>Disney has SIX billion-dollar films in 2019 (or SEVEN if you include Spider-Man: Far From Home because even though it's a Sony movie, it&#039...

>Disney has SIX billion-dollar films in 2019 (or SEVEN if you include Spider-Man: Far From Home because even though it's a Sony movie, it's still Disney-adjacent), with one of those films becoming the highest-grossing film of all time for 2 years
>Fast forward a mere 4 years later and every Disney film that came out this year flopped, except Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 (and, even then, that film made only a small amount of profit)
What went so wrong for Disney, bros? Did they push their propaganda too hard too fast?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Honest answer: manchildren snapped out of their soi-induced hypnosis that Disney clearly had them under. Imagine thinking that Avengers was quality cinema, but the Marvels. It's literally the same fricking movie

    • 6 months ago

      Lmao no
      Absolutely not this, this is the wrong answer

      • 6 months ago

        You're right. Robert Downey Jr quips were the height of cinematic masterpiece. Just a virtuoso performance. Definitely not cheap looking goyslop...

      • 6 months ago

        What is the current primary form of mass entertainment?

        • 6 months ago

          Social media.

    • 6 months ago

      >snapped out of
      They were forcibly evicted. They’d have loved to keep gobbling it up if disney had provided it, but they didn’t. Telling man children, the demographic that will never age out of buying overpriced merchandise, to frick off will go down in history as one of the most pants on head moronic business decisions ever made.
      It will be a peculiarity of history similar to how Sears was sabotaged by one butthole who wanted to frick them out of real estate and then blame the impending collapse on the internet.

      • 6 months ago

        Disney has openly said that its 'social goals' are more important than profit. To them, the message has always been more important than the money and always will be.

        • 6 months ago

          You can't maintain a company like Disney on just social goals. You need money to keep it afloat. Money that they don't have anymore.

          • 6 months ago

            blackrock will continue to provide funding until the studio is of no further use

        • 6 months ago

          Lol at believing PR campaigns. I bet you believe BP and Shell commercials when they say they "Value the environment more than anything.". Imagine being such a corporate suck you lap up all their bullshit without question.

    • 6 months ago

      I mean, you aren't wrong. I would concider myself a manchild based on my hobbies. I'm not a Star Wars maniac but I did watch and enjoy the first 6 films and bought them on dvd and I bought and played a bunch of SW games over the years. If you pre-Disney asked me if I was a Star Wars fan I'd say "sure, why not".

      Now post-Disney if you mention Star Wars I don't even have a feeling. It's just indifference. I have zero interest in consuming anything Disney Star Wars. The magic is gone. So in a way I am snapped out of the hypnosis. I have no idea what they could possibly do to draw me back in.

      • 6 months ago

        Fricking based, I completely agree with you - especially what you said about enjoying the first 6 films. But yeah, Disney took a franchise that should have made them unlimited money (Star Wars) and made it unprofitable in less than a decade. That takes a special kind of skill.

        • 6 months ago

          I know. Frickin crazy how they ravaged it. Star Wars had been a golden cash cow literally since the late 70s. I just dont know any company that can frick something ip as hard as Disney. Sad really, I used to love Star wars

          • 6 months ago

            What boggles my mind is how Disney failed to plan out the stories ahead of time for the sequel trilogy, but instead just half assed things as they went. Seriously, how hard would have it have been to get a team of writers to sit down for a few months and write down a scripts coherent trilogy? Or even better, get a couple teams and then pick the best one.

            • 6 months ago

              >don’t plan shit
              >hire Mystery Box Man to make an uninspired reboot-but-not-really
              >hire Ebin Subversion Man to shit into those boxes and leave zero possible story arcs available for movie 3
              >throw pile of money at Mystery Box Man so he comes back and at least puts /something/ on the screen
              >his answer was to completely undo the entire conflict and character arcs of the first six movies so that Kennedy’s donut steel self insert can do it instead
              >this cost them $4B plus tip and killed merchandise sales forever
              Once Peltz is done with Iger I’m convinced he’s coming for Feige and Kennedy. They deserve it.

