watch the bad movie, morons

        • 12 months ago

          4 was the best Rambo since the first.

          • 12 months ago

            >BAD MOVIE GOOD
            >GOOD MOVIE BAD

            • 12 months ago

              >no argument
              2 and 3 are shit, deal with it. 4 was fun and based. Stay mad.

              • 12 months ago

                >BAD MOVIE GOOD
                >GOOD MOVIE BAD
                >STAY MAD

          • 12 months ago

            Dude check out the Universal Soilder sequels I had no idea they made so many. Last one had a sick series if fights and final duel with the protag against Dolfy and JCVD

        • 12 months ago

          I actually loved 4 and I found the action scenes to be really intense. It was kinda old school in a good way.
          5 is the weakest one and Rambo makes some really stupid errors during the first half of the film, but I still had fun and I think the final battle justifies watching the movie. Even if Stallone is not as agile as before, the battle is centered around Rambo fully knowing the environment and using both traps and his wits in order to defeat more powerful opponents.

  21. 12 months ago

    >when you don't make it to the bathroom

  22. 12 months ago

    I don’t plan on seeing it in theaters and hope it flops but it’s probably better than the Star Wars sequels at least, it’s more of an actual sequel than a rehash of old movies but the chick is annoying and probably ruins the whole movie

  23. 12 months ago

    They've only Xerselves to blame. Everyone from Cinemaphile to Critical Drinker has been calling them out on their bullshit for years and for years they ignored all the criticism by having their mainstream media lapdogs call everyone ebul racist nazi white men. And now both they and their dicksucking journalists are in financial trouble. No sympathy.

  24. 12 months ago

    There is a movement on fb to tell the parents not to go see disney movies it says they want to destroy the family core with woke shit.

    • 12 months ago

      It's hard to say how many boomers even know Indiana Jones is Disney now, but if there is some army of facebook parents telling people not to see Disney films because of Disney's political choices then that's entirely Disney's fault for pissing off their core audience. The family friendly image of Disney was carefully crafted for decades to avoid exactly this situation, choosing anti-family political positions was a stupid move, it's like if McDonalds started insulting fat people.

  25. 12 months ago

    Nah, the problem is that the greatest works of art are inspired, spewing forth from the subconscious mind or the collective unconscious via a right-brained writer who is a pure channel (often under the influence of drugs or alchohol). It's the job of a studio like Disney to recognize the most naturally-inspired writers and foster that inspiration – instead they're trying to left-brain movies into existence via brute force and logic with a committee of jobbing writers which never works. Decades-later profit-motivated sequels and reboots are by definition uninspired.

  26. 12 months ago

    >Indiana Jones
    Why was the boulder scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark so iconic?

  27. 12 months ago

    I don't think there's any deep conspiracy like that. This is what happens when you have a very established company, with a huge market cap and treasure chest to fall back on, which gets engrossed in its own DEI zealotry, eventually puts too many of those lunatics in too many positions of power, holding the entire organization hostage. The guys who are noticing they are bleeding money and tarnishing brands left and right are silenced. It's the same thing that was happening at Twitter, just on a more evident scale since their product is our "entertainment." The DEI army really is that strong right now, and they are totally willing to sacrifice profit for their agenda, in their mind they've already made it, these aren't business people who got there on merit.

  28. 12 months ago

    Isn't Blackrock, Vanguard, CIA, Pentagon etc paying for the wokeshit they make?

    • 12 months ago

      It was yeah, a lot of Disney's recent problems are because the treasury turned the spigot off so they could hike interest rates. Disney and a lot of the other corps suckling at the government's teat got caught kind of flat footed and are now having to try to pivot back to being a profit seeking business again, it's not going well as you can see by the disney facility closures and layoffs.

