Disney and WB flopped their movies on purpose

With the rise of the AI generated images and motions, artists are now obsoletes

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  1. 12 months ago

    is this the last line of cope?

    • 12 months ago

      AIgays have been coping hard about the death of artists.
      They were so sure that they'd be able to finally have an easy way to produce their fart/scat/futa porn, and those cuck artists who kept refusing to make it for them for free would finally get what they deserved. Of course, when they downloaded it, they found out that they actually needed to invest some effort into making a pick that was even half way decent, so they gave up real quick. Then, the people who did start making AI generated porn also refused to make their fart/scat/futa porn for free. So now,the little AIgay sits at his computer, his swollen and red from the tears he's cried in impotent rage as he desperately copes online.

  2. 12 months ago

    AI doesn't go on strike, AI can work overtime, AI doesn't need any breaks, AI can't ask for a raise

    • 12 months ago

      AI also can't make anything good. You can't shortcut quality. CG was already soulless trash. AI is CG with literally every semblance of what little humanity there was in art squeezed out. Entertainment for robots.

    • 12 months ago

      That's dumb

      True, and while AI is absolutely not ready to write scripts on its own there's nothing stopping executives from giving their shitty ideas to an AI for drafting and then hire a writer on the cheap to do a pass over on that draft.

      If you want to know what AI movies would be like go look up the interviews about the Nicholas Cage Superman movie and Wild Wild West, or the notes from a Sony exec about how the Garfield Spider-Man movies should be. It's that in as formulaic a fashion as physically possible. No actual first draft writer to say no or alter things to make them at least passable.

    • 12 months ago

      >AI can't ask for a raise
      >>What do you mean I have to pay more to keep using your proprietary software that I'm already completely dependent on??

    • 12 months ago

      Ai is far more expensive than hiring humans, you have to compensate all the artists it stole from

      • 12 months ago

        Not if you use AI art to steal from AI art.

    • 12 months ago

      it can wait.

  3. 12 months ago

    >They are intentionally losing hundreds of millions.... so us AI techbros get to make their movies now!
    This is the shittiest thread I've ever seen on this board

  4. 12 months ago

    An AI-generated/written movie would combine the worst and most generic parts of these garbage movies

  5. 12 months ago

    They'll keep on flopping their next movies.
    Put everyone in front of the "fait accompli" that artists can't make art and tell a story, shut down the studios.

    Then come back a few years later with AI generated movies.

    Everyone will accept that. Consentment is manufactured right in front of your eyes.

    • 12 months ago

      “Artists” have failed for many years, way before AI was relevant. Good riddance, bring on the low barrier to entry war of ideas.

    • 12 months ago

      I think Wish will be a success. Little girls will go and see a princess film enough.

  6. 12 months ago

    Just when you think the Cinemaphilepe can't get any worse...

  7. 12 months ago

    Wew the wokies going brokies are bringing out the big copeies.

  8. 12 months ago

    And so the machinery in the minds of schizos is laid bare. Its easier for them to believe that these corporations with all this wealth and power, these people at the top, are failing intentionally as some kind of long con than it is for them to tangle with the world being complex and wealth not directly correlating with brilliance. Boil the world down to simple, 1-sentence narratives to digest. Even if those narratives are stupid.

  9. 12 months ago

    I think all these flops are more a matter of incompetence than part of an elaborate plan, but I have no doubt that all this AI garbage is precisely about having executives typing the garbage they want and getting it immediately without having to pay writers, directors, animators, nor anyone else.
    Not saying that those movies would be much worse than what we have now. If movies are bad it's because they're already executive mandates more than creative works of art. But once the creatives will cease to exist, there will be no turning back. We just need to stop having movies written by corporate suits, and making it easier for those corporate suits to make their movies is the exact opposite of that.

    By the way, reminder that just because you can run stable diffusion, it doesn't mean you'll be allowed to run Disney Movie Maker 2000™. Generative ML is being regulated, and consumer grade GPUs will start getting limited in the future. This is being falsely advertised as some sort of democratization where you won't have to be an animator to make your movie in a few minutes, but that couldn't be farther from reality. Independent animators won't be able to make their stuff faster nor cheaper, they'll simply have to compete against the big studios' new ability to make thousands of movies a day.

  10. 12 months ago

    I think AI has a lot of potential but we're still several years out at least from it being able to make fully cohesive animated visuals and write 100% cohesive scripts anon, probably more like a decade out if the technology really is capable of that kind of thing. Major studios destroying their own revenues to bank on a young emergent technology years before it's even close to its hypothetical maturity would be absolute peak moronation.

  11. 12 months ago

    They don't care of the consequences. They already put the required money aside for their next revolution

  12. 12 months ago

    AI motion picture is a reality. It cost nothing in time and resources compared to humans

    AI generated picture

    AI generated movie concept

    The studios moguls saw the writing on the wall.
    Woke is the perfect alibi to trash the studios.
    They'll get all thoses unionized fleshies to hit the street

    • 12 months ago

      The thing is, you can't totally replace writers and artists with AI, because AI is only capable of recombining what other people have made in different variations. You can use AI for a lot, but you still need some original creators out there in order to make new stuff for your AI model to digest and repurpose, otherwise you create a system that is doomed to become stale once it exhausts the limits of its trained data. When every movie is written to the same 3 formulas, in one of the same 4 art styles, with the same stock characters? People will get bored of it, and AI won't be able to make anything else.

      • 12 months ago

        >The thing is, you can't totally replace writers and artists with AI, because AI is only capable of recombining what other people have made in different variations
        People keep saying this, especially about image gen, but it's not accurate. It's both a fundamental misunderstanding of the technology and an absurd assertion that recombining concepts and images isn't what intelligence and creativity are to begin with.
        What you're actually getting at is that the models are pre-trained, which means that the same model will give similar responses and eventually the patterns in those responses will be evident and predictable. This problem can be solved in a couple of ways: highly varied prompts from humans, edit runs by a cheap hire (what the writer's guild is basically fighting now), or simply updated/differentiated models.

      • 12 months ago

        the vast majority of showbiz isn't about making art or storytelling anymore. its about making money and controlling pop culture. AI doesn't need soul, its not required to make profits. now exec wives can finally make their life story with literally less skills than a jr. artist.

    • 12 months ago

      >AI generated picture
      False. IF you watch the Behind the Scenes video, you see that the guy fitst made the movie with actual 3D models and live video, then he just used stable diffusion img2img to effectively give it an "AI-generated-image filter" that just makes it look shittier.

  13. 12 months ago

    You sure its not just because they're all violently incompetent?

  14. 12 months ago

    It kinda seemed like the second Shazam had deliberately shitty marketing, but the others had aggressive marketing and a shitload of merchandise riding on their success.
    Every discount store is still clogged with Buzz toys. It was not supposed to fail.

  15. 12 months ago

    >With the rise of the AI generated images and motions, artists are now obsoletes

  16. 12 months ago

    >still needs artists to steal from to make it less garbage

  17. 12 months ago

    Nah bro theres just been like 40 superhero movies in the past 15 years and nobody gives a frick anymore

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