            • 6 months ago

              Not only that but they had a wealth of potential content from EU stuff that had been made over 20-30 years. I just really cannot cease to be amazed how the shit covered tentacles of Disney can strangle the life from things.

              I think the last thing I tried to watch from Disney with an open mind thinking, "this will be something comfy" was Lightyear. It was going good then all of a sudden, Black person lesbos. I turned it off, cancelled Disney plus and never looked back. Its all so tiresome

            • 6 months ago

              Because it was due to three things
              >Iger demanding a new Star Wars movie be released every year
              >People thinking "Lucas only directed A New Hope and the Prequels, therefore the three films need to have three different directors" without realizing Lucas did have more control over the OT than believed
              >People thinking that just because Lucas made last minute decisions like Luke and Leia being siblings, meant they could wing it with the new trilogy

            • 6 months ago

              They knew covid would hit early 2020 so had to rush to release 3 films until december 2019

    • 6 months ago

      Gonna have to agree with this. Tried re watching the Avengers for the first time in years and it is unwatchable. The quips, the costumes and the plot is all clearly for very young children to enjoy.

    • 6 months ago

      Not really. The 1st wave of mcu movies were okay because they were mostly focused on showing marvel heroe's origin stories with bombastic cgi and mostly try to bring them together.
      Now that the best origin stories have pretty much been told, Marvel has left with bullshit comicbook material full with lefty propaganda, so they cant do so much about it in the scenario department, besides drastically altering stuff.
      On the technical aspect, their production formula has finally started to lose steam. Disney wants more shit pumped out to keep their goyim fed, as fast as humanly possible. Their deadlines with vfx studios became impossible, so they were having trouble not only meeting these dates, but finding vfx studios competent and insane enough to deal with their ridiculous work demands. This is why you get ps4 tier cgi in the latest mcu products

      • 6 months ago

        the first avengers movie still looks like a high budget made for tv flick... the intro was so lame while watching it in theaters that I was beside myself and consumed by cringe. Completely anti-cinematic experience.

        • 6 months ago

          I think this is where they have started to abuse the green screen. I think that phase 2 is literally 99% of green screen bullshittery.
          I remember Iron man 1 had lots of irl shots and a moderate cgi usage. It still looks great to this date, and also didnt cost a fortune to be produced

          • 6 months ago

            Thats because it was the first avenger movie and built in a cave with a box of scraps.

      • 6 months ago

        they haven't run out of good stories to tell, they just skipped all the good ones so they could get to their all-new all-woke slop that literally crippled the comic book industry. now that they've realised it's a death sentence they're starting to panic and furiously backpedal, aka
        >look guys we're doing secret wars!
        except they literally can't help themselves, they'll inject it with as much woke esl bloat as they can fit, and then cry racist sexist when it goes breasts up

      • 6 months ago

        And what wasn't leftyshit has been wallpapered over to make room for the new agenda. I hate this stupid world.

      • 6 months ago

        Wrong. Guardians was absolute trash-tier source material. It was made much more than the source in Guardians of the Galaxy, which is a genuinely fun movie. Ironman 1 was good but a lot of the work had already been laid in comics. GOG1 was genuine lightning in a bottle for the MCU

        Unfortunately, this resulted in every single Marvel movie after GoG1 chasing that dragon, with writers hollowing out of every Marvel character and inserting whatever they thought was marketable until every movie was a samey quip/quirkfest -- which led Disney to believe they had a working formula. In reality, the movies were fricking awful -- with the exception of maybe Thor Ragnarok because it was hard carried by Chris Hemsworth and it didn't for a moment attempt to take itself seriously.

        What was really happening was that fanboys were waiting for Infinity War/Endgame to bring a sense of closure to the existing Avengers arc to end their suffering. The end of Chris Evans / Steve Rogers's Avengers was that closure.