  29. 12 months ago

    The woman in charge of disney only know how to copy and self insert. There’s no more creative talent left, just diversity hires

  30. 12 months ago

    >In the case of Dial of Destiny, it is almost as if depending on the sustained affection of an older, nostalgic and largely male audience, rather than including anything that could entice a younger, diverse demographic, has proved a flawed strategy.
    See, the reason movies are flopping actually, is they're making them FOR YOU and you are too poor and scared and hooked on porn to go out and see them

    • 12 months ago

      from the same Guardian "analysis"
      >And look who he’s fighting this time: Nazis. Don’t we see enough of those on Twitter?
      lol the movie failed because the bad guys are like .. um like people who i think are real bad guys. So.. it's too close to home
      I think that's what she's saying?

    • 12 months ago

      >it flopped because boomers dont go to watch movies anymore
      >muh older male audience
      what a moronic cope jfc

    • 12 months ago

      from the same Guardian "analysis"
      >And look who he’s fighting this time: Nazis. Don’t we see enough of those on Twitter?
      lol the movie failed because the bad guys are like .. um like people who i think are real bad guys. So.. it's too close to home
      I think that's what she's saying?

      >movie is not diverse enough
      >nazis being the villains is a bad thing
      just make the villains non-whites, there, now the movie is more diverse and there's no risk of PTSD from browsing your twitter feed

    • 12 months ago

      yeah let me go pay to see a movie made by people who hate me and want my heroes destroyed!
      it’s my fault they make movies i don’t like because i don’t go see the bad ones i don’t want to?

      • 12 months ago

        Don't be a b***h pirate that shit.

        • 12 months ago

          i already did? watched the cam rip the day it came out and fell asleep halfway through
          the Black personhomosexual that i was replying to wants me to give yidsney my cash irl LOL

          • 12 months ago

            I see my bad.
            Sorry you got filtered
            Where do you rank Temple of Doom in the series?

            • 12 months ago

              Don't care anymore. Whatever it was when I was 11 its a sad tired corporate money pump now. In watcher Jerimiah Johnson last night. Good movie. It was made 50 years ago.

            • 12 months ago

              1 = 3 > 2 >>>>>>>> not canon
              Indy is a trilogy 😉

              • 12 months ago

                Oof ya you got filtered by temple a long time ago. Many such cases. Has the highest stakes in the entire franchise. Unlike the other films without INDY the world would have been fricked.

            • 12 months ago

              i like all 4 movies equally

              • 12 months ago

                There is no 4th indy movie, prequeltard

              • 12 months ago

                And in time you shall accept the 5th like those before that shat on the 4th

              • 12 months ago

                i always thought 4 was equal to the other films
                it also wasn’t woke trash
                the new one is literally nothing
                it’s not even a movie
                it’s nothing

              • 12 months ago

                This whole cycle is /tv when 4 came out and now the tune has changed. Same thing will happen with 5

              • 12 months ago

                esl moron

                They see everything as liscensing and properties and they don’t want to do the work. I actually think all the creatives left or were fired. I don’t care at all if Disney tanks including Disney world. I don’t care if KK is fired. SW is over.
                The mouse owns Fox, Marvel, and Star Wars. They fricking own aliens. They can get fricked

                the left can’t create, only destroy

              • 12 months ago

                Go back

              • 12 months ago

                let’s see if you can make me

              • 12 months ago

                Kek self incriminating. Points for honesty

              • 12 months ago

                you post like a vile homosexual
                you’re the biggest homosexual i’ve experienced in a while

        • 12 months ago

          That's the measure of how bad it has got and how awful shit like Disney is. I could watch the rise of sky walker for free right now if I wanted to. I'm not clicking on that shit, For free. I've no interest in Harrison ford either since the last Jedi. His career ended right there for me. You would have to pay me to watch capeshit or pixar and I want at least 250 an hour to suffer that miserable insulting experience. I can't even promise that I won't walk out for that money either. How bad is disney? People don't want to watch it for free. That's how bad. Stuff that baby yoda up your ass Disney and keep on walking.

          • 12 months ago

            You are correct. And it's not you but for others regurgitating youtuber opinions and such if they want to form a logical opinion they need to see the film they are making judgments about in some fashion. Just spouting other peoples opinion without observing something first hand is lazy and a kin to woke mob mentality. Obviously most film buffs are fatigued and have lost all trust with anything that has to do with these mega corporations and film studios. But a true researchers or scientist will do their own research and compare it to others and if it is something that can be observed in nature then it should be observed first hand in order to confirm or deny what has been read or told.

            • 12 months ago

              Wrong.Wrong.Wrong. If you touch something ten time and get an electric shock you don't keep on fricking touching it. Disney is dead. You don;t go back and touch it again just to be fair to the thing that electrocuted you ten times. Disney and Pixar and Capeshit are fricked. No one is going to go back to that shit, Someone mentioned merchandising, That's not a core business without the media to drive it. I don't see anyone around buying Gone with the Wind and The sound of Music plastic landfill sets.

              • 12 months ago

                Apples to Oranges. Indy franchise has been nothing but kino. Haven't been shocked yet. More to a production then just the Umbrella company. There is an agenda and bottom line but it was absent in this film.p]]

              • 12 months ago

                >Indy franchise has been nothing but kino.
                Yep, all 3 movie
                >ine but it was absent in this film.p]]
                god you are fricking stupid

              • 12 months ago

                You haven't seen it. Hate the marketing and take a critical eye to the actual film. Was she a protagonist?

  31. 12 months ago

    people misunderstand "woke". it's not their ideals that's the problem. if someone lived in a predominantly fascist culture where eugenics was a core principle, but developed an ethos of which encompassed equality and diversity in resistance to that, they would surely be an interesting person with a sense of determined individualism.

    the problem with "woke" is that it's extremely easy. it's a default outfit you can wear to cover the void of your personality. it's like the scene in american psycho where bateman lists off a set menu of issues du jour. if you start picking people based on having this extremely comfortable palette of principles instead of the more compflicted angels of their nature, you are essentially going to have a mix of social climbing pyschopaths who know their ill nature and will contrive to mask it, and personality voids who have no sense of indivdualism and adopt set menu principles as a default.

    it's like asking people who've just had a baby how they're getting on. 99% will say "oh it's difficult but it's wonderful and we love him so much, we're so happy" or something to that degreee, because that is what you're supposed to say. you will find the one person in 100 who tells it like it is which is a fricking horrible nightmare that makes you question whether you've just ruined your life multiple times a night. to say things like that, you need honesty with yourself and the bravery to voice it out loud. that's the person you want in your writing pool, but also the person that "wokeness" will screen every step of the way.

    • 12 months ago

      >it's not their ideals that are the problem

      That's exactly the problem. Theyre promoted because of them and their ideals are synonymous with soulless, talentless, intentionally culturally destructive actions. Their ideals go hand in hand with the inability to create.

    • 12 months ago


      >it's not their ideals that are the problem

      That's exactly the problem. Theyre promoted because of them and their ideals are synonymous with soulless, talentless, intentionally culturally destructive actions. Their ideals go hand in hand with the inability to create.

      These ideologies are trickling down through the entire company, it's why you get casting decisions like Little Mermaid, writing like She-Hulk, and division heads like Kathleen Kennedy. It's one thing to pay lip service to these ideals, Hollywood always has, but the current state of Disney is because of trying to actually put them into practice.

      • 12 months ago

        i don't think this bot is advanced enough to understand the context of the original statement.

    • 12 months ago

      >dude i´m a leftist but i´m not and let intellectualize the whole thing, i´m a leftist btw and also abolish capitalism

      what a wordcel lmao

      • 12 months ago

        they don’t know how to be smart and sneak anything in

  32. 12 months ago

    Alec Guiness sends his regards

  33. 12 months ago

    They need new stories with classic protagonists that appeal to children. They’ve don’t at least some of that recently right?