        Once that occurred, Disney had to produce quality to draw people in, like Ironman 1 but with 0 novelty to lean on and a massive misunderstanding of what made these movies popular in the first place.

        • 6 months ago

          >Wrong. Guardians was absolute trash-tier source material.
          Most of the Guardians characters were creations or re-imagines from Giffen (who saved comics twice) and pre-woke Abnett. I don't know about the rest of your post, but the first part's demonstrably untrue.

    • 6 months ago

      MCU was supposed to take a backseat after Thanos and Star Wars was supposed to replace it. But because SW fricked up so hard they had to keep pushing MCU crap that was just the same thing again and again only with more diversity bullshit.

      • 6 months ago

        This was quite literally never the plan and no amount of revisionist history that you try to come up with will make it a reality.
        They had plans for Phase 4 immediately after Phase 3 ended, long before SW shit the bed with TLJ and ROTS.
        The only reason we got the "break" from the MCU we did was becaue of the pandemic shutting all kinds of shit down.

    • 6 months ago

      people didnt snap out of being man children. The phase just died out. Disney just needs to figure out the formula to get people hooked again.

      • 6 months ago

        >figure out the formula
        >the formula is simply to make coherent movies

    • 6 months ago

      >Honest answer: manchildren snapped out of their soi-induced hypnosis that Disney clearly had them under
      >but the Marvels. It's literally the same fricking movie
      Avengers success had the reasons, as did Marvel's flop

  2. 6 months ago

    They got the Ruby Gillman curse. Disney sunk her movie by astoturfing "anti-racist" and gay hysteria sentiment against it, now all their stuff bombs too.

  3. 6 months ago

    They got rid of some of their best talent. Losing John Lasseter was a huge blow. Things have gone to such an extreme that reportedly on Wish animators needed to be of the same race/ethnic group they were animating.

    • 6 months ago

      >Things have gone to such an extreme that reportedly on Wish animators needed to be of the same race/ethnic group they were animating.
      No fricking way, source? Honestly, at this point, I can believe it. lol

      • 6 months ago

        >animators needed to be of the same race/ethnic group they were animating
        that's cap

        The guys from Film Threat were talking about it. Apparently a ton of people have been contacting them and they’re working on a multi article story about all the shit that’s gone down at Disney. It’s pretty wild

        • 6 months ago

          There was also the whole cereal debacle. Apparently preferring having name brand cereal in the break room meant that you came from a rich family or something. It turned into talks about privilege and crap fricking over shitty cereal


          • 6 months ago


            One minute in talking about the animators

            • 6 months ago

              >here is a youtube video
              I hate you so much

      • 6 months ago

        There was also the whole cereal debacle. Apparently preferring having name brand cereal in the break room meant that you came from a rich family or something. It turned into talks about privilege and crap fricking over shitty cereal

    • 6 months ago

      >animators needed to be of the same race/ethnic group they were animating
      that's cap

    • 6 months ago

      What hit film is lasseter making now?

      • 6 months ago

        I mean the guy got me too’ed for hugging too much. It’s not surprising that we haven’t heard much from him. His leadership speaks for itself just look at all the landmark hits that came out from Pixar under him and what they’ve released since

        • 6 months ago

          >I mean the guy got me too’ed for hugging too much.
          They threw out one of the most successful filmmakers of all time because he hugged too much?

  4. 6 months ago

    Video games as a media industry make more revenue than film, television, and the music industry combined.

    Novels were once the primary form of mass entertainment, that's why so many classic novels come from that era.

    Movies are no longer the primary form of mass entertainment, and television supplanted film before that.

    For us kino fans, they are still relevant.