    • 12 months ago

      not at all, that's why anime is so big nowadays, nips are the only ones still doing classic protagonists, or at least the only ones that have any reach

      • 12 months ago

        yep. Anime wouldn't be this popular if people weren't fleeing from westernshit

        • 12 months ago

          Anime got popular in the US because in the late 90s and through the early 2000s male focused children's entertainment was phased out for a lot of political and social reasons. Shows like Dragonball and other shonen type stuff filled the void that GI-Joe and Batman left, more sexualized and violent animes were tailored to the teen through 20s male preference in a way that just isn't allowed in western media for the last 20 years.

          Incidentally that's why women are now starting to go completely into K-Dramas and other Korean media, western media has stopped giving them what they want in favor of political shit, they just picked a different foreign market than boys did.

    • 12 months ago

      Reaching a family market is going to be kind of hard for Disney at this point, they've really fricked up their reputation with parents groups. They could still get a hit if it had great word of mouth, and I'm sure Frozen III is going to do well, but the era where parents would just mindlessly go for Disney media is over for the time being, they've got a groomer association that's going to be hard to shake unless the movie is fricking great.

      • 12 months ago

        Pixar's next movie is a guaranteed flop, but we shall see how Wish performs when it comes out, it will most definitely earn less than Moana but do better than Raya, Strange World and even Encanto

      • 12 months ago

        Pixar's next movie is a guaranteed flop, but we shall see how Wish performs when it comes out, it will most definitely earn less than Moana but do better than Raya, Strange World and even Encanto

        gotta wonder how Inside Out 2, Zootopia 2 and Goy Story 5 will do though, I wouldn't be surprised if Inside Out 2 didn't do too well

  34. 12 months ago

    thats exactly what they are doing. They hate you.

  35. 12 months ago

    I hope Disney execs do not remember that they own National Treasure.

    • 12 months ago

      homie, they already made a show without Nick Cage featuring a latina lead that got cancelled because nobody watched it

  36. 12 months ago

    Also, if you really want to understand the basis of the term "woke", it came from black conspiracy circles, where people with double digit IQs jabber endlessly about how "woke" (read:awake) they are because they KNOW that "the white man" is coming to steal their melanin, and shoot all of their innocent babies for no reason.
    People adopted this term ironically, to make fun of those people. And then at some point the meaning got mixed up with general anti-white bigotry, and then feminism, and all of the gay stuff.

    It pretty much does just come down to people who don't like white men, and have constructed a righteous narrative around that central theme.
    They think they were wronged first (although their justification to believe this is often flaky), and that gives them the impetus to tear down the rest of society.

  37. 12 months ago

    Their goal isn't to kill franchises. Their goal is to take franchises away from old white people, and reinvent them with "diversity and inclusion as led by empowered women." For real. That's it. KK has said so herself in TV interviews. They think they make stuff better by doing this.

  38. 12 months ago

    I don't think it's anything that nefarious. studio execs are looking at demographic numbers they don't understand and me too has removed the based Big Harv types or at least made them cucked. that had led to moron feminists make decisions.

    why are things being so blacked and mutted?
    blacks are 12.4% of the population but 14.5% when mulattoes are included.
    two or more races minus mulattoes is about 10% and some other race is about 15%
    that's like 40% of the population and most of them are young.

    you see that and think HOLY SHIT! we need to sell to that market!

    however the numbers are highly deceptive.
    two or more races is especially deceptive. did the Native American population magically grow 200% in 10 years? of course not a lot of whites, started going full Elizabeth Warren. so that increase is entirely fictitious

    most of the rest of the two or more races is white/hispanic mixes.
    these people usually aren't brown but more European looking
    >pic related

    the some other race category is mostly hispanics because the census is weird how it classifies them. think about the kind of shit they like? just watch any telenovela for 5 seconds and you'll figure it out fast.

    you add this miss reading of the market with the mind virus that is feminism and it explains why studios are doing so poorly and why audiences don't give a shit. they're making movies for a market isn't as large as they think

    • 12 months ago

      and then there's the most important realization of all, white people have more money.