    • 6 months ago

      Video games are just as shit

  5. 6 months ago
  6. 6 months ago

    >What went so wrong for Disney, bros?
    Bought shit they didn't needed with money they didn't have
    Diluted every single on of their IPs to pump up Disney+
    Spent an entire decade chasing the chinese dragon just for them to piss in their coke
    Turned every single boy franchise into a girl franchise
    Turned girl franchises into homosexual propaganda
    Demonized all their core fans to chase the "modern audience" that doesn't exist
    Abandoned their kid audience to court the jobless, childless, moneyless, twitter brairot millennial audience
    Fired/metoo all the talented senior employees to hire homosexual activists
    Put a bean counter israelite as a CEO, didn't let he do his bean counting, filmed his struggle session affirming all the values of the globohomosexual cult, like a ISIS hostage video just to fire him
    Pick unwinnable fights with the government instead of just bribing them

    • 6 months ago

      They fricked up Disneyland by putting in Galaxy’s edge based on movies nobody likes. Killed the ambiance in the back of the park.

      • 6 months ago

        At least they hid it at the back of the park so the only time I see it is from the top of Big Thunder Mtn

  7. 6 months ago

    they literally don't need money they fund propaganda now

    • 6 months ago

      >they literally don't need money
      They fricking do, moron.

      • 6 months ago

        No they dont. Even if they lost every penny thry would get bailed out. They cannot die.

        • 6 months ago

          Excellent dubs, but from what I see, bailouts are becoming increasingly unlikely. ESG is eating itself, and the West has been surpassed in nearly everything but momentum.

    • 6 months ago

      No they dont. Even if they lost every penny thry would get bailed out. They cannot die.

      Blackrock is also having to walk back somewhat

      • 6 months ago

        Blackrock is having to walk back because its investments are run by an unbound financial AI which has integrated itself with EVERYTHING. The last twelve years would be the coolest cyberpunk movie ever if everything wasn't so unbearably lame and gay.

  8. 6 months ago

    They pursued a short-term strategy built around milking successful franchises for all they're worth rather than fostering new IP. They made a ton of money in 2019 at the expense of their future profits. And the film industry never totally recovered from the pandemic—Disney movies especially all come out within a few months on Disney Plus, so why bother going to the theater?

  9. 6 months ago

    everyone is tired of capeshit

  10. 6 months ago

    what we're getting now are movies made by the post-covid teams left over after the only remaining handful of sane people left the industry and the region because they didn't want to take the clot shot.

  11. 6 months ago

    Why are their movies so expensive? I read that The Little Mermaid had a budget of $300 million. That's nuts. Where's all that money going?

    • 6 months ago

      >Where's all that money going?
      Nepotism and buying political clout.

    • 6 months ago

      $150,000 went to hairstylists.

    • 6 months ago

      >direcofr has 3 assistants a maid and caterer and expenses every meal for 2 years

      Dunno man

  12. 6 months ago

    inb4 israelites

  13. 6 months ago

    >What went so wrong for Disney, bros?
    Endgame happened.
    Endgame essentially killed the MCU. It was the perfect out point, the series (and genre as a whole) was getting way over saturated and each movie had to outdo the last one. Endgame was the perfect end to the MCU, but Disney just couldn't leave well enough alone and had to try to push out a bunch of unlikable C list characters played by uncharasmatic leads (and Spider-Man) into the new front of the series and it backfired horribly.

    • 6 months ago

      >Endgame was le perfect
      Endgay was the perfect example of the mask slipping. You could see the feminism and gay shit leaking through the holes in the dam. The end result of that was what we saw with Phase 4, just an endless torrent of HIV positive slop. That's what Endgay was.

      • 6 months ago

        I never said Endgame was perfect.
        I said it was a perfect end to the MCU. It had the most massive big ass battle that had been seen in the MCU, which had been building up since Iron Man 1, killed off a ton of characters, retired a ton of characters, and felt like a definitive "end" for the series as a whole.
        The movie has a frickload of flaws in it, especially when you start really looking into the plot and the myriad plotholes/dues ex machinas it convolutedly comes up with, but I still maintain the stance that it's the perfect end to the MCU.

        It being the perfect end to the series is a far cry different from it being a perfect movie. Endgame on it's own is a 4/10 or so at best, it's only elevated with the context of the last 10 years of Marvel movies.