  39. 12 months ago

    Marketing and origonal cut were woke. They got major backlash and actually re wrote and re shot majority of the film. What we got was Kino. Unfortunately the damage was done and lemmings shit talked it into oblivion so fed up with all the diarrhea coming from the film industry, Disney being the biggest perpetrator. It's no wonder the normi doesn't want to give it a chance. Their time and dollar has been raped year after year. I whent to see this film with crystal skull expectations. I have been an indy fan my whole life been watching them all on repeat and have taken a critical eye to all the films, tv series, games, books and comic books. I had to go see it for myself with my own eyes and ears so that I could form an honest opinion. Not an opinion formed by hearsay and click bait youtubers. It was a good story, a good film, not woke, and a fitting end to hopefully Indy's final adventure and final character arc. The adventure of a lifetime.
    I cried the moment the Raiders March popped off in the first 10min. I cried when he did that fast whip action on the train to disarm the nazi that was about to shoot him. I felt like I was 8 years old again sitting in the theater. I couldn't believe it. And as the movie progressed and we learn indy still wears the ring still carries the torch and Marion's theme plays the walking away with the weight of his sons death on his shoulders, my hero that I grew up with just as flawed and damaged a reflection of my journey through life. Hoping that if he can persevere that I can too. Then the magic happens and like always the fortune and glory are looking him right in the eyes but even against his wishes the hand of fate or God himself has other plans for his champion. The final scene I bawled my eyes out and it caught me completely by surprise. As the credits rolled and the butthole next to me used his Google machine to check for end credits scene "no end credits scene l, let's go".

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Nope. Just my experience and observations. Tldr you are a zoomer troon.

        • 12 months ago

          Nah you are fake.
          You aren't a fan, you are a brand prostitute. People like you are the worst thing that could happen to an IP/character

          • 12 months ago

            Nope. I whent in expecting it to be bad. First disney or Lucas production I've spent money on since Avengers 2 which was garbage. Mice try competing company shill. Here your free pass to Universal Hogwarts. israelites trying to blackball INDY out of the summer market. How was your last niglet spitterman did you like that trash? Did they psyop all their woke nonsense into you?

    • 12 months ago

      All I take from this overly long bait post is that at least the ones just consuming a slop trough product don’t write 7 paragraphs on Cinemaphile about it

      • 12 months ago

        Not bait and it continues in

        I stayed in that theater by myself watching the scroll, listening to the music and reflecting. Thinking about all the adventures, thinking about this last adventure, thinking about the romance and the admiration for my hero. I sat and wept, I wept and wept for at least 10 min smiling through my tears. It wasn't bad it actually wasn't bad, through these trying times of shitty movies. My hero got a good movie with a good ending and it restored my hope not for the film industry but hope for my own future for my own family. Frick Disney frick woke bullshit. Never spent a dime on any Disney movies or starwars bullshit since the new films and shows buttsecks started coming out. Frick Pixar frick Hollywood. Against my beliefs on spending money on that crap machine I had to go for my Hero and in the end it was worth it.

        My experience and observations. My brain on thread. My autism.

    • 12 months ago

      I stayed in that theater by myself watching the scroll, listening to the music and reflecting. Thinking about all the adventures, thinking about this last adventure, thinking about the romance and the admiration for my hero. I sat and wept, I wept and wept for at least 10 min smiling through my tears. It wasn't bad it actually wasn't bad, through these trying times of shitty movies. My hero got a good movie with a good ending and it restored my hope not for the film industry but hope for my own future for my own family. Frick Disney frick woke bullshit. Never spent a dime on any Disney movies or starwars bullshit since the new films and shows buttsecks started coming out. Frick Pixar frick Hollywood. Against my beliefs on spending money on that crap machine I had to go for my Hero and in the end it was worth it.

    • 12 months ago

      Continued in another post. Edit quote at end got mis quoted the guy sitting next to me checking for end credits scene. " No end credits scene, let's go."