  14. 6 months ago

    Even in 2019, they were just squeezing old goodwill and popular IPs. So we could tell it wasn't going to last. Predictably, it did not last, they are still trying to squeeze old IPs and their new creations are garbage a la committee.

    • 6 months ago

      did they really think cinema would be for decades dominated by rehashing trite comic book shit that if we're honest wasn't that popular to begin with (especially internationally) and isn't very good as a group of stories either.

      • 6 months ago

        Considering the comic book boom popped off in 1999 and lasted until 2019, yes they probably thought in the 2016 era at the peak of the MCU that they could ride that train for another 20+ years.

        • 6 months ago

          it's very stupid, even just from a generational zeitgeist point of view. idk what the zoomer/aoomer cut off year is but surely they knew at some point kids would be getting into something else other than person in cape does things for 2 hours.

          • 6 months ago

            I don't disagree, however these are the highest grossing movies of all time and as the thread points out they were making multiple back to back to back projects that were crossing the 1 billion range. From a business perspective they would be foolish to not ride that wave as long and as hard as they can.

            • 6 months ago

              it's short sighted. because now they have to dump then entire ips and try to create something new.
              there was a goofy/max film thread earlier (i forget the name of the actual film) and everyone remembered how wholesome that was a just a simple family movie that could be enjoyed by everyone regardless of race or whatever culture war bollocks thats going on.
              the problem is how do they get back to stuff like that when, as someone else said, the aoomers "cinema" is playing video games and watching steams of people playing video games - the world has moved on, and the ceos have totally fricked their investors pretending they could ride capeshit as a long term thing.

              • 6 months ago

                The Goofy Movie.
                You forgot the name of the goofy movie that is literally just called "The Goofy Movie".
                I don't agree that they have to abandon the IPs and come up with new shit. They just need to change the way that they approach the current IPs they have.
                For instance, I have no fricking idea why there isn't some easily produced, low quality kids cartoon featuring Star Wars or Marvel characters on D+ just to fill the platform and to get children into the IPs at an early age.

              • 6 months ago

                because everyone is bored of it. it's the same shit over and over again. even children know this.

              • 6 months ago

                >it's the same shit over and over again. even children know this
                bro children will watch the same episode of the same tv show literally 30 times a day and not even remotely question watching it another 30 times tomorrow, the frick are you talking about?
                adults are bored of it, sure.
                that's why you hook the kids, so the kids force the parents to watch the shit and the kids grow up watching it and turn into new viewers.

              • 6 months ago

                Disney/Pixar at their peaks, mastered the game of entertaining the parents and the kids alike. The mutual desire to watch it turned them into classics. Now they are taking the lowest common denominator and just trying to entertain small children with lights sounds and colors.

              • 6 months ago

                If you're going to correct someone, at least get it right. It's called "A Goofy Movie"

  15. 6 months ago

    Covid lockdowns introduced people to other kinds of media. This is why anime boomed in US for example. Sheep realized they don't need to watch latest Disney shit.

  16. 6 months ago

    those numbers are fake and inflated with creative accou ting, chinese money and disney buying empty theatres, etc. hell, china middle kingdom flooded and no power yet record screenings. their deals with china ended shortly after. either found out or fight over money or whatever but that fake hype train of billion plus box offices is just that fake and gay and now over.

  17. 6 months ago

    When they shit out something that they advertise as a "major" release at least four times a year, people stop giving a frick. They oversaturated the market with gazillion TV shows and movies for MCU, Star Wars, sprinkled with an animated and live action movies in-between those being released. Had they not overplayed their hand, each and one of the things they released would have performed much better as they wouldn't be competing with themselves.

  18. 6 months ago

    The MOST pro-Disney answer I could give would be 1.) They failed to listen to focus groups/test audiences for their initiatives and instead took management pleasing top-down initiatives, leading to products that nobody wanted and 2.) the economy continues to wobble and theater experiences are now a premium activity due to price, with viewers unwilling to waste money on a theater night if they aren't interested in the film or have heard bad reviews via word of mouth.

    If the activist board members are able to get control and oust Igor I can see them course correcting.

    • 6 months ago

      >2.) the economy continues to wobble and theater experiences are now a premium activity due to price, with viewers unwilling to waste money on a theater night if they aren't interested in the film or have heard bad reviews via word of mouth.
      That, and the rise of streaming services where these movies end up 2 months after they release in theaters has killed a lot of the FOMO people had. It's no longer 8+ months after a movie comes out that it reaches DVD, it's like 6-8 weeks before it hits D+ or whatever. I have no desire or drive to go see a movie for 30$ at a theater when I can watch it from the comfort of my home a couple weeks later "for free".

  19. 6 months ago

    >Too fast
    That's a tricky question. It seems pretty obvious at this point that the global elite are operating with some kind of time limit in mind. 99942

  20. 6 months ago

    You still can't tell the obvious shift in culture and behavior after 2020? This shit was all downhill with Covid. It was like the first seal was broken.
    Besides all the social shit, these movies just suck. They always sucked but we all stuck around to finish it off with Thanos and Endgame. Not they are just pointless, pussified movies worst than before trying to get that ESG score up. Who asked for a fricking Echo show? Nobody. But since it's a handicapped person, they get ESG points for it. It's all pozzed weak shit now. The Marvels flopped because women don't go see these movies. These movies have always been for geeks, nerds, and just dork ass dudes like me that actually LIKED the comics. That actually LIKED comic book movies. They abandoned their fanbase so frick them. Again, these movies have always sucked anyway. We only made exception because they were inter-connected and were building towards the grand finale. MCU is truly, finally dead.

  21. 6 months ago

    >What went so wrong for Disney, bros?
    normalgays stopped caring about MCU after Endgame
    literally all there is to it

  22. 6 months ago

    The money for marketing was diverted into supporting the park while covid was on full lockdown.

  23. 6 months ago

    Disney revenue for the quarter ending September 30, 2023 was $21.241B, a 5.41% increase year-over-year.
    Disney revenue for the twelve months ending September 30, 2023 was $88.898B, a 7.47% increase year-over-year.
    Disney annual revenue for 2023 was $88.898B, a 7.47% increase from 2022.
    Disney annual revenue for 2022 was $82.722B, a 22.7% increase from 2021.
    Disney annual revenue for 2021 was $67.418B, a 3.1% increase from 2020.

    • 6 months ago

      shares disagree with this summary

      • 6 months ago

        Memes aside, if you aren't buying this dip, you are actually fricking moronic.

  24. 6 months ago

    Didn't Avatar 2 become one of the highest grossing films of all time?

  25. 6 months ago

    >Marvel's big storyline is over and has yet to be replaced with a big enough overarching hook to keep audiences invested
    >Beloved characters have been retired and most of their replacements lack the same level of charisma and appeal
    >Political pandering/bias has put them into consistent controversy. Regardless of whether mass audiences agree/disagree with them this has tarnished their prized reputation as an innocent wholesome company and has probably, on at least some level, exhausted people who don't necessarily disagree with them but also never wanted to be drafted into a culture war
    >Star Wars has bombed for a multitude of reasons
    >Consistent safe testing films have tarnished their creative reputation and led to a perception that every release will be similar
    >A recent track record of releases ranging from okay to mediocre have shaken faith in their previously esteemed film quality
    >theater industry never completely recovered from the pandemic while streaming services undercut audience motivation to travel and pay for theater expenses
    >oversaturation of releases and streaming shows (coupled with aforementioned lackluster quality) has discouraged audience member from keeping up with releases, which especially harms series like the MCU which rely on continuous investment
    There's A LOT of reasons, but it mostly boils down to incompetent short-sighted leadership and either untalented employees and/or an unwillingness to let actually talented/creative employees off their leash.

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