  40. 12 months ago

    Executives are fired for the slightest misstep, most times even if they have a history of exponential profits, yet all those who stick to the same formula stay employed even if the losses are catastrophic. Couple that with keeping the same rotating list of writers who have incentive to innovate and you have the same movies over and over again where the only things that change is the cast and the costs growing while profit nosedives

  41. 12 months ago

    moronic take
    no one spends close to 2 billion dollars to kill off franchises
    They are trying to generate income with what they got and tbh I think starwars still doing well and marvel too even with the shit movies i think COOMSERS still buy up any disney related merch

    • 12 months ago

      >hey are trying to generate income with what they got
      Then why doubling down again and again when their approach fails?

    • 12 months ago

      >disney related merch
      Coco Lee, famous for voicing Mulan in the Mandarin version of Disney's "Mulan," has died by suicide.

      Coco's sisters, Carol and Nancy, say she attempted suicide at home Sunday and was sent to a hospital, where she slipped into a coma and died on Wednesday despite attempts to save her life.

    • 12 months ago

      Disney isn't selling shit, or at least not enough. The last run of star wars toys did so poorly they nearly killed Hasbro, Disney's been having to pay to have entire warehouses of merchandise destroyed because retailers won't take it unless its classic star wars and marvel

  42. 12 months ago

    It's deliberate. It's an organised effort to demoralise by socialist activists.
    Chipping you away to apathy.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe spider verse, pixar, starwars and other cape shit. but they took the backlash from all the bad marketing and woke nonsense and actually fixed INDY 5. Something that might never happen again in Hollywood or at least until all the israelites are gone.

      • 12 months ago

        Anyone who takes a kid to a modern Disney movie hates that child. It really is that simple. They cannot make good films anymore. The last good films they made were in the era of narnia and wall-e, bolt etc. That's heading towards 15 years they have just produced crap. Even if you take zootopia as bearable that's still heading towards a decade. They ruined star wars for middle aged guys sure but they also runied tinkerbell and the little mermaid for middle aged women. Disneys never coming back. They forgot the most important thing. White people have all the cash. Even teh brown people who got lucky and can larp as white for a generation don't want their kids to watch bossy feminist cartoon black handicapped lesbian woman with homosexual son realise individuals don't matter only society and money is bad unless it is given to Disney because it kills the environment.

        • 12 months ago

          I whent by myself. The kid I was referring to was myself watching the origonal trilogy. Reflecting on those adventures. I would never take a child to a modern day theater period because yes you are 100

      • 12 months ago

        >actually fixed INDY 5.
        ahahahahah frick off contrarian

        • 12 months ago

          Frick black lives must matter to you lemming

          • 12 months ago
  43. 12 months ago

    >It's like Disney is intentionally putting out shit movies lately to kill off franchises.
    I used think that with star wars and all but there is a darker truth. Having made themselves all diverse and feminist and everything and its not the individual its the team and environmentally and lgbt. They cannot make good films. Turns out you need remarkable white male heterosexual individuals to do that and not whining talentless substitutes like Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams who have never made anything other than bad CGI cartoons playing figurehead stand in for corporations stuffed full of racially diverse gay feminist ineptitude

  44. 12 months ago

    No one is forcing you to pay for it.

  45. 12 months ago

    They're not trying to kill off franchises, they are trying to recondition human minds to think thoughts that benefit the establishment. The problem is that Kathleen Kennedy is basically an AI. She doesn't really understand human beings. All she understands is that she must reshape the way people think.

  46. 12 months ago

    They see everything as liscensing and properties and they don’t want to do the work. I actually think all the creatives left or were fired. I don’t care at all if Disney tanks including Disney world. I don’t care if KK is fired. SW is over.
    The mouse owns Fox, Marvel, and Star Wars. They fricking own aliens. They can get fricked

  47. 12 months ago

    stopped reading at "woke"

    get a new script chud

    • 12 months ago

      you stop being woke first, invader

  48. 12 months ago

    I don't know I found Dial of Destiny hella entertaining. Phoebe Waller Bridge is like Lara Croft meets Princess Leia.

  49. 12 months ago

    Maybe there is a virus or something inside Disney.

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